Exemplo n.º 1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            lineid = Request["lineid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
            B2b_com_pro pro = new B2bComProData().GetProById(lineid.ToString());

            if (pro != null)
                proname    = pro.Pro_name;
                pro_Remark = pro.Pro_Remark;

            List <B2b_com_LineGroupDate> list = new B2b_com_LineGroupDateData().GetLineGroupDateByLineid(lineid);

            if (list != null && list.Count > 0)
                var date = from r in list
                           select r.Daydate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

                hidLeavingDate.Value = string.Join(",", date.ToList());

                hidMinLeavingDate.Value = string.Join(",", date.ToList()).Split(',')[0];

                var price = from p in list
                            select p.Menprice;
                hidLinePrice.Value = string.Join(",", price.ToList());
Exemplo n.º 2
        public string travelending;   //目的地

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            lineid   = Request["lineid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
            adultnum = Request["adultnum"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
            childnum = Request["childnum"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
            outdate  = Request["outdate"].ConvertTo <string>("");

            if (lineid != 0)
                var prodata = new B2bComProData();
                var pro     = prodata.GetProById(lineid.ToString());

                if (pro != null)
                    pro_name        = pro.Pro_name;
                    com_id          = pro.Com_id;
                    pro_state       = pro.Pro_state;
                    pro_Remark      = pro.Pro_Remark;
                    face_price      = pro.Face_price;
                    advise_price    = pro.Advise_price;
                    sms             = pro.Sms;
                    travelproductid = pro.Travelproductid;

                    B2b_com_LineGroupDate linemode = new B2b_com_LineGroupDateData().GetLineDayGroupDate(DateTime.Parse(outdate), lineid);
                    if (linemode != null)
                        advise_price = linemode.Menprice;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public int IsYouXiao        = 0; //产品是否可以提单
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            lineid   = Request["lineid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
            adultnum = Request["adultnum"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
            childnum = Request["childnum"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
            outdate  = Request["outdate"].ConvertTo <string>("");

            if (Request.Cookies["openid"] != null)
                openid = Request.Cookies["openid"].Value;

            if (lineid != 0)
                var prodata = new B2bComProData();
                var pro     = prodata.GetProById(lineid.ToString());

                if (pro != null)
                    int ordernum = adultnum + childnum;
                    IsYouXiao = new B2bComProData().IsYouxiao(pro.Id, pro.Server_type, pro.Pro_start, pro.Pro_end, pro.Pro_state, outdate, ordernum);

                    pro_name     = pro.Pro_name;
                    com_id       = pro.Com_id;
                    pro_state    = pro.Pro_state;
                    pro_Remark   = pro.Pro_Remark;
                    face_price   = pro.Face_price;
                    advise_price = pro.Advise_price;
                    childreduce  = pro.Childreduce;

                    sms             = pro.Sms;
                    travelproductid = pro.Travelproductid;

                    B2b_com_LineGroupDate linemode = new B2b_com_LineGroupDateData().GetLineDayGroupDate(DateTime.Parse(outdate), lineid);
                    if (linemode != null)
                        advise_price = linemode.Menprice;
                        decimal childprice = advise_price - childreduce;
                        if (childprice < 0)
                            childprice = 0;
                        pricedetail = "成人" + advise_price + "元/人,儿童" + childprice + "元/人";

                    linepro_booktype = pro.Linepro_booktype;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public int lineid = 0;//线路id

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                lineid = Request["lineid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
                if (lineid == 0)

                List <B2b_com_LineGroupDate> list = new B2b_com_LineGroupDateData().GetLineGroupDateByLineid(lineid);
                if (list != null && list.Count > 0)
                    var date = from r in list
                               select r.Daydate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

                    hidLeavingDate.Value     = string.Join(",", date.ToList());
                    hidinitLeavingDate.Value = string.Join(",", date.ToList());
Exemplo n.º 5
        public string projectimgurl = "";         //项目图片

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DateTime checkindate1 = Request["indate"].ConvertTo <DateTime>();

            checkindate = checkindate1.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            DateTime checkoutdate1 = Request["outdate"].ConvertTo <DateTime>();

            checkoutdate = checkoutdate1.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            bookdaynum   = (checkoutdate1 - checkindate1).Days;

            buyuid  = Request["buyuid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
            tocomid = Request["tocomid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);

            proid = Request["id"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
            comid = Request["comid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);

            bookdaynum = (checkoutdate1 - checkindate1).Days;

            uid = Request["uid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);

