/// <summary>
        /// Creates a new <see cref="AdGroupCriterion"/> configured for an
        /// <code>ADD</code> operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">The node whose criterion should be added.</param>
        /// <param name="adGroupId">The ad group ID of the criterion.</param>
        /// <param name="idGenerator">The temporary ID generator for new nodes.</param>
        /// <returns>An <see cref="AdGroupCriterion"/> object for <code>ADD</code>
        /// operation.</returns>
        internal static AdGroupCriterion CreateCriterionForAdd(ProductPartitionNode node,
        long adGroupId, TemporaryIdGenerator idGenerator)
            PreconditionUtilities.CheckNotNull(node, ShoppingMessages.NodeCannotBeNull);

              AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterion;

              if (node.IsExcludedUnit) {
            adGroupCriterion = new NegativeAdGroupCriterion();
              } else {
            adGroupCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion() {
              biddingStrategyConfiguration = node.GetBiddingConfig()
              adGroupCriterion.adGroupId = adGroupId;
              adGroupCriterion.criterion = node.GetCriterion();

              adGroupCriterion.criterion.id = node.ProductPartitionId;
              if (node.Parent != null) {
            (adGroupCriterion.criterion as ProductPartition).parentCriterionId =

              return adGroupCriterion;
    /// <summary>
    /// Runs the code example.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param>
    /// <param name="adGroupId">Id of the ad group to which keywords are added.
    /// </param>
    public void Run(AdWordsUser user, long adGroupId) {
      // Get the AdGroupCriterionService.
      AdGroupCriterionService adGroupCriterionService =
          (AdGroupCriterionService) user.GetService(

      List<AdGroupCriterionOperation> operations = new List<AdGroupCriterionOperation>();

      foreach (string keywordText in KEYWORDS) {
        // Create the keyword.
        Keyword keyword = new Keyword();
        keyword.text = keywordText;
        keyword.matchType = KeywordMatchType.BROAD;

        // Create the biddable ad group criterion.
        BiddableAdGroupCriterion keywordCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();
        keywordCriterion.adGroupId = adGroupId;
        keywordCriterion.criterion = keyword;

        // Optional: Set the user status.
        keywordCriterion.userStatus = UserStatus.PAUSED;

        // Optional: Set the keyword destination url.
        keywordCriterion.finalUrls = new UrlList() {
          urls = new string[] { "http://example.com/mars/cruise/?kw=" +
              HttpUtility.UrlEncode(keywordText) }

        // Create the operations.
        AdGroupCriterionOperation operation = new AdGroupCriterionOperation();
        operation.@operator = Operator.ADD;
        operation.operand = keywordCriterion;

      try {
        // Create the keywords.
        AdGroupCriterionReturnValue retVal = adGroupCriterionService.mutate(operations.ToArray());

        // Display the results.
        if (retVal != null && retVal.value != null) {
          foreach (AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterion in retVal.value) {
            // If you are adding multiple type of criteria, then you may need to
            // check for
            // if (adGroupCriterion is Keyword) { ... }
            // to identify the criterion type.
            Console.WriteLine("Keyword with ad group id = '{0}', keyword id = '{1}', text = " +
                "'{2}' and match type = '{3}' was created.", adGroupCriterion.adGroupId,
                adGroupCriterion.criterion.id, (adGroupCriterion.criterion as Keyword).text,
                (adGroupCriterion.criterion as Keyword).matchType);
        } else {
          Console.WriteLine("No keywords were added.");
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to create keywords.", e);
    /// <summary>
    /// Runs the code example.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param>
    /// <param name="adGroupId">Id of the ad group to which criteria are
    /// added.</param>
    public void Run(AdWordsUser user, long adGroupId) {
      // Get the AdGroupCriterionService.
      AdGroupCriterionService adGroupCriterionService =
          (AdGroupCriterionService) user.GetService(AdWordsService.v201509.AdGroupCriterionService);

      // Create biddable ad group criterion for gender
      Gender genderTarget = new Gender();
      // Criterion Id for male. The IDs can be found here
      // https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/appendix/genders
      genderTarget.id = 10;

      BiddableAdGroupCriterion genderBiddableAdGroupCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();
      genderBiddableAdGroupCriterion.adGroupId = adGroupId;
      genderBiddableAdGroupCriterion.criterion = genderTarget;

      // Create negative ad group criterion for age range
      AgeRange ageRangeNegative = new AgeRange();
      // Criterion Id for age 18 to 24. The IDs can be found here
      // https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/appendix/ages

      ageRangeNegative.id = 503001;
      NegativeAdGroupCriterion ageRangeNegativeAdGroupCriterion = new NegativeAdGroupCriterion();
      ageRangeNegativeAdGroupCriterion.adGroupId = adGroupId;
      ageRangeNegativeAdGroupCriterion.criterion = ageRangeNegative;

      // Create operations.
      AdGroupCriterionOperation genderBiddableAdGroupCriterionOperation =
          new AdGroupCriterionOperation();
      genderBiddableAdGroupCriterionOperation.operand = genderBiddableAdGroupCriterion;
      genderBiddableAdGroupCriterionOperation.@operator = Operator.ADD;

      AdGroupCriterionOperation ageRangeNegativeAdGroupCriterionOperation =
          new AdGroupCriterionOperation();
      ageRangeNegativeAdGroupCriterionOperation.operand = ageRangeNegativeAdGroupCriterion;
      ageRangeNegativeAdGroupCriterionOperation.@operator = Operator.ADD;

      AdGroupCriterionOperation[] operations = new AdGroupCriterionOperation[] {
          genderBiddableAdGroupCriterionOperation, ageRangeNegativeAdGroupCriterionOperation};

      try {
        // Add ad group criteria.
        AdGroupCriterionReturnValue result = adGroupCriterionService.mutate(operations);

        // Display ad group criteria.
        if (result != null && result.value != null) {
          foreach (AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterionResult in result.value) {
            Console.WriteLine("Ad group criterion with ad group id \"{0}\", criterion id " +
                "\"{1}\", and type \"{2}\" was added.", adGroupCriterionResult.adGroupId,
        } else {
          Console.WriteLine("No ad group criteria were added.");
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to create ad group criteria.", e);
    /// <summary>
    /// Runs the code example.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param>
    /// <param name="adGroupId">Id of the ad group to which placements are added.
    /// </param>
    public void Run(AdWordsUser user, long adGroupId) {
      // Get the AdGroupCriterionService.
      AdGroupCriterionService adGroupCriterionService =
          (AdGroupCriterionService) user.GetService(AdWordsService.v201509.AdGroupCriterionService);

      // Create the placement.
      Placement placement1 = new Placement();
      placement1.url = "http://mars.google.com";

      // Create biddable ad group criterion.
      AdGroupCriterion placementCriterion1 = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();
      placementCriterion1.adGroupId = adGroupId;
      placementCriterion1.criterion = placement1;

      // Create the placement.
      Placement placement2 = new Placement();
      placement2.url = "http://venus.google.com";

      // Create biddable ad group criterion.
      AdGroupCriterion placementCriterion2 = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();
      placementCriterion2.adGroupId = adGroupId;
      placementCriterion2.criterion = placement2;

      // Create the operations.
      AdGroupCriterionOperation placementOperation1 = new AdGroupCriterionOperation();
      placementOperation1.@operator = Operator.ADD;
      placementOperation1.operand = placementCriterion1;

      AdGroupCriterionOperation placementOperation2 = new AdGroupCriterionOperation();
      placementOperation2.@operator = Operator.ADD;
      placementOperation2.operand = placementCriterion2;

      try {
        // Create the placements.
        AdGroupCriterionReturnValue retVal = adGroupCriterionService.mutate(
            new AdGroupCriterionOperation[] {placementOperation1, placementOperation2});

        // Display the results.
        if (retVal != null && retVal.value != null) {
          foreach (AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterion in retVal.value) {
            // If you are adding multiple type of criteria, then you may need to
            // check for
            // if (adGroupCriterion is Placement) { ... }
            // to identify the criterion type.
            Console.WriteLine("Placement with ad group id = '{0}, placement id = '{1}, url = " +
                "'{2}' was created.", adGroupCriterion.adGroupId,
                adGroupCriterion.criterion.id, (adGroupCriterion.criterion as Placement).url);
        } else {
          Console.WriteLine("No placements were added.");
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to create placements.", e);
    /// <summary>
    /// Runs the code example.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param>
    /// <param name="adGroupId">Id of the ad group that contains the keyword.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="keywordId">Id of the keyword to be updated.</param>
    public void Run(AdWordsUser user, long adGroupId, long keywordId) {
      // Get the AdGroupCriterionService.
      AdGroupCriterionService adGroupCriterionService =
          (AdGroupCriterionService) user.GetService(AdWordsService.v201509.AdGroupCriterionService);

      // Since we are not updating any keyword-specific fields, it is enough to
      // create a criterion object.
      Criterion criterion = new Criterion();
      criterion.id = keywordId;

      // Create ad group criterion.
      BiddableAdGroupCriterion biddableAdGroupCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();
      biddableAdGroupCriterion.adGroupId = adGroupId;
      biddableAdGroupCriterion.criterion = criterion;

      // Create the bids.
      BiddingStrategyConfiguration biddingConfig = new BiddingStrategyConfiguration();
      CpcBid cpcBid = new CpcBid();
      cpcBid.bid = new Money();
      cpcBid.bid.microAmount = 1000000;
      biddingConfig.bids = new Bids[] {cpcBid};

      biddableAdGroupCriterion.biddingStrategyConfiguration = biddingConfig;

      // Create the operation.
      AdGroupCriterionOperation operation = new AdGroupCriterionOperation();
      operation.@operator = Operator.SET;
      operation.operand = biddableAdGroupCriterion;

      try {
        // Update the keyword.
        AdGroupCriterionReturnValue retVal =
            adGroupCriterionService.mutate(new AdGroupCriterionOperation[] {operation});

        // Display the results.
        if (retVal != null && retVal.value != null && retVal.value.Length > 0) {
          AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterion = retVal.value[0];
          long bidAmount = 0;
          foreach (Bids bids in (adGroupCriterion as BiddableAdGroupCriterion).
              biddingStrategyConfiguration.bids) {
            if (bids is CpcBid) {
              bidAmount = (bids as CpcBid).bid.microAmount;

          Console.WriteLine("Keyword with ad group id = '{0}', id = '{1}' was updated with " +
              "bid amount = '{2}' micros.", adGroupCriterion.adGroupId,
              adGroupCriterion.criterion.id, bidAmount);
        } else {
          Console.WriteLine("No keyword was updated.");
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to update keyword.", e);
    /// <summary>
    /// Runs the code example.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param>
    /// <param name="adGroupId">Id of the ad group that contains the keyword.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="keywordId">Id of the keyword to be removed.</param>
    public void Run(AdWordsUser user, long adGroupId, long keywordId) {
      // Get the AdGroupCriterionService.
      AdGroupCriterionService adGroupCriterionService = (AdGroupCriterionService)user.GetService(

      // Create base class criterion to avoid setting keyword-specific fields.
      Criterion criterion = new Criterion();
      criterion.id = keywordId;

      // Create the ad group criterion.
      BiddableAdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();
      adGroupCriterion.adGroupId = adGroupId;
      adGroupCriterion.criterion = criterion;

      // Create the operation.
      AdGroupCriterionOperation operation = new AdGroupCriterionOperation();
      operation.operand = adGroupCriterion;
      operation.@operator = Operator.REMOVE;

      try {
        // Remove the keyword.
        AdGroupCriterionReturnValue retVal = adGroupCriterionService.mutate(
            new AdGroupCriterionOperation[] {operation});

        // Display the results.
        if (retVal != null && retVal.value != null && retVal.value.Length > 0) {
          AdGroupCriterion removedKeyword = retVal.value[0];
          Console.WriteLine("Keyword with ad group id = \"{0}\" and id = \"{1}\" was removed.",
              removedKeyword.adGroupId, removedKeyword.criterion.id);
        } else {
          Console.WriteLine("No keywords were removed.");
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to remove keyword.", e);
            /// <summary>
            /// Creates the unit.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="parent">The node that should be this node's parent.
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="value">The value being paritioned on.</param>
            /// <param name="bidAmount">The amount to bid for matching products,
            /// in micros.</param>
            /// <param name="isNegative">True, if this is negative criterion, false
            /// otherwise.</param>
            /// <returns>A new unit node.</returns>
            public ProductPartition CreateUnit(ProductPartition parent, ProductDimension value,
          long bidAmount, bool isNegative)
                ProductPartition unit = new ProductPartition();
                unit.partitionType = ProductPartitionType.UNIT;

                // The root node has neither a parent nor a value.
                if (parent != null) {
                  unit.parentCriterionId = parent.id;
                  unit.caseValue = value;

                AdGroupCriterion criterion;

                if (isNegative) {
                  criterion = new NegativeAdGroupCriterion();
                } else {
                  BiddingStrategyConfiguration biddingStrategyConfiguration =
                  new BiddingStrategyConfiguration();

                  CpcBid cpcBid = new CpcBid();
                  cpcBid.bid = new Money();
                  cpcBid.bid.microAmount = bidAmount;
                  biddingStrategyConfiguration.bids = new Bids[] { cpcBid };

                  criterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();
                  (criterion as BiddableAdGroupCriterion).biddingStrategyConfiguration =

                criterion.adGroupId = this.adGroupId;
                criterion.criterion = unit;


                return unit;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a web page criterion to target Dynamic Search Ads.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param>
        /// <param name="adGroupId">The ad group ID.</param>
        /// <returns>The newly created web page criterion.</returns>
        private static BiddableAdGroupCriterion AddWebPageCriteria(AdWordsUser user, long adGroupId)
            using (AdGroupCriterionService adGroupCriterionService =
                           AdWordsService.v201802.AdGroupCriterionService)) {
                // Create a webpage criterion for special offers for mars cruise.
                WebpageParameter param = new WebpageParameter {
                    criterionName = "Special offers for mars"

                WebpageCondition urlCondition = new WebpageCondition {
                    operand  = WebpageConditionOperand.URL,
                    argument = "/marscruise/special"

                WebpageCondition titleCondition = new WebpageCondition {
                    operand  = WebpageConditionOperand.PAGE_TITLE,
                    argument = "Special Offer"

                param.conditions = new WebpageCondition[] { urlCondition, titleCondition };

                Webpage webpage = new Webpage {
                    parameter = param

                // Create biddable ad group criterion.
                BiddableAdGroupCriterion biddableAdGroupCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion {
                    adGroupId  = adGroupId,
                    criterion  = webpage,
                    userStatus = UserStatus.PAUSED

                // Optional: set a custom bid.
                BiddingStrategyConfiguration biddingStrategyConfiguration =
                    new BiddingStrategyConfiguration();
                CpcBid bid = new CpcBid()
                    bid = new Money()
                        microAmount = 10000000L
                biddingStrategyConfiguration.bids = new Bids[] { bid };
                biddableAdGroupCriterion.biddingStrategyConfiguration = biddingStrategyConfiguration;

                // Create the operation.
                AdGroupCriterionOperation operation = new AdGroupCriterionOperation {
                    @operator = Operator.ADD,
                    operand   = biddableAdGroupCriterion

                try {
                    AdGroupCriterionReturnValue result = adGroupCriterionService.mutate(
                        new AdGroupCriterionOperation[] { operation });

                    BiddableAdGroupCriterion newCriterion = (BiddableAdGroupCriterion)result.value[0];
                    Console.WriteLine("Webpage criterion with ID = '{0}' was added to ad group ID '{1}'.",
                                      newCriterion.criterion.id, newCriterion.adGroupId);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to create webpage criterion.", e);
    /// <summary>
    /// Runs the code example.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param>
    /// <param name="adGroupId">Id of the ad group to which keywords are added.
    /// </param>
    public void Run(AdWordsUser user, long adGroupId) {
      // Get the AdGroupCriterionService.
      AdGroupCriterionService adGroupCriterionService =
          (AdGroupCriterionService) user.GetService(AdWordsService.v201509.AdGroupCriterionService);

      // Set partial failure mode for the service.
      adGroupCriterionService.RequestHeader.partialFailure = true;

      List<AdGroupCriterionOperation> operations = new List<AdGroupCriterionOperation>();

      // Create the keywords.
      string[] keywords = new String[] {"mars cruise", "inv@lid cruise", "venus cruise",
          "b(a)d keyword cruise"};

      foreach (String keywordText in keywords) {
        Keyword keyword = new Keyword();
        keyword.text = keywordText;
        keyword.matchType = KeywordMatchType.BROAD;

        // Create biddable ad group criterion.
        BiddableAdGroupCriterion keywordBiddableAdGroupCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();
        keywordBiddableAdGroupCriterion.adGroupId = adGroupId;
        keywordBiddableAdGroupCriterion.criterion = keyword;

        // Create the operation.
        AdGroupCriterionOperation keywordAdGroupCriterionOperation =
            new AdGroupCriterionOperation();
        keywordAdGroupCriterionOperation.operand = keywordBiddableAdGroupCriterion;
        keywordAdGroupCriterionOperation.@operator = Operator.ADD;

      try {
        // Create the keywords.
        AdGroupCriterionReturnValue result = adGroupCriterionService.mutate(operations.ToArray());

        // Display the results.
        if (result != null && result.value != null) {
          foreach (AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterionResult in result.value) {
            if (adGroupCriterionResult.criterion != null) {
              Console.WriteLine("Keyword with ad group id '{0}', criterion id '{1}', and " +
                  "text '{2}' was added.\n", adGroupCriterionResult.adGroupId,
                  ((Keyword) adGroupCriterionResult.criterion).text);
        } else {
          Console.WriteLine("No keywords were added.");

        // Display the partial failure errors.
        if (result != null && result.partialFailureErrors != null) {
          foreach (ApiError apiError in result.partialFailureErrors) {
            int operationIndex = ErrorUtilities.GetOperationIndex(apiError.fieldPath);
            if (operationIndex != -1) {
              AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterion = operations[operationIndex].operand;
              Console.WriteLine("Keyword with ad group id '{0}' and text '{1}' "
                  + "triggered a failure for the following reason: '{2}'.\n",
                  adGroupCriterion.adGroupId, ((Keyword) adGroupCriterion.criterion).text,
            } else {
              Console.WriteLine("A failure for the following reason: '{0}' has occurred.\n",
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to add keywords in partial failure mode.",
        internal override void ProcessMappingsFromRowValues(RowValues values)
            BiddableAdGroupCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion
                CriterionBid = new FixedBid
                    Type = "FixedBid"
                Criterion = new Product
                    Type = "Product"
                Type = "BiddableAdGroupCriterion"

            values.ConvertToEntity(this, Mappings);
Exemplo n.º 11
            /// <summary>
            /// Sets the Add action for a new AdGroupCriterion corresponding to the specified ProductCondition, 
            /// and adds it to the helper's list of AdGroupCriterionAction. 
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="parent">The parent of the product partition unit that you want to add.</param>
            /// <param name="condition">The condition or product filter for the new product partition.</param>
            /// <param name="bidAmount">The bid amount for the new product partition.</param>
            /// <param name="isNegative">Indicates whether or not to add a NegativeAdGroupCriterion. 
            /// The default value is false, in which case a BiddableAdGroupCriterion will be added.</param>
            /// <returns>The ad group criterion that was added to the list of PartitionActions.</returns>
            public AdGroupCriterion AddUnit(
                AdGroupCriterion parent,
                ProductCondition condition,
                double bidAmount,
                bool isNegative
                AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterion;

                if (isNegative)
                    adGroupCriterion = new NegativeAdGroupCriterion();
                    adGroupCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion()
                        CriterionBid = new FixedBid() {
                            Bid = new Bid() {
                                Amount = bidAmount

                adGroupCriterion.Criterion = new ProductPartition()
                    // If the root node is a unit, it would not have a parent
                    ParentCriterionId = parent != null ? parent.Id : null,
                    Condition = condition,
                    PartitionType = ProductPartitionType.Unit

                adGroupCriterion.AdGroupId = this.adGroupId;

                var partitionAction = new AdGroupCriterionAction()
                    Action = ItemAction.Add,
                    AdGroupCriterion = adGroupCriterion


                return adGroupCriterion;
        public async override Task RunAsync(AuthorizationData authorizationData)
                CampaignManagementExampleHelper CampaignManagementExampleHelper = new CampaignManagementExampleHelper(this.OutputStatusMessage);
                CampaignManagementExampleHelper.CampaignManagementService = new ServiceClient <ICampaignManagementService>(authorizationData);

                // Get a list of all Bing Merchant Center stores associated with your CustomerId

                IList <BMCStore> stores = (await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.GetBMCStoresByCustomerIdAsync())?.BMCStores;
                if (stores == null)
                        string.Format("You do not have any BMC stores registered for CustomerId {0}.\n", authorizationData.CustomerId)

                #region ManageCampaign

                /* Add a new Bing Shopping campaign that will be associated with a ProductScope criterion.
                 *  - Set the CampaignType element of the Campaign to Shopping.
                 *  - Create a ShoppingSetting instance and set its Priority (0, 1, or 2), SalesCountryCode, and StoreId elements.
                 *    Add this shopping setting to the Settings list of the Campaign.

                var campaigns = new[] {
                    new Campaign
                        CampaignType = CampaignType.Shopping,
                        Settings     = new[] {
                            new ShoppingSetting()
                                Priority         = 0,
                                SalesCountryCode = "US",
                                StoreId          = (int)stores[0].Id
                        Name        = "Bing Shopping Campaign " + DateTime.UtcNow,
                        Description = "Bing Shopping Campaign Example.",

                        // You must choose to set either the shared  budget ID or daily amount.
                        // You can set one or the other, but you may not set both.
                        BudgetId    = null,
                        DailyBudget = 50,
                        BudgetType  = BudgetLimitType.DailyBudgetStandard,

                        TimeZone = "PacificTimeUSCanadaTijuana",

                        // Used with CustomParameters defined in lower level entities such as ad group criterion.
                        TrackingUrlTemplate =

                AddCampaignsResponse addCampaignsResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.AddCampaignsAsync(authorizationData.AccountId, campaigns);

                long?[]      campaignIds    = addCampaignsResponse.CampaignIds.ToArray();
                BatchError[] campaignErrors = addCampaignsResponse.PartialErrors.ToArray();
                long campaignId = (long)campaignIds[0];

                /* Optionally, you can create a ProductScope criterion that will be associated with your Bing Shopping campaign.
                 * Use the product scope criterion to include a subset of your product catalog, for example a specific brand,
                 * category, or product type. A campaign can only be associated with one ProductScope, which contains a list
                 * of up to 7 ProductCondition. You'll also be able to specify more specific product conditions for each ad group.

                var campaignCriterions = new BiddableCampaignCriterion[] {
                    new BiddableCampaignCriterion()
                        CampaignId   = campaignId,
                        CriterionBid = null,  // Not applicable for product scope
                        Criterion    = new ProductScope()
                            Conditions = new ProductCondition[] {
                                new ProductCondition {
                                    Operand   = "Condition",
                                    Attribute = "New"
                                new ProductCondition {
                                    Operand   = "CustomLabel0",
                                    Attribute = "MerchantDefinedCustomLabel"

                var addCampaignCriterionsResponse = await(CampaignManagementExampleHelper.AddCampaignCriterionsAsync(

                #endregion ManageCampaign

                #region ManageAdGroup

                // Create the ad group that will have the product partitions.

                var adGroups = new[] {
                    new AdGroup
                        Name      = "Product Categories",
                        StartDate = null,
                        EndDate   = new Microsoft.BingAds.V12.CampaignManagement.Date {
                            Month = 12,
                            Day   = 31,
                            Year  = DateTime.UtcNow.Year + 1
                        Language = "English",
                        CpcBid   = new Bid {
                            Amount = 0.090

                AddAdGroupsResponse addAdGroupsResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.AddAdGroupsAsync((long)campaignId, adGroups, null);

                long?[]      adGroupIds    = addAdGroupsResponse.AdGroupIds.ToArray();
                BatchError[] adGroupErrors = addAdGroupsResponse.PartialErrors.ToArray();
                long adGroupId = (long)adGroupIds[0];

                #region BidAllProducts

                var helper = new PartitionActionHelper(adGroupId);

                var root = helper.AddUnit(
                    new ProductCondition {
                    Operand = "All", Attribute = null

                OutputStatusMessage("Applying only the root as a Unit with a bid . . . \n");
                var applyProductPartitionActionsResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.ApplyProductPartitionActionsAsync(helper.PartitionActions);

                var adGroupCriterions = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.GetAdGroupCriterionsByIdsAsync(

                OutputStatusMessage("The ad group's product partition only has a tree root node: \n");

                 * Let's update the bid of the root Unit we just added.

