Exemplo n.º 1
        private DataTable GetInterbaseMappings(string destination)
            /* Columns:
             *      SourceDB
             *      DestinationDB
             *      SourceSQLType
             *      DestinationSQLType
             *      DestinationPrecision
             *      DestinationScale

            DataTable typeMapping = BdpMetaDataHelper.GetSQLTypeMapping();

            foreach (DataRow row in this.GetDataTypes().Rows)
                DataRow newRow = typeMapping.NewRow();

                newRow["Sourcedb"]             = this.dbName;
                newRow["DestinationDB"]        = destination;
                newRow["SourceSQLType"]        = row["TypeName"];
                newRow["DestinationSQLType"]   = row["TypeName"];
                newRow["DestinationPrecision"] = newRow["MaxPrecision"];
                newRow["DestinationScale"]     = newRow["MaxScale"];


Exemplo n.º 2
        public DataTable GetDataTypes()
            DataTable dataTypes = BdpMetaDataHelper.GetDataTypes();

            DataRowCollection r = dataTypes.Rows;

            /* Columns:
             *      RecNo
             *      TypeName
             *      BdpType
             *      BdpSubType
             *      MaxPrecision
             *      MaxScale
             *      NeedPrecision
             *      NeedScale
             *      Searchable
            r.Add(new object[] { 1, "array", BdpType.Array, 0, 0, 0, false, false, true });
            r.Add(new object[] { 2, "bigint", BdpType.Int64, 0, 0, 0, false, false, true });
            r.Add(new object[] { 3, "blob", BdpType.Blob, BdpType.stBinary, 0, 0, false, false, true });
            r.Add(new object[] { 4, "blob sub_type 1", BdpType.Blob, BdpType.stMemo, 0, 0, false, false, true });
            r.Add(new object[] { 5, "char", BdpType.String, BdpType.stFixed, Int16.MaxValue, 0, false, false, true });
            r.Add(new object[] { 6, "date", BdpType.Date, 0, 0, 0, false, false, true });
            r.Add(new object[] { 7, "decimal", BdpType.Decimal, null, 18, 18, true, true, true });
            r.Add(new object[] { 8, "double precision", BdpType.Double, 0, 0, 0, false, false, true });
            r.Add(new object[] { 9, "float", BdpType.Float, 0, 0, 0, false, false, true });
            r.Add(new object[] { 10, "integer", BdpType.Int32, 0, 0, 0, false, false, true });
            r.Add(new object[] { 11, "numeric", BdpType.Decimal, null, 18, 18, true, true, true });
            r.Add(new object[] { 12, "smallint", BdpType.Int16, 0, 0, 0, false, false, true });
            r.Add(new object[] { 13, "time", BdpType.Time, 0, 0, 0, false, false, true });
            r.Add(new object[] { 14, "timestamp", BdpType.DateTime, 0, 0, 0, false, false, true });
            r.Add(new object[] { 15, "varchar", BdpType.String, null, Int16.MaxValue, 0, false, false, true });

Exemplo n.º 3
        public DataTable GetProcedures(string spName, ProcedureType procType)
            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();

            StringBuilder   where = new StringBuilder();
            FbCommand  select     = new FbCommand(this.connection);
            ISQLCursor cursor     = null;
            DataTable  schema     = BdpMetaDataHelper.GetProcedures();
            short      resultCols = 0;

                @"SELECT " +
                "rdb$procedure_name AS ProcName, " +
                "rdb$procedure_inputs AS Inputs, " +
                "rdb$procedure_outputs AS Outputs " +
                "FROM " +

            if (spName != null && spName.Length > 0)
                where.AppendFormat("rdb$procedure_name = '{0}'", spName);

            if (where.Length > 0)
                sql.AppendFormat(" WHERE {0} ", where.ToString());

            sql.Append(" ORDER BY rdb$procedure_name");

            // Prepare and execute the command
            select.Prepare(sql.ToString(), 0);
            select.Execute(out cursor, ref resultCols);

            int recno = 0;

            while (cursor.Next() != -1)
                DataRow row = schema.NewRow();

                row["Recno"]       = recno++;
                row["CatalogName"] = null;
                row["SchemaName"]  = null;
                row["ProcName"]    = ((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(0).ToString().Trim();
                row["ProcType"]    = procType;
                row["InParams"]    = ((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(1);
                row["OutParams"]   = ((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(2);



Exemplo n.º 4
 private DataTable GetUniqueIndexes(string tableName)
Exemplo n.º 5
 private DataTable GetPrimaryKeyIndexes(string tableName)
Exemplo n.º 6
        private DataTable GetNonUniqueIndexes(string tableName)
            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();

