/// <summary> /// 判断是否存在cookies,不存在则跳转到登录窗口 /// </summary> public static void JudgeTeacherCookies() { if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[teaCookieNname] == null)//如果没登录,跳出 { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("~/Teacher/index.aspx", true); } else { string hs = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[teaCookieNname]["Hs"].ToString(); string hid = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[teaCookieNname]["Hid"].ToString(); if (hs == Common.WordProcess.GetMD5_8bit(hid.ToString())) { LearnSite.BLL.Room rbll = new BLL.Room(); if (!rbll.ExistMyClass(Int32.Parse(hid))) { //如果没有任教班级,则始终跳转至信息页面 HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("~/Teacher/infomation.aspx", true); } } else { ClearTeacherCookies();//非法cookies,清除再跳转 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("~/Teacher/index.aspx", true); } } }
/// <summary> /// 教师退出时,匹配移除当前上课班级学生 /// </summary> /// <param name="strUserId"></param> public static void CurrentClassRemove(int Rhid) { HttpContext.Current.Application.Lock(); ArrayList list = HttpContext.Current.Application.Get("LearnSite_User_List") as ArrayList; ArrayList kick = HttpContext.Current.Application.Get("LearnSite_User_kick") as ArrayList; if (list != null) { if (list.Count > 0) { BLL.Room rbll = new BLL.Room(); ArrayList students = rbll.GetCurrentClassSnum(Rhid); if (students != null) { foreach (string stu in students) { if (list.IndexOf(stu) > -1) { list.Remove(stu); } if (kick.IndexOf(stu) > -1) { kick.Remove(stu); } } } HttpContext.Current.Application.Add("LearnSite_User_List", list); // HttpContext.Current.Application.Add("LearnSite_User_Kick", kick);//退出时都移除两个列表 } } HttpContext.Current.Application.UnLock(); }
/// <summary> /// 判断是否存在cookies,不存在则跳转到登录窗口 /// </summary> public static void JudgeTeacherCookies() { if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[teaCookieNname] == null)//如果没登录,跳出 { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("~/Teacher/index.aspx", true); } else { Model.TeaCook tmcook = new Model.TeaCook(); if (tmcook.Ss == teaCookieNname) { LearnSite.BLL.Room rbll = new BLL.Room(); if (!rbll.ExistMyClass(tmcook.Hid)) { //如果没有任教班级,则始终跳转至信息页面 HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("~/Teacher/infomation.aspx", true); } } else { ClearTeacherCookies();//非法cookies,清除再跳转 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("~/Teacher/index.aspx", true); } } }
protected void btnUpdateRoomStatus_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BLL.Room room = new BLL.Room(); if (room.LoadByPrimaryKey(RoomID)) { if (drpRoomStatus.SelectedValue != room.s_RowStatusID) { room.RowStatusID = Convert.ToByte(drpRoomStatus.SelectedValue); room.Save(); //SEND MAIL MESSAGE BY THE NEW STATUS TO ROOM OWNERS AND ADMINS string msgTitle = "تغيير حالة غرفة"; string msgBody = String.Format("عزيزى العضو<br><br>تحية طيبة وبعد<br><br>نود إبلاغكم بأنه تم تغيير حالة الغرفة <b>{0}</b> إلى <b>{1}</b><br><br><br>شكرا<br>",room.Name,drpRoomStatus.SelectedItem.Text); BLL.Message msg = new BLL.Message(); msg.AddNew(); msg.SenderID = BLL.Member.SiteMembers.Where(m => String.Equals(m.Name, Helper.StringEnum.GetStringValue(Helper.Enums.SiteMembers.Admin))).FirstOrDefault().MemberID; ; msg.Subject=msgTitle; msg.Body=msgBody; msg.ToMembers=room.CreatedByMember.Name; msg.Save(); BLL.MemberMessage memberMsg = new BLL.MemberMessage(); memberMsg.AddNew(); memberMsg.MemberID = room.CreatedBy; memberMsg.MessageID = msg.ID; memberMsg.Save(); } } }
private void BindReport() { BLL.Room rm = new BLL.Room(); rm.LoadByPrimaryKey(RoomID); lblRoomName.Text = rm.Name; DateTime dtCreateDate = DateTime.Now; switch (Schedule) { case Helper.Enums.FollowAdminBotSchedule.Daily: dtCreateDate.AddDays(-1); break; case Helper.Enums.FollowAdminBotSchedule.Month: dtCreateDate.AddMonths(-1); break; default: dtCreateDate.AddDays(-7); break; } BLL.MemberLog log = new BLL.MemberLog(); log.LoadForRoom(RoomID,dtCreateDate,MembersLevel); grdLog.DataSource = log.DefaultView; grdLog.DataBind(); }