            List <B2b_com_LineGroupDate> list = new B2b_com_LineGroupDateData().GetLineDayGroupDate(checkindate, checkoutdate, proid);

            if (list.Count > 0)
                foreach (B2b_com_LineGroupDate m in list)
                    singleroom_totalprice += m.Menprice;
                    fangtai += m.Menprice + ",";
                if (fangtai.Length > 0)
                    fangtai = fangtai.Substring(0, fangtai.Length - 1);

            if (proid != 0)
                var prodata = new B2bComProData().GetProById(proid.ToString());
                if (prodata != null)
                    comid = prodata.Com_id;
                    B2b_com_project mod = new B2b_com_projectData().GetProject(prodata.Projectid, comid);
                    if (mod != null)
                        projectimgurl = FileSerivce.GetImgUrl(mod.Projectimg);
                        projectname   = mod.Projectname;

            if (Request.Cookies["openid"] != null)
                openid = Request.Cookies["openid"].Value;
            B2bCrmData b2b_crm = new B2bCrmData();

            if (openid != "")
                B2b_crm b2bmodle = b2b_crm.b2b_crmH5(openid, comid);
                if (b2bmodle != null)
                    Imprest  = b2bmodle.Imprest;
                    Integral = b2bmodle.Integral;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public string pricedetail = "";        //价格详情(暂时只有用来描述旅游)
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //RequestUrl = Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"].ToLower();
            string u  = Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_USER_AGENT"];
            bool   bo = detectmobilebrowser.HttpUserAgent(u);

            if (Request.QueryString["code"] != null)
                #region 获取用户openid
                code = Request.QueryString["code"];
                string url =
                        appId, appsecret, code);
                string returnStr = HttpUtil.Send("", url);

                var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ModelOpenID>(returnStr);

                url = string.Format(
                    appId, obj.refresh_token);
                returnStr = HttpUtil.Send("", url);
                obj       = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ModelOpenID>(returnStr);

                WriteFile(Server.MapPath("") + "\\Log.txt", obj.access_token);
                WriteFile(Server.MapPath("") + "\\Log.txt", obj.openid);

                //url = string.Format(
                //    "https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/userinfo?access_token={0}&openid={1}",
                //    obj.access_token, obj.openid);
                //returnStr = HttpUtil.Send("", url);
                //WriteFile(Server.MapPath("") + "\\Log.txt", returnStr);

                orderid = Request["orderid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
                if (orderid != 0)
                    B2bOrderData dataorder     = new B2bOrderData();
                    B2b_order    modelb2border = dataorder.GetOrderById(orderid);

                    B2bComProData datapro     = new B2bComProData();
                    B2b_com_pro   modelcompro = datapro.GetProById(modelb2border.Pro_id.ToString());

                    if (modelb2border != null && modelcompro != null)
                        #region    务类型订单金额
                        servertype = modelcompro.Server_type;
                        if (modelcompro.Server_type == 9)
                            B2b_order_hotel hotelorder = new B2b_order_hotelData().GetHotelOrderByOrderId(orderid);
                            if (hotelorder != null)
                                string   fangtai    = hotelorder.Fangtai;
                                DateTime start_data = hotelorder.Start_date;
                                DateTime end_data   = hotelorder.End_date;
                                int      bookdaynum = hotelorder.Bookdaynum;

                                decimal  everyroomprice = 0;
                                string[] ftstr          = fangtai.Split(',');
                                for (int i = 0; i < ftstr.Length; i++)
                                    if (ftstr[i].ConvertTo <decimal>(0) > 0)
                                        everyroomprice += ftstr[i].ConvertTo <decimal>(0);
                                price = everyroomprice.ToString();

                                p_totalprice1 = (modelb2border.U_num * everyroomprice - modelb2border.Integral1 - modelb2border.Imprest1);
                        else if (servertype == 2 || servertype == 8)//当地游;跟团游
                            string outdate = modelb2border.U_traveldate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

                            B2b_com_LineGroupDate linemode = new B2b_com_LineGroupDateData().GetLineDayGroupDate(DateTime.Parse(outdate), modelcompro.Id);
                            if (linemode != null)
                                price = linemode.Menprice.ToString();
                                decimal childreduce = modelcompro.Childreduce;
                                decimal childprice  = decimal.Parse(price) - childreduce;
                                if (childprice < 0)
                                    childprice = 0;
                                pricedetail = modelb2border.U_num + "成人," + modelb2border.Child_u_num + "儿童(成人" + price + "元/人,儿童" + childprice + "元/人)";

