Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
            //Configure the Identity user manager for use with Umbraco Back office

            var applicationContext = ApplicationContext.Current;

            app.ConfigureUserManagerForUmbracoBackOffice <BackOfficeUserManager, BackOfficeIdentityUser>(
                (options, context) =>
                var membershipProvider = MembershipProviderExtensions.GetUsersMembershipProvider().AsUmbracoMembershipProvider();
                var userManager        = BackOfficeUserManager.Create(options,

                // Call custom passowrd checker.
                userManager.BackOfficeUserPasswordChecker = new BackofficeMembershipProviderPasswordChecker();


            //Ensure owin is configured for Umbraco back office authentication
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
            var applicationContext = ApplicationContext.Current;

            app.ConfigureUserManagerForUmbracoBackOffice <BackOfficeUserManager, BackOfficeIdentityUser>(
                (options, context) =>
                var membershipProvider = MembershipProviderExtensions.GetUsersMembershipProvider().AsUmbracoMembershipProvider();
                var userManager        = BackOfficeUserManager.Create(options,

                // Overrides Umbraco's password checker
                var latchOperationSvc = new LatchOperationService(applicationContext.DatabaseContext.Database, applicationContext.Services.TextService, applicationContext.Services.UserService);
                userManager.BackOfficeUserPasswordChecker = new LatchLoginChecker(latchOperationSvc, applicationContext.Services.TextService, userManager.PasswordHasher);

            //Ensure owin is configured for Umbraco back office authentication
        /// <summary>
        /// Configure Default Identity User Manager for Umbraco
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="app"></param>
        /// <param name="appContext"></param>
        /// <param name="userMembershipProvider"></param>
        public static void ConfigureUserManagerForUmbracoBackOffice(this IAppBuilder app,
                                                                    ApplicationContext appContext,
                                                                    MembershipProviderBase userMembershipProvider)
            if (appContext == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("appContext");
            if (userMembershipProvider == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("userMembershipProvider");

            //Configure Umbraco user manager to be created per request
            app.CreatePerOwinContext <BackOfficeUserManager>(
                (options, owinContext) => BackOfficeUserManager.Create(

            app.SetBackOfficeUserManagerType <BackOfficeUserManager, BackOfficeIdentityUser>();

            //Create a sign in manager per request
            app.CreatePerOwinContext <BackOfficeSignInManager>((options, context) => BackOfficeSignInManager.Create(options, context, app.CreateLogger <BackOfficeSignInManager>()));
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Configure a custom UserStore with the Identity User Manager for Umbraco
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="app"></param>
        /// <param name="appContext"></param>
        /// <param name="userMembershipProvider"></param>
        /// <param name="customUserStore"></param>
        public static void ConfigureUserManagerForUmbracoBackOffice(this IAppBuilder app,
                                                                    ApplicationContext appContext,
                                                                    MembershipProviderBase userMembershipProvider,
                                                                    BackOfficeUserStore customUserStore)
            if (appContext == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("appContext");
            if (userMembershipProvider == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("userMembershipProvider");
            if (customUserStore == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("customUserStore");

            //Configure Umbraco user manager to be created per request
            app.CreatePerOwinContext <BackOfficeUserManager>(
                (options, owinContext) => BackOfficeUserManager.Create(

            //Create a sign in manager per request
            app.CreatePerOwinContext <BackOfficeSignInManager>((options, context) => BackOfficeSignInManager.Create(options, context, app.CreateLogger(typeof(BackOfficeSignInManager).FullName)));
        public virtual async Task <ClaimsIdentity> GenerateUserIdentityAsync(BackOfficeUserManager <BackOfficeIdentityUser> manager)
            // NOTE the authenticationType must match the umbraco one
            // defined in CookieAuthenticationOptions.AuthenticationType
            var userIdentity = await manager.CreateIdentityAsync(this, Constants.Security.BackOfficeAuthenticationType);

