Exemplo n.º 1
    private void SetBiome()
        switch (ConfigurationData.biome)
        case WorldBiome.DEFAULT:
            biome = biomes[0];

        case WorldBiome.FOREST:
            biome = biomes[1];

        case WorldBiome.MOUNTAINS:
            biome = biomes[2];

        case WorldBiome.DESERT:
            biome = biomes[3];

        case WorldBiome.TAIGA:
            biome = biomes[4];

            biome = biomes[0];
    private int GetTerrainHeight(Vector2Int pos)
        BiomeAttributes biome = world.WorldAttributes.BiomeAttributes[world.Bioms[pos.x, pos.y]];

        int terrainHeight = biome.SolidGroundHeight;

        for (int i = 0; i < biome.OctavesNumber; ++i)
            terrainHeight += Mathf.FloorToInt((1 / Mathf.Pow(2, i)) * biome.BiomeHeight * PerlinNoise.Get2DPerlin(world, pos, i, biome.BiomeScale * Mathf.Pow(2, i)));

Exemplo n.º 3
        public void AddBiome(BiomeAttributes biome)
            if (m_biomes.TryGetValue(biome, out BiomePresence presence))
                m_biomes.Add(biome, new BiomePresence());

    private void AddTree(Vector2Int pos)
        BiomeAttributes biome = world.WorldAttributes.BiomeAttributes[world.Bioms[pos.x, pos.y]];

        int height = Random.Range(biome.TreeMinHeight, biome.TreeMaxHeight);

        Vector2Int ChunkCoord   = world.GetChunkCoord(pos);
        Vector2Int InChunkCoord = world.GetInChunkCoord(pos);

        for (int y = heightMap[pos.x, pos.y] + 1; y <= heightMap[pos.x, pos.y] + height; ++y)
            world.Chunks[ChunkCoord.x, ChunkCoord.y].Voxels[InChunkCoord.x, y, InChunkCoord.y] = 7;

        AddComa(new Vector3Int(pos.x, heightMap[pos.x, pos.y] + height, pos.y), Mathf.RoundToInt(biome.ComaRadius * ((float)height / biome.TreeMaxHeight)));
Exemplo n.º 5
    public void MakeBiome()
        BiomeAttributes biome = new BiomeAttributes();

        if (!(scale.text == "" || scale.text == null))
            biome.terrainScale = float.Parse(scale.text) / 100;
        if (!(height.text == "" || height.text == null))
            biome.solidGroundHeight = int.Parse(height.text);
        if (!(height.text == "" || height.text == null))
            biome.terrainHeight = int.Parse(height.text);

        biome.placeMajorFlora = false;
        biome.offset          = Random.Range(0, 10000);

        biome.surfaceBlock    = (byte)((byte)surfaceBlock.value + 1);
        biome.subSurfaceBlock = 5;

        Lode lode = new Lode();

        lode.blockID     = 5;
        lode.minHeight   = 0;
        lode.maxHeight   = 0;
        lode.scale       = 0;
        lode.threshold   = 0;
        lode.noiseOffset = 0;
        lode.nodeName    = "";
        biome.lodes      = new Lode[1];
        biome.lodes[0]   = lode;

        for (int i = 0; i < world.biomes.Length; i++)
            world.biomes[i] = biome;

Exemplo n.º 6
        public void BuildHeight(INoise noise)
            //Build the chunk blocks
            for (int x = 0; x < ChunkSizeX; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < ChunkSizeZ; z++)
                    BiomeAttributes biome = m_owner.GetBiome(x, z);

                    for (int y = 0; y < ChunkSizeY; y++)
                        //Vector3 pos = ;
                        int worldX = (int)(x + m_gameObject.transform.position.x);
                        int worldY = (int)(y + m_gameObject.transform.position.y);
                        int worldZ = (int)(z + m_gameObject.transform.position.z);

                        float value = noise.Compute(worldX, worldY, worldZ);

                        //TODO: Apply the noise and the biome
                        if (y < value)
                            Blocks[x, y, z] = new Block(
                                new Vector3(x, y, z),
                            Blocks[x, y, z] = Block.Empty(
                                new Vector3(x, y, z),

