Exemplo n.º 1
        public void GridViewLookupEdit()
            // Create an in-place LookupEdit control.
            //RepositoryItemLookUpEdit repositoryItemGridLookUpEdit1 = new RepositoryItemLookUpEdit();
            DataTable dtShift = BUS_Ca.LoadCa();

            repositoryItemLookUpEdit1.DataSource    = dtShift;
            repositoryItemLookUpEdit1.ValueMember   = "id";
            repositoryItemLookUpEdit1.DisplayMember = "name";

            // Enable the "best-fit" functionality mode in which columns have proportional widths and the popup window is resized to fit all the columns.
            repositoryItemGridLookUpEdit1.BestFitMode = DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.BestFitMode.BestFitResizePopup;
            // Specify the dropdown height.
            repositoryItemLookUpEdit1.DropDownRows = BUS_Ca.LoadCa().Rows.Count;

            // Enable the automatic completion feature. In this mode, when the dropdown is closed,
            // the text in the edit box is automatically completed if it matches a DisplayMember field value of one of dropdown rows.
            repositoryItemLookUpEdit1.SearchMode = DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.SearchMode.AutoComplete;
            // Specify the column against which an incremental search is performed in SearchMode.AutoComplete and SearchMode.OnlyInPopup modes
            repositoryItemLookUpEdit1.AutoSearchColumnIndex = 1;

            // Optionally hide the Description column in the dropdown.
            repositoryItemLookUpEdit1.Columns["id"].Visible = false;

            // Assign the in-place LookupEdit control to the grid's CategoryID column.
            // Note that the data types of the "ID" and "CategoryID" fields match.

            gridViewPhanCa.Columns["shift_id"].ColumnEdit = repositoryItemLookUpEdit1;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void frmPhanCa_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            dtpNgayHieuLuc.Format       = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom;
            dtpNgayHieuLuc.CustomFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd";

            gridControl1.DataSource = lstNhanVien;

            //List<DTO_Ca> lstCa = new List<DTO_Ca>();
            DataTable dtCa = BUS_Ca.LoadCa();

            lkShift.Properties.DataSource    = dtCa;
            lkShift.Properties.DisplayMember = "name";
            lkShift.Properties.ValueMember   = "id";
            lkShift.Properties.NullText      = "Chọn ca làm việc";
            lkShift.EditValue = dtCa.Rows[0][0];

            lkShift.Properties.BestFitMode = DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.BestFitMode.BestFitResizePopup;
            // Specify the dropdown height.
            lkShift.Properties.DropDownRows = dtCa.Rows.Count;
            //lkInput.Properties.ReadOnly = true;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void frmKTPhanCa_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region Xử lý lookupEdit
            dtboPhan = BUS_BoPhan.LoadBoPhan(ad_org_id);

            lkBoPhan.Properties.DataSource    = dtboPhan;
            lkBoPhan.Properties.DisplayMember = "description";
            lkBoPhan.Properties.ValueMember   = "id";
            lkBoPhan.Properties.NullText      = "Chọn bộ phận";
            lkBoPhan.EditValue = dtboPhan.Rows[0][0];

            lkBoPhan.Properties.BestFitMode = DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.BestFitMode.BestFitResizePopup;
            // Specify the dropdown height.
            lkBoPhan.Properties.DropDownRows = dtboPhan.Rows.Count;
            //lkInput.Properties.ReadOnly = true

            //List<DTO_Ca> lstCa = new List<DTO_Ca>();
            DataTable dtCa = BUS_Ca.LoadCa();

            lkShift.Properties.DataSource    = dtCa;
            lkShift.Properties.DisplayMember = "name";
            lkShift.Properties.ValueMember   = "id";
            lkShift.Properties.NullText      = "Chọn ca làm việc";
            //lkShift.EditValue = dtCa.Rows[0][0];

            lkShift.Properties.BestFitMode = DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.BestFitMode.BestFitResizePopup;
            // Specify the dropdown height.
            lkShift.Properties.DropDownRows = dtCa.Rows.Count;
            //lkInput.Properties.ReadOnly = true;

            radioGroup.SelectedIndex = 0;
            groupBox2.Enabled        = false;
            groupBox3.Enabled        = false;
            Reset.Enabled            = false;
            dateEdit.EditValue       = DateTime.Now.Date;
            dateEdit1.EditValue      = DateTime.Now.Date;
            #region Redundance

             * //List<DTO_Ca> lstCa = new List<DTO_Ca>();
             * DataTable dtCa = BUS_Ca.LoadCa();
             * lkShift.Properties.DataSource = dtCa;
             * lkShift.Properties.DisplayMember = "name";
             * lkShift.Properties.ValueMember = "id";
             * lkShift.Properties.NullText = "Chọn ca làm việc";
             * lkShift.EditValue = dtCa.Rows[0][0];
             * lkShift.Properties.BestFitMode = DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.BestFitMode.BestFitResizePopup;
             * // Specify the dropdown height.
             * lkShift.Properties.DropDownRows = dtCa.Rows.Count;
             * //lkInput.Properties.ReadOnly = true;
             * radioGroup.SelectedIndex = 0;
             * int i = Convert.ToInt16(user_level_id);
             * if (i > 1)
             * {
             *  btnUpdate.Enabled = true;
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  btnUpdate.Enabled = false;
             * }