Exemplo n.º 1
        public MainViewModel()
            BinanceClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceClientOptions()
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials("bMNcUXrq4ZzUpMTM3jrNVqNIihI0sAeK6Zytudd7qEhCfyHdUPtL2uDmZSmEQ7J5 ", "qkA8T5Q6lNcUSTAhwi9jYaEbZpxmpvfoD0xB9ZdwLEEEQhYEqim1cJBjv2m1dNma"),
                LogVerbosity   = LogVerbosity.Debug,
                LogWriters     = new List <TextWriter> {
            BinanceSocketClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceSocketClientOptions()
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials("bMNcUXrq4ZzUpMTM3jrNVqNIihI0sAeK6Zytudd7qEhCfyHdUPtL2uDmZSmEQ7J5 ", "qkA8T5Q6lNcUSTAhwi9jYaEbZpxmpvfoD0xB9ZdwLEEEQhYEqim1cJBjv2m1dNma"),
                LogVerbosity   = LogVerbosity.Debug,
                LogWriters     = new List <TextWriter> {

            using (var client = new BinanceClient())
                var historicalTrades = client.GetHistoricalSymbolTrades("BNBBTC");

            var socketClient = new BinanceSocketClient();

            var successTrades = socketClient.SubscribeToTradeUpdates("bnbbtc", (data) =>
                Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
Exemplo n.º 2
        public BinanceAdapter(SubscriptionManager subMgr)
            _subMgr = subMgr;

            string BINANCE_API_KEY = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("BINANCE_API_KEY");
            string BINANCE_SECRET  = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("BINANCE_SECRET");

            ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
            BinanceSocketClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceSocketClientOptions()
                ApiCredentials = new CryptoExchange.Net.Authentication.ApiCredentials(BINANCE_API_KEY, BINANCE_SECRET),
                //    LogVerbosity = CryptoExchange.Net.Logging.LogVerbosity.Debug,
                //    LogWriters = { Console.Out }

            BinanceClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceClientOptions()
                ApiCredentials = new CryptoExchange.Net.Authentication.ApiCredentials(BINANCE_API_KEY, BINANCE_SECRET),
                LogVerbosity   = CryptoExchange.Net.Logging.LogVerbosity.Debug,
                LogWriters     = { Console.Out }

            socketClient = new BinanceSocketClient();

            _exchangeInfo = QueryExchangeInfo();
            _drift        = QueryDrift();
Exemplo n.º 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            BinanceClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceClientOptions()
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials("API KEY", "SECRET API KEY"),
                LogVerbosity   = LogVerbosity.Debug,
                LogWriters     = new List <TextWriter> {
            BinanceSocketClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceSocketClientOptions()
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials("API KEY", "SECRET API KEY"),
                LogVerbosity   = LogVerbosity.Debug,
                LogWriters     = new List <TextWriter> {

            Console.WriteLine("Введите торговую пару большими буквами без пробелов");
            couple = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.WriteLine("Введите количество монет, которыми будете торговать");
            coins = Convert.ToDecimal(Console.ReadLine());
            Console.WriteLine("Хотите скрыть консольное окно?");
            Console.WriteLine("0 - нет, 1 - да");
            trey = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
            ShowWindow(GetConsoleWindow(), 1); // 0 - свернуть в трей, 1 - показать консольное окно
            while (true)
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Authentication Information to access Binance API
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ApiKey"></param>
        /// <param name="ApiSecret"></param>
        public void AddAuthenticationInformation(string ApiKey, string ApiSecret)
            BinanceClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceClientOptions()
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials(ApiKey, ApiSecret),

            BinanceSocketClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceSocketClientOptions()
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials(ApiKey, ApiSecret),
Exemplo n.º 5
        // Initiate stream
        public static void InitiateStream(string binanceAPIKey, string binanceAPISecret, string symbol, string powerBIAPIURL)
            // Trade aggregations
            int     tradeCount         = 0;
            decimal cumulativeQuantity = 0;

            // Configure websocket
            BinanceSocketClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceSocketClientOptions()
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials(binanceAPIKey, binanceAPISecret),
                LogVerbosity   = LogVerbosity.None, // Change to Debug if required
                LogWriters     = new List <TextWriter> {

            var socketClient = new BinanceSocketClient();

            Console.WriteLine("Connecting to Binance Websocket @ " + socketClient.BaseAddress + "\n");

