Exemplo n.º 1
        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            List <int> tacgiasach  = new List <int>();
            List <int> theloaisach = new List <int>();

            //dua id cac tac gia da chon vao danh sach
            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgtacgia.Rows)
                DataGridViewCheckBoxCell chk = (DataGridViewCheckBoxCell)row.Cells[3];
                if (Convert.ToBoolean(chk.Value) == true)
            //dua id the loai vao danh sach
            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgtheloai.Rows)
                DataGridViewCheckBoxCell chk = (DataGridViewCheckBoxCell)row.Cells[2];
                if (Convert.ToBoolean(chk.Value) == true)
            //them thông tin sách vào database
            DataTable sites = new BLL.DICTON_BLL().selectall();

            foreach (DataRow row in sites.Rows)
                DAL.DAL.datasource = row["IPADDRESS"].ToString();
                DAL.DAL.userid     = row["ACCOUNT"].ToString();
                DAL.DAL.pass       = row["PASS"].ToString();
                DAL.DAL.catalog    = row["NAMEDATABASE"].ToString();
                new BLL.Sach_BLL().insert(txtname.Text, int.Parse(cbnxb.SelectedValue.ToString()), float.Parse(txtdongia.Text));

            //Lay id sach vừa thêm
            int idsach = new BLL.Sach_BLL().getidmax();

            foreach (DataRow row in sites.Rows)
                DAL.DAL.datasource = row["IPADDRESS"].ToString();
                DAL.DAL.userid     = row["ACCOUNT"].ToString();
                DAL.DAL.pass       = row["PASS"].ToString();
                DAL.DAL.catalog    = row["NAMEDATABASE"].ToString();
                //them  các tác giả của sách
                new BLL.Sach_Tacgia().insert(tacgiasach, idsach);
                //them các thể loại của sách
                new BLL.Sach_Theloai().insert(theloaisach, idsach);

            MessageBox.Show("Đã thêm thành công");
            Chitiet_Sach_Load(sender, e);

            DAL.DAL.datasource = currentdatasource;
            DAL.DAL.userid     = currentuserid;
            DAL.DAL.pass       = currentpass;
            DAL.DAL.catalog    = currentcatalog;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void load()
     dtsach = new DataTable();
     BLL.Sach_BLL sach_BLL = new BLL.Sach_BLL();
     dtsach                    = sach_BLL.getAll();
     dgsach.DataSource         = dtsach;
     dgsach.AllowUserToAddRows = false;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void update_Sach_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            txtid.Text = QL_Sach.idsachchon.ToString();
            // load bang the loai
            BLL.TheLoai_BLL theLoai_BLL = new BLL.TheLoai_BLL();
            DataTable       dttheloai   = new DataTable();

            dttheloai = theLoai_BLL.getall();
            DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn checkbcl_theloai = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn();

            dgtheloai.DataSource = dttheloai;
            dgtheloai.AllowUserToAddRows = false;
            //thể loại đã chon
            DataTable dttheloaidachon = new BLL.Sach_BLL().theloai(QL_Sach.idsachchon);
            var       listtheloai     = from t in dttheloaidachon.AsEnumerable()
                                        select t.Field <int>("theloai");

            foreach (int i in listtheloai)
                foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgtheloai.Rows)
                    if (row.Cells[0].Value.ToString() == i.ToString())
                        row.Cells[2].Value = true;

            //load bang tac gia
            BLL.TacGia_BLL tacGia_BLL = new BLL.TacGia_BLL();
            DataTable      dttacgia   = new DataTable();

            dttacgia            = tacGia_BLL.getall();
            dgtacgia.DataSource = dttacgia;
            DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn checkbcl_tacgia = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn();

            dgtacgia.AllowUserToAddRows = false;
            //tac gia da chon
            DataTable dttacgiadachon = new BLL.Sach_BLL().tacgia(QL_Sach.idsachchon);
            var       listtacgia     = from t in dttacgiadachon.AsEnumerable()
                                       select t.Field <int>("tacgia");

            foreach (int i in listtacgia)
                foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgtacgia.Rows)
                    if (row.Cells[0].Value.ToString() == i.ToString())
                        row.Cells[3].Value = true;
            //load thông tin tac gia
            DataTable dtthongtinsach = new BLL.Sach_BLL().getID(QL_Sach.idsachchon);
            DataRow   thongtinsach   = dtthongtinsach.Rows[0];

            txtname.Text        = thongtinsach.Field <string>("name");
            txtdongia.Text      = thongtinsach.Field <float>("dongia").ToString();
            cbnxb.SelectedValue = thongtinsach.Field <int>("nxb");
            txtid.Text          = QL_Sach.idsachchon.ToString();
            //load NXB vao combobox
            DataTable dtnxb = new BLL.NXB_BLL().getall();

            cbnxb.DataSource    = dtnxb;
            cbnxb.ValueMember   = "id";
            cbnxb.DisplayMember = "ten";