                BiddableAdGroupCriterion updatedRoot = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion
                    Id           = applyProductPartitionActionsResponse.AdGroupCriterionIds[0],
                    CriterionBid = new FixedBid
                        Amount = 0.45

                helper = new PartitionActionHelper(adGroupId);

                OutputStatusMessage("Updating the bid for the tree root node . . . \n");
                await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.ApplyProductPartitionActionsAsync(helper.PartitionActions);

                adGroupCriterions = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.GetAdGroupCriterionsByIdsAsync(

                OutputStatusMessage("Updated the bid for the tree root node: \n");

                #endregion BidAllProducts

                #region InitializeTree

                 * Now we will overwrite any existing tree root, and build a product partition group tree structure in multiple steps.
                 * You could build the entire tree in a single call since there are less than 5,000 nodes; however,
                 * we will build it in steps to demonstrate how to use the results from ApplyProductPartitionActions to update the tree.
                 * For a list of validation rules, see the Product Ads technical guide:
                 * https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/bingads/guides/product-ads

                helper = new PartitionActionHelper(adGroupId);

                 * Check whether a root node exists already.
                adGroupCriterions = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.GetAdGroupCriterionsByIdsAsync(

                var existingRoot = GetRootNode(adGroupCriterions?.AdGroupCriterions);
                if (existingRoot != null)

                root = helper.AddSubdivision(
                    new ProductCondition {
                    Operand = "All", Attribute = null

                 * The direct children of any node must have the same Operand.
                 * For this example we will use CategoryL1 nodes as children of the root.
                 * For a list of valid CategoryL1 through CategoryL5 values, see the Bing Category Taxonomy:
                 * http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?LinkId=507666
                var animalsSubdivision = helper.AddSubdivision(
                    new ProductCondition {
                    Operand = "CategoryL1", Attribute = "Animals & Pet Supplies"

                 * If you use a CategoryL2 node, it must be a descendant (child or later) of a CategoryL1 node.
                 * In other words you cannot have a CategoryL2 node as parent of a CategoryL1 node.
                 * For this example we will a CategoryL2 node as child of the CategoryL1 Animals & Pet Supplies node.
                var petSuppliesSubdivision = helper.AddSubdivision(
                    new ProductCondition {
                    Operand = "CategoryL2", Attribute = "Pet Supplies"

                var brandA = helper.AddUnit(
                    new ProductCondition {
                    Operand = "Brand", Attribute = "Brand A"

                 * If you won't bid on Brand B, set the helper method's bidAmount to '0' and isNegative to true.
                 * The helper method will create a NegativeAdGroupCriterion and apply the condition.
                var brandB = helper.AddUnit(
                    new ProductCondition {
                    Operand = "Brand", Attribute = "Brand B"

                var otherBrands = helper.AddUnit(
                    new ProductCondition {
                    Operand = "Brand", Attribute = null

                var otherPetSupplies = helper.AddUnit(
                    new ProductCondition {
                    Operand = "CategoryL2", Attribute = null

                var electronics = helper.AddUnit(
                    new ProductCondition {
                    Operand = "CategoryL1", Attribute = "Electronics"

                var otherCategoryL1 = helper.AddUnit(
                    new ProductCondition {
                    Operand = "CategoryL1", Attribute = null

                OutputStatusMessage("Applying product partitions to the ad group . . . \n");
                applyProductPartitionActionsResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.ApplyProductPartitionActionsAsync(helper.PartitionActions);

                // To retrieve product partitions after they have been applied, call GetAdGroupCriterionsByIds.
                // The product partition with ParentCriterionId set to null is the root node.

                adGroupCriterions = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.GetAdGroupCriterionsByIdsAsync(

                 * The product partition group tree now has 9 nodes.
                 * All other (Root Node)
                 +-- Animals & Pet Supplies (CategoryL1)
                 |    |
                 |    +-- Pet Supplies (CategoryL2)
                 |    |    |
                 |    |    +-- Brand A
                 |    |    |
                 |    |    +-- Brand B
                 |    |    |
                 |    |    +-- All other (Brand)
                 |    |
                 |    +-- All other (CategoryL2)
                 +-- Electronics (CategoryL1)
                 +-- All other (CategoryL1)

                OutputStatusMessage("The product partition group tree now has 9 nodes: \n");

                #endregion InitializeTree

                #region UpdateTree

                 * Let's replace the Electronics (CategoryL1) node created above with an Electronics (CategoryL1) node that
                 * has children i.e. Brand C (Brand), Brand D (Brand), and All other (Brand) as follows:
                 *  Electronics (CategoryL1)
                 +-- Brand C (Brand)
                 +-- Brand D (Brand)
                 +-- All other (Brand)

                helper = new PartitionActionHelper(adGroupId);

                 * To replace a node we must know its Id and its ParentCriterionId. In this case the parent of the node
                 * we are replacing is All other (Root Node), and was created at Index 1 of the previous ApplyProductPartitionActions call.
                 * The node that we are replacing is Electronics (CategoryL1), and was created at Index 8.
                var rootId = applyProductPartitionActionsResponse.AdGroupCriterionIds[1];
                electronics.Id = applyProductPartitionActionsResponse.AdGroupCriterionIds[8];

                var parent = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion()
                    Id = rootId

                var electronicsSubdivision = helper.AddSubdivision(
                    new ProductCondition {
                    Operand = "CategoryL1", Attribute = "Electronics"

                var brandC = helper.AddUnit(
                    new ProductCondition {
                    Operand = "Brand", Attribute = "Brand C"

                var brandD = helper.AddUnit(
                    new ProductCondition {
                    Operand = "Brand", Attribute = "Brand D"

                var otherElectronicsBrands = helper.AddUnit(
                    new ProductCondition {
                    Operand = "Brand", Attribute = null

                    "Updating the product partition group to refine Electronics (CategoryL1) with 3 child nodes . . . \n"
                applyProductPartitionActionsResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.ApplyProductPartitionActionsAsync(helper.PartitionActions);

                adGroupCriterions = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.GetAdGroupCriterionsByIdsAsync(

                 * The product partition group tree now has 12 nodes, including the children of Electronics (CategoryL1):
                 * All other (Root Node)
                 +-- Animals & Pet Supplies (CategoryL1)
                 |    |
                 |    +-- Pet Supplies (CategoryL2)
                 |    |    |
                 |    |    +-- Brand A
                 |    |    |
                 |    |    +-- Brand B
                 |    |    |
                 |    |    +-- All other (Brand)
                 |    |
                 |    +-- All other (CategoryL2)
                 +-- Electronics (CategoryL1)
                 |    |
                 |    +-- Brand C (Brand)
                 |    |
                 |    +-- Brand D (Brand)
                 |    |
                 |    +-- All other (Brand)
                 +-- All other (CategoryL1)

                    "The product partition group tree now has 12 nodes, including the children of Electronics (CategoryL1): \n"

                #endregion UpdateTree

                #endregion ManageAdGroup

                #region ManageAds

                 * Create a product ad. You must add at least one product ad to the ad group.
                 * The product ad identifier can be used for reporting analytics.
                 * Use Merchant Promotions if you want tags to appear at the bottom of your product ad
                 * as "special offer" links, helping to increase customer engagement. For details
                 * on Merchant Promotions see https://help.bingads.microsoft.com/#apex/3/en/56805/0.

                var ads = new Ad[] {
                    new ProductAd {

                AddAdsResponse addAdsResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.AddAdsAsync((long)adGroupIds[0], ads);

                long?[]      adIds    = addAdsResponse.AdIds.ToArray();
                BatchError[] adErrors = addAdsResponse.PartialErrors.ToArray();

                #endregion ManageAds

                #region CleanUp

                /* Delete the campaign, ad group, criterion, and ad that were previously added.
                 * You should remove this region if you want to view the added entities in the
                 * Bing Ads web application or another tool.

                await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.DeleteCampaignsAsync(authorizationData.AccountId, new[] { campaignId });

                OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Deleted Campaign Id {0}\n", campaignId));

                #endregion CleanUp
            // Catch authentication exceptions
            catch (OAuthTokenRequestException ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Couldn't get OAuth tokens. Error: {0}. Description: {1}", ex.Details.Error, ex.Details.Description));
            // Catch Campaign Management service exceptions
            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.BingAds.V12.CampaignManagement.AdApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.Errors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.BingAds.V12.CampaignManagement.ApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.OperationErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.BatchErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.BingAds.V12.CampaignManagement.EditorialApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.OperationErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.BatchErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            catch (Exception ex)
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the code example.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param>
        /// <param name="adGroupId">Id of the ad group that contains the placement.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="placementId">Id of the placement to be updated.</param>
        public void Run(AdWordsUser user, long adGroupId, long placementId)
            // Get the AdGroupCriterionService.
            AdGroupCriterionService adGroupCriterionService =

            // Since we are not updating any placement-specific fields, it is enough to
            // create a criterion object.
            Criterion criterion = new Criterion();

            criterion.id = placementId;

            // Create ad group criterion.
            BiddableAdGroupCriterion biddableAdGroupCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();

            biddableAdGroupCriterion.adGroupId = adGroupId;
            biddableAdGroupCriterion.criterion = criterion;

            // Create the bids.
            BiddingStrategyConfiguration biddingConfig = new BiddingStrategyConfiguration();
            CpmBid cpmBid = new CpmBid();

            cpmBid.bid             = new Money();
            cpmBid.bid.microAmount = 1000000;
            biddingConfig.bids     = new Bids[] { cpmBid };

            biddableAdGroupCriterion.biddingStrategyConfiguration = biddingConfig;

            // Create the operation.
            AdGroupCriterionOperation operation = new AdGroupCriterionOperation();

            operation.@operator = Operator.SET;
            operation.operand   = biddableAdGroupCriterion;

            try {
                // Update the placement.
                AdGroupCriterionReturnValue retVal =
                    adGroupCriterionService.mutate(new AdGroupCriterionOperation[] { operation });

                // Display the results.
                if (retVal != null && retVal.value != null && retVal.value.Length > 0)
                    AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterion = retVal.value[0];
                    long             bidAmount        = 0;
                    foreach (Bids bids in (adGroupCriterion as BiddableAdGroupCriterion).
                        if (bids is CpmBid)
                            bidAmount = (bids as CpmBid).bid.microAmount;
                    Console.WriteLine("Placement with ad group id = '{0}', id = '{1}' was updated with " +
                                      "bid amount = '{2}' micros.", adGroupCriterion.adGroupId,
                                      adGroupCriterion.criterion.id, bidAmount);
                    Console.WriteLine("No placement was updated.");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to update placement.", ex);
        public async override Task RunAsync(AuthorizationData authorizationData)
                ApiEnvironment environment = ((OAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant)authorizationData.Authentication).Environment;

                AdInsightExampleHelper AdInsightExampleHelper = new AdInsightExampleHelper(
                    OutputStatusMessageDefault: this.OutputStatusMessage);
                AdInsightExampleHelper.AdInsightService = new ServiceClient <IAdInsightService>(
                    authorizationData: authorizationData,
                    environment: environment);

                CampaignManagementExampleHelper CampaignManagementExampleHelper = new CampaignManagementExampleHelper(
                    OutputStatusMessageDefault: this.OutputStatusMessage);
                CampaignManagementExampleHelper.CampaignManagementService = new ServiceClient <ICampaignManagementService>(
                    authorizationData: authorizationData,
                    environment: environment);

                // To get started with dynamic search ads, first you'll need to add a new Campaign
                // with its type set to DynamicSearchAds. When you create the campaign, you'll need to
                // include a DynamicSearchAdsSetting that specifies the target website domain and language.

                var campaigns = new[] {
                    new Campaign
                        BudgetType   = Microsoft.BingAds.V12.CampaignManagement.BudgetLimitType.DailyBudgetStandard,
                        DailyBudget  = 50,
                        CampaignType = CampaignType.DynamicSearchAds,
                        Description  = "Red shoes line.",
                        Languages    = new string[] { "All" },
                        Name         = "Women's Shoes " + DateTime.UtcNow,
                        TimeZone     = "PacificTimeUSCanadaTijuana",
                        Settings     = new [] {
                            new DynamicSearchAdsSetting
                                DomainName = "contoso.com",
                                Language   = "English"

                AddCampaignsResponse addCampaignsResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.AddCampaignsAsync(
                    accountId : authorizationData.AccountId,
                    campaigns : campaigns,
                    includeDynamicSearchAdsSource : true);

                long?[] campaignIds = addCampaignsResponse.CampaignIds.ToArray();
                Microsoft.BingAds.V12.CampaignManagement.BatchError[] campaignErrors = addCampaignsResponse.PartialErrors.ToArray();

                // Create a new ad group within the dynamic search ads campaign.

                var adGroups = new[] {
                    new AdGroup
                        Name      = "Women's Red Shoe Sale",
                        StartDate = null,
                        EndDate   = new Date {
                            Month = 12,
                            Day   = 31,
                            Year  = DateTime.UtcNow.Year + 1
                        CpcBid = new Bid {
                            Amount = 0.09

                AddAdGroupsResponse addAdGroupsResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.AddAdGroupsAsync(
                    campaignId : (long)campaignIds[0],
                    adGroups : adGroups,
                    returnInheritedBidStrategyTypes : false);

                long?[] adGroupIds = addAdGroupsResponse.AdGroupIds.ToArray();
                Microsoft.BingAds.V12.CampaignManagement.BatchError[] adGroupErrors = addAdGroupsResponse.PartialErrors.ToArray();

                // You can add one or more Webpage criteria to each ad group that helps determine
                // whether or not to serve dynamic search ads.

                var adGroupCriterions = new List <AdGroupCriterion>();

                var adGroupWebpagePositivePageContent = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion
                    AdGroupId    = (long)adGroupIds[0],
                    CriterionBid = new FixedBid
                        Amount = 0.50
                    Criterion = new Webpage
                        Parameter = new WebpageParameter
                            Conditions = new[]
                                new WebpageCondition
                                    Argument = "flowers",
                                    Operand  = WebpageConditionOperand.PageContent,
                            CriterionName = "Ad Group Webpage Positive Page Content Criterion"

                // To discover the categories that you can use for Webpage criteria (positive or negative),
                // use the GetDomainCategories operation with the Ad Insight service.

                var getDomainCategoriesResponse = await AdInsightExampleHelper.GetDomainCategoriesAsync(
                    categoryName : null,
                    domainName : DOMAIN_NAME,
                    language : LANGUAGE);

                var categories = getDomainCategoriesResponse.Categories;

                // If any categories are available let's use one as a condition.

                if (categories.Count > 0)
                    var adGroupWebpagePositiveCategory = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion
                        AdGroupId    = (long)adGroupIds[0],
                        CriterionBid = new FixedBid
                            Amount = 0.50
                        Criterion = new Webpage
                            Parameter = new WebpageParameter
                                Conditions = new[]
                                    new WebpageCondition
                                        Argument = categories[0].CategoryName,
                                        Operand  = WebpageConditionOperand.Category,
                                CriterionName = "Ad Group Webpage Positive Category Criterion"

                // If you want to exclude certain portions of your website, you can add negative Webpage
                // criterion at the campaign and ad group level.

                var adGroupWebpageNegativeUrl = new NegativeAdGroupCriterion
                    AdGroupId = (long)adGroupIds[0],
                    Criterion = new Webpage
                        Parameter = new WebpageParameter
                            // You can choose whether you want the criterion argument to match partial URLs,
                            // page content, page title, or categories that Bing thinks applies to your website.
                            Conditions = new[]
                                new WebpageCondition
                                    Argument = DOMAIN_NAME,
                                    Operand  = WebpageConditionOperand.Url,
                            // If you do not specify any name, then it will be set to a concatenated list of conditions.
                            CriterionName = null

                AddAdGroupCriterionsResponse addAdGroupCriterionsResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.AddAdGroupCriterionsAsync(
                    adGroupCriterions : adGroupCriterions,
                    criterionType : AdGroupCriterionType.Webpage);

                long?[] adGroupCriterionIds = addAdGroupCriterionsResponse.AdGroupCriterionIds.ToArray();
                BatchErrorCollection[] adGroupCriterionErrors =

                // The negative Webpage criterion at the campaign level applies to all ad groups
                // within the campaign; however, if you define ad group level negative Webpage criterion,
                // the campaign criterion is ignored for that ad group.

                var campaignCriterions      = new List <CampaignCriterion>();
                var campaignWebpageNegative = new NegativeCampaignCriterion
                    CampaignId = (long)campaignIds[0],
                    Criterion  = new Webpage
                        Parameter = new WebpageParameter
                            Conditions = new[]
                                new WebpageCondition
                                    Argument = DOMAIN_NAME + "\\seattle",
                                    Operand  = WebpageConditionOperand.Url,
                            CriterionName = "Campaign Negative Webpage Url Criterion"

                AddCampaignCriterionsResponse addCampaignCriterionsResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.AddCampaignCriterionsAsync(
                    campaignCriterions : campaignCriterions,
                    criterionType : CampaignCriterionType.Webpage);

                long?[] campaignCriterionIds = addCampaignCriterionsResponse.CampaignCriterionIds.ToArray();
                BatchErrorCollection[] campaignCriterionErrors =

                // Finally you must add at least one DynamicSearchAd into the ad group. The ad title and display URL
                // are generated automatically based on the website domain and language that you want to target.

                var ads = new Ad[] {
                    new DynamicSearchAd
                        Text  = "Find New Customers & Increase Sales! Start Advertising on Contoso Today.",
                        Path1 = "seattle",
                        Path2 = "shoe sale",
                        // You cannot set FinalUrls for dynamic search ads.
                        // The Final URL will be a dynamically selected landing page.
                        // The final URL is distinct from the path that customers will see and click on in your ad.
                        FinalUrls = null,

                AddAdsResponse addAdsResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.AddAdsAsync(
                    adGroupId : (long)adGroupIds[0],
                    ads : ads);

                long?[] adIds = addAdsResponse.AdIds.ToArray();
                Microsoft.BingAds.V12.CampaignManagement.BatchError[] adErrors = addAdsResponse.PartialErrors.ToArray();

                // Delete the campaign and everything it contains e.g., ad groups and ads.

                await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.DeleteCampaignsAsync(
                    accountId : authorizationData.AccountId,
                    campaignIds : new[] { (long)campaignIds[0] });

                OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Deleted Campaign Id {0}", campaignIds[0]));
            // Catch authentication exceptions
            catch (OAuthTokenRequestException ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Couldn't get OAuth tokens. Error: {0}. Description: {1}", ex.Details.Error, ex.Details.Description));
            // Catch Campaign Management service exceptions
            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.BingAds.V12.CampaignManagement.AdApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.Errors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.BingAds.V12.CampaignManagement.ApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.OperationErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.BatchErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.BingAds.V12.CampaignManagement.EditorialApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.OperationErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.BatchErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            catch (Exception ex)
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the code example.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param>
        /// <param name="adGroupId">Id of the ad group to which keywords are added.
        /// </param>
        public void Run(AdWordsUser user, long adGroupId)
            // Get the AdGroupCriterionService.
            AdGroupCriterionService adGroupCriterionService =

            // Set partial failure mode for the service.
            adGroupCriterionService.RequestHeader.partialFailure = true;