                                p_totalprice1 = (modelb2border.U_num * (linemode.Menprice) + (modelb2border.Child_u_num) * childprice - modelb2border.Integral1 - modelb2border.Imprest1);
                        else //票务
                            p_totalprice1 = (modelb2border.U_num * modelcompro.Advise_price - modelb2border.Integral1 - modelb2border.Imprest1);
                            price         = modelcompro.Advise_price.ToString(); //modelb2border.Pay_price.ToString();
                            if (price == "0.00" || price == "0")
                                price = "";
                                price = CommonFunc.OperTwoDecimal(price);

                        proname     = modelcompro.Pro_name;
                        u_name      = modelb2border.U_name.Substring(0, 1) + "**";
                        u_mobile    = modelb2border.U_phone.Substring(0, 4) + "****" + modelb2border.U_phone.Substring(modelb2border.U_phone.Length - 3, 3);
                        travel_date = modelb2border.U_traveldate.ToString();
                        buy_num     = modelb2border.U_num;
                        u_youxiaoqi = modelcompro.Pro_start.ToString() + " - " + modelcompro.Pro_end.ToString();

                        p_totalprice   = CommonFunc.OperTwoDecimal(p_totalprice1.ToString());
                        wxp_totalprice = (p_totalprice1 * 100).ToString("F0");
                        price          = modelb2border.Pay_price.ToString();

                        price = CommonFunc.OperTwoDecimal(price);
                        comid = modelcompro.Com_id;
                        if (comid != 0)
                            comName = B2bCompanyData.GetCompany(comid).Com_name;
                            if (bo == false)
                                Response.Redirect("http://shop" + comid + ".etown.cn");

                        if ((int)modelb2border.Order_state != (int)OrderStatus.WaitPay)
                            order_status = EnumUtils.GetName((OrderStatus)modelb2border.Order_state);

                        var saleset = B2bCompanySaleSetData.GetDirectSellByComid(comid.ToString());
                        if (saleset != null)
                            phone = saleset.Service_Phone;

                        B2bPayData datapay    = new B2bPayData();
                        B2b_pay    modelb2pay = datapay.GetPayByoId(orderid);

                        #region  微信支付
                        B2b_finance_paytype model = new B2b_finance_paytypeData().GetFinancePayTypeByComid(modelcompro.Com_id);

                        if (model != null)
                            if (model.Wx_appid != "" && model.Wx_appkey != "" && model.Wx_partnerid != "" && model.Wx_paysignkey != "")
                                appId     = model.Wx_appid;
                                appsecret = model.Wx_appkey;
                                appkey    = model.Wx_paysignkey;
                                mchid     = model.Wx_partnerid;

                        var packageReqHandler = new RequestHandler(Context);

                        timeStamp = TenpayUtil.getTimestamp();
                        nonceStr  = TenpayUtil.getNoncestr();

                        string productname = modelcompro.Pro_name.Replace("\"", "").Replace("“", "").Replace("'", "").Replace("‘", "").Replace(";", "").Replace(";", "");
                        packageReqHandler.setParameter("body", productname); //商品信息 127字符
                        packageReqHandler.setParameter("appid", appId);
                        packageReqHandler.setParameter("mch_id", mchid);
                        packageReqHandler.setParameter("nonce_str", nonceStr.ToLower());
                        packageReqHandler.setParameter("notify_url", "http://shop" + modelcompro.Com_id + ".etown.cn/wxpay/backpaynotice.aspx");
                        packageReqHandler.setParameter("openid", obj.openid);
                        packageReqHandler.setParameter("out_trade_no", orderid.ToString());               //商家订单号
                        packageReqHandler.setParameter("spbill_create_ip", Page.Request.UserHostAddress); //用户的公网ip,不是商户服务器IP
                        packageReqHandler.setParameter("total_fee", wxp_totalprice);                      //商品金额,以分为单位(money * 100).ToString()
                        packageReqHandler.setParameter("trade_type", "JSAPI");

                        sign = packageReqHandler.CreateMd5Sign("key", appkey);
                        WriteFile(Server.MapPath("") + "\\Log.txt", sign);
                        packageReqHandler.setParameter("sign", sign);

                        string data = packageReqHandler.parseXML();