            State = ChunkState.Draw;
    private void AddSoilInColumn(Vector2Int pos, BiomeAttributes biome)
        Vector2Int ChunkCoord   = world.GetChunkCoord(pos);
        Vector2Int InChunkCoord = world.GetInChunkCoord(pos);

        int y;

        int terrainHeight = heightMap[pos.x, pos.y];

        if (terrainHeight >= world.WorldAttributes.ChunkHeight || terrainHeight < 0)
            Debug.Log(pos.x + " " + pos.y + " " + heightMap[pos.x, pos.y]);

        world.Chunks[ChunkCoord.x, ChunkCoord.y].Voxels[InChunkCoord.x, terrainHeight, InChunkCoord.y] = biome.MainVoxel;

        int groundDepth = UnityEngine.Random.Range(biome.GroundDepthMin, biome.GroundDepthMax + 1);

        for (y = heightMap[pos.x, pos.y] - 1; y > heightMap[pos.x, pos.y] - groundDepth && y > 0; --y)
            world.Chunks[ChunkCoord.x, ChunkCoord.y].Voxels[InChunkCoord.x, y, InChunkCoord.y] = biome.SecondVoxel;
Exemplo n.º 8
    // 用實際座標取得生態圈的方塊
    public BlockType GetInitialVoxel(Vector3s pos)
        int yPos = Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.y);

        /* 不變規則 */

        // 超出世界回傳空氣
        if (!IsVoxelInWorld(pos))

        // 達到世界底部回傳基岩
        if (yPos == 0)

        /* 生態圈選擇規則 */
        int   solidGroundHeight   = 42;
        float sumOfHeights        = 0f;
        int   count               = 0;
        float strongestWeight     = 0f;
        int   strongestBiomeIndex = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < biomes.Length; i++)
            float weight = Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), biomes[i].offset, biomes[i].scale);
            // 檢查哪個生態圈的加權值 (Perlin雜訊值) 較高
            if (weight > strongestWeight)
                strongestWeight     = weight;
                strongestBiomeIndex = i;

            // 計算生態圈的高度 (雜訊值 * 設定高度)
            float height = biomes[i].terrainHeight * Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), 0, biomes[i].terrainScale) * weight;

            // 如果高度有效那麼加進平均
            if (height > 0)
                sumOfHeights += height;

        // 設定最高加權值的生態圈
        BiomeAttributes biome = biomes[strongestBiomeIndex];

        // 生態圈平均高度
        sumOfHeights /= count;
        int terrainHeight = Mathf.FloorToInt(sumOfHeights + solidGroundHeight);

        /* 生態圈地表規則 */
        BlockType voxelValue = 0;

        if (yPos == terrainHeight)
            voxelValue = biome.surfaceBlock;
        else if (yPos < terrainHeight && yPos > terrainHeight - 4)
            voxelValue = biome.subSurfaceBlock;
        else if (yPos > terrainHeight)
            voxelValue = BlockType.Stone;

        /* 生態圈內部礦物規則 */
        if (voxelValue == BlockType.Stone)
            foreach (Lode lode in biome.lodes)
                if (yPos > lode.minHeight && yPos < lode.maxHeight)
                    if (Noise.Get3DPerlin(sv(pos), lode.noiseOffset, lode.scale, lode.threshold))
                        voxelValue = lode.blockID;

        /* 生態圈表面植被規則 */
        if (yPos == terrainHeight && biome.placeMajorFlora)
            if (Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), 0, biome.majorFloraZoneScale) > biome.majorFloraZoneThreshold)
                if (Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), 0, biome.majorFloraPlacementScale) > biome.majorFloraPlacementThreshold)
                    modifications.Enqueue(Structure.GenerateMajorFlora(biome.majorFloraIndex, sv(pos), biome.minHeight, biome.maxHeight));

Exemplo n.º 9
    //World Algorithm
    public byte GetVoxel(Vector3 pos)
        int yPos = Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.y);


        //If outside world, return air
        if (!IsVoxelInWorld(pos))    //Making Chunk empty

        //If bottom block of chunk, return bedrock
        if (yPos == 0)


        int   solidGroundHeight   = 42;
        float sumOfHeight         = 0f;
        int   count               = 0;
        float strongestWeight     = 0f;
        int   strongestBiomeIndex = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < biomes.Length; i++)
            float weight = Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), biomes[i].offset, biomes[i].scale);

            //Keep track of which weight is strongest
            if (weight > strongestWeight)
                strongestWeight     = weight;
                strongestBiomeIndex = i;

