public override void OnApplyTemplate()
            this.PopupEnabled = true;
            this.textbox      = base.GetTemplateChild("PART_TextBox") as TextBox;
            this.popup        = base.GetTemplateChild("PART_Popup") as Popup;
            this.list         = base.GetTemplateChild("PART_ListBox") as ListBox;

            this.GotFocus += new RoutedEventHandler(AutoComplete_GotFocus);

            if (this.textbox != null)
                AutomationProperties.SetName(this.textbox, AutomationProperties.GetName(this));

                this.textbox.LostFocus += this.TextBoxLostFocus;
                this.textbox.KeyUp     += new KeyEventHandler(TextBoxKeyUp);

            if (this.popup != null && this.list != null)
                this.list.KeyUp   += new KeyEventHandler(ListBoxKeyUp);
                this.list.MouseUp += new MouseButtonEventHandler(ListBoxMouseUp);

            Window mainWindow = Window.GetWindow(this);

            if (mainWindow != null)
                mainWindow.LocationChanged += this.OnMainWindowLocationChanged;
                mainWindow.Deactivated     += new EventHandler(OnMainWindowDeactivated);
        private void FocusOnControl(FrameworkElement focusedControl)
            if (focusedControl == null)

            if (controlName != null)
                controlName.Text = focusedControl.Name;

            if (controlType != null)
                controlType.Text = focusedControl.GetType().Name;

            if (controlAutomationName != null)
                controlAutomationName.Text = AutomationProperties.GetName(focusedControl);

            if (controlFirstParentWithName != null)
                var parentWithName = FindVisualAscendantWithName(focusedControl);
                controlFirstParentWithName.Text = parentWithName?.Name ?? string.Empty;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void UpdateTimer_Tick(object sender, object e)
            var focusedControl = FocusManager.GetFocusedElement() as FrameworkElement;

            if (focusedControl == null)

            if (controlName != null)
                controlName.Text = focusedControl.Name;

            if (controlType != null)
                controlType.Text = focusedControl.GetType().Name;

            if (controlAutomationName != null)
                controlAutomationName.Text = AutomationProperties.GetName(focusedControl);

            if (controlFirstParentWithName != null)
                var parentWithName = FindVisualAscendantWithName(focusedControl);
                controlFirstParentWithName.Text = parentWithName?.Name ?? string.Empty;
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static void UpdateSource(FrameworkElement element, string automationUIName)
            var inputBinding = Application.Current.MainWindow.InputBindings
                               .OfType <InputBinding>()
                               .SingleOrDefault(x => AutomationProperties.GetName(x) == automationUIName);

            string shortcut = string.Empty;

            if (inputBinding?.Gesture is KeyGesture keyGesture)
                shortcut = keyGesture.DisplayString;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(shortcut))
                    shortcut = keyGesture.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.None
            ? keyGesture.Key.ToString()
            : $"{keyGesture.Modifiers.ToString()}+{keyGesture.Key}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(shortcut))
                string tooltip = (element.ToolTip as string ?? string.Empty) + $" ({shortcut})";
                element.ToolTip = tooltip;
Exemplo n.º 5
        // IFrameworkElement

        protected override void OnApplyTemplate()
            // Uno Doc: Added to dispose event handlers
            _eventSubscriptions.Disposable = null;
            var registrations = new CompositeDisposable();

            if (GetTemplateChild <Control>(c_expanderHeader) is ToggleButton toggleButton)
                // We will do 2 things with the toggle button's peer:
                // 1. Set the events source of the toggle button peer to
                // the expander's automation peer. This is is because we
                // don't want to announce the toggle button's on/off property
                // changes, but the expander's expander/collapse property changes
                // (or on the events source that's set, if it's set) and
                // 2. Set the expander's automation properties name to the
                // toggleButton's in case the expander doesn't have one. This just follows
                // what WPF does.
                if (FrameworkElementAutomationPeer.FromElement(toggleButton) is AutomationPeer toggleButtonPeer)
                    // 1. Set the events source of the toggle button peer to the expander's.
                    if (FrameworkElementAutomationPeer.FromElement(this) is AutomationPeer expanderPeer)
                        // Uno Doc: EventSource is not implemented in the Uno Platform
                        //var expanderEventsSource = expanderPeer.EventsSource != null ?
                        //	expanderPeer.EventsSource :
                        //	expanderPeer;
                        //toggleButtonPeer.EventsSource = expanderEventsSource;

