Exemplo n.º 1
        public String GetIngredientDetail(String val)
            BLL.BLLmenu bll = new BLL.BLLmenu();

            string       retstr    = "";
            IList <Menu> siglemenu = bll.GetIngredientDetail(val);

            foreach (Menu menu in siglemenu)
                retstr += "  <div class='item product-layout product-list'>";
                retstr += "  <div class='product-thumb'>";
                retstr += "   <div class='image product-imageblock'> <a href='#'> <img data-name='product_image' src='" + menu.CoverImg + "' alt='iPod Classic' title='iPod Classic' class='img-responsive'> ";
                retstr += "  <img src='" + menu.CoverImg + "' alt='iPod Classic' title='iPod Classic' class='img-responsive'> </a> </div>";
                retstr += "   <div class='caption product-detail text-left'>";
                retstr += "     <h6 data-name='product_name' class='product-name'><a href='#' title='Casual Shirt With Ruffle Hem'>" + menu.menuname + "</a></h6>";
                retstr += "    <div class='rating'> <span class='fa fa-stack'><i class='fa fa-star-o fa-stack-1x'></i><i class='fa fa-star fa-stack-1x'></i></span>";
                retstr += "  <span class='fa fa-stack'><i class='fa fa-star-o fa-stack-1x'></i><i class='fa fa-star fa-stack-1x'></i></span> ";
                retstr += "   <span class='fa fa-stack'><i class='fa fa-star-o fa-stack-1x'></i><i class='fa fa-star fa-stack-1x'></i></span> ";
                retstr += "     <span class='fa fa-stack'><i class='fa fa-star-o fa-stack-1x'></i><i class='fa fa-star fa-stack-1x'></i></span> ";
                retstr += "   <span class='fa fa-stack'><i class='fa fa-star-o fa-stack-1x'></i><i class='fa fa-star fa-stack-x'></i></span> </div>";
                retstr += "  <span class='price'><span class='amount'><span class='currencySymbol'>$</span>70.00</span>";
                retstr += "  </span>";
                retstr += "  <p class='product-desc mt_20'>" + menu.Introduces + "</p>";
                retstr += "  <div class='wdcc'>";

                retstr += "  <div class='wdc1'>";
                retstr += " <div class='wdc2'> 2</div>";
                retstr += " <div class='wdc3'>3</div>";
                retstr += "  <div class='wdc3'>4</div>";

                retstr += " <div class='wdc2'> 2</div>";
                retstr += " <div class='wdc3'>3</div>";
                retstr += "  <div class='wdc3'>4</div>";
                //onclick='Ingredient('" + +"')'
                retstr += "  <div > <a href='ingredients.html?val=" + menu.MainIngredient + " '>" + menu.MainIngredient + "的更多做法</a></div>";
                retstr += "  	  </div>";
                //retstr += "   <div class='days'></div>";
                // retstr += "  <div class='hours'></div>";
                // retstr += "  <div class='minutes'></div>";
                // retstr += "  <div class='seconds'></div>";
                retstr += "  </div>";
                retstr += "  <div class='button-group text-center wdbb'>";
                retstr += "   <div class='wishlist'><a href='#'><span>wishlist</span></a></div>";
                retstr += "  <div class='quickview'><a href='#'><span>Quick View</span></a></div>";
                retstr += "  <div class='compare'><a href='#'><span>Compare</span></a></div>";
                retstr += "   <div class='add-to-cart'><a href='#'><span>Add to cart</span></a></div>";
                retstr += "   </div>";
                retstr += "  </div>";
                retstr += "  </div>";
                retstr += "  </div>";

Exemplo n.º 2
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            #region 根据菜单分类读取菜单
            if (Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["type"]) == "getMenuLists")
                CreateHtml  HtmlCreate   = new CreateHtml();
                BLL.BLLmenu bll          = new BLL.BLLmenu();
                BLL.BLLuser bll2         = new BLL.BLLuser();
                String      strret       = "";
                String      val          = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["val"]);     //根据传入的值匹配
                String      valtype      = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["valtype"]); //根据传入的值匹配
                String      bywhat2      = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["bywhat"]);  //根据传入的值匹配
                String      OldPageindex = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["persentpageindex"]);
                // String OldPages = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["pages"]);
                //  String actype = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["actype"]);
                //  int k = Int32.Parse(OldPages) - Int32.Parse(OldPageindex);
                val = val.Replace("'", "");