            //Get the height of the terrain (for the current biome) and multiply it by its weight
            float height = biomes[i].terrainHeight * Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), 0, biomes[i].terrainScale) * weight;

            //If the height value if greater 0 add it to the sum of heights
            if (height > 0)
                sumOfHeight += height;

        //Set biome to the one with the strongest weight
        BiomeAttributes biome = biomes[strongestBiomeIndex];

        //Get the average of the heights
        sumOfHeight /= count;

        int terrainHeight = Mathf.FloorToInt(sumOfHeight + solidGroundHeight);


        byte voxelValue = 6;

        if (yPos == terrainHeight)
            voxelValue = biome.surfaceBlock;
        else if (yPos < terrainHeight && yPos > terrainHeight - 4)
            voxelValue = biome.subSurfaceBlock;
        else if (yPos > terrainHeight)
            voxelValue = 2;

        //SECOND PASS

        if (voxelValue == 2)
            foreach (Lode lode in biome.lodes)
                if (yPos > lode.minHeight && yPos < lode.maxHeight)
                    if (Noise.Get3DPerlin(pos, lode.noiseOffset, lode.scale, lode.threshold))
                        voxelValue = lode.blockID;

        //TREE PASS

        if (yPos == terrainHeight && biome.placeMajorFlora)
            if (Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), 0, biome.majorFloraZoneScale) > biome.majorFloraZoneThreshold)
                if (Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), 0, biome.majorFloraPlacementScale) > biome.majorFloraPlacementThreshold)
                    modifications.Enqueue(Structure.GenerateMajorFlora(biome.majorFloraIndex, pos, biome.minHeight, biome.maxHeight));

    public byte GenerateVoxel(int x, int y, int z)
        /* IMMUTABLE PASS */
        //if(y==0) return 1;
        //return 0;

        // If outside world, return air.
        if (y < 0 || y >= VoxelData.ChunkHeight)

        // If bottom block of chunk, return bedrock.
        if (y == 0)


        int   solidGroundHeight   = 42;
        float sumOfHeights        = 0f;
        int   count               = 0;
        float strongestHeight     = 0f;
        float strongestWeight     = 0f;
        int   strongestBiomeIndex = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < biomes.Length; i++)
            float weight = Noise.Get2DPerlin(x, z, biomes[i].offset, biomes[i].scale);

            // Get the height of the terrain (for the current biome) and multiply it by its weight.
            float height = biomes[i].terrainHeight * Noise.Get2DPerlin(x, z, 0, biomes[i].terrainScale) * weight;

            // Keep track of which weight is strongest.
            if (weight > strongestWeight)
                strongestWeight     = weight;
                strongestBiomeIndex = i;
                strongestHeight     = height;

            // If the height value is greater 0 add it to the sum of heights.
            if (height > 0)
                sumOfHeights += height;

        // Set biome to the one with the strongest weight.
        BiomeAttributes biome = biomes[strongestBiomeIndex];

        // Get the average of the heights.
        sumOfHeights /= count;

        sumOfHeights = sumOfHeights * 3 / 4 + strongestHeight * 1 / 4;

        int terrainHeight = (int)(sumOfHeights + solidGroundHeight);

        //terrainHeight = (int)(sumOfHeights/4 + solidGroundHeight);

        //BiomeAttributes biome = biomes[index];

        /* BASIC TERRAIN PASS */

        byte voxelValue = 0;

        if (y == terrainHeight)
            voxelValue = biome.surfaceBlock;
        else if (y < terrainHeight && y > terrainHeight - 4)
            voxelValue = biome.subSurfaceBlock;
        else if (y > terrainHeight)
            voxelValue = 2;

        /* SECOND PASS */

        if (voxelValue == 2)
            foreach (Lode lode in biome.lodes)
                if (y > lode.minHeight && y < lode.maxHeight)
                    if (Noise.Get3DPerlin(x, y, z, lode.noiseOffset, lode.scale, lode.threshold))
                        voxelValue = lode.blockID;

        /* TREE PASS */
        if (y == terrainHeight && biome.placeMajorFlora)
            if (Noise.Get2DPerlin(x, z, 0, biome.majorFloraZoneScale) > biome.majorFloraZoneThreshold)
                //voxelValue = 6;
                if (Noise.Get2DPerlin(x, z, 0, biome.majorFloraPlacementScale) > biome.majorFloraPlacementThreshold)
                    //voxelValue = 12;
                    lock (modifications)
                        //Structure.GenerateMajorFlora(this, biome.majorFloraIndex, x, y, z, biome.minHeight, biome.maxHeight);

