public void DeleteTest() { Bill v = new Bill(); using (var context = new DataContext(_seed, DBTypeEnum.Memory)) { v.Id = 27; v.Title = "ySr5"; v.Money = 74; context.Set <Bill>().Add(v); context.SaveChanges(); } PartialViewResult rv = (PartialViewResult)_controller.Delete(v.ID); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(rv.Model, typeof(BillVM)); BillVM vm = rv.Model as BillVM; v = new Bill(); v.ID = vm.Entity.ID; vm.Entity = v; _controller.Delete(v.ID, null); using (var context = new DataContext(_seed, DBTypeEnum.Memory)) { Assert.AreEqual(context.Set <Bill>().Count(), 0); } }
public void CreateTest() { PartialViewResult rv = (PartialViewResult)_controller.Create(); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(rv.Model, typeof(BillVM)); BillVM vm = rv.Model as BillVM; Bill v = new Bill(); v.Id = 27; v.Title = "ySr5"; v.Money = 74; vm.Entity = v; _controller.Create(vm); using (var context = new DataContext(_seed, DBTypeEnum.Memory)) { var data = context.Set <Bill>().FirstOrDefault(); Assert.AreEqual(data.Id, 27); Assert.AreEqual(data.Title, "ySr5"); Assert.AreEqual(data.Money, 74); Assert.AreEqual(data.CreateBy, "user"); Assert.IsTrue(DateTime.Now.Subtract(data.CreateTime.Value).Seconds < 10); } }
public JsonResult SaveBill(BillVM B) { bool status = false; if (ModelState.IsValid) { using (ERP1DataContext dc = new ERP1DataContext()) { string Day = DateTime.Now.Day.ToString(); string Month = DateTime.Now.Month.ToString(); string Year = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(); Bill bill = new Bill { AppointmentID = B.AppointmentID, DoctorID = B.DoctorID, PatientID = B.PatientID, TotalAmount = decimal.Parse(B.TotalAmount), AddedDay = Day, AddedMonth = Month, AddedYear = Year }; foreach (var i in B.BillDetails) { // // i.TotalAmount = bill.BillDetails.Add(i); } dc.Bills.InsertOnSubmit(bill); dc.SubmitChanges(); status = true; return(new JsonResult { Data = new { status = status } }); } } return(new JsonResult { Data = new { status = status } }); }
public IActionResult AddService(int?id) { var bill = _context.Bill .FirstOrDefault(m => m.Bill_ID == id); var service = _context.Service_Detail.Where(p => p.Bill_ID == id) .Join(_context.Service, sd => sd.Service_ID, s => s.Service_ID, (sd, s) => new { Service = s }).ToList(); var servicelist = new List <ServiceVM>(); foreach (var item in service) { var ser_qty = _context.Service_Detail.Where(p => p.Bill_ID == id && p.Service_ID == item.Service.Service_ID).FirstOrDefault(); var ser_item = new ServiceVM { Service = item.Service, Service_Quantity = ser_qty.Service_Quantity, }; servicelist.Add(ser_item); } BillVM billVM = new BillVM { Bill = bill, ServiceVMs = servicelist, }; return(View()); }
// GET: Bill public ActionResult Index() { var model = new BillVM(); Session["LstProduct"] = new List <product>(); return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult AddBill(BillVM modelInput) { try { var model = Session["LstProduct"] as List <product>; if (model == null || model.Count == 0) { return(Json(new { status = false, msg = "Hóa đơn chưa tạo sản phẩm!" })); } var data = _customerRepository.GetCustomerById(modelInput.cutomer.user_cd); if (data == null) { return(Json(new { status = false, msg = "Chưa lựa chọn khách hàng" })); } var billPaymentOut = new bill_payment_out { customer_id = modelInput.cutomer.user_cd, customer_name =, price = model.Sum(x => x.price * x.amount), create_date = DateTime.Now, create_user = "" }; var lstdetails = new List <details_bill_payment_out>(); foreach (var item in model) { var details = new details_bill_payment_out { product_id =, amount = item.amount, price = item.price.ToString(), create_date = DateTime.Now, create_user = "" }; lstdetails.Add(details); } IBillPaymentOutRepository repository = new BillPaymentOutRopository(); var res = repository.Add(billPaymentOut, lstdetails); if (res) { return(Json(new { status = true })); } else { return(Json(new { status = false, msg = Constant.Msg007 })); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new { status = false, msg = ex.Message })); } }
public IActionResult UpdateBill([FromBody] BillVM bill) { try { _billService.UpdateBill(bill); return(Ok()); } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest(ex)); } }
