public string evapage()
     int pageSize = 2;//每一页的行数
     int pageNumber = 1;//当前页数
     string html = "";
     string skuid = "";
     string where = "";
     string where2 = "";
     string skulist = "";
     string sortby = " order by pa.pa_Id";
     int mid = 0;
     if (LoginMember != null)
         mid = (CookieEncrypt.DeserializeObject(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["UserInfo"].Value) as Model.MemberBase).m_ID;
     Model.ProductAppraiseBase cmodel = new Model.ProductAppraiseBase();
     var clist = new BLL.ProductAppraiseBase().GetModelList(" m_Id=" + mid + " and pa_IsDel=0 and pa_StatusCode=0");
     if (clist.Count > 0)
         foreach (var item in clist)
             skulist += item.sku_ID + ",";
         skulist = skulist.Substring(0, skulist.Length - 1);
         where2 = " and  vw.sku_ID in(" + skulist + ")";
         where = " and  sku_ID in(" + skulist + ")";
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RequestBase.GetString("pageNum")))
         pageNumber = Convert.ToInt32(RequestBase.GetString("pageNum"));
     List<Model.vw_PInfo> list = new BLL.vw_PInfo().GetModelList(" p_IsDel=0 and p_SellStatus=1 and p_StatusCode=0   " + where);
     ViewBag.collect = new BLL.vw_PInfo().GetModelListPA(" pa.m_ID=" + mid + " and p_IsDel=0 and p_StatusCode=0 and p_SellStatus=1   and pa.pa_IsDel=0 " + where2, pageNumber, pageSize, sortby);
     //ViewBag.collect = list.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize);
     foreach (var item in ViewBag.collect)
         html += " <li><table class=\"order-list\"><tbody><tr><td width=\"345\"><div class=\"pro-imgs\"><a href=\"/ProDetail/ProDetail?skuid="+item.sku_ID+"\"><img name=\"page_cnt_1\" _src=\""+item.pi_Url+"\" alt=\""+item.p_Name+"\" /></a></div><p><a href=\"/ProDetail/ProDetail?skuid="+item.sku_ID+"\">"+item.p_Name+" "+ item.shuxing+"</a></p></td><td width=\"200\" align=\"center\">";
         if (item.pa_Satisfied == 1)
         {  html += "<div class=\"stars star-icon1\"></div>";}
         else if (item.pa_Satisfied == 2)
         {  html +="<div class=\"stars star-icon2\"></div>";}
         else if (item.pa_Satisfied == 3)
         {html +="<div class=\"stars star-icon3\"></div>";}
         else if (item.pa_Satisfied == 4)
         { html +="<div class=\"stars star-icon4\"></div>";}
         else if (item.pa_Satisfied == 5)
         {html += "<div class=\"stars star-icon5\"></div>";}
             html += "<div class=\"stars star-icon5\"></div>";
         html += "</td><td width=\"320\">" + item.pa_Content + "</td></tr></tbody></table></li>";
     return html;
        public ActionResult ProductsList()
            int total = 0;//总行数
            int pageSize = 25;//每一页的行数
            int pageNumber = 1;//当前页数
            string ptparentid = "0";
            string sortby = "";
            StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RequestBase.GetString("pageNum")))
                pageNumber = Convert.ToInt32(RequestBase.GetString("pageNum"));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["txtPrCode"]))
                strSql.AppendFormat(" and p_ID in (select distinct p_id from SKUBase where sku_Code like '%{0}%') ", Request.Form["txtPrCode"]);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["txtPrName"]))
                strSql.AppendFormat(" and p_Name like'%{0}%'", Request.Form["txtPrName"]);
            if (Request.Form["selectType"] != "chose")