                        switch (biome.majorFloraIndex)
                        case 0: {
                            voxelValue = 10;

                            int height = (int)(biome.maxHeight * Noise.Get2DPerlin(x, z, 250f, 3f));

                            if (height < biome.minHeight)
                                height = biome.minHeight;

                            //height = 50;

                            int baseY = y + height - 2;
                            new BoxPainter(this, x - 2, baseY, z - 2, 4, 0, 4, 11);
                            new BoxPainter(this, x - 2, baseY + 1, z - 2, 4, 0, 4, 11);
                            new BoxPainter(this, x - 1, baseY + 2, z - 1, 2, 0, 2, 11);
                            new BoxPainter(this, x - 1, baseY + 3, z - 1, 2, 0, 2, 11, 1);
                            BoxPainter trunk = new BoxPainter(this, x, y + 1, z, 0, height - 1, 0, 6);
                            //BoxPainter MainLeaves = new BoxPainter(this, x-1, y+height, z-1, 3, 4, 3, 11);
                        } break;

                        case 1: {
                            int height = (int)(biome.maxHeight * Noise.Get2DPerlin(x, z, 23456f, 2f));

                            if (height < biome.minHeight)
                                height = biome.minHeight;

                            BoxPainter trunk = new BoxPainter(this, x, y, z, 0, height, 0, 12);
                        } break;

Exemplo n.º 11
    public byte GetVoxel(Vector3 pos)
        int yPos = Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.y);

        if (!IsVoxelInWorld(pos))
        {//if outside world return air
        if (yPos == 0)
        {//if bottom return bedrock

        //biome selection pass
        float sumOfHeights         = 0f;
        int   count                = 0;
        float strongestWeight      = 0;
        int   strongestWeightIndex = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < biomes.Length; i++)
            float weight = Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), biomes[i].offset, biomes[i].scale);
            //get srotger biome
            if (weight > strongestWeight)
                strongestWeight      = weight;
                strongestWeightIndex = i;
            //get terrain height
            float height = biomes[i].terrainHeight * Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.y), 0, biomes[i].terrainScale) * weight;
            if (height > 0)
                sumOfHeights += height;
        //set biome
        BiomeAttributes biome = biomes[strongestWeightIndex];

        //get avrage
        sumOfHeights /= count;
        int terrainHeight = Mathf.FloorToInt(sumOfHeights + solideGroundHeight);
        //basic terrain
        BlockTypeEnum voxelValue = BlockTypeEnum.Stone;

        if (yPos == terrainHeight)
            voxelValue = biome.surfaceBlock;
        else if (yPos < terrainHeight && yPos > terrainHeight - 4)
            voxelValue = biome.subSurfaceBlock;
        else if (yPos > terrainHeight)
        //second pass
        if (voxelValue == BlockTypeEnum.Stone)
            foreach (Lode lode in biome.lodes)
                if (yPos > lode.minHeight && yPos < lode.maxHeight)
                    if (Noise.Get3DPerlin(pos, lode.noiseOffset, lode.scale, lode.threshold))
                        voxelValue = lode.BlockType;
        if (yPos == terrainHeight && biome.placeMajorFlora)
            if (Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), 0, biome.majorFloraZoneScale) > biome.majorFloraZoneThreshold)
                if (Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), 0, biome.majorFloraPlacementScale) > biome.majorFloraPlacementThreshold)
                    modifications.Enqueue(Structure.GenerateMajorFlora(biome.floraType, pos, biome.minHeight, biome.maxHeight));
Exemplo n.º 12
    // Generate main terrain
    public byte GetVoxel(Vector3 pos)
        int yPos = Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.y);


        if (!IsVoxelInWorld(pos))

