Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>	Constructor. </summary>
        /// <remarks>	Paul, 05/02/2015. </remarks>
        /// <param name="uid">			    The UID. </param>
        /// <param name="base">			    The base. </param>
        /// <param name="quote">		    The quote. </param>
        /// <param name="bitshares">	    The bitshares. </param>
        /// <param name="bitcoin">		    The bitcoin. </param>
        /// <param name="bitsharesAccount">	The bitshares account. </param>
        public InternalMarket(MetaDaemonApi daemon, MarketRow market, BitsharesWallet bitshares, BitcoinWallet bitcoin,
                              string bitsharesAccount, CurrenciesRow bitsharesAsset) :
            base(daemon, market, bitshares, bitcoin, bitsharesAccount)
            m_currency = bitsharesAsset;
            m_flipped  = m_market.GetBase(daemon.m_AllCurrencies) != bitsharesAsset;
            m_asset    = m_bitshares.BlockchainGetAsset(CurrencyHelpers.ToBitsharesSymbol(bitsharesAsset));

            Dictionary <int, ulong> allBitsharesBalances = m_bitshares.WalletAccountBalance(bitsharesAccount)[bitsharesAccount];
            decimal bitcoinBalance = bitcoin.GetBalance();

            ComputeMarketPricesAndLimits(ref m_market, allBitsharesBalances, bitcoinBalance);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>	Sends bitAssets, either issue or transfer them </summary>
        /// <remarks>	Paul, 18/03/2015. </remarks>
        /// <param name="amount">       The amount. </param>
        /// <param name="asset">		The asset. </param>
        /// <param name="sendTo">	to account. </param>
        /// <returns>	A BitsharesTransactionResponse. </returns>
        protected BitsharesTransactionResponse SendBitAssets(decimal amount, BitsharesAsset asset, string sendTo, string memo = "", bool allowIssue = true)
            BitsharesAccount account = m_bitshares.WalletGetAccount(m_bitsharesAccount);

            if (asset.issuer_id == account.id && allowIssue)
                // issue it
                return(m_bitshares.WalletUiaIssue(amount, asset.symbol, sendTo, memo));
                // transfer it
                return(m_bitshares.WalletTransfer(amount, asset.symbol, m_bitsharesAccount, sendTo, memo));
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>	Constructor. </summary>
        /// <remarks>	Paul, 17/01/2015. </remarks>
        /// <param name="bitsharesConfig">		 	The bitshares configuration. </param>
        /// <param name="bitcoinConfig">		 	The bitcoin configuration. </param>
        /// <param name="bitsharesAccount">		 	The bitshares account. </param>
        /// <param name="bitsharesAsset">		 	The bitshares asset. </param>
        /// <param name="bitcoinDespositAddress">	The bitcoin desposit address. </param>
        public DaemonBase(	RpcConfig bitsharesConfig, RpcConfig bitcoinConfig, 
							string bitsharesAccount, string bitsharesAsset,
							string bitcoinDespositAddress)
            m_bitshares = new BitsharesWallet(bitsharesConfig.m_url, bitsharesConfig.m_rpcUser, bitsharesConfig.m_rpcPassword);
            m_bitcoin = new BitcoinWallet(bitcoinConfig.m_url, bitcoinConfig.m_rpcUser, bitcoinConfig.m_rpcPassword, false);

            m_bitsharesAccount = bitsharesAccount;
            m_bitsharesAsset = bitsharesAsset;
            m_bitcoinDespoitAddress = bitcoinDespositAddress;

            m_asset = m_bitshares.BlockchainGetAsset(bitsharesAsset);