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["selectType2"]) && Request.Form["selectType2"] != "chose")
                    strSql.AppendFormat(" and pt_id={0}", Request.Form["selectType2"]);
                    strSql.AppendFormat(" and pt_ID in(select pt_ID  from ProductTypeBase where pt_ParentId ={0})", Request.Form["selectType"]);
            if (RequestBase.GetString("hfPid") != "")
                ptparentid = RequestBase.GetString("hfPid").ToString();
            List<Model.vw_PInfo> list = new BLL.vw_PInfo().GetModelList(" p_IsDel=0 and p_SellStatus=1 and p_StatusCode=0   " + strSql);
            //var cpt = pbll.GetModelListById(" p_IsDel=0  and p_SellStatus=1 " + strSql);
            total = list.Count;
            this.ViewData["TotalCount"] = total.ToString();
            this.ViewData["NumberPage"] = pageSize.ToString();
            this.ViewData["PagenumShown"] = "10";
            this.ViewData["CurrentPage"] = pageNumber.ToString();
            ViewBag.ProductsList = new BLL.vw_PInfo().GetModelList(" p_IsDel=0 and p_StatusCode=0 and p_SellStatus=1   " + strSql, pageNumber, pageSize, sortby);
            return View(ViewBag.ProductsList);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public ActionResult groupBuyDetails()
            string gpid = Request.QueryString["gpid"] == null ? "" : Request.QueryString["gpid"].ToString();
            Model.vm_GBDetails model = new BLL.vm_GBDetails().GetModel(int.Parse(gpid));
            List<Model.ProductInfoBase> list = new BLL.ProductInfoBase().GetModelList(" pin_isdel=0 and pin_statuscode=0 and p_ID="+model.p_ID);
            List<Model.Adert> adlist = new BLL.Adert().GetModelList(string.Format(" a_PID=27 and a_Delete=0 and  a_spare2=(select pt_parentid from ProductTypeBase where pt_ID = (select pt_ParentId from ProductTypeBase where pt_ID={0})) ", model.pt_ID));
            var modellist = new ListModel();
            //System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application["UserCount"] = Int32.Parse(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application["UserCount"].ToString()) + 1;
            modellist.path = "<a href=\"/groupBuy/index\"><strong>团购列表</strong></a> > "+model.p_Name;
            modellist.pinfoList = list;
            modellist.gbmodel = model;
            modellist.adlist = adlist;

            List<Model.vw_PInfo> pinfo = new BLL.vw_PInfo().getguanzhu(" sku_ID in(select distinct sku_ID  from VipCollectionBase)", 1, 5);
            ViewBag.pinfo = pinfo.ToList();
            List<Model.vw_PInfo> pinfo2 = new BLL.vw_PInfo().getguanzhu(" sku_ID in(select distinct sku_ID  from VipCollectionBase)", 2, 5);
            ViewBag.pinfo2 = pinfo2.ToList();
            return View(modellist);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public ActionResult ProList()
            string type = Request.QueryString["type"] == null ? "ProList" : Request.QueryString["type"].ToString();
            if (type == "ProList" || string.IsNullOrEmpty(type) || type == "undefined")
                int pagerows = 12;
                string where = "";
                string sortby = "";
                string page = Request.QueryString["page"] == null ? "1" : Request.QueryString["page"].ToString();
                string ptype = Request.QueryString["ptype"] == null ? "" : Request.QueryString["ptype"].ToString();
                int typeid = int.Parse(ptype);//类别ID
                string tui = Request.QueryString["tui"] == null ? "" : Request.QueryString["tui"].ToString();
                string price = Request.QueryString["price"] == null ? "" : Request.QueryString["price"].ToString();
                string brand = Request.QueryString["brand"] == null ? "" : Request.QueryString["brand"].ToString();
                string sort = Request.QueryString["sort"] == null ? "" : Request.QueryString["sort"].ToString();
                string typeidd = ptype;//需进行类别判断
                Model.ProductTypeBase ptmodel = ptbll.GetModel(int.Parse(typeidd));
                if (ptmodel.pt_Layer == 1)//大类
                    where += " and pt_ID in(select pt_ID  from ProductTypeBase where pt_ParentId =" + ptype + ")";
                else if (ptmodel.pt_Layer == 2)
                    where += " and pt_id=" + ptype;
                //else if (ptmodel.pt_Layer == 3)
                //    where += " and pt_id=" + ptype;
                ////string ptype = " and pt_id=" + ptype;//需进行类别判断

