Exemplo n.º 1
    public bool CreateMesh(string filePath)
        BXDAMesh mesh = new BXDAMesh();

        mesh.ReadFromFile(filePath, null);

        if (!mesh.GUID.Equals(GUID))

        List <FieldNode> remainingNodes = new List <FieldNode>(NodeGroup.EnumerateAllLeafFieldNodes());

        List <KeyValuePair <BXDAMesh.BXDASubMesh, Mesh> > submeshes = new List <KeyValuePair <BXDAMesh.BXDASubMesh, Mesh> >();
        List <KeyValuePair <BXDAMesh.BXDASubMesh, Mesh> > colliders = new List <KeyValuePair <BXDAMesh.BXDASubMesh, Mesh> >();

        // Create all submesh objects
        AuxFunctions.ReadMeshSet(mesh.meshes, delegate(int id, BXDAMesh.BXDASubMesh sub, Mesh meshu)
            submeshes.Add(new KeyValuePair <BXDAMesh.BXDASubMesh, Mesh>(sub, meshu));

        // Create all collider objects
        AuxFunctions.ReadMeshSet(mesh.colliders, delegate(int id, BXDAMesh.BXDASubMesh sub, Mesh meshu)
            colliders.Add(new KeyValuePair <BXDAMesh.BXDASubMesh, Mesh>(sub, meshu));

        foreach (FieldNode node in NodeGroup.EnumerateAllLeafFieldNodes())
            GameObject subObject = new GameObject(node.NodeID);
            subObject.transform.parent = unityObject.transform;

            GameObject meshObject = new GameObject(node.NodeID + "-mesh");

            if (node.SubMeshID != -1)
                KeyValuePair <BXDAMesh.BXDASubMesh, Mesh> currentSubMesh = submeshes[node.SubMeshID];

                BXDAMesh.BXDASubMesh sub = currentSubMesh.Key;
                Mesh meshu = currentSubMesh.Value;

                meshObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh = meshu;
                meshObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                Material[] matls = new Material[meshu.subMeshCount];

                for (int i = 0; i < matls.Length; i++)
                    matls[i] = sub.surfaces[i].AsMaterial();

                meshObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().materials = matls;

            // Invert the x-axis to compensate for Unity's inverted coordinate system.
            meshObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(-1f, 1f, 1f);

            // Set the rotation of the object (the x and w properties are inverted to once again compensate for Unity's differences).
            meshObject.transform.localRotation = new Quaternion(-node.Rotation.X, node.Rotation.Y, node.Rotation.Z, -node.Rotation.W);

            // Set the position of the object (scaled by 1/100 to match Unity's scaling correctly).
            meshObject.transform.position = new Vector3(-node.Position.x * 0.01f, node.Position.y * 0.01f, node.Position.z * 0.01f);

            if (GetPropertySets().ContainsKey(node.PropertySetID))
                PropertySet currentPropertySet             = GetPropertySets()[node.PropertySetID];
                PropertySet.PropertySetCollider psCollider = currentPropertySet.Collider;

                switch (psCollider.CollisionType)
                case PropertySet.PropertySetCollider.PropertySetCollisionType.BOX:
                    PropertySet.BoxCollider psBoxCollider    = (PropertySet.BoxCollider)psCollider;
                    BoxCollider             dummyBoxCollider = meshObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();

                    subObject.transform.localRotation = meshObject.transform.localRotation;
                    subObject.transform.position      = meshObject.transform.TransformPoint(dummyBoxCollider.center);

                    BBoxShape boxShape = subObject.AddComponent <BBoxShape>();
                    boxShape.Extents = new Vector3(
                        dummyBoxCollider.size.x * 0.5f * psBoxCollider.Scale.x,
                        dummyBoxCollider.size.y * 0.5f * psBoxCollider.Scale.y,
                        dummyBoxCollider.size.z * 0.5f * psBoxCollider.Scale.z);



                case PropertySet.PropertySetCollider.PropertySetCollisionType.SPHERE:
                    PropertySet.SphereCollider psSphereCollider    = (PropertySet.SphereCollider)psCollider;
                    SphereCollider             dummySphereCollider = meshObject.AddComponent <SphereCollider>();

                    subObject.transform.position = meshObject.transform.TransformPoint(dummySphereCollider.center);

