Exemplo n.º 1
        public string InsertintoCollect()
            string skuid = "";
            string type = ""; bool result = false;
            if (Request.Cookies["UserInfo"] != null)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RequestBase.GetString("skuid")))
                    skuid = RequestBase.GetString("skuid").ToString();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RequestBase.GetString("type")))
                    type = RequestBase.GetString("type").ToString();
                Model.VipCollectionBase cmodel = new Model.VipCollectionBase();
                int mid = (CookieEncrypt.DeserializeObject(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["UserInfo"].Value) as Model.MemberBase).m_ID;

                new BLL.VipCollectionBase().Deletebyskuid(mid, int.Parse(skuid));

                cmodel.sku_ID = int.Parse(skuid);
                cmodel.m_ID = mid;
                cmodel.vc_CreateOn = DateTime.Now;
                result = new BLL.VipCollectionBase().Add(cmodel);

                if (result)
                    return "操作成功";
                    return "操作失败";
                return "未登陆";

        public ActionResult VipMycollect()
            var model = new ListModel();
            string where2 = "";
            int page = 1;
            string skulist = "";
            int mid = 0;
            if (LoginMember != null)
                mid = (CookieEncrypt.DeserializeObject(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["UserInfo"].Value) as Model.MemberBase).m_ID;

                ViewData["mid"] =mid;
                Model.VipCollectionBase cmodel = new Model.VipCollectionBase();
                var clist = new BLL.VipCollectionBase().GetModelList(" m_Id=" + mid + " and vc_IsDel=0");
                if (clist.Count > 0)
                    ViewData["collect"] = true;
                    foreach (var item in clist)
                        skulist += item.sku_ID + ",";
                    skulist = skulist.Substring(0, skulist.Length - 1);
                    where2 = " and  sku_ID in(" + skulist + ")";

                    List<Model.vw_PInfo> list = new BLL.vw_PInfo().GetModelList(" p_IsDel=0 and p_SellStatus=1 and p_StatusCode=0   " + where2);

                    return View(list.ToList());
                    ViewData["collect"] = false;
                    return View();
                return View();
 public bool delcollect()
     int mid=0;
     bool result = true;
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["mid"]))
         mid = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["mid"]);
         result = new BLL.VipCollectionBase().DeleteList(" m_id =" + mid);
         if (result)
             return true;
             return false;
     return false;
        public ActionResult ProDetail()
            ViewData["skuid"] = skuid;
            string where = "";

            CookieHelper.AddandRepairGoodsToCookie("History", skuid);

            int zixunpageSize = 2;//每一页的行数
            int zixunpageNumber = 1;//当前页数
            if (skuid != "")
                where = "  and sku_ID=" + int.Parse(skuid);
            model.vmpinfolist = new BLL.vw_PInfo().GetModelList(" p_IsDel=0 and p_StatusCode=0 and p_SellStatus=1   " + where);//商品信息
            model.pimglist = new BLL.ProductImgBase().GetModelList(" sku_ID=" + int.Parse(skuid)+" and pi_IsDel=0 and pi_StatusCode=0");//图片列表
            model.productinfo = new BLL.ProductInfoBase().GetModelList(" p_ID=(select p_ID from SKUBase where sku_ID=" + skuid + ") and pin_StatusCode=0 and pin_IsDel=0 and pin_Type='商品介绍'");//商品介绍
            model.proattr = new BLL.ProductAttributesBase().GetModelListByskuId(" pad.sku_ID= " + int.Parse(skuid));//属性
            model.proattr2 = new BLL.ProductAttributesBase().GetModelListByPid(" and pa.pa_Type=2 and pa.pa_ID in(select pa_ID from ProductAttributeDetails where  sku_ID in (select sku_ID from SKUBase where p_ID=(select p_ID from SKUBase where sku_ID=" + int.Parse(skuid) + "))) and sku.sku_ID in (select sku_ID from SKUBase where p_ID=(select p_ID from SKUBase where sku_ID=" + int.Parse(skuid) + "))");//规格
            model.zhoupaihang = new BLL.vw_PInfo().getmodelListPH();
            model.pinglun = new BLL.ProductAppraiseBase().GetModelListByskuId(" sku_ID=" + int.Parse(skuid) + "and pa_StatusCode=0 and pa_IsDel=0");
            if (model.pinglun.Count > 0)
                ViewData["pingluncount"] = model.pinglun.Count;
                ViewData["tiao"] = int.Parse(model.pinglun[0].pavg.ToString()) * 20;//显示满意度的箭头所指的地方
                ViewData["xing"] = int.Parse(model.pinglun[0].pavg.ToString()) * 68 / 5;//显示满意度的箭头所指的地方
                ViewData["pingluncount"] = "0";