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(brand) && brand != "undefined")
                    where += " and b_id=" + brand;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(price) && price != "undefined")

                    if (price == "5000以上")
                        where += "and sku_Price>=5000" + " and p_id not in(select p_id from skubase where sku_id in(select sku_id from GroupPurchaseBase where gp_pPric<5000 and sku_ID in(select  sku_ID from skubase where p_ID in( select p_ID from ProductRecommendDetail where prt_ID=1 and prd_Status=0 and prd_IsDelete=0))))";
                        string[] prilist = price.Split('-');
                        where += " and sku_Price>=" + prilist[0] + " and sku_Price<=" + prilist[1] + " and p_id not in(select p_id from skubase where sku_id in(select sku_id from GroupPurchaseBase where gp_pPric<" + prilist[0] + " or gp_pPric>" + prilist[1] + " and sku_ID in(select  sku_ID from skubase where p_ID in( select p_ID from ProductRecommendDetail where prt_ID=1 and prd_Status=0 and prd_IsDelete=0))))";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sort) && sort != "undefined")
                    if (sort == "sku")
                        sortby = " order by sku_ID desc";
                    if (sort == "xliang")
                        sortby = " order by sku_SalesCount desc ";
                    if (sort == "spric")
                        sortby = " order by sku_Price desc";
                    if (sort == "pinglun")
                        sortby = " order by pinglun desc";
                    if (sort == "selltime")
                        sortby = " order by p_ModifyOn desc";
                var model = new ListModel();
                model.blist = bbll.GetbrandByTypeId(typeid);
                model.ptlist = ptbll.GetModelList(" pt_parentId=" + typeid+" and pt_Isdel=0 and pt_statusCode=0");
                model.vmpinfolist = new BLL.vw_PInfo().GetModelList(" p_IsDel=0 " + where, int.Parse(page), pagerows, sortby);
                List<Model.vw_PInfo> list = new BLL.vw_PInfo().GetModelList(" p_IsDel=0" + where);
                model.proattr = new BLL.ProductAttributesBase().GetModelList("  pa_IsDel=0 and pa_StatusCode=0 and pa_Type=1 ");