            List <AdGroupCriterionOperation> operations = new List <AdGroupCriterionOperation>();

            // Create the placements.
            string[] urls = new String[] { "http://mars.google.com", "http:/mars.google.com",
                                           "mars.google.com" };

            foreach (String url in urls)
                Placement placement = new Placement();
                placement.url = url;

                // Create biddable ad group criterion.
                BiddableAdGroupCriterion placementBiddableAdGroupCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();
                placementBiddableAdGroupCriterion.adGroupId = adGroupId;
                placementBiddableAdGroupCriterion.criterion = placement;

                // Create the operation.
                AdGroupCriterionOperation placementAdGroupCriterionOperation =
                    new AdGroupCriterionOperation();
                placementAdGroupCriterionOperation.operand   = placementBiddableAdGroupCriterion;
                placementAdGroupCriterionOperation.@operator = Operator.ADD;

            try {
                // Create the placements.
                AdGroupCriterionReturnValue result = adGroupCriterionService.mutate(operations.ToArray());

                // Display the results.
                if (result != null && result.value != null)
                    foreach (AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterionResult in result.value)
                        if (adGroupCriterionResult.criterion != null)
                            Console.WriteLine("Placement with ad group id '{0}', and criterion " +
                                              "id '{1}', and url '{2}' was added.\n", adGroupCriterionResult.adGroupId,
                    Console.WriteLine("No placements were added.");

                // Display the partial failure errors.
                if (result != null && result.partialFailureErrors != null)
                    foreach (ApiError apiError in result.partialFailureErrors)
                        int operationIndex = ErrorUtilities.GetOperationIndex(apiError.fieldPath);
                        if (operationIndex != -1)
                            AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterion = operations[operationIndex].operand;
                            Console.WriteLine("Placement with ad group id '{0}' and url '{1}' "
                                              + "triggered a failure for the following reason: '{2}'.\n",
                                              adGroupCriterion.adGroupId, ((Placement)adGroupCriterion.criterion).url,
                            Console.WriteLine("A failure for the following reason: '{0}' has occurred.\n",
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to add placements in partial failure mode.",
        public async override Task RunAsync(AuthorizationData authorizationData)
                ApiEnvironment environment = ((OAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant)authorizationData.Authentication).Environment;

                CampaignManagementExampleHelper CampaignManagementExampleHelper =
                    new CampaignManagementExampleHelper(this.OutputStatusMessage);
                CampaignManagementExampleHelper.CampaignManagementService =
                    new ServiceClient <ICampaignManagementService>(authorizationData, environment);

                // Setup an Audience campaign with one ad group and a responsive ad.

                var campaigns = new[] {
                    new Campaign
                        // CampaignType must be set for Audience campaigns
                        CampaignType = CampaignType.Audience,
                        // Languages must be set for Audience campaigns
                        Languages   = new string[] { "All" },
                        Name        = "Women's Shoes " + DateTime.UtcNow,
                        Description = "Red shoes line.",
                        DailyBudget = 50,
                        BudgetType  = BudgetLimitType.DailyBudgetStandard,
                        TimeZone    = "PacificTimeUSCanadaTijuana",

                var adGroups = new[] {
                    new AdGroup
                        Name      = "Women's Red Shoe Sale",
                        StartDate = null,
                        EndDate   = new Date {
                            Month = 12,
                            Day   = 31,
                            Year  = DateTime.UtcNow.Year + 1
                        CpcBid = new Bid {
                            Amount = 0.09
                        // Language cannot be set for ad groups in Audience campaigns
                        Language = null,
                        // Network cannot be set for ad groups in Audience campaigns
                        Network  = null,
                        Settings = new[]
                            new TargetSetting
                                // By including the corresponding TargetSettingDetail,
                                // this example sets the "target and bid" option for
                                // CompanyName, Industry, and JobFunction. We will only deliver ads to
                                // people who meet at least one of your criteria.
                                // By default the "bid only" option is set for Audience, Age, and Gender.
                                // We will deliver ads to all audiences, ages, and genders, if they meet
                                // your company name, industry, or job function criteria.
                                Details = new []
                                    new TargetSettingDetail
                                        CriterionTypeGroup = CriterionTypeGroup.CompanyName,
                                        TargetAndBid       = true
                                    new TargetSettingDetail
                                        CriterionTypeGroup = CriterionTypeGroup.Industry,
                                        TargetAndBid       = true
                                    new TargetSettingDetail
                                        CriterionTypeGroup = CriterionTypeGroup.JobFunction,
                                        TargetAndBid       = true

                var ads = new Ad[] {
                    new ResponsiveAd
                        // Not applicable for responsive ads
                        AdFormatPreference = null,
                        BusinessName       = "Contoso",
                        CallToAction       = CallToAction.AddToCart,
                        // Not applicable for responsive ads
                        DevicePreference = null,
                        EditorialStatus  = null,
                        FinalAppUrls     = null,
                        FinalMobileUrls  = new[] {
                        FinalUrls = new[] {
                        ForwardCompatibilityMap = null,
                        Headline = "Fast & Easy Setup",
                        Id       = null,
                        LandscapeImageMediaId = LandscapeImageMediaId,
                        LandscapeLogoMediaId  = LandscapeLogoMediaId,
                        LongHeadline          = "Find New Customers & Increase Sales!",
                        SquareImageMediaId    = SquareImageMediaId,
                        SquareLogoMediaId     = SquareLogoMediaId,
                        Status = null,
                        Text   = "Find New Customers & Increase Sales! Start Advertising on Contoso Today.",
                        TrackingUrlTemplate = null,
                        Type = null,
                        UrlCustomParameters = null,

                // Add the campaign, ad group, and ad

                AddCampaignsResponse addCampaignsResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.AddCampaignsAsync(

                long?[]      campaignIds    = addCampaignsResponse.CampaignIds.ToArray();
                BatchError[] campaignErrors = addCampaignsResponse.PartialErrors.ToArray();

                AddAdGroupsResponse addAdGroupsResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.AddAdGroupsAsync(

                long?[]      adGroupIds    = addAdGroupsResponse.AdGroupIds.ToArray();
                BatchError[] adGroupErrors = addAdGroupsResponse.PartialErrors.ToArray();

                AddAdsResponse addAdsResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.AddAdsAsync((long)adGroupIds[0], ads);

                long?[]      adIds    = addAdsResponse.AdIds.ToArray();
                BatchError[] adErrors = addAdsResponse.PartialErrors.ToArray();

                // Whether or not the "target and bid" option has been set for a given
                // criterion type group, you can set bid adjustments for specific criteria.

                var adGroupCriterions = new List <AdGroupCriterion>();

                var adGroupCompanyNameCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion
                    AdGroupId    = (long)adGroupIds[0],
                    CriterionBid = new FixedBid
                        Amount = 0.50
                    Criterion = new ProfileCriterion
                        ProfileId   = 808251207, // Microsoft
                        ProfileType = ProfileType.CompanyName

                var adGroupIndustryCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion
                    AdGroupId    = (long)adGroupIds[0],
                    CriterionBid = new FixedBid
                        Amount = 0.50
                    Criterion = new ProfileCriterion
                        ProfileId   = 807658654, // Computer & Network Security
                        ProfileType = ProfileType.Industry

                var adGroupJobFunctionCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion
                    AdGroupId    = (long)adGroupIds[0],
                    CriterionBid = new FixedBid
                        Amount = 0.50
                    Criterion = new ProfileCriterion
                        ProfileId   = 807658477, // Engineering
                        ProfileType = ProfileType.JobFunction

                // Exclude ages twenty-five through thirty-four.

                var adGroupNegativeAgeCriterion = new NegativeAdGroupCriterion
                    AdGroupId = (long)adGroupIds[0],
                    Criterion = new AgeCriterion
                        AgeRange = AgeRange.TwentyFiveToThirtyFour

                OutputStatusMessage("Adding Ad Group Criteria . . . \n");
                AddAdGroupCriterionsResponse addAdGroupCriterionsResponse =
                    await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.AddAdGroupCriterionsAsync(

                long?[] adGroupCriterionIds = addAdGroupCriterionsResponse.AdGroupCriterionIds.ToArray();
                OutputStatusMessage("New Ad Group Criterion Ids:\n");
                BatchErrorCollection[] adGroupCriterionErrors =
                OutputStatusMessage("\nAddAdGroupCriterions Errors:\n");

                // Delete the campaign, ad group, criteria, and ad that were previously added.
                // You should remove this line if you want to view the added entities in the
                // Bing Ads web application or another tool.

                await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.DeleteCampaignsAsync(authorizationData.AccountId, new[] { (long)campaignIds[0] });

                OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("\nDeleted Campaign Id {0}\n", campaignIds[0]));
            // Catch authentication exceptions
            catch (OAuthTokenRequestException ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Couldn't get OAuth tokens. Error: {0}. Description: {1}", ex.Details.Error, ex.Details.Description));
            // Catch Campaign Management service exceptions
            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.BingAds.V12.CampaignManagement.AdApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.Errors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.BingAds.V12.CampaignManagement.ApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.OperationErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.BatchErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.BingAds.V12.CampaignManagement.EditorialApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.OperationErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.BatchErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            catch (Exception ex)
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the code example.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param>
        /// <param name="adGroupId">Id of the ad group to which keywords are added.
        /// </param>
        public void Run(AdWordsUser user, long adGroupId)
            // Get the AdGroupCriterionService.
            AdGroupCriterionService adGroupCriterionService =

            // Set partial failure mode for the service.
            adGroupCriterionService.RequestHeader.partialFailure = true;

            List <AdGroupCriterionOperation> operations = new List <AdGroupCriterionOperation>();

            // Create the keywords.
            string[] keywords = new String[] { "mars cruise", "inv@lid cruise", "venus cruise",
                                               "b(a)d keyword cruise" };

            foreach (String keywordText in keywords)
                Keyword keyword = new Keyword();
                keyword.text      = keywordText;
                keyword.matchType = KeywordMatchType.BROAD;

                // Create biddable ad group criterion.
                BiddableAdGroupCriterion keywordBiddableAdGroupCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();
                keywordBiddableAdGroupCriterion.adGroupId = adGroupId;
                keywordBiddableAdGroupCriterion.criterion = keyword;

                // Create the operation.
                AdGroupCriterionOperation keywordAdGroupCriterionOperation =
                    new AdGroupCriterionOperation();
                keywordAdGroupCriterionOperation.operand   = keywordBiddableAdGroupCriterion;
                keywordAdGroupCriterionOperation.@operator = Operator.ADD;

            try {
                // Create the keywords.
                AdGroupCriterionReturnValue result = adGroupCriterionService.mutate(operations.ToArray());

                // Display the results.
                if (result != null && result.value != null)
                    foreach (AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterionResult in result.value)
                        if (adGroupCriterionResult.criterion != null)
                            Console.WriteLine("Keyword with ad group id '{0}', criterion id '{1}', and " +
                                              "text '{2}' was added.\n", adGroupCriterionResult.adGroupId,
                    Console.WriteLine("No keywords were added.");

                // Display the partial failure errors.
                if (result != null && result.partialFailureErrors != null)
                    foreach (ApiError apiError in result.partialFailureErrors)
                        int operationIndex = ErrorUtilities.GetOperationIndex(apiError.fieldPath);
                        if (operationIndex != -1)
                            AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterion = operations[operationIndex].operand;
                            Console.WriteLine("Keyword with ad group id '{0}' and text '{1}' "
                                              + "triggered a failure for the following reason: '{2}'.\n",
                                              adGroupCriterion.adGroupId, ((Keyword)adGroupCriterion.criterion).text,
                            Console.WriteLine("A failure for the following reason: '{0}' has occurred.\n",
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to add keywords in partial failure mode.",
Exemplo n.º 18
        public async override Task RunAsync(AuthorizationData authorizationData)
                ApiEnvironment environment = ((OAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant)authorizationData.Authentication).Environment;

                CampaignManagementExampleHelper CampaignManagementExampleHelper = new CampaignManagementExampleHelper(
                    OutputStatusMessageDefault: this.OutputStatusMessage);
                CampaignManagementExampleHelper.CampaignManagementService = new ServiceClient <ICampaignManagementService>(
                    authorizationData: authorizationData,
                    environment: environment);

                // Before you can track conversions or target audiences using a remarketing list
                // you need to create a UET tag, and then add the UET tag tracking code to every page of your website.
                // For more information, please see Universal Event Tracking at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=829965.

                // First you should call the GetUetTagsByIds operation to check whether a tag has already been created.
                // You can leave the TagIds element null or empty to request all UET tags available for the customer.

                var uetTags = (await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.GetUetTagsByIdsAsync(
                                   tagIds: null))?.UetTags;

                // If you do not already have a UET tag that can be used, or if you need another UET tag,
                // call the AddUetTags service operation to create a new UET tag. If the call is successful,
                // the tracking script that you should add to your website is included in a corresponding
                // UetTag within the response message.

                if (uetTags == null || uetTags.Count < 1)
                    var uetTag = new UetTag
                        Description = "My First Uet Tag",
                        Name        = "New Uet Tag",
                    uetTags = (await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.AddUetTagsAsync(
                                   uetTags: new[] { uetTag })).UetTags;

                if (uetTags == null || uetTags.Count < 1)
                        string.Format("You do not have any UET tags registered for CustomerId {0}.", authorizationData.CustomerId)

                OutputStatusMessage("List of all UET Tags:");

                // After you retreive the tracking script from the AddUetTags or GetUetTagsByIds operation,
                // the next step is to add the UET tag tracking code to your website.

                // We will use the same UET tag for the remainder of this example.
                var tagId = uetTags[0].Id;

                // Add remarketing lists that depend on the UET Tag Id retreived above.

                var addAudiences = new[] {
                    new RemarketingList
                        Description        = "New list with CustomEventsRule",
                        MembershipDuration = 30,
                        Name     = "Remarketing List with CustomEventsRule " + DateTime.UtcNow,
                        ParentId = authorizationData.AccountId,
                        // The rule definition is translated to the following logical expression:
                        // (Category Equals video) and (Action Equals play) and (Label Equals trailer)
                        // and (Value Equals 5)
                        Rule = new CustomEventsRule
                            // The type of user interaction you want to track.
                            Action         = "play",
                            ActionOperator = StringOperator.Equals,
                            // The category of event you want to track.
                            Category         = "video",
                            CategoryOperator = StringOperator.Equals,
                            // The name of the element that caused the action.
                            Label         = "trailer",
                            LabelOperator = StringOperator.Equals,
                            // A numerical value associated with that event.
                            // Could be length of the video played etc.
                            Value         = 5.00m,
                            ValueOperator = NumberOperator.Equals,
                        Scope = EntityScope.Account,
                        TagId = tagId
                    new RemarketingList
                        Description        = "New list with PageVisitorsRule",
                        MembershipDuration = 30,
                        Name     = "Remarketing List with PageVisitorsRule " + DateTime.UtcNow,
                        ParentId = authorizationData.AccountId,
                        // The rule definition is translated to the following logical expression:
                        // ((Url Contains X) and (ReferrerUrl DoesNotContain Z)) or ((Url DoesNotBeginWith Y))
                        // or ((ReferrerUrl Equals Z))
                        Rule = new PageVisitorsRule
                            RuleItemGroups = new []
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.Contains,
                                            Value    = "X"
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "ReferrerUrl",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.DoesNotContain,
                                            Value    = "Z"
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.DoesNotBeginWith,
                                            Value    = "Y"
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "ReferrerUrl",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.Equals,
                                            Value    = "Z"
                        Scope = EntityScope.Account,
                        TagId = tagId
                    new RemarketingList
                        Description        = "New list with PageVisitorsWhoDidNotVisitAnotherPageRule",
                        MembershipDuration = 30,
                        Name     = "Remarketing List with PageVisitorsWhoDidNotVisitAnotherPageRule " + DateTime.UtcNow,
                        ParentId = authorizationData.AccountId,
                        // The rule definition is translated to the following logical expression:
                        // (((Url Contains X) and (ReferrerUrl DoesNotContain Z)) or ((Url DoesNotBeginWith Y))
                        // or ((ReferrerUrl Equals Z)))
                        // and not (((Url BeginsWith A) and (ReferrerUrl BeginsWith B)) or ((Url Contains C)))
                        Rule = new PageVisitorsWhoDidNotVisitAnotherPageRule
                            ExcludeRuleItemGroups = new []
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.BeginsWith,
                                            Value    = "A"
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "ReferrerUrl",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.BeginsWith,
                                            Value    = "B"
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.Contains,
                                            Value    = "C"
                            IncludeRuleItemGroups = new []
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.Contains,
                                            Value    = "X"
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "ReferrerUrl",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.DoesNotContain,
                                            Value    = "Z"
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.DoesNotBeginWith,
                                            Value    = "Y"
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "ReferrerUrl",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.Equals,
                                            Value    = "Z"
                        Scope = EntityScope.Account,
                        TagId = tagId
                    new RemarketingList
                        Description        = "New list with PageVisitorsWhoVisitedAnotherPageRule",
                        MembershipDuration = 30,
                        Name     = "Remarketing List with PageVisitorsWhoVisitedAnotherPageRule " + DateTime.UtcNow,
                        ParentId = authorizationData.AccountId,
                        // The rule definition is translated to the following logical expression:
                        // (((Url Contains X) and (ReferrerUrl NotEquals Z)) or ((Url DoesNotBeginWith Y)) or
                        // ((ReferrerUrl Equals Z)))
                        // and (((Url BeginsWith A) and (ReferrerUrl BeginsWith B)) or ((Url Contains C)))
                        Rule = new PageVisitorsWhoVisitedAnotherPageRule
                            AnotherRuleItemGroups = new []
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.BeginsWith,
                                            Value    = "A"
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "ReferrerUrl",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.BeginsWith,
                                            Value    = "B"
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.Contains,
                                            Value    = "C"
                            RuleItemGroups = new []
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.Contains,
                                            Value    = "X"
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "ReferrerUrl",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.DoesNotContain,
                                            Value    = "Z"
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.DoesNotBeginWith,
                                            Value    = "Y"
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "ReferrerUrl",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.Equals,
                                            Value    = "Z"
                        Scope = EntityScope.Account,
                        TagId = tagId

                // RemarketingList extends the Audience base class.
                // We manage remarketing lists with Audience operations.

                var addAudiencesResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.AddAudiencesAsync(
                    audiences : addAudiences);

                long?[]      audienceIds    = addAudiencesResponse.AudienceIds.ToArray();
                BatchError[] audienceErrors = addAudiencesResponse.PartialErrors.ToArray();

                // Add an ad group in a campaign. The ad group will later be associated with remarketing lists.

                var campaigns = new[] {
                    new Campaign
                        BudgetType  = BudgetLimitType.DailyBudgetStandard,
                        DailyBudget = 50,
                        Languages   = new string[] { "All" },
                        Name        = "Women's Shoes " + DateTime.UtcNow,
                        TimeZone    = "PacificTimeUSCanadaTijuana",

                AddCampaignsResponse addCampaignsResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.AddCampaignsAsync(
                    accountId : authorizationData.AccountId,
                    campaigns : campaigns);

                long?[]      campaignIds    = addCampaignsResponse.CampaignIds.ToArray();
                BatchError[] campaignErrors = addCampaignsResponse.PartialErrors.ToArray();

                var adGroups = new[] {
                    new AdGroup
                        Name      = "Women's Red Shoe Sale",
                        StartDate = null,
                        EndDate   = new Date {
                            Month = 12,
                            Day   = 31,
                            Year  = DateTime.UtcNow.Year + 1
                        CpcBid = new Bid {
                            Amount = 0.09

                        // Applicable for all remarketing lists that are associated with this ad group. TargetAndBid indicates
                        // that you want to show ads only to people included in the remarketing list, with the option to change
                        // the bid amount. Ads in this ad group will only show to people included in the remarketing list.
                        Settings = new[]
                            new TargetSetting
                                Details = new []
                                    new TargetSettingDetail
                                        CriterionTypeGroup = CriterionTypeGroup.Audience,
                                        TargetAndBid       = true

                AddAdGroupsResponse addAdGroupsResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.AddAdGroupsAsync(
                    campaignId : (long)campaignIds[0],
                    adGroups : adGroups,
                    returnInheritedBidStrategyTypes : false);

                long?[]      adGroupIds    = addAdGroupsResponse.AdGroupIds.ToArray();
                BatchError[] adGroupErrors = addAdGroupsResponse.PartialErrors.ToArray();

                // Associate all of the remarketing lists created above with the new ad group.

                var adGroupRemarketingListAssociations = new List <AdGroupCriterion>();

                foreach (var audienceId in audienceIds)
                    if (audienceId != null)
                        var biddableAdGroupCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion
                            AdGroupId = (long)adGroupIds[0],
                            Criterion = new AudienceCriterion
                                AudienceId   = audienceId,
                                AudienceType = AudienceType.RemarketingList,
                            CriterionBid = new BidMultiplier
                                Multiplier = 20.00,
                            Status = AdGroupCriterionStatus.Active,


                AddAdGroupCriterionsResponse addAdGroupCriterionsResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.AddAdGroupCriterionsAsync(
                    adGroupCriterions : adGroupRemarketingListAssociations,
                    criterionType : AdGroupCriterionType.Audience);

                long?[] nullableAdGroupCriterionIds = addAdGroupCriterionsResponse.AdGroupCriterionIds.ToArray();
                BatchErrorCollection[] adGroupCriterionErrors =

                // Delete the campaign and everything it contains e.g., ad groups and ads.

                await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.DeleteCampaignsAsync(
                    accountId : authorizationData.AccountId,
                    campaignIds : new[] { (long)campaignIds[0] });

                OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Deleted Campaign Id {0}", campaignIds[0]));

                // Delete the remarketing lists.

                await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.DeleteAudiencesAsync(
                    audienceIds : new[] { (long)audienceIds[0] });

                OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Deleted Audience Id {0}", audienceIds[0]));
            // Catch authentication exceptions
            catch (OAuthTokenRequestException ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Couldn't get OAuth tokens. Error: {0}. Description: {1}", ex.Details.Error, ex.Details.Description));
            // Catch Campaign Management service exceptions
            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.BingAds.V13.CampaignManagement.AdApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.Errors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.BingAds.V13.CampaignManagement.ApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.OperationErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.BatchErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.BingAds.V13.CampaignManagement.EditorialApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.OperationErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.BatchErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            catch (Exception ex)
        private static void CsvToBidding(RowValues values, BulkAdGroupProductPartition entity)
            //string exclude;
            values.TryGetValue(StringTable.IsExcluded, out string exclude);

            exclude = exclude.GetValueOrEmptyString().ToLower();
            bool isExcluded;

            switch (exclude)
            case "yes":
                isExcluded = true;

            case "true":
                isExcluded = true;

            case "no":
                isExcluded = false;

            case "false":
                isExcluded = false;

                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          string.Format("\"{0}\" can only be set to TRUE|FALSE in {1}",
                                        StringTable.IsExcluded, typeof(BulkAdGroupProductPartition).Name));

            if (isExcluded)
                entity.AdGroupCriterion = new NegativeAdGroupCriterion
                    Criterion = new ProductPartition
                        Condition = new ProductCondition(),
                        Type      = typeof(ProductPartition).Name,
                    Type = typeof(NegativeAdGroupCriterion).Name,
                var biddableAdGroupCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion
                    Criterion = new ProductPartition
                        Condition = new ProductCondition(),
                        Type      = typeof(ProductPartition).Name,
                    Type = typeof(BiddableAdGroupCriterion).Name,

                values.TryGetValue(StringTable.Bid, out string bidStr);
                values.TryGetValue(StringTable.BidAdjustment, out string bidAdjustmentStr);
                double?bid           = bidStr.ParseOptional <double>();
                double?bidAdjustment = bidAdjustmentStr.ParseOptional <double>();

                if (bid != null)
                    biddableAdGroupCriterion.CriterionBid = new FixedBid
                        Amount = bid.Value,
                        Type   = typeof(FixedBid).Name,
                else if (bidAdjustment != null)
                    biddableAdGroupCriterion.CriterionBid = new BidMultiplier
                        Multiplier = bidAdjustment.Value,
                        Type       = typeof(FixedBid).Name,
                    biddableAdGroupCriterion.CriterionBid = new FixedBid
                        Type = typeof(FixedBid).Name,
                entity.AdGroupCriterion = biddableAdGroupCriterion;
Exemplo n.º 20
        public async override Task RunAsync(AuthorizationData authorizationData)
                Service = new ServiceClient<ICampaignManagementService>(authorizationData);

                // Get a list of all Bing Merchant Center stores associated with your CustomerId

                IList<BMCStore> stores = await GetBMCStoresByCustomerIdAsync();
                if (stores == null)
                        String.Format("You do not have any BMC stores registered for CustomerId {0}.\n", authorizationData.CustomerId)

                #region ManageCampaign

                /* Add a new Bing Shopping campaign that will be associated with a ProductScope criterion.
                 *  - Set the CampaignType element of the Campaign to Shopping.
                 *  - Create a ShoppingSetting instance and set its Priority (0, 1, or 2), SalesCountryCode, and StoreId elements. 
                 *    Add this shopping setting to the Settings list of the Campaign.
                var campaign = new Campaign
                    CampaignType = CampaignType.Shopping,
                    Settings = new[] { 
                        new ShoppingSetting() {
                            Priority = 0,
                            SalesCountryCode = "US",
                            StoreId = (int)stores[0].Id
                    Name = "Bing Shopping Campaign " + DateTime.UtcNow,
                    Description = "Bing Shopping Campaign Example.",
                    BudgetType = BudgetLimitType.MonthlyBudgetSpendUntilDepleted,
                    MonthlyBudget = 1000.00,
                    TimeZone = "PacificTimeUSCanadaTijuana",
                    DaylightSaving = true,

                var campaignIds = await AddCampaignsAsync(authorizationData.AccountId, new[] { campaign });

                /* Optionally, you can create a ProductScope criterion that will be associated with your Bing Shopping campaign. 
                 * Use the product scope criterion to include a subset of your product catalog, for example a specific brand, 
                 * category, or product type. A campaign can only be associated with one ProductScope, which contains a list 
                 * of up to 7 ProductCondition. You'll also be able to specify more specific product conditions for each ad group.

                var campaignCriterions = new CampaignCriterion[] {
                    new CampaignCriterion() {
                        CampaignId = campaignIds[0],
                        BidAdjustment = null,  // Reserved for future use
                        Criterion = new ProductScope() {
                            Conditions = new ProductCondition[] {
                                new ProductCondition {
                                    Operand = "Condition",
                                    Attribute = "New"
                                new ProductCondition {
                                    Operand = "CustomLabel0",
                                    Attribute = "MerchantDefinedCustomLabel"

                var addCampaignCriterionsResponse = await (AddCampaignCriterionsAsync(

                #endregion ManageCampaign

                #region ManageAdGroup

                // Specify one or more ad groups.

                var adGroup = new AdGroup
                    Name = "Product Categories",
                    AdDistribution = AdDistribution.Search,
                    BiddingModel = BiddingModel.Keyword,
                    PricingModel = PricingModel.Cpc,
                    StartDate = null,
                    EndDate = new Date { Month = 12, Day = 31, Year = 2016 },
                    Language = "English"

                var adGroupIds = (long[])await AddAdGroupsAsync(campaignIds[0], new[] { adGroup });

                #region BidAllProducts

                var helper = new PartitionActionHelper(adGroupIds[0]);

                var root = helper.AddUnit(
                    new ProductCondition { Operand = "All", Attribute = null },

                OutputStatusMessage("Applying only the root as a Unit with a bid . . . \n");
                var applyProductPartitionActionsResponse = await ApplyProductPartitionActionsAsync(helper.PartitionActions);

                var adGroupCriterions = await GetAdGroupCriterionsByAdGroupIdAsync(

                OutputStatusMessage("The ad group's product partition only has a tree root node: \n");

                 * Let's update the bid of the root Unit we just added.

                BiddableAdGroupCriterion updatedRoot = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion
                    Id = applyProductPartitionActionsResponse.AdGroupCriterionIds[0],
                    CriterionBid = new FixedBid
                        Bid = new Bid
                            Amount = 0.45
                helper = new PartitionActionHelper(adGroupIds[0]);

                OutputStatusMessage("Updating the bid for the tree root node . . . \n");
                await ApplyProductPartitionActionsAsync(helper.PartitionActions);

                adGroupCriterions = await GetAdGroupCriterionsByAdGroupIdAsync(

                OutputStatusMessage("Updated the bid for the tree root node: \n");

                #endregion BidAllProducts

                #region InitializeTree

                 * Now we will overwrite any existing tree root, and build a product partition group tree structure in multiple steps. 
                 * You could build the entire tree in a single call since there are less than 5,000 nodes; however, 
                 * we will build it in steps to demonstrate how to use the results from ApplyProductPartitionActions to update the tree. 
                 * For a list of validation rules, see the Bing Shopping Campaigns technical guide:
                 * https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/bing-ads-campaign-management-bing-shopping-campaigns.aspx

                helper = new PartitionActionHelper(adGroupIds[0]);

                 * Check whether a root node exists already.
                adGroupCriterions = await GetAdGroupCriterionsByAdGroupIdAsync(
                var existingRoot = GetRootNode(adGroupCriterions);
                if (existingRoot != null)

                root = helper.AddSubdivision(
                    new ProductCondition { Operand = "All", Attribute = null }

                 * The direct children of any node must have the same Operand. 
                 * For this example we will use CategoryL1 nodes as children of the root. 
                 * For a list of valid CategoryL1 through CategoryL5 values, see the Bing Category Taxonomy:
                 * http://advertise.bingads.microsoft.com/en-us/WWDocs/user/search/en-us/Bing_Category_Taxonomy.txt
                var animalsSubdivision = helper.AddSubdivision(
                    new ProductCondition { Operand = "CategoryL1", Attribute = "Animals & Pet Supplies" }

                 * If you use a CategoryL2 node, it must be a descendant (child or later) of a CategoryL1 node. 
                 * In other words you cannot have a CategoryL2 node as parent of a CategoryL1 node. 
                 * For this example we will a CategoryL2 node as child of the CategoryL1 Animals & Pet Supplies node. 
                var petSuppliesSubdivision = helper.AddSubdivision(
                    new ProductCondition { Operand = "CategoryL2", Attribute = "Pet Supplies" }

                var brandA = helper.AddUnit(
                    new ProductCondition { Operand = "Brand", Attribute = "Brand A" },

                 * If you won't bid on Brand B, set the helper method's bidAmount to '0' and isNegative to true. 
                 * The helper method will create a NegativeAdGroupCriterion and apply the condition.
                var brandB = helper.AddUnit(
                    new ProductCondition { Operand = "Brand", Attribute = "Brand B" },

                var otherBrands = helper.AddUnit(
                    new ProductCondition { Operand = "Brand", Attribute = null },

                var otherPetSupplies = helper.AddUnit(
                    new ProductCondition { Operand = "CategoryL2", Attribute = null },

                var electronics = helper.AddUnit(
                    new ProductCondition { Operand = "CategoryL1", Attribute = "Electronics" },

                var otherCategoryL1 = helper.AddUnit(
                    new ProductCondition { Operand = "CategoryL1", Attribute = null },

                OutputStatusMessage("Applying product partitions to the ad group . . . \n");
                applyProductPartitionActionsResponse = await ApplyProductPartitionActionsAsync(helper.PartitionActions);

                // To retrieve product partitions after they have been applied, call GetAdGroupCriterionsByAdGroupId. 
                // The product partition with ParentCriterionId set to null is the root node.

                adGroupCriterions = await GetAdGroupCriterionsByAdGroupIdAsync(

                 * The product partition group tree now has 9 nodes. 
                   All other (Root Node)
                    +-- Animals & Pet Supplies (CategoryL1)
                    |    |
                    |    +-- Pet Supplies (CategoryL2)
                    |    |    |
                    |    |    +-- Brand A
                    |    |    |    
                    |    |    +-- Brand B
                    |    |    |    
                    |    |    +-- All other (Brand)
                    |    |         
                    |    +-- All other (CategoryL2)
                    +-- Electronics (CategoryL1)
                    +-- All other (CategoryL1)


                OutputStatusMessage("The product partition group tree now has 9 nodes: \n");

                #endregion InitializeTree

                #region UpdateTree

                 * Let's replace the Electronics (CategoryL1) node created above with an Electronics (CategoryL1) node that 
                 * has children i.e. Brand C (Brand), Brand D (Brand), and All other (Brand) as follows: 
                    Electronics (CategoryL1)
                    +-- Brand C (Brand)
                    +-- Brand D (Brand)
                    +-- All other (Brand)

                helper = new PartitionActionHelper(adGroupIds[0]);

                 * To replace a node we must know its Id and its ParentCriterionId. In this case the parent of the node 
                 * we are replacing is All other (Root Node), and was created at Index 1 of the previous ApplyProductPartitionActions call. 
                 * The node that we are replacing is Electronics (CategoryL1), and was created at Index 8. 
                var rootId = applyProductPartitionActionsResponse.AdGroupCriterionIds[1];
                electronics.Id = applyProductPartitionActionsResponse.AdGroupCriterionIds[8];

                var parent = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion() { Id = rootId };

                var electronicsSubdivision = helper.AddSubdivision(
                    new ProductCondition { Operand = "CategoryL1", Attribute = "Electronics" }

                var brandC = helper.AddUnit(
                    new ProductCondition { Operand = "Brand", Attribute = "Brand C" },

                var brandD = helper.AddUnit(
                    new ProductCondition { Operand = "Brand", Attribute = "Brand D" },

                var otherElectronicsBrands = helper.AddUnit(
                    new ProductCondition { Operand = "Brand", Attribute = null },

                    "Updating the product partition group to refine Electronics (CategoryL1) with 3 child nodes . . . \n"
                applyProductPartitionActionsResponse = await ApplyProductPartitionActionsAsync(helper.PartitionActions);
                adGroupCriterions = await GetAdGroupCriterionsByAdGroupIdAsync(

                 * The product partition group tree now has 12 nodes, including the children of Electronics (CategoryL1):
                   All other (Root Node)
                    +-- Animals & Pet Supplies (CategoryL1)
                    |    |
                    |    +-- Pet Supplies (CategoryL2)
                    |    |    |
                    |    |    +-- Brand A
                    |    |    |    
                    |    |    +-- Brand B
                    |    |    |    
                    |    |    +-- All other (Brand)
                    |    |         
                    |    +-- All other (CategoryL2)
                    +-- Electronics (CategoryL1)
                    |    |
                    |    +-- Brand C (Brand)
                    |    |
                    |    +-- Brand D (Brand)
                    |    |
                    |    +-- All other (Brand)
                    +-- All other (CategoryL1)

                    "The product partition group tree now has 12 nodes, including the children of Electronics (CategoryL1): \n"

                #endregion UpdateTree

                #endregion ManageAdGroup

                #region ManageAds

                 * Create a product ad. You must add at least one ProductAd to the corresponding ad group. 
                 * A ProductAd is not used directly for delivered ad copy. Instead, the delivery engine generates 
                 * product ads from the product details that it finds in your Bing Merchant Center store's product catalog. 
                 * The primary purpose of the ProductAd object is to provide promotional text that the delivery engine 
                 * adds to the product ads that it generates. For example, if the promotional text is set to 
                 * “Free shipping on $99 purchases”, the delivery engine will set the product ad’s description to 
                 * “Free shipping on $99 purchases.”

                var ads = new Ad[] {
                    new ProductAd 
                        PromotionalText = "Free shipping on $99 purchases."

                AddAdsResponse addAdsResponse = await AddAdsAsync(adGroupIds[0], ads);
                OutputAdResults(ads, addAdsResponse.AdIds, addAdsResponse.PartialErrors);

                #endregion ManageAds
                #region CleanUp

                /* Delete the campaign, ad group, criterion, and ad that were previously added. 
                 * You should remove this region if you want to view the added entities in the 
                 * Bing Ads web application or another tool.

                DeleteCampaignsAsync(authorizationData.AccountId, new[] { campaignIds[0] });
                OutputStatusMessage(String.Format("Deleted CampaignId {0}\n", campaignIds[0]));

                #endregion CleanUp
            // Catch authentication exceptions
            catch (OAuthTokenRequestException ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Couldn't get OAuth tokens. Error: {0}. Description: {1}", ex.Details.Error, ex.Details.Description));
            // Catch Campaign Management service exceptions
            catch (FaultException<Microsoft.BingAds.CampaignManagement.AdApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.Errors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            catch (FaultException<Microsoft.BingAds.CampaignManagement.ApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.OperationErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.BatchErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            catch (FaultException<Microsoft.BingAds.CampaignManagement.EditorialApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.OperationErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.BatchErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            catch (Exception ex)
            /// <summary>
            /// Sets the Add action for a new AdGroupCriterion corresponding to the specified ProductCondition,
            /// and adds it to the helper's list of AdGroupCriterionAction.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="parent">The parent of the product partition unit that you want to add.</param>
            /// <param name="condition">The condition or product filter for the new product partition.</param>
            /// <param name="bidAmount">The bid amount for the new product partition.</param>
            /// <param name="isNegative">Indicates whether or not to add a NegativeAdGroupCriterion.
            /// The default value is false, in which case a BiddableAdGroupCriterion will be added.</param>
            /// <returns>The ad group criterion that was added to the list of PartitionActions.</returns>
            public AdGroupCriterion AddUnit(
                AdGroupCriterion parent,
                ProductCondition condition,
                double bidAmount,
                bool isNegative
                AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterion;

                if (isNegative)
                    adGroupCriterion = new NegativeAdGroupCriterion();
                    adGroupCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion()
                        CriterionBid = new FixedBid()
                            Amount = bidAmount

                        // This destination URL is used if specified; otherwise, the destination URL is determined
                        // by the corresponding value of the 'Link' that you specified for the product offer
                        // in your Bing Merchant Center catalog.
                        DestinationUrl = null,

                        // You could use a tracking template which would override the campaign level
                        // tracking template. Tracking templates defined for lower level entities
                        // override those set for higher level entities.
                        // In this example we are using the campaign level tracking template.
                        TrackingUrlTemplate = null,

                        // Set custom parameters that are specific to this criterion,
                        // and can be used by the criterion, ad group, campaign, or account level tracking template.
                        // In this example we are using the campaign level tracking template.
                        UrlCustomParameters = new CustomParameters
                            Parameters = new[] {
                                new CustomParameter()
                                    Key   = "promoCode",
                                    Value = "PROMO1"
                                new CustomParameter()
                                    Key   = "season",
                                    Value = "summer"

                adGroupCriterion.Criterion = new ProductPartition()
                    // If the root node is a unit, it would not have a parent
                    ParentCriterionId = parent != null ? parent.Id : null,
                    Condition         = condition,
                    PartitionType     = ProductPartitionType.Unit

                adGroupCriterion.AdGroupId = this.adGroupId;

                var partitionAction = new AdGroupCriterionAction()
                    Action           = ItemAction.Add,
                    AdGroupCriterion = adGroupCriterion


        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the code example.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param>
        /// <param name="adGroupId">Id of the ad groups to which placements are
        /// added.</param>
        public void Run(AdWordsUser user, long adGroupId)
            // Get the MutateJobService.
            MutateJobService mutateJobService = (MutateJobService)user.GetService(

            const int    RETRY_INTERVAL   = 30;
            const int    RETRIES_COUNT    = 30;
            const int    PLACEMENT_NUMBER = 100;
            const string INDEX_REGEX      = "operations\\[(\\d+)\\].operand";

            List <Operation> operations = new List <Operation>();

            // Create AdGroupCriterionOperation to add placements.
            for (int i = 0; i < PLACEMENT_NUMBER; i++)
                Placement placement = new Placement();
                placement.url = "http://mars.google.com/" + i.ToString();

                BiddableAdGroupCriterion criterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();
                criterion.adGroupId = adGroupId;
                criterion.criterion = placement;

                AdGroupCriterionOperation adGroupCriterionOperation = new AdGroupCriterionOperation();
                adGroupCriterionOperation.@operator = Operator.ADD;
                adGroupCriterionOperation.operand   = criterion;


            BulkMutateJobPolicy policy = new BulkMutateJobPolicy();

            // You can specify up to 3 job IDs that must successfully complete before
            // this job can be processed.
            policy.prerequisiteJobIds = new long[] {};

            SimpleMutateJob job = mutateJobService.mutate(operations.ToArray(), policy);

            // Wait for the job to complete.
            bool completed  = false;
            int  retryCount = 0;

            Console.WriteLine("Retrieving job status...");

            while (completed == false && retryCount < RETRIES_COUNT)
                BulkMutateJobSelector selector = new BulkMutateJobSelector();
                selector.jobIds = new long[] { job.id };

                try {
                    Job[] allJobs = mutateJobService.get(selector);
                    if (allJobs != null && allJobs.Length > 0)
                        job = (SimpleMutateJob)allJobs[0];
                        if (job.status == BasicJobStatus.COMPLETED || job.status == BasicJobStatus.FAILED)
                            completed = true;
                            Console.WriteLine("{0}: Current status is {1}, waiting {2} seconds to retry...",
                                              retryCount, job.status, RETRY_INTERVAL);
                            Thread.Sleep(RETRY_INTERVAL * 1000);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new System.ApplicationException(string.Format("Failed to fetch simple mutate " +
                                                                        "job with id = {0}.", job.id), e);

            if (job.status == BasicJobStatus.COMPLETED)
                // Handle cases where the job completed.

