Exemplo n.º 1
        internal void GenerateNew(RoundEntity round)
            var teamIdProcessed        = new List <long>();
            var listTeamsWithSameVenue = new List <EntityCollection <TeamEntity> >();

            // Make a list of teams of the same round and with the same venue + weekday + match time
            // Venues will later be assigned to these teams in an alternating way
            foreach (var team in round.TeamCollectionViaTeamInRound)
                // the collection will contain at least one team
                EntityCollection <TeamEntity> teams = GetTeamsWithSameVenueAndMatchTime(team, round);
                if (!teamIdProcessed.Contains(teams[0].Id))
                    foreach (var t in teams)
                        if (!teamIdProcessed.Contains(t.Id))

            foreach (var roundLeg in round.RoundLegs)
                DateTime startDate = roundLeg.StartDateTime;
                DateTime endDate   = roundLeg.EndDateTime;
                var      matchDate = new DateTime();

                foreach (var teamsWithSameVenue in listTeamsWithSameVenue)
                    int teamIndex = 0;

                    // get the first possible match date equal or after the leg's starting date
                    matchDate = IncrementDateUntilDayOfWeek(startDate, (DayOfWeek)teamsWithSameVenue[teamIndex].MatchDayOfWeek);

                    // process the period of a leg
                    while (matchDate <= endDate)
                        // if there is more than one team per venue with same weekday and match time,
                        // match dates will be assigned alternately
                        TeamEntity team             = teamsWithSameVenue[teamIndex];
                        DateTime   matchDateAndTime = DateTime.Parse(string.Concat(matchDate.ToShortDateString(), " ", team.MatchTime));

                        // check whether the calculated date
                        // is within the borders of round legs (if any) and is not marked as excluded
                        if (IsDateWithinRoundLegDateTime(roundLeg, matchDate) &&
                            !IsExcludedDate(matchDate, round.Id, team.Id) &&
                            !IsVenueOccupiedByMatch(new DateTimePeriod(matchDateAndTime, matchDateAndTime.Add(_matchPlanner.PlannedDurationOfMatch)), team.VenueId.Value))
                            var av = new AvailableMatchDateEntity();
                            av.TournamentId   = _matchPlanner.Tournament.Id;
                            av.HomeTeamId     = team.Id;
                            av.VenueId        = team.Venue.Id;
                            av.MatchStartTime = matchDateAndTime;
                            av.MatchEndTime   = matchDateAndTime.Add(_matchPlanner.PlannedDurationOfMatch);
                            av.IsGenerated    = true;
                            av.CreatedOn      = DateTime.Now;

                            teamIndex = (++teamIndex >= teamsWithSameVenue.Count) ? 0 : teamIndex;
                        matchDate = matchDate.Date.AddDays(7);

            // save to the persistent storage
            _matchPlanner.Adapter.SaveEntityCollection(_availableMatchDate, true, false);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate available match dates for teams where
        /// <see cref="TeamEntity.MatchDayOfWeek"/>, <see cref="TeamEntity.MatchTime"/>, <see cref="TeamEntity.VenueId"/>
        /// are not <see langword="null"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="round"></param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal async Task GenerateNewAsync(RoundEntity round, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            await Initialize(cancellationToken);

            var teamIdProcessed        = new List <long>();
            var listTeamsWithSameVenue = new List <EntityCollection <TeamEntity> >();

            // Make a list of teams of the same round and with the same venue AND weekday AND match time
            // Venues will later be assigned to these teams alternately
            foreach (var team in round.TeamCollectionViaTeamInRound)
                // the collection will contain at least one team
                var teams = GetTeamsWithSameVenueAndMatchTime(team, round);
                if (teamIdProcessed.Contains(teams[0].Id))

                foreach (var t in teams)
                    if (!teamIdProcessed.Contains(t.Id))

            foreach (var roundLeg in round.RoundLegs)
                var startDate = DateTime.SpecifyKind(roundLeg.StartDateTime, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                var endDate   = DateTime.SpecifyKind(roundLeg.EndDateTime, DateTimeKind.Utc);

                foreach (var teamsWithSameVenue in listTeamsWithSameVenue)
                    var teamIndex = 0;

                    // Make sure these values are not null
                    if (!teamsWithSameVenue[teamIndex].MatchDayOfWeek.HasValue ||
                        !teamsWithSameVenue[teamIndex].MatchTime.HasValue ||

                    // Create Tuple for non-nullable context
                    var team = (Id : teamsWithSameVenue[teamIndex].Id,
                                MatchDayOfWeek : (DayOfWeek)teamsWithSameVenue[teamIndex].MatchDayOfWeek !.Value,
                                MatchTime : teamsWithSameVenue[teamIndex].MatchTime !.Value,
                                VenueId : teamsWithSameVenue[teamIndex].VenueId !.Value);

                    // get the first possible match date equal or after the leg's starting date
                    var matchDate = IncrementDateUntilDayOfWeek(startDate, team.MatchDayOfWeek);

                    // process the period of a leg
                    while (matchDate <= endDate)
                        // if there is more than one team per venue with same weekday and match time,
                        // match dates will be assigned alternately
                        var matchDateAndTimeUtc = _timeZoneConverter.ToUtc(matchDate.Date.Add(team.MatchTime));

                        // check whether the calculated date
                        // is within the borders of round legs (if any) and is not marked as excluded
                        if (IsDateWithinRoundLegDateTime(roundLeg, matchDateAndTimeUtc) &&
                            !IsExcludedDate(matchDateAndTimeUtc, round.Id, team.Id) &&
                            !await IsVenueOccupiedByMatchAsync(
                                new DateTimePeriod(matchDateAndTimeUtc,
                                                                           .PlannedDurationOfMatch)), team.VenueId, cancellationToken))
                            var av = new AvailableMatchDateEntity
                                TournamentId   = _tenantContext.TournamentContext.MatchPlanTournamentId,
                                HomeTeamId     = team.Id,
                                VenueId        = team.VenueId,
                                MatchStartTime = matchDateAndTimeUtc,
                                MatchEndTime   =
                                IsGenerated = true

                            teamIndex = ++teamIndex >= teamsWithSameVenue.Count ? 0 : teamIndex;

                        matchDate = matchDate.Date.AddDays(7);

            _logger.LogTrace("Generated {Count} UTC dates for HomeTeams:", _generatedAvailableMatchDateEntities.Count);
            _logger.LogTrace("{Generated}\n", _generatedAvailableMatchDateEntities.Select(gen => (gen.HomeTeamId, gen.MatchStartTime)));

            // save to the persistent storage
            // await _appDb.GenericRepository.SaveEntitiesAsync(_generatedAvailableMatchDateEntities, true, false, cancellationToken);