                    BSphereShape sphereShape = subObject.AddComponent <BSphereShape>();
                    sphereShape.Radius = dummySphereCollider.radius * psSphereCollider.Scale;



                case PropertySet.PropertySetCollider.PropertySetCollisionType.MESH:
                    PropertySet.MeshCollider psMeshCollider = (PropertySet.MeshCollider)psCollider;

                    if (psMeshCollider.Convex || currentPropertySet.Mass != 0)
                        MeshCollider dummyMeshCollider = subObject.AddComponent <MeshCollider>();
                        dummyMeshCollider.sharedMesh = meshObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh;

                        subObject.transform.position = meshObject.transform.TransformPoint(dummyMeshCollider.bounds.center);
                        subObject.transform.rotation = meshObject.transform.rotation;

                        BConvexHullShape hullshape = subObject.AddComponent <BConvexHullShape>();
                        hullshape.HullMesh = AuxFunctions.GenerateCollisionMesh(meshObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh, dummyMeshCollider.sharedMesh.bounds.center);
                        hullshape.GetCollisionShape().Margin = 0f;

                        subObject.transform.position = meshObject.transform.position;
                        subObject.transform.rotation = meshObject.transform.rotation;

                        BBvhTriangleMeshShape meshShape = subObject.AddComponent <BBvhTriangleMeshShape>();
                        meshShape.HullMesh = meshObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh.GetScaledCopy(-1f, 1f, 1f);
                        meshShape.GetCollisionShape().Margin = 0f;

                    // TODO: Find a way to implement embedded margins. See https://www.bulletphysics.org/Bullet/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=2358

                BRigidBody rb = subObject.AddComponent <BRigidBody>();
                rb.friction = currentPropertySet.Friction * FRICTION_SCALE;
                rb.mass     = currentPropertySet.Mass;

                if (currentPropertySet.Mass == 0)
                    rb.collisionFlags = BulletSharp.CollisionFlags.StaticObject;
                    subObject.AddComponent <Tracker>();

                meshObject.transform.parent = subObject.transform;
                meshObject.transform.parent = unityObject.transform;

        #region Free mesh
        foreach (var list in new List <BXDAMesh.BXDASubMesh>[] { mesh.meshes, mesh.colliders })
            foreach (BXDAMesh.BXDASubMesh sub in list)
                sub.verts = null;
                sub.norms = null;
                foreach (BXDAMesh.BXDASurface surf in sub.surfaces)
                    surf.indicies = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                list[i] = null;
        mesh = null;
        GC.Collect(GC.MaxGeneration, GCCollectionMode.Forced);

Exemplo n.º 2
    public bool CreateMesh(string filePath)
        BXDAMesh mesh = new BXDAMesh();


        //if (!mesh.GUID.Equals(GUID))
        //    Debug.Log("Returning false");
        //    return false;

        List <GameObject> meshObjects = new List <GameObject>();

        AuxFunctions.ReadMeshSet(mesh.meshes, delegate(int id, BXDAMesh.BXDASubMesh sub, Mesh meshu)
            GameObject meshObject = new GameObject(MainObject.name + "_mesh");

            meshObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh = meshu;
            meshObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();

            Material[] materials = new Material[meshu.subMeshCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < materials.Length; i++)
                materials[i] = sub.surfaces[i].AsMaterial(true);

            meshObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().materials = materials;

            meshObject.transform.position = root.position;
            meshObject.transform.rotation = root.rotation;

            Debug.Log("Mesh Objects count " + meshObjects.Count);
        }, true);

        Vector3 com = mesh.physics.centerOfMass.AsV3();

        com.x    *= -1;
        ComOffset = com;

        Mesh[] colliders = new Mesh[mesh.colliders.Count];

        AuxFunctions.ReadMeshSet(mesh.colliders, delegate(int id, BXDAMesh.BXDASubMesh sub, Mesh meshu)
            colliders[id] = meshu;
        }, true);

