Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new instance of the <see cref="Entity" /> class
        /// with the properties populated from XML
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xml">XML node to read the properties from</param>
        /// <param name="graphicSize">Size of the graphic the entity has</param>
        public Entity(XmlNode xml, Size graphicSize)
            if (xml == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(xml));

            // Read required properties
            ID      = xml.Attributes["id"] == null ? null : xml.Attributes["id"].Value;
            Type    = xml.Attributes["type"].Value;
            Graphic = xml.Attributes["graphic"].Value;
            X       = Double.Parse(xml.Attributes["x"].Value);
            Y       = Double.Parse(xml.Attributes["y"].Value);
            Delay   = xml.Attributes["delay"] == null ? null : (int?)int.Parse(xml.Attributes["delay"].Value);

            // Read extra props
            PowerUp   = xml.Attributes["powerUp"] == null ? null : xml.Attributes["powerUp"].Value;
            LurcherID = xml.Attributes["lurcherId"] == null ? null : xml.Attributes["lurcherId"].Value;

            // Default optional types
            DestinationX = null;
            DestinationY = null;
            Speed        = null;

            // Read properties based on type
            switch (Type)
            case "alien":
            case "asteroid":
            case "background":
            case "debris":
            case "nebula":
            case "pirate":
            case "crate":
            case "lurcher":
                // Read the properties
                double?vX = xml.Attributes["vX"] == null ? null : (double?)Double.Parse(xml.Attributes["vX"].Value);
                double?vY = xml.Attributes["vY"] == null ? null : (double?)Double.Parse(xml.Attributes["vY"].Value);

                // There are no properties to convert
                if (!vX.HasValue || !vY.HasValue)

                // Build vectors
                Vector position = new Vector(X, Y);
                Vector velocity = new Vector(vX.Value, vY.Value);

                // Calculate destination
                Vector destination = BRMath.CalculateDestination(X, Y, graphicSize.Width, graphicSize.Height, velocity.X, velocity.Y);
                DestinationX = destination.X;
                DestinationY = destination.Y;

                // Calculate speed
                Speed = BRMath.CalculateSpeed(position, destination, velocity);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the entity to XML
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="indention">Indention to apply</param>
        /// <returns>Entity XML</returns>
        public string ToXml(int indention)
            // Start building XML
            StringBuilder xmlBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            // Open the entity
            xmlBuilder.AppendFormat("{0}<entity ", new string(' ', indention));

            // Append ID if it exists
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ID))
                xmlBuilder.AppendFormat("id=\"{0}\" ", ID);

            // Append properties that always exist
            xmlBuilder.AppendFormat("type=\"{0}\" ", Type);
            xmlBuilder.AppendFormat("graphic=\"{0}\" ", Graphic);
            xmlBuilder.AppendFormat("x=\"{0}\" ", X);
            xmlBuilder.AppendFormat("y=\"{0}\" ", Y);

            // Determine which velocity props to write
            if (Type == "police")
                xmlBuilder.AppendFormat("dX=\"{0}\" ", DestinationX);
                xmlBuilder.AppendFormat("dY=\"{0}\" ", DestinationY);
                xmlBuilder.AppendFormat("s=\"{0}\" ", Speed);
            else if (DestinationX.HasValue && DestinationY.HasValue && Speed.HasValue)
                // Calculate velocity
                Vector velocity = BRMath.CalculateVelocity(X, Y, DestinationX.Value, DestinationY.Value, Speed.Value);

                xmlBuilder.AppendFormat("vX=\"{0}\" ", velocity.X);
                xmlBuilder.AppendFormat("vY=\"{0}\" ", velocity.Y);

            if (Delay.HasValue)
                xmlBuilder.AppendFormat("delay=\"{0}\" ", Delay);

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PowerUp))
                xmlBuilder.AppendFormat("powerUp=\"{0}\" ", PowerUp);

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(LurcherID))
                xmlBuilder.AppendFormat("lurcherId=\"{0}\" ", LurcherID);

            // Close the entity