                valtype = valtype.Replace("'", "");
                valtype = valtype.Replace("\"", ""); //双引
                bywhat2 = bywhat2.Replace("'", "");  //单引
                bywhat2 = bywhat2.Replace("\"", ""); //双引
                //if (actype == "pre" && OldPageindex == "0")
                //    context.Response.Write(strret);
                //    return;
                //else if (actype == "next" && k <0)
                //    context.Response.Write(strret);
                //    return;
                IList <MenuAll> Lists;
                double          Size      = 12.0;
                String          tablename = "menualldetails";
                String          bywhat    = " " + bywhat2 + "='" + val + "'";
                int    datacount = bll2.GetDataCount(bywhat, tablename);
                double x         = datacount / Size;
                int    NewPages  = Int32.Parse(Math.Ceiling(x).ToString());

                int presentindex = Int32.Parse(OldPageindex);
                int pageindex    = Int32.Parse(OldPageindex);
                int dataindex    = (Int32)Size * (pageindex - 1);
                Lists = bll.GetMenuList(bywhat2, val, (Int32)Size, dataindex);
                // if (Int32.Parse(OldPages) == 0 || Int32.Parse(OldPages) != NewPages)
                strret = HtmlCreate.createMainMenuListimage(Lists, valtype, pageindex, NewPages);
                // else
                //    strret = HtmlCreate.createMainMenuListimage(Lists, valtype, pageindex, Int32.Parse(OldPages));
                val = val.Replace("'", "");
                val = val.Replace("\"", "");   //双引
                String ww = "<li><a class='social wdc' onclick='displayli()' title='更多数据' >共" + datacount + "记录</a></li>";
                for (int q = 1; q <= NewPages; q++)
                    int p = (q - 1) * 12 + 1;
                    if (q != NewPages)
                        ww += "  <li id='k1'class='k1'><a class='social wdc' href='#' onclick='getmenulist(&quot;" + valtype + "&quot;,&quot;" + val + "&quot;,&quot;" + bywhat2 + "&quot;," + q + ")' >" + p + "-" + q * 12 + "</a></li>";
                        ww += "  <li  id='k2' class='k1'><a class='social wdc' href='#'  onclick='getmenulist(&quot;" + valtype + "&quot;,&quot;" + val + "&quot;,&quot;" + bywhat2 + "&quot;," + q + ")' >" + p + "-" + datacount + "</a></li>";

                strret = strret + "$" + ww;

            #region 根据菜单分类读取菜单
            if (Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["type"]) == "getMenuListsByType2")
                CreateHtml  HtmlCreate   = new CreateHtml();
                BLL.BLLmenu bll          = new BLL.BLLmenu();
                BLL.BLLuser bll2         = new BLL.BLLuser();
                String      strret       = "";
                String      val          = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["val"]);     //根据传入的值匹配
                String      valtype      = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["valtype"]); //根据传入的值匹配
                String      OldPageindex = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["persentpageindex"]);
                String      OldPages     = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["pages"]);
                String      actype       = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["actype"]);
                int         k            = Int32.Parse(OldPages) - Int32.Parse(OldPageindex);
                if (actype == "pre" && OldPageindex == "1")
                else if (actype == "next" && k == 0)
                IList <MenuAll> Lists;
                double          Size      = 12.0;
                String          tablename = "mainmenus";
                String          bywhat    = " Type='" + val + "'";
                int    datacount = bll2.GetDataCount(bywhat, tablename);
                double x         = datacount / Size;
                int    NewPages  = Int32.Parse(Math.Ceiling(x).ToString());

                //int presentindex = Int32.Parse(OldPageindex);
                int pageindex = Int32.Parse(OldPageindex);
                int dataindex = (Int32)Size * (pageindex - 1);
                Lists = bll.GetMenuList("Type", val, (Int32)Size, dataindex);

                if (Int32.Parse(OldPages) == 0 || Int32.Parse(OldPages) != NewPages)
                    strret = HtmlCreate.createMainMenuListimage(Lists, valtype, pageindex, NewPages);
                    strret = HtmlCreate.createMainMenuListimage(Lists, valtype, pageindex, Int32.Parse(OldPages));

            if (Convert.ToString(context.Request.Form["tpty"]) == "cp")
                String bzcount    = context.Request.Form["bzcount"];
                String usernumber = context.Request.Form["usernumber"];
                String menunumber = context.Request.Form["menunumber"];
                String file       = context.Request.Files["file1"].FileName;
                String cptppath   = context.Request.Form["cptppath"];
                string name       = "cp.jpg";
                string pa         = "~/images/userproduction/" + usernumber + "/";
                String ff = context.Request.MapPath(pa);
                if (!Directory.Exists(pa))
                pa = pa + menunumber + "/";
                ff = context.Request.MapPath(pa);
                if (!Directory.Exists(pa))

                context.Request.Files["file1"].SaveAs(ff + name);

            #region IndexNewList
            if (Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["type"]) == "getindexnewlist")
                CreateHtml            HtmlCreate = new CreateHtml();
                BLL.BLLclassification bll        = new BLL.BLLclassification();
                String strret = "";