        MainObject.transform.position = root.position + ComOffset;
        MainObject.transform.rotation = root.rotation;

        foreach (GameObject meshObject in meshObjects)
            meshObject.transform.parent = MainObject.transform;

        if (!this.HasDriverMeta <WheelDriverMeta>() || this.GetDriverMeta <WheelDriverMeta>().type == WheelType.NOT_A_WHEEL)
            BMultiHullShape hullShape = MainObject.AddComponent <BMultiHullShape>();

            foreach (Mesh collider in colliders)
                ConvexHullShape hull = new ConvexHullShape(Array.ConvertAll(collider.vertices, x => x.ToBullet()), collider.vertices.Length);
                hull.Margin = 0f;
                hullShape.AddHullShape(hull, BulletSharp.Math.Matrix.Translation(-ComOffset.ToBullet()));

            MainObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();

            PhysicalProperties = mesh.physics;

            BRigidBody rigidBody = MainObject.AddComponent <BRigidBody>();
            rigidBody.mass     = mesh.physics.mass;
            rigidBody.friction = 0.25f;
            ((RigidBody)rigidBody.GetCollisionObject()).ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;

            foreach (BRigidBody rb in MainObject.transform.parent.GetComponentsInChildren <BRigidBody>())
                rigidBody.GetCollisionObject().SetIgnoreCollisionCheck(rb.GetCollisionObject(), true);

            MainObject.AddComponent <BMultiCallbacks>().AddCallback((StateMachine.Instance.CurrentState as MainState).CollisionTracker);

        if (this.HasDriverMeta <WheelDriverMeta>() && this.GetDriverMeta <WheelDriverMeta>().type != WheelType.NOT_A_WHEEL && GetParent() == null)
            BRigidBody rigidBody = MainObject.GetComponent <BRigidBody>();
            if (MixAndMatchMode.isMixAndMatchMode)
                rigidBody.mass += PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("wheelMass", 1f);
        #region Free mesh
        foreach (var list in new List <BXDAMesh.BXDASubMesh>[] { mesh.meshes, mesh.colliders })
            foreach (BXDAMesh.BXDASubMesh sub in list)
                sub.verts = null;
                sub.norms = null;
                foreach (BXDAMesh.BXDASurface surf in sub.surfaces)
                    surf.indicies = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                list[i] = null;
        mesh = null;
        GC.Collect(GC.MaxGeneration, GCCollectionMode.Forced);

Exemplo n.º 3
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes physical robot based off of robot directory.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="directory">folder directory of robot</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public bool InitializeRobot(string directory, MainState source)
        RobotIsMecanum = false;

        if (RobotIsMixAndMatch)
            wheelPath            = RobotTypeManager.WheelPath;
            wheelFriction        = RobotTypeManager.WheelFriction;
            wheelLateralFriction = RobotTypeManager.WheelLateralFriction;
            wheelRadius          = RobotTypeManager.WheelRadius;
            wheelMass            = RobotTypeManager.WheelMass;

            RobotIsMecanum = RobotTypeManager.IsMecanum;

        #region Robot Initialization
        RobotDirectory = directory;

        //Deletes all nodes if any exist, take the old node transforms out from the robot object
        int childCount = transform.childCount;
        for (int i = childCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            Transform child = transform.GetChild(i);

            //If this isn't done, the game object is destroyed but the parent-child transform relationship remains!
            child.parent = null;

        //Detach and destroy all sensors on the original robot
        SensorManager sensorManager = GameObject.Find("SensorManager").GetComponent <SensorManager>();

        //Removes Driver Practice component if it exists
        if (dpmRobot != null)

        mainState = source;                      //stores the main state object

        transform.position = robotStartPosition; //Sets the position of the object to the set spawn point

        if (!File.Exists(directory + "\\skeleton.bxdj"))

        //Loads the node and skeleton data
        RigidNode_Base.NODE_FACTORY = delegate(Guid guid)
            return(new RigidNode(guid));
        List <RigidNode_Base> nodes = new List <RigidNode_Base>();
        rootNode = BXDJSkeleton.ReadSkeleton(directory + "\\skeleton.bxdj");

        //Initializes the wheel variables
        int   numWheels      = nodes.Count(x => x.HasDriverMeta <WheelDriverMeta>() && x.GetDriverMeta <WheelDriverMeta>().type != WheelType.NOT_A_WHEEL);
        float collectiveMass = 0f;