            m_addressByteType = (byte)(bitcoinConfig.m_useTestnet ? AltCoinAddressTypeBytes.BitcoinTestnet : AltCoinAddressTypeBytes.Bitcoin);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>	Constructor. </summary>
        /// <remarks>	Paul, 17/01/2015. </remarks>
        /// <param name="bitsharesConfig">		    The bitshares configuration. </param>
        /// <param name="bitcoinConfig">		    The bitcoin configuration. </param>
        /// <param name="bitsharesAccount">		    The bitshares account. </param>
        /// <param name="bitsharesAsset">		    The bitshares asset. </param>
        /// <param name="bitcoinDespositAddress">	The bitcoin desposit address. </param>
        public DaemonBase(RpcConfig bitsharesConfig, RpcConfig bitcoinConfig,
                          string bitsharesAccount, string bitsharesAsset,
                          string bitcoinDespositAddress)
            m_bitshares = new BitsharesWallet(bitsharesConfig.m_url, bitsharesConfig.m_rpcUser, bitsharesConfig.m_rpcPassword);
            m_bitcoin   = new BitcoinWallet(bitcoinConfig.m_url, bitcoinConfig.m_rpcUser, bitcoinConfig.m_rpcPassword, false);

            m_bitsharesAccount      = bitsharesAccount;
            m_bitsharesAsset        = bitsharesAsset;
            m_bitcoinDespoitAddress = bitcoinDespositAddress;

            m_asset = m_bitshares.BlockchainGetAsset(bitsharesAsset);

            m_addressByteType = (byte)(bitcoinConfig.m_useTestnet ? AltCoinAddressTypeBytes.BitcoinTestnet : AltCoinAddressTypeBytes.Bitcoin);
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>	Sends the bitcoins to depositor. </summary>
        /// <remarks>	Paul, 05/02/2015. </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="RefundBitsharesException">	Thrown when a Refund Bitshares error condition
        ///                                             occurs. </exception>
        /// <param name="btcAddress">	The btc address. </param>
        /// <param name="trxId">	    Identifier for the trx. </param>
        /// <param name="amount">	    The amount. </param>
        /// <param name="asset">	    The asset. </param>
        /// <returns>	A string. </returns>
        protected virtual string SendBitcoinsToDepositor(string btcAddress, string trxId, ulong amount, BitsharesAsset asset,
                                                         string depositAddress, MetaOrderType orderType, bool burnUia)
            // make sure failures after this point dont result in multiple credits
            m_daemon.MarkDespositAsCreditedStart(trxId, depositAddress, m_market.symbol_pair, orderType);

            decimal bitAssetAmount = asset.GetAmountFromLarimers(amount);

            if (bitAssetAmount > m_market.bid_max)
                throw new RefundBitsharesException("Over " + Numeric.SerialisedDecimal(m_market.bid_max) + " " + asset.symbol + "!");

            // get the BTC amount we need to transfer
            decimal btcNoFee;

            if (m_flipped)
                // they're sending us bitAssets, not BTC because the market is flipped, this is
                // equivelent to the opposite order type, so we have to use ask here
                btcNoFee = bitAssetAmount / m_market.ask;
                btcNoFee = bitAssetAmount * m_market.bid;

            // when selling, the fee is charged in BTC,
            // the amount recorded in the transaction is the amount of bitAssets sans fee, obv

            decimal fee      = (m_market.bid_fee_percent / 100) * btcNoFee;
            decimal btcTotal = Numeric.TruncateDecimal(btcNoFee - fee, 8);

            // do the transfer
            string txid = m_bitcoin.SendToAddress(btcAddress, btcTotal, "mX: " + orderType + " " + asset.symbol);

            // mark this in our records
            m_daemon.MarkDespositAsCreditedEnd(trxId, txid, MetaOrderStatus.completed, bitAssetAmount, m_market.bid, fee);

            if (burnUia)
                // make sure we were the issuer for this asset before we start burning it!
                BitsharesAccount account = m_bitshares.WalletGetAccount(m_bitsharesAccount);
                if (asset.issuer_id == account.id)
                    m_bitshares.WalletBurn(bitAssetAmount, asset.symbol, m_bitsharesAccount, BurnForOrAgainst.@for, m_bitsharesAccount);

Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>	Refund bitshares deposit. </summary>
        /// <remarks>	Paul, 05/02/2015. </remarks>
        /// <param name="fromAccount">	from account. </param>
        /// <param name="larimers">     The larimers. </param>
        /// <param name="depositId">    Identifier for the deposit. </param>
        /// <param name="memo">		    The memo. </param>
        /// <param name="asset">	    The asset. </param>
        protected void RefundBitsharesDeposit(string fromAccount, ulong larimers, string depositId, string memo, BitsharesAsset asset, string depositAddress, MetaOrderType orderType)
            decimal amount = asset.GetAmountFromLarimers(larimers);

            // make sure failures after this point don't result in multiple refunds
            m_daemon.MarkTransactionAsRefundedStart(depositId, depositAddress, m_market.symbol_pair, orderType);

            BitsharesTransactionResponse response = SendBitAssets(amount, asset, fromAccount, memo, false);

            //BitsharesTransactionResponse response = m_bitshares.WalletTransfer(amount, asset.symbol, m_bitsharesAccount, fromAccount, memo);

            m_daemon.MarkTransactionAsRefundedEnd(depositId, response.record_id, MetaOrderStatus.refunded, amount, memo);
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>	Sends a bit assets to depositor. </summary>
        /// <remarks>	Paul, 05/02/2015. </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="RefundBitcoinException">	Thrown when a Refund Bitcoin error condition
        ///                                             occurs. </exception>
        /// <param name="t">		The TransactionSinceBlock to process. </param>
        /// <param name="asset">	The asset. </param>
        /// <returns>	A BitsharesTransactionResponse. </returns>
        protected BitsharesTransactionResponse SendBitAssetsToDepositor(TransactionSinceBlock t, BitsharesAsset asset,
                                                                        SenderToDepositRow s2d, MetaOrderType orderType)
            // make sure failures after this point do not result in repeated sending
            m_daemon.MarkDespositAsCreditedStart(t.TxId, s2d.deposit_address, m_market.symbol_pair, orderType, MetaOrderStatus.processing, TransactionPolicy.REPLACE);

            if (t.Amount > m_market.ask_max)
                throw new RefundBitcoinException("Over " + Numeric.SerialisedDecimal(m_market.ask_max) + " " + asset.symbol + "!");

            string  bitsharesAccount = s2d.receiving_address;
            decimal bitAssetAmountNoFee;

            if (m_flipped)
                // they're sending us BTC, not bitAssets because the market is flipped, this is
                // equivelent to the opposite order type, so we have to use bid here
                bitAssetAmountNoFee = t.Amount * m_market.bid;
                bitAssetAmountNoFee = t.Amount / m_market.ask;

            // when buying, the fee is charged in bitAssets,
            // the amount recorded in the transaction is the amount of bitAssets purchased sans fee

            bitAssetAmountNoFee = asset.Truncate(bitAssetAmountNoFee);

            decimal fee         = (m_market.ask_fee_percent / 100) * bitAssetAmountNoFee;
            decimal amountAsset = bitAssetAmountNoFee - fee;

            amountAsset = asset.Truncate(amountAsset);

            BitsharesTransactionResponse bitsharesTrx = SendBitAssets(amountAsset, asset, bitsharesAccount, "mX: " + orderType + " " + asset.symbol);

            m_daemon.MarkDespositAsCreditedEnd(t.TxId, bitsharesTrx.record_id, MetaOrderStatus.completed, bitAssetAmountNoFee, m_market.ask, fee);

Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>	Updates this object. </summary>
        /// <remarks>	Paul, 05/02/2015. </remarks>
        async public override void Update()
                // don't process transactions if the network is in danger

                GetInfoResponse info = m_bitshares.GetInfo();
                m_suspended = info.blockchain_average_delegate_participation < kMinDelegateParticipation;
                if (!m_suspended)
                    Dictionary <string, MarketRow> allMarkets = GetAllMarkets().ToDictionary(m => m.symbol_pair);
                    m_allCurrencies = m_dataAccess.GetAllCurrencies();