                ViewData["count"] = list.Count;
                ViewData["pagerows"] = pagerows;
                ViewData["page"] = page;
                ViewData["pagecount"] = Math.Ceiling((double)list.Count / (double)pagerows);
                ViewData["typename"] = new BLL.ProductTypeBase().GetModel(int.Parse(typeidd)).pt_Name;
                var cpt = adertbll.GetModelList(" a_PID=28 and a_spare2=3 and a_Delete=0 ");
                ViewBag.GuangGao = cpt.ToList();
                return View(model);
                return View();
Exemplo n.º 5
        public ActionResult ProTuiList()
            string type = Request.QueryString["type"] == null ? "ProTuiList" : Request.QueryString["type"].ToString();
            if (type == "ProTuiList" || string.IsNullOrEmpty(type) || type == "undefined")
                int pagerows = 4;
                string where = "";
                string sortby = "";
                string page = Request.QueryString["page"] == null ? "1" : Request.QueryString["page"].ToString();
                string tui = Request.QueryString["tui"] == null ? "" : Request.QueryString["tui"].ToString();
                string ptid = Request.QueryString["ptype"] == null ? "" : Request.QueryString["ptype"].ToString();
                string condition = Request.QueryString["condition"] == null ? "" : Request.QueryString["condition"].ToString();
                string price = Request.QueryString["price"] == null ? "" : Request.QueryString["price"].ToString();
                string brand = Request.QueryString["brand"] == null ? "" : Request.QueryString["brand"].ToString();
                string sort = Request.QueryString["sort"] == null ? "" : Request.QueryString["sort"].ToString();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tui) && tui != "undefined")
                    where += " and p_ID in (select p_ID from ProductRecommendDetail where prt_ID=" + tui + " and prd_Status=0 and prd_IsDelete=0)   ";
                    string strptCon = "";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ptid) && ptid != "undefined")
                        ptid = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(ptid);
                        var proType = new BLL.ProductTypeBase().GetModelList(" pt_IsDel = 0 and pt_StatusCode = 0 and pt_Name = '" + ptid +"'").FirstOrDefault();
                        if (proType != null)
                            strptCon = " and pt_ID=" + proType.pt_ID;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition) && condition != "undefined")
                        condition = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(condition);
                        where += " and p_ID in (select p_ID from ProductBase where p_Name like '%[" + condition + "]%' and p_SellStatus=1 and p_IsDel=0 and p_StatusCode=0 " + strptCon + ")    ";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ptid) && ptid != "undefined")
                    where += " and pt_ID=" + ptid;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(brand) && brand != "undefined")
                    where += " and b_id=" + brand;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(price) && price != "undefined")
                    if (price == "5000以上")
                        where += "and sku_Price>=5000" + " and p_id not in(select p_id from skubase where sku_id in(select sku_id from GroupPurchaseBase where gp_pPric<5000 and sku_ID in(select  sku_ID from skubase where p_ID in( select p_ID from ProductRecommendDetail where prt_ID=1 and prd_Status=0 and prd_IsDelete=0))))";
                        string[] prilist = price.Split('-');
                        where += " and sku_Price>=" + prilist[0] + " and sku_Price<=" + prilist[1] + " and p_id not in(select p_id from skubase where sku_id in(select sku_id from GroupPurchaseBase where gp_pPric<" + prilist[0] + " or gp_pPric>"+prilist[1] +" and sku_ID in(select  sku_ID from skubase where p_ID in( select p_ID from ProductRecommendDetail where prt_ID=1 and prd_Status=0 and prd_IsDelete=0))))";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sort) && sort != "undefined")
                    if (sort == "sku")
                        sortby = " order by sku_ID desc";
                    if (sort == "xliang")
                        sortby = " order by sku_SalesCount desc ";
                    if (sort == "spric")
                        sortby = " order by sku_Price desc";
                    if (sort == "pinglun")
                        sortby = " order by pinglun desc";
                    if (sort == "selltime")
                        sortby = " order by p_ModifyOn desc";
                var model = new ListModel();
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tui) && tui != "undefined")
                    model.blist = bbll.GetModelList("  b_IsDel=0 and b_StatusCode=0 and b_ID in(select b_ID from ProductTypeBrandBase where pt_ID in(select pt_ID from productbase where p_ID in(select p_ID from ProductRecommendDetail where prt_ID=" + tui + " and prd_IsDelete=0 and prd_Status=0)))");
                    model.ptlist = ptbll.GetModelList(" pt_IsDel=0 and pt_StatusCode=0 and pt_ID in(select pt_ID from productbase where p_ID in(select p_ID from ProductRecommendDetail where prt_ID=" + tui + "  and prd_IsDelete=0 and prd_Status=0))");
                    ViewData["typename"] = new BLL.ProductRecommendTypeBase().GetModel(int.Parse(tui)).prt_Name;
                    model.blist = new List<BrandBase>();
                    model.ptlist = new List<ProductTypeBase>();
                    ViewData["typename"] = "";
                model.vmpinfolist = new BLL.vw_PInfo().GetModelList(" p_IsDel=0 and p_StatusCode=0 and p_SellStatus=1   " + where, int.Parse(page), pagerows, sortby);
                List<Model.vw_PInfo> list = new BLL.vw_PInfo().GetModelList(" p_IsDel=0 and p_SellStatus=1 and p_StatusCode=0   " + where);

                ViewData["count"] = list.Count;
                ViewData["pagerows"] = pagerows;
                ViewData["page"] = page;
                ViewData["pagecount"] = Math.Ceiling((double)list.Count / (double)pagerows);
                return View(model);

                return View();
        public ActionResult VipMycollect()
            var model = new ListModel();
            string where2 = "";
            int page = 1;
            string skulist = "";
            int mid = 0;
            if (LoginMember != null)
                mid = (CookieEncrypt.DeserializeObject(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["UserInfo"].Value) as Model.MemberBase).m_ID;

                ViewData["mid"] =mid;
                Model.VipCollectionBase cmodel = new Model.VipCollectionBase();
                var clist = new BLL.VipCollectionBase().GetModelList(" m_Id=" + mid + " and vc_IsDel=0");
                if (clist.Count > 0)
                    ViewData["collect"] = true;
                    foreach (var item in clist)
                        skulist += item.sku_ID + ",";
                    skulist = skulist.Substring(0, skulist.Length - 1);
                    where2 = " and  sku_ID in(" + skulist + ")";

