Exemplo n.º 1
        public static Type GetEffectiveType(this PropertyInfo prop) => Cache.GetOrAdd(prop, () =>
            Type type = prop.PropertyType;

            if (type.IsList())
                type = type.GetGenericArguments().Single();

                // [BelongsTo(typeof(Message), column: "Text")]
                // public List<string> Messages {get; set;}
                // List<ValueType> eseten letrehozunk egy belso nezetet amiben szerepel a join-olt tabla
                // elsodleges kulcsa is.

                if (type.IsValueTypeOrString())
                    BelongsToAttribute bta = prop.GetCustomAttribute <BelongsToAttribute>();

                    type = UnwrappedValueTypeView.CreateView(bta);

Exemplo n.º 2
        public static Type CreateView(BelongsToAttribute bta) => Cache.GetOrAdd(bta /*jo kulcsnak*/, () =>
            Type dataTable = bta.OrmType;

            pk     = dataTable.GetPrimaryKey(),
            column = bta.OrmType.GetProperty(bta.Column) ?? throw new MissingMemberException(bta.OrmType.Name, bta.Column);

            // [View(Base = typeof(Table)), MapFrom(nameof(Column))]
            // class Table_Column_View
            // {
            //   [BelongsTo(typeof(Table))]
            //   public int Id {get; set;}
            //   [BelongsTo(typeof(Table))]
            //   public ValueType Column {get; set;}
            // }

                       new MemberDefinition
                           // A hash kod kell a tipus nevebe mivel ugyanazon oszlophoz tartozo erteklista szerepelhet tobb nezetben is
                           // kulonbozo "required" ertekkel.

                           $"{dataTable.Name}_{column.Name}_View_{bta.GetHashCode()}", // TODO: FIXME: bta.GetHashCode() gyanusan sokszor ad vissza 0-t
                           CustomAttributeBuilderFactory.CreateFrom <MapFromAttribute>(new[] { typeof(string) }, new object[] { column.Name })
                // [BelongsTo(typeof(Table))]
                // public int Id {get; set;}

                new MemberDefinition
                    CustomAttributeBuilderFactory.CreateFrom(new BelongsToAttribute(dataTable, bta.Required))

                // [BelongsTo(typeof(Table), column: "Column")]
                // public ValueType Column {get; set;}

                new MemberDefinition
                    CustomAttributeBuilderFactory.CreateFrom(new BelongsToAttribute(dataTable, bta.Required))
        }, nameof(UnwrappedValueTypeView));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static List <string> GetListColumnNames <T>()
            Type type = typeof(T);

            PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties();
            List <string>  columns    = new List <string>();

            foreach (PropertyInfo pi in properties)
                ChnColAttribute    cca = (ChnColAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(pi, typeof(ChnColAttribute));
                BelongsToAttribute bta = (BelongsToAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(pi, typeof(BelongsToAttribute));
                string s = string.Empty;
                if (cca != null)
                    columns.Add(cca.ChnCol + "," + pi.Name);  //向集合中添加当前属性的“注释”(中文的)
                else if (bta != null)
                    columns.Add(pi.Name + "_Id" + "," + pi.Name + "_Id");
                //    throw new Exception("请为对象的所有属性加上\"注释\"\r\n\r\n示例:[Description(\"注释内容\")]");

Exemplo n.º 4
        public static SpellParameterInfo[] Generate(Type type)
            List <SpellParameterInfo> infos = new List <SpellParameterInfo>();

            StreamDataInfo[] parameters = StreamDataInfo.GetProperties(type);
            foreach (var param in parameters)
                SpellParameterInfo info = new SpellParameterInfo();
                Type paramType          = param.PropertyInfo.PropertyType;
                info.ParameterType = GetParamType(paramType);
                info.Property      = param.PropertyInfo;

                // Add extra parameter info
                switch (info.ParameterType)
                case SpellParameterType.Enum:
                    info.ParameterArgument = paramType.Name;

                case SpellParameterType.BitFlag:
                    info.ParameterArgument = paramType.Name;

                    info.ParameterArgument = "";

                ParameterAttribute attr = info.Property.GetAttribute <ParameterAttribute>();
                if (attr != null)
                    info.ParameterType     = attr.ParameterType;
                    info.ParameterArgument = attr.Parameter;

                info.Interpolate = param.Attributes.Count(a => a.GetType() == typeof(InterpolateAttribute)) != 0;
                info.Hide        = param.Attributes.Count(a => a.GetType() == typeof(HideAttribute)) != 0;

                BelongsToAttribute belongsTo = (BelongsToAttribute)param.Attributes.FirstOrDefault(a => a is BelongsToAttribute);
                if (belongsTo == null)
                    info.BelongsTo = String.Empty;
                    info.BelongsTo = belongsTo.Value;

                if (info.ParameterType == SpellParameterType.Invalid)
                    throw new Exception(String.Format("Unhandled parameter: {0} -> {1}", type.FullName, param.GetType().Name));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void BelongsTo_ShouldSelect()
            IFragmentFactory attr = new BelongsToAttribute(typeof(Goal_Node));