Exemplo n.º 6
 public UserDeliverable(
     TextReader reader,
     TextWriter writer,
     IUserService userService,
     BackOfficeUserManager <BackOfficeIdentityUser> userManager
     ) : base(reader, writer)
     this.userService = userService;
     this.userManager = userManager;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public BackOfficeSignInManager(
     BackOfficeUserManager userManager,
     IHttpContextAccessor contextAccessor,
     IBackOfficeExternalLoginProviders externalLogins,
     IUserClaimsPrincipalFactory <BackOfficeIdentityUser> claimsFactory,
     IOptions <IdentityOptions> optionsAccessor,
     IOptions <GlobalSettings> globalSettings,
     ILogger <SignInManager <BackOfficeIdentityUser> > logger,
     IAuthenticationSchemeProvider schemes,
     IUserConfirmation <BackOfficeIdentityUser> confirmation)
     : this(userManager, contextAccessor, externalLogins, claimsFactory, optionsAccessor, globalSettings, logger, schemes, confirmation, StaticServiceProvider.Instance.GetRequiredService <IEventAggregator>())
Exemplo n.º 8
 public BackOfficeSignInManager(
     BackOfficeUserManager userManager,
     IHttpContextAccessor contextAccessor,
     IBackOfficeExternalLoginProviders externalLogins,
     IUserClaimsPrincipalFactory <BackOfficeIdentityUser> claimsFactory,
     IOptions <IdentityOptions> optionsAccessor,
     IOptions <GlobalSettings> globalSettings,
     ILogger <SignInManager <BackOfficeIdentityUser> > logger,
     IAuthenticationSchemeProvider schemes,
     IUserConfirmation <BackOfficeIdentityUser> confirmation)
     : base(userManager, contextAccessor, claimsFactory, optionsAccessor, logger, schemes, confirmation)
     _userManager    = userManager;
     _externalLogins = externalLogins;
     _globalSettings = globalSettings.Value;
        /// <summary>
        /// Configure user manager for use with Active Directory
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="app"></param>
        protected override void ConfigureUmbracoUserManager(IAppBuilder app)
            app.ConfigureUserManagerForUmbracoBackOffice <BackOfficeUserManager, BackOfficeIdentityUser>(
                (options, context) =>
                var membershipProvider = MembershipProviderExtensions.GetUsersMembershipProvider().AsUmbracoMembershipProvider();
                var userManager        = BackOfficeUserManager.Create(options,

                // Configure custom password checker.
                userManager.BackOfficeUserPasswordChecker = new BackofficeMembershipProviderPasswordChecker();

Exemplo n.º 10
        public void Build(IContainer container)
            container.Register(() =>
                var userManager = BackOfficeUserManager.Create(
                    new IdentityFactoryOptions <BackOfficeUserManager>
                    Provider = new IdentityFactoryProvider <BackOfficeUserManager>()
                    container.Resolve <IUserService>(),
                    container.Resolve <IEntityService>(),
                    container.Resolve <IExternalLoginService>(),

            .As <BackOfficeUserManager <BackOfficeIdentityUser> >();
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Configure user manager for use with Active Directory
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="app"></param>
        protected override void ConfigureUmbracoUserManager(IAppBuilder app)
            app.ConfigureUserManagerForUmbracoBackOffice <BackOfficeUserManager, BackOfficeIdentityUser>(Current.RuntimeState, Current.Configs.Global(),
                                                                                                         (options, context) =>
                var membershipProvider = MembershipProviderExtensions.GetUsersMembershipProvider().AsUmbracoMembershipProvider();
                var userManager        = BackOfficeUserManager.Create(options,

                // Configure custom password checker.
                userManager.BackOfficeUserPasswordChecker = new BackofficeMembershipProviderPasswordChecker();

Exemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Configure the Identity user manager for use with Umbraco Back office
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="app"></param>
 protected override void ConfigureUmbracoUserManager(IAppBuilder app)
     // Overload the following method to add a custom user-pass check
     app.ConfigureUserManagerForUmbracoBackOffice <BackOfficeUserManager, BackOfficeIdentityUser>(
         (options, context) =>
         var membershipProvider = MembershipProviderExtensions.GetUsersMembershipProvider().AsUmbracoMembershipProvider();
         var userManager        = BackOfficeUserManager.Create(
             ContentSection,     //content section config
         userManager.BackOfficeUserPasswordChecker = new HybrideAuthenticator();
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Configure user manager for use with Active Directory
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="app"></param>
        protected override void ConfigureUmbracoUserManager(IAppBuilder app)
            var                     applicationContext = Umbraco.Core.Composing.Current.Services;
            IGlobalSettings         GlobalSettings     = Umbraco.Core.Composing.Current.Configs.Global();
            IUmbracoSettingsSection UmbracoSettings    = Umbraco.Core.Composing.Current.Configs.Settings();

