Exemplo n.º 1
        public int GenerateTerrainForBlockColumn(int x, int z)
            int             height   = VoxelManager.Instance.CurrentWorld.TerrainMinHeight;
            float           moisture = this.noise.GetCellular(x / 500f, 0, z / 500f);
            BiomeDefinition biome    = VoxelManager.Instance.FindBiomeWithMoisture(moisture);

            if (biome == null)
                biome = VoxelManager.Instance.DefaultBiome;
            List <LayerDefinition> layers = biome.Layers;

            for (int i = 0; i < layers.Count; i++)
                if (layers[i] == null)
                    Debug.LogError("Layer name '" + layers[i] + "' in layer order didn't match a valid layer");
                layers[i].Noise = this.noise;
                if (layers[i].LayerType != LayerType.Structure)
                    height = layers[i].Generate(x, z, height);
Exemplo n.º 2
    public Zone(int xi, int zi)
        /** Zone generated with reproducible randomness from: seed, size and (x,z)-position
         * - x,z are NW corner of the zone
         * - biome arg should be null (force it in debug mode)
        this.seed = String.Format("Zone{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}", Zombiome.worldSeed, Zombiome.worldSize, xi, zi); // receives center
        /* Geometry */
        this.x      = Hashes.Rand(xi * ZoneSize, (xi + 1) * ZoneSize, seed, "xcenter");
        this.z      = Hashes.Rand(zi * ZoneSize, (zi + 1) * ZoneSize, seed, "zcenter");
        this.radius = CSutils.Hashes.Rand(20, ZoneSize / 2, seed, "radius");
        /* Biome (TODO:robustify: get at a few other points) */
        biomeFromPlayer = false;
        if (true)   // (biome == null) {
            this.biomeDef = GetBiomeProvider(this.x, this.z);
            if (this.biomeDef == null)
                Printer.Write("Error NULL BiomeDefinition at", this.x, this.z, "   ", xi, zi);
                Printer.Print("Error NULL BiomeDefinition at", this.x, this.z, "   ", xi, zi);
                Printer.Print("player at ", GameManager.Instance.World.GetLocalPlayers()[0].GetPosition());
                Printer.Print("GetBiomeProvider", this.x, this.z, this.biomeDef, this.biomeDef == null);
        this.biome = ZBiomeInfo.Get(this.biomeDef.ToString());

        effect = ZombiomeActivitySelector.Random(this);
        Printer.Log(64, "Zone instantiated:", this.x, this.z, biome, "seed:", seed, "effect:", effect, " dif/int:", difficulty, intensity);
Exemplo n.º 3
    public static void ShowBiome(BiomeDefinition bd)
        Printer.Print("Biome", bd, bd.m_Id, bd.m_sBiomeName, bd.m_SpectrumName, bd.TotalLayerDepth, bd.m_TopSoilBlock);
        // snow 1 snow snow 6 terrSnow
        //foreach(KeyValuePair<string,Byte> entry in BiomeDefinition.nameToId) Printer.Print("nameToId:", entry.Key, entry.Value);
        // snow:1
        foreach (BiomeLayer layer in bd.m_Layers)
            Printer.Print("nameToId:", layer);
        foreach (BiomeBlockDecoration bbd in bd.m_DecoBlocks)
            //Printer.Print("m_DecoBlocks:", bbd);
            Printer.Print("m_DecoBlocks:", bbd.m_sBlockName, bbd.m_BlockValue, bbd.m_Prob);
        foreach (BiomeBlockDecoration bbd in bd.m_DistantDecoBlocks)
            Printer.Print("m_DistantDecoBlocks:", bbd.m_sBlockName, bbd.m_BlockValue, bbd.m_Prob);
        foreach (BiomeDefinition layer in bd.subbiomes)
            Printer.Print("subbiomes:", layer);
        // 6 * BiomeBlockDecoration, 6 * snow, 6 µ BiomeLayer

        BiomeDefinition sub = bd.subbiomes[0];

        Printer.Print("subbiome", sub, sub.m_Id, sub.m_sBiomeName, sub.m_SpectrumName, sub.TotalLayerDepth, sub.m_TopSoilBlock);
        foreach (BiomeDefinition layer in sub.subbiomes)
            Printer.Print("sub subbiomes: ?", layer);
Exemplo n.º 4
    public override void Execute(List <string> _params, CommandSenderInfo _senderInfo)
         * Subbiomes seem always equal to main main biome
         * Subbiomes have no subbiomes
        List <EntityPlayerLocal> players = GameManager.Instance.World.GetLocalPlayers();
        EntityPlayerLocal        player  = players[0];

        foreach (string b in new string[] { "snow", "pine_forest", "desert", "water", "radiated", "wasteland" })
            BiomeDefinition bd = WorldBiomes.Instance.GetBiome(b); // or World.Biomes.GetBiome(b) !