        // If bottom, return bedrock
        if (yPos == 0)


        int   index    = 0;
        float value    = Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), 142124, 0.05f);
        float prob_off = 0;

        float hold_terrainHeight     = 0;
        float hold_terrainScale      = 0;
        float hold_solidGroundHeight = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < biomes.Length; i++)
            prob_off += biomes[i].biomeProbability;
            if (Math.Abs(value - prob_off) < 0.05 && Math.Abs(prob_off - 1.0f) > 0.05)
                if (value < prob_off && index + 1 != biomes.Length)
                    float distance  = (prob_off - value) / 0.05f;
                    float distance2 = 1.0f - distance;

                    hold_terrainHeight     = (biomes[i].terrainHeight * distance + biomes[i + 1].terrainHeight * distance2);
                    hold_solidGroundHeight = (biomes[i].solidGroundHeight * distance + biomes[i + 1].solidGroundHeight * distance2);
                    hold_terrainScale      = (biomes[i].terrainScale * distance + biomes[i + 1].terrainScale * distance2);
                    index = i;
                    float distance  = (value - prob_off) / 0.05f;
                    float distance2 = 1.0f - distance;

                    hold_terrainHeight     = (biomes[i + 1].terrainHeight * distance + biomes[i].terrainHeight * distance2);
                    hold_solidGroundHeight = (biomes[i + 1].solidGroundHeight * distance + biomes[i].solidGroundHeight * distance2);
                    hold_terrainScale      = (biomes[i + 1].terrainScale * distance + biomes[i].terrainScale * distance2);
                    index = i + 1;
            if (value <= prob_off)
                hold_terrainHeight     = biomes[i].terrainHeight;
                hold_solidGroundHeight = biomes[i].solidGroundHeight;
                hold_terrainScale      = biomes[i].terrainScale;
                index = i;

        BiomeAttributes biome = biomes[index];


        int  terrainHeight = Mathf.FloorToInt(Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), 0, biome.terrainScale) * biome.terrainHeight) + (int)hold_solidGroundHeight;
        byte voxelValue    = 0;

        if (yPos == terrainHeight)
            if (yPos >= (87 + rnd.Next(-1, 1)))
                // So high up we get snow
                voxelValue = biome.highLevelBlock;
                voxelValue = biome.normalLevelBlock;
        else if (yPos < terrainHeight && yPos > terrainHeight - 4)
            voxelValue = biome.littleBelowNormalBlock;
        else if (yPos > terrainHeight)
            // I don't wanna use this anymore because i want sky-islands
            float perlin3dvalue = PerlinNoise3D(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
            if (perlin3dvalue > 0.6f)
                voxelValue = 0;
                voxelValue = 2;

        // SECOND PASS
        if (voxelValue == 2)
            foreach (Lode lode in biome.lodes)
                if (yPos > lode.minHeight && yPos < lode.maxHeight)
                    if (Noise.Get3DPerlin(pos, lode.noiseOffset, lode.scale, lode.threshold))
                        voxelValue = lode.blockID;

        // Make biome specific structures.

        // TREE PASS
        if (yPos == terrainHeight && biome.biomeName == "Plain")
            if (Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), 0, biome.treeZoneScale) > biome.treeZoneThreshold)
                Queue <VoxelMod> hold_queue = new Queue <VoxelMod>();
                // Set voxelValuie = 1, so see what the area will be for the trees
                //voxelValue = 1;

                if (Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), 0, biome.treePlacementScale) > biome.treePlacementThreshold)
                    //voxelValue = 5;
                    int height = rnd.Next(biome.minTreeHeight, biome.maxTreeHeight);
                    for (int i = 1; i <= height; i++)
                        hold_queue.Enqueue(new VoxelMod(new Vector3(pos.x, pos.y + i, pos.z), 6));
                    for (int i = -2; i <= 2; i++)
                        for (int j = -2; j <= 2; j++)
                            for (int z = -1; z <= 2; z++)
                                if (i == 0 && j == 0 && z <= 0)
                                hold_queue.Enqueue(new VoxelMod(new Vector3(pos.x + i, pos.y + height + z, pos.z + j), 7));

        // Make cactus
        if (yPos == terrainHeight && biome.biomeName == "Desert")
            if (Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), 0, 0.99f) > 0.5f)
                Queue <VoxelMod> hold_queue = new Queue <VoxelMod>();
                // Set voxelValuie = 1, so see what the area will be for the trees
                if (rnd.Next(1, 80) == 1)
                    //voxelValue = 5;
                    int height = rnd.Next(3, 4);
                    for (int i = 1; i <= height; i++)
                        if (i == height)
                            hold_queue.Enqueue(new VoxelMod(new Vector3(pos.x, pos.y + i, pos.z), 15));
                            hold_queue.Enqueue(new VoxelMod(new Vector3(pos.x, pos.y + i, pos.z), 14));