            Action <ISqlQuery> action = ConvertToDelegate(bldr => attr.GetFragments(bldr, typeof(View3).GetProperty(nameof(View3.Id)), false));

            var mockBuilder = new Mock <ISqlQuery>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            mockBuilder.Setup(q => q.Select(typeof(Goal_Node).GetProperty(nameof(Goal_Node.Id)), typeof(View3).GetProperty(nameof(View3.Id))));


            mockBuilder.Verify(q => q.Select(It.IsAny <PropertyInfo>(), It.IsAny <PropertyInfo>()), Times.Once);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void CanGenerateManyToOneRelation()
            Type         type     = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetType("Debugging.Tests.ManyToOne_One");
            Type         type2    = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetType("Debugging.Tests.ManyToOne_Many");
            PropertyInfo property = type.GetProperty("ManyToOne_Manies");

            object[] propertyAttributes = property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(HasManyAttribute), false);
            Assert.IsTrue(propertyAttributes.Length == 1, "Did not generate HasManyAttribute.");

            HasManyAttribute attribute = propertyAttributes[0] as HasManyAttribute;

            Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Table == "Posts");
            Assert.IsTrue(attribute.ColumnKey == "post_blogid");
            Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Cascade == ManyRelationCascadeEnum.All);
            Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Cache == CacheEnum.ReadOnly);
            Assert.IsTrue(attribute.CustomAccess == "TargetCustomAccess");
            Assert.IsTrue(attribute.OrderBy == "TargetOrderBy");
            Assert.IsTrue(attribute.RelationType == RelationType.Bag);
            Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Schema == "TargetSchema");
            Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Where == "TargetWhere");
            Assert.IsTrue(attribute.NotFoundBehaviour == NotFoundBehaviour.Exception);
            Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Element == "TargetElement");
            Assert.AreEqual(attribute.MapType, type2);

            PropertyInfo property2 = type2.GetProperty("SourceProperty");

            object[] propertyAttributes2 = property2.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(BelongsToAttribute), false);
            Assert.IsTrue(propertyAttributes2.Length == 1, "Did not generate BelongsToAttribute.");

            BelongsToAttribute attribute2 = propertyAttributes2[0] as BelongsToAttribute;

            Assert.IsTrue(attribute2.Column == "post_blogid");
            Assert.IsTrue(attribute2.Cascade == CascadeEnum.All);
            Assert.IsTrue(attribute2.NotNull == true);
            Assert.IsTrue(attribute2.CustomAccess == "SourceCustomAccss");
            Assert.IsTrue(attribute2.OuterJoin == OuterJoinEnum.True);
            Assert.IsTrue(attribute2.NotFoundBehaviour == NotFoundBehaviour.Ignore);
            Assert.AreEqual(attribute2.Type, type2);
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void ProcessProperties(Type type, ActiveRecordModel model)
            // Check persistent properties of the base class as well
            if (ShouldCheckBase(type))
                ProcessProperties(type.BaseType, model);

            PropertyInfo[] props = type.GetProperties(DefaultBindingFlags);

            foreach (PropertyInfo prop in props)
                bool              isArProperty = false;
                AnyModel          anyModel;
                HasManyToAnyModel hasManyToAnyModel;

                if (extension != null)
                    extension.ProcessProperty(prop, model);

                object[] valAtts = prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AbstractValidationAttribute), true);

                foreach (AbstractValidationAttribute valAtt in valAtts)
                    IValidator validator = valAtt.Build();
                    validator.Initialize(validatorRegistry, prop);


                foreach (object attribute in prop.GetCustomAttributes(false))
                    if (attribute is PrimaryKeyAttribute)
                        PrimaryKeyAttribute propAtt = attribute as PrimaryKeyAttribute;
                        isArProperty = true;

                        // Joined Subclasses must not have PrimaryKey
                        if (HasJoinedBase(type))
                            throw new ActiveRecordException("You can't specify a PrimaryKeyAttribute in a joined subclass. " +
                                                            "Check type " + model.Type.FullName);

                        if (prop.PropertyType.IsDefined(typeof(CompositeKeyAttribute), true))
                            object[] att = prop.PropertyType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CompositeKeyAttribute), true);

                            CompositeKeyAttribute cAtt = att[0] as CompositeKeyAttribute;

                            model.CompositeKey = new CompositeKeyModel(prop, cAtt);
                            if (!propAtt.IsOverride && model.PrimaryKey != null)
                                throw new ActiveRecordException("You can't specify more than one PrimaryKeyAttribute in a " +
                                                                "class. Check type " + model.Type.FullName);

