Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> GetPersonalCategories()
            var indexName    = LibraryIndexHelper.GetIndexName(LibraryIndexHelper.IndexKinds.PersonalCollection);
            var searchHelper = new AzureSearchHelper(indexName, this.GetUserId());
            //var json = await searchHelper.GetPersonalCategories();
            var json = await searchHelper.Search(0, 1000, null, "*", false, new[] { "categoryPathIds" });

            return(new RawStringResult(this, json, RawStringResult.TextMediaType.Json));
Exemplo n.º 2
        private async Task <IHttpActionResult> InternalSearch(LibraryIndexHelper.IndexKinds indexKind, int offset, int limit, string categoryId = null, string q = null)
            if (limit > AzureSearchHelper.SearchResults_MaxLimit)
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Search results limit is {0}.", AzureSearchHelper.SearchResults_MaxLimit));

            var isPersonal = indexKind == LibraryIndexHelper.IndexKinds.PersonalCollection;
            var userId     = this.GetUserId();
            // Find resources in Azure Search.
            var search      = new AzureSearchHelper(indexKind, isPersonal ? userId : 0);
            var resultsJson = await search.Search(offset, limit, categoryId, q);

            if (isPersonal || (userId == 0))
                return(new RawStringResult(this, resultsJson, RawStringResult.TextMediaType.Json));
                // Common collection for an authorized user. Augment the results with personal data from database.
                var results = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AzureSearchResults>(resultsJson);

                if (results.Value.Any())
                    var resourcesXml = new XElement("Resources",
                                                    results.Value.Select(i => new XElement("R", new XAttribute("Id", i.Id)))

                    const string sql   = @"
select Id, IsPersonal, LanguageLevelRating, Comment 
from dbo.libGetUserResources (@UserId, @Resources);
                    var          views = await DapperHelper.QueryResilientlyAsync <ResourceDto>(sql, new { UserId = userId, Resources = resourcesXml });

                    // Copy personalization values from the items we got from the database to the resources we got from search.
                    var resourceDict = results.Value.ToDictionary(i => i.Id);
                    foreach (var v in views)
                        // We expect the Ids returned from the database correspond to the Ids provided as arguments in XML. Otherwise a horrible KeyNotFoundException will ruine everything.
                        var r = resourceDict[v.Id];
                        // We do not store the Viewed value explicitly in the database. IsPersonal is not nullable. So the mere presense of an IsPersonal in a record means the resource has been viewed.
                        r.IsPersonal          = v.IsPersonal;
                        r.LanguageLevelRating = v.LanguageLevelRating;
                        r.Comment             = v.Comment;
                        r.Viewed = true;

                // Since we send original raw Azure Search results in the "Personal" case as is, we use here Ok<AzureSearchResults> as well to substitute names from attributes for member names, i.e. "@odata.count" and "value".
                return(Ok <AzureSearchResults>(results));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public ActionResult Search(string q = "", bool h = false, bool f = false, bool s = false, string fi = "", string sp = "")
            //Create an object array to return
            object[] searchresults = new object[2];
            //Get the JsonResult
            JsonResult resultsdata = new JsonResult();

            resultsdata.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet;
            resultsdata.Data = _AzureSearch.Search(q + "*", h, f, s, fi, sp);
            //Get the Facets section. This value is not accessible via the JsonResult object so we need to create a DocumentSearchResponse to retrieve it.
            DocumentSearchResponse dsrfacets = (DocumentSearchResponse)resultsdata.Data;

            searchresults[0] = resultsdata.Data;
            searchresults[1] = dsrfacets.Facets;

            //Return the array
Exemplo n.º 4
        public ActionResult HandleSearchForm(AzureSearchViewModel model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            string searchPhrase = model.SearchPhrase;

            // If blank search, assume they want to search everything
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchPhrase))
                searchPhrase = "*";
            model.SearchResult = AzureSearchHelper.Search(searchPhrase);

            //Set the data that will be used in the view
            TempData["AzureSearchViewModel"] = model;

            //All done - redirect to the current page