                        WriteFile(Server.MapPath("") + "\\Log.txt", data);

                        string prepayXml = HttpUtil.Send(data, "https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder");

                        WriteFile(Server.MapPath("") + "\\Log.txt", prepayXml);

                        var xdoc = new XmlDocument();
                        XmlNode     xn  = xdoc.SelectSingleNode("xml");
                        XmlNodeList xnl = xn.ChildNodes;
                        if (xnl.Count > 7)
                            prepayId = xnl[7].InnerText;
                            package  = string.Format("prepay_id={0}", prepayId);
                            WriteFile(Server.MapPath("") + "\\Log.txt", package);

                        var paySignReqHandler = new RequestHandler(Context);
                        paySignReqHandler.setParameter("appId", appId);
                        paySignReqHandler.setParameter("timeStamp", timeStamp);
                        paySignReqHandler.setParameter("nonceStr", nonceStr);
                        paySignReqHandler.setParameter("package", package);
                        paySignReqHandler.setParameter("signType", "MD5");
                        paySign = paySignReqHandler.CreateMd5Sign("key", appkey);

                        WriteFile(Server.MapPath("") + "\\Log.txt", paySign);

                        if (modelb2pay == null)
                            B2b_pay eticket = new B2b_pay()
                                Id           = 0,
                                Oid          = orderid,
                                Pay_com      = "wx",
                                Pay_name     = modelb2border.U_name,
                                Pay_phone    = modelb2border.U_phone,
                                Total_fee    = p_totalprice1,
                                Trade_no     = "",
                                Trade_status = "trade_pendpay",
                                Uip          = ""
                            int payid = datapay.InsertOrUpdate(eticket);
                            if (modelb2pay.Trade_status != "TRADE_SUCCESS")
                                modelb2pay.Pay_com   = "wx";
                                modelb2pay.Total_fee = p_totalprice1;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public decimal basic_agent3_price = 0; //基本信息中三级分销返还
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            RequestDomin = Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"].ToLower();
            Requestfile  = Request.ServerVariables["Url"].ToLower();

            //如果是微旅行,则直接跳转 当域名为微旅行,访问默认页面则直接跳转会员专区
            if ((RequestDomin == "v.vctrip.com" || RequestDomin == "www.vctrip.com" || RequestDomin == "v.etown.cn") && Requestfile == "/default.aspx")
                string u         = Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_USER_AGENT"];
                bool   phonebool = detectmobilebrowser.HttpUserAgent(u);
                if (phonebool == false)

            B2b_company_info companyinfo = B2bCompanyData.GetComId(RequestDomin);

            if (companyinfo != null)
                if (companyinfo.Com_id == 1305)//麦客行
                    if (UserHelper.ValidateLogin())
                        // TxtHelper.WriteFile("D:\\site\\b2betown\\ETS2.WebApp\\Log.txt", "4");
                        //TxtHelper.WriteFile("D:\\site\\b2betown\\ETS2.WebApp\\Log.txt", "5");
                else if (companyinfo.Com_id == 1194)//大好河山张家口
                    if (UserHelper.ValidateLogin())
                        // TxtHelper.WriteFile("D:\\site\\b2betown\\ETS2.WebApp\\Log.txt", "4");
                        //TxtHelper.WriteFile("D:\\site\\b2betown\\ETS2.WebApp\\Log.txt", "5");
                    //TxtHelper.WriteFile("D:\\site\\b2betown\\ETS2.WebApp\\Log.txt", "6");
                //判定是否为自助域名规则安 shop1.etown.cn
                if (Domain_def.Domain_yanzheng(RequestDomin))
                    //comid = Int32.Parse(Domain_def.Domain_Huoqu(RequestDomin));
                    if (RequestDomin == "shop1143.etown.cn")
                    if (UserHelper.ValidateLogin())
                        if (RequestDomin == "admin.vctrip.com")
                            if (RequestDomin == "shop.etown.cn" || RequestDomin == "admin.etown.cn" || RequestDomin == "test.etown.cn")

                            if (RequestDomin == "mm.easytour.cn" || RequestDomin == "weixin.easytour.cn")//跳转渠道
                            else if (RequestDomin == "zhangjiakou.etown.cn" || RequestDomin == "zhangjiakoushop.etown.cn")//跳转渠道
            if (!IsPostBack)
                lineid = Request["lineid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
                if (lineid == 0)
                var pro = new B2bComProData().GetProById(lineid.ToString());
                if (pro != null)
                    ServerType  = pro.Server_type;
                    adviseprice = pro.Advise_price;
                    linename    = pro.Pro_name;

                    basic_agent1_price = pro.Agent1_price;
                    basic_agent2_price = pro.Agent2_price;
                    basic_agent3_price = pro.Agent3_price;