                // String val = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["val"]);//根据传入的值匹配

                int    index = 0;
                int    size  = 3;
                String type  = "latest";
                //String type2="hotest";
                //IList<SimpleMenu> List2s = bll.GetSimpleMenuList(index, size);
                IList <SimpleMenu> Lists = bll.GetSimpleMenuListnewlist(index, size);
                strret = HtmlCreate.createindexmenuimage(Lists);

                //strret = HtmlCreate.createIndexMiddleimage(Lists);

            #region IndexMiddle
            if (Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["type"]) == "IndexMiddle")
                CreateHtml            HtmlCreate = new CreateHtml();
                BLL.BLLclassification bll        = new BLL.BLLclassification();
                String strret      = "";
                String scType      = "人气";
                String val         = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["val"]);//根据传入的值匹配
                String useraccount = "";
                if (context.Session["useraccount"] != null)
                    useraccount = (context.Session["useraccount"]).ToString();
                // if((context.Session["useraccount"]).ToString())

                if (val == "mrsc")
                    IList <MenuCollocation> Lists = bll.GetMenuCollocationList(val, scType);

                    strret = HtmlCreate.createThreeMealsimage(Lists, useraccount);
                else if (val == "djsc")
                else if (val == "jkxw")
                    int index = 0;
                    int size  = 4;
                    IList <HealthNews> Lists = bll.GetHealthNewsList(index, size);

                    strret = HtmlCreate.createHealthNewsimage(Lists);
                else if (val == "msgc")
                    int    index = 0;
                    int    size  = 4;
                    String type  = "latest";
                    //String type2="hotest";
                    IList <SimpleMenu> Lists = bll.GetSimpleMenuList(index, size);

                    strret = HtmlCreate.createSimpleMenuimage(Lists);

                //strret = HtmlCreate.createIndexMiddleimage(Lists);

            #region 获取当前菜谱不同工艺的做法
            if (Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["type"]) == "GetMenuByOtherPractices")
                // String useraccount = "1001";
                String useraccount = "";
                if (context.Session["username"] != null)
                    useraccount = (context.Session["useraccount"]).ToString();
                String MenuName = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["MenuName"]);
                String MenuGY   = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["MenuGY"]);
                // String MenuGYListImg = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["MenuGYListImg"]);
                String     MenuNumber = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["MenuNumber"]);
                String     strret     = "";
                CreateHtml ex         = new CreateHtml();
                //  val = val.Replace("'", "");
                // val = val.Replace("\"", "");
                BLL.BLLmenu bll = new BLL.BLLmenu();

                IList <MenuAll> siglemenu = bll.GetMenuByOtherPractices(MenuName, MenuGY);

                String menuTechnology    = "";
                String currentmenunumber = "";
                String menuname          = "";
                //IList<MenuAll> siglemenu = bll.GetSingleMenu(val);
                foreach (MenuAll menu in siglemenu)
                    menuTechnology    = menu.MenuGY;
                    currentmenunumber = menu.MenuNumber;
                    menuname          = menu.KeyWord;

                //IList<SimpleMenu> OtherPractices = bll.GetCurrentMenuElseGY(persentMenuNumber, MenuName, MenuGY, "MenuGY");//获取当前菜单的其他做法
                // strret = ex.GetMenuByOtherPracticesImage(siglemenu, useraccount, MenuGYListImg);
                IList <MenuPractices> OtherPractices = bll.GetCurrentMenuElseGY(currentmenunumber, menuname, menuTechnology, "MenuGY");//获取当前菜单的其他做法

                strret = ex.GetSingleMenuImage(siglemenu, useraccount, OtherPractices);
                String m = ex.GetMenuMaterialsImage(siglemenu);
                String s = ex.GetMenuStepsImage(siglemenu);
                strret = strret + "$" + m + "$" + s;
            #region 获取当前菜谱相同工艺的不同做法
            if (Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["type"]) == "GetMenuByIdenticalGY")
                // String useraccount = "1001";
                String useraccount = "";
                if (context.Session["username"] != null)
                    useraccount = (context.Session["useraccount"]).ToString();
                String     MenuName       = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["MenuName"]);
                String     MenuGY         = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["MenuGY"]);
                String     MenuNumberList = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["MenuNumberList"]);
                String     MenuGYListImg  = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["MenuGYListImg"]);
                String     strret         = "";
                CreateHtml ex             = new CreateHtml();
                //  val = val.Replace("'", "");
                // val = val.Replace("\"", "");
                BLL.BLLmenu bll = new BLL.BLLmenu();

                IList <MenuAll> siglemenu = bll.GetMenuByIdenticalGY(MenuNumberList, MenuName, MenuGY);

