Exemplo n.º 1
    void Start()
        gm            = GameManager.Instance;
        backgroundSrc = GameObject.Find("Background Audio Main").GetComponent <AudioSource> ();
        controller    = FindObjectOfType <PlayerController> ();
        if (windowsParent != null && windowsParent.Length != 0)
            windows = new Window[windowsParent.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < windows.Length; i++)
                var lT = windowsParent[i].GetChild(2).Find("Left");
                var rT = windowsParent[i].GetChild(2).Find("Right");
                var mT = windowsParent[i].GetChild(2).Find("Mid");
                windows[i] = new Window(lT, rT, mT);

        if (balconiesParent != null && balconiesParent.Length != 0)
            balconies = new Balcony[balconiesParent.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < balconies.Length; i++)
                var startT = balconiesParent[i].GetChild(1).Find("Start");
                var endT   = balconiesParent[i].GetChild(1).Find("End");
                balconies[i] = new Balcony(startT, endT);
        private void SumCalculate()
            string select   = comboTypeBox.SelectedItem.ToString().ToLower().Split()[0];
            string fullname = nameInputBox.Text.ToString().ToLower();
            double discount = 1;
            double cost     = 0;

            foreach (Client client in cashbox.GetClients())
                if (String.Equals(client.fullName.ToLower(), fullname))
                    discount = client.discount;

            if (String.Equals(select, "партерр"))
                cost = discount * Parterre.GetCost();
            else if (String.Equals(select, "балкон"))
                cost = discount * Balcony.GetCost();
            else if (String.Equals(select, "ложа"))
                cost = discount * Lodge.GetCost();
            sumTicketBox.Text = "Стоимость билета: " + cost + " руб.";
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// получает объект для сохранения с уровня представления и создает по нему объект Apartment и сохраняет его в базу данных.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="appartmentDto"></param>
        public void MakeAdvert(ApartmentDTO appartmentDto)
            Salesman salesman = Database.Salesmans.Get(appartmentDto.SalesmanId);

            // валидация
            if (salesman == null)
                throw new ValidationException("Арендодатель не найден", "");

            // смотрим состояние проплаченных сервисов арендодателя
            bool salesmanPayedState = new SalesmanState(30.0).GetSalesmanPayedState(salesman.PayedDate);

            // применяем автомаппер для проекции HouseDTO на House
            Mapper.Initialize(cfg => cfg.CreateMap <HouseDTO, House>());
            House house = Mapper.Map <HouseDTO, House>(appartmentDto.House);

            Mapper.Initialize(cfg => cfg.CreateMap <ToiletTypeDTO, ToiletType>());
            ToiletType toiletType = Mapper.Map <ToiletTypeDTO, ToiletType>(appartmentDto.ToiletType);

            Mapper.Initialize(cfg => cfg.CreateMap <BalconyDTO, Balcony>());
            Balcony balcony = Mapper.Map <BalconyDTO, Balcony>(appartmentDto.Balcony);

            Mapper.Initialize(cfg => cfg.CreateMap <RepairTypeDTO, RepairType>());
            RepairType repairType = Mapper.Map <RepairTypeDTO, RepairType>(appartmentDto.RepairType);

            Mapper.Initialize(cfg => cfg.CreateMap <ElevatorDTO, Elevator>());
            Elevator elevator = Mapper.Map <ElevatorDTO, Elevator>(appartmentDto.Elevator);

            // применяем автомаппер для проекции одной коллекции на другую
            Mapper.Initialize(cfg => cfg.CreateMap <ApartmentIncludeDTO, ApartmentInclude>());
            var includes = Mapper.Map <IEnumerable <ApartmentIncludeDTO>, List <ApartmentInclude> >(appartmentDto.ApartmentIncludes);

            Mapper.Initialize(cfg => cfg.CreateMap <ImagesIncludeDTO, ImagesInclude>());
            var images = Mapper.Map <IEnumerable <ImagesIncludeDTO>, List <ImagesInclude> >(appartmentDto.ImagesIncludes);