                // Create the job selector.
                BulkMutateJobSelector selector = new BulkMutateJobSelector();
                selector.jobIds = new long[] { job.id };

                // Get the job results.
                JobResult jobResult = mutateJobService.getResult(selector);
                if (jobResult != null)
                    SimpleMutateResult results = (SimpleMutateResult)jobResult.Item;
                    if (results != null)
                        // Display the results.
                        if (results.results != null)
                            for (int i = 0; i < results.results.Length; i++)
                                Operand operand = results.results[i];
                                Console.WriteLine("Operation {0} - {1}", i, (operand.Item is PlaceHolder) ?
                                                  "FAILED" : "SUCCEEDED");

                        // Display the errors.
                        if (results.errors != null)
                            foreach (ApiError apiError in results.errors)
                                Match  match = Regex.Match(apiError.fieldPath, INDEX_REGEX, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                                string index = (match.Success)? match.Groups[1].Value : "???";
                                Console.WriteLine("Operation index {0} failed due to reason: '{1}', " +
                                                  "trigger: '{2}'", index, apiError.errorString, apiError.trigger);
                Console.WriteLine("Job completed successfully!");
            else if (job.status == BasicJobStatus.FAILED)
                // Handle the cases where job failed.
                Console.WriteLine("Job failed with reason: " + job.failureReason);
            else if (job.status == BasicJobStatus.PROCESSING || job.status == BasicJobStatus.PENDING)
                // Handle the cases where job didn't complete after wait period.
                Console.WriteLine("Job did not complete in {0} secconds.", RETRY_INTERVAL * RETRIES_COUNT);
        public async override Task RunAsync(AuthorizationData authorizationData)
                AdInsightExampleHelper AdInsightExampleHelper = new AdInsightExampleHelper(this.OutputStatusMessage);
                AdInsightExampleHelper.AdInsightService = new ServiceClient <IAdInsightService>(authorizationData);

                CampaignManagementExampleHelper CampaignManagementExampleHelper = new CampaignManagementExampleHelper(this.OutputStatusMessage);
                CampaignManagementExampleHelper.CampaignManagementService = new ServiceClient <ICampaignManagementService>(authorizationData);

                // To get started with dynamic search ads, first you'll need to add a new Campaign
                // with its type set to DynamicSearchAds. When you create the campaign, you'll need to
                // include a DynamicSearchAdsSetting that specifies the target website domain and language.

                var campaigns = new[] {
                    new Campaign
                        CampaignType = CampaignType.DynamicSearchAds,
                        Settings     = new [] {
                            new DynamicSearchAdsSetting
                                DomainName = "contoso.com",
                                Language   = "English"

                        Name        = "Women's Shoes " + DateTime.UtcNow,
                        Description = "Red shoes line.",

                        // You must choose to set either the shared  budget ID or daily amount.
                        // You can set one or the other, but you may not set both.
                        BudgetId    = null,
                        DailyBudget = 50,
                        BudgetType  = Microsoft.BingAds.V12.CampaignManagement.BudgetLimitType.DailyBudgetStandard,

                        // You can set your campaign bid strategy to Enhanced CPC (EnhancedCpcBiddingScheme)
                        // and then, at any time, set an individual ad group bid strategy to
                        // Manual CPC (ManualCpcBiddingScheme).
                        BiddingScheme = new EnhancedCpcBiddingScheme {

                        TimeZone = "PacificTimeUSCanadaTijuana",

                        // Used with CustomParameters defined in lower level entities such as ads.
                        TrackingUrlTemplate =

                AddCampaignsResponse addCampaignsResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.AddCampaignsAsync(authorizationData.AccountId, campaigns);

                long?[] campaignIds = addCampaignsResponse.CampaignIds.ToArray();
                Microsoft.BingAds.V12.CampaignManagement.BatchError[] campaignErrors =

                // Next, create a new AdGroup within the dynamic search ads campaign.

                var adGroups = new[] {
                    new AdGroup
                        Name      = "Women's Red Shoe Sale",
                        StartDate = null,
                        EndDate   = new Date {
                            Month = 12,
                            Day   = 31,
                            Year  = DateTime.UtcNow.Year + 1
                        CpcBid = new Bid {
                            Amount = 0.09
                        Language = "English",

                        // For ad groups you can use either of the InheritFromParentBiddingScheme or ManualCpcBiddingScheme objects.
                        // If you do not set this element, then InheritFromParentBiddingScheme is used by default.
                        BiddingScheme = new ManualCpcBiddingScheme {

                AddAdGroupsResponse addAdGroupsResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.AddAdGroupsAsync((long)campaignIds[0], adGroups, null);

                long?[] adGroupIds = addAdGroupsResponse.AdGroupIds.ToArray();
                Microsoft.BingAds.V12.CampaignManagement.BatchError[] adGroupErrors =

                // You can add one or more Webpage criterion to each ad group that helps determine
                // whether or not to serve dynamic search ads.

                var adGroupCriterions = new List <AdGroupCriterion>();

                var adGroupWebpagePositivePageContent = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion
                    AdGroupId    = (long)adGroupIds[0],
                    CriterionBid = new FixedBid
                        Amount = 0.50
                    Criterion = new Webpage
                        Parameter = new WebpageParameter
                            Conditions = new[]
                                new WebpageCondition
                                    Argument = "flowers",
                                    Operand  = WebpageConditionOperand.PageContent,
                            CriterionName = "Ad Group Webpage Positive Page Content Criterion"
                    // DestinationUrl and FinalUrls are not supported with Webpage criterion.
                    // The Final URL is dynamically created at the ad level.
                    DestinationUrl = null,
                    FinalUrls      = null,

                    // You could use a tracking template which would override the campaign level
                    // tracking template. Tracking templates defined for lower level entities
                    // override those set for higher level entities.
                    // In this example we are using the campaign level tracking template.
                    TrackingUrlTemplate = null,

                    // Set custom parameters that are specific to this webpage criterion,
                    // and can be used by the criterion, ad group, campaign, or account level tracking template.
                    // In this example we are using the campaign level tracking template.
                    UrlCustomParameters = new CustomParameters
                        Parameters = new[] {
                            new CustomParameter()
                                Key   = "promoCode",
                                Value = "PROMO1"
                            new CustomParameter()
                                Key   = "season",
                                Value = "summer"

                // To discover the categories that you can use for Webpage criterion (positive or negative),
                // use the GetDomainCategories operation with the Ad Insight service.

                var getDomainCategoriesResponse = await AdInsightExampleHelper.GetDomainCategoriesAsync(

                var categories = getDomainCategoriesResponse.Categories;

                // If any categories are available let's use one as a condition.
                if (categories.Count > 0)
                    var adGroupWebpagePositiveCategory = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion
                        AdGroupId    = (long)adGroupIds[0],
                        CriterionBid = new FixedBid
                            Amount = 0.50
                        Criterion = new Webpage
                            Parameter = new WebpageParameter
                                Conditions = new[]
                                    new WebpageCondition
                                        Argument = categories[0].CategoryName,
                                        Operand  = WebpageConditionOperand.Category,
                                CriterionName = "Ad Group Webpage Positive Category Criterion"

                // If you want to exclude certain portions of your website, you can add negative Webpage
                // criterion at the campaign and ad group level.

                var adGroupWebpageNegativeUrl = new NegativeAdGroupCriterion
                    AdGroupId = (long)adGroupIds[0],
                    Criterion = new Webpage
                        Parameter = new WebpageParameter
                            // You can choose whether you want the criterion argument to match partial URLs,
                            // page content, page title, or categories that Bing thinks applies to your website.
                            Conditions = new[]
                                new WebpageCondition
                                    Argument = DOMAIN_NAME,
                                    Operand  = WebpageConditionOperand.Url,
                            // If you do not specify any name, then it will be set to a concatenated list of conditions.
                            CriterionName = null

                OutputStatusMessage("Adding Ad Group Webpage Criterion . . . \n");
                AddAdGroupCriterionsResponse addAdGroupCriterionsResponse =
                    await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.AddAdGroupCriterionsAsync(adGroupCriterions, AdGroupCriterionType.Webpage);

                long?[] adGroupCriterionIds = addAdGroupCriterionsResponse.AdGroupCriterionIds.ToArray();
                OutputStatusMessage("New Ad Group Criterion Ids:\n");
                BatchErrorCollection[] adGroupCriterionErrors =
                OutputStatusMessage("\nAddAdGroupCriterions Errors:\n");

                // The negative Webpage criterion at the campaign level applies to all ad groups
                // within the campaign; however, if you define ad group level negative Webpage criterion,
                // the campaign criterion is ignored for that ad group.

                var campaignCriterions      = new List <CampaignCriterion>();
                var campaignWebpageNegative = new NegativeCampaignCriterion
                    CampaignId = (long)campaignIds[0],
                    Criterion  = new Webpage
                        Parameter = new WebpageParameter
                            Conditions = new[]
                                new WebpageCondition
                                    Argument = DOMAIN_NAME + "\\seattle",
                                    Operand  = WebpageConditionOperand.Url,
                            CriterionName = "Campaign Negative Webpage Url Criterion"

                OutputStatusMessage("Adding Campaign Webpage Criterion . . . \n");
                AddCampaignCriterionsResponse addCampaignCriterionsResponse =
                    await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.AddCampaignCriterionsAsync(campaignCriterions, CampaignCriterionType.Webpage);

                long?[] campaignCriterionIds = addCampaignCriterionsResponse.CampaignCriterionIds.ToArray();
                OutputStatusMessage("\nNew Campaign Criterion Ids:\n");
                BatchErrorCollection[] campaignCriterionErrors =
                OutputStatusMessage("\nAddCampaignCriterions Errors:\n");

                // Finally you can add a DynamicSearchAd into the ad group. The ad title and display URL
                // are generated automatically based on the website domain and language that you want to target.

                var ads = new Ad[] {
                    new DynamicSearchAd
                        Text  = "Find New Customers & Increase Sales! Start Advertising on Contoso Today.",
                        Path1 = "seattle",
                        Path2 = "shoe sale",

                        // You cannot set FinalUrls. The Final URL will be a dynamically selected landing page.
                        // The final URL is distinct from the path that customers will see and click on in your ad.
                        FinalUrls = null,

                        // You could use a tracking template which would override the campaign level
                        // tracking template. Tracking templates defined for lower level entities
                        // override those set for higher level entities.
                        // In this example we are using the campaign level tracking template.
                        TrackingUrlTemplate = null,

                        // Set custom parameters that are specific to this ad,
                        // and can be used by the ad, webpage, ad group, campaign, or account level tracking template.
                        // In this example we are using the campaign level tracking template.
                        UrlCustomParameters = new CustomParameters {
                            Parameters = new[] {
                                new CustomParameter()
                                    Key   = "promoCode",
                                    Value = "PROMO1"
                                new CustomParameter()
                                    Key   = "season",
                                    Value = "summer"

                AddAdsResponse addAdsResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.AddAdsAsync((long)adGroupIds[0], ads);

                long?[] adIds = addAdsResponse.AdIds.ToArray();
                Microsoft.BingAds.V12.CampaignManagement.BatchError[] adErrors =

                // Retrieve the Webpage criterion for the campaign.
                var getCampaignCriterionsByIdsResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.GetCampaignCriterionsByIdsAsync(

                OutputStatusMessage("Retrieving the Campaign Webpage Criterions that we added . . . \n");
                campaignCriterions = getCampaignCriterionsByIdsResponse.CampaignCriterions.ToList();

                // Retrieve the Webpage criterion for the ad group and then test some update scenarios.
                var getAdGroupCriterionsByIdsResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.GetAdGroupCriterionsByIdsAsync(

                OutputStatusMessage("Retrieving the Ad Group Webpage Criterions that we added . . . \n");
                adGroupCriterions = getAdGroupCriterionsByIdsResponse.AdGroupCriterions.ToList();

                // You can update the bid for BiddableAdGroupCriterion

                var updateBid = new FixedBid
                    Amount = 0.75

                // You can update the Webpage criterion name but cannot update the conditions.
                // To update the conditions you must delete the criterion and add a new criterion.
                // This update attempt will return an error.

                var updateCriterionAttemptFailure = new Webpage
                    Parameter = new WebpageParameter
                        Conditions = new[]
                            new WebpageCondition
                                Argument = "Books",
                                Operand  = WebpageConditionOperand.PageContent,
                        CriterionName = "Update Attempt Failure"

                var updateCriterionAttemptSuccess = new Webpage
                    Parameter = new WebpageParameter
                        CriterionName = "Update Attempt Success"

                foreach (var adGroupCriterion in adGroupCriterions)
                    var biddableAdGroupCriterion = adGroupCriterion as BiddableAdGroupCriterion;
                    if (biddableAdGroupCriterion != null)
                        ((BiddableAdGroupCriterion)(adGroupCriterion)).CriterionBid = updateBid;
                        ((BiddableAdGroupCriterion)(adGroupCriterion)).Criterion    = updateCriterionAttemptSuccess;
                        var negativeAdGroupCriterion = adGroupCriterion as NegativeAdGroupCriterion;
                        if (negativeAdGroupCriterion != null)
                            ((NegativeAdGroupCriterion)(adGroupCriterion)).Criterion = updateCriterionAttemptFailure;

                OutputStatusMessage("Updating Ad Group Webpage Criterion . . . \n");
                UpdateAdGroupCriterionsResponse updateAdGroupCriterionsResponse =
                    await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.UpdateAdGroupCriterionsAsync(adGroupCriterions, AdGroupCriterionType.Webpage);

                adGroupCriterionErrors =
                OutputStatusMessage("UpdateAdGroupCriterions Errors:\n");

                // Delete the campaign, ad group, criterion, and ad that were previously added.
                // You should remove this operation if you want to view the added entities in the
                // Bing Ads web application or another tool.

                await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.DeleteCampaignsAsync(authorizationData.AccountId, new[] { (long)campaignIds[0] });

                OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("\nDeleted Campaign Id {0}\n", campaignIds[0]));
            // Catch authentication exceptions
            catch (OAuthTokenRequestException ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Couldn't get OAuth tokens. Error: {0}. Description: {1}", ex.Details.Error, ex.Details.Description));
            // Catch Campaign Management service exceptions
            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.BingAds.V12.CampaignManagement.AdApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.Errors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.BingAds.V12.CampaignManagement.ApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.OperationErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.BatchErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.BingAds.V12.CampaignManagement.EditorialApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.OperationErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.BatchErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            catch (Exception ex)
        internal override void ProcessMappingsFromRowValues(RowValues values)
            AdGroupCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion
                Criterion = new Webpage()
                    Parameter = new WebpageParameter(),
                    Type = typeof(Webpage).Name,
                CriterionBid = new FixedBid
                    Type = typeof(FixedBid).Name,
                Type = typeof(BiddableAdGroupCriterion).Name

            values.ConvertToEntity(this, Mappings);

            PerformanceData = PerformanceData.ReadFromRowValuesOrNull(values);
Exemplo n.º 25
            /// <summary>
            /// Main method for the thread.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="obj">The thread parameter.</param>
            public void Run(object obj)
                // Create the operations.
                List <AdGroupCriterionOperation> operations = new List <AdGroupCriterionOperation>();

                for (int j = 0; j < NUM_KEYWORDS; j++)
                    // Create the keyword.
                    Keyword keyword = new Keyword
                        text = "mars cruise thread " + threadIndex.ToString() + " seed " +
                        matchType = KeywordMatchType.BROAD

                    // Create the biddable ad group criterion.
                    AdGroupCriterion keywordCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion
                        adGroupId = adGroupId,
                        criterion = keyword

                    // Create the operations.
                    AdGroupCriterionOperation keywordOperation = new AdGroupCriterionOperation
                        @operator = Operator.ADD,
                        operand   = keywordCriterion


                // Get the AdGroupCriterionService. This should be done within the
                // thread, since a service can only handle one outgoing HTTP request
                // at a time.
                using (AdGroupCriterionService adGroupCriterionService =
                    adGroupCriterionService.RequestHeader.validateOnly = true;
                    int       retryCount  = 0;
                    const int NUM_RETRIES = 3;
                        while (retryCount < NUM_RETRIES)
                                // Validate the keywords.
                            catch (AdWordsApiException e)
                                // Handle API errors.
                                ApiException innerException = e.ApiException as ApiException;
                                if (innerException == null)
                                    throw new Exception(
                                              "Failed to retrieve ApiError. See inner exception " +
                                              "for more details.", e);

                                foreach (ApiError apiError in innerException.errors)
                                    if (!(apiError is RateExceededError))
                                        // Rethrow any errors other than RateExceededError.

                                    // Handle rate exceeded errors.
                                    RateExceededError rateExceededError =
                                        "Got Rate exceeded error - rate name = '{0}', " +
                                        "scope = '{1}', retry After {2} seconds.",
                                        rateExceededError.rateScope, rateExceededError.rateName,
                                    Thread.Sleep(rateExceededError.retryAfterSeconds * 1000);
                                    retryCount = retryCount + 1;
                                if (retryCount == NUM_RETRIES)
                                    throw new Exception(string.Format(
                                                            "Could not recover after making {0} attempts.",
                    catch (Exception e)
                        throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to validate keywords.", e);
Exemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the code example.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param>
        /// <param name="adGroupId">Id of the ad group to which keywords are added.
        /// </param>
        public void Run(AdWordsUser user, long adGroupId)
            // Get the AdGroupCriterionService.
            AdGroupCriterionService adGroupCriterionService =

            List <AdGroupCriterionOperation> operations = new List <AdGroupCriterionOperation>();

            foreach (string keywordText in KEYWORDS)
                // Create the keyword.
                Keyword keyword = new Keyword();
                keyword.text      = keywordText;
                keyword.matchType = KeywordMatchType.BROAD;

                // Create the biddable ad group criterion.
                BiddableAdGroupCriterion keywordCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();
                keywordCriterion.adGroupId = adGroupId;
                keywordCriterion.criterion = keyword;

                // Optional: Set the user status.
                keywordCriterion.userStatus = UserStatus.PAUSED;

                // Optional: Set the keyword destination url.
                keywordCriterion.finalUrls = new UrlList()
                    urls = new string[] { "http://example.com/mars/cruise/?kw=" +
                                          HttpUtility.UrlEncode(keywordText) }

                // Create the operations.
                AdGroupCriterionOperation operation = new AdGroupCriterionOperation();
                operation.@operator = Operator.ADD;
                operation.operand   = keywordCriterion;

            try {
                // Create the keywords.
                AdGroupCriterionReturnValue retVal = adGroupCriterionService.mutate(operations.ToArray());

                // Display the results.
                if (retVal != null && retVal.value != null)
                    foreach (AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterion in retVal.value)
                        // If you are adding multiple type of criteria, then you may need to
                        // check for
                        // if (adGroupCriterion is Keyword) { ... }
                        // to identify the criterion type.
                        Console.WriteLine("Keyword with ad group id = '{0}', keyword id = '{1}', text = " +
                                          "'{2}' and match type = '{3}' was created.", adGroupCriterion.adGroupId,
                                          adGroupCriterion.criterion.id, (adGroupCriterion.criterion as Keyword).text,
                                          (adGroupCriterion.criterion as Keyword).matchType);
                    Console.WriteLine("No keywords were added.");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to create keywords.", e);
Exemplo n.º 27
        public async override Task RunAsync(AuthorizationData authorizationData)
                CampaignManagementExampleHelper CampaignManagementExampleHelper = new CampaignManagementExampleHelper(this.OutputStatusMessage);
                CampaignManagementExampleHelper.CampaignManagementService = new ServiceClient <ICampaignManagementService>(authorizationData);

                // Before you can track conversions or target audiences using a remarketing list,
                // you need to create a UET tag in Bing Ads (web application or API) and then
                // add the UET tag tracking code to every page of your website. For more information, please see
                // Universal Event Tracking at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/bingads/guides/universal-event-tracking.

                // First you should call the GetUetTagsByIds operation to check whether a tag has already been created.
                // You can leave the TagIds element null or empty to request all UET tags available for the customer.

                var uetTags = (await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.GetUetTagsByIdsAsync(null))?.UetTags;

                // If you do not already have a UET tag that can be used, or if you need another UET tag,
                // call the AddUetTags service operation to create a new UET tag. If the call is successful,
                // the tracking script that you should add to your website is included in a corresponding
                // UetTag within the response message.

                if (uetTags == null || uetTags.Count < 1)
                    var uetTag = new UetTag
                        Description = "My First Uet Tag",
                        Name        = "New Uet Tag",
                    uetTags = (await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.AddUetTagsAsync(new[] { uetTag })).UetTags;

                if (uetTags == null || uetTags.Count < 1)
                        string.Format("You do not have any UET tags registered for CustomerId {0}.\n", authorizationData.CustomerId)

                OutputStatusMessage("List of all UET Tags:\n");
                foreach (var uetTag in uetTags)

                // After you retreive the tracking script from the AddUetTags or GetUetTagsByIds operation,
                // the next step is to add the UET tag tracking code to your website. We recommend that you,
                // or your website administrator, add it to your entire website in either the head or body sections.
                // If your website has a master page, then that is the best place to add it because you add it once
                // and it is included on all pages. For more information, please see
                // Universal Event Tracking at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/bingads/guides/universal-event-tracking.

                // We will use the same UET tag for the remainder of this example.
                var tagId = uetTags[0].Id;

                // Add a remarketing list that depend on the UET Tag Id retreived above.

                var addAudiences = new[] {
                    new RemarketingList
                        Description        = "New list with CustomEventsRule",
                        MembershipDuration = 30,
                        Name     = "Remarketing List with CustomEventsRule " + DateTime.UtcNow,
                        ParentId = authorizationData.AccountId,
                        Rule     = new CustomEventsRule
                            // The type of user interaction you want to track.
                            Action         = "play",
                            ActionOperator = StringOperator.Contains,
                            // The category of event you want to track.
                            Category         = "video",
                            CategoryOperator = StringOperator.Contains,
                            // The name of the element that caused the action.
                            Label         = "trailer",
                            LabelOperator = StringOperator.Contains,
                            // A numerical value associated with that event.
                            // Could be length of the video played etc.
                            Value         = 5.00m,
                            ValueOperator = NumberOperator.Equals,
                        Scope = EntityScope.Account,
                        TagId = tagId
                    new RemarketingList
                        Description        = "New list with PageVisitorsRule",
                        MembershipDuration = 30,
                        Name     = "Remarketing List with PageVisitorsRule " + DateTime.UtcNow,
                        ParentId = authorizationData.AccountId,
                        // The rule definition is translated to the following logical expression:
                        // ((Url Contains X) and (ReferrerUrl DoesNotContain Z)) or ((Url DoesNotBeginWith Y))
                        // or ((ReferrerUrl Equals Z))
                        Rule = new PageVisitorsRule
                            RuleItemGroups = new []
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.Contains,
                                            Value    = "X"
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "ReferrerUrl",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.DoesNotContain,
                                            Value    = "Z"
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.DoesNotBeginWith,
                                            Value    = "Y"
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "ReferrerUrl",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.Equals,
                                            Value    = "Z"
                        Scope = EntityScope.Account,
                        TagId = tagId
                    new RemarketingList
                        Description        = "New list with PageVisitorsWhoDidNotVisitAnotherPageRule",
                        MembershipDuration = 30,
                        Name     = "Remarketing List with PageVisitorsWhoDidNotVisitAnotherPageRule " + DateTime.UtcNow,
                        ParentId = authorizationData.AccountId,
                        // The rule definition is translated to the following logical expression:
                        // (((Url Contains X) and (ReferrerUrl DoesNotContain Z)) or ((Url DoesNotBeginWith Y))
                        // or ((ReferrerUrl Equals Z)))
                        // and not (((Url BeginsWith A) and (ReferrerUrl BeginsWith B)) or ((Url Contains C)))
                        Rule = new PageVisitorsWhoDidNotVisitAnotherPageRule
                            ExcludeRuleItemGroups = new []
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.BeginsWith,
                                            Value    = "A"
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "ReferrerUrl",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.BeginsWith,
                                            Value    = "B"
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.Contains,
                                            Value    = "C"
                            IncludeRuleItemGroups = new []
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.Contains,
                                            Value    = "X"
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "ReferrerUrl",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.DoesNotContain,
                                            Value    = "Z"
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.DoesNotBeginWith,
                                            Value    = "Y"
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "ReferrerUrl",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.Equals,
                                            Value    = "Z"
                        Scope = EntityScope.Account,
                        TagId = tagId
                    new RemarketingList
                        Description        = "New list with PageVisitorsWhoVisitedAnotherPageRule",
                        MembershipDuration = 30,
                        Name     = "Remarketing List with PageVisitorsWhoVisitedAnotherPageRule " + DateTime.UtcNow,
                        ParentId = authorizationData.AccountId,
                        // The rule definition is translated to the following logical expression:
                        // (((Url Contains X) and (ReferrerUrl NotEquals Z)) or ((Url DoesNotBeginWith Y)) or
                        // ((ReferrerUrl Equals Z)))
                        // and (((Url BeginsWith A) and (ReferrerUrl BeginsWith B)) or ((Url Contains C)))
                        Rule = new PageVisitorsWhoVisitedAnotherPageRule
                            AnotherRuleItemGroups = new []
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.BeginsWith,
                                            Value    = "A"
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "ReferrerUrl",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.BeginsWith,
                                            Value    = "B"
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.Contains,
                                            Value    = "C"
                            RuleItemGroups = new []
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.Contains,
                                            Value    = "X"
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "ReferrerUrl",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.DoesNotContain,
                                            Value    = "Z"
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.DoesNotBeginWith,
                                            Value    = "Y"
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "ReferrerUrl",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.Equals,
                                            Value    = "Z"
                        Scope = EntityScope.Account,
                        TagId = tagId

                // RemarketingList extends the Audience base class.
                // We manage remarketing lists with Audience operations.

                var addAudiencesResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.AddAudiencesAsync(addAudiences);

                var audienceIds = addAudiencesResponse.AudienceIds;

                // You must already have at least one remarketing list for the remainder of this example.

                if (audienceIds.Count < 1)

                var updateAudiences = new[] {
                    new RemarketingList
                        Id = audienceIds[0],
                        // The ParentId cannot be updated, even if you update the rule type.
                        // You can either send the same value or leave ParentId empty.
                        ParentId = authorizationData.AccountId,
                        Rule     = new CustomEventsRule
                            // For both add and update remarketing list operations, you must include one or more
                            // of the following events:
                            // Action, Category, Label, or Value.