        // Make pyramid in desert

        if (yPos == terrainHeight && biome.biomeName == "Desert")
            if (Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), 570, biome.treeZoneScale) > 0.7)
                Queue <VoxelMod> hold_queue = new Queue <VoxelMod>();
                // Set voxelValuie = 1, so see what the area will be for the houses
                //voxelValue = 1;
                if (Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), 0, biome.treePlacementScale) > 0.95)
                    //voxelValue = 5;

                    int size = 2 * rnd.Next(5, 10);

                    for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++)
                        for (int j = 1; j <= size; j++)
                            hold_queue.Enqueue(new VoxelMod(new Vector3(pos.x + i, pos.y, pos.z + j), 5));

                    for (int z = 1; z <= size / 2; z++)
                        for (int j = 1 + (z - 1); j <= (size - (z - 1)); j++)
                            for (int i = 1 + (z - 1); i <= (size - (z - 1)); i++)
                                hold_queue.Enqueue(new VoxelMod(new Vector3(pos.x + i, pos.y + z, pos.z + j), 16));


        // Make houses
        if (yPos == terrainHeight && biome.biomeName == "Plain")
            if (Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), 570, biome.treeZoneScale) > 0.7)
                Queue <VoxelMod> hold_queue = new Queue <VoxelMod>();
                // Set voxelValuie = 1, so see what the area will be for the houses
                //voxelValue = 1;
                if (Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), 0, biome.treePlacementScale) > 0.92)
                    //voxelValue = 5;

                    // Clear everything inside the house so there isnt any dirt and shit
                    // Doesn't actually work, first generate the map then do the addianl additions
                    for (int i = 2; i <= 4; i++)
                        for (int j = 2; j <= 4; j++)
                            for (int z = 2; z <= 4; z++)
                                hold_queue.Enqueue(new VoxelMod(new Vector3(pos.x + i, pos.y + z, pos.z + j), 0));

                    // Make floor
                    for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                        for (int j = 1; j <= 5; j++)
                            hold_queue.Enqueue(new VoxelMod(new Vector3(pos.x + i, pos.y, pos.z + j), 13));

                    // Make the dirt underneath so its even
                    for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                        for (int j = 1; j <= 5; j++)
                            for (int z = -1; z >= -3; z--)
                                hold_queue.Enqueue(new VoxelMod(new Vector3(pos.x + i, pos.y + z, pos.z + j), 4));

                    // Make around the house
                    for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                        for (int j = 1; j <= 5; j++)
                            int counter = 0;
                            if (i != 1 && i != 5)
                                counter += 1;
                            if (j != 1 && j != 5)
                                counter += 1;
                            if (counter == 2)
                            for (int z = 1; z <= 4; z++)
                                if (i == 3 && j == 1 && z <= 2)
                                hold_queue.Enqueue(new VoxelMod(new Vector3(pos.x + i, pos.y + z, pos.z + j), 13));

                    // Make the roof
                    for (int i = 2; i <= 4; i++)
                        for (int j = 2; j <= 4; j++)
                            hold_queue.Enqueue(new VoxelMod(new Vector3(pos.x + i, pos.y + 4, pos.z + j), 13));


        // Island Generation
        if (Math.Abs(yPos - (120 + rnd.Next(-1, 1))) <= 1)
            if (Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), 0, biome.skyIslandZoneScale) > biome.skyIslandZoneThreshold)
                voxelValue = 8;

        // Make Lakes

Exemplo n.º 13
    /// <summary>
    /// Algarithim that helps to decide where the gereration is allowed to put textures on voxels, caves, biomes and ect
    /// </summary>
    public byte GetVoxel(Vector3 pos)
        int yPos = Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.y);

        /* MUST CALL */

        // If outside world bounds, return air voxel ID
        if (!IsVoxelInWorld(pos))

        // If bottom block of chunk, return bedrock voxel ID
        if (yPos == 0)

        /* BIOME SELECTION */

        /// <summary>
        /// Below <see cref="solidGroundHeight"/> is always solid ground.
        /// </summary>
        int   solidGroundHeight = 20;
        float sumOfHeights      = 0;
        int   count             = 0;

        float strongestWeight     = 0;
        int   strongestBiomeIndex = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < biomes.Length; i++)
            float weight = VoxelData.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), biomes[i].offset, biomes[i].scale);