                List <B2b_com_LineGroupDate> list = new B2b_com_LineGroupDateData().GetLineGroupDateByLineid(lineid, "1");
                if (list != null && list.Count > 0)
                    var date = from r in list
                               orderby r.Daydate
                               select r.Daydate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

                    hidLeavingDate.Value     = string.Join(",", date.ToList());
                    hidinitLeavingDate.Value = string.Join(",", date.ToList());
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string u  = Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_USER_AGENT"];
            bool   bo = detectmobilebrowser.HttpUserAgent(u);

            orderid      = Request["orderid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
            agentorderid = Request["agentorderid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
            if (orderid != 0)
                B2bOrderData dataorder     = new B2bOrderData();
                B2b_order    modelb2border = dataorder.GetOrderById(orderid);

                if (modelb2border != null)
                    if (!bo)
                        Response.Redirect("/ui/vasui/pay.aspx?orderid=" + orderid + "&comid=" + modelb2border.Comid);

                B2b_com_pro pro_cannelorder = new B2b_com_pro();
                pro_cannelorder.Server_type = 0;
                int rs_cannelorder = new B2bComProData().CancelOvertimeOrder(pro_cannelorder);

                orderstatus = EnumUtils.GetName((OrderStatus)modelb2border.Order_state);

                order_state = modelb2border.Order_state;
                paystatus   = modelb2border.Pay_state;//1未支付;2已支付
                order_type  = modelb2border.Order_type;
                subtime     = modelb2border.U_subdate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss");
                comid       = modelb2border.Comid;

                #region 正常订单
                if (modelb2border.Order_type == 1)
                    B2bComProData datapro     = new B2bComProData();
                    B2b_com_pro   modelcompro = datapro.GetProById(modelb2border.Pro_id.ToString(), modelb2border.Speciid);

                    //if ((int)modelb2border.Order_state == (int)OrderStatus.WaitPay)
                    if (modelb2border.U_name != "")
                        u_name = modelb2border.U_name.Substring(0, 1) + "**";
                        u_name = "**";

                    if (modelb2border.U_phone != "")
                        u_mobile = modelb2border.U_phone.Substring(0, 4) + "****" + modelb2border.U_phone.Substring(modelb2border.U_phone.Length - 3, 3);
                        u_mobile = "****";

                    travel_date = modelb2border.U_traveldate.ToString();
                    buy_num     = modelb2border.U_num;

                    if (modelcompro != null)
                        u_youxiaoqi  = modelcompro.Pro_start.ToString() + " - " + modelcompro.Pro_end.ToString();
                        travel_proid = modelcompro.Travelproductid;
                        comid        = modelcompro.Com_id;
                        proname      = modelcompro.Pro_name;
                        servertype   = modelcompro.Server_type;
                        Ispanicbuy   = modelcompro.Ispanicbuy;

                    #region 如果服务类型是“酒店客房”,则根据酒店扩展订单表中房态信息,获取支付金额
                    if (modelcompro.Server_type == 9)
                        B2b_order_hotel hotelorder = new B2b_order_hotelData().GetHotelOrderByOrderId(orderid);
                        if (hotelorder != null)
                            string   fangtai    = hotelorder.Fangtai;
                            DateTime start_data = hotelorder.Start_date;
                            DateTime end_data   = hotelorder.End_date;
                            int      bookdaynum = hotelorder.Bookdaynum;

                            decimal  everyroomprice = 0;
                            string[] ftstr          = fangtai.Split(',');
                            for (int i = 0; i < ftstr.Length; i++)
                                if (ftstr[i].ConvertTo <decimal>(0) > 0)
                                    everyroomprice += ftstr[i].ConvertTo <decimal>(0);
                            price = everyroomprice.ToString();

                            p_totalprice = (modelb2border.U_num * everyroomprice - modelb2border.Integral1 - modelb2border.Imprest1);
                    #region 当地游;跟团游;旅游大巴,获取支付金额
                    else if (servertype == 2 || servertype == 8) //当地游;跟团游;旅游大巴
                        string outdate = modelb2border.U_traveldate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