            app.ConfigureUserManagerForUmbracoBackOffice <BackOfficeUserManager, BackOfficeIdentityUser>(Umbraco.Web.Composing.Current.RuntimeState, GlobalSettings,
                                                                                                         (options, context) =>
                var membershipProvider = MembershipProviderExtensions.GetUsersMembershipProvider().AsUmbracoMembershipProvider();
                var userManager        = BackOfficeUserManager.Create(options,
                userManager.BackOfficeUserPasswordChecker = new BackofficeMembershipProviderPasswordChecker();
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes the password for a user based on the many different rules and config options
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentUser">The user performing the password save action</param>
        /// <param name="savingUser">The user who's password is being changed</param>
        /// <param name="passwordModel"></param>
        /// <param name="userMgr"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <Attempt <PasswordChangedModel> > ChangePasswordWithIdentityAsync(
            IUser currentUser,
            IUser savingUser,
            ChangingPasswordModel passwordModel,
            BackOfficeUserManager <BackOfficeIdentityUser> userMgr)
            if (passwordModel == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("passwordModel");
            if (userMgr == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("userMgr");

            //check if this identity implementation is powered by an underlying membership provider (it will be in most cases)
            var membershipPasswordHasher = userMgr.PasswordHasher as IMembershipProviderPasswordHasher;

            //check if this identity implementation is powered by an IUserAwarePasswordHasher (it will be by default in 7.7+ but not for upgrades)
            var userAwarePasswordHasher = userMgr.PasswordHasher as IUserAwarePasswordHasher <BackOfficeIdentityUser, int>;

            if (membershipPasswordHasher != null && userAwarePasswordHasher == null)
                //if this isn't using an IUserAwarePasswordHasher, then fallback to the old way
                if (membershipPasswordHasher.MembershipProvider.RequiresQuestionAndAnswer)
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Currently the user editor does not support providers that have RequiresQuestionAndAnswer specified");
                return(ChangePasswordWithMembershipProvider(savingUser.Username, passwordModel, membershipPasswordHasher.MembershipProvider));

            //if we are here, then a IUserAwarePasswordHasher is available, however we cannot proceed in that case if for some odd reason
            //the user has configured the membership provider to not be hashed. This will actually never occur because the BackOfficeUserManager
            //will throw if it's not hashed, but we should make sure to check anyways (i.e. in case we want to unit test!)
            if (membershipPasswordHasher != null && membershipPasswordHasher.MembershipProvider.PasswordFormat != MembershipPasswordFormat.Hashed)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The membership provider cannot have a password format of " + membershipPasswordHasher.MembershipProvider.PasswordFormat + " and be configured with secured hashed passwords");

            //Are we resetting the password?? In ASP.NET Identity APIs, this flag indicates that an admin user is changing another user's password
            //without knowing the original password.
            if (passwordModel.Reset.HasValue && passwordModel.Reset.Value)
                //if it's the current user, the current user cannot reset their own password
                if (currentUser.Username == savingUser.Username)
                    return(Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel {
                        ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Password reset is not allowed", new[] { "resetPassword" })

                //if the current user has access to reset/manually change the password
                if (currentUser.HasSectionAccess(Umbraco.Core.Constants.Applications.Users) == false)
                    return(Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel {
                        ChangeError = new ValidationResult("The current user is not authorized", new[] { "resetPassword" })

                //ok, we should be able to reset it
                var resetToken = await userMgr.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(savingUser.Id);

                var newPass = passwordModel.NewPassword.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()
                    ? userMgr.GeneratePassword()
                    : passwordModel.NewPassword;

                var resetResult = await userMgr.ChangePasswordWithResetAsync(savingUser.Id, resetToken, newPass);

                if (resetResult.Succeeded == false)
                    var errors = string.Join(". ", resetResult.Errors);
                    _logger.Warn <PasswordChanger>(string.Format("Could not reset user password {0}", errors));
                    return(Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel {
                        ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Could not reset password, errors: " + errors, new[] { "resetPassword" })

                return(Attempt.Succeed(new PasswordChangedModel()));

            //we're not resetting it so we need to try to change it.

            if (passwordModel.NewPassword.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                return(Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel {
                    ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Cannot set an empty password", new[] { "value" })