                String[] MenuNList         = MenuNumberList.Split('/');
                String   persentMenuNumber = MenuNList[MenuNList.Length - 1];
                //IList<SimpleMenu> OtherPractices = bll.GetCurrentMenuElseGY(persentMenuNumber, MenuName, MenuGY, "MenuGY");//获取当前菜单的其他做法
                strret = ex.GetIdenticalGYMenuImage(siglemenu, useraccount, MenuNumberList, MenuGYListImg);


            #region 获取热门搜索列表
            if (Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["type"]) == "SearchFever")
                // String useraccount = "1001";
                // SearchFever&searchtype=sccp
                String     searchtype = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["searchtype"]);
                String     strret     = "";
                String     bywhat     = "";
                CreateHtml ex         = new CreateHtml();
                int        size       = 5;
                int        index      = 0;
                //  val = val.Replace("'", "");
                // val = val.Replace("\"", "");
                BLL.BLLuser bll = new BLL.BLLuser();
                if (searchtype == "sccp")
                    bywhat = " SearchType='cm' or  SearchType='sc'";
                else if (searchtype == "yhmzh")
                    bywhat = " SearchType='yhm' or SearchType='zh'  ";
                IList <SearchFever> siglemenu = bll.GeSearchFeverList(bywhat, size, index);

                strret = ex.GeSearchFeverListImage(siglemenu);


            #region 获取菜谱用料---未完成
            if (Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["type"]) == "GetMenuMaterials")
                // String useraccount = "1001";
                String useraccount = "";
                if (context.Session["username"] != null)
                    useraccount = (context.Session["useraccount"]).ToString();

                String MenuNumber        = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["MenuNumber"]);
                String strret            = "";
                String menuTechnology    = "";
                String menuname          = "";
                String currentmenunumber = "";

                CreateHtml ex = new CreateHtml();
                MenuNumber = MenuNumber.Replace("'", "");
                MenuNumber = MenuNumber.Replace("\"", "");
                BLL.BLLmenu bll = new BLL.BLLmenu();

                IList <MenuAll> siglemenu = bll.GetSingleMenu(MenuNumber);
                foreach (MenuAll menu in siglemenu)
                    menuTechnology    = menu.MenuGY;
                    currentmenunumber = menu.MenuNumber;
                    menuname          = menu.MenuName;

                IList <MenuPractices> OtherPractices = bll.GetCurrentMenuElseGY(currentmenunumber, menuname, menuTechnology, "MenuGY");//获取当前菜单的其他做法
                strret = ex.GetSingleMenuImage(siglemenu, useraccount, OtherPractices);

            #region 获取菜谱步骤---未完成
            if (Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["type"]) == " GetMenuSteps")
                // String useraccount = "1001";
                String useraccount = "";
                if (context.Session["username"] != null)
                    useraccount = (context.Session["useraccount"]).ToString();

                String val               = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["val"]);
                String strret            = "";
                String menuTechnology    = "";
                String menuname          = "";
                String currentmenunumber = "";

                CreateHtml ex = new CreateHtml();
                val = val.Replace("'", "");
                val = val.Replace("\"", "");
                BLL.BLLmenu bll = new BLL.BLLmenu();

                IList <MenuAll> siglemenu = bll.GetSingleMenu(val);
                foreach (MenuAll menu in siglemenu)
                    menuTechnology    = menu.MenuGY;
                    currentmenunumber = menu.MenuNumber;
                    menuname          = menu.MenuName;

                IList <MenuPractices> OtherPractices = bll.GetCurrentMenuElseGY(currentmenunumber, menuname, menuTechnology, "MenuGY");//获取当前菜单的其他做法
                strret = ex.GetSingleMenuImage(siglemenu, useraccount, OtherPractices);

            #region 根据菜谱编号读取菜谱
            if (Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["type"]) == "GetSingleMenu")
                // String useraccount = "1001";
                String useraccount = "";
                if (context.Session["username"] != null)
                    useraccount = (context.Session["useraccount"]).ToString();

                String     val               = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["val"]);
                String     tt                = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["tt"]);
                String     strret            = "";
                String     menuTechnology    = "";
                String     menuname          = "";
                String     currentmenunumber = "";
                String     ty                = "";
                CreateHtml ex                = new CreateHtml();
                val = val.Replace("'", "");
                val = val.Replace("\"", "");
                tt  = tt.Replace("'", "");
                BLL.BLLmenu bll = new BLL.BLLmenu();

                if (tt == "notuserproduction")
                    ty = "userpgp";
                    IList <MenuAll> siglemenu = bll.GetSingleMenu(val);
                    foreach (MenuAll menu in siglemenu)
                        menuTechnology    = menu.MenuGY;
                        currentmenunumber = menu.MenuNumber;
                        menuname          = menu.MenuName;