            Apartment apartment = new Apartment
                PublishDate        = DateTime.Now,
                Salesman           = salesman,
                SalesmanPayedState = salesmanPayedState,
                Price             = appartmentDto.Price,
                PriceInfo         = appartmentDto.PriceInfo,
                Floor             = appartmentDto.Floor,
                TotalArea         = appartmentDto.TotalArea,
                LivingArea        = appartmentDto.LivingArea,
                KitchenArea       = appartmentDto.KitchenArea,
                OtherInfo         = appartmentDto.OtherInfo,
                House             = house,
                ToiletType        = toiletType,
                Balcony           = balcony,
                RepairType        = repairType,
                Elevator          = elevator,
                ApartmentIncludes = includes,
                ImagesIncludes    = images

        public T ResolveHbEntity <T>(Balcony entity) where T : BaseDictionary
            if (typeof(T) != typeof(Terrace))
                throw new Exception("Не верный тип.");
            if (entity != null)
                return(ResolveHbEntity <T>(entity.idBalcony));

Exemplo n.º 5
 public void SetNewApartmentBalcony()
     if (Controller.GetPresenter <Balcony>() == null)
         var balcony = new Balcony();
         balcony.OpenView(new Model.ApartmentBalcony()
             Balcony       = true,
             BalconyMeters = 10,
             Floor         = 2,
             Meters        = 55,
             Rooms         = 2
Exemplo n.º 6
 public async Task OnGet(string id)
     Balcony = await _db.Balcony.FindAsync(id);
Exemplo n.º 7
        static void BuildRestroom()
            Restroom.Name = "洗手间和过道";
            Restroom.Alias.AddRange(new[] { "洗手间", "过道" });

            Restroom.LightDescription =
            Restroom.Description =
            Restroom.IsLit = false;

            AObject Mirror = new AObject(
                "镜子", new[] { "镜面", "镜" },
                desc:           "黑暗的镜子里面模模糊糊的映出你的样子和移门后的阳台,但是看不清楚。",
                ldesc:          "手电筒在镜子里映出一片光芒,几乎掩盖了你的模样,看不清什么东西。");

            AObject Sink = new AObject(
                "洗手池", new[] { "洗手台", "台面", "池", "池子" },
                desc:           "黑色台面上两个白色洗手池,看起来就像两只空洞的眼睛。",
                ldesc:          "黑色台面上的两个洗手池,在晚上使你想到白色的大眼睛,特别是在手电筒的光照下。");

            AObject WaterTap = new AObject(
                "水龙头", new[] { "龙头" },
                desc:           "两个金属水龙头。",
                ldesc:          "两个闪亮的金属水龙头。")
                IsSwitch = true, SwitchState = false
            // it doesn't emit water for now, but in later stages of development I think I'll add support for it when I implement the chemistry module.

            AObject Toilet = new AObject(
                "蹲厕", new[] { "厕所", "便池" },
                desc:           "你现在并不想上厕所,也不想无缘无故地走进去看。又不是什么好玩的东西。",
                ldesc:          "你现在并不想上厕所,也不想无缘无故地走进去看。又不是什么好玩的东西。");

            AObject Bathroom = new AObject(
                "淋浴间", new[] { "浴室", "洗澡间" },
                desc:           "半夜里你不想踩进那又暗又滑的地方,更不可能洗澡。",
                ldesc:          "半夜里你不想踩进那湿湿滑滑的地方,更不可能洗澡。");

            AObject DormDoor = AObject.SimpleDoor(
                Dormitory12, "去寝室的门", new[] { "寝室门", "寝室", "门" },
                desc:           "通往寝室的门。",
                flopside:       () => Dormitory12.FindObjectInternal("去洗手间过道的门"));

            AObject BalconyDoor = AObject.SimpleDoor(
                Balcony, "去阳台的移门", new[] { "阳台门", "阳台", "移门", "门" },
                desc:           "通往阳台的移门。",
                flopside:       () => Balcony.FindObjectInternal("去洗手间过道的门"));

            Restroom.Objects.AddRange(new AObject[]
                                      { Mirror, Sink, WaterTap, Toilet, Bathroom, DormDoor, BalconyDoor });

            Restroom.Objects.Add(new AObject("墙壁", new string[]
                                             { "墙壁", "墙", "地面", "地板", "地", "天花板" }));

