Exemplo n.º 1
        public static Bitmap Distort(Bitmap sourceBitmap, Point topleft, Point topright, Point bottomleft, Point bottomright, int interpolation)
            double sourceWidth  = sourceBitmap.Width;
            double sourceHeight = sourceBitmap.Height;

            //Find dimensions of new image
            Point[] pointarray = new Point[] { topleft, topright, bottomright, bottomleft };

            int width  = int.MinValue;
            int height = int.MinValue;

            foreach (Point p in pointarray)
                width  = Math.Max(width, p.X);
                height = Math.Max(height, p.Y);

            Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height);

            //For faster image processing
            BitmapProcessing.FastBitmap newBmp    = new BitmapProcessing.FastBitmap(bitmap);
            BitmapProcessing.FastBitmap sourceBmp = new BitmapProcessing.FastBitmap(sourceBitmap);


            //Key points
            PointF A = (PointF)topleft;
            PointF B = (PointF)topright;
            PointF C = (PointF)bottomright;
            PointF D = (PointF)bottomleft;

            // sides
            float mAB = GetAngle(A, B);
            float mCD = GetAngle(C, D);
            float mAD = GetAngle(A, D);
            float mBC = GetAngle(B, C);

            //Get corner intersections
            PointF O = GetIntersection(new Vector(B, mAB), new Vector(C, mCD));
            PointF N = GetIntersection(new Vector(A, mAD), new Vector(B, mBC));

            if (interpolation <= 0)
                interpolation = 1;
            int middleX = (int)(interpolation / 2.0);

            //Array of surronding pixels used for interpolation
            double[, ,] source = new double[interpolation, interpolation, 4];

            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    PointF P = new PointF(x, y);

                    float mPO = mAB; //Default value
                    float mPN = mBC;

                    if (O != PointF.Empty) //If intersection found, get coefficient
                        mPO = GetAngle(O, P);

                    if (N != PointF.Empty) //If intersection found, get coefficient
                        mPN = GetAngle(N, P);

                    //Get intersections
                    PointF L = GetIntersection(new Vector(P, mPO), new Vector(A, mAD));
                    if (L == PointF.Empty)
                        L = A;

                    PointF M = GetIntersection(new Vector(P, mPO), new Vector(C, mBC));
                    if (M == PointF.Empty)
                        M = C;

                    PointF J = GetIntersection(new Vector(P, mPN), new Vector(B, mAB));
                    if (J == PointF.Empty)
                        J = B;

                    PointF K = GetIntersection(new Vector(P, mPN), new Vector(D, mCD));
                    if (K == PointF.Empty)
                        K = D;

                    double dJP = GetDistance(J, P);
                    double dLP = GetDistance(L, P);

                    double dJK = GetDistance(J, K);
                    double dLM = GetDistance(L, M);

                    //set direction
                    if (dLM < GetDistance(M, P))
                        dLP = -dLP;
                    if (dJK < GetDistance(K, P))
                        dJP = -dJP;


                    //find the pixels which surround the point
                    double yP0 = sourceHeight * dJP / dJK;
                    double xP0 = sourceWidth * dLP / dLM;

                    //top left coordinates of surrounding pixels
                    if (xP0 < 0)
                    if (yP0 < 0)

                    int left = (int)xP0;
                    int top  = (int)yP0;

                    if ((left < -1 || left > sourceWidth) && (top < -1 || top > sourceHeight))
                        //if outside of source image just move on

                    double xFrac    = xP0 - (double)left;
                    double xFracRec = 1.0 - xFrac;
                    double yFrac    = yP0 - (double)top;
                    double yFracRec = 1.0 - yFrac;

                    //get source pixel colors, or white if out of range (to interpolate into the background color)
                    int   x0;
                    int   y0;
                    Color c;

                    for (int sx = 0; sx < interpolation; sx++)
                        for (int sy = 0; sy < interpolation; sy++)
                            x0 = left + sx;
                            y0 = top + sy;

                            if (x0 > 0 && y0 > 0 &&
                                x0 < sourceWidth && y0 < sourceHeight)
                                c = sourceBmp.GetPixel(x0, y0);

                                source[sx, sy, 0] = c.R;
                                source[sx, sy, 1] = c.G;
                                source[sx, sy, 2] = c.B;
                                source[sx, sy, 3] = 255.0f;
                                // set full transparency in this case
                                source[sx, sy, 0] = 0;
                                source[sx, sy, 1] = 0;
                                source[sx, sy, 2] = 0;
                                source[sx, sy, 3] = 0;

                    //interpolate on x
                    for (int sy = 0; sy < interpolation; sy++)
                        //check transparency
                        if (source[middleX, sy, 3] != 0 && source[0, sy, 3] == 0)
                            //copy colors from 1, sy
                            source[0, sy, 0] = source[1, sy, 0];
                            source[0, sy, 1] = source[1, sy, 1];
                            source[0, sy, 2] = source[1, sy, 2];
                            source[0, sy, 3] = source[1, sy, 3];
                            //compute colors by interpolation
                            source[0, sy, 0] = source[0, sy, 0] * xFracRec + source[middleX, sy, 0] * xFrac;
                            source[0, sy, 1] = source[0, sy, 1] * xFracRec + source[middleX, sy, 1] * xFrac;
                            source[0, sy, 2] = source[0, sy, 2] * xFracRec + source[middleX, sy, 2] * xFrac;
                            source[0, sy, 3] = source[0, sy, 3] * xFracRec + source[middleX, sy, 3] * xFrac;

                        //interpolate transparency
                        source[0, sy, 3] = source[0, sy, 3] * xFracRec + source[middleX, sy, 3] * xFrac;

                    //now interpolate on y

                    //check transparency
                    if (source[0, middleX, 3] != 0 && source[0, 0, 3] == 0)
                        //copy colors from 0, 1
                        source[0, 0, 0] = source[0, middleX, 0];
                        source[0, 0, 1] = source[0, middleX, 1];
                        source[0, 0, 2] = source[0, middleX, 2];
                        source[0, 0, 3] = source[0, middleX, 3];
                        source[0, 0, 0] = source[0, 0, 0] * yFracRec + source[0, middleX, 0] * yFrac;
                        source[0, 0, 1] = source[0, 0, 1] * yFracRec + source[0, middleX, 1] * yFrac;
                        source[0, 0, 2] = source[0, 0, 2] * yFracRec + source[0, middleX, 2] * yFrac;
                        source[0, 0, 3] = source[0, 0, 3] * yFracRec + source[0, middleX, 3] * yFrac;

                    //interpolate transparency
                    source[0, 0, 3] = source[0, 0, 3] * yFracRec + source[0, middleX, 3] * yFrac;

                    //store to bitmap
                    if (source[0, 0, 3] != 0) //pixel has color
                        newBmp.SetPixel(x, y, Color.FromArgb((int)source[0, 0, 3], (int)source[0, 0, 0], (int)source[0, 0, 1], (int)source[0, 0, 2]));