                    IList <MenuPractices> OtherPractices = bll.GetCurrentMenuElseGY(currentmenunumber, menuname, menuTechnology, "MenuGY");//获取当前菜单的其他做法
                    strret = ex.GetSingleMenuImage(siglemenu, useraccount, OtherPractices);
                    String m = ex.GetMenuMaterialsImage(siglemenu);
                    String s = ex.GetMenuStepsImage(siglemenu);
                    strret = strret + "$" + m + "$" + s;
                    ty = "userp";
                    String mainsc = "";
                    String fl     = "";
                    String steps  = "";
                    IList <UserProductions> siglemenu = bll.GetSingleUserMenu(val);
                    foreach (UserProductions menu in siglemenu)
                        steps  = menu.MenuSteps;
                        fl     = menu.MenuFuliao;
                        mainsc = menu.MenuMainIngredient;
                    strret = ex.GetSingleUserMenuImage(siglemenu);
                    String mt = ex.creatematerials(mainsc, fl);

                    String st = ex.createsteps(steps, ty);
                    //String m = ex.GetMenuMaterialsImage(siglemenu);
                    //String s = ex.GetMenuStepsImage(siglemenu);
                    strret = strret + "$" + mt + "$" + st;

            #region 获取食材信息
            if (Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["type"]) == "GetIngredientDetail")
                String IngredientNumber = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["val"]);
                String by = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["by"]);
                //String type = "IngredientName";
                //String type = "IngredientNumber";
                String             strret          = "";
                CreateHtml         ex              = new CreateHtml();
                BLL.BLLmenu        bll             = new BLL.BLLmenu();
                IList <Ingredient> sigleingredient = bll.GetIngredientDetail(by, IngredientNumber);//获取食材基本信息

                strret = ex.GetIngredientDetail(sigleingredient);


            #region 获取食材搭配
            if (Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["type"]) == "GetRelavantMenu")
                String IngredientName = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["val"]);

                //String type = "IngredientName";
                //String by = "IngredientNumber";

                BLL.BLLuser    bll2         = new BLL.BLLuser();
                BLL.BLLmenu    bll          = new BLL.BLLmenu();
                String         strret       = "";
                myoperateClass ex           = new myoperateClass();
                String         OldPageindex = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["persentpageindex"]);
                String         OldPages     = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["pages"]);
                String         actype       = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["actype"]);
                int            k            = Int32.Parse(OldPages) - Int32.Parse(OldPageindex);
                if (actype == "pre" && OldPageindex == "0")
                else if (actype == "next" && k < 0)
                IList <SimpleMenu> Lists;
                double             Size      = 10.0;
                String             tablename = "recipeteachinginformation";
                String             bywhat    = " MenuMainIngredient  like '%" + IngredientName + "%'";
                int    datacount = bll2.GetDataCount(bywhat, tablename);
                double x         = datacount / Size;
                int    NewPages  = Int32.Parse(Math.Ceiling(x).ToString());

                //int presentindex = Int32.Parse(OldPageindex);
                int pageindex = Int32.Parse(OldPageindex);
                int dataindex = (Int32)Size * (pageindex - 1);

                IList <recipeteachinginformation> relavantmenu = bll.GetRelavantMenu(IngredientName);//

                String bb = "(";
                foreach (recipeteachinginformation l in relavantmenu)
                    bb += l.MenuNumber + ",";
                bb += "0)";

                bb = "select * from menualldetails where MenuNumber in " + bb;

                Lists = bll.GetRelavantMenuA(bb);

                if (datacount != 0)
                    strret = ex.SearchListImage(Lists, pageindex, NewPages, actype, datacount, "getrelavantmenu");
                    int    prepageindex  = pageindex - 1;
                    int    nextpageindex = pageindex + 1;
                    String retstr        = " <div class='userDaTabottom'> ";
                    retstr += "   <div class='DataBottom'>";
                    retstr += "<div class='DataBottominner'>";
                    retstr += "<span class='presentindex'>" + pageindex + "</span><span class='pages'>/" + NewPages + "</span></div>";
                    retstr += "<div class='zcbq' onclick='getrelavantmenu(&quot;" + IngredientName + "&quot;,0," + NewPages + "," + prepageindex + ",&quot;pre&quot;)'></div>";
                    retstr += "<div class='zcbh' onclick='getrelavantmenu(&quot;" + IngredientName + "&quot;,0," + NewPages + "," + nextpageindex + ",&quot;next&quot;)'></div>";
                    retstr += "</div> ";
                    retstr += "</div> ";

                    // getrelavantmenu(menuname, pages, persentpageindex, actype)
                    strret += retstr;
                    strret += " <div class='searchlist'>";
                    strret += "  <div class='searchlisttitle'>";
                    strret += " <p class='searchlisttit'>暂无数据</p>";

                    strret += " </div>";
                    strret += "  <div class='alertcancle' onclick='alertcancle()'> 取消</div>";

                    strret += " </div>";

