Exemplo n.º 1
        public override string get(HttpContext context)
            String agentId = context.Request.Params["agentId"].ToString();
            String style   = context.Request.Params["style"].ToString();
            String sql     = " and 1=2";

            if (style == "getOrderList")
                sql = " and State=1 and AgentId='" + agentId + "' order by CreateTime desc";
                DataTable dt1 = new BLL.OrdersBLL().getOrdersByObject(sql);

            if (style == "getList")
                sql = " and  RefereeId='" + agentId + "'order by CreateTime";
            else if (style == "getSelf")
                sql = " and Id='" + agentId + "'";
            DataTable dt = new BLL.AgentsBLL().GetAgents(sql);

Exemplo n.º 2
        public override String add(HttpContext context)
            if (!new BLL.LogMonthCreateBLL().IsCreate())
            Model.Orders orders   = new Model.Orders();
            String       AgentId  = context.Request.Params["AgentId"].ToString();
            String       Price    = context.Request.Params["Price"].ToString();
            String       OrdersId = context.Request.Params["OrdersId"].ToString();
            DataTable    dt       = new BLL.AgentsBLL().GetAgents(" and Id='" + AgentId + "'");

            if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
            String yearMonth = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMM");
            String id        = yearMonth + "0001";
            String oldId     = new BLL.OrdersBLL().getLastId();

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(oldId))
                if (oldId.StartsWith(yearMonth))
                    id = (Convert.ToInt32(oldId) + 1).ToString();
            orders.Id            = id;
            orders.Price         = Convert.ToDecimal(Price);
            orders.AgentName     = dt.Rows[0]["AgentsName"].ToString();
            orders.State         = Convert.ToInt32(MyData.OrdersState.正常);
            orders.AgentId       = AgentId;
            orders.CreatePerson  = userName;
            orders.CreateTime    = DateTime.Now;
            orders.UpdatePerson  = userName;
            orders.UpdateTime    = DateTime.Now;
            orders.YearMonth     = MyData.Utils.getYearMonth();
            orders.YearMonthDate = DateTime.Now;
            if (new BLL.OrdersBLL().Insert(orders, OrdersId))
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override string get(HttpContext context)
            String agentId = context.Request.Params["agentId"].ToString();
            String style   = context.Request.Params["style"].ToString();
            String sql     = " and 1=2";

            if (style == "getOrderList")
                sql = " and State=1 and AgentId='" + agentId + "' order by CreateTime desc";
                DataTable dt1 = new BLL.OrdersBLL().getOrdersByObject(sql);

            if (style == "getList")
                //List<Agents> reAgentsList = new List<Agents>();
                //sql = " and  AgencyId='" + agentId + "' order by CreateTime ";
                //List<Agents> agentsList = new BLL.AgentsBLL().GetAgentsList(sql);
                //if (agentsList != null && agentsList.Count > 0)
                //    foreach (Agents agents in agentsList)
                //    {
                //        if (agents.Rank.StartsWith("S"))
                //        {
                //            reAgentsList.Add(agents);
                //        }
                //    }
                sql = " and  AgencyId='" + agentId + "' and Rank in ('S1','S2') order by CreateTime ";
            else if (style == "getSelf")
                sql = " and Id='" + agentId + "'";
            DataTable dt = new BLL.AgentsBLL().GetAgents(sql);

Exemplo n.º 4
        public override string get(HttpContext context)
            String agentId = context.Request.Params["agentId"].ToString();
            String style   = context.Request.Params["style"].ToString();
            String sql     = " and 1=2";

            if (style == "getOrderList")
                sql = " and State=1 and AgentId='" + agentId + "' order by CreateTime desc";
                DataTable dt1 = new BLL.OrdersBLL().getOrdersByObject(sql);

            if (style == "getList")
                List <Agents> reAgentsList = new List <Agents>();
                sql = " and  AgencyId='" + agentId + "' order by CreateTime ";
                List <Agents> agentsList1 = new BLL.AgentsBLL().GetAgentsList(sql);
                if (agentsList1 != null && agentsList1.Count > 0)//一级
                    foreach (Agents agents1 in agentsList1)
                        if (agents1.Rank.StartsWith("D") || agents1.Rank.StartsWith("P"))
                            sql = " and  AgencyId='" + agents1.Id + "' order by CreateTime ";
                            List <Agents> agentsList2 = new BLL.AgentsBLL().GetAgentsList(sql);
                            if (agentsList2 != null && agentsList2.Count > 0)//二级
                                foreach (Agents agents2 in agentsList2)
                                    agents2._parentId = agents2.AgencyId;
                                    if (agents2.Rank.StartsWith("D") || agents2.Rank.StartsWith("P"))
                                        sql = " and  AgencyId='" + agents2.Id + "' order by CreateTime ";
                                        List <Agents> agentsList3 = new BLL.AgentsBLL().GetAgentsList(sql);
                                        if (agentsList3 != null && agentsList3.Count > 0)//三级
                                            foreach (Agents agents3 in agentsList3)
                                                agents3._parentId = agents3.AgencyId;
            else if (style == "getSelf")
                sql = " and Id='" + agentId + "'";
            DataTable dt = new BLL.AgentsBLL().GetAgents(sql);

Exemplo n.º 5
        public String getAgents(HttpContext context)
            DataTable dt = new BLL.AgentsBLL().GetAgents(" and State!=0");

Exemplo n.º 6
        public override String get(HttpContext context)
            int pageRows, page; String order = "";

            pageRows = 20;
            page     = 1;
            BLL.AgentsBLL agentsBLL = new BLL.AgentsBLL();
            String        strWhere  = " 1=1";

            string[] st = context.Request.Params["wherestr"].ToString().Split(',');
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(st[0]))
                strWhere += " and Id='" + st[0] + "'";
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(st[1]))
                String type = st[1];
                if (type == "0")
                    strWhere += " and Rank like 'S%'";
                else if (type == "1")
                    strWhere += " and Rank like 'D%'";
                else if (type == "2")
                    strWhere += " and Rank like 'P%'";
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(st[2]))
                strWhere += " and Name like '%" + st[2].Trim() + "%'";
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(st[3]))
                strWhere += " and Phone='" + st[3].Trim() + "'";
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(st[4]))
                strWhere += " and State=" + Convert.ToInt32(st[4]);
            if (null != context.Request["rows"])
                pageRows = int.Parse(context.Request["rows"].ToString().Trim());
            if (null != context.Request["page"])
                page = int.Parse(context.Request["page"].ToString().Trim());
            if (null != context.Request["sort"])
                order = context.Request["sort"].ToString().Trim();

            DataTable dt    = agentsBLL.GetListByPage(strWhere.ToString(), order, (page - 1) * pageRows + 1, page * pageRows);
            int       count = agentsBLL.GetRecordCount(strWhere.ToString());//获取条数

            return(MyData.Utils.EasyuiDataGridJson(dt, count));