Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// 更新推广拥金
 /// </summary>
 public void UpdateiFcGold(int ID, long iFcGold)
     dal.UpdateiFcGold(ID, iFcGold);
         string xmlPath            = "/Controls/winners.xml";
         string TextForUbb         = (ub.GetSub("TextForUbb", xmlPath));         //设置内线提示的文字
         string WinnersStatus      = (ub.GetSub("WinnersStatus", xmlPath));      //状态1维护2测试0正常
         string WinnersOpenOrClose = (ub.GetSub("WinnersOpenOrClose", xmlPath)); //0|停止放送机会|1|开启放送机会
         string WinnersOpenChoose  = (ub.GetSub("WinnersOpenChoose", xmlPath));  //1全社区2社区3仅游戏
         string WinnersGuessOpen   = (ub.GetSub("WinnersGuessOpen", xmlPath));   //1发内线2不发内线
         int    usid     = ID;
         string username = dal.GetUsName(ID);
         string Notes    = "推广";
         int    id       = new BCW.BLL.Action().GetMaxId();
         int    isHit    = new BCW.winners.winners().CheckActionForAll(0, 0, usid, username, Notes, id);
         if (isHit == 1)
             if (WinnersGuessOpen == "1")
                 new BCW.BLL.Guest().Add(0, usid, username, TextForUbb);//发内线到该ID
     catch { }
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 增加一条数据
        /// 上存照片活跃抽奖入口---姚志光
        /// </summary>
        public int  Add(BCW.Model.Upfile model)
            //return dal.Add(model);
            int ID = dal.Add(model);

                string xmlPath            = "/Controls/winners.xml";
                string TextForUbb         = (ub.GetSub("TextForUbb", xmlPath));         //设置内线提示的文字
                string WinnersStatus      = (ub.GetSub("WinnersStatus", xmlPath));      //状态1维护2测试0正常
                string WinnersOpenOrClose = (ub.GetSub("WinnersOpenOrClose", xmlPath)); //0|停止放送机会|1|开启放送机会
                string WinnersOpenChoose  = (ub.GetSub("WinnersOpenChoose", xmlPath));  //1全社区2社区3仅游戏
                string WinnersGuessOpen   = (ub.GetSub("WinnersGuessOpen", xmlPath));   //1发内线2不发内线
                int    usid     = model.UsID;
                string username = new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(usid);
                string Notes    = "上传照片";
                int    id       = new BCW.BLL.Action().GetMaxId();
                int    isHit    = new BCW.winners.winners().CheckActionForAll(0, 0, usid, username, Notes, id);
                if (isHit == 1)
                    if (WinnersGuessOpen == "1")
                        new BCW.BLL.Guest().Add(0, usid, username, TextForUbb);//发内线到该ID
            catch { return(ID); }
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 推荐/解推荐--进入活跃抽奖20160523姚志光
        /// </summary>
        public void UpdateIsRecom(int ID, int IsRecom)
            dal.UpdateIsRecom(ID, IsRecom);
                string xmlPath            = "/Controls/winners.xml";
                string TextForUbb         = (ub.GetSub("TextForUbb", xmlPath));         //设置内线提示的文字
                string WinnersStatus      = (ub.GetSub("WinnersStatus", xmlPath));      //状态1维护2测试0正常
                string WinnersOpenOrClose = (ub.GetSub("WinnersOpenOrClose", xmlPath)); //0|停止放送机会|1|开启放送机会
                string WinnersOpenChoose  = (ub.GetSub("WinnersOpenChoose", xmlPath));  //1全社区2社区3仅游戏
                string WinnersGuessOpen   = (ub.GetSub("WinnersGuessOpen", xmlPath));   //1发内线2不发内线
                int    usid     = dal.GetUsID(ID);
                string username = new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(usid);
                string Notes    = "帖子推荐";
                int    id       = new BCW.BLL.Action().GetMaxId();
                int    isHit    = new BCW.winners.winners().CheckActionForAll(0, 0, usid, username, Notes, id);
                if (isHit == 1)
                    if (WinnersGuessOpen == "1")
                        new BCW.BLL.Guest().Add(0, usid, username, TextForUbb);//发内线到该ID
            catch { }

                int    usid     = dal.GetUsID(ID);
                string username = new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(usid);
                string Notes    = "帖子推荐";
                new BCW.Draw.draw().AddjfbyTz(usid, username, Notes);//点值抽奖
            catch { }
Exemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// 更新一条数据
 /// 过户币增加抽奖入口---姚志光
 /// </summary>
 public void Update(BCW.Model.Transfer model)
         string xmlPath            = "/Controls/winners.xml";
         string TextForUbb         = (ub.GetSub("TextForUbb", xmlPath));         //设置内线提示的文字
         string WinnersStatus      = (ub.GetSub("WinnersStatus", xmlPath));      //状态1维护2测试0正常
         string WinnersOpenOrClose = (ub.GetSub("WinnersOpenOrClose", xmlPath)); //0|停止放送机会|1|开启放送机会
         string WinnersOpenChoose  = (ub.GetSub("WinnersOpenChoose", xmlPath));  //1全社区2社区3仅游戏
         string WinnersGuessOpen   = (ub.GetSub("WinnersGuessOpen", xmlPath));   //1发内线2不发内线
         int    usid     = model.FromId;
         string username = model.FromName;
         string Notes    = "过户";
         int    id       = new BCW.BLL.Action().GetMaxId();
         int    isHit    = new BCW.winners.winners().CheckActionForAll(0, 0, usid, username, Notes, id);
         if (isHit == 1)
             if (WinnersGuessOpen == "1")
                 new BCW.BLL.Guest().Add(0, usid, username, TextForUbb);//发内线到该ID
     catch {  }
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// 增加一条数据
        /// </summary>
        public int  Add(BCW.Model.Visitor model)
            //return dal.Add(model);
            int ID = dal.Add(model);