                        B2b_com_LineGroupDate linemode = new B2b_com_LineGroupDateData().GetLineDayGroupDate(DateTime.Parse(outdate), modelcompro.Id);
                        if (linemode != null)//当地游;跟团游
                            price = linemode.Menprice.ToString();
                            if (servertype == 2 || servertype == 8)
                                decimal childreduce = modelcompro.Childreduce;
                                decimal childprice  = decimal.Parse(price) - childreduce;
                                if (childprice < 0)
                                    childprice = 0;
                                pricedetail = modelb2border.U_num + "成人," + modelb2border.Child_u_num + "儿童(成人" + price + "元/人,儿童" + childprice + "元/人)";

                                p_totalprice = (modelb2border.U_num * (linemode.Menprice) + (modelb2border.Child_u_num) * childprice - modelb2border.Integral1 - modelb2border.Imprest1);
                            else //旅游大巴:没有儿童减免
                                pricedetail = modelb2border.U_num + "人(" + price + "元/人)";

                                p_totalprice = (modelb2border.U_num * (linemode.Menprice) - modelb2border.Integral1 - modelb2border.Imprest1);
                    else if (servertype == 10)
                        pricedetail = modelb2border.U_num + "人(" + modelb2border.Pay_price.ToString("0.00") + "元/人)";

                        p_totalprice = (modelb2border.U_num * (modelb2border.Pay_price) - modelb2border.Integral1 - modelb2border.Imprest1);

                    #region 票务、实物,获取支付金额
                    else //票务
                        p_totalprice = (modelb2border.U_num * modelb2border.Pay_price - modelb2border.Integral1 - modelb2border.Imprest1);
                        price        = modelb2border.Pay_price.ToString(); //modelb2border.Pay_price.ToString();
                        if (price == "0.00" || price == "0")
                            price = "";
                            price = CommonFunc.OperTwoDecimal(price);

                    #region  获得服务电话
                    var saleset = B2bCompanySaleSetData.GetDirectSellByComid(comid.ToString());
                    if (saleset != null)
                        phone = saleset.Service_Phone;

                    if (modelcompro != null)
                        var projectdata  = new B2b_com_projectData();
                        var projectmodel = projectdata.GetProject(modelcompro.Projectid, comid);
                        if (projectmodel != null)
                            if (projectmodel.Mobile != "")
                                phone = projectmodel.Mobile;
                #region 充值订单
                if (modelb2border.Order_type == 2)
                    if (modelb2border.serverid != "")
                        proname = "购买服务与押金";
                    else if (modelb2border.payorder == 1)
                        proname = "快速支付";

                        proname = "预付款充值";

                    //ordertype=2 充值订单会传递过来值
                    if (comid == 0)
                        comid = Request["comid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
                    p_totalprice = (modelb2border.U_num * modelb2border.Pay_price);
                    var saleset = B2bCompanySaleSetData.GetDirectSellByComid(comid.ToString());
                    if (saleset != null)
                        phone = saleset.Service_Phone;
                p_totalpricedesc = CommonFunc.OperTwoDecimal(p_totalprice.ToString());

                #region 统一获得商户名称 和 微信支付链接
                if (comid != 0)
                    wxpaylinkurl = WeiXinJsonData.GetFollowOpenLinkUrlAboutPay(comid, "http://shop" + comid + ".etown.cn/wxpay/payment_" + orderid + "_1.aspx");

                    comName = B2bCompanyData.GetCompany(comid).Com_name;
        internal decimal Gethotelallprice(int proid, DateTime start_date, DateTime end_date, int Agentlevel)
            decimal basic_agentback1 = 0;
            decimal basic_agentback2 = 0;
            decimal basic_agentback3 = 0;
            string sql_f = "select * from B2b_com_pro  where id=" + proid;
            var    cmd_f = sqlHelper.PrepareTextSqlCommand(sql_f);

            using (var reader = cmd_f.ExecuteReader())
                if (reader.Read())
                    if (reader.GetValue <int>("bindingid") != 0)
                        proid = reader.GetValue <int>("bindingid");
                    basic_agentback1 = reader.GetValue <decimal>("agent1_price");
                    basic_agentback2 = reader.GetValue <decimal>("agent2_price");
                    basic_agentback3 = reader.GetValue <decimal>("agent3_price");

            var r = new B2b_com_LineGroupDateData().GetHouseTypeDayList(proid, start_date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), end_date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));

