public void ExecuteQuery()
            var projectId      = _fixture.ProjectId;
            var datasetId      = _fixture.GameDatasetId;
            var historyTableId = _fixture.HistoryTableId;

            // Snippet: ExecuteQuery
            BigqueryClient client = BigqueryClient.Create(projectId);
            BigqueryTable  table  = client.GetTable(datasetId, historyTableId);
            BigqueryResult result = client.ExecuteQuery(
                $@"SELECT player, MAX(score) AS score
                   FROM {table}
                   GROUP BY player
                   ORDER BY score DESC");

            foreach (var row in result.Rows)
                Console.WriteLine($"{row["player"]}: {row["score"]}");
            // End snippet

            var players = result.Rows.Select(r => (string)r["player"]).ToList();

            Assert.Contains("Ben", players);
            Assert.Contains("Nadia", players);
            Assert.Contains("Tim", players);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void TestImportFromCloudStorage()
            string datasetId         = "datasetForTestImportFromCloudStorage";
            string newTableId        = "tableForTestImportFromCloudStorage";
            string jsonGcsSampleFile = "sample.json";
            string gcsFolder         = "test";
            string gcsUploadTestWord = "exampleJsonFromGCS";

            CreateDataset(datasetId, _client);
            CreateTable(datasetId, newTableId, _client);
            // Import data.
            ImportDataFromCloudStorage(_projectId, datasetId, newTableId, _client,
                                       jsonGcsSampleFile, gcsFolder);
            // Run query to get table data.
            var            newTable = _client.GetTable(datasetId, newTableId);
            string         query    = $"SELECT title, unique_words FROM {newTable}";
            BigqueryResult results  = AsyncQuery(_projectId, datasetId, newTableId,
                                                 query, _client);
            // Get first row and confirm it contains the expected value.
            var row = results.Rows.First();

            Assert.Equal(gcsUploadTestWord, row["title"]);
            DeleteTable(datasetId, newTableId, _client);
            DeleteDataset(datasetId, _client);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void TestAsyncQuery()
            string         projectId = "bigquery-public-data";
            string         datasetId = "samples";
            string         tableId   = "shakespeare";
            var            table     = _client.GetTable(projectId, datasetId, tableId);
            string         query     = $"SELECT TOP(corpus, 42) as title, COUNT(*) as unique_words FROM {table}";
            BigqueryResult results   = AsyncQuery(projectId, datasetId, tableId, query, _client);

            Assert.True(results.Rows.Count() > 0);
        public void CopyTable()
            // TODO: Make this simpler in the wrapper
            var projectId          = _fixture.ProjectId;
            var datasetId          = _fixture.GameDatasetId;
            var historyTableId     = _fixture.HistoryTableId;
            var destinationTableId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace('-', '_');

            if (!WaitForStreamingBufferToEmpty(historyTableId))
                Console.WriteLine("Streaming buffer not empty after 30 seconds; not performing export");

            // Sample: CopyTable
            BigqueryClient client = BigqueryClient.Create(projectId);

            Job job = client.Service.Jobs.Insert(new Job
                Configuration = new JobConfiguration
                    Copy = new JobConfigurationTableCopy
                        DestinationTable = client.GetTableReference(datasetId, destinationTableId),
                        SourceTable      = client.GetTableReference(datasetId, historyTableId)
            }, projectId).Execute();

            // Wait until the copy has finished.

            // Now list its rows
            BigqueryResult result = client.ListRows(datasetId, destinationTableId);

            foreach (BigqueryResult.Row row in result.Rows)
                DateTime timestamp = (DateTime)row["game_started"];
                long     level     = (long)row["level"];
                long     score     = (long)row["score"];
                string   player    = (string)row["player"];
                Console.WriteLine($"{player}: {level}/{score} ({timestamp:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss})");
            // End sample

            var originalRows = client.ListRows(datasetId, historyTableId).Rows.Count();
            var copiedRows   = result.Rows.Count();

            Assert.Equal(originalRows, copiedRows);
Exemplo n.º 5
        // [END import_file_from_gcs]

        // [START sync_query]
        public BigqueryResult SyncQuery(string projectId, string datasetId, string tableId,
                                        string query, double timeoutMs, BigqueryClient client)
            var         table = client.GetTable(projectId, datasetId, tableId);
            BigqueryJob job   = client.CreateQueryJob(query,
                                                      new CreateQueryJobOptions {
                UseQueryCache = false
            // Get the query result, waiting for the timespan specified in milliseconds.
            BigqueryResult result = client.GetQueryResults(job.Reference,
                                                           new GetQueryResultsOptions {
                Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeoutMs)

        public void QueryOverview()
            string projectId = _fixture.ProjectId;

            // Sample: QueryOverview
            var client = BigqueryClient.Create(projectId);
            var table  = client.GetTable("bigquery-public-data", "samples", "shakespeare");

            string         sql   = $"SELECT TOP(corpus, 10) as title, COUNT(*) as unique_words FROM {table}";
            BigqueryResult query = client.ExecuteQuery(sql);

            foreach (BigqueryResult.Row row in query.Rows)
                Console.WriteLine($"{row["title"]}: {row["unique_words"]}");
            // End sample
Exemplo n.º 7
        // [END stream_row]