        //Initializes the nodes and creates joints for the robot
        if (RobotIsMixAndMatch && !RobotIsMecanum) //If the user is in MaM and the robot they select is not mecanum, create the nodes and replace the wheel meshes to match those selected
            //Load Node_0, the base of the robot
            RigidNode node = (RigidNode)nodes[0];

            if (!node.CreateMesh(directory + "\\" + node.ModelFileName, true, wheelMass))
                Debug.Log("Robot not loaded!");

            node.CreateJoint(numWheels, RobotIsMixAndMatch);

            if (node.PhysicalProperties != null)
                collectiveMass += node.PhysicalProperties.mass;

            if (node.MainObject.GetComponent <BRigidBody>() != null)
                node.MainObject.AddComponent <Tracker>().Trace = true;

            //Get the wheel mesh data from the file they are stored in. They are stored as .bxda files. This may need to update if exporters/file types change.
            BXDAMesh mesh = new BXDAMesh();
            mesh.ReadFromFile(wheelPath + "\\node_0.bxda");

            List <Mesh>       meshList     = new List <Mesh>();
            List <Material[]> materialList = new List <Material[]>();

            RigidNode wheelNode = (RigidNode)BXDJSkeleton.ReadSkeleton(wheelPath + "\\skeleton.bxdj");

            Material[] materials = new Material[0];
            AuxFunctions.ReadMeshSet(mesh.meshes, delegate(int id, BXDAMesh.BXDASubMesh sub, Mesh meshu)

                materials = new Material[meshu.subMeshCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < materials.Length; i++)
                    materials[i] = sub.surfaces[i].AsMaterial(true);

            }, true);

            //Loads the other nodes from the original robot
            for (int i = 1; i < nodes.Count; i++)
                node = (RigidNode)nodes[i];

                if (!node.CreateMesh(directory + "\\" + node.ModelFileName, true, wheelMass))
                    Debug.Log("Robot not loaded!");

                //If the node is a wheel, destroy the original wheel mesh and replace it with the wheels selected in MaM
                if (node.HasDriverMeta <WheelDriverMeta>())
                    int chldCount = node.MainObject.transform.childCount;
                    for (int j = 0; j < chldCount; j++)

                    int k = 0;

                    Vector3?offset = null;
                    foreach (Mesh meshObject in meshList)
                        GameObject meshObj = new GameObject(node.MainObject.name + "_mesh");
                        meshObj.transform.parent = node.MainObject.transform;
                        meshObj.AddComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh = meshObject;
                        if (!offset.HasValue)
                            offset = meshObject.bounds.center;
                        meshObj.transform.localPosition = -offset.Value;

                        //Take out this line if you want some snazzy pink wheels
                        meshObj.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>().materials = materialList[k];

                    node.MainObject.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>().materials = materials;

                //Create the joints that interact with physics
                node.CreateJoint(numWheels, RobotIsMixAndMatch, wheelFriction, wheelLateralFriction);

                if (node.HasDriverMeta <WheelDriverMeta>())
                    node.MainObject.GetComponent <BRaycastWheel>().Radius = wheelRadius;

                if (node.PhysicalProperties != null)
                    collectiveMass += node.PhysicalProperties.mass;

                if (node.MainObject.GetComponent <BRigidBody>() != null)
                    node.MainObject.AddComponent <Tracker>().Trace = true;
        else //Initialize the robot as normal
            //Initializes the nodes
            foreach (RigidNode_Base n in nodes)
                RigidNode node = (RigidNode)n;

                if (!node.CreateMesh(directory + "\\" + node.ModelFileName))
                    Debug.Log("Robot not loaded!");

                node.CreateJoint(numWheels, RobotIsMixAndMatch);

                if (node.PhysicalProperties != null)
                    collectiveMass += node.PhysicalProperties.mass;

                if (node.MainObject.GetComponent <BRigidBody>() != null)
                    node.MainObject.AddComponent <Tracker>().Trace = true;