            //we cannot arbitrarily change the password without knowing the old one and no old password was supplied - need to return an error
            //TODO: What if the current user is admin? We should allow manually changing then?
            if (passwordModel.OldPassword.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                //if password retrieval is not enabled but there is no old password we cannot continue
                return(Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel {
                    ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Password cannot be changed without the old password", new[] { "oldPassword" })

            if (passwordModel.OldPassword.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() == false)
                //if an old password is suplied try to change it
                var changeResult = await userMgr.ChangePasswordAsync(savingUser.Id, passwordModel.OldPassword, passwordModel.NewPassword);

                if (changeResult.Succeeded == false)
                    var errors = string.Join(". ", changeResult.Errors);
                    _logger.Warn <PasswordChanger>(string.Format("Could not change user password {0}", errors));
                    return(Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel {
                        ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Could not change password, errors: " + errors, new[] { "oldPassword" })
                return(Attempt.Succeed(new PasswordChangedModel()));

            //We shouldn't really get here
            return(Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel {
                ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Could not change password, invalid information supplied", new[] { "value" })
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes password for a member/user given the membership provider and the password change model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="username">The username of the user having their password changed</param>
        /// <param name="passwordModel"></param>
        /// <param name="membershipProvider"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Attempt <PasswordChangedModel> ChangePasswordWithMembershipProvider(string username, ChangingPasswordModel passwordModel, MembershipProvider membershipProvider)
            // YES! It is completely insane how many options you have to take into account based on the membership provider. yikes!

            if (passwordModel == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("passwordModel");
            if (membershipProvider == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("membershipProvider");

            BackOfficeUserManager <BackOfficeIdentityUser> backofficeUserManager = null;
            var userId = -1;

            if (membershipProvider.IsUmbracoUsersProvider())
                backofficeUserManager = _httpContext.GetOwinContext().GetBackOfficeUserManager();
                if (backofficeUserManager != null)
                    var profile = _userService.GetProfileByUserName(username);
                    if (profile != null)
                        int.TryParse(profile.Id.ToString(), out userId);

            //Are we resetting the password??
            //TODO: I don't think this is required anymore since from 7.7 we no longer display the reset password checkbox since that didn't make sense.
            if (passwordModel.Reset.HasValue && passwordModel.Reset.Value)
                var canReset = membershipProvider.CanResetPassword(_userService);
                if (canReset == false)
                    return(Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel {
                        ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Password reset is not enabled", new[] { "resetPassword" })
                if (membershipProvider.RequiresQuestionAndAnswer && passwordModel.Answer.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                    return(Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel {
                        ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Password reset requires a password answer", new[] { "resetPassword" })
                //ok, we should be able to reset it
                    var newPass = membershipProvider.ResetPassword(
                        membershipProvider.RequiresQuestionAndAnswer ? passwordModel.Answer : null);

                    if (membershipProvider.IsUmbracoUsersProvider() && backofficeUserManager != null && userId >= 0)

                    //return the generated pword
                    return(Attempt.Succeed(new PasswordChangedModel {
                        ResetPassword = newPass
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _logger.WarnWithException <PasswordChanger>("Could not reset member password", ex);
                    return(Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel {
                        ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Could not reset password, error: " + ex.Message + " (see log for full details)", new[] { "resetPassword" })

            //we're not resetting it so we need to try to change it.

            if (passwordModel.NewPassword.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                return(Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel {
                    ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Cannot set an empty password", new[] { "value" })

            //This is an edge case and is only necessary for backwards compatibility:
            var umbracoBaseProvider = membershipProvider as MembershipProviderBase;

            if (umbracoBaseProvider != null && umbracoBaseProvider.AllowManuallyChangingPassword)
                //this provider allows manually changing the password without the old password, so we can just do it
                    var result = umbracoBaseProvider.ChangePassword(username, "", passwordModel.NewPassword);
                    return(result == false
                        ? Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel { ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Could not change password, invalid username or password", new[] { "value" }) })
                        : Attempt.Succeed(new PasswordChangedModel()));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _logger.WarnWithException <PasswordChanger>("Could not change member password", ex);
                    return(Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel {
                        ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Could not change password, error: " + ex.Message + " (see log for full details)", new[] { "value" })