private void SendBotMsg(string mailURL, Info.RoomBot roomBot,int senderID) { System.Net.WebClient wClient = new System.Net.WebClient(); wClient.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; string msgBody = wClient.DownloadString(mailURL); BLL.Room bllRoom = new BLL.Room(); bllRoom.LoadByPrimaryKey(roomBot.RoomID); BLL.Message msg = new BLL.Message(); msg.AddNew(); msg.Body = msgBody; msg.SenderID = senderID; msg.Subject = "بوت متابعة إدارة الغرفة - " + bllRoom.Name; msg.ToMembers = bllRoom.CreatedByMember.Name; msg.Save(); BLL.MemberMessage memberMsg = new BLL.MemberMessage(); //add to member sent items //add to room owner memberMsg.AddNew(); memberMsg.MemberID = bllRoom.CreatedBy; memberMsg.MessageID = msg.ID; memberMsg.Save(); //send mail notifications Chat2Connect.SRCustomHubs.NotificationHub notifications = new Chat2Connect.SRCustomHubs.NotificationHub(); notifications.SendMailNotifications(bllRoom.CreatedBy); }
private void BindRoomInfo() { BLL.Room room = new BLL.Room(); if (room.LoadByPrimaryKey(RoomID)) { drpRoomStatus.SelectedValue = room.s_RowStatusID; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { BLL.Room room = new BLL.Room(); room.LoadAll(); room.DefaultView.Sort = BLL.Room.ColumnNames.Name + " ASC"; drpRooms.DataTextField = BLL.Room.ColumnNames.Name; drpRooms.DataValueField = BLL.Room.ColumnNames.RoomID; drpRooms.DataSource = room.DefaultView; drpRooms.DataBind(); } }
private void RoomAbandonedRefesh(string floorNum, string roomNum) { room = new Model.Room(); DataSet ds = new BLL.Room().GetListRoomInfo(String.Format(" floorNum = '{0}' and roomID = '{1}' ", floorNum, roomNum)); dgvRoom.DataSource = ds.Tables["ds"]; int columnNumber = dgvRoom.ColumnCount; foreach (DataGridViewColumn col in dgvRoom.Columns) { col.DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; col.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable; col.FillWeight = 100 / columnNumber; } dgvRoom.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; dgvRoom.AllowUserToAddRows = false; dgvRoom.RowHeadersVisible = false; dgvRoom.ReadOnly = true; }
private void BindResult() { BLL.Room rooms = new BLL.Room(); DateTime? dateFrom = null, dateTo = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCreatedFrom.Text)) { dateFrom = Helper.Date.ToDate(txtCreatedFrom.Text); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCreatedTo.Text)) { dateTo = Helper.Date.ToDate(txtCreatedTo.Text); } int? status = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lstRoomStatus.SelectedValue)) status = Helper.TypeConverter.ToInt32(lstRoomStatus.SelectedValue); rooms.Search(dateFrom,dateTo,status); grdResult.DataSource = rooms.DefaultView; grdResult.DataBind(); }
/// <summary> /// 匹配踢除该班级学生 /// </summary> /// <param name="strUserId"></param> public static void GradeClassRemove(int Sgrade, int Sclass) { HttpContext.Current.Application.Lock(); ArrayList list = HttpContext.Current.Application.Get("LearnSite_User_List") as ArrayList; ArrayList kick = HttpContext.Current.Application.Get("LearnSite_User_kick") as ArrayList; if (list != null) { if (list.Count > 0) { BLL.Room rbll = new BLL.Room(); ArrayList students = rbll.GetGradeClassSnum(Sgrade, Sclass); if (students != null) { foreach (string stu in students) { if (list.IndexOf(stu) > -1) { list.Remove(stu);//如果存在,则移除 if (kick == null) { kick = new ArrayList(); kick.Add(stu); } else { if (kick.IndexOf(stu) < 0) { kick.Add(stu);//如果不存在则添加 } } } } } HttpContext.Current.Application.Add("LearnSite_User_List", list); HttpContext.Current.Application.Add("LearnSite_User_Kick", kick); } } HttpContext.Current.Application.UnLock(); }
