Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Проверить день рождения.
        /// </summary>
        private void CheckBirthday()
            if (_project.BirthdayList().Count == 0)

            BirthdayListBox.DisplayMember = "Surname";
            BirthdayListBox.DataSource    = _project.BirthdayList();
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task BirthdayCommand(string date)
            var         tomorrow   = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1).ToString("M/d");
            var         today      = DateTime.Today.ToString("M/d");
            var         dateParsed = DateTime.Parse(date).ToString("M/d");
            PronounList pronouns;

            using (StreamReader file = File.OpenText("pronouns.json"))
                JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();
                pronouns = (PronounList)serializer.Deserialize(file, typeof(PronounList));
            pronouns.pronounsList.TryGetValue(Context.User.Id.ToString(), out string myPronouns);
            if (myPronouns == null)
                myPronouns = "2";

            using (StreamReader file = File.OpenText("birthdays.json"))
                JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();
                BirthdayList   birthdays  = (BirthdayList)serializer.Deserialize(file, typeof(BirthdayList));
                birthdays.birthdaysList[Context.Message.Author.Id.ToString()] = date;
                using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("birthdays.json"))
                    using (JsonWriter writer = new JsonTextWriter(sw))
                        serializer.Serialize(writer, birthdays);

            if (dateParsed == today)
                await ReplyAsync("Ok, so your birthday is **" + FormattedDate(date) + "**? I'll remember that! Wait...whoa! That means your birthday is today! Hey @here it's " + Context.User.Mention + "'s birthday today! " + Helpers.FirstLetterToUpper(pronouns.pronounTypes[int.Parse(myPronouns)][0] as string) + " is " + (Helpers.GetAge(DateTime.Parse(date)) + 1) + " years old today! :birthday:");
            else if (dateParsed == tomorrow)
                await ReplyAsync("Ok, so your birthday is **" + FormattedDate(date) + "**? I'll remember that! Wait...whoa! That means your birthday is tomorrow! Hey @here it's " + Context.User.Mention + "'s birthday tomorrow! " + Helpers.FirstLetterToUpper(pronouns.pronounTypes[int.Parse(myPronouns)][0] as string) + " will be " + (Helpers.GetAge(DateTime.Parse(date)) + 1) + " years old! :birthday: Let's all wish " + pronouns.pronounTypes[int.Parse(myPronouns)][1] + " a happy birthday when the time comes!");
                await ReplyAsync("Ok, so your birthday is **" + FormattedDate(date) + "**? I'll remember that!");

            Helpers.ConsoleControl.WriteOutput(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " - Setting birthday for User " + Context.Message.Author.Username + " (" + Context.Message.Author.Id.ToString() + ") to " + FormattedDate(date) + "\n", System.Drawing.Color.White);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public HttpResponseMessage Post([FromBody] BirthdayListRequest request)
            BirthdayList BirthdayList = new BirthdayList();
            string       baseUrl      = Url.Request.RequestUri.GetComponents(
                UriComponents.SchemeAndServer, UriFormat.Unescaped);

                if (request.userid != "" && request.userid != null)
                    var birthdaylist = GInfraEntities.GetBirthdayData(request.userid).ToList();
                    //var list = GInfraEntities.sp_hrnotification().ToList();
                    if (birthdaylist.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var item in birthdaylist)
                            BirthdayListResponse BirthdayListResponse = new BirthdayListResponse();

                            BirthdayListResponse.EmployeeCode = item.EmployeeCode.ToString();
                            BirthdayListResponse.EmployeeName = item.EmployeeName;
                            //  BirthdayListResponse.BirthdayDate = String.Format("{0:yyyy/MM/dd}", Convert.ToDateTime(item.BirthdayDate));
                            BirthdayListResponse.BirthdayDate = DateTime.Parse(item.BirthdayDate).ToString("MMM dd");
                            BirthdayListResponse.Branch       = item.Branch;
                            BirthdayListResponse.EmployeeMail = item.CmpMail;
                            if (item.MangerID == "Null" && item.MangerID != null)
                                BirthdayListResponse.ReportingHeadId = "-";
                                BirthdayListResponse.ReportingHeadId = item.MangerID.ToString();

                        BirthdayList.Status  = true;
                        BirthdayList.Message = "Birthday list fetch succefully";
                        return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, BirthdayList));
                        BirthdayList.Status  = false;
                        BirthdayList.Message = "No Records Found";
                        return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, BirthdayList));
                    //if (list.Count > 0)
                    //    foreach (var k in list)
                    //    {
                    //        HrResponse HrResponse = new HrResponse();

                    //        HrResponse.Image = baseUrl + k.Image.ToString();
                    //        if (k.Image != "-" && k.Image != null && k.Image != "")
                    //        {
                    //            HrResponse.Image = baseUrl + k.Image.ToString();
                    //        }
                    //        else
                    //        {
                    //            HrResponse.Image = "-";
                    //        }

                    //        HrResponse.Title = k.Title.ToString();
                    //        HrResponse.Description = k.Description.ToString();

                    //        BirthdayList.HrNotification.Add(HrResponse);
                    //    }
                    //    //BirthdayList.Status = true;
                    //    //BirthdayList.Message = "List Fetch Successfully";

                    //    //return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, BirthdayList);
                    //    //BirthdayList.Status = false;
                    //    //BirthdayList.Message = "No Records Found";
                    //   // return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, BirthdayList);
                    BirthdayList.Status  = false;
                    BirthdayList.Message = "Bad request";
                    return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, BirthdayList));

                //return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, BirthdayList);
            catch (Exception ex)
                //BirthdayList.Status = false;
                //BirthdayList.Message = "" + ex.Message + "";
                return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, BirthdayList));