                    // create any handlers we need for new markets

                    // get all markets

                    // handle bitshares->bitcoin

                    Dictionary <string, BitsharesLedgerEntry> bitsharesDeposits = HandleBitsharesDesposits();

                    // handle bitcoin->bitshares

                    List <TransactionSinceBlock> bitcoinDeposits = HandleBitcoinDeposits();

                    // process bitshares deposits

                    uint siteLastTid = m_dataAccess.GetSiteLastTransactionUid();

                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, BitsharesLedgerEntry> kvpDeposit in bitsharesDeposits)
                        // figure out which market each deposit belongs to
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, MarketBase> kvpHandler in m_marketHandlers)
                            BitsharesLedgerEntry l            = kvpDeposit.Value;
                            MarketRow            m            = allMarkets[kvpHandler.Key];
                            BitsharesAsset       depositAsset = m_allBitsharesAssets[l.amount.asset_id];

                            if (!HandleCommand(l, kvpHandler.Value, m, kvpDeposit.Key))
                                if (IsDepositForMarket(l.memo, m.symbol_pair))
                                    // make sure the deposit is for this market!
                                    if (kvpHandler.Value.CanDepositAsset(CurrencyHelpers.FromBitsharesSymbol(depositAsset.symbol, m_allCurrencies, depositAsset.IsUia())))

                        // this needs to happen for every transaction

                    // process bitcoin deposits

                    List <TransactionsRow> pendingTransactions = m_dataAccess.GetAllPendingTransactions();

                    foreach (TransactionSinceBlock deposit in bitcoinDeposits)
                        // figure out which market each deposit belongs to
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, MarketBase> kvpHandler in m_marketHandlers)
                            if (IsDepositForMarket(deposit.Address, allMarkets[kvpHandler.Key].symbol_pair))

                        // this needs to happen for every transaction

                    // handle changes in transaction status

                    List <TransactionsRow> updatedTrans = new List <TransactionsRow>();
                    foreach (TransactionsRow pending in pendingTransactions)
                        TransactionsRow updated = m_dataAccess.GetTransaction(pending.received_txid);
                        if (updated.status != MetaOrderStatus.pending)

                    // push any new transactions, make sure site acknowledges receipt

                    uint latestTid = m_dataAccess.GetLastTransactionUid();
                    if (latestTid > siteLastTid || updatedTrans.Count > 0)
                        List <TransactionsRow> newTrans = m_dataAccess.GetAllTransactionsSince(siteLastTid);

                        // lump them together

                        // send 'em all
                        string result = await ApiPush <List <TransactionsRow> >(Routes.kPushTransactions, newTrans);

                        if (bool.Parse(result))
                            throw new Exception("API push response unknown! " + result);

                    // push market updates

                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, MarketBase> kvpHandler in m_marketHandlers)
                        if (kvpHandler.Value.m_IsDirty)

                                                        #pragma warning disable 4014
                            ApiPush <MarketRow>(Routes.kPushMarket, kvpHandler.Value.m_Market);
                                                        #pragma warning restore 4014

                            kvpHandler.Value.m_IsDirty = false;

                    // push fee collections

                    if (m_bitcoinFeeAddress != null && m_bitshaaresFeeAccount != null)
                        uint lastFeeId = m_dataAccess.GetSiteLastFeeUid();

                        // collect our fees
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, MarketBase> kvpHandler in m_marketHandlers)
                            kvpHandler.Value.CollectFees(m_bitcoinFeeAddress, m_bitshaaresFeeAccount);

                        // keep the site up to date, make sure it acknowledges receipt
                        uint latestFeeId = m_dataAccess.GetLastFeeCollectionUid();
                        if (latestFeeId > lastFeeId)
                            List <FeeCollectionRow> fees = m_dataAccess.GetFeeCollectionsSince(lastFeeId);
                            string result = await ApiPush <List <FeeCollectionRow> >(Routes.kPushFees, fees);