                            // For example if you do not include Action during update,
                            // any existing ActionOperator and Action settings will be deleted.
                            Action = null,
                            //ActionOperator = null,
                            Category         = "video",
                            CategoryOperator = StringOperator.Equals,
                            // You cannot update the operator unless you also include the expression.
                            // The following attempt to update LabelOperator will result in an error.
                            Label         = null,
                            LabelOperator = StringOperator.Equals,
                            // You must specify the previous settings unless you want
                            // them replaced during the update conversion goal operation.
                            Value         = 5.00m,
                            ValueOperator = NumberOperator.Equals,
                        // The Scope cannot be updated, even if you update the rule type.
                        // You can either send the same value or leave Scope empty.
                        Scope = EntityScope.Account,
                        // You can update the tag as needed. In this example we will explicitly use the same UET tag.
                        // To keep the UET tag unchanged, you can also leave this element nil or empty.
                        TagId = tagId,
                    new RemarketingList
                        // You can change the remarketing rule type e.g. in this example a remarketing list
                        // with the PageVisitorsRule had been created above at index 1.
                        // Now we are using the returned identifier at index 1 to update the type from
                        // PageVisitorsRule to PageVisitorsWhoDidNotVisitAnotherPageRule.
                        Id   = audienceIds[1],
                        Rule = new PageVisitorsWhoDidNotVisitAnotherPageRule
                            // If you want to keep any of the previous rule items,
                            // then you must explicitly set them again during update.
                            ExcludeRuleItemGroups = new []
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.Contains,
                                            Value    = "C"
                            // If you leave the entire list of rule item groups null,
                            // then previous settings will be retained.
                            IncludeRuleItemGroups = null,
                    new RemarketingList
                        Id   = audienceIds[2],
                        Rule = new PageVisitorsRule
                            // If you want to keep any of the previous rule items,
                            // then you must explicitly set them again during update.
                            RuleItemGroups = new []
                                new RuleItemGroup
                                    Items = new []
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "Url",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.Contains,
                                            Value    = "X"
                                        new StringRuleItem
                                            Operand  = "ReferrerUrl",
                                            Operator = StringOperator.DoesNotContain,
                                            Value    = "Z"
                    new RemarketingList
                        Id = audienceIds[3],
                        MembershipDuration = 20,
                        // If not specified during update, the previous rule settings are retained.
                        Rule = null,

                var updateAudiencesResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.UpdateAudiencesAsync(updateAudiences);

                OutputStatusMessage("Updated audiences. List of errors (if applicable):\n");

                // Add an ad group in a campaign. The ad group will later be associated with remarketing lists.

                var campaigns = new[] {
                    new Campaign
                        Name        = "Women's Shoes " + DateTime.UtcNow,
                        Description = "Red shoes line.",

                        // You must choose to set either the shared  budget ID or daily amount.
                        // You can set one or the other, but you may not set both.
                        BudgetId      = null,
                        DailyBudget   = 50,
                        BudgetType    = BudgetLimitType.DailyBudgetStandard,
                        BiddingScheme = new EnhancedCpcBiddingScheme(),

                        TimeZone = "PacificTimeUSCanadaTijuana",

                var adGroups = new[] {
                    new AdGroup
                        Name      = "Women's Red Shoe Sale",
                        StartDate = null,
                        EndDate   = new Date {
                            Month = 12,
                            Day   = 31,
                            Year  = DateTime.UtcNow.Year + 1
                        CpcBid = new Bid {
                            Amount = 0.09
                        Language            = "English",
                        TrackingUrlTemplate = null,

                        // Applicable for all remarketing lists that are associated with this ad group. TargetAndBid indicates
                        // that you want to show ads only to people included in the remarketing list, with the option to change
                        // the bid amount. Ads in this ad group will only show to people included in the remarketing list.
                        Settings = new[]
                            new TargetSetting
                                // Each target setting detail is delimited by a semicolon (;) in the Bulk file
                                Details = new []
                                    new TargetSettingDetail
                                        CriterionTypeGroup = CriterionTypeGroup.Audience,
                                        TargetAndBid       = true

                AddCampaignsResponse addCampaignsResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.AddCampaignsAsync(authorizationData.AccountId, campaigns);

                long?[]      campaignIds    = addCampaignsResponse.CampaignIds.ToArray();
                BatchError[] campaignErrors = addCampaignsResponse.PartialErrors.ToArray();

                AddAdGroupsResponse addAdGroupsResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.AddAdGroupsAsync((long)campaignIds[0], adGroups, null);

                long?[]      adGroupIds    = addAdGroupsResponse.AdGroupIds.ToArray();
                BatchError[] adGroupErrors = addAdGroupsResponse.PartialErrors.ToArray();

                // If the campaign or ad group add operations failed then we cannot continue this example.

                if (adGroupIds == null || adGroupIds.Length < 1)

                var adGroupRemarketingListAssociations = new List <AdGroupCriterion>();

                // This example associates all of the remarketing lists with the new ad group.

                var getAudienceIds = new List <long>();
                foreach (var listId in audienceIds)
                var remarketingLists = (await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.GetAudiencesByIdsAsync(

                foreach (var remarketingList in remarketingLists)
                    if (remarketingList.Id != null)
                        var biddableAdGroupCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion
                            AdGroupId = (long)adGroupIds[0],
                            Criterion = new AudienceCriterion
                                AudienceId   = (long)remarketingList.Id,
                                AudienceType = AudienceType.RemarketingList,
                            CriterionBid = new BidMultiplier
                                Multiplier = 20.00,
                            Status = AdGroupCriterionStatus.Active,


                        OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Associating the following remarketing list with AdGroup Id {0}.\n", (long)adGroupIds[0]));

                var addAdGroupCriterionsResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.AddAdGroupCriterionsAsync(

                var adGroupCriterionIds = new List <long>();
                foreach (long id in addAdGroupCriterionsResponse.AdGroupCriterionIds)

                var getAdGroupCriterionsByIdsResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.GetAdGroupCriterionsByIdsAsync(

                foreach (var adGroupRemarketingListAssociation in getAdGroupCriterionsByIdsResponse.AdGroupCriterions)
                    OutputStatusMessage("The following ad group remarketing list association was added.\n");
                    CampaignManagementExampleHelper.OutputArrayOfAdGroupCriterion(new AdGroupCriterion[] { adGroupRemarketingListAssociation });

                // You can store the association IDs which can be used to update or delete associations later.

                var nullableAdGroupCriterionIds = addAdGroupCriterionsResponse.AdGroupCriterionIds;

                // If the associations were added and retrieved successfully let's practice updating and deleting one of them.

                if (nullableAdGroupCriterionIds != null && nullableAdGroupCriterionIds.Count > 0)
                    var updateAdGroupRemarketingListAssociation = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion
                        AdGroupId = (long)adGroupIds[0],
                        Criterion = new AudienceCriterion
                            AudienceType = AudienceType.RemarketingList,
                        CriterionBid = new BidMultiplier
                            Multiplier = 10.00,
                        Id     = nullableAdGroupCriterionIds[0],
                        Status = AdGroupCriterionStatus.Active,

                    var updateAdGroupCriterionsResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.UpdateAdGroupCriterionsAsync(
                        new BiddableAdGroupCriterion[] { updateAdGroupRemarketingListAssociation },

                    var deleteAdGroupCriterionsResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.DeleteAdGroupCriterionsAsync(

                // Delete the campaign, ad group, and ad group remarketing list associations that were previously added.

                var deleteCampaignsResponse = (await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.DeleteCampaignsAsync(authorizationData.AccountId, new[] { (long)campaignIds[0] }));
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Deleted Campaign Id {0}\n", campaignIds[0]));

                // Delete the remarketing list.

                var deleteAudiencesResponse = (await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.DeleteAudiencesAsync(new[] { (long)audienceIds[0] }));
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Deleted Audience Id {0}\n", audienceIds[0]));
            // Catch authentication exceptions
            catch (OAuthTokenRequestException ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Couldn't get OAuth tokens. Error: {0}. Description: {1}", ex.Details.Error, ex.Details.Description));
            // Catch Campaign Management service exceptions
            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.BingAds.V12.CampaignManagement.AdApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.Errors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.BingAds.V12.CampaignManagement.ApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.OperationErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.BatchErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.BingAds.V12.CampaignManagement.EditorialApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.OperationErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.BatchErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            catch (Exception ex)
    /// <summary>
    /// Runs the code example.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param>
    /// <param name="adGroupId">Id of the ad group to which keywords are added.
    /// </param>
    public void Run(AdWordsUser user, long adGroupId) {
      // Get the AdGroupCriterionService.
      AdGroupCriterionService adGroupCriterionService =
          (AdGroupCriterionService) user.GetService(AdWordsService.v201509.AdGroupCriterionService);

      // Set partial failure mode for the service.
      adGroupCriterionService.RequestHeader.partialFailure = true;

      List<AdGroupCriterionOperation> operations = new List<AdGroupCriterionOperation>();

      // Create the placements.
      string[] urls = new String[] {"http://mars.google.com", "http:/mars.google.com",

      foreach (String url in urls) {
        Placement placement = new Placement();
        placement.url = url;

        // Create biddable ad group criterion.
        BiddableAdGroupCriterion placementBiddableAdGroupCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();
        placementBiddableAdGroupCriterion.adGroupId = adGroupId;
        placementBiddableAdGroupCriterion.criterion = placement;

        // Create the operation.
        AdGroupCriterionOperation placementAdGroupCriterionOperation =
            new AdGroupCriterionOperation();
        placementAdGroupCriterionOperation.operand = placementBiddableAdGroupCriterion;
        placementAdGroupCriterionOperation.@operator = Operator.ADD;

      try {
        // Create the placements.
        AdGroupCriterionReturnValue result = adGroupCriterionService.mutate(operations.ToArray());

        // Display the results.
        if (result != null && result.value != null) {
          foreach (AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterionResult in result.value) {
            if (adGroupCriterionResult.criterion != null) {
              Console.WriteLine("Placement with ad group id '{0}', and criterion " +
                  "id '{1}', and url '{2}' was added.\n", adGroupCriterionResult.adGroupId,
                  ((Placement) adGroupCriterionResult.criterion).url);
        } else {
          Console.WriteLine("No placements were added.");

        // Display the partial failure errors.
        if (result != null && result.partialFailureErrors != null) {
          foreach (ApiError apiError in result.partialFailureErrors) {
            int operationIndex = ErrorUtilities.GetOperationIndex(apiError.fieldPath);
            if (operationIndex != -1) {
              AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterion = operations[operationIndex].operand;
              Console.WriteLine("Placement with ad group id '{0}' and url '{1}' "
                  + "triggered a failure for the following reason: '{2}'.\n",
                  adGroupCriterion.adGroupId, ((Placement) adGroupCriterion.criterion).url,
            } else {
              Console.WriteLine("A failure for the following reason: '{0}' has occurred.\n",
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to add placements in partial failure mode.",
Exemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the code example.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param>
        /// <param name="campaignId">Id of the campaign to which experiments are
        /// added.</param>
        /// <param name="adGroupId">Id of the ad group to which experiments are
        /// added.</param>
        /// <param name="criterionId">Id of the criterion for which experiments
        /// are added.</param>
        public void Run(AdWordsUser user, long campaignId, long adGroupId, long criterionId)
            // Get the ExperimentService.
              ExperimentService experimentService =
              (ExperimentService) user.GetService(AdWordsService.v201601.ExperimentService);

              // Get the AdGroupService.
              AdGroupService adGroupService =
              (AdGroupService) user.GetService(AdWordsService.v201601.AdGroupService);

              // Get the AdGroupCriterionService.
              AdGroupCriterionService adGroupCriterionService =
              (AdGroupCriterionService) user.GetService(AdWordsService.v201601.AdGroupCriterionService);

              // Create the experiment.
              Experiment experiment = new Experiment();
              experiment.campaignId = campaignId;
              experiment.name = "Interplanetary Cruise #" + ExampleUtilities.GetRandomString();
              experiment.queryPercentage = 10;
              experiment.startDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyyMMdd HHmmss");

              // Optional: Set the end date.
              experiment.endDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30).ToString("yyyyMMdd HHmmss");

              // Optional: Set the status.
              experiment.status = ExperimentStatus.ENABLED;

              // Create the operation.
              ExperimentOperation experimentOperation = new ExperimentOperation();
              experimentOperation.@operator = Operator.ADD;
              experimentOperation.operand = experiment;

              try {
            // Add the experiment.
            ExperimentReturnValue experimentRetVal = experimentService.mutate(
            new ExperimentOperation[] {experimentOperation});

            // Display the results.
            if (experimentRetVal != null && experimentRetVal.value != null && experimentRetVal.value.
            Length > 0) {
              long experimentId = 0;

              Experiment newExperiment = experimentRetVal.value[0];

              Console.WriteLine("Experiment with name = \"{0}\" and id = \"{1}\" was added.\n",
              newExperiment.name, newExperiment.id);
              experimentId = newExperiment.id;

              // Set ad group for the experiment.
              AdGroup adGroup = new AdGroup();
              adGroup.id = adGroupId;

              // Create experiment bid multiplier rule that will modify ad group bid
              // for the experiment.
              ManualCPCAdGroupExperimentBidMultipliers adGroupBidMultiplier =
              new ManualCPCAdGroupExperimentBidMultipliers();
              adGroupBidMultiplier.maxCpcMultiplier = new BidMultiplier();
              adGroupBidMultiplier.maxCpcMultiplier.multiplier = 1.5;

              // Set experiment data to the ad group.
              AdGroupExperimentData adGroupExperimentData = new AdGroupExperimentData();
              adGroupExperimentData.experimentId = experimentId;
              adGroupExperimentData.experimentDeltaStatus = ExperimentDeltaStatus.MODIFIED;
              adGroupExperimentData.experimentBidMultipliers = adGroupBidMultiplier;

              adGroup.experimentData = adGroupExperimentData;

              // Create the operation.
              AdGroupOperation adGroupOperation = new AdGroupOperation();
              adGroupOperation.operand = adGroup;
              adGroupOperation.@operator = Operator.SET;

              // Update the ad group.
              AdGroupReturnValue adGroupRetVal = adGroupService.mutate(new AdGroupOperation[] {

              // Display the results.
              if (adGroupRetVal != null && adGroupRetVal.value != null &&
              adGroupRetVal.value.Length > 0) {
            AdGroup updatedAdGroup = adGroupRetVal.value[0];
            Console.WriteLine("Ad group with name = \"{0}\", id = \"{1}\" and status = \"{2}\" " +
                "was updated for the experiment.\n", updatedAdGroup.name, updatedAdGroup.id,
              } else {
            Console.WriteLine("No ad groups were updated.");

              // Set ad group criteria for the experiment.
              Criterion criterion = new Criterion();
              criterion.id = criterionId;

              BiddableAdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();
              adGroupCriterion.adGroupId = adGroupId;
              adGroupCriterion.criterion = criterion;

              // Create experiment bid multiplier rule that will modify criterion bid
              // for the experiment.
              ManualCPCAdGroupCriterionExperimentBidMultiplier bidMultiplier =
              new ManualCPCAdGroupCriterionExperimentBidMultiplier();
              bidMultiplier.maxCpcMultiplier = new BidMultiplier();
              bidMultiplier.maxCpcMultiplier.multiplier = 1.5;

              // Set experiment data to the criterion.
              BiddableAdGroupCriterionExperimentData adGroupCriterionExperimentData =
              new BiddableAdGroupCriterionExperimentData();
              adGroupCriterionExperimentData.experimentId = experimentId;
              adGroupCriterionExperimentData.experimentDeltaStatus = ExperimentDeltaStatus.MODIFIED;
              adGroupCriterionExperimentData.experimentBidMultiplier = bidMultiplier;

              adGroupCriterion.experimentData = adGroupCriterionExperimentData;

              // Create the operation.
              AdGroupCriterionOperation adGroupCriterionOperation = new AdGroupCriterionOperation();
              adGroupCriterionOperation.operand = adGroupCriterion;
              adGroupCriterionOperation.@operator = Operator.SET;

              // Update the ad group criteria.
              AdGroupCriterionReturnValue adGroupCriterionRetVal = adGroupCriterionService.mutate(
              new AdGroupCriterionOperation[] {adGroupCriterionOperation});

              // Display the results.
              if (adGroupCriterionRetVal != null && adGroupCriterionRetVal.value != null &&
              adGroupCriterionRetVal.value.Length > 0) {
            AdGroupCriterion updatedAdGroupCriterion = adGroupCriterionRetVal.value[0];
            Console.WriteLine("Ad group criterion with ad group id = \"{0}\", criterion id = "
                + "\"{1}\" and type = \"{2}\" was updated for the experiment.\n",
                updatedAdGroupCriterion.adGroupId, updatedAdGroupCriterion.criterion.id,
              } else {
            Console.WriteLine("No ad group criteria were updated.");
            } else {
              Console.WriteLine("No experiments were added.");
              } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to add experiment.", e);
            /// <summary>
            /// Creates a subdivision node.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="parent">The node that should be this node's parent.
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="value">The value being paritioned on.</param>
            /// <returns>A new subdivision node.</returns>
            public ProductPartition CreateSubdivision(ProductPartition parent, ProductDimension value)
                ProductPartition division = new ProductPartition();
                division.partitionType = ProductPartitionType.SUBDIVISION;
                division.id = this.nextId--;

                // The root node has neither a parent nor a value.
                if (parent != null) {
                  division.parentCriterionId = parent.id;
                  division.caseValue = value;

                BiddableAdGroupCriterion criterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();
                criterion.adGroupId = this.adGroupId;
                criterion.criterion = division;

                return division;
            /// <summary>
            /// Sets the Add action for a new BiddableAdGroupCriterion corresponding to the specified ProductCondition, 
            /// and adds it to the helper's list of BulkAdGroupProductPartition. 
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="parent">The parent of the product partition subdivision that you want to add.</param>
            /// <param name="condition">The condition or product filter for the new product partition.</param>
            /// <param name="clientId">The Client Id in the bulk upload file corresponding to the product partition.</param>
            /// <returns>The BulkAdGroupProductPartition that was added to the list of PartitionActions.</returns>
            public BulkAdGroupProductPartition AddSubdivision(
                BulkAdGroupProductPartition parent,
                ProductCondition condition,
                string clientId
                var biddableAdGroupCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion()
                    Id = this.referenceId--,
                    Criterion = new ProductPartition()
                        // If the root node is a unit, it would not have a parent
                        ParentCriterionId = parent != null && parent.AdGroupCriterion != null ? parent.AdGroupCriterion.Id : null,
                        Condition = condition,
                        PartitionType = ProductPartitionType.Subdivision
                    CriterionBid = null,
                    AdGroupId = this.adGroupId

                var partitionAction = new BulkAdGroupProductPartition()
                    ClientId = clientId,
                    AdGroupCriterion = biddableAdGroupCriterion


                return partitionAction;
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the criterion-level bid, or null if no such bid exists.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="biddableCriterion">The biddable criterion.</param>
 /// <returns>The criterion-level bid, or null if no such bid exists.
 /// </returns>
 private static Money GetBid(BiddableAdGroupCriterion biddableCriterion)
     BiddingStrategyConfiguration biddingConfig = biddableCriterion.biddingStrategyConfiguration;
       Money cpcBidAmount = null;
       if (biddingConfig != null && biddingConfig.bids != null) {
     foreach (Bids bid in biddingConfig.bids) {
       if (bid is CpcBid) {
     CpcBid cpcBid = (CpcBid) bid;
     if (cpcBid.cpcBidSource == BidSource.CRITERION) {
       cpcBidAmount = cpcBid.bid;
       return cpcBidAmount;
    /// <summary>
    /// Runs the code example.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param>
    /// <param name="adGroupId">Id of the ad groups to which keywords are
    /// added.</param>
    public void Run(AdWordsUser user, long adGroupId) {
      // Get the MutateJobService.
      MutateJobService mutateJobService = (MutateJobService) user.GetService(

      const int RETRY_INTERVAL = 30;
      const int RETRIES_COUNT = 30;
      const int KEYWORD_NUMBER = 100;
      const string INDEX_REGEX = "operations\\[(\\d+)\\].operand";

      List<Operation> operations = new List<Operation>();

      // Create AdGroupCriterionOperation to add keywords.
      for (int i = 0; i < KEYWORD_NUMBER; i++) {
        Keyword keyword = new Keyword();
        keyword.text = string.Format("mars cruise {0}", i);
        keyword.matchType = KeywordMatchType.BROAD;

        BiddableAdGroupCriterion criterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();
        criterion.adGroupId = adGroupId;
        criterion.criterion = keyword;

        AdGroupCriterionOperation adGroupCriterionOperation = new AdGroupCriterionOperation();
        adGroupCriterionOperation.@operator = Operator.ADD;
        adGroupCriterionOperation.operand = criterion;


      BulkMutateJobPolicy policy = new BulkMutateJobPolicy();
      // You can specify up to 3 job IDs that must successfully complete before
      // this job can be processed.
      policy.prerequisiteJobIds = new long[] {};

      SimpleMutateJob job = mutateJobService.mutate(operations.ToArray(), policy);

      // Wait for the job to complete.
      bool completed = false;
      int retryCount = 0;
      Console.WriteLine("Retrieving job status...");

      while (completed == false && retryCount < RETRIES_COUNT) {
        BulkMutateJobSelector selector = new BulkMutateJobSelector();
        selector.jobIds = new long[] {job.id};

        try {
          Job[] allJobs = mutateJobService.get(selector);
          if (allJobs != null && allJobs.Length > 0) {
            job = (SimpleMutateJob) allJobs[0];
            if (job.status == BasicJobStatus.COMPLETED || job.status == BasicJobStatus.FAILED) {
              completed = true;
            } else {
              Console.WriteLine("{0}: Current status is {1}, waiting {2} seconds to retry...",
                  retryCount, job.status, RETRY_INTERVAL);
              Thread.Sleep(RETRY_INTERVAL * 1000);
        } catch (Exception e) {
          throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to fetch simple mutate job with " +
              "id = {0}.", e);

      if (job.status == BasicJobStatus.COMPLETED) {
        // Handle cases where the job completed.