                    // 2. If the expander doesn't have any AutomationProperties.Name set,
                    // we will try setting one based on the header. This is how
                    // WPF's expanders work.
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AutomationProperties.GetName(this)) &&
                        // Uno Doc: The equivalent '.GetName()' substituted for '.GetNameCore()' in WinUI
                        AutomationProperties.SetName(this, toggleButtonPeer.GetName());

            if (GetTemplateChild <Border>(c_expanderContentClip) is Border expanderContentClip)
                var visual = ElementCompositionPreview.GetElementVisual(expanderContentClip);
                visual.Clip = visual.Compositor.CreateInsetClip();

            if (GetTemplateChild <Border>(c_expanderContent) is Border expanderContent)
                expanderContent.SizeChanged += OnContentSizeChanged;
                registrations.Add(() => expanderContent.SizeChanged -= OnContentSizeChanged);


            // Uno Doc: Added to dispose event handlers
            _eventSubscriptions.Disposable = registrations;
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void RaiseLiveRegionChangedAutomationEvent(bool isDateDiffMode)
            TextBlock resultTextBlock = isDateDiffMode ? DateDiffAllUnitsResultLabel : DateResultLabel;
            string    automationName  = AutomationProperties.GetName(resultTextBlock);

Exemplo n.º 7
 void AnnounceCategoryName()
     String categoryName = AutomationProperties.GetName(Header);
     NarratorAnnouncement announcement = CalculatorAnnouncement.GetCategoryNameChangedAnnouncement(categoryName);
     // UNO TODO
     // NarratorNotifier.Announce(announcement);
 public void Refresh()
 { = AutomationProperties.GetName(this.presenter);
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(
     { = (this.presenter.DataContext as PropertyViewModel)?.Name;
 /// <summary>
 /// Makes screen reader announce the element if <see cref="AutomationProperties.LiveSettingProperty"/>
 /// is not <see cref="AutomationLiveSetting.Off"/> and <see cref="AutomationProperties.NameProperty"/>
 /// is not null or empty, by rising the <see cref="AutomationEvents.LiveRegionChanged"/> event.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="element"></param>
 public static void AnnounceIfNeeded(UIElement element)
     if (AutomationProperties.GetLiveSetting(element) != AutomationLiveSetting.Off &&
         var peer = FrameworkElementAutomationPeer.FromElement(element);
Exemplo n.º 10
        // Constructors

        #region Constructors
        private FixedSOMImage(Rect imageRect, GeneralTransform trans, Uri sourceUri, FixedNode node, DependencyObject o) : base(node, trans)
            _boundingRect = trans.TransformBounds(imageRect);
            _source       = sourceUri;
            _startIndex   = 0;
            _endIndex     = 1;
            _name         = AutomationProperties.GetName(o);
            _helpText     = AutomationProperties.GetHelpText(o);
        protected void UpdateAutomationName()
            var name = AutomationProperties.GetName(Element);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                WAutomationProperties.SetName(Control, name);
Exemplo n.º 12
 public DataGridColumnInfo(DataGridColumn column)
     : this()
     this.DisplayIndex  = column.DisplayIndex;
     this.Name          = AutomationProperties.GetName(column);
     this.SortDirection = column.SortDirection;
     this.Visibility    = column.Visibility;
     this.WidthType     = column.Width.UnitType;
     this.WidthValue    = column.Width.DisplayValue;
        protected override string GetNameCore()
            string name = AutomationProperties.GetName(base.Owner);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override string GetNameCore()
            var name = AutomationProperties.GetName(this.Owner);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                name = (this.Owner as IHeaderedControl)?.Header as string;

Exemplo n.º 15
        protected override string?GetNameCore()
            var result = AutomationProperties.GetName(Owner);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result) && GetLabeledBy() is AutomationPeer labeledBy)

Exemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by GetName.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns the first of these that is not null or empty:
        /// - Value returned by the base implementation
        /// - Name of the owning TokenizingTextBox
        /// - TokenizingTextBox class name
        /// </returns>
        protected override string GetNameCore()
            string name = this.OwningTokenizingTextBox.Name;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))

            name = AutomationProperties.GetName(this.OwningTokenizingTextBox);
            return(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name) ? name : base.GetNameCore());
Exemplo n.º 17
        public async Task VerifyAutomationName()
            if (ApiInformation.IsTypePresent("Windows.UI.Xaml.Automation.Peers.PersonPictureAutomationPeer"))
                await RunOnUIThread.ExecuteAsync(() =>
                    PersonPicture personPicture = new PersonPicture();

                    // Set properties and ensure that the AutomationName updates accordingly
                    personPicture.Initials = "AB";
                    String automationName  = AutomationProperties.GetName(personPicture);
                    Verify.AreEqual(automationName, "AB");

                    personPicture.DisplayName = "Jane Smith";
                    automationName            = AutomationProperties.GetName(personPicture);
                    Verify.AreEqual(automationName, "Jane Smith");

                    if (ApiInformation.IsTypePresent("Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.Contact"))
                        Contact contact       = new Contact();
                        contact.FirstName     = "John";
                        contact.LastName      = "Doe";
                        personPicture.Contact = contact;
                        automationName        = AutomationProperties.GetName(personPicture);
                        Verify.AreEqual(automationName, "John Doe");

                        personPicture.IsGroup = true;
                        automationName        = AutomationProperties.GetName(personPicture);
                        Verify.AreEqual(automationName, "Group");
                        personPicture.IsGroup = false;

                        personPicture.BadgeGlyph = "\uE765";
                        automationName           = AutomationProperties.GetName(personPicture);
                        Verify.AreEqual(automationName, "John Doe, icon");

                        personPicture.BadgeText = "Skype";
                        automationName          = AutomationProperties.GetName(personPicture);
                        Verify.AreEqual(automationName, "John Doe, Skype");
                        personPicture.BadgeText = "";

                        personPicture.BadgeNumber = 5;
                        automationName            = AutomationProperties.GetName(personPicture);
                        Verify.AreEqual(automationName, "John Doe, 5 items");

                        personPicture.BadgeText = "direct reports";
                        automationName          = AutomationProperties.GetName(personPicture);
                        Verify.AreEqual(automationName, "John Doe, 5 direct reports");
Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>Gets the text label of the element that is associated with this <see cref="T:System.Windows.Automation.Peers.TextAutomationPeer" />. Called by <see cref="M:System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer.GetName" />.</summary>
        /// <returns>The value of <see cref="P:System.Windows.Automation.AutomationProperties.Name" /> or <see cref="P:System.Windows.Automation.AutomationProperties.LabeledBy" /> if either is set; otherwise this method returns an empty string. </returns>
        // Token: 0x06002832 RID: 10290 RVA: 0x000BBCD8 File Offset: 0x000B9ED8
        protected override string GetNameCore()
            string name = AutomationProperties.GetName(base.Owner);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                AutomationPeer labeledByCore = this.GetLabeledByCore();
                if (labeledByCore != null)
                    name = labeledByCore.GetName();
            return(name ?? string.Empty);
Exemplo n.º 19
        public void VerifyAutomationName()
            RunOnUIThread.Execute(() =>
                PersonPicture personPicture = new PersonPicture();

                // Set properties and ensure that the AutomationName updates accordingly
                personPicture.Initials = "AB";
                String automationName  = AutomationProperties.GetName(personPicture);
                Verify.AreEqual(automationName, "AB");

                personPicture.DisplayName = "Jane Smith";
                automationName            = AutomationProperties.GetName(personPicture);
                Verify.AreEqual(automationName, "Jane Smith");

                 * Contact contact = new Contact();
                 * contact.FirstName = "John";
                 * contact.LastName = "Doe";
                 * personPicture.Contact = contact;
                 * automationName = AutomationProperties.GetName(personPicture);
                 * Verify.AreEqual(automationName, "John Doe");
                personPicture.DisplayName = "John Doe";

                personPicture.IsGroup = true;
                automationName        = AutomationProperties.GetName(personPicture);
                Verify.AreEqual(automationName, "Group");
                personPicture.IsGroup = false;

                personPicture.BadgeGlyph = "\uE765";
                automationName           = AutomationProperties.GetName(personPicture);
                Verify.AreEqual(automationName, "John Doe, icon");