                            if (bool.Parse(result))
                                throw new Exception("API push response unknown! " + result);

                // wait for a stop command to exit gracefully

                if (m_lastCommand == null)
                    m_lastCommand = ReadConsoleAsync();

                    string command = await m_lastCommand;

                    // remember we never get here unless a command was entered

                    Console.WriteLine("got command: " + command);

                    if (command == "stop")

                    m_lastCommand = null;
            catch (UnsupportedTransactionException ute)
                // ignore so we can move on!

                // log it
            catch (Exception e)
Exemplo n.º 9
 public AssetNode(BitsharesAsset asset)
     m_asset = asset;
     m_links = new List <AssetNode>();
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>	Calculates the market prices and limits. </summary>
        /// <remarks>	Paul, 05/02/2015. </remarks>
        /// <param name="market">				[in,out] The market. </param>
        /// <param name="bitsharesBalances">	The bitshares balances. </param>
        /// <param name="bitcoinBalance">       The bitcoin balance. </param>
        public override void ComputeMarketPricesAndLimits(ref MarketRow market,
                                                          Dictionary <int, ulong> bitsharesBalances,
                                                          decimal bitcoinBalance)
            base.ComputeMarketPricesAndLimits(ref market, bitsharesBalances, bitcoinBalance);

            decimal baseBalance  = 0;
            decimal quoteBalance = bitcoinBalance;

            if (bitsharesBalances.ContainsKey(m_asset.id))
                // only non zero balances return data, so this guard is necessary
                baseBalance = m_asset.GetAmountFromLarimers(bitsharesBalances[m_asset.id]);

            decimal maxTransactionFactor;

            if (m_currency.uia)
                // with UIA we got to handle the maximum buy size differently
                BitsharesAccount account = m_bitshares.WalletGetAccount(m_bitsharesAccount);
                if (m_asset.issuer_id == account.id)
                    // we are the issuer!

                    // refresh the asset
                    m_asset = m_bitshares.BlockchainGetAsset(m_asset.symbol);

                    // this is how much we can issue, so lets stick that in there
                    baseBalance = m_asset.GetAmountFromLarimers(m_asset.max_supply - m_asset.current_supply);
                    throw new UnexpectedCaseException();

                maxTransactionFactor = 1;
                //maxTransactionFactor = kMaxTransactionFactor;
                maxTransactionFactor = kMaxTransactionFactor;

            decimal newAskMax, newBidMax;

            // askMax is in BITCOINS
            // bidMax is in BITASSETS

            if (m_flipped)
                // BTC_bitUSD

                // baseBalance = 10 bitUSD
                // ask = 240
                // askMax = 10 / 240 = 0.04 BTC

                newAskMax = Numeric.TruncateDecimal((baseBalance / m_market.ask) * maxTransactionFactor, 8);
                newBidMax = Numeric.TruncateDecimal((quoteBalance * m_market.bid) * maxTransactionFactor, 8);
                // BTS_BTC
                // baseBalance = 1 BTS
                // ask = 0.00004
                // askMax = 1 * 0.0004 = 0.0004 BTC

                newAskMax = Numeric.TruncateDecimal((baseBalance * m_market.ask) * maxTransactionFactor, 8);
                newBidMax = Numeric.TruncateDecimal((quoteBalance / m_market.bid) * maxTransactionFactor, 8);

            m_isDirty |= newAskMax != m_market.ask_max || newBidMax != m_market.bid_max;

            market.ask_max = newAskMax;
            market.bid_max = newBidMax;

            if (m_market.price_discovery)
                // update price discovery engine

                decimal bitsharesBalance = m_asset.GetAmountFromLarimers(bitsharesBalances[m_asset.id]);

                if (m_asset.symbol == CurrencyHelpers.kBtcSymbol)
                    m_lastFeedPrice = 1;
                    m_lastFeedPrice = RecomputeFeedPriceInBtc();