            StringBuilder   where = new StringBuilder();
            FbCommand  select     = new FbCommand(this.connection);
            ISQLCursor cursor     = null;
            DataTable  schema     = BdpMetaDataHelper.GetIndices();
            short      resultCols = 0;

                @"SELECT " +
                "idx.rdb$relation_name AS TableName, " +
                "idx.rdb$index_name AS IndexName, " +
                "seg.rdb$field_name AS ColumnName, " +
                "seg.rdb$field_position AS FieldPosition, " +
                "idx.rdb$index_type AS IndexType, " +
                "idx.rdb$index_inactive AS InactiveIndex, " +
                "idx.rdb$unique_flag AS IsUnique, " +
                "idx.rdb$description AS Description " +
                "FROM " +
                "rdb$indices idx " +
                "left join rdb$index_segments seg ON idx.rdb$index_name = seg.rdb$index_name ");

            if (tableName != null && tableName.Length > 0)
                where.AppendFormat("rdb$relation_name = '{0}' AND idx.rdb$unique_flag IS NULL", tableName);

            if (where.Length > 0)
                sql.AppendFormat(" WHERE {0} ", where.ToString());

            sql.Append(" ORDER BY idx.rdb$relation_name, idx.rdb$index_name, seg.rdb$field_position");

             * RecNo
             * CatalogName
             * SchemaName
             * TableName
             * IndexName
             * ColumnName
             * ColumnPosition
             * PKeyName
             * IndexType
             * SortOrder
             * Filter

            // Prepare and execute the command
            select.Prepare(sql.ToString(), 0);
            select.Execute(out cursor, ref resultCols);

            int recno = 0;

            while (cursor.Next() != -1)
                DataRow row = schema.NewRow();

                row["Recno"]          = recno++;
                row["CatalogName"]    = null;
                row["SchemaName"]     = null;
                row["TableName"]      = ((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(0).ToString().Trim();
                row["IndexName"]      = ((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(1).ToString().Trim();
                row["ColumnName"]     = ((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(2).ToString().Trim();
                row["ColumnPosition"] = ((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(3);
                row["PKeyName"]       = String.Empty;
                row["IndexType"]      = IndexType.NonUnique;
                row["SortOrder"]      = String.Empty;
                row["Filter"]         = String.Empty;



Exemplo n.º 7
        public DataTable GetProcedureParams(string spName, string paramName)
            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();

            StringBuilder   where = new StringBuilder();
            FbCommand  select     = new FbCommand(this.connection);
            ISQLCursor cursor     = null;
            short      resultCols = 0;
            DataTable  schema     = BdpMetaDataHelper.GetProcedureParams();

                @"SELECT " +
                "pp.rdb$procedure_name AS ProcName, " +
                "pp.rdb$parameter_name AS ParamName, " +
                "pp.rdb$parameter_type AS ParamType, " +
                "pp.rdb$parameter_number AS ParamPosition, " +
                "fld.rdb$field_type AS ParamDataType, " +
                "fld.rdb$field_sub_type AS ParamSubType, " +
                "fld.rdb$field_length AS ParamSize, " +
                "fld.rdb$field_precision AS ParamPrecision, " +
                "fld.rdb$field_scale AS ParamScale " +
                "FROM " +
                "rdb$procedure_parameters pp " +
                "left join rdb$fields fld ON pp.rdb$field_source = fld.rdb$field_name " +
                "left join rdb$character_sets cs ON cs.rdb$character_set_id = fld.rdb$character_set_id " +
                "left join rdb$collations coll ON (coll.rdb$collation_id = fld.rdb$collation_id AND coll.rdb$character_set_id = fld.rdb$character_set_id) ");

            if (spName != null && spName.Length > 0)
                where.AppendFormat("pp.rdb$procedure_name = '{0}'", spName);

            if (paramName != null && paramName.Length > 0)
                if (where.Length > 0)
                    where.Append(" AND ");

                where.AppendFormat("pp.rdb$parameter_name = '{0}'", paramName);

            if (where.Length > 0)
                sql.AppendFormat(" WHERE {0} ", where.ToString());

            // Prepare and execute the command
            select.Prepare(sql.ToString(), 0);
            select.Execute(out cursor, ref resultCols);

            int recno = 0;

            while (cursor.Next() != -1)
                DataRow row = schema.NewRow();

                int blrType   = 0;
                int subType   = 0;
                int length    = 0;
                int precision = 0;
                int scale     = 0;
                int direction = 0;

                if (((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(4) != null &&
                    ((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(4) != DBNull.Value)
                    blrType = Convert.ToInt32(((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(4));
                if (((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(5) != null &&
                    ((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(5) != DBNull.Value)
                    subType = Convert.ToInt32(((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(5));
                if (((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(6) != null &&
                    ((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(6) != DBNull.Value)
                    length = Convert.ToInt32(((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(6));
                if (((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(7) != null &&
                    ((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(7) != DBNull.Value)
                    precision = Convert.ToInt32(((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(7));
                if (((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(8) != null &&
                    ((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(8) != DBNull.Value)
                    scale = Convert.ToInt32(((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(8));
                if (((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(2) != null &&
                    ((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(2) != DBNull.Value)
                    direction = Convert.ToInt16(((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(2));