        //Get the offset from the first node to the robot for new robot start position calculation
        //This line is CRITICAL to new reset position accuracy! DON'T DELETE IT!
        nodeToRobotOffset = gameObject.transform.GetChild(0).localPosition - robotStartPosition;

        foreach (BRaycastRobot r in GetComponentsInChildren <BRaycastRobot>())
            r.RaycastRobot.OverrideMass  = collectiveMass;
            r.RaycastRobot.RootRigidBody = (RigidBody)((RigidNode)nodes[0]).MainObject.GetComponent <BRigidBody>().GetCollisionObject();


        RobotName = new DirectoryInfo(directory).Name;

        isInitialized = true;

        //Initializes Driver Practice component
        dpmRobot = gameObject.AddComponent <DriverPracticeRobot>();

        //Initializing robot cameras
        bool hasRobotCamera = false;
        //If you are getting an error referencing this line, it is likely that the Game Object "RobotCameraList" in Scene.unity does not have the RobotCameraManager script attached to it.
        robotCameraManager = GameObject.Find("RobotCameraList").GetComponent <RobotCameraManager>();

        //Loop through robotCameraList and check if any existing camera should attach to this robot
        foreach (GameObject robotCamera in robotCameraManager.GetRobotCameraList())
            if (robotCamera.GetComponent <RobotCamera>().robot.Equals(this))
                //Recover the robot camera configurations
                robotCamera.GetComponent <RobotCamera>().RecoverConfiguration();
                hasRobotCamera = true;
        //Add new cameras to the robot if there is none robot camera belong to the current robot (which means it is a new robot)
        if (!hasRobotCamera)
            //Attached to the main frame and face the front
            robotCameraManager.AddCamera(this, transform.GetChild(0).transform, new Vector3(0, 0.5f, 0), new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
            ////Attached to main frame and face the back
            robotCameraManager.AddCamera(this, transform.GetChild(0).transform, new Vector3(0, 0.5f, 0), new Vector3(0, 180, 0));
            robotCameraManager.AddCamera(this, transform.GetChild(0).transform);

        //Reads the offset position for the manipulator
        if (RobotIsMixAndMatch)
            offset = Vector3.zero;
                using (TextReader reader = File.OpenText(directory + "\\position.txt"))
                    offset.x = float.Parse(reader.ReadLine());
                    offset.y = float.Parse(reader.ReadLine());
                    offset.z = float.Parse(reader.ReadLine());
            } catch
                offset = Vector3.zero;

Exemplo n.º 4
    public bool CreateMesh(string filePath)
        BXDAMesh mesh = new BXDAMesh();

        if (!mesh.GUID.Equals(GUID))
            return false;

        List<GameObject> meshObjects = new List<GameObject>();

        AuxFunctions.ReadMeshSet(mesh.meshes, delegate (int id, BXDAMesh.BXDASubMesh sub, Mesh meshu)
            GameObject meshObject = new GameObject(MainObject.name + "_mesh");

            meshObject.AddComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = meshu;

            Material[] materials = new Material[meshu.subMeshCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < materials.Length; i++)
                materials[i] = sub.surfaces[i].AsMaterial(true);

            meshObject.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().materials = materials;

            meshObject.transform.position = root.position;
            meshObject.transform.rotation = root.rotation;

            ComOffset = meshObject.transform.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.bounds.center;


        Mesh[] colliders = new Mesh[mesh.colliders.Count];

        AuxFunctions.ReadMeshSet(mesh.colliders, delegate (int id, BXDAMesh.BXDASubMesh sub, Mesh meshu)
            colliders[id] = meshu;

        MainObject.transform.position = root.position + ComOffset;
        MainObject.transform.rotation = root.rotation;

        foreach (GameObject meshObject in meshObjects)
            meshObject.transform.parent = MainObject.transform;

        if (this.HasDriverMeta<WheelDriverMeta>())
            BMultiHullShape hullShape = MainObject.AddComponent<BMultiHullShape>();

            foreach (Mesh collider in colliders)
                ConvexHullShape hull = new ConvexHullShape(Array.ConvertAll(collider.vertices, x => x.ToBullet()), collider.vertices.Length);
                hull.Margin = 0f;
                hullShape.AddHullShape(hull, BulletSharp.Math.Matrix.Translation(-ComOffset.ToBullet()));

        physicalProperties = mesh.physics;

        BRigidBody rigidBody = MainObject.AddComponent<BRigidBody>();
        rigidBody.mass = mesh.physics.mass;
        rigidBody.friction = 1f;

        if (this.HasDriverMeta<WheelDriverMeta>())

        foreach (BRigidBody rb in MainObject.transform.parent.GetComponentsInChildren<BRigidBody>())
            rigidBody.GetCollisionObject().SetIgnoreCollisionCheck(rb.GetCollisionObject(), true);

        if (this.HasDriverMeta<WheelDriverMeta>())
            UpdateWheelMass(); // 'tis a wheel, so needs more mass for joints to work correctly.

