Exemplo n.º 1
        public AnimalLoreGump(BaseCreature c, Mobile user, int page)
            : base(250, 50)
            m_User   = user;
            m_Target = c;
            m_Page   = page;
            if (m_Page < 0)
                m_Page = 0;
            if (m_Page >= NumTotalPages)
                m_Page = NumTotalPages - 1;


            AddImage(100, 100, 2080);
            AddImage(118, 137, 2081);
            AddImage(118, 207, 2081);
            AddImage(118, 277, 2081);
            AddImage(118, 347, 2083);

            AddHtml(147, 108, 210, 18, String.Format("<center><i>{0}</i></center>", c.Name), false, false);

            AddButton(240, 77, 2093, 2093, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            AddImage(140, 138, 2091);
            AddImage(140, 335, 2091);

            switch (m_Page)
            case 0:
                #region Attributes
                AddImage(128, 152, 2086);
                AddHtmlLocalized(147, 150, 160, 18, 1049593, 200, false, false);                         // Attributes

                AddHtmlLocalized(153, 168, 160, 18, 1049578, LabelColor, false, false);                  // Hits
                AddHtml(280, 168, 75, 18, FormatAttributes(c.Hits, c.HitsMax), false, false);

                AddHtmlLocalized(153, 186, 160, 18, 1049579, LabelColor, false, false);                         // Stamina
                AddHtml(280, 186, 75, 18, FormatAttributes(c.Stam, c.StamMax), false, false);

                AddHtmlLocalized(153, 204, 160, 18, 1049580, LabelColor, false, false);                         // Mana
                AddHtml(280, 204, 75, 18, FormatAttributes(c.Mana, c.ManaMax), false, false);

                AddHtmlLocalized(153, 222, 160, 18, 1028335, LabelColor, false, false);                         // Strength
                AddHtml(320, 222, 35, 18, FormatStat(c.Str), false, false);
                AddStatLock(355, 222, c.StrLock, ButtonID.StrLock);

                AddHtmlLocalized(153, 240, 160, 18, 3000113, LabelColor, false, false);                         // Dexterity
                AddHtml(320, 240, 35, 18, FormatStat(c.Dex), false, false);
                AddStatLock(355, 240, c.DexLock, ButtonID.DexLock);

                AddHtmlLocalized(153, 258, 160, 18, 3000112, LabelColor, false, false);                         // Intelligence
                AddHtml(320, 258, 35, 18, FormatStat(c.Int), false, false);
                AddStatLock(355, 258, c.IntLock, ButtonID.IntLock);

                AddImage(128, 278, 2086);
                AddHtmlLocalized(147, 276, 160, 18, 3001016, 200, false, false);                         // Miscellaneous

                AddHtmlLocalized(153, 294, 160, 18, 1049581, LabelColor, false, false);                  // Armor Rating
                AddHtml(320, 294, 35, 18, FormatStat(c.VirtualArmor), false, false);

                AddHtmlLocalized(153, 312, 160, 18, 3000120, LabelColor, false, false);                         // Gender
                AddHtml(280, 312, 75, 18, String.Format("<div align=right>{0}</div>", c.Female ? "Female" : "Male"), false, false);


            case 1:
                #region Skills
                AddImage(128, 152, 2086);
                AddHtmlLocalized(147, 150, 160, 18, 3001030, 200, false, false);                         // Combat Ratings

                AddHtmlLocalized(153, 168, 160, 18, 1044103, LabelColor, false, false);                  // Wrestling
                AddHtml(320, 168, 35, 18, FormatSkill(c, SkillName.Wrestling), false, false);
                AddSkillLock(355, 168, c, SkillName.Wrestling, ButtonID.SkillLock + (int)SkillName.Wrestling);

                AddHtmlLocalized(153, 186, 160, 18, 1044087, LabelColor, false, false);                         // Tactics
                AddHtml(320, 186, 35, 18, FormatSkill(c, SkillName.Tactics), false, false);
                AddSkillLock(355, 186, c, SkillName.Tactics, ButtonID.SkillLock + (int)SkillName.Tactics);

                AddHtmlLocalized(153, 204, 160, 18, 1044086, LabelColor, false, false);                         // Magic Resistance
                AddHtml(320, 204, 35, 18, FormatSkill(c, SkillName.MagicResist), false, false);
                AddSkillLock(355, 204, c, SkillName.MagicResist, ButtonID.SkillLock + (int)SkillName.MagicResist);

                AddHtmlLocalized(153, 222, 160, 18, 1044061, LabelColor, false, false);                         // Anatomy
                AddHtml(320, 222, 35, 18, FormatSkill(c, SkillName.Anatomy), false, false);
                AddSkillLock(355, 222, c, SkillName.Anatomy, ButtonID.SkillLock + (int)SkillName.Anatomy);

                AddHtmlLocalized(153, 240, 160, 18, 1044090, LabelColor, false, false);                         // Poisoning
                AddHtml(320, 240, 35, 18, FormatSkill(c, SkillName.Poisoning), false, false);
                AddSkillLock(355, 240, c, SkillName.Poisoning, ButtonID.SkillLock + (int)SkillName.Poisoning);

                AddImage(128, 260, 2086);
                AddHtmlLocalized(147, 258, 160, 18, 3001032, 200, false, false);                         // Lore & Knowledge