            // Binance exposes many streams and we can connect to whichever ones we want
            // Here we are connecting to trade updates for a specified pair
            var successSingleTicker = socketClient.Spot.SubscribeToTradeUpdates(symbol, data =>
                // Increment aggregations
                cumulativeQuantity += data.Quantity;

                // Create Trade instance
                var trade = new Trade(symbol, data.TradeTime, tradeCount, cumulativeQuantity, data.Price, data.Quantity);

                // Convert to string
                var jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(trade);

                // Write to console
                Console.WriteLine(jsonString + "\n");

                // Post to Power BI Streaming Dataset
                    var postToPowerBi = PowerBIPostAsync(powerBIAPIURL, "[" + jsonString + "]");
                catch (Exception e)

Exemplo n.º 6
 public void SetApiKeys(string ApiKey, string ApiSecret)
     BinanceClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceClientOptions()
         ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials(ApiKey, ApiSecret),
     this.Client = new BinanceClient();
     BinanceSocketClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceSocketClientOptions()
         ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials(ApiKey, ApiSecret),
     this.Socket = new BinanceSocketClient();
Exemplo n.º 7
 public void SetApiKeys(string ApiKey, string ApiSecret)
     BinanceClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceClientOptions()
         ApiCredentials        = new ApiCredentials(ApiKey, ApiSecret),
         RateLimitingBehaviour = CryptoExchange.Net.Objects.RateLimitingBehaviour.Wait
     this.Client = new BinanceClient();
     BinanceSocketClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceSocketClientOptions()
         ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials(ApiKey, ApiSecret),
     this.Socket = new BinanceSocketClient();
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static void BinanceMain()

            BinanceClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceClientOptions()
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials("p5X0rxCZaLKbzPJNAGOo2vQ6JusPbKU85dElpK6M81P4HneGm37F0dGNEOMsMaE6", "Flr5VPJiDTcElglnuvNz1JW6pmjBZKcxWUGUdcLhGS1L9CuBx43RuyXlFJN4V1xd"),
                LogVerbosity   = LogVerbosity.Debug
            BinanceSocketClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceSocketClientOptions()
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials("p5X0rxCZaLKbzPJNAGOo2vQ6JusPbKU85dElpK6M81P4HneGm37F0dGNEOMsMaE6", "Flr5VPJiDTcElglnuvNz1JW6pmjBZKcxWUGUdcLhGS1L9CuBx43RuyXlFJN4V1xd"),
                LogVerbosity   = LogVerbosity.Debug

            using (var client = new BinanceClient())
                var ping         = client.Ping();
                var exchangeInfo = client.GetExchangeInfo();
                var serverTime   = client.GetServerTime();
                //var orderBook = client.GetOrderBook("BNBBTC", 10);
                //var aggTrades = client.GetAggregatedTrades("BNBBTC", startTime: DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-2), endTime: DateTime.UtcNow, limit: 10);
                //var klines = client.GetKlines("BNBBTC", KlineInterval.OneHour, startTime: DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-10), endTime: DateTime.UtcNow, limit: 10);
                //var price = client.GetPrice("BNBBTC");
                //var prices24h = client.Get24HPrice("BNBBTC");
                //var allPrices = client.GetAllPrices();
                //var allBookPrices = client.GetAllBookPrices();
                //var historicalTrades = client.GetHistoricalTrades("BNBBTC");

                // Private
                //avar openOrders = client.GetOpenOrders("BNBBTC");
                //var allOrders = client.GetAllOrders("BNBBTC");
                //var testOrderResult = client.PlaceTestOrder("BNBBTC", OrderSide.Buy, OrderType.Limit, 1, price: 1, timeInForce: TimeInForce.GoodTillCancel);
                //var queryOrder = client.QueryOrder("BNBBTC", allOrders.Data[0].OrderId);
                //var orderResult = client.PlaceOrder("BNBBTC", OrderSide.Sell, OrderType.Limit, 10, price: 0.0002m, timeInForce: TimeInForce.GoodTillCancel);
                //var cancelResult = client.CancelOrder("BNBBTC", orderResult.Data.OrderId);
                //var accountInfo = client.GetAccountInfo();
                //var myTrades = client.GetMyTrades("BNBBTC");

                // Withdrawal/deposit
                var withdrawalHistory = client.GetWithdrawHistory();
                var depositHistory    = client.GetDepositHistory();
                var withdraw          = client.Withdraw("ASSET", "ADDRESS", 0);
        public MainWindowViewModel()
            TradingHistory = new ObservableCollectionExtended <BinanceOrder>();

            BinanceClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceClientOptions()
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials(_apiKey, _secretKey),
                LogVerbosity   = LogVerbosity.Debug,
                LogWriters     = new List <TextWriter> {
            BinanceSocketClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceSocketClientOptions()
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials(_apiKey, _secretKey),
                LogVerbosity   = LogVerbosity.Debug,
                LogWriters     = new List <TextWriter> {

            using (var client = new BinanceClient())
                var allOrders = client.GetAllOrders(_symbol);

                Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>

            //var socketClient = new BinanceSocketClient();

            //var successTrades = socketClient.subs("bnbbtc", (data) =>
            //    Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
            //    {
            //        TradingHistory.Add(data);
            //    });
Exemplo n.º 10
        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
        // For more information on how to configure your application, visit https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=398940
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

            // Register the clients, options can be provided in the callback parameter
            services.AddBinance((restClientOptions, socketClientOptions) => {
                restClientOptions.ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials("KEY", "SECRET");
                restClientOptions.LogLevel       = LogLevel.Trace;

                // Point the logging to use the ILogger configuration, which uses Serilog here
                restClientOptions.LogWriters = new List <ILogger> {
                    _loggerFactory.CreateLogger <IBinanceClient>()

                socketClientOptions.ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials("KEY", "SECRET");

            BinanceClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceClientOptions
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials("KEY", "SECRET"),
                LogLevel       = LogLevel.Trace

            BinanceSocketClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceSocketClientOptions
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials("KEY", "SECRET"),

            services.AddTransient <IBinanceClient, BinanceClient>();
            services.AddScoped <IBinanceSocketClient, BinanceSocketClient>();

Exemplo n.º 11
        public void Initialize()
            string apiKey    = "";
            string apiSecret = "";

            BinanceClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceClientOptions()
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials(apiKey, apiSecret),
                LogVerbosity   = LogVerbosity.Debug,
                LogWriters     = new List <TextWriter> {
            BinanceSocketClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceSocketClientOptions()
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials(apiKey, apiSecret),
                LogVerbosity   = LogVerbosity.Debug,
                LogWriters     = new List <TextWriter> {
Exemplo n.º 12
        //private IBinanceApiUser iuser;
        public VolumeInfo()
            enableTrading = chkLiveTrading.Checked;

            BinanceClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceClientOptions()
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials("", ""),
                LogVerbosity   = LogVerbosity.Debug //,
                                                    //LogWriters = Console.Out

            BinanceSocketClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceSocketClientOptions()
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials("", ""),
                LogVerbosity   = LogVerbosity.Debug //,
                                                    //LogWriters = Console.Out
            //BinanceDefaults.SetDefaultApiCredentials("", "");

            //RefreshButton.Visible = false;

            //this.loopThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.GetVolumes));

            this.backgroundWorkerView = new System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker();
            this.backgroundWorkerView.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(this.backgroundWorkerView_RunWorkerCompleted);
            this.backgroundWorkerView.DoWork             += new DoWorkEventHandler(backgroundWorkerView_DoWork);
            //Task.Run(() =>
Exemplo n.º 13
        public Instance(string pair, string api, string apisec)
            Logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();

            PairLink = pair;

            BinanceClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceClientOptions()
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials(api, apisec),
                LogVerbosity   = LogVerbosity.Debug

            BinanceSocketClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceSocketClientOptions()
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials(api, apisec),
                LogVerbosity   = LogVerbosity.Debug
            client = new BinanceClient();
            var accountInfo = client.GetAccountInfo();

            ListenerKey = client.StartUserStream().Data;
Exemplo n.º 14
        public Class1()
            BinanceClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceClientOptions()
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials("APIKEY", "ZkCeNPdKLjXFn9oQehoQwe226E6Z0iW5IOYcnHzMroE969XVuipu543A84uVkzE1"),
                LogVerbosity   = LogVerbosity.Debug,
                //                 LogWriter = Console.Out
            BinanceSocketClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceSocketClientOptions()
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials("APIKEY", "kTGx5jlVkCOvqVa95G1WQ3xa6B1aC5beJiBlQvbzKURvFPcQ4tudS0Hp8JSL3Kkv"),
                LogVerbosity   = LogVerbosity.Debug,
                //                LogWriter = Console.Out