                //strret = ex.SearchListImage(relavantmenu, pageindex, NewPages, actype, datacount);

            #region 获取食材搭配
            if (Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["type"]) == "GetIngredientChoose")
                String IngredientNumber = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["val"]);

                //String type = "IngredientName";
                String      by     = "IngredientNumber";
                String      strret = "";
                CreateHtml  ex     = new CreateHtml();
                BLL.BLLmenu bll    = new BLL.BLLmenu();

                IList <Ingredient> sigleingredient = bll.GetIngredientDetail(by, IngredientNumber);//获取食材基本信息

                strret = ex.GetIngredientChoose(sigleingredient);

            #region 获取食材搭配
            if (Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["type"]) == "GetIngredientTaboo")
                String IngredientNumber = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["val"]);
                //String type = "IngredientName";
                String      by     = "IngredientNumber";
                String      strret = "";
                CreateHtml  ex     = new CreateHtml();
                BLL.BLLmenu bll    = new BLL.BLLmenu();

                IList <Ingredient> sigleingredient = bll.GetIngredientDetail(by, IngredientNumber);//获取食材基本信息
                String             iname           = "";
                String             img             = "";
                foreach (Ingredient l in sigleingredient)
                    iname = l.IngredientName;
                    img   = l.CoverImg;
                IList <IngredientTaboo> foodtaboo = bll.GetIngredientTaboo(IngredientNumber);
                strret = ex.GetIngredientTabooImage(img, iname, foodtaboo);

            #region 获取菜谱评论模板
            if (Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["type"]) == "GetUserCommentmb")
                String strret = "unlogin";
                if (context.Session["username"] == null)

                String username = (context.Session["username"]).ToString();
                String userimg  = (context.Session["userimg"]).ToString();

                CreateHtml ex = new CreateHtml();

                strret = ex.GetUserCommentmb(userimg, username);

            #region 获取菜谱评论信息
            if (Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["type"]) == "GetUserComment")
                String     val    = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["val"]);
                String     strret = "";
                CreateHtml ex     = new CreateHtml();
                val    = val.Replace("'", "");
                val    = val.Replace("\"", "");
                strret = ex.GetUserComment(val);


            #region    退出登录
            if (Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["type"]) == "logout")//退出登录
                //string strret = mycommonClassobj.createListImage("http://" + context.Request.Url.Authority.ToString());

            #region 判断是否登录
            if (Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["type"]) == "islogin")//判断是否登录
                //string strret = mycommonClassobj.createListImage("http://" + context.Request.Url.Authority.ToString());
                String username = "";
                String result   = "";
                if (HttpContext.Current.Session["username"] != null)
                if (context.Session["username1"] != null)
                    username = (context.Session["username"]).ToString();
                    result   = username;

                if (username == "")
                    result = "未登录";


            #region 获取分类列表
            if (Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["type"]) == "getindexclassification")
                String         val    = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["val"]);
                String         strret = "";
                myoperateClass ex     = new myoperateClass();

                BLL.BLLclassification bll = new BLL.BLLclassification();

                IList <Classification> Lists = bll.GetClassificationList(val);

                strret = ex.ClassificationListImage2(Lists, val);

            #endregion 获取分类列表

            #region 获取分类列表
            if (Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["type"]) == "classification")
                String         val    = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["val"]);
                String         strret = "";
                myoperateClass ex     = new myoperateClass();

                BLL.BLLclassification bll = new BLL.BLLclassification();

                IList <Classification> Lists = bll.GetClassificationList(val);

                if (val == "HeadNavigation")
                    strret = ex.createHeadNavigationImage(Lists);
                else if (val == "MainMenu")
                    foreach (Classification list in Lists)
                        strret += list.Classification_contents + "|";
                    strret = ex.ClassificationListImage(Lists, val);

            #endregion 获取分类列表

            #region 用户搜索列表
            if (Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["type"]) == "usersearch2")
                String      sid          = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["sid"]);
                BLL.BLLuser bll          = new BLL.BLLuser();
                BLL.BLLmenu bll2         = new BLL.BLLmenu();
                String      keyword      = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["keyword"]);
                String      OldPageindex = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["persentpageindex"]);
                String      OldPages     = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["pages"]);
                String      actype       = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["actype"]);
                String      orderby      = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["orderby"]);

                String Account = "";
                if (context.Session["useraccount"] != null)
                    Account = (context.Session["useraccount"]).ToString();
                    string TimeMade = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");        // 2008-09-04
                    String actime   = TimeMade + "   " + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString() + "时" + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString() + "分";

