Exemplo n.º 1
        public IActionResult CreateCrawlDetail(string name, DateTime crawlDate, bool haveTheme, string Theme)

            Crawl c = new Crawl {
                name = name, datetime = crawlDate, Theme = Theme

            c.UserID = User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier);

            //Auto join creator
            c.crawlUser.Add(new CrawlUser
                crawl   = c,
                usersID = c.UserID

            Barcrawl        bc           = new Barcrawl();
            List <Barcrawl> listBarcrawl = new List <Barcrawl>();
            List <Bar>      bar          = PossibleBars;

            foreach (Bar b in bar)
                if (!db.Bar.Where(x => x.BarId == b.BarId).Any())
                c.barCrawl.Add(new Barcrawl
                    BarId   = b.BarId,
                    CrawlID = c.CrawlID,
            string[] bob = bar[0].Location.Split(',');

            string qwer   = bob[1] + bob[2];
            string qwert  = qwer.Replace("]", "");
            string qwerty = qwert.Replace("\"", "");

            string[] qwertyu = qwerty.Split(' ');
            c.Location = qwertyu[2] + ", " + qwertyu[3];


            string id = c.CrawlID.ToString();

            return(RedirectToAction("CrawlDetails", new { id = id }));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public List <Bar> getCrawlBars(Bar start, int radius, int numBars)
            Random     rand      = new Random();
            Bar        point     = start;
            List <Bar> crawlList = new List <Bar>();

            // Get all valid bars
            while (crawlList.Count < numBars)
                HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.CreateHttp($"https://api.yelp.com/v3/businesses/search?term=bars&location={point.Location}&radius={radius}");
                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 5AZ1TMhzZzb52DbbAMkydLPjNRSURY3x-DtC2o7qDjNTa2n96PSxuLZMmQoBy3WtX5q4EWUh4KQWVG1GG_nq_x2YLEssXjh5WF5kYw8E_VPmyRVMRfDHLwOYM0bXXXYx");
                HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                StreamReader    rd       = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
                string          ApiText  = rd.ReadToEnd();
                JToken          tokens   = JToken.Parse(ApiText);

                List <JToken> ts           = tokens["businesses"].ToList();
                List <Bar>    possibleList = new List <Bar>();
                foreach (JToken t in ts)
                    Bar b = new Bar(t);

                // RNG choose a close by bar, add to list
                int index = rand.Next(possibleList.Count);
                point = possibleList[index];

                // Add only if it's not already on the list

                bool dup = false;
                foreach (Bar x in crawlList)
                    if (x.BarId == point.BarId)
                        dup = true;

                if (!dup)
            Bars = crawlList;
            //for saving the crawl
            Barcrawl crawl = new Barcrawl();