            if (r.Count == 0)
                string errmsg = "";

                if (errmsg == "")
                    System.TimeSpan ND = end_date - start_date;
                    int             n  = ND.Days; //天数差
                    if (r.Count < n)
                        errmsg = end_date.AddDays(r.Count - n).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "房已满";
                        //得到产品团期中的分销返还 和 产品基本信息中的分销返还:产品团期没有设置分销返还,则用基本信息中的分销返还
                        if (r[0].agent1_back == 0 && r[0].agent2_back == 0 && r[0].agent3_back == 0)
                            decimal agent_back = 0;//分销返还
                            if (Agentlevel == 1)
                                agent_back = basic_agentback1;
                            if (Agentlevel == 2)
                                agent_back = basic_agentback2;
                            if (Agentlevel == 3)
                                agent_back = basic_agentback3;

                            string sql = "select sum(Menprice) as Menprice  from B2b_com_LineGroupDate where lineid=" + proid + " and daydate>='" + start_date + "' and daydate<'" + end_date + "' ";

                                var cmd = sqlHelper.PrepareTextSqlCommand(sql);

                                decimal Menprice = 0;//总价格
                                using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                                    if (reader.Read())
                                        Menprice = reader.GetValue <decimal>("Menprice");
                                return(Menprice - agent_back * n);
                            string sql = "select sum(Menprice) as Menprice  from B2b_com_LineGroupDate where lineid=" + proid + " and daydate>='" + start_date + "' and daydate<'" + end_date + "' ";
                            if (Agentlevel == 1)
                                sql = "select sum(Menprice) as Menprice,sum(agent1_back) as backmoney from B2b_com_LineGroupDate where lineid=" + proid + " and daydate>='" + start_date + "' and daydate<'" + end_date + "' ";
                            if (Agentlevel == 2)
                                sql = "select sum(Menprice) as Menprice,sum(agent2_back) as backmoney from B2b_com_LineGroupDate where lineid=" + proid + " and daydate>='" + start_date + "' and daydate<'" + end_date + "' ";
                            if (Agentlevel == 3)
                                sql = "select sum(Menprice) as Menprice,sum(agent3_back) as backmoney from B2b_com_LineGroupDate where lineid=" + proid + " and daydate>='" + start_date + "' and daydate<'" + end_date + "' ";

                                var cmd = sqlHelper.PrepareTextSqlCommand(sql);

                                decimal Menprice  = 0; //总价格
                                decimal backmoney = 0; //总减免
                                using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                                    if (reader.Read())
                                        Menprice = reader.GetValue <decimal>("Menprice");
                                            backmoney = reader.GetValue <decimal>("backmoney");
                                        catch { }
                                return(Menprice - backmoney);
        internal int GetMinEmptyNum(int proid, DateTime start_date, DateTime end_date)
            string sql_f = "select * from B2b_com_pro  where id=" + proid;
            var    cmd_f = sqlHelper.PrepareTextSqlCommand(sql_f);

            using (var reader = cmd_f.ExecuteReader())
                if (reader.Read())
                    if (reader.GetValue <int>("bindingid") != 0)
                        proid = reader.GetValue <int>("bindingid");

            var r = new B2b_com_LineGroupDateData().GetHouseTypeDayList(proid, start_date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), end_date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));

            if (r.Count == 0)
                string errmsg = "";
                foreach (B2b_com_LineGroupDate m in r)
                    if (m.Emptynum == 0)
                        errmsg = m.Daydate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "已满房";

                if (errmsg == "")
                    System.TimeSpan ND = end_date - start_date;
                    int             n  = ND.Days; //天数差
                    if (r.Count < n)
                        errmsg = end_date.AddDays(r.Count - n).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "房已满";
                        string sql = "select min(emptynum) as minemptynum from B2b_com_LineGroupDate where lineid=" + proid + " and daydate>='" + start_date + "' and daydate<'" + end_date + "' ";

                            var cmd = sqlHelper.PrepareTextSqlCommand(sql);