            Restroom.PostCommand = (self, v, p) =>
                if (self.FindObjectInternal("水龙头").SwitchState)
Exemplo n.º 8
  /*************** CONSTRUCTORS ***************/

  public BalconyFrame (Balcony parent)
    : base(parent)
  { }
Exemplo n.º 9
        // DropCreateDatabaseAlways  <->  DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges
        protected override void Seed(RentContext db)
            // Salesmans
            Salesman sale1 = new Salesman {
                RegisterDate = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1), PayedDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-35), Name = "Иванов И.И.", Email = "*****@*****.**", PhoneNumber = "+7 926 750-00-88"
            Salesman sale2 = new Salesman {
                RegisterDate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-10), PayedDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-25), Name = "Петров П.П.", Email = "*****@*****.**", PhoneNumber = "+7 921 750-55-00"
            Salesman sale3 = new Salesman {
                RegisterDate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-2), PayedDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-15), Name = "Сидоров С.С.", Email = "*****@*****.**", PhoneNumber = "+7 926 760-33-33"

            db.Salesmans.AddRange(new List <Salesman> {
                sale1, sale2, sale3

            // BuildingTypes
            BuildingType build1 = new BuildingType {
                Name = "кирпичный"
            BuildingType build2 = new BuildingType {
                Name = "панельный"
            BuildingType build3 = new BuildingType {
                Name = "монолитный"

            db.BuildingTypes.AddRange(new List <BuildingType> {
                build1, build2, build3

            // Houses
            House house1 = new House {
                Address = "Сиреневый проезд 14К2", Year = 1969, Floors = 12, BuildingType = build1
            House house2 = new House {
                Address = "Кирпичный переулок 18К5", Year = 1979, Floors = 10, BuildingType = build2
            House house3 = new House {
                Address = "1-я Парковая 67", Year = 1988, Floors = 25, BuildingType = build3

            db.Houses.AddRange(new List <House> {
                house1, house2, house3

            // ToiletTypes
            ToiletType toilet1 = new ToiletType {
                Name = "совмещенный"
            ToiletType toilet2 = new ToiletType {
                Name = "раздельный"

            db.ToiletTypes.AddRange(new List <ToiletType> {
                toilet1, toilet2

            // Balconies
            Balcony balcony1 = new Balcony {
                Name = "балкон"
            Balcony balcony2 = new Balcony {
                Name = "лоджия"
            Balcony balcony3 = new Balcony {
                Name = "балкон + лоджия"

            db.Balconies.AddRange(new List <Balcony> {
                balcony1, balcony2, balcony3

            // RepairTypes
            RepairType repair1 = new RepairType {
                Name = "косметический"
            RepairType repair2 = new RepairType {
                Name = "евроремонт"
            RepairType repair3 = new RepairType {
                Name = "дизайнерский"
            RepairType repair4 = new RepairType {
                Name = "без ремонта"

            db.RepairTypes.AddRange(new List <RepairType> {
                repair1, repair2, repair3, repair4

            // Elevator
            Elevator elevator1 = new Elevator {
                Name = "обычный"
            Elevator elevator2 = new Elevator {
                Name = "грузовой"
            Elevator elevator3 = new Elevator {
                Name = "обычный + грузовой"

            db.Elevators.AddRange(new List <Elevator> {
                elevator1, elevator2, elevator3

            // ApartmentIncludes
            ApartmentInclude include1 = new ApartmentInclude {
                Name = "мебель"
            ApartmentInclude include2 = new ApartmentInclude {
                Name = "холодильник"
            ApartmentInclude include3 = new ApartmentInclude {
                Name = "стиральная машина"
            ApartmentInclude include4 = new ApartmentInclude {
                Name = "интернет"
            ApartmentInclude include5 = new ApartmentInclude {
                Name = "телевизор"
            ApartmentInclude include6 = new ApartmentInclude {
                Name = "кондиционер"
            ApartmentInclude include7 = new ApartmentInclude {
                Name = "посудомоечная машина"
            ApartmentInclude include8 = new ApartmentInclude {
                Name = "телефон"
            ApartmentInclude include9 = new ApartmentInclude {
                Name = "ванна"

            db.ApartmentIncludes.AddRange(new List <ApartmentInclude> {
                include1, include2, include3, include4, include5, include6, include7, include8, include9

