public override ActionResult DoAction() { ActionResult res = ActionResult.NoSelection; UndoUtility.RecordSelection("Bevel Edges"); foreach (ProBuilderMesh pb in MeshSelection.topInternal) { pb.ToMesh(); List <Face> faces = Bevel.BevelEdges(pb, pb.selectedEdges, m_BevelSize); res = faces != null ? new ActionResult(ActionResult.Status.Success, "Bevel Edges") : new ActionResult(ActionResult.Status.Failure, "Failed Bevel Edges"); if (res) { pb.SetSelectedFaces(faces); } pb.Refresh(); pb.Optimize(); } ProBuilderEditor.Refresh(); return(res); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { //ExStart:1 // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = Aspose.Cells.Examples.Utils.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); // Create directory if it is not already present. bool IsExists = System.IO.Directory.Exists(dataDir); if (!IsExists) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(dataDir); } //Instantiate a new Workbook Workbook book = new Workbook(); //Add a Data Worksheet Worksheet dataSheet = book.Worksheets.Add("DataSheet"); //Add Chart Worksheet Worksheet sheet = book.Worksheets.Add("MyChart"); //Put some values into the cells in the data worksheet dataSheet.Cells["B1"].PutValue(1); dataSheet.Cells["B2"].PutValue(2); dataSheet.Cells["B3"].PutValue(3); dataSheet.Cells["A1"].PutValue("A"); dataSheet.Cells["A2"].PutValue("B"); dataSheet.Cells["A3"].PutValue("C"); //Define the Chart Collection ChartCollection charts = sheet.Charts; //Add a Column chart to the Chart Worksheet int chartSheetIdx = charts.Add(ChartType.Column, 5, 0, 25, 15); //Get the newly added Chart Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart chart = book.Worksheets[2].Charts[0]; //Set the background/foreground color for PlotArea/ChartArea chart.PlotArea.Area.BackgroundColor = Color.White; chart.ChartArea.Area.BackgroundColor = Color.White; chart.PlotArea.Area.ForegroundColor = Color.White; chart.ChartArea.Area.ForegroundColor = Color.White; //Hide the Legend chart.ShowLegend = false; //Add Data Series for the Chart chart.NSeries.Add("DataSheet!B1:B3", true); //Specify the Category Data chart.NSeries.CategoryData = "DataSheet!A1:A3"; //Get the Data Series Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series ser = chart.NSeries[0]; //Apply the 3-D formatting ShapePropertyCollection spPr = ser.ShapeProperties; Format3D fmt3d = spPr.Format3D; //Specify Bevel with its height/width Bevel bevel = fmt3d.TopBevel; bevel.Type = BevelPresetType.Circle; bevel.Height = 2; bevel.Width = 5; //Specify Surface material type fmt3d.SurfaceMaterialType = PresetMaterialType.WarmMatte; //Specify surface lighting type fmt3d.SurfaceLightingType = LightRigType.ThreePoint; //Specify lighting angle fmt3d.LightingAngle = 20; //Specify Series background/foreground and line color ser.Area.BackgroundColor = Color.Maroon; ser.Area.ForegroundColor = Color.Maroon; ser.Border.Color = Color.Maroon; //Save the Excel file book.Save(dataDir + "3d_format.out.xlsx"); //ExEnd:1 }