            //The provider does not support manually chaning the password but no old password supplied - need to return an error
            if (passwordModel.OldPassword.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() && membershipProvider.EnablePasswordRetrieval == false)
                //if password retrieval is not enabled but there is no old password we cannot continue
                return(Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel {
                    ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Password cannot be changed without the old password", new[] { "oldPassword" })

            if (passwordModel.OldPassword.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() == false)
                //if an old password is suplied try to change it

                    var result = membershipProvider.ChangePassword(username, passwordModel.OldPassword, passwordModel.NewPassword);

                    if (result && backofficeUserManager != null && userId >= 0)

                    return(result == false
                        ? Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel { ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Could not change password, invalid username or password", new[] { "oldPassword" }) })
                        : Attempt.Succeed(new PasswordChangedModel()));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _logger.WarnWithException <PasswordChanger>("Could not change member password", ex);
                    return(Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel {
                        ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Could not change password, error: " + ex.Message + " (see log for full details)", new[] { "value" })

            if (membershipProvider.EnablePasswordRetrieval == false)
                //we cannot continue if we cannot get the current password
                return(Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel {
                    ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Password cannot be changed without the old password", new[] { "oldPassword" })
            if (membershipProvider.RequiresQuestionAndAnswer && passwordModel.Answer.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                //if the question answer is required but there isn't one, we cannot continue
                return(Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel {
                    ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Password cannot be changed without the password answer", new[] { "value" })

            //lets try to get the old one so we can change it
                var oldPassword = membershipProvider.GetPassword(
                    membershipProvider.RequiresQuestionAndAnswer ? passwordModel.Answer : null);

                    var result = membershipProvider.ChangePassword(username, oldPassword, passwordModel.NewPassword);
                    return(result == false
                        ? Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel { ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Could not change password", new[] { "value" }) })
                        : Attempt.Succeed(new PasswordChangedModel()));
                catch (Exception ex1)
                    _logger.WarnWithException <PasswordChanger>("Could not change member password", ex1);
                    return(Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel {
                        ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Could not change password, error: " + ex1.Message + " (see log for full details)", new[] { "value" })
            catch (Exception ex2)
                _logger.WarnWithException <PasswordChanger>("Could not retrieve member password", ex2);
                return(Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel {
                    ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Could not change password, error: " + ex2.Message + " (see log for full details)", new[] { "value" })
 protected UmbracoAuthorizedJsonController(UmbracoContext umbracoContext, UmbracoHelper umbracoHelper, BackOfficeUserManager <BackOfficeIdentityUser> backOfficeUserManager) : base(umbracoContext, umbracoHelper, backOfficeUserManager)
Exemplo n.º 17
 public UsersController(UmbracoContext umbracoContext, UmbracoHelper umbracoHelper, BackOfficeUserManager <BackOfficeIdentityUser> backOfficeUserManager)
     : base(umbracoContext, umbracoHelper, backOfficeUserManager)
Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes password for a member/user given the membership provider and the password change model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="username">The username of the user having their password changed</param>
        /// <param name="passwordModel"></param>
        /// <param name="membershipProvider"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Attempt <PasswordChangedModel> ChangePasswordWithMembershipProvider(string username, ChangingPasswordModel passwordModel, MembershipProvider membershipProvider)
            var umbracoBaseProvider = membershipProvider as MembershipProviderBase;

            // YES! It is completely insane how many options you have to take into account based on the membership provider. yikes!

            if (passwordModel == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(passwordModel));
            if (membershipProvider == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(membershipProvider));

            BackOfficeUserManager <BackOfficeIdentityUser> backofficeUserManager = null;
            var userId = -1;

            if (membershipProvider.IsUmbracoUsersProvider())
                backofficeUserManager = _httpContext.GetOwinContext().GetBackOfficeUserManager();
                if (backofficeUserManager != null)
                    var profile = _userService.GetProfileByUserName(username);
                    if (profile != null)
                        int.TryParse(profile.Id.ToString(), out userId);

            //Are we resetting the password?
            //This flag indicates that either an admin user is changing another user's password without knowing the original password
            // or that the password needs to be reset to an auto-generated one.
            if (passwordModel.Reset.HasValue && passwordModel.Reset.Value)
                //if a new password is supplied then it's an admin user trying to change another user's password without knowing the original password
                //this is only possible when using a membership provider if the membership provider supports AllowManuallyChangingPassword
                if (passwordModel.NewPassword.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() == false)
                    if (umbracoBaseProvider != null && umbracoBaseProvider.AllowManuallyChangingPassword)
                        //this provider allows manually changing the password without the old password, so we can just do it
                            var result = umbracoBaseProvider.ChangePassword(username, string.Empty, passwordModel.NewPassword);