                    List<Model.vw_PInfo> list = new BLL.vw_PInfo().GetModelList(" p_IsDel=0 and p_SellStatus=1 and p_StatusCode=0   " + where2);

                    return View(list.ToList());
                    ViewData["collect"] = false;
                    return View();
                return View();
        public ActionResult SelectProductsList()
            int total = 0;//总行数
            int pageSize = 25;//每一页的行数
            int pageNumber = 1;//当前页数
            string sortby = "";
            int prtid = 0;
            StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RequestBase.GetString("pageNum")))
                pageNumber = Convert.ToInt32(RequestBase.GetString("pageNum"));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["prt_ID"]))
                prtid = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["prt_ID"]);

            # region 查询条件

            //StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();

            //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RequestBase.GetString("txtPrName")))
            //    strSql.Append(" and p_Name like '%" + RequestBase.GetString("txtPrName") + "%'");
            //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RequestBase.GetString("txtPtName")))
            //    strSql.Append(" and pt_Name like '%" + RequestBase.GetString("txtPtName") + "%'");
            //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RequestBase.GetString("txtBName")))
            //    strSql.Append(" and b_Name like '%" + RequestBase.GetString("txtBName") + "%'");
            ////if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RequestBase.GetString("txtpSeSt")))
            ////    strSql.Append(" and p_SellStatus = '%" + RequestBase.GetString("txtpSeSt") + "%'");

            //# region 获取该类型下存在的商品pID

            //string prtID = RequestBase.GetString("prt_ID");
            //var _list = _productRecommendDetail.GetModelList("prt_ID = " + prtID + " and prd_IsDelete = 0");
            //string ids = "";
            //foreach (var id in _list)
            //    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ids))
            //    {
            //        ids += "," + id.p_ID;
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        ids = id.p_ID.ToString();
            //    }
            //string sql = "";
            //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ids))
            //    sql = " and p_ID not in (" + ids + ") order by pt_ID";
            //    sql = "";

            //# endregion


               # endregion

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["txtPrCode"]))
                strSql.AppendFormat(" and p_ID in (select distinct p_id from SKUBase where sku_Code like '%{0}%') ", Request.Form["txtPrCode"]);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["txtPrName"]))
                strSql.AppendFormat(" and p_Name like'%{0}%'", Request.Form["txtPrName"]);
            if (Request.Form["selectTypeTui"] != "chose")

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["selectTypeTui2"]) && Request.Form["selectTypeTui2"] != "chose")
                    strSql.AppendFormat(" and pt_id={0}", Request.Form["selectTypeTui2"]);
                    strSql.AppendFormat(" and pt_ID in(select pt_ID  from ProductTypeBase where pt_ParentId ={0})", Request.Form["selectType"]);
            //var list = _product.GetProductDetail(strSql.ToString());

            List<Model.vw_PInfo> list = new BLL.vw_PInfo().GetModelList("  p_ID not in(select p_ID from   ProductRecommendDetail where prt_ID=" + prtid + " and prd_IsDelete=0) and p_IsDel=0 and p_SellStatus=1 and p_StatusCode=0   " + strSql);
            total = list.Count;
            this.ViewData["TotalCount"] = total.ToString();
            this.ViewData["NumberPage"] = pageSize.ToString();
            this.ViewData["PagenumShown"] = "10";
            this.ViewData["CurrentPage"] = pageNumber.ToString();
            ViewBag.ProductsList = new BLL.vw_PInfo().GetModelList("   p_ID not in(select p_ID from   ProductRecommendDetail where prt_ID=" + prtid + " and prd_IsDelete=0) and p_IsDel=0 and p_StatusCode=0 and p_SellStatus=1   " + strSql, pageNumber, pageSize, sortby);
            //ViewData["PageList"] = list;
            //ViewData["PageList"] = GetPagedTable(list, pageNumber, pageSize);
            return View(ViewBag.ProductsList);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public ActionResult vipCollect()
            var model = new ListModel();
            string where = "";
            string where2 = "";
            string sortby = "";
            int page = 1;
            int pagerows = 2;
            string skulist = "";
            int mid = 0;
            if (LoginMember != null)
                mid = (CookieEncrypt.DeserializeObject(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["UserInfo"].Value) as Model.MemberBase).m_ID;