void AddCreditsWindow(Manager gui) { CreditsWindow = new Bevel(gui); CreditsWindow.Parent = MainMenuBackground; CreditsWindow.Height = MainMenuBackground.ClientHeight; CreditsWindow.Color = Color.Black; CreditsWindow.Style = BevelStyle.None; CreditsWindow.Visible = false; CreditsWindow.Top = 0; CreditsWindow.StayOnTop = true; CreditsWindow.Width = MainMenuBackground.ClientWidth; var i = 0; var NLNL = new string[] { Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine }; foreach (var CreditsText in Cutscenes.Director.GetCreditTexts(false)) { var Top = 110 + i * 23 + (i > 4 ? 23 : 0); var Text = CreditsText.Split(NLNL, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (Text.Length == 2) { var Label = new Label(gui); Label.Init(); Label.Width = 300; Label.Height = 100; Label.Alignment = Alignment.TopLeft; Label.TextColor = Color.Black; Label.Parent = CreditsWindow; Label.Text = Text[0]; Label.Top = Top; Label.Left = MainMenuBackground.ClientWidth / 2 - Label.Width / 2; Label = new Label(gui); Label.Init(); Label.Width = 300; Label.Height = 100; Label.Alignment = Alignment.TopRight; Label.TextColor = new Color(188, 22, 0, 255); Label.Parent = CreditsWindow; Label.Text = Text[1]; Label.Top = Top; Label.Left = MainMenuBackground.ClientWidth / 2 - Label.Width / 2; } else { var Label = new Label(gui); Label.Init(); Label.Width = 300; Label.Height = 100; Label.Alignment = Alignment.TopCenter; Label.TextColor = Color.Black; Label.Parent = CreditsWindow; Label.Text = Text[0]; Label.Top = Top; Label.Left = MainMenuBackground.ClientWidth / 2 - Label.Width / 2; } i++; } var OKButton = new MenuButton(gui, ClickSound, FocusSound, GameSettings); OKButton.Init(); OKButton.Parent = CreditsWindow; OKButton.Text = GlblRes.OK; OKButton.Click += (s, e) => { CreditsWindow.Hide(); ShowLogo(true); }; OKButton.Width = 120; OKButton.Height = 24; OKButton.Left = (MainMenuBackground.ClientWidth) - (OKButton.Width) - 6; OKButton.Top = MainMenuBackground.ClientHeight - OKButton.Height - 6 - (30 * 0); OKButton.Anchor = Anchors.Top; gui.Add(CreditsWindow); }
void AddExitConfirmationWindow(Manager gui) { ExitConfirmationWindow = new Window(gui); ExitConfirmationWindow.Init(); ExitConfirmationWindow.Text = GlblRes.Really_quit; ExitConfirmationWindow.Width = 290; ExitConfirmationWindow.Height = 130; ExitConfirmationWindow.Resizable = false; ExitConfirmationWindow.IconVisible = false; ExitConfirmationWindow.Movable = false; ExitConfirmationWindow.Center(new Point(Game.VIRTUAL_WIDTH, Game.VIRTUAL_HEIGHT)); ExitConfirmationWindow.Visible = false; ExitConfirmationWindow.CloseButtonVisible = false; var Bevel = new Bevel(gui); Bevel.Parent = ExitConfirmationWindow; Bevel.Anchor = Anchors.Bottom | Anchors.Left | Anchors.Right; Bevel.Height = 35; Bevel.Style = BevelStyle.Raised; Bevel.Top = ExitConfirmationWindow.ClientHeight - Bevel.Height; Bevel.Width = ExitConfirmationWindow.ClientWidth; var Text = new Label(gui); Text.Text = GlblRes.Do_you_really_want_to_quit_the_game; Text.Parent = ExitConfirmationWindow; Text.Top = 10; Text.Left = 10; Text.Width = ExitConfirmationWindow.ClientWidth - 20; Text.Height = 20; var Yes = new MenuButton(gui, ClickSound, FocusSound, GameSettings); Yes.Parent = Bevel; Yes.Width = 100; Yes.Text = GlblRes.Yes; Yes.Left = 10; Yes.Top = 5; Yes.Click += (se, ve) => { Engine.Exit(); }; var No = new MenuButton(gui, ClickSound, FocusSound, GameSettings); No.Parent = Bevel; No.Text = GlblRes.Menu_AddExitConfirmationWindow_No; No.Width = 100; No.Left = 165; No.Top = 5; No.Click += (se, ev) => { ExitConfirmationWindow.Close(); ShowLogo(true); }; gui.Add(ExitConfirmationWindow); }