public ActionResult BillView() { if (db.Account.Any()) { // BillVM objBill = new BillVM(); var cus = (from a in db.Account from c in db.Customer from n in db.Service where a.NewspaperId == n.Id && a.CustomerId == c.Id select new { Customer = c, Account = a, NewsPaper = n }).ToList(); // as IEnumerable<CounterVM>; List <BillVM> lstBill = new List <BillVM>(); foreach (var item in cus) { BillVM Bill = new BillVM(); Bill.BillNo = item.Account.BillNo.ToString(); Bill.CustomerId = item.Customer.CustomerId; Bill.fiscalyear = item.Account.FiscalYear; Bill.CustomerName = item.Customer.FirstName; Bill.PrintedDate = item.Account.Nepalidate; Bill.NewspaperName = item.NewsPaper.NewsPaperName; Bill.Address = item.Customer.Address; Bill.AccountId = item.Account.Id; lstBill.Add(Bill); } lstBill[0].BillNos = new SelectList(db.Account, "BillNo", "BillNo"); lstBill[0].Newspapers = new SelectList(db.Newspaper, "NewspaperName", "NewspaperName"); return(View(lstBill)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } }
public void EditTest() { Bill v = new Bill(); using (var context = new DataContext(_seed, DBTypeEnum.Memory)) { v.Id = 27; v.Title = "ySr5"; v.Money = 74; context.Set <Bill>().Add(v); context.SaveChanges(); } PartialViewResult rv = (PartialViewResult)_controller.Edit(v.ID); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(rv.Model, typeof(BillVM)); BillVM vm = rv.Model as BillVM; v = new Bill(); v.ID = vm.Entity.ID; v.Id = 22; v.Title = "1nG"; v.Money = 72; vm.Entity = v; vm.FC = new Dictionary <string, object>(); vm.FC.Add("Entity.Id", ""); vm.FC.Add("Entity.Title", ""); vm.FC.Add("Entity.Money", ""); _controller.Edit(vm); using (var context = new DataContext(_seed, DBTypeEnum.Memory)) { var data = context.Set <Bill>().FirstOrDefault(); Assert.AreEqual(data.Id, 22); Assert.AreEqual(data.Title, "1nG"); Assert.AreEqual(data.Money, 72); Assert.AreEqual(data.UpdateBy, "user"); Assert.IsTrue(DateTime.Now.Subtract(data.UpdateTime.Value).Seconds < 10); } }
public ActionResult Edit(BillVM vm) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(PartialView(vm)); } else { vm.DoEdit(); if (!ModelState.IsValid) { vm.DoReInit(); return(PartialView(vm)); } else { return(FFResult().CloseDialog().RefreshGridRow(vm.Entity.ID)); } } }
public ActionResult Create(BillVM vm) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(PartialView(vm)); } else { vm.DoAdd(); if (!ModelState.IsValid) { vm.DoReInit(); return(PartialView(vm)); } else { return(FFResult().CloseDialog().RefreshGrid()); } } }
public ActionResult AddProduct(BillVM modelProduct) { var model = Session["LstProduct"] as List <product>; var item = model.FirstOrDefault(x => ==; if (item != null) { =; item.amount = modelProduct.product.amount; item.price = modelProduct.product.price; } else { model.Add(modelProduct.product.GetEntity()); } return(Json(new { view = RenderRazorViewToString(ControllerContext, "LstView", model) })); //return PartialView(model); }
public ActionResult MyBill() { if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId(); var soldItems = db.Sales.Where(s => s.Product.UserId == userId && s.Payed == true).ToList(); var myCurrent = db.Bills.Where(b => b.UserId == userId).SingleOrDefault(); if (myCurrent != null) { var totalPrice = soldItems.Sum(s => s.Price); BillVM billVM = new BillVM() { LastRec = myCurrent.LastRec, TotalRec = myCurrent.TotalRec, Available = Convert.ToInt32(totalPrice) - myCurrent.TotalRec, Withdrawable = (Convert.ToInt32(totalPrice) - myCurrent.TotalRec) - 100, TimeOfLastRec = myCurrent.TimeOfLastRec ?? DateTime.Now }; return(View(billVM)); } else { BillVM billVM = new BillVM() { LastRec = 0, TotalRec = 0, Available = 0, Withdrawable = 0 }; return(View(billVM)); } } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Manage")); }
public void AddBill(BillVM billVM) { var bill = _mapper.Map <Bill>(billVM); _billRepository.Insert(bill); }