                int    usid     = model.VisitId;
                string username = model.VisitName;
                string Notes    = "探访友友";
                int    id       = new BCW.BLL.Action().GetMaxId();
                int    isHit    = new BCW.winners.winners().CheckActionForAll(0, 0, usid, username, Notes, id);
            catch { return(ID); }
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// 增加一条派币帖
        /// </summary>
        public int AddPricesLimit(BCW.Model.Text model)
            int id = dal.AddPricesLimit(model);

                string xmlPath            = "/Controls/winners.xml";
                string TextForUbb         = (ub.GetSub("TextForUbb", xmlPath));         //设置内线提示的文字
                string WinnersStatus      = (ub.GetSub("WinnersStatus", xmlPath));      //状态1维护2测试0正常
                string WinnersOpenOrClose = (ub.GetSub("WinnersOpenOrClose", xmlPath)); //0|停止放送机会|1|开启放送机会
                string WinnersOpenChoose  = (ub.GetSub("WinnersOpenChoose", xmlPath));  //1全社区2社区3仅游戏
                string WinnersGuessOpen   = (ub.GetSub("WinnersGuessOpen", xmlPath));   //1发内线2不发内线
                int    usid     = (model.UsID);
                string username = model.UsName;
                string Notes    = "帖子币";
                int    ID       = new BCW.BLL.Action().GetMaxId();
                int    isHit    = new BCW.winners.winners().CheckActionForAll(0, 0, usid, username, Notes, ID);
                if (isHit == 1)
                    if (WinnersGuessOpen == "1")
                        new BCW.BLL.Guest().Add(0, usid, username, TextForUbb);//发内线到该ID
            catch {  }

                int    usid     = model.UsID;
                string username = new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(usid);
                string Notes    = "发表帖子";
                new BCW.Draw.draw().AddjfbyTz(usid, username, Notes);//点值抽奖
            catch { }

Exemplo n.º 7
        public rspAction GetActionData(reqAction _reqData)
            rspAction _rspData = new rspAction();

            if (_reqData.userId < 0)
                _rspData.header.status     = ERequestResult.faild;
                _rspData.header.statusCode = Error.MOBILE_ERROR_CODE.MOBILE_PARAMS_ERROR;

            if (Common.Common.CheckLogin(_reqData.userId, _reqData.userKey) == 0)
                _rspData.header.status     = ERequestResult.faild;
                _rspData.header.statusCode = Error.MOBILE_ERROR_CODE.SYS_USER_NOLOGIN;

            BCW.Model.User model = new BCW.BLL.User().GetBasic(_reqData.userId);
            _rspData.totalClick = model.Click + "/今天" + new BCW.BLL.Visitor().GetTodayCount(_reqData.userId) + "/" + new BCW.BLL.User().GetClickTop(_reqData.userId) + "名";
            _rspData.onLineTime = BCW.User.Users.ChangeDayff(model.OnTime);

            string strWhere = string.Empty;
            string strOrder = " order by AddTime desc";

            strWhere += "UsId = " + _reqData.userId;

            if (_reqData.actionId > 0)
                strWhere += " and ID<" + _reqData.actionId;    //因为是倒序显示,所以是<
            DataSet _ds = new BCW.BLL.Action().GetList("TOP 10 ID,Types,UsId,UsName,Notes,AddTime", strWhere + strOrder);

            if (_ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < _ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                    ActionData _actionData = new ActionData();
                    _actionData.actionId = int.Parse(_ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ID"].ToString());
                    _actionData.userId   = int.Parse(_ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UsId"].ToString());
                    _actionData.userName = _ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UsName"].ToString();
                    _actionData.content  = Out.SysUBB(_ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Notes"].ToString());
                    _actionData.addTime  = Common.Common.GetLongTime(DateTime.Parse(_ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["AddTime"].ToString()));


                    if (i == _ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1)
                        if (strWhere.Contains("1=1") == false)
                            strWhere += " and 1=1";
                        DataSet _dsCheck = new BCW.BLL.Action().GetList(" TOP 10 ID,Types,UsId,UsName,Notes,AddTime ", strWhere.Replace("1=1", "ID<" + _reqData.actionId) + strOrder);
                        _rspData.isFinish = _dsCheck.Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 0;

            _rspData.serverTime    = Common.Common.GetLongTime(DateTime.Now);
            _rspData.header.status = ERequestResult.success;