public static void Run() { // Instantiate a new Workbook Workbook book = new Workbook(); //Rename the first worksheet book.Worksheets[0].Name = "DataSheet"; // Add a Data Worksheet Worksheet dataSheet = book.Worksheets["DataSheet"]; // Add Chart Worksheet Worksheet sheet = book.Worksheets.Add("MyChart"); // Put some values into the cells in the data worksheet dataSheet.Cells["B1"].PutValue(1); dataSheet.Cells["B2"].PutValue(2); dataSheet.Cells["B3"].PutValue(3); dataSheet.Cells["A1"].PutValue("A"); dataSheet.Cells["A2"].PutValue("B"); dataSheet.Cells["A3"].PutValue("C"); // Define the Chart Collection ChartCollection charts = sheet.Charts; // Add a Column chart to the Chart Worksheet int chartSheetIdx = charts.Add(ChartType.Column, 5, 0, 25, 15); // Get the newly added Chart Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart chart = book.Worksheets["MyChart"].Charts[0]; // Set the background/foreground color for PlotArea/ChartArea chart.PlotArea.Area.BackgroundColor = Color.White; chart.ChartArea.Area.BackgroundColor = Color.White; chart.PlotArea.Area.ForegroundColor = Color.White; chart.ChartArea.Area.ForegroundColor = Color.White; // Hide the Legend chart.ShowLegend = false; // Add Data Series for the Chart chart.NSeries.Add("DataSheet!B1:B3", true); // Specify the Category Data chart.NSeries.CategoryData = "DataSheet!A1:A3"; // Get the Data Series Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series ser = chart.NSeries[0]; // Apply the 3-D formatting ShapePropertyCollection spPr = ser.ShapeProperties; Format3D fmt3d = spPr.Format3D; // Specify Bevel with its height/width Bevel bevel = fmt3d.TopBevel; bevel.Type = BevelPresetType.Circle; bevel.Height = 2; bevel.Width = 5; // Specify Surface material type fmt3d.SurfaceMaterialType = PresetMaterialType.WarmMatte; // Specify surface lighting type fmt3d.SurfaceLightingType = LightRigType.ThreePoint; // Specify lighting angle fmt3d.LightingAngle = 20; // Specify Series background/foreground and line color ser.Area.BackgroundColor = Color.Maroon; ser.Area.ForegroundColor = Color.Maroon; ser.Border.Color = Color.Maroon; // Save the Excel file book.Save(outputDir + "outputApplying3DFormat.xlsx"); Console.WriteLine("Applying3DFormat executed successfully."); }
void AddSettingsWindow(Manager gui) { SettingsWindow = new Window(gui); SettingsWindow.Width = 300; SettingsWindow.Height = 200; SettingsWindow.CloseButtonVisible = false; SettingsWindow.Text = GlblRes.Settings; SettingsWindow.Parent = MainMenuBackground; SettingsWindow.Init(); SettingsWindow.Center(new Point(Game.VIRTUAL_WIDTH, Game.VIRTUAL_HEIGHT)); SettingsWindow.Visible = false; SettingsWindow.Resizable = false; SettingsWindow.IconVisible = false; SettingsWindow.DragAlpha = 255; SettingsWindow.Movable = false; var MusicVolumeLabel = new Label(gui); MusicVolumeLabel.Init(); MusicVolumeLabel.Width = 120; MusicVolumeLabel.Parent = SettingsWindow; MusicVolumeLabel.Text = GlblRes.Music_Volume; MusicVolumeLabel.Top = 5; MusicVolumeLabel.Left = 5; var MusicVolumeBar = new TrackBar(gui); MusicVolumeBar.Init(); MusicVolumeBar.Width = 160; MusicVolumeBar.Value = (int)(GameSettings.MusicVolume * 100); MusicVolumeBar.ValueChanged += (o, e) => { GameSettings.MusicVolume = (float)MusicVolumeBar.Value / 100f; Engine.ApplyGameSettingsVolume(); MediaPlayer.Volume = MathHelper.Clamp(GameSettings.MusicVolume, 0.0f, 1.0f); MainMenuLabel.Text = string.Empty; }; MusicVolumeBar.Top = 5; MusicVolumeBar.Left = 120; MusicVolumeBar.Parent = SettingsWindow; var SoundVolumeLabel = new Label(gui); SoundVolumeLabel.Init(); SoundVolumeLabel.Width = 120; SoundVolumeLabel.Parent = SettingsWindow; SoundVolumeLabel.Text = GlblRes.Sound_Volume; SoundVolumeLabel.Top = 30; SoundVolumeLabel.Left = 5; var SoundVolumeBar = new TrackBar(gui); SoundVolumeBar.Init(); SoundVolumeBar.Width = 160; SoundVolumeBar.Value = (int)(GameSettings.SoundEffectVolume * 100); SoundVolumeBar.ValueChanged += (o, e) => { GameSettings.SoundEffectVolume = (float)SoundVolumeBar.Value / 100f; Engine.ApplyGameSettingsVolume(); MainMenuLabel.Text = string.Empty; }; SoundVolumeBar.Top = 30; SoundVolumeBar.Left = 120; SoundVolumeBar.Parent = SettingsWindow; var BloomLabel = new Label(gui); BloomLabel.Init(); BloomLabel.Width = 120; BloomLabel.Parent = SettingsWindow; BloomLabel.Text = GlblRes.Bloom; BloomLabel.Top = 55; BloomLabel.Left = 5; var BloomCheckBox = new CheckBox(gui); BloomCheckBox.Init(); BloomCheckBox.Parent = SettingsWindow; BloomCheckBox.Text = string.Empty; BloomCheckBox.Checked = GameSettings.Bloom; BloomCheckBox.CheckedChanged += (o, e) => { GameSettings.Bloom = BloomCheckBox.Checked; MainMenuLabel.Text = GlblRes.Restart_the_game_for_this_setting_to_take_effect; }; BloomCheckBox.Top = 55; BloomCheckBox.Left = 120; var VSyncLabel = new Label(gui); VSyncLabel.Init(); VSyncLabel.Width = 120; VSyncLabel.Parent = SettingsWindow; VSyncLabel.Text = GlblRes.VSync; VSyncLabel.Top = 80; VSyncLabel.Left = 5; var VSyncCheckBox = new CheckBox(gui); VSyncCheckBox.Init(); VSyncCheckBox.Parent = SettingsWindow; VSyncCheckBox.Text = string.Empty; VSyncCheckBox.Checked = GameSettings.VSync; VSyncCheckBox.CheckedChanged += (o, e) => { GameSettings.VSync = VSyncCheckBox.Checked; MainMenuLabel.Text = GlblRes.Restart_the_game_for_this_setting_to_take_effect; }; VSyncCheckBox.Top = 80; VSyncCheckBox.Left = 120; var DisplayModeLabel = new Label(gui); DisplayModeLabel.Init(); DisplayModeLabel.Width = 120; DisplayModeLabel.Parent = SettingsWindow; DisplayModeLabel.Text = GlblRes.Display_Mode; DisplayModeLabel.Top = 105; DisplayModeLabel.Left = 5; var DisplayModeCombo = new ComboBox(gui); DisplayModeCombo.Init(); DisplayModeCombo.Items = GetDisplayModes(); DisplayModeCombo.Width = 120; DisplayModeCombo.Parent = SettingsWindow; DisplayModeCombo.Width = 160; DisplayModeCombo.Text = DisplayModeToString(GameSettings.DisplayMode); DisplayModeCombo.ItemIndexChanged += (o, e) => { GameSettings.DisplayMode = StringToDisplayMode(DisplayModeCombo.Text); MainMenuLabel.Text = GlblRes.Restart_the_game_for_this_setting_to_take_effect; }; DisplayModeCombo.Top = 105; DisplayModeCombo.Left = 120; var Bevel = new Bevel(gui); Bevel.Parent = SettingsWindow; Bevel.Anchor = Anchors.Bottom | Anchors.Left | Anchors.Right; Bevel.Height = 35; Bevel.Style = BevelStyle.Raised; Bevel.Top = SettingsWindow.ClientHeight - Bevel.Height; Bevel.Width = SettingsWindow.ClientWidth; var OKButton = new MenuButton(gui, ClickSound, FocusSound, GameSettings); OKButton.Init(); OKButton.Parent = Bevel; OKButton.Text = GlblRes.OK; OKButton.Click += (s, e) => { SettingsWindow.Close(); ShowLogo(true); GameSettings.Save(Engine.Game.SaveGameFolder); }; OKButton.Width = 130; OKButton.Left = 150; OKButton.Top = 5; gui.Add(SettingsWindow); }
void AddLoadGameWindow(Manager gui) { var LoadButton = new MenuButton(gui, ClickSound, FocusSound, GameSettings); LoadGameWindow = new Window(gui); LoadGameWindow.Width = 300; LoadGameWindow.Height = 200; LoadGameWindow.CloseButtonVisible = false; LoadGameWindow.Text = GlblRes.Load_Savegame; LoadGameWindow.Parent = MainMenuBackground; LoadGameWindow.Init(); LoadGameWindow.Center(new Point(Game.VIRTUAL_WIDTH, Game.VIRTUAL_HEIGHT)); LoadGameWindow.Visible = false; LoadGameWindow.Resizable = false; LoadGameWindow.IconVisible = false; LoadGameWindow.DragAlpha = 255; LoadGameWindow.Movable = false; var SaveGameScreenshot = new ImageBox(gui); SaveGameScreenshot.Parent = MainMenuBackground; SaveGameScreenshot.Width = MainMenuBackground.Width; SaveGameScreenshot.Height = MainMenuBackground.Height; SaveGameScreenshot.Visible = false; SaveGameScreenshot.SizeMode = SizeMode.Stretched; LoadGameWindow.Closed += (s, e) => { LoadGameListbox.ItemIndex = -1; }; LoadGameListbox = new ListBox(gui); LoadGameListbox.Width = LoadGameWindow.ClientWidth; LoadGameListbox.Parent = LoadGameWindow; LoadGameListbox.Height = LoadGameWindow.ClientHeight - 35; LoadGameListbox.ItemIndexChanged += (s, e) => { ClickSound.Play(GameSettings.SoundEffectVolume, 0f, 0f); MainMenuLabel.Text = string.Empty; if (LoadGameListbox.ItemIndex > -1) { if (SaveGameScreenshot.Image != null) { SaveGameScreenshot.Image.Dispose(); } var Screenshot = SaveGames[SaveGames.Keys.ElementAt(LoadGameListbox.ItemIndex)].Screenshot; if (Screenshot != null) { using (Stream ScreenshotStream = new MemoryStream(Screenshot)) { SaveGameScreenshot.Image = Texture2D.FromStream(Engine.Renderer.GraphicsDevice, ScreenshotStream); } } SaveGameScreenshot.Show(); LoadButton.Enabled = true; } else { SaveGameScreenshot.Hide(); LoadButton.Enabled = false; } }; var Bevel = new Bevel(gui); Bevel.Parent = LoadGameWindow; Bevel.Anchor = Anchors.Bottom | Anchors.Left | Anchors.Right; Bevel.Height = 35; Bevel.Style = BevelStyle.Raised; Bevel.Top = LoadGameWindow.ClientHeight - Bevel.Height; Bevel.Width = LoadGameWindow.ClientWidth; LoadButton.Init(); LoadButton.Parent = Bevel; LoadButton.Enabled = false; LoadButton.Text = GlblRes.Load_Savegame; LoadButton.Click += (s, e) => { MainMenuLabel.Text = string.Empty; try { Engine.LoadState(SaveGames.Keys.ElementAt(LoadGameListbox.ItemIndex)); } catch { MainMenuLabel.Text = GlblRes.Could_not_load_save_game_Maybe_it_was_created_in_an_earlier_game_version; return; } LoadGameWindow.Close(); MainMenuBackground.Hide(); Engine.Resume(); Engine.Renderer.GUIManager.ShowSoftwareCursor = false; }; LoadButton.Width = 130; LoadButton.Left = 5; LoadButton.Top = 5; var CancelButton = new MenuButton(gui, ClickSound, FocusSound, GameSettings); CancelButton.Init(); CancelButton.Parent = Bevel; CancelButton.Text = GlblRes.Cancel; CancelButton.Click += (s, e) => { LoadGameWindow.Close(); ShowLogo(true); }; CancelButton.Width = 130; CancelButton.Left = 150; CancelButton.Top = 5; gui.Add(LoadGameWindow); }