        // Create the job selector.
        BulkMutateJobSelector selector = new BulkMutateJobSelector();
        selector.jobIds = new long[] {job.id};

        // Get the job results.
        JobResult jobResult = mutateJobService.getResult(selector);
        if (jobResult != null) {
          SimpleMutateResult results = (SimpleMutateResult) jobResult.Item;
          if (results != null) {
            // Display the results.
            if (results.results != null) {
              for (int i = 0; i < results.results.Length; i++) {
                Operand operand = results.results[i];
                Console.WriteLine("Operation {0} - {1}", i, (operand.Item is PlaceHolder) ?
                    "FAILED" : "SUCCEEDED");

            // Display the errors.
            if (results.errors != null) {
              foreach (ApiError apiError in results.errors) {
                Match match = Regex.Match(apiError.fieldPath, INDEX_REGEX, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                string index = (match.Success)? match.Groups[1].Value : "???";
                Console.WriteLine("Operation index {0} failed due to reason: '{1}', " +
                    "trigger: '{2}'", index, apiError.errorString, apiError.trigger);
        Console.WriteLine("Job completed successfully!");
      } else if (job.status == BasicJobStatus.FAILED) {
        // Handle the cases where job failed.
        Console.WriteLine("Job failed with reason: " + job.failureReason);
      } else if (job.status == BasicJobStatus.PROCESSING || job.status == BasicJobStatus.PENDING) {
        // Handle the cases where job didn't complete after wait period.
        Console.WriteLine("Job did not complete in {0} secconds.", RETRY_INTERVAL * RETRIES_COUNT);
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the code example.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param>
        /// <param name="adGroupId">Id of the ad group to which criteria are
        /// added.</param>
        public void Run(AdWordsUser user, long adGroupId)
            // Get the AdGroupCriterionService.
            AdGroupCriterionService adGroupCriterionService =

            // Create biddable ad group criterion for gender
            Gender genderTarget = new Gender();

            // Criterion Id for male. The IDs can be found here
            // https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/appendix/genders
            genderTarget.id = 10;

            BiddableAdGroupCriterion genderBiddableAdGroupCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();

            genderBiddableAdGroupCriterion.adGroupId = adGroupId;
            genderBiddableAdGroupCriterion.criterion = genderTarget;

            // Create negative ad group criterion for age range
            AgeRange ageRangeNegative = new AgeRange();

            // Criterion Id for age 18 to 24. The IDs can be found here
            // https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/appendix/ages

            ageRangeNegative.id = 503001;
            NegativeAdGroupCriterion ageRangeNegativeAdGroupCriterion = new NegativeAdGroupCriterion();

            ageRangeNegativeAdGroupCriterion.adGroupId = adGroupId;
            ageRangeNegativeAdGroupCriterion.criterion = ageRangeNegative;

            // Create operations.
            AdGroupCriterionOperation genderBiddableAdGroupCriterionOperation =
                new AdGroupCriterionOperation();

            genderBiddableAdGroupCriterionOperation.operand   = genderBiddableAdGroupCriterion;
            genderBiddableAdGroupCriterionOperation.@operator = Operator.ADD;

            AdGroupCriterionOperation ageRangeNegativeAdGroupCriterionOperation =
                new AdGroupCriterionOperation();

            ageRangeNegativeAdGroupCriterionOperation.operand   = ageRangeNegativeAdGroupCriterion;
            ageRangeNegativeAdGroupCriterionOperation.@operator = Operator.ADD;

            AdGroupCriterionOperation[] operations = new AdGroupCriterionOperation[] {
                genderBiddableAdGroupCriterionOperation, ageRangeNegativeAdGroupCriterionOperation

            try {
                // Add ad group criteria.
                AdGroupCriterionReturnValue result = adGroupCriterionService.mutate(operations);

                // Display ad group criteria.
                if (result != null && result.value != null)
                    foreach (AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterionResult in result.value)
                        Console.WriteLine("Ad group criterion with ad group id \"{0}\", criterion id " +
                                          "\"{1}\", and type \"{2}\" was added.", adGroupCriterionResult.adGroupId,
                    Console.WriteLine("No ad group criteria were added.");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to create ad group criteria.", e);
Exemplo n.º 35
        public static AdGroupCriterionReturnValue AddKeyWordsToAdGroup(AdWordsUser user, long adGroupId, string keyWords)
            using (AdGroupCriterionService adGroupCriterionService =
                AdGroupCriterionReturnValue      retVal     = new AdGroupCriterionReturnValue();
                List <AdGroupCriterionOperation> operations = new List <AdGroupCriterionOperation>();

                string[] keyWordsArray = keyWords.Split(',');

                foreach (string keywordText in keyWordsArray)
                    // Create the keyword.
                    Keyword keyword = new Keyword();
                    keyword.text      = keywordText;
                    keyword.matchType = KeywordMatchType.BROAD;

                    // Create the biddable ad group criterion.
                    BiddableAdGroupCriterion keywordCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();
                    keywordCriterion.adGroupId = adGroupId;
                    keywordCriterion.criterion = keyword;

                    // Optional: Set the user status.
                    keywordCriterion.userStatus = UserStatus.ENABLED;

                    // Create the operations.
                    AdGroupCriterionOperation operation = new AdGroupCriterionOperation();
                    operation.@operator = Operator.ADD;
                    operation.operand   = keywordCriterion;

                    // Create the keywords.
                    retVal = adGroupCriterionService.mutate(
                catch (AdWordsApiException e)
                    ApiException innerException = e.ApiException as ApiException;
                    if (innerException == null)
                        throw new Exception("Failed to retrieve ApiError. See inner exception for more " +
                                            "details.", e);

                    // Examine each ApiError received from the server.
                    foreach (ApiError apiError in innerException.errors)
                        int index = apiError.GetOperationIndex();
                        if (index == -1)
                            // This API error is not associated with an operand, so we cannot
                            // recover from this error by removing one or more operations.
                            // Rethrow the exception for manual inspection.

                        // Handle policy violation errors.
                        if (apiError is PolicyViolationError)
                            PolicyViolationError policyError = (PolicyViolationError)apiError;

                            if (policyError.isExemptable)
                                // If the policy violation error is exemptable, add an exemption
                                // request.
                                List <ExemptionRequest> exemptionRequests = new List <ExemptionRequest>();
                                // Policy violation error is not exemptable, remove this
                                // operation from the list of operations.
                            // This is not a policy violation error, remove this operation
                            // from the list of operations.
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to create keywords.", e);
        /// <summary>
        /// Set custom targeting for the page feed URLs based on a list of labels.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param>
        /// <param name="adGroupId">Ad group ID.</param>
        /// <param name="labelName">The label name.</param>
        /// <returns>The newly created webpage criterion.</returns>
        private static BiddableAdGroupCriterion AddDsaTargeting(AdWordsUser user, long adGroupId,
                                                                string labelName)
            using (AdGroupCriterionService adGroupCriterionService =
                // Create a webpage criterion.
                Webpage webpage = new Webpage();

                WebpageParameter parameter = new WebpageParameter
                    criterionName = "Test criterion"
                webpage.parameter = parameter;

                // Add a condition for label=specified_label_name.
                WebpageCondition condition = new WebpageCondition
                    operand  = WebpageConditionOperand.CUSTOM_LABEL,
                    argument = labelName
                parameter.conditions = new WebpageCondition[]

                BiddableAdGroupCriterion criterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion
                    adGroupId = adGroupId,
                    criterion = webpage

                // Set a custom bid for this criterion.
                BiddingStrategyConfiguration biddingStrategyConfiguration =
                    new BiddingStrategyConfiguration
                    bids = new Bids[]
                        new CpcBid()
                            bid = new Money()
                                microAmount = 1500000

                criterion.biddingStrategyConfiguration = biddingStrategyConfiguration;

                AdGroupCriterionOperation operation = new AdGroupCriterionOperation
                    operand   = criterion,
                    @operator = Operator.ADD

                    AdGroupCriterionReturnValue retval = adGroupCriterionService.mutate(
                        new AdGroupCriterionOperation[]
                    BiddableAdGroupCriterion newCriterion =

                        "Web page criterion with ID = {0} and status = {1} was created.",
                        newCriterion.criterion.id, newCriterion.userStatus);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new System.ApplicationException(
                              "Failed to create webpage criterion for " + "custom page feed label.", e);
Exemplo n.º 37
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the code example.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param>
        /// <param name="campaignId">Id of the campaign to which experiments are
        /// added.</param>
        /// <param name="adGroupId">Id of the ad group to which experiments are
        /// added.</param>
        /// <param name="criterionId">Id of the criterion for which experiments
        /// are added.</param>
        public void Run(AdWordsUser user, long campaignId, long adGroupId, long criterionId)
            // Get the ExperimentService.
            ExperimentService experimentService =

            // Get the AdGroupService.
            AdGroupService adGroupService =

            // Get the AdGroupCriterionService.
            AdGroupCriterionService adGroupCriterionService =

            // Create the experiment.
            Experiment experiment = new Experiment();

            experiment.campaignId      = campaignId;
            experiment.name            = "Interplanetary Cruise #" + ExampleUtilities.GetRandomString();
            experiment.queryPercentage = 10;
            experiment.startDateTime   = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyyMMdd HHmmss");

            // Optional: Set the end date.
            experiment.endDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30).ToString("yyyyMMdd HHmmss");

            // Optional: Set the status.
            experiment.status = ExperimentStatus.ENABLED;

            // Create the operation.
            ExperimentOperation experimentOperation = new ExperimentOperation();

            experimentOperation.@operator = Operator.ADD;
            experimentOperation.operand   = experiment;

            try {
                // Add the experiment.
                ExperimentReturnValue experimentRetVal = experimentService.mutate(
                    new ExperimentOperation[] { experimentOperation });

                // Display the results.
                if (experimentRetVal != null && experimentRetVal.value != null && experimentRetVal.value.
                    Length > 0)
                    long experimentId = 0;

                    Experiment newExperiment = experimentRetVal.value[0];

                    Console.WriteLine("Experiment with name = \"{0}\" and id = \"{1}\" was added.\n",
                                      newExperiment.name, newExperiment.id);
                    experimentId = newExperiment.id;

                    // Set ad group for the experiment.
                    AdGroup adGroup = new AdGroup();
                    adGroup.id = adGroupId;

                    // Create experiment bid multiplier rule that will modify ad group bid
                    // for the experiment.
                    ManualCPCAdGroupExperimentBidMultipliers adGroupBidMultiplier =
                        new ManualCPCAdGroupExperimentBidMultipliers();
                    adGroupBidMultiplier.maxCpcMultiplier            = new BidMultiplier();
                    adGroupBidMultiplier.maxCpcMultiplier.multiplier = 1.5;

                    // Set experiment data to the ad group.
                    AdGroupExperimentData adGroupExperimentData = new AdGroupExperimentData();
                    adGroupExperimentData.experimentId             = experimentId;
                    adGroupExperimentData.experimentDeltaStatus    = ExperimentDeltaStatus.MODIFIED;
                    adGroupExperimentData.experimentBidMultipliers = adGroupBidMultiplier;

                    adGroup.experimentData = adGroupExperimentData;

                    // Create the operation.
                    AdGroupOperation adGroupOperation = new AdGroupOperation();
                    adGroupOperation.operand   = adGroup;
                    adGroupOperation.@operator = Operator.SET;

                    // Update the ad group.
                    AdGroupReturnValue adGroupRetVal = adGroupService.mutate(new AdGroupOperation[] {

                    // Display the results.
                    if (adGroupRetVal != null && adGroupRetVal.value != null &&
                        adGroupRetVal.value.Length > 0)
                        AdGroup updatedAdGroup = adGroupRetVal.value[0];
                        Console.WriteLine("Ad group with name = \"{0}\", id = \"{1}\" and status = \"{2}\" " +
                                          "was updated for the experiment.\n", updatedAdGroup.name, updatedAdGroup.id,
                        Console.WriteLine("No ad groups were updated.");

                    // Set ad group criteria for the experiment.
                    Criterion criterion = new Criterion();
                    criterion.id = criterionId;

                    BiddableAdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();
                    adGroupCriterion.adGroupId = adGroupId;
                    adGroupCriterion.criterion = criterion;

                    // Create experiment bid multiplier rule that will modify criterion bid
                    // for the experiment.
                    ManualCPCAdGroupCriterionExperimentBidMultiplier bidMultiplier =
                        new ManualCPCAdGroupCriterionExperimentBidMultiplier();
                    bidMultiplier.maxCpcMultiplier            = new BidMultiplier();
                    bidMultiplier.maxCpcMultiplier.multiplier = 1.5;

                    // Set experiment data to the criterion.
                    BiddableAdGroupCriterionExperimentData adGroupCriterionExperimentData =
                        new BiddableAdGroupCriterionExperimentData();
                    adGroupCriterionExperimentData.experimentId            = experimentId;
                    adGroupCriterionExperimentData.experimentDeltaStatus   = ExperimentDeltaStatus.MODIFIED;
                    adGroupCriterionExperimentData.experimentBidMultiplier = bidMultiplier;

                    adGroupCriterion.experimentData = adGroupCriterionExperimentData;

                    // Create the operation.
                    AdGroupCriterionOperation adGroupCriterionOperation = new AdGroupCriterionOperation();
                    adGroupCriterionOperation.operand   = adGroupCriterion;
                    adGroupCriterionOperation.@operator = Operator.SET;

                    // Update the ad group criteria.
                    AdGroupCriterionReturnValue adGroupCriterionRetVal = adGroupCriterionService.mutate(
                        new AdGroupCriterionOperation[] { adGroupCriterionOperation });

                    // Display the results.
                    if (adGroupCriterionRetVal != null && adGroupCriterionRetVal.value != null &&
                        adGroupCriterionRetVal.value.Length > 0)
                        AdGroupCriterion updatedAdGroupCriterion = adGroupCriterionRetVal.value[0];
                        Console.WriteLine("Ad group criterion with ad group id = \"{0}\", criterion id = "
                                          + "\"{1}\" and type = \"{2}\" was updated for the experiment.\n",
                                          updatedAdGroupCriterion.adGroupId, updatedAdGroupCriterion.criterion.id,
                        Console.WriteLine("No ad group criteria were updated.");
                    Console.WriteLine("No experiments were added.");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to add experiment.", ex);
            /// <summary>
            /// Sets the Add action for a new AdGroupCriterion corresponding to the specified ProductCondition, 
            /// and adds it to the helper's list of BulkAdGroupProductPartition. 
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="parent">The parent of the product partition unit that you want to add.</param>
            /// <param name="condition">The condition or product filter for the new product partition.</param>
            /// <param name="bidAmount">The bid amount for the new product partition.</param>
            /// <param name="isNegative">Indicates whether or not to add a NegativeAdGroupCriterion. 
            /// The default value is false, in which case a BiddableAdGroupCriterion will be added.</param>
            /// <returns>The BulkAdGroupProductPartition that was added to the list of PartitionActions.</returns>
            public BulkAdGroupProductPartition AddUnit(
                BulkAdGroupProductPartition parent,
                ProductCondition condition,
                double bidAmount,
                bool isNegative,
                string clientId
                AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterion;

                if (isNegative)
                    adGroupCriterion = new NegativeAdGroupCriterion();
                    adGroupCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion()
                        CriterionBid = new FixedBid()
                            Bid = new Bid()
                                Amount = bidAmount
                        DestinationUrl = "http://www.contoso.com/womenshoesale/?season=spring&promocode=PROMO123",

                adGroupCriterion.Criterion = new ProductPartition()
                    // If the root node is a unit, it would not have a parent
                    ParentCriterionId = parent != null && parent.AdGroupCriterion != null ? parent.AdGroupCriterion.Id : null,
                    Condition = condition,
                    PartitionType = ProductPartitionType.Unit

                adGroupCriterion.AdGroupId = this.adGroupId;

                var partitionAction = new BulkAdGroupProductPartition()
                    ClientId = clientId,
                    AdGroupCriterion = adGroupCriterion


                return partitionAction;
Exemplo n.º 39
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="UseSandbox"></param>
        /// <param name="Name"></param>
        /// <param name="Countries"></param>
        /// <param name="Languages"></param>
        /// <param name="BudgetPeriod"></param>
        /// <param name="BudgetAmount"></param>
        /// <param name="MaxAdGroups"></param>
        /// <param name="DisplayUrl"></param>
        /// <param name="destinationUrlPrefix"></param>
        public void CreateCampaignByKeywordDensityContentMatch(bool UseSandbox, Guid AffiliateSiteRefId, int BudgetPeriod,
            Moneyv200906 BudgetAmount, AdGroupCriterionMoneyv200906 KeywordMaxCpc, string DisplayUrl, int MaxAdGroups, int AdKeywordType, int MinKeywordDensity,
            int MaxKeywordDensity, int MinContentMatch, decimal maxApiUsageDollars)
            // Create a user (reads headers from App.config file).
            AdWordsUser user = new AdWordsUser();
            if (UseSandbox)
                user.UseSandbox();	// use sandbox

            AccountService accountService = (AccountService)user.GetService(ApiServices.v13.AccountService);
            string[] accounts = accountService.getClientAccounts();

                #region Create Campaign

                PpcNetwork ppcNetwork = DataRepository.PpcNetworkProvider.GetByName("AdWords");

                TList<PpcCampaign> Campaigns =

                foreach (PpcCampaign campaign in Campaigns)
                    // Target the campaign at
                    CampaignServicev200906 campaignService =

                    // Create a new campaign with an ad group.  First create a
                    // campaign, so we can get its id.
                    Campaignv200906 newCampaign = new Campaignv200906();

                    // The campaign name is optional.  An error results if a campaign
                    // of the same name already exists.
                    newCampaign.name = campaign.CampaignName + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString();

                    // Set the campaign status to paused, we don't want to start
                    // paying for this test.
                    // Required: Set the campaign status.
                    newCampaign.status = CampaignStatusv200906.ACTIVE;
                    newCampaign.statusSpecified = true;

                    // Required: Specify the currency and budget amount.
                    Budget budget = new Budget();
                    BudgetAmount.microAmountSpecified = true;
                    budget.amount = BudgetAmount;

                    // Required: Specify the bidding strategy.
                    newCampaign.biddingStrategy = new ManualCPC();

                    // Optional: Specify the budget period and delivery method.
                    budget.periodSpecified = true;
                    budget.period = BudgetBudgetPeriod.DAILY;
                    budget.deliveryMethodSpecified = true;
                    budget.deliveryMethod = BudgetBudgetDeliveryMethod.STANDARD;
                    newCampaign.budget = budget;

                    // Optional: Specify an endDate for the campaign.
                    newCampaign.endDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(campaign.DurationInDays).ToString("yyyyMMdd");

                    // Define an Add operation to add the campaign.
                    CampaignOperation campaignOperation = new CampaignOperation();

                    campaignOperation.operatorSpecified = true;
                    campaignOperation.@operator = CampaignOperatorv200906.ADD;
                    campaignOperation.operand = newCampaign;

                        CampaignReturnValue results =
                            campaignService.mutate(new CampaignOperation[] { campaignOperation });
                        if (results != null && results.value != null && results.value.Length > 0)
                            newCampaign.id = results.value[0].id;
                            newCampaign.idSpecified = true;
                                "New campaign with name = \"{0}\" and id = " + "\"{1}\" was created.",
                                results.value[0].name, results.value[0].id);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Trace.TraceError("Error:" + ex.Message);
                        throw new Exception("Failed to create campaign. " + ex.Message);