        if (false)
            // BiomeDefinition biome = this.world.GetBiome(this.blockPosStandingOn.x, this.blockPosStandingOn.z);
            BiomeDefinition bd = player.biomeStandingOn;

Exemplo n.º 5
 private void GetLayers(BiomeDefinition biome)
     foreach (var layer in biome.m_Layers)
         Layers.Add(new BCMBiomeLayer(layer));
     Bin.Add("Layers", Layers);
Exemplo n.º 6
 private void GetDecoBlocks(BiomeDefinition biome)
     foreach (var deco in biome.m_DecoBlocks)
         DecoBlocks.Add(new BCMBiomeBlockDecoration(deco));
     Bin.Add("DecoBlocks", DecoBlocks);
Exemplo n.º 7
 private void GetDecoPrefabs(BiomeDefinition biome)
     foreach (var deco in biome.m_DecoPrefabs)
         DecoPrefabs.Add(new BCMBiomePrefabDecoration(deco));
     Bin.Add("DecoPrefabs", DecoPrefabs);
Exemplo n.º 8
 private void GetSubBiomes(BiomeDefinition biome)
     foreach (var sub in biome.subbiomes)
         SubBiomes.Add(new BCMSubBiome(sub));
     Bin.Add("SubBiomes", SubBiomes);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public MovingDeco(Zone zone) : base(zone)
            EffectType = EffectType.Ground;
            BiomeDefinition biomeDef = Zone.GetBiomeProvider(centerx, centerz);

            Printer.Print("MovingDeco init");
            DecoSearch.Selector = block => DecoSearch.IsDeco(block, DecoSearch.Count > 5); // take small deco while size < 5
Exemplo n.º 10
    // public static Func<Vector3,Zone[]> Get = GetFour;

    public static BiomeDefinition GetBiomeProvider(int x, int z)
        /* World.GetBiome(x,z) returns null when chunk isn't loaded.
         * I could default to player pos (maybe until biome is known), but breaks reproducibility
         * So let's use GetBiomeProvider instead. I don't think biomes change dynamically ?
        BiomeDefinition bd = GameManager.Instance.World.ChunkCache.ChunkProvider.GetBiomeProvider().GetBiomeAt(x, z);

        return(bd); // Seems to be null only if outside world boundaries
Exemplo n.º 11
 public BCMSubBiome([NotNull] BiomeDefinition sub)
     Id    = sub.m_Id;
     Name  = sub.m_sBiomeName;
     Freq  = Math.Round(sub.freq, 6);
     Depth = sub.TotalLayerDepth;
     Prob  = Math.Round(sub.prob, 6);
     foreach (var layer in sub.m_Layers)
         Layers.Add(new BCMBiomeLayer(layer));
     foreach (var deco in sub.m_DecoBlocks)
         DecoBlocks.Add(new BCMBiomeBlockDecoration(deco));
     foreach (var deco in sub.m_DecoPrefabs)
         DecoPrefabs.Add(new BCMBiomePrefabDecoration(deco));
Exemplo n.º 12
 private void GetReplacements(BiomeDefinition biome)
     foreach (var r in biome.Replacements)
         if (ItemClass.list[r.Key] == null)
         if (ItemClass.list[r.Key].Name == null)
         if (ItemClass.list[r.Value] == null)
         Replacements.Add(ItemClass.list[r.Key].Name, ItemClass.list[r.Value].Name);
     Bin.Add("Replacements", Replacements);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public FloatingDeco(Zone zone) : base(zone)
            EffectType = EffectType.Ground;
            BiomeDefinition biomeDef   = Zone.GetBiomeProvider(centerx, centerz);
            List <string>   _blockDeco = new List <string>();

            foreach (BiomeBlockDecoration bbd in biomeDef.m_DistantDecoBlocks)
                // Printer.Print("m_DistantDecoBlocks:", bbd.m_sBlockName, bbd.m_BlockValue, bbd.m_Prob);
                string dname = bbd.m_sBlockName; // m_BlockValue
                if (dname.StartsWith("tree") || dname.StartsWith("rock"))
                    decorationsSet.Add(dname);                                                   // _blockDeco.Append(dname);
            if (decorationsSet.Contains("water"))
            Printer.Log(60, "FloatingDeco Effect1, ndeco=", decorationsSet.Count);
Exemplo n.º 14
    private static void testGetBiome(List <string> _params)
        /* Using World.ChunkCache.ChunkProvider.GetBiomeProvider().GetBiomeAt
         *  Instead of World.getbiome */
        int x = int.Parse(_params[0]);
        int y = int.Parse(_params[1]);