void AddSaveGameWindow(Manager gui) { var SaveButton = new MenuButton(gui, ClickSound, FocusSound, GameSettings); var NameTextBox = new TextBox(gui); SaveGameWindow = new Window(gui); SaveGameWindow.Width = 300; SaveGameWindow.Height = 240; SaveGameWindow.CloseButtonVisible = false; SaveGameWindow.Text = GlblRes.Save; SaveGameWindow.IconVisible = false; SaveGameWindow.Parent = MainMenuBackground; SaveGameWindow.Init(); SaveGameWindow.Visible = false; SaveGameWindow.Resizable = false; SaveGameWindow.Center(new Point(Game.VIRTUAL_WIDTH, Game.VIRTUAL_HEIGHT)); SaveGameWindow.Movable = false; SaveGameWindow.Closed += (s, e) => { SaveGameListbox.ItemIndex = -1; }; SaveGameListbox = new ListBox(gui); SaveGameListbox.Width = SaveGameWindow.ClientWidth; SaveGameListbox.Parent = SaveGameWindow; SaveGameListbox.Height = SaveGameWindow.ClientHeight - 35 - 30; SaveGameListbox.ItemIndexChanged += (s, e) => { ClickSound.Play(GameSettings.SoundEffectVolume, 0f, 0f); if (SaveGameListbox.ItemIndex > -1) { NameTextBox.Text = SaveGames[SaveGames.Keys.ElementAt(SaveGameListbox.ItemIndex)].Name; } }; var Bevel = new Bevel(gui); Bevel.Parent = SaveGameWindow; Bevel.Anchor = Anchors.Bottom | Anchors.Left | Anchors.Right; Bevel.Height = 35; Bevel.Style = BevelStyle.Raised; Bevel.Top = SaveGameWindow.ClientHeight - Bevel.Height; Bevel.Width = SaveGameWindow.ClientWidth; SaveButton.Init(); SaveButton.Parent = Bevel; SaveButton.Enabled = false; SaveButton.Text = GlblRes.Save; SaveButton.Click += (s, e) => { Engine.SaveState(NameTextBox.Text); ShowLogo(true); SaveGameWindow.Close(); RefreshSaveGames(); }; SaveButton.Width = 130; SaveButton.Left = 5; SaveButton.Top = 5; var CancelButton = new MenuButton(gui, ClickSound, FocusSound, GameSettings); CancelButton.Init(); CancelButton.Parent = Bevel; CancelButton.Text = GlblRes.Cancel; CancelButton.Click += (s, e) => { SaveGameWindow.Close(); ShowLogo(true); }; CancelButton.Width = 130; CancelButton.Left = Bevel.ClientWidth - 130 - 5; CancelButton.Top = 5; gui.Add(SaveGameWindow); var SaveGameNameLabel = new Label(gui); SaveGameNameLabel.Parent = SaveGameWindow; SaveGameNameLabel.Top = SaveGameListbox.Height + 5; SaveGameNameLabel.Left = 5; SaveGameNameLabel.Width = 95; SaveGameNameLabel.Text = GlblRes.Name; NameTextBox.Parent = SaveGameWindow; NameTextBox.Init(); NameTextBox.Left = 60; NameTextBox.Top = SaveGameListbox.Height + 5; NameTextBox.Width = 220; NameTextBox.Height = 20; NameTextBox.TextChanged += (s, e) => { SaveButton.Enabled = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(NameTextBox.Text); }; NameTextBox.KeyPress += (s, e) => { if (e.Key == Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.Enter) { Engine.SaveState(NameTextBox.Text); SaveGameWindow.Close(); ShowLogo(true); RefreshSaveGames(); } }; gui.Add(SaveGameWindow); }