            model.prozixunall = new BLL.ProductConsultBase().GetModelListByskuId(" and sku_ID= " + int.Parse(skuid) + "and pc_StatusCode=0 and pc_IsDel=0");
            var zxall = new BLL.ProductConsultBase().GetModelListByskuId(" and sku_ID= " + int.Parse(skuid));
            ViewBag.zxall = zxall.ToPagedList(zixunpageNumber, zixunpageSize);
            ViewData["all"] = model.prozixunall.Count;

            model.prozixunp1 = new BLL.ProductConsultBase().GetModelListByskuId(" and sku_ID= " + int.Parse(skuid) + " and pc.pc_Type='促销活动提问'");
            var zx1 = new BLL.ProductConsultBase().GetModelListByskuId(" and sku_ID= " + int.Parse(skuid) + " and pc.pc_Type='促销活动提问'");
            ViewBag.zx1 = zx1.ToPagedList(zixunpageNumber, zixunpageSize);

            model.prozixunp2 = new BLL.ProductConsultBase().GetModelListByskuId(" and sku_ID= " + int.Parse(skuid) + " and pc.pc_Type='库存及物流提问'");
            var zx2 = new BLL.ProductConsultBase().GetModelListByskuId(" and sku_ID= " + int.Parse(skuid) + " and pc.pc_Type='库存及物流提问'");
            ViewBag.zx2 = zx2.ToPagedList(zixunpageNumber, zixunpageSize);

            model.prozixunp3 = new BLL.ProductConsultBase().GetModelListByskuId(" and sku_ID= " + int.Parse(skuid) + " and pc.pc_Type='售后提问'");
            var zx3 = new BLL.ProductConsultBase().GetModelListByskuId(" and sku_ID= " + int.Parse(skuid) + " and pc.pc_Type='售后提问'");
            ViewBag.zx3 = zx3.ToPagedList(zixunpageNumber, zixunpageSize);

            model.prozixunp4 = new BLL.ProductConsultBase().GetModelListByskuId(" and sku_ID= " + int.Parse(skuid) + " and pc.pc_Type='商品提问'");
            var zx4 = new BLL.ProductConsultBase().GetModelListByskuId(" and sku_ID= " + int.Parse(skuid) + " and pc.pc_Type='商品提问'");
            ViewBag.zx4 = zx4.ToPagedList(zixunpageNumber, zixunpageSize);
            ViewData["p1"] = model.prozixunp1.Count;
            ViewData["p2"] = model.prozixunp2.Count;
            ViewData["p3"] = model.prozixunp3.Count;
            ViewData["p4"] = model.prozixunp4.Count;
            if (model.vmpinfolist.Any())
                ViewData["youhui"] = model.vmpinfolist[0].sku_scPric - model.vmpinfolist[0].sku_Price;
                if (LoginMember != null)
                    var clist = new BLL.VipCollectionBase().GetModelList(" m_ID=" + (CookieEncrypt.DeserializeObject(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["UserInfo"].Value) as Model.MemberBase).m_ID + " and sku_ID=" + model.vmpinfolist[0].sku_ID + " and vc_IsDel=0");
                    if (clist.Count > 0)
                        ViewData["collect"] = true;
                        ViewData["collect"] = false;
                    ViewData["logon"] = true;
                    ViewData["collect"] = false;
                    ViewData["logon"] = false;
                ViewData["youhui"] = 0;
            var groupbuy = new BLL.GroupPurchaseBase().GetModelList(" sku_ID=" + skuid + " and gp_StatusCode=0 and gp_IsDel=0 and gp_EndTime > '" + DateTime.Now + "'");
            if (groupbuy.Count > 0)
                ViewBag.tuan = groupbuy[0];
                ViewBag.tuan = null; ;

            var zixunshuoming = _newsBase.GetModelList(" n_Title='咨询说明'  and n_StatusCode=0 and n_IsDel=0");
            if (zixunshuoming != null && zixunshuoming.Any())
                ViewBag.zixunshuoming = zixunshuoming[0].n_Content;
                ViewBag.zixunshuoming = "暂无咨询说明";
            return View(model);
 public string InsertintoCollect()
     string skuid = "";
     string type = ""; bool result = false;
     if (LoginMember != null)
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RequestBase.GetString("skuid")))
             skuid = RequestBase.GetString("skuid").ToString();
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RequestBase.GetString("type")))
             type = RequestBase.GetString("type").ToString();
         Model.VipCollectionBase cmodel = new VipCollectionBase();
         int mid = (CookieEncrypt.DeserializeObject(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["UserInfo"].Value) as Model.MemberBase).m_ID;
         if (type == "cancel")
             result = new BLL.VipCollectionBase().Deletebyskuid(mid, int.Parse(skuid));
         else if (type == "insert")
             List<Model.VipCollectionBase> coll = new BLL.VipCollectionBase().GetModelList(" m_ID=" + mid + " and sku_ID=" + skuid+" and vc_IsDel=0");
             if (coll.Count > 0)
                 return "已收藏";
                 cmodel.sku_ID = int.Parse(skuid);
                 cmodel.m_ID = mid;
                 cmodel.vc_CreateOn = DateTime.Now;
                 result = new BLL.VipCollectionBase().Add(cmodel);
         if (result)
             return "操作成功";
         else {
             return "操作失败";
         return "未登陆";
Exemplo n.º 6
        public ActionResult vipCollect()
            var model = new ListModel();
            string where = "";
            string where2 = "";
            string sortby = "";
            int page = 1;
            int pagerows = 2;
            string skulist = "";
            int mid = 0;
            if (LoginMember != null)
                mid = (CookieEncrypt.DeserializeObject(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["UserInfo"].Value) as Model.MemberBase).m_ID;

