//Updates the data of each databinder and plays the update animation if it is an animated list
    private IEnumerator UpdateWithAnimation(JSONNode json)
        //find what is lowest, the size fo the requested list or the current list
        int lowestCount = json.Count < Binders.Count ? json.Count : Binders.Count;

        float animationTimer = 0;

        foreach (DataBinder binder in Binders)
            binder.GetComponent <Animator>().SetTrigger(m_animationTriggerUpdate);
            animationTimer = binder.GetComponent <Animator>().GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).length;

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(animationTimer / 2));

        for (int i = 0; i < lowestCount; i++)

        //if there are more binders then needed, destroy the extra
        if (json.Count < Binders.Count)
            for (int i = json.Count - 1; i < Binders.Count; i++)

        //if there are too few binders, generate new ones as needed
        else if (json.Count > Binders.Count)
            int numberToGenerate = json.Count;

            if (m_isCapped)
                if (numberToGenerate > m_maxCount)
                    numberToGenerate = m_maxCount;

            for (int i = Binders.Count - 1; i < numberToGenerate; i++)
                DataBinder newInstance = Generator.GenerateSingleDataBinder(json[i], m_databinderPrefabToGenerate, m_holder);

                if (m_isAnimatedList)
                    if (m_databinderPrefabToGenerate.GetComponent <Animator>() == null)
                        Debug.LogError($"The prefab {m_databinderPrefabToGenerate.name} is missing an animator and you are trying to animate it");
                        newInstance.GetComponent <Animator>().SetTrigger(m_animationTriggerIn);