private void btConfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string floorNum = nudFloorNum.Value.ToString().Trim(), roomID = nudRoomID.Value.ToString().Trim(), roomType = combRoomType.SelectedValue.ToString(); int intRoomID = Convert.ToInt32(nudRoomID.Value); if (floorNum == "" || floorNum == null || roomID == "" || roomID == null || roomType == "" || roomType == null) { MessageBox.Show("不能有空!", "提醒", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else { if (intRoomID < 10) { roomID = "00" + roomID; } else if (intRoomID < 100) { roomID = "0" + roomID; } Model.Room model = new Model.Room(); int flag = 0; if (new BLL.Room().Exists(floorNum, roomID)) { model = new BLL.Room().GetModel(floorNum, roomID); if (model.roomAbandoned == 0) { model.roomAbandoned = 1; if (new BLL.Room().Update(model)) { flag = 1; } } else { MessageBox.Show("房间已存在!", "提醒", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } } else { model.floorNum = floorNum; model.roomID = roomID; model.roomTypeID = roomType; model.liveState = 0; model.cleanState = 1; model.damageState = 1; if (new BLL.Room().Add(model)) { flag = 1; } } if (flag == 1) { MessageBox.Show("添加成功!", "信息", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); ((Main_Admin)this.Owner).LoadData_RoomInfo(); Main_Admin.room = new Model.Room(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("添加失败!", "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }
/// <summary> /// 创建所教班级的模型xml /// </summary> /// <param name="hid"></param> /// <param name="xdoc"></param> /// <param name="savepath"></param> /// <param name="months"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string SetAllStuName(int hid, XmlDocument xdoc, string savepath, int weeks, string xmlfile) { string result = "这是默认值:创建失败!"; XmlNode root = xdoc.SelectSingleNode("classmodel"); XmlNodeList nodeListtest = root.ChildNodes; if (nodeListtest[0].Name != "student") { root = root.SelectSingleNode("students"); } if (root != null) { XmlNodeList nodeList = root.ChildNodes; int stucount = nodeList.Count; if (stucount > 0) { BLL.Signin gbll = new BLL.Signin(); DataTable allclassstu = gbll.GetQnameQip(hid, weeks); int allclassCount = allclassstu.Rows.Count; if (allclassCount > 0) { //string teststr = ClassModeSavePath(hid.ToString()) + @"\test" + hid + "all.xml"; //allclassstu.WriteXml(teststr);//测试输出 BLL.Room bll = new BLL.Room(); DataTable dtclass = bll.GetMyGradeClass(hid); int dtcscount = dtclass.Rows.Count; result = "信息提示:有签到的任教" + dtcscount.ToString() + "个班级共" + allclassstu.Rows.Count.ToString() + "人 |"; int right = 0; int wrong = 0; int miss = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dtcscount; i++) { string rgrade = dtclass.Rows[i]["Rgrade"].ToString(); string rclass = dtclass.Rows[i]["Rclass"].ToString(); string classname = rgrade + "年级" + rclass + "班"; DataView dv = allclassstu.DefaultView; dv.RowFilter = "Qgrade=" + rgrade + " and Qclass=" + rclass; DataTable dt = dv.ToTable(); //dt.Columns.Remove("Qgrade"); //dt.Columns.Remove("Qclass");//清理掉无用字段 //string testclassstr = ClassModeSavePath(hid.ToString()) + @"\test" + rgrade + "_" + rclass +".xml"; //dt.WriteXml(testclassstr);//测试输出 int thiscount = dt.Rows.Count; if (thiscount > 0) { try { SetStuName(dt, classname, savepath, xmlfile); //创建该班级的模型 right++; result = result + rgrade + "." + rclass + "(" + thiscount.ToString() + ")"; //生成该班级模型 } catch (Exception ex) { wrong++; result = result + rgrade + "." + rclass + "(??)"; string msgtype = "班级模型" + rgrade + "." + rclass + "班模型生成出错"; LearnSite.Common.Log.Addlog(msgtype, ex.Message); } } else { miss++; result = result + rgrade + "." + rclass + "(0)"; } } result = result + "<br/><br/>创建成功" + right.ToString() + "个班级模型xml文件,失效" + miss.ToString() + "个,出错" + wrong.ToString() + "个。"; DelUpXml(xmlfile);//删除上传的xml文件 } else { result = "没有在指定时间内签到的班级学生,无法根据签到IP生成相应的班级模型!"; } } else { result = "上传的原有班级模型xml文件中学生机为0,无法创建!"; } } else { result = "上传的原有班级模型xml文件中无classmodel根节点!"; } return(result); }