                personPicture.BadgeText = "Skype";
                automationName          = AutomationProperties.GetName(personPicture);
                Verify.AreEqual(automationName, "John Doe, Skype");
                personPicture.BadgeText = "";

                personPicture.BadgeNumber = 5;
                automationName            = AutomationProperties.GetName(personPicture);
                Verify.AreEqual(automationName, "John Doe, 5 items");

                personPicture.BadgeText = "direct reports";
                automationName          = AutomationProperties.GetName(personPicture);
                Verify.AreEqual(automationName, "John Doe, 5 direct reports");
Exemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// GetNameCore will return a value matching (in priority order)
        /// 1. Automation.Name
        /// 2. GetLabeledBy.Name
        /// 3. String.Empty
        /// This differs from the base implementation in that we must
        /// never return GetPlainText() .
        /// </summary>
        override protected string GetNameCore()
            string result = AutomationProperties.GetName(this.Owner);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result))
                AutomationPeer labelAutomationPeer = GetLabeledByCore();
                if (labelAutomationPeer != null)
                    result = labelAutomationPeer.GetName();

            return(result ?? string.Empty);
Exemplo n.º 21
        protected override void OnApplyTemplate()
            m_applyTemplateCalled = true;

            var closeButton = GetTemplateChild <Button>(c_closeButtonName);

            if (closeButton != null)
                closeButton.Click += OnCloseButtonClick;

                // Do localization for the close button
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AutomationProperties.GetName(closeButton)))
                    var closeButtonName = ResourceAccessor.GetLocalizedStringResource(ResourceAccessor.SR_InfoBarCloseButtonName);
                    AutomationProperties.SetName(closeButton, closeButtonName);

                // Setup the tooltip for the close button
                var tooltip = new ToolTip();
                var closeButtonTooltipText = ResourceAccessor.GetLocalizedStringResource(ResourceAccessor.SR_InfoBarCloseButtonTooltip);
                tooltip.Content = closeButtonTooltipText;
                ToolTipService.SetToolTip(closeButton, tooltip);

            var iconTextblock = GetTemplateChild <FrameworkElement>(c_iconTextBlockName);

            if (iconTextblock != null)
                m_standardIconTextBlock = iconTextblock;
                AutomationProperties.SetName(iconTextblock, ResourceAccessor.GetLocalizedStringResource(GetIconSeverityLevelResourceName(Severity)));

            var contentRootGrid = GetTemplateChild <Button>(c_contentRootName);

            if (contentRootGrid != null)
                AutomationProperties.SetLocalizedLandmarkType(contentRootGrid, ResourceAccessor.GetLocalizedStringResource(ResourceAccessor.SR_InfoBarCustomLandmarkName));

            UpdateVisibility(m_notifyOpen, true);
            m_notifyOpen = false;

        protected override string GetNameCore()
            string name = AutomationProperties.GetName(base.Owner);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
            object header = ((TabItem)base.Owner).Header;

            if (header == null)
Exemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by GetName.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns the first of these that is not null or empty:
        /// - Value returned by the base implementation
        /// - Name of the owning Carousel
        /// - Carousel class name
        /// </returns>
        protected override string GetNameCore()
            string name = this.OwningCarousel.Name;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                return name;

            name = AutomationProperties.GetName(this.OwningCarousel);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                return name;

            return base.GetNameCore();
Exemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the automation name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The automation name.</returns>
        protected override string GetNameCore()
            if (this.splitListBoxItem.Content != null)
                UIElement contentElement = this.splitListBoxItem.Content as UIElement;
                if (contentElement != null)

Exemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the columns from column settings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataGrid">The data grid.</param>
        private static void UpdateColumnsFromColumnSettings(DataGrid dataGrid)
            if (!GetIsUpdatingColumnSettings(dataGrid))
                SetIsUpdatingColumnSettings(dataGrid, true);

                string    columnSettings = GetColumnSettings(dataGrid);
                ArrayList columnInfos    = (ArrayList)XamlReader.Parse(columnSettings);
                foreach (DataGridColumnInfo columnInfo in columnInfos)
                    DataGridColumn column = dataGrid.Columns.FirstOrDefault(
                        x => string.Equals(columnInfo.Name, AutomationProperties.GetName(x), System.StringComparison.Ordinal));
                    columnInfo.Apply(column, dataGrid.Columns.Count);