                Model.VipCollectionBase cmodel = new Model.VipCollectionBase();
                var clist = new BLL.VipCollectionBase().GetModelList(" m_Id=" + mid + " and vc_IsDel=0");
                if (clist.Count > 0)
                    ViewData["collect"] = true;
                    foreach (var item in clist)
                        skulist += item.sku_ID + ",";
                    skulist = skulist.Substring(0, skulist.Length - 1);
                    where = " and  vw.sku_ID in(" + skulist + ")";
                    where2 = " and  sku_ID in(" + skulist + ")";

                    model.vmpinfolist = new BLL.vw_PInfo().GetModelListVC(" vc.m_ID=" + mid + " and p_IsDel=0 and p_StatusCode=0 and p_SellStatus=1  and vw.sku_ID = vc.sku_ID and vc.vc_IsDel=0 " + where, page, pagerows, sortby);
                    List<Model.vw_PInfo> list = new BLL.vw_PInfo().GetModelList(" p_IsDel=0 and p_SellStatus=1 and p_StatusCode=0   " + where2);

                    ViewData["count"] = list.Count;
                    ViewData["pagerows"] = pagerows;
                    ViewData["page"] = page;

                    return View(model.vmpinfolist);
                    ViewData["collect"] = false;
                    return View();
                return View();
Exemplo n.º 9
 public string collectpage()
     int pageSize = 2;//每一页的行数
     int pageNumber = 1;//当前页数
     string html = "";
     string skuid = "";
     string where = "";
     string where2 = "";
     string skulist = "";
     string sortby = "";
     int mid = 0;
     if (LoginMember != null)
         mid = (CookieEncrypt.DeserializeObject(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["UserInfo"].Value) as Model.MemberBase).m_ID;
     Model.VipCollectionBase cmodel = new Model.VipCollectionBase();
     var clist = new BLL.VipCollectionBase().GetModelList(" m_Id=" + mid + " and vc_IsDel=0");
     if (clist.Count > 0)
         foreach (var item in clist)
             skulist += item.sku_ID + ",";
         skulist = skulist.Substring(0, skulist.Length - 1);
         where = " and sku_ID in(" + skulist + ")";
         where2 = " and  vw.sku_ID in(" + skulist + ")";
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RequestBase.GetString("pageNum")))
         pageNumber = Convert.ToInt32(RequestBase.GetString("pageNum"));
     List<Model.vw_PInfo> list = new BLL.vw_PInfo().GetModelList(" p_IsDel=0 and p_SellStatus=1 and p_StatusCode=0   " + where);
     ViewBag.collect = new BLL.vw_PInfo().GetModelListVC(" vc.m_ID=" + mid + " and p_IsDel=0 and p_StatusCode=0 and p_SellStatus=1  and vw.sku_ID = vc.sku_ID and vc.vc_IsDel=0 " + where2, pageNumber, pageSize, sortby);
     //ViewBag.collect = list.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize);
     foreach (var item in ViewBag.collect)
         html += "<li><table class=\"order-list\"><tbody><tr><td width=\"345\"><div class=\"pro-imgs\"><a href=\"/ProDetail/ProDetail?skuid="+item.sku_ID+"\"><img name=\"page_cnt_1\" src=\""+item.pi_Url+"\" alt=\""+item.p_Name+"\" /></a></div><p><a href=\"/ProDetail/ProDetail?skuid="+item.sku_ID+"\">"+item.p_Name+" "+item.shuxing+"</a></p></td><td width=\"100\" align=\"center\">"+item.sku_Price+"</td><td width=\"80\" align=\"center\">"+item.vc_CreateOn+"</td><td width=\"90\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"javascript:void(0)\"  onclick=\"delcollect("+item.vc_id+")\">删除</a><br /><a href=\"javascript:void(0)\"  onclick=\"TuiinsertintoCart("+item.sku_ID+")\">添加到购物车</a><br /></td></tr></tbody></table></li>";
     return html;