            // Images for apartments
            ImagesInclude img01 = new ImagesInclude {
                Name = "вид 1", Path = "..//Content//207-1.jpg"
            ImagesInclude img02 = new ImagesInclude {
                Name = "вид 2", Path = "..//Content//207-2.jpg"
            ImagesInclude img03 = new ImagesInclude {
                Name = "вид 3", Path = "..//Content//207-3.jpg"
            ImagesInclude img04 = new ImagesInclude {
                Name = "вид 1", Path = "..//Content//208-1.jpg"
            ImagesInclude img05 = new ImagesInclude {
                Name = "вид 2", Path = "..//Content//208-2.jpg"
            ImagesInclude img06 = new ImagesInclude {
                Name = "вид 3", Path = "..//Content//208-3.jpg"
            ImagesInclude img07 = new ImagesInclude {
                Name = "вид 4", Path = "..//Content//208-4.jpg"
            ImagesInclude img08 = new ImagesInclude {
                Name = "вид 1", Path = "..//Content//209-1.jpg"
            ImagesInclude img09 = new ImagesInclude {
                Name = "вид 2", Path = "..//Content//209-2.jpg"

            db.ImagesIncludes.AddRange(new List <ImagesInclude> {
                img01, img02, img03, img04, img05, img06, img07, img08, img09

            // Apartments
            Apartment apt1 = new Apartment {
                PublishDate        = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2),
                Salesman           = sale1,
                SalesmanPayedState = true,
                Price             = 20000m,
                PriceInfo         = "на длительный срок (от года), коммунальные платежи включены (кроме счетчиков)",
                Floor             = 1,
                TotalArea         = 36m,
                LivingArea        = 20m,
                KitchenArea       = 10m,
                OtherInfo         = "Сдаётся квартира ПОСЛЕ КАЧЕСТВЕННОГО РЕМОНТА.",
                House             = house1,
                ToiletType        = toilet1,
                Balcony           = balcony1,
                RepairType        = repair1,
                Elevator          = elevator1,
                ApartmentIncludes = new List <ApartmentInclude> {
                    include1, include4, include9
                ImagesIncludes = new List <ImagesInclude> {
                    img01, img02, img03

            Apartment apt2 = new Apartment {
                PublishDate        = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1),
                Salesman           = sale2,
                SalesmanPayedState = true,
                Price             = 21000m,
                PriceInfo         = "1 мес. предоплата + залог 10 000 руб., комиссия 25%",
                Floor             = 10,
                TotalArea         = 38m,
                LivingArea        = 22m,
                KitchenArea       = 9m,
                OtherInfo         = "Укомплектована минимумом мебели. Быт техника в наличии.",
                House             = house2,
                ToiletType        = toilet2,
                Balcony           = balcony2,
                RepairType        = repair1,
                Elevator          = elevator2,
                ApartmentIncludes = new List <ApartmentInclude> {
                    include2, include5, include8
                ImagesIncludes = new List <ImagesInclude> {
                    img04, img05, img06, img07

            Apartment apt3 = new Apartment {
                PublishDate        = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-10),
                Salesman           = sale3,
                SalesmanPayedState = true,
                Price             = 20000m,
                PriceInfo         = "на длительный срок (от года)+ залог 20 000 руб., комиссия 50%",
                Floor             = 12,
                TotalArea         = 30m,
                LivingArea        = 18m,
                KitchenArea       = 8m,
                OtherInfo         = "Санузел совмещен. Балкона нет. Сдадим приличным, платежеспособным.",
                House             = house3,
                ToiletType        = toilet1,
                Balcony           = balcony3,
                RepairType        = repair4,
                Elevator          = elevator3,
                ApartmentIncludes = new List <ApartmentInclude> {
                    include1, include3, include4, include7, include8
                ImagesIncludes = new List <ImagesInclude> {
                    img08, img09

            db.Apartments.AddRange(new List <Apartment> {
                apt1, apt2, apt3
Exemplo n.º 10
 public BalconyBody (Balcony parent)
   : base(parent)
 { }
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static void Day2Setting()
            // Whoooooosh....