                decimal inventoryRatio = ComputeInventoryRatio(bitsharesBalances, bitcoinBalance);

                if (m_prices == null)
                    // initialise the price discovery engine

                    m_prices = new PriceDiscovery(market.spread_percent, market.window_percent, m_lastFeedPrice, inventoryRatio);

                decimal oldBid = m_market.bid;
                decimal oldAsk = m_market.ask;
                m_prices.UpdateParameters(m_lastFeedPrice, inventoryRatio, m_market.spread_percent, m_market.window_percent, out m_market.bid, out m_market.ask);

                m_isDirty |= oldBid != m_market.bid || oldAsk != m_market.ask;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public AssetNode(BitsharesAsset asset)
     m_asset = asset;
     m_links = new List<AssetNode>();
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>	Sends the bitcoins to depositor. </summary>
        /// <remarks>	Paul, 05/02/2015. </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="RefundBitsharesException">	Thrown when a Refund Bitshares error condition
        /// 											occurs. </exception>
        /// <param name="btcAddress">	The btc address. </param>
        /// <param name="trxId">	 	Identifier for the trx. </param>
        /// <param name="amount">	 	The amount. </param>
        /// <param name="asset">	 	The asset. </param>
        /// <returns>	A string. </returns>
        protected virtual string SendBitcoinsToDepositor(	string btcAddress, string trxId, ulong amount, BitsharesAsset asset,
															string depositAddress, MetaOrderType orderType, bool burnUia)
            // make sure failures after this point dont result in multiple credits
            m_daemon.MarkDespositAsCreditedStart(trxId, depositAddress, m_market.symbol_pair, orderType);

            decimal bitAssetAmount = asset.GetAmountFromLarimers(amount);

            if (bitAssetAmount > m_market.bid_max)
                throw new RefundBitsharesException("Over " + Numeric.SerialisedDecimal(m_market.bid_max) + " " + asset.symbol + "!");

            // get the BTC amount we need to transfer
            decimal btcNoFee;

            if (m_flipped)
                // they're sending us bitAssets, not BTC because the market is flipped, this is
                // equivelent to the opposite order type, so we have to use ask here
                btcNoFee = bitAssetAmount / m_market.ask;
                btcNoFee = bitAssetAmount * m_market.bid;

            // when selling, the fee is charged in BTC,
            // the amount recorded in the transaction is the amount of bitAssets sans fee, obv

            decimal fee = (m_market.bid_fee_percent / 100) * btcNoFee;
            decimal btcTotal = Numeric.TruncateDecimal(btcNoFee - fee, 8);

            // do the transfer
            string txid = m_bitcoin.SendToAddress(btcAddress, btcTotal, "mX: " + orderType + " " + asset.symbol);

            // mark this in our records
            m_daemon.MarkDespositAsCreditedEnd(trxId, txid, MetaOrderStatus.completed, bitAssetAmount, m_market.bid, fee);

            if (burnUia)
                // make sure we were the issuer for this asset before we start burning it!
                BitsharesAccount account = m_bitshares.WalletGetAccount(m_bitsharesAccount);
                if (asset.issuer_id == account.id)
                    m_bitshares.WalletBurn(bitAssetAmount, asset.symbol, m_bitsharesAccount, BurnForOrAgainst.@for, m_bitsharesAccount);

            return txid;
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>	Sends a bit assets to depositor. </summary>
        /// <remarks>	Paul, 05/02/2015. </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="RefundBitcoinException">	Thrown when a Refund Bitcoin error condition
        /// 											occurs. </exception>
        /// <param name="t">		The TransactionSinceBlock to process. </param>
        /// <param name="asset">	The asset. </param>
        /// <returns>	A BitsharesTransactionResponse. </returns>
        protected BitsharesTransactionResponse SendBitAssetsToDepositor(TransactionSinceBlock t, BitsharesAsset asset, 
																		SenderToDepositRow s2d, MetaOrderType orderType)
            // make sure failures after this point do not result in repeated sending
            m_daemon.MarkDespositAsCreditedStart(t.TxId, s2d.deposit_address, m_market.symbol_pair, orderType, MetaOrderStatus.processing, TransactionPolicy.REPLACE);