private void BindAccountInfo() { dtlAccountInfo.DataSource = null; dtlAccountInfo.DataBind(); try { BLL.Member member = new BLL.Member(); if (member.GetMemberByUserName(MemberUserName)) { List<dynamic> dataSource = new List<dynamic>() { new { UserName=member.UserName, Email=member.Email, Password=member.Password, PasswordQuestion=member.PasswordQuestion, QuestionAnswer=member.Answer, CreationDate=member.CreationDate, IP=member.s_IP, MemberTypeExpiryDate=member.s_MemberTypeExpiryDate, Credit_Money=member.s_Credit_Money, MemberTypeColor=member.MemberType.MemberTypeSpecDuration.MemberTypeSpec.Color, StatusName=member.StatusName, IsOnline=(member.IsOnLine?"نعم":"لا"), FriendsCount=member.FriendsCount() } }; dtlAccountInfo.DataSource = dataSource; dtlAccountInfo.DataBind(); if (Helper.Admin.HasRole(Helper.Enums.AdminRoles.Admin_AccountInfo.ToString())) { Repeater repOwnerRooms = (Repeater)dtlAccountInfo.FindControl("repOwnerRooms"); Repeater repAdminRooms = (Repeater)dtlAccountInfo.FindControl("repAdminRooms"); BLL.RoomMember roomMember = new BLL.RoomMember(); roomMember.GetAllRoomsByAdminMemberID(member.MemberID); repAdminRooms.DataSource = roomMember.DefaultView; repAdminRooms.DataBind(); //string adminRoom = string.Join(",", roomMember.DefaultView.Table.AsEnumerable().Select(x => x["RoomName"].ToString()).ToArray()); BLL.Room room = new BLL.Room(); room.GetRoomsByCreatorID(member.MemberID); repOwnerRooms.DataSource = room.DefaultView; repOwnerRooms.DataBind(); } } } catch { } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { BLL.Bot bllBot = new BLL.Bot(); bllBot.LoadAllWithPoints(); repBots.DataSource = bllBot.DefaultView; repBots.DataBind(); BLL.Room bllRooms = new BLL.Room(); bllRooms.GetRoomsByCreatorID(BLL.Member.CurrentMemberID); lstRooms.DataTextField = BLL.Room.ColumnNames.Name; lstRooms.DataValueField = BLL.Room.ColumnNames.RoomID; lstRooms.DataSource = bllRooms.DefaultView; lstRooms.DataBind(); lblPointsBalance.Text = BLL.Member.CurrentMember.s_Credit_Point; _dicRoomsSpecs = new List<object>(); _dicRoomsSpecs = bllRooms.DefaultView.Table.AsEnumerable().Select(m => new { RoomID = m[BLL.Room.ColumnNames.RoomID], SpecID = m["RoomTypeSpecID"] }).ToList(); BindRoomsBots(); } }
private void BindRooms() { BLL.Room rooms = new BLL.Room(); rooms.LoadAll(); uiGridViewRoom.DataSource = rooms.DefaultView; uiGridViewRoom.DataBind(); }
protected void uiGridViewRoom_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { int roomid = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument.ToString()); if (e.CommandName == "DeleteRoom") { BLL.Room room = new BLL.Room(); room.LoadByPrimaryKey(roomid); room.MarkAsDeleted(); room.Save(); BindRooms(); } else if (e.CommandName == "DeleteBots") { BLL.RoomBot bots = new BLL.RoomBot(); bots.Where.RoomID.Value = roomid; bots.Where.RoomID.Operator = MyGeneration.dOOdads.WhereParameter.Operand.Equal; bots.Query.Load(); for (int i = 0; i < bots.RowCount; i++) { bots.MarkAsDeleted(); bots.MoveNext(); } bots.Save(); } else if (e.CommandName == "DeleteMembers") { BLL.RoomMember members = new BLL.RoomMember(); members.Where.RoomID.Value = roomid; members.Where.RoomID.Operator = MyGeneration.dOOdads.WhereParameter.Operand.Equal; members.Query.Load(); for (int i = 0; i < members.RowCount; i++) { members.MarkAsDeleted(); members.MoveNext(); } members.Save(); } else if (e.CommandName == "DeleteMessages") { BLL.RoomMessages msgs = new BLL.RoomMessages(); msgs.Where.RoomID.Value = roomid; msgs.Where.RoomID.Operator = MyGeneration.dOOdads.WhereParameter.Operand.Equal; msgs.Query.Load(); for (int i = 0; i < msgs.RowCount; i++) { msgs.MarkAsDeleted(); msgs.MoveNext(); } msgs.Save(); } else if (e.CommandName == "DeleteBannedmembers") { BLL.RoomMemberBanning bans = new BLL.RoomMemberBanning(); bans.Where.RoomID.Value = roomid; bans.Where.RoomID.Operator = MyGeneration.dOOdads.WhereParameter.Operand.Equal; bans.Query.Load(); for (int i = 0; i < bans.RowCount; i++) { bans.MarkAsDeleted(); bans.MoveNext(); } bans.Save(); } else if (e.CommandName == "DeleteTypes") { BLL.RoomType type = new BLL.RoomType(); type.Where.RoomID.Value = roomid; type.Where.RoomID.Operator = MyGeneration.dOOdads.WhereParameter.Operand.Equal; type.Query.Load(); for (int i = 0; i < type.RowCount; i++) { type.MarkAsDeleted(); type.MoveNext(); } type.Save(); } }