                            model.PrimaryKey = new PrimaryKeyModel(prop, propAtt);
                    else if (attribute is CompositeKeyAttribute)
                        CompositeKeyAttribute propAtt = attribute as CompositeKeyAttribute;
                        isArProperty = true;

                        model.CompositeKey = new CompositeKeyModel(prop, propAtt);
                    else if (attribute is AnyAttribute)
                        AnyAttribute anyAtt = attribute as AnyAttribute;
                        isArProperty = true;
                        anyModel     = new AnyModel(prop, anyAtt);

                        CollectMetaValues(anyModel.MetaValues, prop);
                    else if (attribute is PropertyAttribute)
                        PropertyAttribute propAtt = attribute as PropertyAttribute;
                        isArProperty = true;

                        // If this property overrides a base class property remove the old one
                        if (propAtt.IsOverride)
                            for (int index = 0; index < model.Properties.Count; ++index)
                                PropertyModel oldModel = (PropertyModel)model.Properties[index];

                                if (oldModel.Property.Name == prop.Name)

                        PropertyModel propModel = new PropertyModel(prop, propAtt);
                        model.PropertyDictionary[prop.Name] = propModel;
                    else if (attribute is NestedAttribute)
                        NestedAttribute propAtt = attribute as NestedAttribute;
                        isArProperty = true;

                        ActiveRecordModel nestedModel = new ActiveRecordModel(prop.PropertyType);

                        nestedModel.IsNestedType = true;

                        Type nestedType = propAtt.MapType ?? prop.PropertyType;
                        nestedModel.IsNestedCompositeType = model.IsNestedCompositeType;
                        ProcessProperties(nestedType, nestedModel);
                        ProcessFields(nestedType, nestedModel);

                        NestedModel nested = new NestedModel(prop, propAtt, nestedModel);
                        nestedModel.ParentNested = nested;

                    else if (attribute is NestedParentReferenceAttribute)
                        NestedParentReferenceAttribute nestedParentAtt = attribute as NestedParentReferenceAttribute;
                        isArProperty = true;

                        model.ComponentParent.Add(new NestedParentReferenceModel(prop, nestedParentAtt));
                    else if (attribute is JoinedKeyAttribute)
                        JoinedKeyAttribute propAtt = attribute as JoinedKeyAttribute;
                        isArProperty = true;

                        if (model.Key != null)
                            throw new ActiveRecordException("You can't specify more than one JoinedKeyAttribute. " +
                                                            "Check type " + model.Type.FullName);

                        model.Key = new KeyModel(prop, propAtt);
                    else if (attribute is VersionAttribute)
                        VersionAttribute propAtt = attribute as VersionAttribute;
                        isArProperty = true;

                        if (model.Version != null)
                            throw new ActiveRecordException("You can't specify more than one VersionAttribute. " +
                                                            "Check type " + model.Type.FullName);

                        model.Version = new VersionModel(prop, propAtt);
                    else if (attribute is TimestampAttribute)
                        TimestampAttribute propAtt = attribute as TimestampAttribute;
                        isArProperty = true;

                        if (model.Timestamp != null)
                            throw new ActiveRecordException("You can't specify more than one TimestampAttribute. " +
                                                            "Check type " + model.Type.FullName);

                        model.Timestamp = new TimestampModel(prop, propAtt);
                    // Relations
                    else if (attribute is OneToOneAttribute)
                        OneToOneAttribute propAtt = attribute as OneToOneAttribute;
                        isArProperty = true;

                        model.OneToOnes.Add(new OneToOneModel(prop, propAtt));
                    else if (attribute is BelongsToAttribute)
                        BelongsToAttribute propAtt = attribute as BelongsToAttribute;
                        isArProperty = true;

                        BelongsToModel btModel = new BelongsToModel(prop, propAtt);
                        model.BelongsToDictionary[prop.Name] = btModel;

                        if (extension != null)
                            extension.ProcessBelongsTo(prop, btModel, model);
                    // The ordering is important here, HasManyToAny must comes before HasMany!
                    else if (attribute is HasManyToAnyAttribute)
                        HasManyToAnyAttribute propAtt = attribute as HasManyToAnyAttribute;
                        isArProperty = true;

                        hasManyToAnyModel = new HasManyToAnyModel(prop, propAtt);
                        model.HasManyToAnyDictionary[prop.Name] = hasManyToAnyModel;

                        CollectMetaValues(hasManyToAnyModel.MetaValues, prop);

                        if (extension != null)
                            extension.ProcessHasManyToAny(prop, hasManyToAnyModel, model);
                    else if (attribute is HasManyAttribute)
                        HasManyAttribute propAtt = attribute as HasManyAttribute;
                        isArProperty = true;