            // Is the weight the strongest of all the biomes
            if (weight > strongestWeight)
                strongestWeight     = weight;
                strongestBiomeIndex = i;

            // Get the height of the current terrain and multiply by the weight to apply smoothing between biomes
            float height = biomes[i].terrainHeight * VoxelData.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), 0, biomes[i].terrainScale) * weight;

            if (height > 0)
                sumOfHeights += height;

        // Set Biome
        BiomeAttributes biome = biomes[strongestBiomeIndex];

        // Get average heights
        sumOfHeights /= count;

        // Converts a 0 to 1 value into a percentage that gets multiplied by the heignt to create terrain
        int terrainHeight = Mathf.FloorToInt(sumOfHeights + solidGroundHeight);

        /* BASIC TERRAIN */

        byte voxelValue = 0;

        // If top block of chunk, return stone voxel ID. Else if heigher then top block return air voxel ID
        if (yPos == terrainHeight)
            voxelValue = biome.surfaceBlockID;
        else if (yPos < terrainHeight && yPos > terrainHeight - 4)
            voxelValue = biome.subSurfaceBlockID;
        else if (yPos > terrainHeight)
            voxelValue = 5;

        if ((voxelValue == biome.surfaceBlockID || voxelValue == biome.surfaceBlockID || voxelValue == 5) && biome.lodes.Length > 0)
            foreach (Lode lode in biome.lodes)
                if (yPos > lode.minHeight && yPos < lode.maxHeight)
                    if (VoxelData.Get3DPerlin(pos, lode.noiseOffset, lode.scale, lode.threshold))
                        voxelValue = lode.blockID;

Exemplo n.º 14
    public byte GetVoxel(Vector3 pos)
        int yPos = Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.y);

        /* IMMUTABLE PASS */

        // If outside world, return air.
        if (!IsVoxelInWorld(pos))

        // If bottom block of chunk, return bedrock.
        if (yPos == 0)


        int   solidGroundHeight   = 42;
        float sumOfHiehgts        = 0;
        int   count               = 0;
        float strongestWeight     = 0;
        int   strongestBiomeIndex = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < biomes.Length; i++)
            float weight = Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), biomes[i].offset, biomes[i].scale);

            if (weight > strongestWeight)
                strongestWeight     = weight;
                strongestBiomeIndex = i;

            float height = biomes[i].terrainHeight * Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), 0, biomes[i].terrainScale) * weight;

            if (height > 0)
                sumOfHiehgts += height;

        //Set Biome
        BiomeAttributes biome = biomes[strongestBiomeIndex];

        sumOfHiehgts /= count;
        int terrainHeight = Mathf.FloorToInt(sumOfHiehgts + solidGroundHeight);

        /* BASIC TERRAIN PASS */
        byte voxelValue = 0;

        if (yPos == terrainHeight)
            voxelValue = biome.surfaceBlock;
        else if (yPos < terrainHeight && yPos > terrainHeight - biome.subsurfaceBlockHeight)
            voxelValue = biome.subSurfaceBlock;
        else if (yPos > terrainHeight)
            voxelValue = 2;

        /* SECOND PASS */

        if (voxelValue == 2)
            foreach (Lode lode in biome.lodes)
                if (yPos > lode.minHeight && yPos < lode.maxHeight)
                    if (Noise.Get3DPerlin(pos, lode.noiseOffset, lode.scale, lode.threshold))
                        voxelValue = lode.blockID;

        /* TREE PASS */

        if (yPos == terrainHeight && biome.placeMajorFlora)
            if (Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), 0, biome.majorFloraZoneScale) > biome.majorFloraZoneThreshold)
                if (Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), 0, biome.majorFloraPlacementScale) > biome.majorFloraPlacementThreshold)
                    System.Random random = new System.Random();
                    modifications.Enqueue(Structure.GenerateMajorFlora(biome.majorFloraIndex[(int)random.Next(0, biome.majorFloraIndex.Length)], pos, biome.minHeight, biome.maxHeight));

Exemplo n.º 15
    public byte GetVoxel(Vector3 pos)
        int yPos = Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.y);