        Printer.Print("testGetBiome at", x, y);
        World        w  = GameManager.Instance.World;
        ChunkCluster cc = w.ChunkCache;

        Printer.Print("testGetBiome ChunkCluster", cc);
        IChunkProvider icp = w.ChunkCache.ChunkProvider;

        Printer.Print("testGetBiome IChunkProvider", icp);
        IBiomeProvider bp = w.ChunkCache.ChunkProvider.GetBiomeProvider();

        Printer.Print("testGetBiome IBiomeProvider", bp);
        BiomeDefinition bd = w.ChunkCache.ChunkProvider.GetBiomeProvider().GetBiomeAt(x, y);

        Printer.Print("testGetBiome BiomeDefinition", bd);
Exemplo n.º 15
 public BCMSubBiome(BiomeDefinition sub)
     Id   = sub.m_Id;
     Name = sub.m_sBiomeName;
     //Color = sub.m_uiColor;
     //Rad = sub.m_RadiationLevel;
     //Spec = sub.m_SpectrumName;
     Freq  = Math.Round(sub.freq, 6);
     Depth = sub.TotalLayerDepth;
     Prob  = Math.Round(sub.prob, 6);
     foreach (var layer in sub.m_Layers)
         Layers.Add(new BCMBiomeLayer(layer));
     foreach (var deco in sub.m_DecoBlocks)
         DecoBlocks.Add(new BCMBiomeBlockDecoration(deco));
     foreach (var deco in sub.m_DecoPrefabs)
         DecoPrefabs.Add(new BCMBiomePrefabDecoration(deco));
Exemplo n.º 16
 private void GetDepth(BiomeDefinition biome) => Bin.Add("Depth", Depth = biome.TotalLayerDepth);
Exemplo n.º 17
 private void GetBiomes(BiomeDefinition obj) => Bin = new BCMBiome(obj, TypeStr, Options, StrFilter).Data();
Exemplo n.º 18
        bool PaintChunkA(VoxelChunk chunk)
            if (chunk.position.y + 8 < minHeight)
                chunk.isAboveSurface = false;

            int chunkBottomPos = FastMath.FloorToInt(chunk.position.y - 8);
            int chunkTopPos    = FastMath.FloorToInt(chunk.position.y + 8);

            bool isAboveSurface  = false;
            bool atleastOneVoxel = false;

            Voxel[]         voxels = chunk.voxels;
            VoxelDefinition voxDef = topVoxel;

            Vector3 pos;
            Vector3 position = chunk.position - new Vector3(8, 8, 8);
            int     z, x, y;

            for (z = 0; z < 16; z++)
                pos.z = position.z + z;
                for (x = 0; x < 16; x++)
                    pos.x = position.x + x;
                    var heightMapInfo = env.GetHeightMapInfoFast(pos.x, pos.z);

                    int             surfaceLevel = heightMapInfo.groundLevel;
                    int             groundLevel  = heightMapInfo.groundLevel;
                    int             waterLevel   = env.waterLevel > 0 ? env.waterLevel : -1;
                    BiomeDefinition biome        = heightMapInfo.biome;

                    if (biome == null)

                    if (chunkTopPos > surfaceLevel)
                        isAboveSurface = true;

                    int localY = (int)(surfaceLevel - chunkBottomPos);
                    if (localY > 15)
                        localY = 15;

                    int index = z * ONE_Z_ROW + x;
                    for (y = 0; y <= localY; y++)
                        pos.y = position.y + y;

                        if ((int)pos.y == groundLevel)
                            voxDef = biome.voxelTop;
                            voxDef = biome.voxelDirt;

                        voxels[index].SetFast(voxDef, 15, 1, Misc.color32White);
                        atleastOneVoxel = true;

