Exemplo n.º 1
    protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //string constring = "Data Source=;user id=sa;password=Connect@123;Initial Catalog=jobportal";
        SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constrng);
        //string insrtstr = "update tblMerchantReg set userid='" + txtUid.Text + "', firstname='" + txtFName.Text + "', lastname='" + txtLastName.Text + "', email='" + txtEmail.Text + "', companyname='" + txtCompanyName.Text + "',phone='" + txtPhone.Text + "',city='" + txtCity.Text + "',state='" + ddlState.SelectedValue + "',zipcode='" + txtZip.Text + "',typeofenquiry='" + ddlenquiry.SelectedValue + "',positions='" + txtPositions.Text + "',hereaboutploutos='" +ddlhearabtploutos.SelectedValue + "',comments='" + txtcomments.Text + "' where userid='" + txtUid.Text + "'";
        //string insrtstr = "update tblMerchantReg set email='" + txtEmail.Text + "', companyname='" + txtCompanyName.Text + "',phone='" + txtPhone.Text + "',city='" + txtCity.Text + "',state='" + ddlState.SelectedValue + "',zipcode='" + txtZip.Text + "' where email='" + txtEmail.Text + "' ";

        BE_ViewSelected beviewselected = new BE_ViewSelected();
        BA_Employer     baemp          = new BA_Employer();

        beviewselected.Email = txtEmail.Text;
        //beviewselected.Company = txtCompanyName.Text;
        beviewselected.Phone        = txtContactNumber.Text;
        beviewselected.City         = txtCity.Text;
        beviewselected.State        = ddlState.SelectedValue;
        beviewselected.Zip          = txtZip.Text;
        beviewselected.Addressline1 = txtAdd1.Text;
        beviewselected.Website      = txtWebSite.Text;
        beviewselected.Contact      = txtContact.Text;
        beviewselected.Mobile       = txtMobile.Text;
        beviewselected.Category     = ddlCategory.SelectedValue;
        beviewselected.MemID        = lblID.Text;


        //btnLogin.Visible = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
    protected void btnSubmit_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            BE_ViewSelected beviewselected = new BE_ViewSelected();
            BA_Employer     baemp          = new BA_Employer();

            beviewselected.Company      = txtCompanyName.Text;
            beviewselected.Category     = ddlCategory.SelectedValue.ToString();
            beviewselected.Website      = txtWebSite.Text;
            beviewselected.Addressline1 = txtAdd1.Text;
            beviewselected.City         = txtCity.Text;
            beviewselected.State        = ddlState.SelectedItem.Text;
            beviewselected.Zip          = txtZip.Text;
            beviewselected.Contact      = txtContact.Text;
            beviewselected.Phone        = txtContactNumber.Text;
            beviewselected.Mobile       = txtMobile.Text;
            beviewselected.Email        = txtEmail.Text;
            beviewselected.Role         = 1;
            beviewselected.RefID        = "";
            beviewselected.pwd          = "Welcome@123";
            beviewselected.ActiveStatus = 0;
            string ReturnMsg = baemp.empreg(beviewselected);
            if (ReturnMsg == "Email Already Exist")
                lblsuccess.Visible = true;
                lblsuccess.Text    = "This Email Already Exist";
                strQuery1 = "insert into tblMerchantLastLogin values ( '" + txtEmail.Text + "','" + null + "','" + null + "')";
                cmd       = new SqlCommand(strQuery1, conn);

                lblsuccess.Visible = true;
                lblsuccess.Text    = " Registration successful. Login credentials will send to your mail shortly";
        catch (Exception ex)
        //    SendMail();
        //    Response.Redirect("EmployerRegSuccess.aspx");
        //    conn.Close();
Exemplo n.º 3
    protected void SendMail()
        string password = "******";
        //string password = CreateRandomPassword(10);
        string password1 = EncryptPassword_Client(password);

        ViewState["password"] = password1;
        string      email  = txtEmail.Text;
        string      email1 = EncryptPassword_Client(password);
        BA_Employer baemp  = new BA_Employer();

        baemp.updateViamail(email, ViewState["password"].ToString());

        string Message = "<P align='left'>Dear " + txtContact.Text + " </P>" +
                         "<P align='left'><BR>We appreciate you choosing ploutuS to publish your job opportunities globally.</P>" +
                         "<P align='left'><BR>You can verify your job postings immediately on our home page <A href='http://ploutosstaffing.co.nr/Ploutos/'>www.ploutosstaffing.co.nr/ploutos</A> - openings by company.</P>" +
                         "<P align='left'>Please <A href='http://ploutusstaffing.co.nr/Ploutus/ploutus/Activation.aspx?id=" + txtEmail.Text + "&id1=" + password1 + "'>CLICK HERE</A> to activate your account </P>" +
                         "<P align='left'>or</P>" +
                         "<P align='left'>copy and paste the below link to your web browser to activate your account </P> " +
                         "<P align='left'><A href='#'>http://ploutusstaffing.co.nr/Ploutus/Activation.aspx?id=" + txtEmail.Text + "&id1=" + password1 + "</A></P>" +
                         "<P align='left'>Your Organization Details: </P>" +
                         "<P align='left'>" + txtCompanyName.Text + "<BR>" + txtAdd1.Text + " UNITED STATES.<BR>(805)123-1452</P>" +
                         "<P align='left'><BR>Please use your email address as your login and password:"******"</P>" +
                         "<P align='left'><BR>You will have the option to reset your password upon login by clicking on Change Password on top right menu area of landing page.</P>" +
                         "<P align='left'>Thank you<BR>ploutuS MEMBER SERVICES<BR>Toll Free - " + txtContactNumber.Text + "</P>";
        string      x           = Message;
        MailAddress from        = new MailAddress(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ReceiverMail"].ToString());
        MailAddress to          = new MailAddress(txtEmail.Text);
        MailMessage mailMessage = new MailMessage(from, to);

        mailMessage.Subject    = "Mail from Ploutus Regarding Registration ";
        mailMessage.IsBodyHtml = true;
        mailMessage.Body       = x;
        NetworkCredential networkCredentials = new
                                               NetworkCredential(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ReceiverMail"].ToString(), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MailPassword"].ToString());
        SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient();

        smtpClient.EnableSsl             = true;
        smtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
        smtpClient.Credentials           = networkCredentials;
        smtpClient.Host = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["host"].ToString();
        smtpClient.Port = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["port"].ToString());