            // A. reset


            Dormitory12.Objects.Find((x) => x.Name == "床铺").Description = (_s, _v) => "在暗中看不清楚。";

            // B. modify

            // B.1. dorm12

            // remove the light of darkness
            Dormitory12.LightDescription =
            Dormitory12.Description =

            // add the light of sky
            Dormitory12.GetDescription = (self, v) =>
                if (self.IsLit)
                    return(Dormitory12.LightDescription +
                else if (self.IsPlayerLit)
                    return(Dormitory12.LightDescription +
                    return(Dormitory12.Description +

                                              new AObject(Dormitory12.FindObjectInternal("窗帘"))
                Description = (_s, _v) =>
                LightDescription = (_s, _v) =>
                OnOpening = (self, v) =>
                    self.OpenState   = true;
                    self.Description = self.LightDescription = (_s, _v) => "窗帘被你拉开,缩在一边。";
                    v.currentRoom.FindObjectInternal("窗户").Description          =
                        v.currentRoom.FindObjectInternal("窗户").LightDescription = (_s, _v) =>

                    if (!v.foundNoVoid2)
                        Print($"你拉开窗帘的一瞬间,紫红色的光涌入房间。它来自对面寝室楼后的天空。楼下的路灯沦为了暗暗的白点。地面也散发出紫色,与天空一起变幻着。在你眼中,有一秒钟时间,天空成了翻滚的海洋,而地面则是风中倒置的迷雾和森林。但是寂静……这片寂静使你惊异。现在甚至听不见外面风声,只有背景中若有若无的耳鸣。{(v.foundDarkness1 ? "你原先期望看到什么?黑暗?……紫色的黑暗?有点可笑。" : "")}\n\n");
                        v.foundNoVoid2 = true;
                    v.currentRoom.IsLit = true;

                OnClosing = (self, v) =>
                    self.OpenState        = false;
                    self.Description      = (_s, _v) => "从它后面什么地方照进来一种红晕。";
                    self.LightDescription = (_s, _v) =>
                    v.currentRoom.FindObjectInternal("窗户").Description = (_s, _v) =>
                    v.currentRoom.FindObjectInternal("窗户").LightDescription = (_s, _v) =>



                                              new AObject(Dormitory12.FindObjectInternal("窗户"))
                Description = (_s, _v) =>
                LightDescription = (_s, _v) =>

            Dormitory12.BeforeCommand = (self, v, p) =>
                // convenience magic
                if (p == "xyzzy")
                    v.withClothes      = true;
                    v.currentRoom      = Campus;
                    Campus.CurrentArea = Campus.Areas.Find((x) => x.Name == "食堂和寝室楼之间");
                // TODO: move these to separate verbs
                if (p == "起床" || p == "起来")
                    if (self.CurrentArea.Name == "床上")
                        self.CurrentArea = null;

                else if ((p == "睡" || p == "睡觉"))

            // B.2. Restroom: Good. No changes...

            // B.3. Balcony

            // sky
            Balcony.GetDescription = (self, v) =>
                                     $"阳台的瓷砖地面反射着{(self.IsPlayerLit ? "手电筒和" : "")}天空的色彩。天空在地面上投下你模模糊糊的影子,瓷砖的边缘泛起微光。虽然还没到能看书的地步,但你能注意到光照的亮度很不寻常。眼前漂浮在夜晚朦胧空气中的树和楼房奇怪地漂亮。你能听见风声了。";
            Balcony.PostDescription = (self, v) =>
                if (!v.foundNoVoid2)
                    v.foundNoVoid2 = true;
                    return($"房间里的红光就来自那天空,使楼下的路灯沦为了暗暗的白点。地面也散发出紫色,与天空一起变幻着。在你眼中,有一秒钟时间,天空成了翻滚的海洋,而地面则是风中倒置的迷雾和森林。但是寂静——这片寂静使你惊异,现在甚至听不见外面风声,只有背景中若有若无的耳鸣。{(v.foundDarkness1 ? "你原先期望看到什么?黑暗?……紫色的黑暗?有点可笑。" : "")}\n\n");

            Balcony.IsLit = true;


            Balcony.Objects.Add(new AObject("楼房",
                                            new[] { "楼房", "树", "树木", "房子", "寝室楼", "9#楼", "地面", "天空" })
                IsReachable = false

            // B.4. DormsHallway: No changes.

            // B.5. Lobby8

            LobbyNo8.LightDescription =

            // real door
            LobbyNo8.FindObjectInternal("外面").RoomTo     = Campus;
            LobbyNo8.FindObjectInternal("外面").OnEntering = (self, v) =>
            LobbyNo8.FindObjectInternal("外面").LinkedSide = () =>