                AddHtmlLocalized(153, 276, 160, 18, 1044085, LabelColor, false, false);                  // Magery
                AddHtml(320, 276, 35, 18, FormatSkill(c, SkillName.Magery), false, false);
                AddSkillLock(355, 276, c, SkillName.Magery, ButtonID.SkillLock + (int)SkillName.Magery);

                AddHtmlLocalized(153, 294, 160, 18, 1044076, LabelColor, false, false);                         // Evaluating Intelligence
                AddHtml(320, 294, 35, 18, FormatSkill(c, SkillName.EvalInt), false, false);
                AddSkillLock(355, 294, c, SkillName.EvalInt, ButtonID.SkillLock + (int)SkillName.EvalInt);

                AddHtmlLocalized(153, 312, 160, 18, 1044106, LabelColor, false, false);                         // Meditation
                AddHtml(320, 312, 35, 18, FormatSkill(c, SkillName.Meditation), false, false);
                AddSkillLock(355, 312, c, SkillName.Meditation, ButtonID.SkillLock + (int)SkillName.Meditation);


            case 2:
                #region Misc
                AddImage(128, 152, 2086);
                AddHtmlLocalized(147, 150, 160, 18, 1049563, 200, false, false);                         // Preferred Foods

                int foodPref = 3000340;

                if ((c.FavoriteFood & FoodType.FruitsAndVegies) != 0)
                    foodPref = 1049565;                             // Fruits and Vegetables
                else if ((c.FavoriteFood & FoodType.GrainsAndHay) != 0)
                    foodPref = 1049566;                             // Grains and Hay
                else if ((c.FavoriteFood & FoodType.Fish) != 0)
                    foodPref = 1049568;                             // Fish
                else if ((c.FavoriteFood & FoodType.Meat) != 0)
                    foodPref = 1049564;                             // Meat
                AddHtmlLocalized(153, 168, 160, 18, foodPref, LabelColor, false, false);

                AddImage(128, 188, 2086);
                AddHtmlLocalized(147, 186, 160, 18, 1049569, 200, false, false);                         // Pack Instincts

                int packInstinct = 3000340;

                if ((c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Canine) != 0)
                    packInstinct = 1049570;                             // Canine
                else if ((c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Ostard) != 0)
                    packInstinct = 1049571;                             // Ostard
                else if ((c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Feline) != 0)
                    packInstinct = 1049572;                             // Feline
                else if ((c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Arachnid) != 0)
                    packInstinct = 1049573;                             // Arachnid
                else if ((c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Daemon) != 0)
                    packInstinct = 1049574;                             // Daemon
                else if ((c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Bear) != 0)
                    packInstinct = 1049575;                             // Bear
                else if ((c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Equine) != 0)
                    packInstinct = 1049576;                             // Equine
                else if ((c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Bull) != 0)
                    packInstinct = 1049577;                             // Bull
                AddHtmlLocalized(153, 204, 160, 18, packInstinct, LabelColor, false, false);

                AddImage(128, 224, 2086);
                AddHtmlLocalized(147, 222, 160, 18, 1049594, 200, false, false);                         // Loyalty Rating

                // loyalty redo
                int loyaltyval = (int)c.Loyalty / 10;
                if (loyaltyval < 0)
                    loyaltyval = 0;
                if (loyaltyval > 11)
                    loyaltyval = 11;
                AddHtmlLocalized(153, 240, 160, 18, (!c.Controlled || c.Loyalty == PetLoyalty.None) ? 1061643 : 1049594 + loyaltyval, LabelColor, false, false);


            default:                     // rest of the pages are filled with genes - be sure to adjust "pg" calc in here when adding pages
                int nextpage = 3;

                // idea for later - flesh out custom pages more, a string[] is hackish

                //List<string[]> custompages = c.GetAnimalLorePages();
                //if (custompages != null && page >= nextpage && page < (nextpage + custompages.Count))
                //    foreach (string[] s in custompages)
                //    {
                //        for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
                //        {
                //            AddHtml(153, 168 + 18 * i, 150, 18, s[i], false, false);
                //        }
                //    }

                //    nextpage += custompages.Count;

                #region Genetics
                if (page >= nextpage)
                    List <PropertyInfo> genes = new List <PropertyInfo>();

                    foreach (PropertyInfo pi in c.GetType().GetProperties())
                        GeneAttribute attr = (GeneAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(pi, typeof(GeneAttribute), true);
                        if (attr == null)
                        if (m_User.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.Counselor && !Server.Misc.TestCenter.Enabled)
                            if (attr.Visibility == GeneVisibility.Invisible)
                            if (attr.Visibility == GeneVisibility.Tame && m_User != c.ControlMaster)


                    int pg = m_Page - nextpage;

                    AddImage(128, 152, 2086);
                    AddHtml(147, 150, 160, 18, "Genetics", false, false);

                    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                        if (pg * 9 + i >= genes.Count)

                        GeneAttribute attr = (GeneAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(genes[pg * 9 + i], typeof(GeneAttribute), true);
                        AddHtml(153, 168 + 18 * i, 120, 18, attr.Name, false, false);
                        AddHtml(240, 168 + 18 * i, 115, 18, String.Format("<div align=right>{0:G3}</div>", c.DescribeGene(genes[pg * 9 + i], attr)), false, false);

            if (m_Page < NumTotalPages - 1)
                AddButton(340, 358, 5601, 5605, (int)ButtonID.NextPage, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            if (m_Page > 0)
                AddButton(317, 358, 5603, 5607, (int)ButtonID.PrevPage, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);