override protected void BuildProstateBiopsies(int PatientID)
            DataTable biopsiesDt;
            BiopsyDa  bDa = new BiopsyDa();

            biopsiesDt = bDa.GetProstateBiopsies(PatientID);

            if (biopsiesDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                DataView BiopsiesToDisplay = new DataView(biopsiesDt);

                // don't display any OUT Path records that have been reviewed
                DataView ReviewedBiopsies = new DataView(biopsiesDt);
                ReviewedBiopsies.RowFilter = BOL.Pathology.PathQuality + " IN ('REV', 'RR')";

                if (ReviewedBiopsies.Count > 0)
                    List <string> OutsidePathRecordsToFilter = new List <string>();
                    foreach (DataRowView ReviewedBiopsy in ReviewedBiopsies)
                        string ProcedureIdStr = ReviewedBiopsy["PrimaryKey"].ToString();
                    string biopsyFilter = "NOT (" + BOL.Pathology.PathQuality + " = 'OUT' AND PrimaryKey IN (" + string.Join(",", OutsidePathRecordsToFilter.ToArray()) + "))";
                    BiopsiesToDisplay.RowFilter = biopsyFilter;

                Biopsies.DataSource = BiopsiesToDisplay;
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected virtual void BuildProstateBiopsies(int PatientID)
            DataTable biopsiesDt;
            BiopsyDa  bDa = new BiopsyDa();

            biopsiesDt = bDa.GetProstateBiopsies(PatientID);

            if (biopsiesDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                Biopsies.DataSource = biopsiesDt.DefaultView;
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected void BuildBiopsies(int PatientID, string FormName, string FormType)
            DataSet  biopsiesDs;
            BiopsyDa bDa = new BiopsyDa();

            biopsiesDs = bDa.FormGetRecords(PatientID, "", FormName, FormType);

            if (biopsiesDs.Tables.Count > 0 && biopsiesDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                Biopsies.DataSource = biopsiesDs.Tables[0].DefaultView;
        override protected void BuildProstateBiopsies(int PatientID)
            DataTable biopsiesDt;
            BiopsyDa  bDa = new BiopsyDa();

            biopsiesDt = bDa.GetProstateBiopsies(PatientID);

            if (biopsiesDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                ProstateBiopsies = biopsiesDt; // for use in calculating active surveillance date

                foreach (DataRow row in biopsiesDt.Rows)
                    if (row[Procedure.ProcQuality].ToString().Equals("STD") && row[Procedure.ProcDate].ToString().Length > 0 && ((DateTime)row[Procedure.ProcDate]) < FirstMSKBiopsyDate)
                        FirstMSKBiopsyDate     = (DateTime)row[Procedure.ProcDate];
                        FirstMSKBiopsyDateText = row[Procedure.ProcDateText].ToString();
                        FirstMSKBiopsyProcId   = (int)row["PrimaryKey"];

                DataView BiopsiesToDisplay = new DataView(biopsiesDt);

                DataView ReviewedBiopsies = new DataView(biopsiesDt);
                ReviewedBiopsies.RowFilter = BOL.Pathology.PathQuality + " IN ('REV', 'RR')";

                if (ReviewedBiopsies.Count > 0)
                    List <string> OutsidePathRecordsToFilter = new List <string>();
                    foreach (DataRowView ReviewedBiopsy in ReviewedBiopsies)
                        string ProcedureIdStr = ReviewedBiopsy["PrimaryKey"].ToString();
                    string biopsyFilter = "NOT (" + BOL.Pathology.PathQuality + " = 'OUT' AND PrimaryKey IN (" + string.Join(",", OutsidePathRecordsToFilter.ToArray()) + "))";
                    BiopsiesToDisplay.RowFilter = biopsyFilter;

                Biopsies.DataSource = BiopsiesToDisplay;
                BlankBiopsyRecord.Visible = false;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public PatStatObj PtGraph(int patientId)
            // SqlCommand cmd;

            PatStatObj a = new PatStatObj();


                /* Lab Tests */
                DataSet ds = BCMPSAGraphDA.GetAllPSAs(patientId);
                //SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from LabTests where patientID = " + patientId + " and (LabTest = 'PSA' or LabTest = 'uPSA') and LabDate is not null order by LabDate;",conn);
                //rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                ArrayList aout = new ArrayList();
                TimePoint thisTimePoint;
                foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    thisTimePoint          = new TimePoint();
                    thisTimePoint.date     = dr["LabDate"].ToString();
                    thisTimePoint.testType = dr["LabTest"].ToString();
                    thisTimePoint.psa      = dr["LabResult"].ToString();
                a.patTimePt   = (TimePoint[])aout.ToArray(typeof(TimePoint));
                a.nTimePoints = a.patTimePt.Length;

                /* Operation Date */

                Hashtable ht = BCMPSAGraphDA.GetProstSurgeryRecord(patientId);
                if (ht["RP_Date"] != null && ht["RP_Date"].ToString() != "")
                    a.primaryTx = a.primaryTx = ht["RP_Date"].ToString();
                    a.primaryTx = "";

                /* Biopsies */
                ds   = BCMPSAGraphDA.GetAllBiopsiesFlash(patientId);
                aout = new ArrayList();
                Biopsies thisBx;
                foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    thisBx            = new Biopsies();
                    thisBx.date       = dr["BxDate"].ToString();
                    thisBx.bxResult   = dr["BxResult"].ToString();
                    thisBx.bxPositive = dr["BxPositive"].ToString();
                a.patBx = (Biopsies[])aout.ToArray(typeof(Biopsies));
                a.nBx   = a.patBx.Length;

                /* Get various status entries (METS, Death and Recurrence) */
                ds      = BCMPSAGraphDA.GetChronoListStatusEntries(patientId);
                a.mets  = "";
                a.death = "";
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                        if (dr["VarValue"].ToString() == "DOD")
                            a.death = dr["VarDate"].ToString();
                        else if (dr["VarValue"].ToString() == "METS")
                            a.mets = dr["VarDate"].ToString();

                ds = BCMPSAGraphDA.GetRecurredDate(patientId);
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    a.BCR = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["RecurredDate"].ToString();
                    a.BCR = "";

                /* Patient Name */
                string ptName = BCMPSAGraphDA.GetPtFullName(patientId);
                if (ptName.Length > 0)
                    a.patientName = ptName;
                    a.patientName = "";

                /* Path Summary */
                ds = BCMPSAGraphDA.GetPathSummaryFlash(patientId);
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    // use calculated column instead to match value in chron list, updated fs 7/7/05
                    // a.pathSummary = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["PathSummary"].ToString();
                    a.pathSummary = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CalcPathSummary"].ToString();
                    a.pathSummary = "";

                /* Hormone Therapy (only returns the first date.  Can expand later if needed) */
                // DEPENDENCY: sp looks on for MedTxType IN ('AA','AA/LHRH','HORM','LHRH','ADT', '5_ALPHA')
                ds = BCMPSAGraphDA.GetFirstHormoneTherapy(patientId);
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    a.hormoneTx = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["MedTxDate"].ToString();
                    a.hormoneTx = "";

                /* Radiation Therapy (only returns the first date.  Can expand later if needed) */
                // DEPENDENCY: sp looks only for type IN ('Rad Tx','Conventional', 'Conformal','XRT')
                ds = BCMPSAGraphDA.GetFirstRadiationTherapy(patientId);
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    a.XRT = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["RadTxDate"].ToString();
                    a.XRT = "";
            catch (Exception ex)
                // updated 7/7/05 fs