                DbDataType paramDbType = TypeHelper.GetDbDataType(blrType, subType, scale);

                row["Recno"]       = recno++;
                row["CatalogName"] = null;
                row["SchemaName"]  = null;
                row["ProcName"]    = ((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(0).ToString().Trim();
                row["ParamName"]   = ((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(1).ToString().Trim();
                if (direction == 0)
                    row["ParamType"] = ParameterDirection.Input;
                else if (direction == 1)
                    row["ParamType"] = ParameterDirection.Output;
                row["ParamPosition"]  = Convert.ToInt16(((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(3));
                row["ParamDataType"]  = BdpTypeHelper.GetBdpType(paramDbType);
                row["ParamSubType"]   = BdpTypeHelper.GetBdpSubType(paramDbType);
                row["ParamTypeName"]  = TypeHelper.GetDataTypeName(paramDbType);
                row["ParamLength"]    = length;
                row["ParamPrecision"] = precision;
                row["ParamScale"]     = Convert.ToInt16(scale);
                row["ParamNullable"]  = true;



Exemplo n.º 8
        public DataTable GetColumns(
            string tableName,
            string columnName,
            ColumnType columnType)
            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();

            StringBuilder   where = new StringBuilder();
            FbCommand  select     = new FbCommand(this.connection);
            ISQLCursor cursor     = null;
            DataTable  schema     = BdpMetaDataHelper.GetColumns();
            short      resultCols = 0;

                @"SELECT " +
                "rfr.rdb$relation_name AS TableName, " +
                "rfr.rdb$field_name AS ColumName, " +
                "rfr.rdb$field_position AS ColumnPosition, " +
                "fld.rdb$field_type AS ColumnDataType, " +
                "fld.rdb$field_sub_type AS ColumnSubType, " +
                "fld.rdb$field_length AS ColumnSize, " +
                "fld.rdb$field_precision AS ColumnPrecision, " +
                "fld.rdb$field_scale AS ColumnScale, " +
                "coalesce(fld.rdb$null_flag, rfr.rdb$null_flag) AS ColumnNullable " +
                "FROM " +
                "rdb$relation_fields rfr " +
                "left join rdb$fields fld ON rfr.rdb$field_source = fld.rdb$field_name ");

            if (tableName != null && tableName.Length > 0)
                where.AppendFormat("rfr.rdb$relation_name = '{0}'", tableName);

            if (columnName != null && columnName.Length > 0)
                if (where.Length > 0)
                    where.Append(" AND ");

                where.AppendFormat("rfr.rdb$field_name = '{0}'", columnName);

            if (where.Length > 0)
                sql.AppendFormat(" WHERE {0} ", where.ToString());

            sql.Append(" ORDER BY rfr.rdb$relation_name, rfr.rdb$field_position");

            // Prepare and execute the command
            select.Prepare(sql.ToString(), 0);
            select.Execute(out cursor, ref resultCols);

            int recno = 0;

            while (cursor.Next() != -1)
                DataRow row = schema.NewRow();

                row["Recno"]           = recno++;
                row["CatalogName"]     = null;
                row["SchemaName"]      = null;
                row["TableName"]       = ((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(0).ToString().Trim();
                row["ColumnName"]      = ((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(1).ToString().Trim();
                row["ColumnPosition"]  = ((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(2);
                row["ColumnType"]      = columnType;
                row["ColumnDataType"]  = ((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(3);
                row["ColumnTypeName"]  = String.Empty;
                row["ColumnSubtype"]   = ((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(4);
                row["ColumnLength"]    = ((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(5);
                row["ColumnPrecision"] = ((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(6);
                row["ColumnScale"]     = ((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(7);

                if (((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(8) == DBNull.Value)
                    row["ColumnNullable"] = true;
                    row["ColumnNullable"] = false;



Exemplo n.º 9
        public DataTable GetTables(string tableName, TableType tableType)
            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();

            StringBuilder   where = new StringBuilder();
            FbCommand  select     = new FbCommand(this.connection);
            ISQLCursor cursor     = null;
            DataTable  schema     = BdpMetaDataHelper.GetTables();
            short      resultCols = 0;