// GET: Bills/Details/5 public async Task <IActionResult> Details(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(NotFound()); } var bill = await _context.Bill .FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.Bill_ID == id); var room = await _context.RoomBooking.Where(p => p.Bill_ID == id) .GroupBy(d => new { d.Room_ID, d.Bill_ID }) .Select(m => new { m.Key.Room_ID, m.Key.Bill_ID }) .Join(_context.Room, rb => rb.Room_ID, r => r.Room_ID, (rb, r) => new { Room = r }).ToListAsync(); var roomlist = new List <RoomVM>(); foreach (var item in room) { var facility = await _context.Facility.Where(p => p.Fac_ID == item.Room.Fac_ID).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); var roomtype = await _context.RoomType.Where(p => p.RoomType_ID == item.Room.RoomType_ID).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); var fL = new List <Facility>(); var rL = new List <RoomType>(); fL.Add(facility); rL.Add(roomtype); var roomvmitem = new RoomVM { Room = item.Room, RoomTypes = rL, Facilities = fL, }; roomlist.Add(roomvmitem); } var service = await _context.Service_Detail .Join(_context.Service, sd => sd.Service_ID, s => s.Service_ID, (sd, s) => new { Service = s }).ToListAsync(); var servicelist = new List <ServiceVM>(); foreach (var item in service) { var ser_qty = await _context.Service_Detail.Where(p => p.Bill_ID == id && p.Service_ID == item.Service.Service_ID).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); var ser_item = new ServiceVM { Service = item.Service, Service_Quantity = ser_qty.Service_Quantity, }; servicelist.Add(ser_item); } BillVM billVM = new BillVM { Bill = bill, RoomVMs = roomlist, ServiceVMs = servicelist, }; if (bill == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(View(billVM)); }
static void ProductAndBill() { sql.NonQuery("TRUNCATE TABLE Bill"); sql.NonQuery("TRUNCATE TABLE BillDetail"); ClearProducts(); InsertProducts(); // Insert bill var b = new Bill { CreatedDate = DateTime.Now }; // Insert and return inserted id int billId = sql.NonQuery( "INSERT INTO Bill(CreatedDate) OUTPUT INSERTED.Id VALUES (@CreatedDate)", S.Param("@CreatedDate", b.CreatedDate, SqlDbType.DateTime2)); // Insert build detail var bds = new List <BillDetail> { new BillDetail { BillId = billId, ProductId = 1, Quantity = 5 }, new BillDetail { BillId = billId, ProductId = 2, Quantity = 3 }, new BillDetail { BillId = billId, ProductId = 3, Quantity = 4 }, }; // Insert bill detail information var values = new List <string>(); var @params = new List <SqlParameter>(); for (var i = 0; i < bds.Count; ++i) { values.Add(string.Format("(@BillId{0}, @ProductId{0}, @Quantity{0})", i)); @params.Add(S.Param("@BillId" + i, bds[i].BillId)); @params.Add(S.Param("@ProductId" + i, bds[i].ProductId)); @params.Add(S.Param("@Quantity" + i, bds[i].Quantity)); } sql.NonQuery( "INSERT INTO BillDetail(BillId, ProductId, Quantity) VALUES " + string.Join(", ", values.ToArray()), @params.ToArray()); // using "complex" t-sql // actually I don't recommend this way, let put everything in store procedure or view to make your code easier to debug, maintain. var bvm = new BillVM { Id = billId, Products = new Dictionary <ProductBasicInfo, int>() }; sql.Queries(@" SELECT bo.CreatedDate as [Date], p.Id as [ProdId], p.Name as [ProdName], bo.Quantity as [Qty] FROM ProductTbl as p JOIN (SELECT bi.Id, bi.CreatedDate, bd.ProductId, bd.Quantity FROM Bill as bi JOIN BillDetail as bd ON bi.Id = bd.BillId) as bo ON bo.Id = @Id AND p.Id = bo.ProductId", S.Param("@Id", billId)) .ForEach(x => { bvm.CreatedDate = (DateTime)x["Date"]; // assign multiple time is stupid, right? bvm.Products[new ProductBasicInfo { Id = (int)x["ProdId"], ProductName = (string)x["ProdName"] }] = (int)x["Qty"]; }); // show data Console.WriteLine("Bill: " + billId); Console.WriteLine("Created Date: " + bvm.CreatedDate.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Products:"); Console.WriteLine("============================================"); Console.WriteLine("Id |Name |Quantity "); Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------------------"); foreach (var item in bvm.Products) { Console.WriteLine( item.Key.Id.ToString().PadRight(7, ' ') + '|' + item.Key.ProductName.PadRight(26, ' ') + '|' + item.Value.ToString().PadRight(8, ' ')); } Console.WriteLine("============================================"); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void UpdateBill(BillVM billVM) { var bill = _mapper.Map <Bill>(billVM); _billRepository.Update(bill); }