                            if (result && backofficeUserManager != null && userId >= 0)

                            return(result == false
                                ? Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel { ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Could not change password, invalid username or password", new[] { "value" }) })
                                : Attempt.Succeed(new PasswordChangedModel()));
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            _logger.Warn <PasswordChanger>("Could not change member password", ex);
                            return(Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel {
                                ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Could not change password, error: " + ex.Message + " (see log for full details)", new[] { "value" })
                        return(Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel {
                            ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Provider does not support manually changing passwords", new[] { "value" })

                //we've made it here which means we need to generate a new password

                var canReset = membershipProvider.CanResetPassword(_userService);
                if (canReset == false)
                    return(Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel {
                        ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Password reset is not enabled", new[] { "resetPassword" })
                if (membershipProvider.RequiresQuestionAndAnswer && passwordModel.Answer.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                    return(Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel {
                        ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Password reset requires a password answer", new[] { "resetPassword" })

                //ok, we should be able to reset it
                    var newPass = membershipProvider.ResetPassword(
                        membershipProvider.RequiresQuestionAndAnswer ? passwordModel.Answer : null);

                    if (membershipProvider.IsUmbracoUsersProvider() && backofficeUserManager != null && userId >= 0)

                    //return the generated pword
                    return(Attempt.Succeed(new PasswordChangedModel {
                        ResetPassword = newPass
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _logger.Warn <PasswordChanger>(ex, "Could not reset member password");
                    return(Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel {
                        ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Could not reset password, error: " + ex.Message + " (see log for full details)", new[] { "resetPassword" })

            //we're not resetting it so we need to try to change it.

            if (passwordModel.NewPassword.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                return(Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel {
                    ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Cannot set an empty password", new[] { "value" })

            //without being able to retrieve the original password,
            //we cannot arbitrarily change the password without knowing the old one and no old password was supplied - need to return an error
            if (passwordModel.OldPassword.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() && membershipProvider.EnablePasswordRetrieval == false)
                //if password retrieval is not enabled but there is no old password we cannot continue
                return(Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel {
                    ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Password cannot be changed without the old password", new[] { "oldPassword" })

            if (passwordModel.OldPassword.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() == false)
                //if an old password is supplied try to change it

                    var result = membershipProvider.ChangePassword(username, passwordModel.OldPassword, passwordModel.NewPassword);

                    if (result && backofficeUserManager != null && userId >= 0)

                    return(result == false
                        ? Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel { ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Could not change password, invalid username or password", new[] { "oldPassword" }) })
                        : Attempt.Succeed(new PasswordChangedModel()));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _logger.Warn <PasswordChanger>(ex, "Could not change member password");
                    return(Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel {
                        ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Could not change password, error: " + ex.Message + " (see log for full details)", new[] { "value" })

            if (membershipProvider.EnablePasswordRetrieval == false)
                //we cannot continue if we cannot get the current password
                return(Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel {
                    ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Password cannot be changed without the old password", new[] { "oldPassword" })
            if (membershipProvider.RequiresQuestionAndAnswer && passwordModel.Answer.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                //if the question answer is required but there isn't one, we cannot continue
                return(Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel {
                    ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Password cannot be changed without the password answer", new[] { "value" })

            //lets try to get the old one so we can change it
                var oldPassword = membershipProvider.GetPassword(
                    membershipProvider.RequiresQuestionAndAnswer ? passwordModel.Answer : null);

                    var result = membershipProvider.ChangePassword(username, oldPassword, passwordModel.NewPassword);
                    return(result == false
                        ? Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel { ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Could not change password", new[] { "value" }) })
                        : Attempt.Succeed(new PasswordChangedModel()));
                catch (Exception ex1)
                    _logger.Warn <PasswordChanger>(ex1, "Could not change member password");
                    return(Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel {
                        ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Could not change password, error: " + ex1.Message + " (see log for full details)", new[] { "value" })
            catch (Exception ex2)
                _logger.Warn <PasswordChanger>(ex2, "Could not retrieve member password");
                return(Attempt.Fail(new PasswordChangedModel {
                    ChangeError = new ValidationResult("Could not change password, error: " + ex2.Message + " (see log for full details)", new[] { "value" })
Exemplo n.º 19
 public TestController(UmbracoContext umbCtx, BackOfficeUserManager <BackOfficeIdentityUser> backOfficeUserManager)
     _umbCtx = umbCtx;
     _backOfficeUserManager = backOfficeUserManager;