                    String content = "你搜索了作者: " + keyword;
                    String actitle = "搜索" + keyword;
                    String ctype   = "search";
                    int    i2      = bll.InsertUserAction(Account, actitle, ctype, actime, content);

                int k = Int32.Parse(OldPages) - Int32.Parse(OldPageindex);
                //String useraccount = (context.Session["useraccount"]).ToString();
                String     strret     = "";
                CreateHtml HtmlCreate = new CreateHtml();
                //if (actype == "pre" && OldPageindex == "1")
                //    context.Response.Write(strret);
                //    return;
                //else if (actype == "next" && k == 0)
                //    context.Response.Write(strret);
                //    return;
                IList <User> Lists;
                double       Size      = 8.0;
                String       tablename = "user";
                String bywhat = " ";
                if (sid == "zh")
                    bywhat = " Account='" + keyword + "'";
                else if (sid == "yhm")
                    bywhat = " UserName like '%" + keyword + "%'";
                if (orderby == "orderbydj")
                    orderby = "Order by UserLevel asc";
                else if (orderby == "orderbygzd")
                    orderby = "Order by FollowersNum desc";
                    orderby = "Order by Account desc";
                int    datacount = bll.GetDataCount(bywhat, tablename);
                double x         = datacount / Size;
                int    NewPages  = Int32.Parse(Math.Ceiling(x).ToString());

                bywhat = " SearchContent='" + keyword + "'";
                int datacount2 = bll.GetDataCount(bywhat, "searchfever");
                if (datacount2 == 0)
                    int rr = bll.searchfeverinsert(keyword, sid);
                    String fever = "";
                    IList <SearchFever> List2 = bll.GetSearchFever(keyword);
                    foreach (SearchFever i in List2)
                        fever = i.Fever;
                    int ff = Int32.Parse(fever);
                    int rr = bll.searchfeverupdate(keyword, ff.ToString());

                //int presentindex = Int32.Parse(OldPageindex);
                int pageindex = Int32.Parse(OldPageindex);
                int dataindex = (Int32)Size * (pageindex - 1);
                Lists = bll.GetUserSearch(orderby, keyword, sid, (Int32)Size, dataindex);

                if (Int32.Parse(OldPages) == 0 || Int32.Parse(OldPages) != NewPages)
                    strret = HtmlCreate.getUserSearchListimage2(Lists, pageindex, NewPages, actype, Account);
                    strret = HtmlCreate.getUserSearchListimage2(Lists, pageindex, Int32.Parse(OldPages), actype, Account);

                strret = strret + ";" + NewPages;

            #region 用户搜索列表
            if (Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["type"]) == "usersearch")
                String      sid          = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["sid"]);
                BLL.BLLuser bll          = new BLL.BLLuser();
                BLL.BLLmenu bll2         = new BLL.BLLmenu();
                String      keyword      = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["keyword"]);
                String      OldPageindex = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["persentpageindex"]);
                String      OldPages     = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["pages"]);
                String      actype       = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["actype"]);
                String      orderby      = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["orderby"]);

                String Account = (context.Session["useraccount"]).ToString();

                string TimeMade = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");        // 2008-09-04
                String actime   = TimeMade + "   " + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString() + "时" + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString() + "分";

                String content = "你搜索了作者: " + keyword;
                String actitle = "搜索" + keyword;
                String ctype   = "search";
                int    i2      = bll.InsertUserAction(Account, actitle, ctype, actime, content);

                int        k           = Int32.Parse(OldPages) - Int32.Parse(OldPageindex);
                String     useraccount = (context.Session["useraccount"]).ToString();
                String     strret      = "";
                CreateHtml HtmlCreate  = new CreateHtml();
                if (actype == "pre" && OldPageindex == "1")
                else if (actype == "next" && k == 0)
                IList <User> Lists;
                double       Size      = 8.0;
                String       tablename = "user";
                String bywhat = " ";
                if (sid == "zh")
                    bywhat = " Account='" + keyword + "'";
                else if (sid == "yhm")
                    bywhat = " UserName like '%" + keyword + "%'";
                if (orderby == "orderbydj")
                    orderby = "Order by UserLevel asc";
                else if (orderby == "orderbygzd")
                    orderby = "Order by FollowersNum desc";
                    orderby = "Order by Account desc";
                int    datacount = bll.GetDataCount(bywhat, tablename);
                double x         = datacount / Size;
                int    NewPages  = Int32.Parse(Math.Ceiling(x).ToString());

                bywhat = " SearchContent='" + keyword + "'";
                int datacount2 = bll.GetDataCount(bywhat, "searchfever");
                if (datacount2 == 0)
                    int rr = bll.searchfeverinsert(keyword, sid);
                    String fever = "";
                    IList <SearchFever> List2 = bll.GetSearchFever(keyword);
                    foreach (SearchFever i in List2)
                        fever = i.Fever;
                    int ff = Int32.Parse(fever);
                    int rr = bll.searchfeverupdate(keyword, ff.ToString());