        #region Free mesh
        foreach (var list in new List<BXDAMesh.BXDASubMesh>[] { mesh.meshes, mesh.colliders })
            foreach (BXDAMesh.BXDASubMesh sub in list)
                sub.verts = null;
                sub.norms = null;
                foreach (BXDAMesh.BXDASurface surf in sub.surfaces)
                    surf.indicies = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                list[i] = null;
        mesh = null;
        GC.Collect(GC.MaxGeneration, GCCollectionMode.Forced);

        return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes physical robot based off of robot directory.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="directory">folder directory of robot</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public bool InitializeRobot(string directory, MainState source)
        #region Robot Initialization
        RobotDirectory = directory;

        //Deletes all nodes if any exist, take the old node transforms out from the robot object
        int childCount = transform.childCount;
        for (int i = childCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            Transform child = transform.GetChild(i);

            //If this isn't done, the game object is destroyed but the parent-child transform relationship remains!
            child.parent = null;

        //Detach and destroy all sensors on the original robot
        SensorManager sensorManager = GameObject.Find("SensorManager").GetComponent <SensorManager>();

        //Removes Driver Practice component if it exists
        if (dpmRobot != null)

        mainState = source;                      //stores the main state object

        transform.position = robotStartPosition; //Sets the position of the object to the set spawn point

        if (!File.Exists(directory + "\\skeleton.bxdj"))

        //Loads the node and skeleton data
        RigidNode_Base.NODE_FACTORY = delegate(Guid guid)
            return(new RigidNode(guid));
        List <RigidNode_Base> nodes = new List <RigidNode_Base>();
        rootNode = BXDJSkeleton.ReadSkeleton(directory + "\\skeleton.bxdj");

        //Initializes the wheel variables
        int   numWheels      = nodes.Count(x => x.HasDriverMeta <WheelDriverMeta>() && x.GetDriverMeta <WheelDriverMeta>().type != WheelType.NOT_A_WHEEL);
        float collectiveMass = 0f;

        int isMixAndMatch = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("mixAndMatch");
        if (isMixAndMatch == 1 && !MixAndMatchMode.isMecanum)
            //Load Node_0
            RigidNode node = (RigidNode)nodes[0];

            if (!node.CreateMesh(directory + "\\" + node.ModelFileName))
                Debug.Log("Robot not loaded!");


            if (node.PhysicalProperties != null)
                collectiveMass += node.PhysicalProperties.mass;

            if (node.MainObject.GetComponent <BRigidBody>() != null)
                node.MainObject.AddComponent <Tracker>().Trace = true;

            //Load the other nodes (wheels)
            string   wheelDirectory = PlayerPrefs.GetString("simSelectedWheel");
            BXDAMesh mesh           = new BXDAMesh();
            mesh.ReadFromFile(wheelDirectory + "\\node_0.bxda");

            List <Mesh>       meshList     = new List <Mesh>();
            List <Material[]> materialList = new List <Material[]>();

            RigidNode wheelNode = (RigidNode)BXDJSkeleton.ReadSkeleton(wheelDirectory + "\\skeleton.bxdj");

            Material[] materials = new Material[0];
            AuxFunctions.ReadMeshSet(mesh.meshes, delegate(int id, BXDAMesh.BXDASubMesh sub, Mesh meshu)

                materials = new Material[meshu.subMeshCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < materials.Length; i++)
                    materials[i] = sub.surfaces[i].AsMaterial(true);

