Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateUserCollection()
            var username   = WebUtility.UrlEncode("Peter Boos");
            var bggService = new BggService(_context);

            await bggService.UpdateUsersBggGamesList(username, User.Identity.Name);

Exemplo n.º 2
        private IEnumerable <Play> EnumerateUserPlays(string userName, int?year = null, int?id = null)
            if (id == null)
                Log.Info("Enumerating user plays");

            return(BggService.GetUserPlaysAsync(userName, year, id).ToArrayAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult());
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static async Task LogUserPlayAsync(string userName, string password, DateTime date, string location, int quantity, int?gameId, string gameName, int length, bool incomplete, bool noWinStats, string comments)
            if (gameId == null)
                gameId = 1; //TODO search for game name
            var bggService    = new BggService();
            var authenticator = new Authenticator(bggService);
            await authenticator.AuthenticateUser(userName, password);

            var logger = new Logger(bggService);
            await logger.LogPlay(date, location, quantity, gameId.Value, length, incomplete, noWinStats, comments);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private IEnumerable <Game> EnumerateUserGames(string userName, int?year, Play[] plays)
            Log.Info("Enumerating user collection");
            var userCollection = BggService.GetUserCollectionAsync(userName).ToArrayAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            Log.Info("Enumerating user games");
            return(plays.GroupBy(play => play.GameId).Select(perGamePlays =>
                var game = new
                    Id = perGamePlays.Key,
                    Name = perGamePlays.First().GameName,
                    ParentId = perGamePlays.First().ParentGameId
                var allGamePlays = EnumerateUserPlays(userName, id: game.Id).ToArray();

                var gameCollection = userCollection.Where(collection => collection.GameId == game.Id).ToArray();
                if (gameCollection.Length == 0) // not really a problem since we only want comments for metadata
                    //Log.Warning("** Failed to find game in user collection:");
                    //Log.Warning($"boardgamegeek.com/{(game.IsExpansion ? "boardgameexpansion" : "boardgame")}/{game.Id}");
                else if (gameCollection.Length > 1)
                    Log.Warning("** Found multiple games in user collection:");
                    Log.Warning($"boardgamegeek.com/{(game.IsExpansion ? "boardgameexpansion" : "boardgame")}/{game.Id}");
                var gameComments = string.Join(@"\n", gameCollection.Select(collection => collection.Comments?.Replace("\n", @"\n")));

                return new Game
                    Id = game.Id,
                    Name = game.Name,
                    IsExpansion = game.IsExpansion,
                    ParentId = game.ParentId,
                    Plays = perGamePlays.Where(play => !play.IsSession || !play.IsIncomplete).Sum(play => play.Quantity),
                    Sessions = perGamePlays.Sum(play => play.Quantity),
                    CumulativePlays = allGamePlays.Where(play => (year == null || play.Date.Year <= year) && (!play.IsSession || !play.IsIncomplete)).Sum(play => play.Quantity),
                    CumulativeSessions = allGamePlays.Where(play => year == null || play.Date.Year <= year).Sum(play => play.Quantity),
                    IsHighlight = Game.IsHighlightMatch(gameComments, year),
                    IsNew = year != null && allGamePlays.All(play => play.Date.Year >= year),
                    Comments = gameComments
Exemplo n.º 5
        public Task LogPlay(DateTime date, string location, int quantity, int gameId, int length, bool isIncomplete, bool noWinStats, string comments)
            var play = new Play
                Date         = date,
                Location     = location,
                Quantity     = Math.Max(1, quantity),
                GameId       = gameId,
                Length       = Math.Max(0, length),
                IsIncomplete = isIncomplete,
                NoWinStats   = noWinStats,
                Comments     = comments

            Log.Info($"Logging play {play}");
        public async Task AuthenticateUser(string userName, string password)
            var fileName = $"BGG-{userName}-Auth.json"; // auth cache
            var options  = new JsonSerializerOptions {
                Converters = { new CookieConverter() }, WriteIndented = true

            if (password != null)
                Log.Info("Authenticating user");
                var cookies = await BggService.LoginUserAsync(userName, password);

                var json = JsonSerializer.Serialize(cookies, options);
                await File.WriteAllTextAsync(fileName, json);
                var json = await File.ReadAllTextAsync(fileName);

                var cookies = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <IEnumerable <FlurlCookie> >(json, options);
Exemplo n.º 7
        private Play[] ProcessPlays(string userName, Play[] plays)
            Log.Info("Processing user plays");

            // check plays
            foreach (var play in plays.Where(play => play.IsSession && play.Quantity != 1))
                Log.Warning("** Found multi-play session with unexpected quantity:");
                Log.Warning($"{play.Date:yyyy-MM-dd} {play.GameName}");
                Log.Warning($"boardgamegeek.com/{(play.IsExpansion ? "boardgameexpansion" : "boardgame")}/{play.GameId}");
                Log.Trace($">> {play.Quantity}");
                play.Quantity = 1;
                Log.Trace("<< Selected 1");

            // correlate expansion plays with parent plays on same day to determine parent game
            var expansionIds = plays
                               .Where(play => play.IsExpansion)
                               .Select(play => play.GameId);
            var expansionThings = BggService.GetThingsAsync(expansionIds)
                                  .ToDictionaryAsync(thing => thing.Id, thing => thing).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            foreach (var expansionPlay in plays.Where(play => play.IsExpansion))
                var expansion = expansionThings[expansionPlay.GameId];
                var parentIds = expansion.Links
                                .Where(link => link.IsExpansion && link.IsInbound) // inbound expansion links to parents
                                .Select(link => link.Id)
                if (parentIds.Length == 0)
                    // ignore outbound expansion which links to children; i.e. this is actually a parent play, clarified now by the inbound attribute which wasn't available in the play item
                    expansionPlay.IsExpansion = false;
                var playedParentIds = plays
                                      .Where(play => play.Date == expansionPlay.Date) // do not filter expansions since they are hierarchical; e.g. 7 Wonders: Leaders is both an expansion and has expansions
                                      .Select(play => play.GameId)

                if (playedParentIds.Length == 0)
                    Log.Warning("** Failed to find parent play for expansion play:");
                    Log.Warning($"{expansionPlay.Date:yyyy-MM-dd} {expansionPlay.GameName}");
                    if (parentIds.Length > 1)
                        Log.Trace(">> Found multiple linked parent games:");
                        foreach (var parentId in parentIds)
                            var parent = expansion.Links.Single(link => link.Id == parentId);
                        expansionPlay.ParentGameId = parentIds.First();
                        Log.Trace($"<< Selected {expansionPlay.ParentGameId}");
                        var parent = expansion.Links.Single(link => link.Id == parentIds.Single());
                        Log.Trace(">> Found single parent game:");
                        expansionPlay.ParentGameId = parent.Id;
                        Log.Trace($"<< Selected {expansionPlay.ParentGameId}");
                else if (playedParentIds.Length > 1)
                    Log.Warning("** Found multiple parent plays for expansion play:");
                    Log.Warning($"{expansionPlay.Date:yyyy-MM-dd} {expansionPlay.GameName}");
                    Log.Trace(">> Using multiple linked parent games:");
                    foreach (var parentId in playedParentIds)
                        var parent = expansion.Links.Single(link => link.Id == parentId);
                    expansionPlay.ParentGameId = playedParentIds.First();
                    Log.Trace($"<< Selected {expansionPlay.ParentGameId}");
                    expansionPlay.ParentGameId = playedParentIds.Single();