                SetIsUpdatingColumnSettings(dataGrid, false);
        private void SetAccessibilityTraits()
            var baseElement = Element as   MvvmAspire.Controls.Image;

            if (baseElement != null && baseElement.AccessibilityTraits != string.Empty)
                var accessiblityTrait = baseElement.AccessibilityTraits;

                switch (accessiblityTrait)
                case "button":
                    AutomationProperties.SetName(baseElement, AutomationProperties.GetName(baseElement) + " button. Double tap to activate.");

Exemplo n.º 27
        public static void NotifyScreenReaderAutomationIfKeyboardFocused(AutomationPeer automationPeer, UIElement uiElement)
            if (uiElement.IsKeyboardFocused)
                var str = uiElement.GetValue(AutomationProperties.NameProperty) as String;
                Console.WriteLine("AUTOMATION NAME ==> " + str);

                var str2 = AutomationProperties.GetName(uiElement);
                DebugFix.Assert(str2 == str);

                if (automationPeer != null)
                    string str3 = automationPeer.GetName();
                    DebugFix.Assert(str3 == str);
#endif //DEBUG
                TextBlockWithAutomationPeer.NotifyScreenReaderAutomation(automationPeer, str);
Exemplo n.º 28
        // IFrameworkElement

        protected override void OnApplyTemplate()
            if (GetTemplateChild <Control>(c_expanderHeader) is ToggleButton toggleButton)
                // We will do 2 things with the toggle button's peer:
                // 1. Set the events source of the toggle button peer to
                // the expander's automation peer. This is is because we
                // don't want to announce the toggle button's on/off property
                // changes, but the expander's expander/collapse property changes
                // (or on the events source that's set, if it's set) and
                // 2. Set the expander's automation properties name to the
                // toggleButton's in case the expander doesn't have one. This just follows
                // what WPF does.
                if (FrameworkElementAutomationPeer.FromElement(toggleButton) is AutomationPeer toggleButtonPeer)
                    // 1. Set the events source of the toggle button peer to the expander's.
                    if (FrameworkElementAutomationPeer.FromElement(this) is AutomationPeer expanderPeer)
                        // Uno Doc: EventSource is not implemented in the Uno Platform
                        //var expanderEventsSource = expanderPeer.EventsSource != null ?
                        //	expanderPeer.EventsSource :
                        //	expanderPeer;
                        //toggleButtonPeer.EventsSource = expanderEventsSource;

                    // 2. If the expander doesn't have any AutomationProperties.Name set,
                    // we will try setting one based on the header. This is how
                    // WPF's expanders work.
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AutomationProperties.GetName(this)) &&
                        // Uno Doc: The equivalent '.GetName()' substituted for '.GetNameCore()' in WinUI
                        AutomationProperties.SetName(this, toggleButtonPeer.GetName());

Exemplo n.º 29
        // Set the AutomationPeer name to be the same as the x:Name on each FrameworkElement
        // that is a child of the given panel, and continue recursively into any panel children.
        // This is so we don't need to set both properties on the elements in XAML.
        void SetAutomationPeerNames(Panel root)
            foreach (var child in root.Children)
                if (child is FrameworkElement element)
                    // Copy the x:Name into the AutomationPeer name unless it already has an AutomationPeer name.
                    var name = element.Name;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(AutomationProperties.GetName(element)))
                        AutomationProperties.SetName(element, name);

                    if (child is Panel panel)
                        // Recurse to get the rest of the tree.
        private void UpdateTimer_Tick(object sender, object e)
            FrameworkElement focusedControl;

            if (Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ApiInformation.IsPropertyPresent("Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement", "XamlRoot") && XamlRoot != null)
                focusedControl = FocusManager.GetFocusedElement(XamlRoot) as FrameworkElement;
                focusedControl = FocusManager.GetFocusedElement() as FrameworkElement;

            if (focusedControl == null)

            if (controlName != null)
                controlName.Text = focusedControl.Name;

            if (controlType != null)
                controlType.Text = focusedControl.GetType().Name;

            if (controlAutomationName != null)
                controlAutomationName.Text = AutomationProperties.GetName(focusedControl);

            if (controlFirstParentWithName != null)
                var parentWithName = FindVisualAscendantWithName(focusedControl);
                controlFirstParentWithName.Text = parentWithName?.Name ?? string.Empty;