Exemplo n.º 1
        // handles incoming ack packets ('A' packets)
        public void APacketHandler(object source, PacketHandlerArgs e)
            //LogFile.WriteLine( "Processing 'A' packet: " );
            byte[] packet       = e.Data;
            int    nextposition = e.NextPosition;

            while (nextposition < packet.Length)
                short ackedpacketreference = (short)binarypacker.ReadValueFromBuffer(packet, ref nextposition, typeof(short));
                //  LogFile.WriteLine( "  ... Packet " + ackedpacketreference.ToString() + " acked" );
Exemplo n.º 2
        //   server sends C packet to client, which contains the shared key, and also the temporary client key the client sent
        //    server knows key now, client will receive it
        //    Packet format:   [int32 xxx][short xxx][char 'C'][temporary client key][shared key]
        //    server replies to any R packet, generating the shared key if the connection didnt exist before
        public void RPacketHandler(object source, PacketHandlerArgs e)
            if (isserver)
                byte[] packet           = e.Data;
                int    tempnextposition = e.NextPosition;
                int    tempclientkey    = (int)binarypacker.ReadValueFromBuffer(packet, ref tempnextposition, typeof(int));

                LogFile.WriteLine("R packet received, sending C packet, tempclientkey: " + tempclientkey.ToString() + " sharedkey: " + SharedSecretKey.ToString());

                byte[] newpacket = new byte[8];
                tempnextposition = 0;
                binarypacker.WriteValueToBuffer(newpacket, ref tempnextposition, tempclientkey);
                binarypacker.WriteValueToBuffer(newpacket, ref tempnextposition, SharedSecretKey);

                parent.SendNonAckable('C', newpacket);
                if (!Validated)
                    Validated = true;
                    LogFile.WriteLine("Shared key sent; marking connection open");
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void ReceivedPacketHandler(ConnectionInfo connection, byte[] packet, int nextposition, int length)
            //object connection = e.Connection;
            //byte[] packet = e.Data;
            //int nextposition = e.DataStartIndex;

            lasttimestamp = DateTime.Now;

            if (packet.Length >= 4 + 2 + 1)
                int   packetkey  = (int)binarypacker.ReadValueFromBuffer(packet, ref nextposition, typeof(int));
                short packetref  = (short)binarypacker.ReadValueFromBuffer(packet, ref nextposition, typeof(short));
                char  packetcode = (char)binarypacker.ReadValueFromBuffer(packet, ref nextposition, typeof(char));

                //LogFile.WriteLine( "Packet key: " + packetkey.ToString() + " packetref: " + packetref.ToString() + " packetcode: " + packetcode );

                if (unsafepackethandlers.Contains(packetcode))
                    //LogFile.WriteLine("calling unsafepackethandler...");
                    if (packetreferencecontroller.ValidateIncomingReference(packetref))
                        //LogFile.WriteLine("Incoming reference validated");
                        ((PacketHandler)unsafepackethandlers[packetcode])(this, new PacketHandlerArgs(
                                                                              packetkey, packetcode, packetref, packet, nextposition));
                    if (sharedsecretexchange.ValidateIncomingPacketKey(packetkey))
                        if (packetreferencecontroller.ValidateIncomingReference(packetref))
                            if (packethandlers.Contains(packetcode))
                                ((PacketHandler)packethandlers[packetcode])(this, new PacketHandlerArgs(
                                                                                packetkey, packetcode, packetref, packet, nextposition));
                            else if (parent.packetconsumers.ContainsKey(packetcode))
                                parent.packetconsumers[packetcode](this, packet, nextposition, length - nextposition);
                                LogFile.WriteLine("Warning: unknown packet code " + packetcode.ToString() + " " + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(packet, 0, packet.Length));
                        }// else silently ignore duplicate packet
                        if (isserver)
                            LogFile.WriteLine("WARNING: server received potentially spoofed packet allegedly from " + connection.ToString() + " " + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(packet, 0, packet.Length));
                            LogFile.WriteLine("WARNING: client received potentially spoofed packet allegedly from " + connection.ToString() + " " + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(packet, 0, packet.Length));
Exemplo n.º 4
        void network_ReceivedPacket(NetworkLevel2Connection connection, byte[] data, int offset, int length)
            //LogFile.WriteLine("rpc received packet " + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data, offset, length));
                if (length > 1)
                    int position = offset;
                    //char type = (char)binarypacker.ReadValueFromBuffer(data, ref position, typeof(Char));
                    //if (type == RpcType)
                    string typename   = (string)binarypacker.ReadValueFromBuffer(data, ref position, typeof(string));
                    string methodname = (string)binarypacker.ReadValueFromBuffer(data, ref position, typeof(string));
                    //        LogFile.WriteLine("Got rpc [" + typename + "] [" + methodname + "]");
                    if (TypeIsAllowed(typename))        // security check to prevent arbitrary activation
                    //if (ArrayHelper.IsInArray(allowedtypes, typename))
                        int    dotpos        = typename.LastIndexOf(".");
                        string namespacename = "";
                        string interfacename;
                        if (dotpos >= 0)
                            namespacename = typename.Substring(0, dotpos);
                            interfacename = typename.Substring(dotpos + 1);
                            interfacename = typename;
                        //                LogFile.WriteLine("[" + namespacename + "][" + interfacename + "]");

                        string serverwrapperclassname = "OSMP." + interfacename.Substring(1) + "";
                        //              LogFile.WriteLine("serverwrapperclassname [" + serverwrapperclassname + "]");
                        //if (namespacename != "")
                        //  serverwrapperclassname = namespacename + "." + serverwrapperclassname;

                        Type interfacetype = Type.GetType(typename);

                        string typenametoinstantiate = serverwrapperclassname + ", " + TargetAssemblyName;
                        LogFile.WriteLine("typenametoinstantiate: [" + typenametoinstantiate + "]");
                        Type serverwrapperttype = Type.GetType(serverwrapperclassname + ", " + TargetAssemblyName);

                        if (isserver)
                            LogFile.WriteLine("server RpcController, instantiating [" + serverwrapperttype + "]");
                            LogFile.WriteLine("client RpcController, instantiating [" + serverwrapperttype + "]");
                        object     serverwrapperobject = Activator.CreateInstance(serverwrapperttype, new object[] { connection.connectioninfo.Connection });
                        MethodInfo methodinfo          = serverwrapperttype.GetMethod(methodname);

                        ParameterInfo[] parameterinfos = methodinfo.GetParameters();
                        object[]        parameters     = new object[parameterinfos.GetLength(0)];
                        for (int i = 0; i < parameters.GetLength(0); i++)
                            parameters[i] = binarypacker.ReadValueFromBuffer(data, ref position, parameterinfos[i].ParameterType);

                        //foreach (object parameter in parameters)
                        //   LogFile.WriteLine(parameter.GetType().ToString() + " " + parameter.ToString());
                        methodinfo.Invoke(serverwrapperobject, parameters);
                        LogFile.WriteLine("Warning: unauthorized RPC type " + typename + ". Check has attribute [AuthorizedRpcInterface]");
            catch (Exception ex)