                            int minm = 0;//最小空位数量
                            using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                                if (reader.Read())
                                    minm = reader.GetValue <int>("minemptynum");
Exemplo n.º 11
        public int uid = 0;//会员id
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string u  = Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_USER_AGENT"];
            bool   bo = detectmobilebrowser.HttpUserAgent(u);

            nowdate = Request["startdate"].ConvertTo <string>(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
            enddate = Request["enddate"].ConvertTo <string>(DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));

            proid     = Context.Request["proid"].ConvertTo <string>("0");
            projectid = Context.Request["projectid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);

            uid = Context.Request["uid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);

            comid = Request["id"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
            if (comid == 0)
                if (Domain_def.Domain_yanzheng(RequestUrl))//如果符合shop101.etown.cn的格式,则从多微信商户基本信息表中获取comid
                    comid = Int32.Parse(Domain_def.Domain_Huoqu(RequestUrl));
                    //if (bo == false)
                    //    Response.Redirect("http://vctrip.etown.cn/");
                    B2b_company_info companyinfo = B2bCompanyData.GetComId(RequestUrl);
                    if (companyinfo != null)
                        comid = companyinfo.Com_id;
                        //if (bo == false)
                        //    if (comid == 101)
                        //    {
                        //        Response.Redirect("http://vctrip.etown.cn/");
                        //    }
                        //    Response.Redirect("http://shop" + comid + ".etown.cn");

            if (proid != "0" && proid != "")
                var prodata = new B2bComProData().GetProById(proid);
                if (prodata != null)
                    comid     = prodata.Com_id;
                    projectid = prodata.Projectid;
                    var m = new B2b_com_LineGroupDateData().GetMinValidByProid(prodata.Id, comid);
                    if (m != null)
                        mindate     = m.Daydate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                        mindate_out = m.Daydate.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

            if (Domain_def.Domain_yanzheng(RequestUrl))//如果符合shop101.etown.cn的格式,则从多微信商户基本信息表中获取comid
                comid_temp = Int32.Parse(Domain_def.Domain_Huoqu(RequestUrl));
                B2b_company_info companyinfo = B2bCompanyData.GetComId(RequestUrl);
                if (companyinfo != null)
                    comid_temp = companyinfo.Com_id;

            if (comid_temp == 101 || comid_temp == 106)
                comidture = 1;

            if (comid != 0)
                //if (bo == false)
                //    if (comid == 101)
                //    {
                //        Response.Redirect("http://vctrip.etown.cn/");
                //    }
                //    Response.Redirect("http://shop" + comid + ".etown.cn");

                B2b_company companyinfo = B2bCompanyData.GetCompany(comid);

                B2bCompanyInfoData info = new B2bCompanyInfoData();
                if (companyinfo != null)
                    comName = companyinfo.Com_name;
                    if (comName.Length >= 9)
                        comName = comName.Substring(0, 9) + "..";

                    remark = info.GetCompanyInfo(comid).Scenic_intro;
                    if (remark.Length > 42)
                        remark = remark.Substring(0, 42) + "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a style=\"color:#1a9ed9\" href=\"Hotelinfo.aspx?id=" + comid + "\">(查看全部)</a>";

                B2b_company_saleset saleset = B2bCompanySaleSetData.GetDirectSellByComid(comid.ToString());
                if (saleset != null)
                    phone = saleset.Service_Phone;
                    if (saleset.Smalllogo != null && saleset.Smalllogo != "")
                        headPortraitImgSrc = FileSerivce.GetImgUrl(saleset.Smalllogo.ConvertTo <int>(0));

            if (projectid == 0)
                if (proid.ConvertTo <int>(0) > 0)
                    B2b_com_pro modelpro = new B2bComProData().GetProById(proid);
                    if (modelpro != null)
                        projectid = modelpro.Projectid;
            B2b_com_project mod = new B2b_com_projectData().GetProject(projectid, comid);

            if (mod != null)
                projectimgurl = FileSerivce.GetImgUrl(mod.Projectimg);

                projectname  = mod.Projectname;
                projectbrief = mod.Briefintroduce;
                if (mod.Mobile != "")
                    phone = mod.Mobile;


            string weixincode = Request["code"].ConvertTo <string>("");

            if (weixincode == "")//未认证微信
                openid     = Request["openid"].ConvertTo <string>("");
                weixinpass = Request["weixinpass"].ConvertTo <string>("");
                int questtype = 1;                                   //1=一次性密码验证
                DealUserinfo1(openid, weixinpass, comid, questtype); //判断用户微信号(1,点击的转发链接进来的2,点击微信菜单进来的);使用户处于登录状态(不包括点击转发链接的)
                int questtype = 2;                               //1=微信授权验证
                DealUserinfo1("", weixincode, comid, questtype); //获取微信号;使用户处于登录状态