        // [START export_to_cloud_storage]
        public void ExportJsonToGcs(
            string datasetId, string tableId, string bucketName, string fileName, BigqueryClient client)
            StorageClient gcsClient   = StorageClient.Create();
            string        contentType = "application/json";
            // Get Table and append results into StringBuilder.
            BigqueryResult result = client.ListRows(datasetId, tableId);
            StringBuilder  sb     = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var row in result.Rows)
                sb.Append($"{{\"title\" : \"{row["title"]}\", \"unique_words\":\"{row["unique_words"]}\"}}{Environment.NewLine}");
            // Save stream to Google Cloud Storage.
            using (var stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sb.ToString())))
                var obj = gcsClient.UploadObject(bucketName, fileName, contentType, stream);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void TestImportDataFromStream()
            string datasetId         = "datasetForTestImportDataFromStream";
            string newTableId        = "tableForTestImportDataFromStream";
            string gcsUploadTestWord = "exampleJsonFromStream";

            CreateDataset(datasetId, _client);
            CreateTable(datasetId, newTableId, _client);
            // Import data.
            UploadJson(datasetId, newTableId, _client);
            // Query table to get first row and confirm it contains the expected value.
            var            newTable = _client.GetTable(datasetId, newTableId);
            string         query    = $"SELECT title, unique_words FROM {newTable}";
            BigqueryResult results  = AsyncQuery(_projectId, datasetId, newTableId, query, _client);
            var            row      = results.Rows.First();

            Assert.Equal(gcsUploadTestWord, row["title"]);
            DeleteTable(datasetId, newTableId, _client);
            DeleteDataset(datasetId, _client);
        public void CreateQueryJob()
            var projectId      = _fixture.ProjectId;
            var datasetId      = _fixture.GameDatasetId;
            var historyTableId = _fixture.HistoryTableId;
            var queryTableId   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace('-', '_');

            // Snippet: CreateQueryJob(*,*)
            BigqueryClient client      = BigqueryClient.Create(projectId);
            BigqueryTable  table       = client.GetTable(datasetId, historyTableId);
            TableReference destination = client.GetTableReference(datasetId, queryTableId);
            // If the destination table is not specified, the results will be stored in
            // a temporary table.
            BigqueryJob job = client.CreateQueryJob(
                $@"SELECT player, MAX(score) AS score
                   FROM {table}
                   GROUP BY player
                   ORDER BY score DESC",
                new CreateQueryJobOptions {
                DestinationTable = destination

            // Wait for the job to complete.

            // Then we can fetch the results, either via the job or by accessing
            // the destination table.
            BigqueryResult result = client.GetQueryResults(job.Reference);

            foreach (var row in result.Rows)
                Console.WriteLine($"{row["player"]}: {row["score"]}");
            // End snippet

            var players = result.Rows.Select(r => (string)r["player"]).ToList();

            Assert.Contains("Ben", players);
            Assert.Contains("Nadia", players);
            Assert.Contains("Tim", players);
        public void ListRows()
            string projectId = _fixture.ProjectId;
            string datasetId = _fixture.GameDatasetId;
            string tableId   = _fixture.HistoryTableId;

            // Snippet: ListRows(*,*,*)
            BigqueryClient client = BigqueryClient.Create(projectId);
            BigqueryResult result = client.ListRows(datasetId, tableId);

            foreach (BigqueryResult.Row row in result.Rows)
                DateTime timestamp = (DateTime)row["game_started"];
                long     level     = (long)row["level"];
                long     score     = (long)row["score"];
                string   player    = (string)row["player"];
                Console.WriteLine($"{player}: {level}/{score} ({timestamp:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss})");
            // End snippet

            // We set up 7 results in the fixture. Other tests may add more.
            Assert.True(result.Rows.Count() >= 7);
Exemplo n.º 11
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            string projectId = null;

            if (args.Length == 0)
                projectId = args[0];
                // [START setup]
                // By default, the Google.Bigquery.V2 library client will authenticate
                // using the service account file (created in the Google Developers
                // Console) specified by the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
                // environment variable. If you are running on
                // a Google Compute Engine VM, authentication is completely
                // automatic.
                var client = BigqueryClient.Create(projectId);
                // [END setup]
                // [START query]
                var table = client.GetTable("bigquery-public-data", "samples", "shakespeare");

                string         query  = $"SELECT TOP(corpus, 10) as title, COUNT(*) as unique_words FROM {table}";
                BigqueryResult result = client.ExecuteQuery(query);
                // [END query]
                // [START print_results]
                Console.Write("\nQuery Results:\n------------\n");
                foreach (var row in result.Rows)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{row["title"]}: {row["unique_words"]}");
                // [END print_results]
            Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key...");