                //meshObject.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().materials = materials;
            }, true);

            for (int i = 1; i < nodes.Count; i++)
                node = (RigidNode)nodes[i];

                if (!node.CreateMesh(directory + "\\" + node.ModelFileName))
                    Debug.Log("Robot not loaded!");

                if (node.HasDriverMeta <WheelDriverMeta>())
                    int chldCount = node.MainObject.transform.childCount;
                    for (int j = 0; j < chldCount; j++)

                    int k = 0;
                    foreach (Mesh meshObject in meshList)
                        Debug.Log("Mesh Object" + meshObject);
                        GameObject meshObj = new GameObject(node.MainObject.name + "_mesh");
                        meshObj.transform.parent = node.MainObject.transform;
                        meshObj.AddComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh = meshObject;
                        meshObj.transform.localPosition          = -meshObject.bounds.center;

                        //Take out this line if you want some snazzy pink wheels
                        meshObj.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>().materials = materialList[k];
                    node.MainObject.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>().materials = materials;

                //node.MainObject.transform.GetChild(0).localPosition = -node.MainObject.GetComponentInChildren<MeshFilter>().mesh.bounds.center;// -node.MainObject.transform.localPosition;
                //Bounds b = node.MainObject.GetComponentInChildren<MeshFilter>().mesh.bounds;
                // Debug.Log(b.center);
                //b.center = node.MainObject.transform.position;
                //node.MainObject.GetComponentInChildren<MeshFilter>().mesh.bounds = b;


                if (node.HasDriverMeta <WheelDriverMeta>())
                    float radius = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("wheelRadius");
                    node.MainObject.GetComponent <BRaycastWheel>().Radius = radius;

                if (node.PhysicalProperties != null)
                    collectiveMass += node.PhysicalProperties.mass;

                if (node.MainObject.GetComponent <BRigidBody>() != null)
                    node.MainObject.AddComponent <Tracker>().Trace = true;
            //Initializes the nodes
            foreach (RigidNode_Base n in nodes)
                RigidNode node = (RigidNode)n;

                if (!node.CreateMesh(directory + "\\" + node.ModelFileName))
                    Debug.Log("Robot not loaded!");


                if (node.PhysicalProperties != null)
                    collectiveMass += node.PhysicalProperties.mass;

                if (node.MainObject.GetComponent <BRigidBody>() != null)
                    node.MainObject.AddComponent <Tracker>().Trace = true;


        //Get the offset from the first node to the robot for new robot start position calculation
        //This line is CRITICAL to new reset position accuracy! DON'T DELETE IT!
        nodeToRobotOffset = gameObject.transform.GetChild(0).localPosition - robotStartPosition;

        foreach (BRaycastRobot r in GetComponentsInChildren <BRaycastRobot>())
            r.RaycastRobot.OverrideMass  = collectiveMass;
            r.RaycastRobot.RootRigidBody = (RigidBody)((RigidNode)nodes[0]).MainObject.GetComponent <BRigidBody>().GetCollisionObject();


        RobotName = new DirectoryInfo(directory).Name;

        isInitialized = true;

        //Initializes Driver Practice component
        dpmRobot = gameObject.AddComponent <DriverPracticeRobot>();

        //Initializing robot cameras
        bool hasRobotCamera = false;
        //If you are getting an error referencing this line, it is likely that the Game Object "RobotCameraList" in Scene.unity does not have the RobotCameraManager script attached to it.
        robotCameraManager = GameObject.Find("RobotCameraList").GetComponent <RobotCameraManager>();

        //Loop through robotCameraList and check if any existing camera should attach to this robot
        foreach (GameObject robotCamera in robotCameraManager.GetRobotCameraList())
            if (robotCamera.GetComponent <RobotCamera>().robot.Equals(this))
                //Recover the robot camera configurations
                robotCamera.GetComponent <RobotCamera>().RecoverConfiguration();
                hasRobotCamera = true;
        //Add new cameras to the robot if there is none robot camera belong to the current robot (which means it is a new robot)
        if (!hasRobotCamera)
            //Attached to the main frame and face the front
            robotCameraManager.AddCamera(this, transform.GetChild(0).transform);
            //Attached to the first node and face the front
            if (transform.childCount > 1)
                robotCameraManager.AddCamera(this, transform.GetChild(1).transform);
            ////Attached to main frame and face the back
            robotCameraManager.AddCamera(this, transform.GetChild(0).transform, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, 180, 0));