                    #region Targeting

                    CampaignTargetService service =

                    // Create a language target - for English language.
                    LanguageTargetv200906 languageTarget = new LanguageTargetv200906();
                    languageTarget.languageCode = "en"; //TODO: Add as property
                    LanguageTargetList languageTargetList = new LanguageTargetList();
                    languageTargetList.targets = new LanguageTargetv200906[] { languageTarget };
                    languageTargetList.campaignId = newCampaign.id;
                    languageTargetList.campaignIdSpecified = true;

                    // Create a country target - include US, exclude metrocode 743.
                    CountryTargetv200906 countryTarget = new CountryTargetv200906();
                    countryTarget.countryCode = campaign.TargetCountry;
                    countryTarget.excludedSpecified = true;
                    countryTarget.excluded = false;
                    MetroTargetv200906 metroTarget = new MetroTargetv200906();
                    metroTarget.excludedSpecified = true;
                    metroTarget.excluded = true;
                    metroTarget.metroCode = campaign.ExcludeMetroTarget;

                    GeoTargetList geoTargetList = new GeoTargetList();
                    geoTargetList.targets = new GeoTargetv200906[] { countryTarget, metroTarget };
                    geoTargetList.campaignId = newCampaign.id;
                    geoTargetList.campaignIdSpecified = true;

                    // Create a network target - Google Search.
                    NetworkTargetv200906 networkTarget1 = new NetworkTargetv200906();
                    networkTarget1.networkCoverageTypeSpecified = true;
                    networkTarget1.networkCoverageType = NetworkCoverageTypev200906.GOOGLE_SEARCH;
                    NetworkTargetv200906 networkTarget2 = new NetworkTargetv200906();
                    networkTarget2.networkCoverageTypeSpecified = true;
                    networkTarget2.networkCoverageType = NetworkCoverageTypev200906.SEARCH_NETWORK;

                    NetworkTargetList networkTargetList = new NetworkTargetList();
                    networkTargetList.targets = new NetworkTargetv200906[] { networkTarget1, networkTarget2 };
                    networkTargetList.campaignId = newCampaign.id;
                    networkTargetList.campaignIdSpecified = true;

                    TargetList[] targets =
                        new TargetList[] { languageTargetList, geoTargetList, networkTargetList };

                    ArrayList campaignTargetOperations = new ArrayList();

                    foreach (TargetList target in targets)
                        CampaignTargetOperation ops = new CampaignTargetOperation();
                        ops.operatorSpecified = true;
                        ops.@operator = CampaignTargetOperatorv200906.SET;
                        ops.operand = target;

                        Trace.TraceInformation("Geo, language, and network targeting were " +
                                               "successfully added to campaign id = \"{0}\".", newCampaign.id);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Trace.TraceError("Failed to create campaign targeting. " +
                                         "Exception says \"{0}\"", ex.Message);


                    #region Create your Services

                    //create your services
                    List<SeedKeyword> keywords = new List<SeedKeyword>();

                    AdGroupAdServicev200906 adService =
                    KeywordToolService keywordToolService =
                    AdGroupServicev200906 adgroupService =
                    TrafficEstimatorService trafficEstimatorService =


                    #region Enumerate thru all the keywords by category

                    AdGroupv200906 newAdGroup = null;

                    foreach (
                        SiteCategory siteCategory in
                        int adGroupCnt = 1;
                        //enumerate thru all the keywords
                        foreach (
                            KeywordUrLsDistinct keywordUrLsDistinct in
                            VList<KeywordDensity> keywordDensityList =

                            int GroupAdCount = 0;

                            //check the avg keyword density
                            if (keywordDensityList.Count >= MinContentMatch)
                                if (adGroupCnt == 1)
                                    #region Ad AdGroup

                                    if (GroupAdCount >= MaxAdGroups)

                                    //Create an ad group by site category
                                    newAdGroup = new AdGroupv200906();
                                    newAdGroup.name = siteCategory.Name;

                                    newAdGroup.campaignId = newCampaign.id;
                                    newAdGroup.campaignIdSpecified = true;
                                    //newAdGroup.campaignName = newCampaign.name;

                                    // Optional: set the status of adgroup.
                                    newAdGroup.statusSpecified = true;
                                    newAdGroup.status = AdGroupStatus.ENABLED;

                                    // Optional: Create a Manual CPC Bid.
                                    ManualCPCAdGroupBids bids = new ManualCPCAdGroupBids();

                                    // Set the keyword content max cpc.
                                    bids.keywordContentMaxCpc = new Bid();

                                    Money kwdContentMaxCpc = new Money();
                                    kwdContentMaxCpc.microAmountSpecified = true;
                                    kwdContentMaxCpc.microAmount = KeywordMaxCpc.microAmount;
                                    bids.keywordContentMaxCpc.amount = kwdContentMaxCpc;

                                    // Set the keyword max cpc.
                                    bids.keywordMaxCpc = new Bid();
                                    Money kwdMaxCpc = new Money();
                                    kwdMaxCpc.microAmountSpecified = true;
                                    kwdMaxCpc.microAmount = KeywordMaxCpc.microAmount;
                                    bids.keywordMaxCpc.amount = kwdMaxCpc;

                                    // Set the manual bid to the adgroup.
                                    newAdGroup.bids = bids;

                                    AdGroupOperation adGroupOperation = new AdGroupOperation();
                                    adGroupOperation.operatorSpecified = true;
                                    adGroupOperation.@operator = AddGroupOperatorv200906.ADD;
                                    adGroupOperation.operand = newAdGroup;

                                        AdGroupReturnValue results =
                                            adgroupService.mutate(new AdGroupOperation[] { adGroupOperation });
                                        if (results != null && results.value != null && results.value.Length > 0)
                                            newAdGroup.id = results.value[0].id;
                                            newAdGroup.idSpecified = true;
                                                "New ad group with name = \"{0}\" and id = \"{1}\" was created.",
                                                results.value[0].name, results.value[0].id);
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        Trace.TraceError("Failed to create ad group. Exception says \"{0}\"", ex.Message);




                                //Create an add for each product
                                // IMPORTANT: create an ad before adding keywords!  Else the
                                // minCpc will have a higher value.
                                TList<PpcAdTemplate> ppcAdTemplateList =
                                foreach (var ppcAdTemplate in ppcAdTemplateList)

                                    TextAdv200906 newTextAd = new TextAdv200906();
                                    Product prod =
                                    newTextAd.headline = StringUtils.ScrubProdName(prod.Name);

                                    while (newTextAd.headline.Length > 25)
                                        // if one word longer than 25 chars
                                        if (newTextAd.headline.LastIndexOf(" ") < 0)

                                        newTextAd.headline =
                                            newTextAd.headline.Substring(0, newTextAd.headline.LastIndexOf(" ")).
                                                newTextAd.headline.Substring(0, newTextAd.headline.LastIndexOf(" "))
                                                    LastIndexOf(" "));

                                    newTextAd.description1 = ppcAdTemplate.AdLine1.Replace(KeywordToken,
                                                                                           keywordDensityList[0].Keywords).Replace(ProductNameToken, newTextAd.headline);
                                    newTextAd.description2 = ppcAdTemplate.AdLine2;


                                    newTextAd.displayUrl = DisplayUrl;
                                    newTextAd.url = keywordUrLsDistinct.Url;
                                    //don't add it yet, there is a check below to see if it meets criteria

                                    //SeedKeyword[] keywordsArray = new SeedKeyword[] { new SeedKeyword() };
                                    //keywordsArray = keywords.ToArray();

                                    // Associate this ad group with the newly created campaign.  Send
                                    // the request to add the new ad group.

                                        //we found a keyword that meets criteria so ad the new Ad.
                                        AdGroupAd adGroupAd = new AdGroupAd();
                                        adGroupAd.adGroupId = newAdGroup.id;
                                        adGroupAd.adGroupIdSpecified = true;
                                        adGroupAd.ad = newTextAd;

                                        AdGroupAdOperation adGroupAdOperation = new AdGroupAdOperation();
                                        adGroupAdOperation.operatorSpecified = true;
                                        adGroupAdOperation.@operator = AddGroupAdOperatorv200906.ADD;
                                        adGroupAdOperation.operand = adGroupAd;

                                        AdGroupAdReturnValue result = null;
                                            result = adService.mutate(new AdGroupAdOperation[] { adGroupAdOperation });

                                            if (result.value != null && result.value.Length > 0)
                                                foreach (AdGroupAd tempAdGroupAd in result.value)
                                                            "New text ad with headline = \"{0}\" and id = \"{1}\" was created.",
                                        catch (Exception ex)
                                            Trace.TraceError("Failed to create Ad(s). Exception says \"{0}\"",

                                        Trace.TraceInformation("Text ad" + GroupAdCount + ": " + newTextAd.headline +
                                                               " Text Line1:" +
                                                               newTextAd.description1 + " Text Line2:" +

                                        //Trace.TraceInformation("Text ad: " + newTextAd.headline + " Text Line1:" + newTextAd.description1 + " Text Line2:" + newTextAd.description2);
                                        //do nothing
                                        Trace.TraceError("***Text ad Failed:" + newTextAd.headline + " Text Line1:" +
                                                         newTextAd.description1 + " Text Line2:" +


                                //Add the Product name as a whole phrase
                                AdGroupCriterionServicev200906 criterionService =

                                foreach (KeywordDensity kd in keywordDensityList)
                                        Keywordv200906 newKeyword = new Keywordv200906();
                                        newKeyword.matchTypeSpecified = true;
                                        newKeyword.matchType =
                                        newKeyword.text = kd.Keywords;

                                        BiddableAdGroupCriterion criterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();
                                        criterion.adGroupId = newAdGroup.id;
                                        criterion.adGroupIdSpecified = true;
                                        criterion.criterion = newKeyword;
                                        criterion.destinationUrl = kd.Url;

                                        //TODO: Use the Traffic Estimator to determine the
                                        // the maxCpc to use
                                        //newKeyword.maxCpc = KeywordMaxCpc;
                                        //newKeyword.maxCpcSpecified = true;

                                        var adGroupCriterionBids =
                                            new com.google.api.adwords.v200906.AdGroupCriterionService.

                                        adGroupCriterionBids.maxCpc =
                                            new com.google.api.adwords.v200906.AdGroupCriterionService.Bid();
                                        adGroupCriterionBids.maxCpc.amount = KeywordMaxCpc;
                                        criterion.bids = adGroupCriterionBids;

                                        AdGroupCriterionOperation adGroupCriterionOperation =
                                            new AdGroupCriterionOperation();
                                        adGroupCriterionOperation.@operator =
                                        adGroupCriterionOperation.operatorSpecified = true;
                                        adGroupCriterionOperation.operand = criterion;

                                            AdGroupCriterionReturnValue results =
                                                criterionService.mutate(new AdGroupCriterionOperation[] { adGroupCriterionOperation });
                                            if (results != null && results.value != null && results.value.Length > 0)
                                                Keywordv200906 result = results.value[0].criterion as Keywordv200906;
                                                        "New keyword with text = \"{0}\" and id = \"{1}\" was created.",
                                                        result.text, result.id));
                                        catch (Exception ex)
                                                    "Failed to create keyword at Ad group level. Exception says \"{0}\"",

                                        //do nothing
                                        Trace.TraceError("***Add Criteria Failed: Keyword" + kd.Keywords);

                                if (GroupAdCount >= MaxAdGroups)


                #region Check api usage
                // check api usage
                ApiUsage apiUsage = new ApiUsage();
                APIQuotaValues aPIQuotaValues = apiUsage.GetApiUsage(UseSandbox);

                Trace.TraceInformation("FreeQuotaUsed:" + aPIQuotaValues.FreeQuotaUsed.ToString() + " FreeUnitsRemaining:" + aPIQuotaValues.FreeUnitsRemaining.ToString() + " SysDefinesQuotaCap:" + aPIQuotaValues.SysDefinesQuotaCap.ToString() + " TotalUsed:" + aPIQuotaValues.TotalUsed.ToString());


                #region Log everything created
                //AdGroup[] adGroups = adgroupService.getAllAdGroups(campaignId);

                //foreach (AdGroup adGroup in adGroups)
                //    Trace.TraceInformation("Ad group: " + adGroup.name);

                //    Ad[] ads = adService.getAllAds(new long[] { adGroup.id });

                //    foreach (Ad ad in ads)
                //    {
                //        if (ad is TextAd)
                //        {
                //            TextAd textAd = (TextAd)ad;
                //            Trace.TraceInformation("Text ad: " + textAd.headline + " Text Line1:" + textAd.description1 + " Text Line2:" + textAd.description2);
                //        }
                //    }


            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace.TraceError("Error:" + ex.Message);
                throw ex;
            /// <summary>
            /// Main method for the thread.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="obj">The thread parameter.</param>
            public void Run(Object obj)
                // Create the operations.
                List<AdGroupCriterionOperation> operations = new List<AdGroupCriterionOperation>();

                for (int j = 0; j < NUM_KEYWORDS; j++) {
                  // Create the keyword.
                  Keyword keyword = new Keyword();
                  keyword.text = "mars cruise thread " + threadIndex.ToString() + " seed " + j.ToString();
                  keyword.matchType = KeywordMatchType.BROAD;

                  // Create the biddable ad group criterion.
                  AdGroupCriterion keywordCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();
                  keywordCriterion.adGroupId = adGroupId;
                  keywordCriterion.criterion = keyword;

                  // Create the operations.
                  AdGroupCriterionOperation keywordOperation = new AdGroupCriterionOperation();
                  keywordOperation.@operator = Operator.ADD;
                  keywordOperation.operand = keywordCriterion;


                // Get the AdGroupCriterionService. This should be done within the
                // thread, since a service can only handle one outgoing HTTP request
                // at a time.
                AdGroupCriterionService service = (AdGroupCriterionService) user.GetService(
                service.RequestHeader.validateOnly = true;
                int retryCount = 0;
                const int NUM_RETRIES = 3;
                try {
                  while (retryCount < NUM_RETRIES) {
                try {
                  // Validate the keywords.
                  AdGroupCriterionReturnValue retval = service.mutate(operations.ToArray());
                } catch (AdWordsApiException e) {
                  // Handle API errors.
                  ApiException innerException = e.ApiException as ApiException;
                  if (innerException == null) {
                throw new Exception("Failed to retrieve ApiError. See inner exception for more " +
                    "details.", e);
                  foreach (ApiError apiError in innerException.errors) {
                if (!(apiError is RateExceededError)) {
                  // Rethrow any errors other than RateExceededError.
                // Handle rate exceeded errors.
                RateExceededError rateExceededError = (RateExceededError) apiError;
                Console.WriteLine("Got Rate exceeded error - rate name = '{0}', scope = '{1}', " +
                    "retry After {2} seconds.", rateExceededError.rateScope,
                    rateExceededError.rateName, rateExceededError.retryAfterSeconds);
                Thread.Sleep(rateExceededError.retryAfterSeconds * 1000);
                retryCount = retryCount + 1;
                } finally {
                  if (retryCount == NUM_RETRIES) {
                throw new Exception(String.Format("Could not recover after making {0} attempts.",
                } catch (Exception e) {
                  throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to validate keywords.", e);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the criterion for product partition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="partitionId">The product partition ID.</param>
        /// <param name="parentPartitionId">The proudct partition ID for parent node.</param>
        /// <param name="caseValue">The case value.</param>
        /// <param name="isUnit">True, if the node is UNIT node, false otherwise.</param>
        /// <param name="isExcluded">True, if the node is EXCLUDE node, false otherwise.</param>
        /// <param name="bid">The bid to be set on a node, if it is UNIT.</param>
        /// <returns>An ad group criterion node for the product partition.</returns>
        internal static AdGroupCriterion CreateCriterionForProductPartition(long partitionId,
        long parentPartitionId, ProductDimension caseValue, bool isUnit, bool isExcluded,
        long bid)
            AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterion;
              ProductPartition partition = new ProductPartition() {
            id = partitionId,
            parentCriterionId = parentPartitionId,
            caseValue = caseValue,
            partitionType = isUnit ? ProductPartitionType.UNIT : ProductPartitionType.SUBDIVISION

              if (isExcluded) {
            NegativeAdGroupCriterion negative = new NegativeAdGroupCriterion();
            adGroupCriterion = negative;
              } else {
            BiddableAdGroupCriterion biddable = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();
            biddable.userStatus = UserStatus.ENABLED;

            BiddingStrategyConfiguration biddingConfig = new BiddingStrategyConfiguration();
            if (isUnit && bid != 0) {
              CpcBid cpcBid = new CpcBid() {
            bid = new Money() {
              microAmount = bid
            cpcBidSource = BidSource.CRITERION
              biddingConfig.bids = new Bids[] { cpcBid };
            biddable.biddingStrategyConfiguration = biddingConfig;
            adGroupCriterion = biddable;
              adGroupCriterion.criterion = partition;
              return adGroupCriterion;
Exemplo n.º 42
            /// <summary>
            /// Sets the Add action for a new BiddableAdGroupCriterion corresponding to the specified ProductCondition, 
            /// and adds it to the helper's list of AdGroupCriterionAction. 
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="parent">The parent of the product partition subdivision that you want to add.</param>
            /// <param name="condition">The condition or product filter for the new product partition.</param>
            /// <returns>The ad group criterion that was added to the list of PartitionActions.</returns>
            public AdGroupCriterion AddSubdivision(
                AdGroupCriterion parent,
                ProductCondition condition
                var biddableAdGroupCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion()
                    Id = this.referenceId--,
                    Criterion = new ProductPartition()
                        // If the root node is a unit, it would not have a parent
                        ParentCriterionId = parent != null ? parent.Id : null,
                        Condition = condition,
                        PartitionType = ProductPartitionType.Subdivision
                    CriterionBid = null,
                    AdGroupId = this.adGroupId

                var partitionAction = new AdGroupCriterionAction()
                    Action = ItemAction.Add,
                    AdGroupCriterion = biddableAdGroupCriterion


                return biddableAdGroupCriterion;
Exemplo n.º 43
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the placement.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param>
        /// <param name="adGroupId">The adgroup id for which the placement is
        /// created.</param>
        /// <returns>The placement id.</returns>
        public long CreatePlacement(AdWordsUser user, long adGroupId)
            AdGroupCriterionService adGroupCriterionService =
              (AdGroupCriterionService) user.GetService(AdWordsService.v201601.AdGroupCriterionService);

              Placement placement = new Placement();
              placement.url = "http://mars.google.com";

              AdGroupCriterion placementCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();
              placementCriterion.adGroupId = adGroupId;
              placementCriterion.criterion = placement;

              AdGroupCriterionOperation placementOperation = new AdGroupCriterionOperation();
              placementOperation.@operator = Operator.ADD;
              placementOperation.operand = placementCriterion;

              AdGroupCriterionReturnValue retVal = adGroupCriterionService.mutate(
              new AdGroupCriterionOperation[] { placementOperation });

              return retVal.value[0].criterion.id;
Exemplo n.º 44
            /// <summary>
            /// Sets the Update action for the specified BiddableAdGroupCriterion, 
            /// and adds it to the helper's list of AdGroupCriterionAction. 
            /// You can only update the CriterionBid, DestinationUrl, Param1, Param2, and Param3 elements 
            /// of the BiddableAdGroupCriterion. 
            /// When working with product partitions, youu cannot update the Criterion (ProductPartition). 
            /// To update a ProductPartition, you must delete the existing node (DeletePartition) and 
            /// add a new one (AddUnit or AddSubdivision) during the same call to ApplyProductPartitionActions. 
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="biddableAdGroupCriterion">The biddable ad group criterion to update.</param>
            public void UpdatePartition(BiddableAdGroupCriterion biddableAdGroupCriterion)
                biddableAdGroupCriterion.AdGroupId = this.adGroupId;

                var partitionAction = new AdGroupCriterionAction()
                    Action = ItemAction.Update,
                    AdGroupCriterion = biddableAdGroupCriterion


Exemplo n.º 45
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the code example.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param>
        /// <param name="adGroupId">Id of the ad group to which placements are added.
        /// </param>
        public void Run(AdWordsUser user, long adGroupId)
            // Get the AdGroupCriterionService.
            AdGroupCriterionService adGroupCriterionService =

            // Create the placement.
            Placement placement1 = new Placement();

            placement1.url = "http://mars.google.com";

            // Create biddable ad group criterion.
            AdGroupCriterion placementCriterion1 = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();

            placementCriterion1.adGroupId = adGroupId;
            placementCriterion1.criterion = placement1;

            // Create the placement.
            Placement placement2 = new Placement();

            placement2.url = "http://venus.google.com";

            // Create biddable ad group criterion.
            AdGroupCriterion placementCriterion2 = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();

            placementCriterion2.adGroupId = adGroupId;
            placementCriterion2.criterion = placement2;

            // Create the operations.
            AdGroupCriterionOperation placementOperation1 = new AdGroupCriterionOperation();

            placementOperation1.@operator = Operator.ADD;
            placementOperation1.operand   = placementCriterion1;

            AdGroupCriterionOperation placementOperation2 = new AdGroupCriterionOperation();

            placementOperation2.@operator = Operator.ADD;
            placementOperation2.operand   = placementCriterion2;

            try {
                // Create the placements.
                AdGroupCriterionReturnValue retVal = adGroupCriterionService.mutate(
                    new AdGroupCriterionOperation[] { placementOperation1, placementOperation2 });

                // Display the results.
                if (retVal != null && retVal.value != null)
                    foreach (AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterion in retVal.value)
                        // If you are adding multiple type of criteria, then you may need to
                        // check for
                        // if (adGroupCriterion is Placement) { ... }
                        // to identify the criterion type.
                        Console.WriteLine("Placement with ad group id = '{0}, placement id = '{1}, url = " +
                                          "'{2}' was created.", adGroupCriterion.adGroupId,
                                          adGroupCriterion.criterion.id, (adGroupCriterion.criterion as Placement).url);
                    Console.WriteLine("No placements were added.");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to create placements.", e);