                        //Check if we should add trees or vegetation
                        if ((int)pos.y == groundLevel)
                            if (pos.y > waterLevel)
                                float rn = WorldRand.GetValue(pos);
                                if (env.enableTrees &&
                                    biome.treeDensity > 0 &&
                                    rn < biome.treeDensity &&
                                    biome.trees.Length > 0)
                                    // request a tree
                                        env.GetTree(biome.trees, rn / biome.treeDensity));
                                else if (env.enableVegetation &&
                                         biome.vegetationDensity > 0 &&
                                         rn < biome.vegetationDensity &&
                                         biome.vegetation.Length > 0)
                                    if (index >= 15 * ONE_Y_ROW)
                                        // we're at the top layer for this chunk
                                        // place a request for vegetation for the chunk above us
                                                                      index - ONE_Y_ROW * 15,
                                                                      env.GetVegetation(biome, rn / biome.vegetationDensity));
                                        // set a vegetation voxel
                                        voxels[index + ONE_Y_ROW].Set(env.GetVegetation(biome, rn / biome.vegetationDensity), Misc.color32White);

                        index += ONE_Y_ROW;

            chunk.isAboveSurface = isAboveSurface;
Exemplo n.º 19
 private void GetId(BiomeDefinition biome) => Bin.Add("Id", Id = biome.m_Id);
Exemplo n.º 20
 private void GetName(BiomeDefinition biome) => Bin.Add("Name", Name = biome.m_sBiomeName);
Exemplo n.º 21
 private void GetColor(BiomeDefinition biome) => Bin.Add("Color", Color = BCUtils.UIntToHex(biome.m_uiColor));
Exemplo n.º 22
 public static void Physics(string seed, BiomeDefinition biome, BlockSetter.Options OptionBlock)
     OptionBlock.avoidEntity = Hashes.Rand(0.5f, seed, "avoidEntity") ? true : false;
     OptionBlock.avoidBlock  = Hashes.Rand(0.5f, seed, "avoidBlock") ? true : false;
     OptionBlock.elastic     = Hashes.Rand(0.5f, seed, "elastic") ? 10 : 0;
Exemplo n.º 23
 private void GetSpec(BiomeDefinition biome) => Bin.Add("Spec", Spec = biome.m_SpectrumName);
Exemplo n.º 24
 private void GetRad(BiomeDefinition biome) => Bin.Add("Rad", Rad = biome.m_RadiationLevel);
Exemplo n.º 25
        // This method is a modified version of vanilla, doing the same checks and balances. However, we do use the player position a bit more, and we change which biome spawning group we
        // will use, when below the terrain.
        public static void SpawnUpdate(string _spawnerName, bool _bSpawnEnemyEntities, ChunkAreaBiomeSpawnData _chunkBiomeSpawnData, ref List <Entity> spawnNearList, ref int lastClassId)
            if (_chunkBiomeSpawnData == null)
            if (_bSpawnEnemyEntities)
                if (GameStats.GetInt(EnumGameStats.EnemyCount) >= GamePrefs.GetInt(EnumGamePrefs.MaxSpawnedZombies))
                    _bSpawnEnemyEntities = false;
                else if (GameManager.Instance.World.aiDirector.BloodMoonComponent.BloodMoonActive)
                    _bSpawnEnemyEntities = false;
            if (!_bSpawnEnemyEntities && GameStats.GetInt(EnumGameStats.AnimalCount) >= GamePrefs.GetInt(EnumGamePrefs.MaxSpawnedAnimals))
            bool flag = false;
            List <EntityPlayer> players = GameManager.Instance.World.GetPlayers();

            // Player Position.
            Vector3 position = Vector3.zero;
            Rect    rect     = new Rect(1, 1, 1, 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < players.Count; i++)
                if (players[i].Spawned)
                    position = players[i].GetPosition();
                    rect     = new Rect(position.x - 40f, position.z - 40f, 80f, 20f);
                    if (rect.Overlaps(_chunkBiomeSpawnData.area))
                        flag = true;

            // No valid player position.
            if (position == Vector3.zero)

            // Don't allow above ground spawning.
            Vector3i playerPosition = new Vector3i(position);
            float    offSet         = GameManager.Instance.World.GetTerrainHeight(playerPosition.x, playerPosition.z);

            if (offSet <= playerPosition.y)

            int     minDistance = _bSpawnEnemyEntities ? 28 : 48;
            int     maxDistance = _bSpawnEnemyEntities ? 54 : 70;
            Vector3 vector;

            if (!flag || !FindRandomSpawnPointNearPositionUnderground(rect, minDistance, maxDistance, false, out vector, playerPosition))