        /* Boundary conditions*/
        //if outside world
        if (!IsVoxelInWorld(pos))
        //if bottom block then return bedrock
        if (yPos == 0)

        int   groundHeight        = 42;
        float sumOfHeights        = 0f;
        int   count               = 0;
        float strongestWeight     = 0f;
        int   strongestBiomeIndex = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < biomes.Length; i++)
            float weight = Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), biomes[i].offset, biomes[i].scale);

            if (weight > strongestWeight)
                strongestWeight     = weight;
                strongestBiomeIndex = i;

            //getting the height of the terrain
            float height = biomes[i].terrainHeight * Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), 2.5f, biomes[i].terrainScale) * weight;

            if (height > 0)
                sumOfHeights += height;

        //Set biome to one with strongest weight
        BiomeAttributes biome = biomes[strongestBiomeIndex];

        //Getting AVG of heights and the final terrain height
        sumOfHeights /= count;
        int terrainHeight = Mathf.FloorToInt(sumOfHeights + groundHeight);

        /*Basic terrain conditions*/
        byte voxelValue = 0;

        if (yPos == terrainHeight)
            voxelValue = biome.surfaceBlock;
        else if (yPos < terrainHeight && yPos > terrainHeight - 4)
            voxelValue = biome.subSurfaceBlock;
        else if (yPos > terrainHeight)
            voxelValue = 2;

        /* Second Pass for dirt and ores */
        if (voxelValue == 2)
            foreach (Lode lode in biome.lodes)
                if (yPos > lode.minHeight && yPos < lode.maxHeight)
                    if (Noise.Get3DPerlin(pos, lode.noiseOffset, lode.scale, lode.threshold))
                        voxelValue = lode.blockID;

        /* Third pass for trees */
        if (yPos == terrainHeight && biome.placeFlora)
            if (Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), 2.5f, biome.floraZoneScale) > biome.floraThreshhold)
                if (Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), 2.5f, biome.floraPlacementScale) > biome.floraPlacementThreshold)
                    mods.Enqueue(Structure.GenerateFlora(biome.floraIndex, pos, biome.HeightMin, biome.HeightMax));

Exemplo n.º 16
    public byte GetVoxel(Vector3 pos)
        int yPos = Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.y);

        //      -- IMMUTABLES --

        // Outside the world => air
        if (!IsVoxelInWorld(pos))

        // Bottom of chunk => bedrock
        if (yPos == 0)

        //      -- BIOME SELECT --

        int   solidGroundHeight = 42; // always solid below this level
        float sumOfHeights      = 0f;
        int   counter           = 0;

        (float weight, int biome_index)strongestWeight = (0, 0);

        for (int i = 0; i < biomes.Length; i++)
            float weight = Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), biomes[i].offset, biomes[i].scale);
            // Assign a "strongest" weight.
            if (weight > strongestWeight.weight)
                strongestWeight.weight      = weight;
                strongestWeight.biome_index = i;

            // Get biome's terrain height and mult. by weigth.
            float height = biomes[i].terrainHeight * Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), 0, biomes[i].terrainScale) * weight;

            if (height > 0)
                sumOfHeights += height;

        BiomeAttributes biome = biomes[strongestWeight.biome_index];

        sumOfHeights /= counter;

        int terrainHeight = Mathf.FloorToInt(sumOfHeights + solidGroundHeight);

        //      -- TERRAIN PASS --

        byte voxelValue = 0;

        if (yPos == terrainHeight)
            voxelValue = biome.surfaceBlock;
        else if (yPos < terrainHeight && yPos > terrainHeight - 4)
            voxelValue = biome.subSurfaceBlock;
        else if (yPos > terrainHeight)
            voxelValue = 2;

        //      -- SECOND PASS --

        if (voxelValue == 2)
            foreach (Lode l in biome.lodes)
                if (yPos > l.minHeight && yPos < l.maxHeight)
                    if (Noise.Get3DPerlin(pos, l.noiseOffset, l.scale, l.threshold))
                        voxelValue = l.blockID;

        //      -- FLORA PASS --

        if (yPos == terrainHeight && biome.placeBigFlora)
            if (Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), 0, biome.bigFloraZoneScale) > biome.bigFloraZoneTreshold)
                if (Noise.Get2DPerlin(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), 0, biome.bigFloraPlacementScale) > biome.bigFloraPlacementThreshold)
                    var test = Structure.GenerateBigFlora(biome.majorFloraIndex, pos, biome.minHeight, biome.maxHeight);