            if (t.Amount > m_market.ask_max)
                throw new RefundBitcoinException("Over " + Numeric.SerialisedDecimal(m_market.ask_max) + " " + asset.symbol + "!");

            string bitsharesAccount = s2d.receiving_address;
            decimal bitAssetAmountNoFee;

            if (m_flipped)
                // they're sending us BTC, not bitAssets because the market is flipped, this is
                // equivelent to the opposite order type, so we have to use bid here
                bitAssetAmountNoFee = t.Amount * m_market.bid;
                bitAssetAmountNoFee = t.Amount / m_market.ask;

            // when buying, the fee is charged in bitAssets,
            // the amount recorded in the transaction is the amount of bitAssets purchased sans fee

            bitAssetAmountNoFee = asset.Truncate(bitAssetAmountNoFee);

            decimal fee = (m_market.ask_fee_percent / 100) * bitAssetAmountNoFee;
            decimal amountAsset = bitAssetAmountNoFee - fee;

            amountAsset = asset.Truncate(amountAsset);

            BitsharesTransactionResponse bitsharesTrx = SendBitAssets(amountAsset, asset, bitsharesAccount, "mX: " + orderType + " " + asset.symbol);

            m_daemon.MarkDespositAsCreditedEnd(t.TxId, bitsharesTrx.record_id, MetaOrderStatus.completed, bitAssetAmountNoFee, m_market.ask, fee);

            return bitsharesTrx;
Exemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>	Sends bitAssets, either issue or transfer them </summary>
 /// <remarks>	Paul, 18/03/2015. </remarks>
 /// <param name="amount">   	The amount. </param>
 /// <param name="asset">		The asset. </param>
 /// <param name="sendTo">	to account. </param>
 /// <returns>	A BitsharesTransactionResponse. </returns>
 protected BitsharesTransactionResponse SendBitAssets(decimal amount, BitsharesAsset asset, string sendTo, string memo="", bool allowIssue=true)
     BitsharesAccount account = m_bitshares.WalletGetAccount(m_bitsharesAccount);
     if (asset.issuer_id == account.id && allowIssue)
         // issue it
         return m_bitshares.WalletUiaIssue(amount, asset.symbol, sendTo, memo);
         // transfer it
         return m_bitshares.WalletTransfer(amount, asset.symbol, m_bitsharesAccount, sendTo, memo);
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>	Refund bitshares deposit. </summary>
        /// <remarks>	Paul, 05/02/2015. </remarks>
        /// <param name="fromAccount">	from account. </param>
        /// <param name="larimers">   	The larimers. </param>
        /// <param name="depositId">  	Identifier for the deposit. </param>
        /// <param name="memo">		  	The memo. </param>
        /// <param name="asset">	  	The asset. </param>
        protected void RefundBitsharesDeposit(string fromAccount, ulong larimers, string depositId, string memo, BitsharesAsset asset, string depositAddress, MetaOrderType orderType)
            decimal amount = asset.GetAmountFromLarimers(larimers);

            // make sure failures after this point don't result in multiple refunds
            m_daemon.MarkTransactionAsRefundedStart(depositId, depositAddress, m_market.symbol_pair, orderType);

            BitsharesTransactionResponse response = SendBitAssets(amount, asset, fromAccount, memo, false);
            //BitsharesTransactionResponse response = m_bitshares.WalletTransfer(amount, asset.symbol, m_bitsharesAccount, fromAccount, memo);

            m_daemon.MarkTransactionAsRefundedEnd(depositId, response.record_id, MetaOrderStatus.refunded, amount, memo);