                Model.VipCollectionBase cmodel = new Model.VipCollectionBase();
                var clist = new BLL.VipCollectionBase().GetModelList(" m_Id=" + mid + " and vc_IsDel=0");
                if (clist.Count > 0)
                    ViewData["collect"] = true;
                    foreach (var item in clist)
                        skulist += item.sku_ID + ",";
                    skulist = skulist.Substring(0, skulist.Length - 1);
                    where = " and  vw.sku_ID in(" + skulist + ")";
                    where2 = " and  sku_ID in(" + skulist + ")";

                    model.vmpinfolist = new BLL.vw_PInfo().GetModelListVC(" vc.m_ID=" + mid + " and p_IsDel=0 and p_StatusCode=0 and p_SellStatus=1  and vw.sku_ID = vc.sku_ID and vc.vc_IsDel=0 " + where, page, pagerows, sortby);
                    List<Model.vw_PInfo> list = new BLL.vw_PInfo().GetModelList(" p_IsDel=0 and p_SellStatus=1 and p_StatusCode=0   " + where2);

                    ViewData["count"] = list.Count;
                    ViewData["pagerows"] = pagerows;
                    ViewData["page"] = page;

                    return View(model.vmpinfolist);
                    ViewData["collect"] = false;
                    return View();
                return View();
Exemplo n.º 7
        public bool delcollect()
            string vcid = "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RequestBase.GetString("id")))
                vcid = RequestBase.GetString("id").ToString();
            Model.VipCollectionBase vcmodel = new Model.VipCollectionBase();
            bool result = new BLL.VipCollectionBase().Delete(int.Parse(vcid));

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public string collectpage()
     int pageSize = 2;//每一页的行数
     int pageNumber = 1;//当前页数
     string html = "";
     string skuid = "";
     string where = "";
     string where2 = "";
     string skulist = "";
     string sortby = "";
     int mid = 0;
     if (LoginMember != null)
         mid = (CookieEncrypt.DeserializeObject(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["UserInfo"].Value) as Model.MemberBase).m_ID;
     Model.VipCollectionBase cmodel = new Model.VipCollectionBase();
     var clist = new BLL.VipCollectionBase().GetModelList(" m_Id=" + mid + " and vc_IsDel=0");
     if (clist.Count > 0)
         foreach (var item in clist)
             skulist += item.sku_ID + ",";
         skulist = skulist.Substring(0, skulist.Length - 1);
         where = " and sku_ID in(" + skulist + ")";
         where2 = " and  vw.sku_ID in(" + skulist + ")";
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RequestBase.GetString("pageNum")))
         pageNumber = Convert.ToInt32(RequestBase.GetString("pageNum"));
     List<Model.vw_PInfo> list = new BLL.vw_PInfo().GetModelList(" p_IsDel=0 and p_SellStatus=1 and p_StatusCode=0   " + where);
     ViewBag.collect = new BLL.vw_PInfo().GetModelListVC(" vc.m_ID=" + mid + " and p_IsDel=0 and p_StatusCode=0 and p_SellStatus=1  and vw.sku_ID = vc.sku_ID and vc.vc_IsDel=0 " + where2, pageNumber, pageSize, sortby);
     //ViewBag.collect = list.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize);
     foreach (var item in ViewBag.collect)
         html += "<li><table class=\"order-list\"><tbody><tr><td width=\"345\"><div class=\"pro-imgs\"><a href=\"/ProDetail/ProDetail?skuid="+item.sku_ID+"\"><img name=\"page_cnt_1\" src=\""+item.pi_Url+"\" alt=\""+item.p_Name+"\" /></a></div><p><a href=\"/ProDetail/ProDetail?skuid="+item.sku_ID+"\">"+item.p_Name+" "+item.shuxing+"</a></p></td><td width=\"100\" align=\"center\">"+item.sku_Price+"</td><td width=\"80\" align=\"center\">"+item.vc_CreateOn+"</td><td width=\"90\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"javascript:void(0)\"  onclick=\"delcollect("+item.vc_id+")\">删除</a><br /><a href=\"javascript:void(0)\"  onclick=\"TuiinsertintoCart("+item.sku_ID+")\">添加到购物车</a><br /></td></tr></tbody></table></li>";
     return html;