static void AddShipOnBoard(Battleship ship, Player player)
     for (int i = 0; i < ship.Size; i++)
         player.board[ship.CurrentX, ship.CurrentY] = ship.signature;
         switch (ship.Direction)
             case 'r': ship.y++; break;
             case 'd': ship.x++; break;
             case 'l': ship.y--; break;
             case 'u': ship.x--; break;
             default: break;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void SetShip(int location, Battleship ship, Player player)
            if (player.IsHuman())
                Button button = GetButtonFor(location);
                button.BackColor = Color.Red;

    static Battleship MakeShipAI(string rank, int size, Player player, char sign)
        // Create an object of class Battleship for the AI
        Random rnd = new Random();
        int coordinatesX = rnd.Next(0,10);
        int coordinatesY = rnd.Next(0, 10);
        int intDirection = rnd.Next(1, 5);
        char direction = ' ';
        switch (intDirection)
            case 1: direction = 'r'; break;
            case 2: direction = 'd'; break;
            case 3: direction = 'l'; break;
            case 4: direction = 'u'; break;
            default: break;

        string aiCoordinates = coordinatesX.ToString() + coordinatesY.ToString();
        bool validPosition = ValidatePositionAI(aiCoordinates, size, direction, player);
        while (validPosition == false)
            coordinatesX = rnd.Next(0,10);
            coordinatesY = rnd.Next(0, 10);
            intDirection = rnd.Next(1, 5);
            direction = ' ';
            switch (intDirection)
                case 1: direction = 'r'; break;
                case 2: direction = 'd'; break;
                case 3: direction = 'l'; break;
                case 4: direction = 'u'; break;
                default: break;
            aiCoordinates = coordinatesX.ToString() +coordinatesY.ToString();
            validPosition = ValidatePositionAI(aiCoordinates, size, direction, player);
        Battleship ship = new Battleship(rank, coordinatesX, coordinatesY, size, direction, sign);
        return ship;
 static Battleship CreateShip(string input, string rank, int size, Player player, char sign)
     // Create an object of class Battleship for the given player
     int coordinatesX = ConvertToInt(input[0].ToString());
     int coordinatesY = int.Parse(input[1].ToString());
     Battleship ship = new Battleship(rank, coordinatesX, coordinatesY, size, input[2], sign);
     return ship;
Exemplo n.º 5
 static void TestBattleship(string sBenchmarkPath, int iSize)
     SDRPlanner.AddAllKnownToGiven = true;
     Battleship bs = new Battleship(iSize * 10);
     string sBenchmark = bs.Name;
     bs.WriteDomain(sBenchmarkPath + sBenchmark);
     bs.WriteProblem(sBenchmarkPath + sBenchmark);
     SDRPlanner.TagsCount = 2;
     SDRPlanner.AddTagRefutationToGoal = false;
     //BeliefState.AddAllKnownToGiven = true;
     //TestCLG(sBenchmarkPath + sBenchmark + "\\", 2);
     TestBenchmark(sBenchmarkPath, sBenchmark, 25, true, false);