                //int presentindex = Int32.Parse(OldPageindex);
                int pageindex = Int32.Parse(OldPageindex);
                int dataindex = (Int32)Size * (pageindex - 1);
                Lists = bll.GetUserSearch(orderby, keyword, sid, (Int32)Size, dataindex);

                if (Int32.Parse(OldPages) == 0 || Int32.Parse(OldPages) != NewPages)
                    strret = HtmlCreate.getUserSearchListimage(Lists, pageindex, NewPages, actype, useraccount);
                    strret = HtmlCreate.getUserSearchListimage(Lists, pageindex, Int32.Parse(OldPages), actype, useraccount);

            #region 获取搜索列表
            if (Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["type"]) == "search")
                String      sid     = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["sid"]);
                BLL.BLLuser bll     = new BLL.BLLuser();
                BLL.BLLmenu bll2    = new BLL.BLLmenu();
                String      keyword = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["keyword"]);

                String         strret       = "";
                myoperateClass ex           = new myoperateClass();
                String         OldPageindex = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["persentpageindex"]);
                String         OldPages     = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["pages"]);
                String         actype       = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["actype"]);
                int            k            = Int32.Parse(OldPages) - Int32.Parse(OldPageindex);

                if (actype == "pre" && OldPageindex == "0")
                else if (actype == "next" && k < 0)
                IList <SimpleMenu> Lists;
                double             Size = 10.0;
                if (context.Session["useraccount"] != null)
                    String Account = (context.Session["useraccount"]).ToString();

                    string TimeMade = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");     // 2008-09-04
                    String actime   = TimeMade + "   " + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString() + "时" + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString() + "分";
                    String ht       = "";
                    if (sid == "sc")
                        ht = "食材";
                    else if (sid == "zz")
                        ht = "作者";
                    else if (sid == "cm")
                        ht = "菜谱";
                    String content = "你搜索了" + ht + ":" + keyword;
                    String actitle = "搜索" + keyword;
                    String ctype   = "search";
                    int    i       = bll.InsertUserAction(Account, actitle, ctype, actime, content);
                    //int follownum = Int32.Parse((context.Session["follownum"]).ToString());
                    //String val = (follownum--).ToString();
                    //int r2 = bll.AlterSingleAttr("User", "FollowNum", val, " where Account='" + Account + "'");

                String bywhat     = " SearchContent='" + keyword + "'";
                int    datacount2 = bll.GetDataCount(bywhat, "searchfever");
                if (datacount2 == 0)
                    int rr = bll.searchfeverinsert(keyword, sid);
                    String fever = "";
                    IList <SearchFever> List2 = bll.GetSearchFever(keyword);
                    foreach (SearchFever i in List2)
                        fever = i.Fever;
                    int ff = Int32.Parse(fever);
                    int rr = bll.searchfeverupdate(keyword, ff.ToString());

                String att       = "";
                String tablename = "mainmenus";
                if (sid == "sc")
                    att       = "IngredientName";
                    tablename = "ingredient";
                else if (sid == "zz")
                    att = " UserName";
                else if (sid == "cm")
                    att = " menuname";
                bywhat = att + " like '%" + keyword + "%'";
                int    datacount = bll.GetDataCount(bywhat, tablename);
                double x         = datacount / Size;
                int    NewPages  = Int32.Parse(Math.Ceiling(x).ToString());

                //int presentindex = Int32.Parse(OldPageindex);
                int pageindex = Int32.Parse(OldPageindex);
                int dataindex = (Int32)Size * (pageindex - 1);

                if (datacount != 0)
                    if (sid == "sc")
                        IList <Ingredient> IngredientLists = bll2.GetsimpleIngredientList(att, keyword, (Int32)Size, dataindex);
                        strret = ex.SearchListImage2(IngredientLists, pageindex, NewPages, actype, datacount, "submitsearch");
                    else if (sid == "cm")
                        Lists  = bll2.GetsimpleMenuList(att, keyword, (Int32)Size, dataindex);
                        strret = ex.SearchListImage(Lists, pageindex, NewPages, actype, datacount, "submitsearch");
                    strret += " <div class='searchlist'>";
                    strret += "  <div class='searchlisttitle'>";
                    strret += " <p class='searchlisttit'>暂无数据</p>";

                    strret += " </div>";
                    strret += "  <div class='alertcancle' onclick='alertcancle()'> 取消</div>";

                    strret += " </div>";


            //if (Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["type"]) == "getmenulist")//菜谱列表
            //    String val = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["val"]);
            //    myoperateClass ex = new myoperateClass();
            //      int Size=0;
            //      String urlstr = "";
            //    int index = 0;
            //    String strret = ex.indexMenuListImage(val,Size,urlstr,index);
            //    context.Response.Write(strret);
            //    return;