            String   symbol = "POABTC";
            DateTime?fecha  = null;

            using (var client = new BinanceClient())
                 * while (true)
                 * {
                 *  fecha = new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Year, DateTime.UtcNow.Month, DateTime.UtcNow.Day, DateTime.UtcNow.Hour, DateTime.UtcNow.Minute, 0);
                 *  CallResult<BinanceKline[]> klines = client.GetKlines(symbol, KlineInterval.OneMinute, startTime: fecha.Value.AddMinutes(-1), endTime: fecha, limit: 1);
                 *  if (klines.Success) {
                 *      foreach (BinanceKline kline in klines.Data) {
                 *          printKline(kline, symbol);
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 *  Thread.Sleep(60000);
                 * }
                // Public

                 *              var ping = client.Ping();
                 *              var exchangeInfo = client.GetExchangeInfo();
                 *              var serverTime = client.GetServerTime();
                 *              var orderBook = client.GetOrderBook("BNBBTC", 10);
                 *              var aggTrades = client.GetAggregatedTrades("BNBBTC", startTime: DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-2), endTime: DateTime.UtcNow, limit: 10);
                DateTime inicio = new DateTime(2018, 4, 7, 14, 30, 0);
                DateTime fin    = new DateTime(2018, 4, 7, 16, 15, 0);
                var      klines = client.GetKlines(symbol, KlineInterval.FiveMinutes, startTime: inicio, endTime: fin);
                if (klines.Success)
                    foreach (BinanceKline kline in klines.Data)
                        printKline(kline, symbol);

 *              var price = client.GetPrice("BNBBTC");
 *              var prices24h = client.Get24HPrice("BNBBTC");
 *              var allPrices = client.GetAllPrices();
 *              var allBookPrices = client.GetAllBookPrices();
 *              var historicalTrades = client.GetHistoricalTrades("BNBBTC");
 *              // Private
 *                              var openOrders = client.GetOpenOrders("BNBBTC");
 *                              var allOrders = client.GetAllOrders("BNBBTC");
 *                              var testOrderResult = client.PlaceTestOrder("BNBBTC", OrderSide.Buy, OrderType.Limit, 1, price: 1, timeInForce: TimeInForce.GoodTillCancel);
 *                              var queryOrder = client.QueryOrder("BNBBTC", allOrders.Data[0].OrderId);
 *                              var orderResult = client.PlaceOrder("BNBBTC", OrderSide.Sell, OrderType.Limit, 10, price: 0.0002m, timeInForce: TimeInForce.GoodTillCancel);
 *                              var cancelResult = client.CancelOrder("BNBBTC", orderResult.Data.OrderId);
 *                              var accountInfo = client.GetAccountInfo();
 *                              var myTrades = client.GetMyTrades("BNBBTC");
 *                              // Withdrawal/deposit
 *                              var withdrawalHistory = client.GetWithdrawHistory();
 *                              var depositHistory = client.GetDepositHistory();
 *                              var withdraw = client.Withdraw("ASSET", "ADDRESS", 0);

 *          var socketClient = new BinanceSocketClient();
 *          // Streams
 *          var successDepth = socketClient.SubscribeToDepthStream("bnbbtc", (data) =>
 *          {
 *              // handle data
 *          });
 *          var successTrades = socketClient.SubscribeToTradesStream("bnbbtc", (data) =>
 *          {
 *              // handle data
 *          });
 *          var successKline = socketClient.  SubscribeToKlineStreamAsync("bnbbtc", KlineInterval.OneMinute, (data) =>
 *          {
 *              Console.Out.Write("PAR: " +  data.Data.Symbol + Environment.NewLine);
 *              Console.Out.Write("OPEN TIME: " + data.Data.OpenTime + Environment.NewLine);
 *              Console.Out.Write("CLOSE TIME: " + data.Data.CloseTime + Environment.NewLine);
 *              Console.Out.Write("OPEN: " + data.Data.Open + Environment.NewLine);
 *              Console.Out.Write("CLOSE: " + data.Data.Close + Environment.NewLine);
 *              Console.Out.Write("HIGH: " + data.Data.High + Environment.NewLine);
 *              Console.Out.Write("LOW: " + data.Data.Low + Environment.NewLine);
 *              Console.Out.Write("TRADES: " + data.Data.TradeCount + Environment.NewLine);
 *              Console.Out.Write("VOLUME: " + data.Data.Volume + Environment.NewLine);
 *              Console.Out.Write("=============== " + data.Data.Volume + Environment.NewLine);
 *          });
 *          var successTicker = socketClient.SubscribeToAllSymbolTicker((data) =>
 *          {
 *              // handle data
 *          });
 *          var successSingleTicker = socketClient.SubscribeToSymbolTicker("bnbbtc", (data) =>
 *          {
 *              // handle data
 *          });
 *          string listenKey;
 *          using (var client = new BinanceClient())
 *              listenKey = client.StartUserStream().Data.ListenKey;
 *          var successAccount = socketClient.SubscribeToUserStream(listenKey, data =>
 *          {
 *              // Hanlde account info data
 *          },
 *              data =>
 *              {
 *                  // Hanlde order update info data
 *              });
 *          socketClient.UnsubscribeAllStreams();
Exemplo n.º 15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var apikey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("apiKey");
            var secret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("apiKey");

            BinanceClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceClientOptions()
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials(apikey, secret),
                LogVerbosity   = LogVerbosity.Debug,
                LogWriters     = new List <TextWriter> {
            BinanceSocketClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceSocketClientOptions()
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials(apikey, secret),
                LogVerbosity   = LogVerbosity.Debug,
                LogWriters     = new List <TextWriter> {

            using (var client = new BinanceClient())
                // Spot.Market | Spot market info endpoints
                // Spot.Order | Spot order info endpoints
                // Spot.System | Spot system endpoints
                // Spot.UserStream | Spot user stream endpoints. Should be used to subscribe to a user stream with the socket client
                // Spot.Futures | Transfer to/from spot from/to the futures account + cross-collateral endpoints

                //client.Spot.Futures.TransferFuturesAccount("ASSET", 1, FuturesTransferType.FromSpotToUsdtFutures);

                //// FuturesCoin | Coin-M general endpoints
                //// FuturesCoin.Market | Coin-M futures market endpoints
                //// FuturesCoin.Order | Coin-M futures order endpoints
                //// FuturesCoin.Account | Coin-M account info
                //// FuturesCoin.System | Coin-M system endpoints
                //// FuturesCoin.UserStream | Coin-M user stream endpoints. Should be used to subscribe to a user stream with the socket client

                //// FuturesUsdt | USDT-M general endpoints
                //// FuturesUsdt.Market | USDT-M futures market endpoints
                //// FuturesUsdt.Order | USDT-M futures order endpoints
                //// FuturesUsdt.Account | USDT-M account info
                //// FuturesUsdt.System | USDT-M system endpoints
                //// FuturesUsdt.UserStream | USDT-M user stream endpoints. Should be used to subscribe to a user stream with the socket client

                // General | General/account endpoints

                // Lending | Lending endpoints

                //// Margin | Margin general/account info
                //// Margin.Market | Margin market endpoints
                //// Margin.Order | Margin order endpoints
                //// Margin.UserStream | Margin user stream endpoints. Should be used to subscribe to a user stream with the socket client
                //// Margin.IsolatedUserStream | Isolated margin user stream endpoints. Should be used to subscribe to a user stream with the socket client

                //// Mining | Mining endpoints

                //// SubAccount | Sub account management
                //client.SubAccount.TransferSubAccount("fromEmail", "toEmail", "asset", 1);

                //// Brokerage | Brokerage management

                //// WithdrawDeposit | Withdraw and deposit endpoints

            var socketClient = new BinanceSocketClient();

            // Spot | Spot market and user subscription methods
            socketClient.Spot.SubscribeToAllBookTickerUpdates(data =>
                // Handle data

            // FuturesCoin | Coin-M futures market and user subscription methods
            socketClient.FuturesCoin.SubscribeToAllBookTickerUpdates(data =>
                // Handle data

            // FuturesUsdt | USDT-M futures market and user subscription methods
            socketClient.FuturesUsdt.SubscribeToAllBookTickerUpdates(data =>
                // Handle data

            // Unsubscribe

Exemplo n.º 16
        static void Main(string[] args)
            BinanceClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceClientOptions()
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials("APIKEY", "APISECRET"),
                LogVerbosity   = LogVerbosity.Debug,
                LogWriters     = new List <TextWriter> {
            BinanceSocketClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceSocketClientOptions()
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials("APIKEY", "APISECRET"),
                LogVerbosity   = LogVerbosity.Debug,
                LogWriters     = new List <TextWriter> {