                @"SELECT " +
                "rdb$relation_name AS TableName " +
                "FROM " +

            if (tableName != null && tableName.Length > 0)
                where.AppendFormat("rdb$relation_name = '{0}'", tableName);

            if (where.Length > 0)
                where.Append(" AND ");

            switch (tableType)
            case TableType.SystemTable:
                where.Append("rdb$view_source IS null AND rdb$system_flag = 1");

            case TableType.View:
                where.Append("rdb$view_source IS NOT null AND rdb$system_flag = 0");

            case TableType.Table:
                where.Append("rdb$view_source IS NULL AND rdb$system_flag = 0");

            if (where.Length > 0)
                sql.AppendFormat(" WHERE {0} ", where.ToString());

            sql.Append(" ORDER BY rdb$system_flag, rdb$owner_name, rdb$relation_name");

            // Prepare and execute the command
            select.Prepare(sql.ToString(), 0);
            select.Execute(out cursor, ref resultCols);

            int recno = 0;

            while (cursor.Next() != -1)
                DataRow row = schema.NewRow();

                row["Recno"]       = recno++;
                row["CatalogName"] = null;
                row["SchemaName"]  = null;
                row["TableName"]   = ((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(0).ToString().Trim();
                row["TableType"]   = tableType;



Exemplo n.º 10
        // Added by RPH to support Delphi 2006
        public DataTable GetSchemaTable(IDataReader reader, IDbCommand command,
                                        ISQLCursor cursor)
            DataTable schema = BdpMetaDataHelper.GetSchemaTable();

            /* Prepare the command that is requested for obtain
             * schema information
            FbCommand c = (FbCommand)this.connection.GetSQLCommand();

            c.Prepare(command.CommandText, (short)command.Parameters.Count);

            Descriptor fields = c.GetFieldsDescriptor();

            /* Prepare the command used to obtain schema information like
             * Primary and Unique Key information ...
            short numCols = 0;
            // RPH - currentTable is no longer used.
            //string		currentTable	= "";
            FbCommand sc = (FbCommand)this.connection.GetSQLCommand();

            sc.Prepare(this.GetSchemaCommandText(), 2);

            // Fill schema information
            for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                bool isKeyColumn = false;
                bool isUnique    = false;
                bool isReadOnly  = true;

                // Get schema information
                sc.SetParameter(0, 0, ParameterDirection.Input, BdpType.String, BdpType.stFixed, 0, 0, 31, fields[i].Relation, true);
                sc.SetParameter(1, 0, ParameterDirection.Input, BdpType.String, BdpType.stFixed, 0, 0, 31, fields[i].Name, true);

                sc.Execute(out cursor, ref numCols);

                if (cursor.Next() == 0)
                    if (((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(0) != System.DBNull.Value ||
                        ((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(1) != System.DBNull.Value)
                        isReadOnly = true;
                        isReadOnly = false;
                    if (Convert.ToInt32(((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(2)) > 0)
                        isKeyColumn = true;
                    if (Convert.ToInt32(((FbCursor)cursor).GetValue(3)) > 0)
                        isUnique = true;

                // Add column schema information
                DataRow row = schema.NewRow();

                row["ColumnName"]    = fields[i].Alias.Length > 0 ? fields[i].Alias : fields[i].Name;
                row["ColumnOrdinal"] = i;
                row["ColumnSize"]    = fields[i].GetSize();
                if (fields[i].IsNumeric())
                    row["NumericPrecision"] = fields[i].GetSize();
                    row["NumericScale"]     = fields[i].NumericScale * (-1);
                row["DataType"]         = fields[i].GetSystemType();
                row["ProviderType"]     = BdpTypeHelper.GetBdpType(fields[i].DbDataType);
                row["IsLong"]           = fields[i].IsLong();
                row["AllowDBNull"]      = fields[i].AllowDBNull();
                row["NumericPrecision"] = 0;
                row["IsAutoIncrement"]  = false;
                row["IsRowVersion"]     = false;
                row["IsReadOnly"]       = isReadOnly;
                row["IsUnique"]         = isUnique;
                row["IsKeyColumn"]      = isKeyColumn;
                row["BaseSchemaName"]   = DBNull.Value;
                row["BaseCatalogName"]  = DBNull.Value;
                row["BaseTableName"]    = fields[i].Relation;
                row["BaseColumnName"]   = fields[i].Name;
                row["ProviderSubType"]  = BdpTypeHelper.GetBdpSubType(fields[i].DbDataType);;

                // RPH - Modified to support multiple tables in the command.  CheckColumns
                // in FbResolver will fail when using multiple tables in a command.


            // Free resources
