Exemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult SupportFriendPlaceBet()
            int    amount = 0; Int32.TryParse(Request["hfAmount"], out amount);
            string name   = Request["tbName"];
            string email  = Request["tbEmail"];

            //DO THE MAGIC HERE

            IUserDataRepository _repositoryU = new UserDataRepository();

            UserData user = new UserData();

            user = _repositoryU.FindByUsername(email);

            if (user == null)
                user          = new UserData();
                user.FullName = name;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name) || name == null)
                    user.FullName = email;
                user.Email = email;
                user       = _repositoryU.Insert(user);

            IBetDataRepository _repositoryB = new BetDataRepository();
            BetData            bet          = new BetData();

            bet.Username    = User.Identity.Name;
            bet.User2ID     = user.UserID;
            bet.BetActionID = 114;
            bet.BetValue    = amount;
            bet             = _repositoryB.Insert(bet);

            //ZAPIŠEMO HISTORY!!!
            new EventData(bet.Guid, WebSecurity.GetUserId(User.Identity.Name), 114).Add();

            string hostName  = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HostName"];
            string inviteUrl = hostName + "Home/Invited/" + bet.Guid + "/" + bet.BetActionID;
            string mailBody  = "Hi " + name + ",<br><br>";

            mailBody += User.Identity.Name + " is so certain of your driving skills he is prepared to bet €" + amount.ToString() + " on that.<br><br>";
            mailBody += "Join SupportFriend, the social insurance provider and get up to 80% discount on your car insurance, now! <br><br>";
            mailBody += inviteUrl;

            //Code.BasicMailing.SendEmail(email, "", User.Identity.Name + " wants to support you on SupportFriend", mailBody);

            return(Content("<li>" + email + "</li>"));
            /*return RedirectToAction("Index", "Dashboard");*/
            //return View("Support-Me");
Exemplo n.º 2
        public JsonResult FacebookMessage(string amount, string betActionID, HttpPostedFileBase uplFile)
            int amountInt = 0; Int32.TryParse(amount, out amountInt);

            IBetDataRepository _repositoryB = new BetDataRepository();
            BetData            bet          = new BetData();

            bet.Username    = User.Identity.Name;
            bet.User2ID     = 0;
            bet.BetActionID = Convert.ToInt16(betActionID);
            bet.BetValue    = amountInt;

            string extension = String.Empty;

            if (uplFile != null && uplFile.ContentLength > 0)
                extension         = uplFile.FileName.Substring(uplFile.FileName.IndexOf(".") + 1, uplFile.FileName.Length - uplFile.FileName.IndexOf(".") - 1).ToLower();
                bet.FileExtension = extension;

            bet = _repositoryB.Insert(bet);

            if (uplFile != null && uplFile.ContentLength > 0)
                int tmpuserID = WebSecurity.GetUserId(User.Identity.Name);

                var fileName = bet.Guid.ToString() + "_" + tmpuserID + "." + extension;//Path.GetFileName(uplFile.FileName);
                var path     = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/upload/policies/"), fileName);

                IFileDataRepository repositoryF = new FileDataRepository();
                FileData            file        = new FileData();
                file.BetGuid       = bet.Guid;
                file.FileTypeID    = 207; //POLICY
                file.FileExtension = extension;
                file.FilePath      = path;
                file.InsertUserID  = tmpuserID;


            //ZAPIŠEMO HISTORY!!!
            new EventData(bet.Guid, WebSecurity.GetUserId(User.Identity.Name), Convert.ToInt16(betActionID)).Add();

            string hostName = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HostName"];

            return(Json(new { success = true, host = hostName, guid = bet.Guid, action = betActionID }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public ActionResult SupportMePlaceBet(HttpPostedFileBase uplFile)
            int    amount = 0; Int32.TryParse(Request["hfAmount"], out amount);
            string name   = Request["tbName"];
            string email  = Request["tbEmail"];

            //DO THE MAGIC HERE

            IUserDataRepository _repositoryU = new UserDataRepository();

            UserData user = new UserData();

            user = _repositoryU.FindByUsername(email);

            if (user == null)
                user          = new UserData();
                user.FullName = name;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name) || name == null)
                    user.FullName = email;
                user.Email = email;
                user       = _repositoryU.Insert(user);

            IBetDataRepository _repositoryB = new BetDataRepository();
            BetData            bet          = new BetData();

            bet.Username    = User.Identity.Name;
            bet.User2ID     = user.UserID;
            bet.BetActionID = 115;
            bet.BetValue    = amount;

            string extension = String.Empty;

            if (uplFile != null && uplFile.ContentLength > 0)
                extension         = uplFile.FileName.Substring(uplFile.FileName.IndexOf(".") + 1, uplFile.FileName.Length - uplFile.FileName.IndexOf(".") - 1).ToLower();
                bet.FileExtension = extension;

            bet = _repositoryB.Insert(bet);

            if (uplFile != null && uplFile.ContentLength > 0)
                int tmpuserID = WebSecurity.GetUserId(User.Identity.Name);

                var fileName = bet.Guid.ToString() + "_" + tmpuserID + "." + extension;//Path.GetFileName(uplFile.FileName);
                var path     = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/upload/policies/"), fileName);

                IFileDataRepository repositoryF = new FileDataRepository();
                FileData            file        = new FileData();
                file.BetGuid       = bet.Guid;
                file.FileTypeID    = 207; //POLICY
                file.FileExtension = extension;
                file.FilePath      = path;
                file.InsertUserID  = tmpuserID;


            //ZAPIŠEMO HISTORY!!!
            new EventData(bet.Guid, WebSecurity.GetUserId(User.Identity.Name), 115).Add();

            string hostName  = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HostName"];
            string inviteUrl = hostName + "Home/Invited/" + bet.Guid + "/" + bet.BetActionID;
            string mailBody  = "Hi " + name + ",<br><br>";

            mailBody += User.Identity.Name + " is hoping you can confirm his driving skills and bet €" + amount.ToString() + " on that.<br><br>";
            mailBody += "Join SupportFriend, the social insurance provider and get up to 80% discount on your car insurance, now! <br><br>";
            mailBody += inviteUrl;

            //Code.BasicMailing.SendEmail(email, "", User.Identity.Name + " needs your support on SupportFriend", mailBody);

            return(Content("<li>" + email + "</li>"));

            //return RedirectToAction("Index", "Dashboard");
            //return View("Support-Me");