            using (var client = new BinanceClient())
                // Public
                var ping             = client.Ping();
                var exchangeInfo     = client.GetExchangeInfo();
                var serverTime       = client.GetServerTime();
                var orderBook        = client.GetOrderBook("BNBBTC", 10);
                var aggTrades        = client.GetAggregatedTrades("BNBBTC", startTime: DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-2), endTime: DateTime.UtcNow, limit: 10);
                var klines           = client.GetKlines("BNBBTC", KlineInterval.OneHour, startTime: DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-10), endTime: DateTime.UtcNow, limit: 10);
                var price            = client.GetPrice("BNBBTC");
                var prices24h        = client.Get24HPrice("BNBBTC");
                var allPrices        = client.GetAllPrices();
                var allBookPrices    = client.GetAllBookPrices();
                var historicalTrades = client.GetHistoricalTrades("BNBBTC");

                // Private
                var openOrders      = client.GetOpenOrders("BNBBTC");
                var allOrders       = client.GetAllOrders("BNBBTC");
                var testOrderResult = client.PlaceTestOrder("BNBBTC", OrderSide.Buy, OrderType.Limit, 1, price: 1, timeInForce: TimeInForce.GoodTillCancel);
                var queryOrder      = client.QueryOrder("BNBBTC", allOrders.Data[0].OrderId);
                var orderResult     = client.PlaceOrder("BNBBTC", OrderSide.Sell, OrderType.Limit, 10, price: 0.0002m, timeInForce: TimeInForce.GoodTillCancel);
                var cancelResult    = client.CancelOrder("BNBBTC", orderResult.Data.OrderId);
                var accountInfo     = client.GetAccountInfo();
                var myTrades        = client.GetMyTrades("BNBBTC");

                // Withdrawal/deposit
                var withdrawalHistory = client.GetWithdrawHistory();
                var depositHistory    = client.GetDepositHistory();
                var withdraw          = client.Withdraw("ASSET", "ADDRESS", 0);

            var socketClient = new BinanceSocketClient();
            // Streams
            var successDepth = socketClient.SubscribeToDepthStream("bnbbtc", (data) =>
                // handle data
            var successTrades = socketClient.SubscribeToTradesStream("bnbbtc", (data) =>
                // handle data
            var successKline = socketClient.SubscribeToKlineStream("bnbbtc", KlineInterval.OneMinute, (data) =>
                // handle data
            var successTicker = socketClient.SubscribeToAllSymbolTicker((data) =>
                // handle data
            var successSingleTicker = socketClient.SubscribeToSymbolTicker("bnbbtc", (data) =>
                // handle data

            string listenKey;

            using (var client = new BinanceClient())
                listenKey = client.StartUserStream().Data.ListenKey;

            var successAccount = socketClient.SubscribeToUserStream(listenKey, data =>
                // Hanlde account info data
                                                                    data =>
                // Hanlde order update info data


        public void AtualizaInformacoesResumo()
            List <EntMoeda> listaMoedas = new BllMoeda().ObterTodos("", "", 1);

            foreach (EntMoeda objMoeda in listaMoedas)
                if (objMoeda.OperacaoCompraAberta.IdOperacao > 0)
                    objMoeda.OperacaoCompraAberta = new BllOperacao().ObterPorId(objMoeda.OperacaoCompraAberta.IdOperacao);
                if (objMoeda.OperacaoVendaAberta.IdOperacao > 0)
                    objMoeda.OperacaoVendaAberta = new BllOperacao().ObterPorId(objMoeda.OperacaoVendaAberta.IdOperacao);

            BinanceClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceClientOptions()
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BinanceClientKey"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BinanceSecretKey"]),
                LogVerbosity   = LogVerbosity.Warning,
                LogWriters     = new List <TextWriter> {
            BinanceSocketClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BinanceSocketClientOptions()
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BinanceClientKey"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BinanceSecretKey"]),
                LogVerbosity   = LogVerbosity.Warning,
                LogWriters     = new List <TextWriter> {

            client = new BinanceClient();

            /*foreach (EntMoeda moeda in listaMoedas)
             * {
             *  if (moeda.IdMoeda == EntMoeda.MOEDA_ETH)
             *  {
             *      MonitorarVenda(moeda, new EntCarteira());
             *  }
             * }*/

            foreach (EntMoeda moeda in listaMoedas)

            while (true)
                if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(DataUltimaAtualizacao).TotalMilliseconds / 1000 >= StringUtils.ToInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SegundosAtualizacaoResumo"]))
                    DataUltimaAtualizacao = DateTime.Now;

                    foreach (EntMoeda moeda in listaMoedas)
                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5 * 1000);