/// <summary>
 /// Delete patch record on Database table. Patch record contains { olderVersion-newerVersion }
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="method">HTTP request method</param>
 /// <param name="Azure_Delete_OldVersion">The older version of Patch record</param>
 /// <param name="Azure_Delete_NewerVersion">The newer version of Patch record</param>
 public void DeletePatchInfoOnDataBase(AzureRestAPI.HttpVerb method, string Azure_Delete_OldVersion, string Azure_Delete_NewerVersion)
     Debug.Log("Trying to conncet to database, but the links to database had been removed.");
     ////I remove the connection to database, so this method should be disabled.
     //AzureRestPatchAPI azureRestPatch = new AzureRestPatchAPI(AzureRestClient.UrlEndpoint + AzureRestClient.deleteClientPatchData, AzureRestAPI.HttpVerb.POST);
     //azureRestPatch.DeletePatchFileOnServer(Azure_Delete_OldVersion, Azure_Delete_NewerVersion);
 /// <summary>
 /// HTTP request to update latest version in database
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="httpMethod">HTTP request method</param>
 /// <param name="Azure_Delete_NewerVersion">The latest version number</param>
 public void UpdatePatchVersion(AzureRestAPI.HttpVerb httpMethod, string Azure_Delete_NewerVersion)
     Debug.Log("Trying to connect to database, but the links to databases had been removed.");
     //I remove the connection to database, so this method should be disabled.
     //AzureRestPatchAPI patchAPI = new AzureRestPatchAPI(AzureRestClient.UrlEndpoint + AzureRestClient.updateLatestClientVersion, httpMethod);
 public void Initialize(string url, AzureRestAPI.HttpVerb httpMethod)
     endPoint = url;
     method   = httpMethod;
 public AzureRestPatchAPI(string url, AzureRestAPI.HttpVerb httpMethod)
     endPoint = url;
     method   = httpMethod;