            // Mob is above terrain; ignore.
            if (vector.y > offSet)

            BiomeDefinition biome = GameManager.Instance.World.Biomes.GetBiome(_chunkBiomeSpawnData.biomeId);

            if (biome == null)

            // Customize which spawning.xml entry to we want to use for spawns.
            String CaveType = "Cave";
            // Search for the biome_Cave spawn group. If not found, load the generic Cave one.
            BiomeSpawnEntityGroupList biomeSpawnEntityGroupList = BiomeSpawningClass.list[biome.m_sBiomeName + "_Cave"];

            if (biomeSpawnEntityGroupList == null)
                biomeSpawnEntityGroupList = BiomeSpawningClass.list["Cave"];
            // if we are below 30, look for the biome specific deep cave, then deep cave if its not set.
            if (vector.y < 30)
                CaveType = "DeepCave";
                biomeSpawnEntityGroupList = BiomeSpawningClass.list[biome.m_sBiomeName + "_DeepCave"];
                if (biomeSpawnEntityGroupList == null)
                    biomeSpawnEntityGroupList = BiomeSpawningClass.list["DeepCave"];
            if (biomeSpawnEntityGroupList == null)

            EDaytime   edaytime        = GameManager.Instance.World.IsDaytime() ? EDaytime.Day : EDaytime.Night;
            GameRandom gameRandom      = GameManager.Instance.World.GetGameRandom();
            string     entityGroupName = null;
            int        num             = -1;
            int        num2            = gameRandom.RandomRange(biomeSpawnEntityGroupList.list.Count);
            int        j = 0;

            while (j < 5)
                BiomeSpawnEntityGroupData biomeSpawnEntityGroupData = biomeSpawnEntityGroupList.list[num2];
                if (biomeSpawnEntityGroupData.daytime == EDaytime.Any || biomeSpawnEntityGroupData.daytime == edaytime)
                    bool flag2 = EntityGroups.IsEnemyGroup(biomeSpawnEntityGroupData.entityGroupRefName);
                    if (!flag2 || _bSpawnEnemyEntities)
                        int num3 = biomeSpawnEntityGroupData.maxCount;
                        if (flag2)
                            num3 = EntitySpawner.ModifySpawnCountByGameDifficulty(num3);
                        entityGroupName = biomeSpawnEntityGroupData.entityGroupRefName + "_" + biomeSpawnEntityGroupData.daytime.ToStringCached <EDaytime>() + "_" + CaveType;
                        ulong respawnLockedUntilWorldTime = _chunkBiomeSpawnData.GetRespawnLockedUntilWorldTime(entityGroupName);
                        if (respawnLockedUntilWorldTime <= 0UL || GameManager.Instance.World.worldTime >= respawnLockedUntilWorldTime)
                            if (respawnLockedUntilWorldTime > 0UL)
                            if (_chunkBiomeSpawnData.GetEntitiesSpawned(entityGroupName) < num3)
                                num = num2;
                num2 = (num2 + 1) % biomeSpawnEntityGroupList.list.Count;
            if (num < 0)
                //Debug.Log("max spawn reached: " + entityGroupName);
            Bounds bb = new Bounds(vector, new Vector3(4f, 2.5f, 4f));

            GameManager.Instance.World.GetEntitiesInBounds(typeof(Entity), bb, spawnNearList);
            int count = spawnNearList.Count;

            if (count > 0)
                //Debug.Log("Spawn Count is maxed for ");
            BiomeSpawnEntityGroupData biomeSpawnEntityGroupData2 = biomeSpawnEntityGroupList.list[num];
            int   randomFromGroup = EntityGroups.GetRandomFromGroup(biomeSpawnEntityGroupData2.entityGroupRefName, ref lastClassId, null);
            float spawnDeadChance = biomeSpawnEntityGroupData2.spawnDeadChance;

            Entity entity = EntityFactory.CreateEntity(randomFromGroup, vector);

            entity.SetSpawnerSource(EnumSpawnerSource.Dynamic, _chunkBiomeSpawnData.chunk.Key, entityGroupName);
            EntityAlive myEntity = entity as EntityAlive;

            if (myEntity)

            // Debug.Log("Spawning: " + myEntity.entityId + " " + vector );

            if (spawnDeadChance > 0f && gameRandom.RandomFloat < spawnDeadChance)