                        HasManyModel hasManyModel = new HasManyModel(prop, propAtt, model);
                        if (propAtt.DependentObjects)
                            ActiveRecordModel dependentObjectModel = new ActiveRecordModel(propAtt.MapType);
                            dependentObjectModel.IsNestedType          = true;
                            dependentObjectModel.IsNestedCompositeType = true;
                            ProcessProperties(propAtt.MapType, dependentObjectModel);

                            hasManyModel.DependentObjectModel = new DependentObjectModel(prop, propAtt, dependentObjectModel);
                        model.HasManyDictionary[prop.Name] = hasManyModel;

                        if (extension != null)
                            extension.ProcessHasMany(prop, hasManyModel, model);
                    else if (attribute is HasAndBelongsToManyAttribute)
                        HasAndBelongsToManyAttribute propAtt = attribute as HasAndBelongsToManyAttribute;
                        isArProperty = true;

                        HasAndBelongsToManyModel habtManyModel = new HasAndBelongsToManyModel(prop, propAtt);
                        model.HasAndBelongsToManyDictionary[prop.Name] = habtManyModel;

                        if (extension != null)
                            extension.ProcessHasAndBelongsToMany(prop, habtManyModel, model);
                    else if (attribute is Any.MetaValueAttribute)
                        if (prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(HasManyToAnyAttribute), false).Length == 0 &&
                            prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AnyAttribute), false).Length == 0
                            throw new ActiveRecordException(
                                      "You can't specify an Any.MetaValue without specifying the Any or HasManyToAny attribute. " +
                                      "Check type " + prop.DeclaringType.FullName);
                    else if (attribute is CompositeUserTypeAttribute)
                        CompositeUserTypeAttribute propAtt = attribute as CompositeUserTypeAttribute;
                        isArProperty = true;

                        model.CompositeUserType.Add(new CompositeUserTypeModel(prop, prop.PropertyType, propAtt));

                    if (attribute is CollectionIDAttribute)
                        CollectionIDAttribute propAtt = attribute as CollectionIDAttribute;

                        model.CollectionIDs.Add(new CollectionIDModel(prop, propAtt));
                    if (attribute is HiloAttribute)
                        HiloAttribute propAtt = attribute as HiloAttribute;

                        model.Hilos.Add(new HiloModel(prop, propAtt));

                if (!isArProperty)
Exemplo n.º 8
 public BelongsToModel(PropertyInfo propInfo, BelongsToAttribute belongsToAtt)
     this.propInfo     = propInfo;
     this.belongsToAtt = belongsToAtt;
Exemplo n.º 9
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BelongsToModel"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="propInfo">The prop info.</param>
		/// <param name="belongsToAtt">The belongs to att.</param>
		public BelongsToModel( PropertyInfo propInfo, BelongsToAttribute belongsToAtt )
			this.propInfo = propInfo;
			this.belongsToAtt = belongsToAtt;
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets a value from a specific property.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="ActiveRecordAttributeException"></exception>
        /// <param name="propertyName">string</param>
        /// <param name="value">object</param>
        public static void SetValue(this IActiveRecord wrapper, string propertyName, object value)
            if (wrapper.IsProxy)

            if (wrapper.Deleted)
                throw new ActiveRecordException("Não é possível setar o valor deste atributo, pois o objeto foi deletado.");

            var att = wrapper.GetFieldDefinition(typeof(FieldAttribute), propertyName);

            if (att == null)
                throw new ActiveRecordAttributeException(wrapper.GetType(),
                                                         String.Format("Não foi possível localizar o atributo de campo para a propriedade {0}", propertyName));

            if (att is DomainFieldAttribute)
                SetDisplayValue(wrapper, att, value.ToString());

            if (att is BelongsToAttribute)
                BelongsToAttribute attribute = att as BelongsToAttribute;
                if (value == null)
                    wrapper.UnderlyingObject.set_Value(attribute.ParentValueFieldIndex, DBNull.Value);
                    wrapper.UnderlyingObject.set_Value(attribute.ParentValueFieldIndex, value);


            if (att is OneToOneAttribute)
                OneToOneAttribute attribute = att as OneToOneAttribute;
                if (value == null)
                    wrapper.UnderlyingObject.set_Value(attribute.RelatedAttributeIndex, DBNull.Value);
                    wrapper.UnderlyingObject.set_Value(attribute.RelatedAttributeIndex, value);

            // if the field does not have an index, just exit
            if (att.Index == -1)

            // if the field cannot be null, but it is, throw a new exception
            if (att.NotNullable && value == null)
                throw new ActiveRecordException(String.Format("O atributo {0} não pode ser nulo.", att.FieldName));

            if (att.FieldType == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeBlob)
                SetBlobValue(wrapper, att, value);
            if (value == null)
                wrapper.UnderlyingObject.set_Value(att.Index, DBNull.Value);
                wrapper.UnderlyingObject.set_Value(att.Index, value);