Exemplo n.º 1
    String GenerateResponse(String SamlAssession, AuthNRequest authNRequest)
        String postForm = String.Copy(Common.postForm);
        //Base64 encoding
        String encoded = Common.EncodeTo64(SamlAssession);

        //return the html
        postForm = postForm.Replace("%ASSERTION_CONSUMER", SamlAssertionConsumerValidator.GetValidURL(authNRequest));
        postForm = postForm.Replace("%SAML_RESPONSE", encoded);
        public static string GetValidURL(AuthNRequest request)
            foreach (string allowedUrl in Common.AllowedAssertionConsumers)
                if (request.AssertionConsumerServiceURL.Equals(allowedUrl,

            Common.error("Disallowed AssertionConsumerServiceURL value in SAML Request: "
                         + request.AssertionConsumerServiceURL
                         + " Please check assertion_consumer value in Web.config.");
            throw new Exception("Disallowed AssertionConsumerServiceURL value in SAML Request: "
                                + request.AssertionConsumerServiceURL);
    String BuildAssertion(String subject, AuthNRequest authNRequest)
        Common.debug("inside BuildAssertion");
        String      recipientGsa = Common.GSAAssertionConsumer;
        XmlDocument respDoc      = (XmlDocument)Common.postResponse.CloneNode(true);

        Common.debug("before replacement: " + respDoc.InnerXml);
        if (!recipientGsa.StartsWith("http"))
            recipientGsa = "http://" + Request.Headers["Host"] + recipientGsa;

        String req = respDoc.InnerXml;

        req = req.Replace("%REQID", authNRequest.Id);
        DateTime currentTimeStamp = DateTime.Now;

        req = req.Replace("%INSTANT", Common.FormatInvariantTime(currentTimeStamp.AddMinutes(-1)));
        req = req.Replace("%NOT_ON_OR_AFTER", Common.FormatInvariantTime(currentTimeStamp.AddSeconds(Common.iTrustDuration)));
        String idpEntityId;

        if (Common.IDPEntityId == null || "".Equals(Common.IDPEntityId))
            throw new Exception("IDP Entity ID is not set in config. Using machine name as default");
        req = req.Replace("%ISSUER", Common.IDPEntityId);
        String MessageId = Common.GenerateRandomString();

        req = req.Replace("%MESSAGE_ID", MessageId);
        req = req.Replace("%RESPONSE_ID", Common.GenerateRandomString());
        req = req.Replace("%ASSERTION_ID", Common.GenerateRandomString());
        req = req.Replace("%SUBJECT", SecurityElement.Escape(subject));
        req = req.Replace("%RECIPIENT", recipientGsa);
        req = req.Replace("%AUTHN_REQUEST_ID", SecurityElement.Escape(authNRequest.Id));
        req = req.Replace("%AUDIENCE", authNRequest.Issuer);

        respDoc.InnerXml = req;
        // Sign the XML document.
        SignXml(respDoc, MessageId);
        Common.debug("exit BuildAssession");
    /// <summary>
    /// Extracts the Authn request ID from the SAML Request parameter
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public AuthNRequest ExtractAuthNRequest(String samlRequest)
        Common.debug("samlRequest = " + samlRequest);
        samlRequest = Decompress(samlRequest);
        Common.debug("samlRequest decoded = " + samlRequest);
        if (samlRequest == null)
            Common.debug("Decompress failed");
        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

        doc.InnerXml = samlRequest;
        XmlElement   root = doc.DocumentElement;
        AuthNRequest req  = new AuthNRequest();

        req.Id     = root.Attributes["ID"].Value;
        req.Issuer = Common.FindOnly(samlRequest, "Issuer").InnerText;
Exemplo n.º 5
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Common.debug("Login Request is: " + Request.RawUrl);
        Common.debug("before Login::entering pageload");
        // create an IAutn instance
        IAuthn authn = AAFactory.getAuthn(this);

        String samlRequest = Request.Params["SAMLRequest"];

        if (samlRequest == null || "".Equals(samlRequest))

        //Decode request and extract the AuthNRequestId
        AuthNRequest authNRequest = ExtractAuthNRequest(samlRequest);

        if (authNRequest.Id == null || authNRequest.Equals(""))
            Common.error("Couldn't extract AuthN Request Id from SAMLRequest");
            throw new Exception("Failed to extract AuthN Request Id from SAML Request");
        Common.debug("Extracted AuthNRequestId is :" + authNRequest.Id);

        String subject = authn.GetUserIdentity();

        // Get the user's identity (silently, if properly configured).
        if (subject == null || subject.Equals(""))
            Common.error("Couldn't get user name, check your system setup");
            throw new Exception("Failed to get user name");
        Common.debug("The user is: " + subject);
        String SamlAssession = BuildAssertion(subject, authNRequest);

        Response.Write(GenerateResponse(SamlAssession, authNRequest));
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            Common.debug("Login Request is: " + Request.RawUrl);
            Common.debug("before Login::entering pageload");
            // create an IAutn instance
            IAuthn authn = AAFactory.getAuthn(this);

            String samlRequest = Request.Params["SAMLRequest"];

            if (samlRequest == null || "".Equals(samlRequest))

            //Decode request and extract the AuthNRequestId
            AuthNRequest authNRequest = ExtractAuthNRequest(samlRequest);

            if (authNRequest.Id == null || authNRequest.Id.Equals(""))
                Common.error("Couldn't extract AuthN Request Id from SAMLRequest");
                throw new Exception("Failed to extract AuthN Request Id from SAML Request");

            Common.debug("Extracted AuthNRequestId is :" + authNRequest.Id);

            String subject = authn.GetUserIdentity();

            // Get the user's identity (silently, if properly configured).
            if (subject == null || subject.Equals(""))
                Common.error("Couldn't get user name, check your system setup");
                throw new Exception("Failed to get user name");
            Common.debug("The user is: " + subject);

            // Generate a random string (artifact) that the GSA
            //  will use later to confirm the user's identity
            String artifactId = Common.GenerateRandomString();

            // Set an application level name/value pair for storing the user ID
            // and the AuthN request Id with the artifact string.
            // This is used later when the GSA asks to verify the artifact and obtain the
            // user ID (in ResolveArt.aspx.cs).
            SamlArtifactCacheEntry samlArtifactCacheEntry = new SamlArtifactCacheEntry(subject, authNRequest.Id);

            Application[Common.ARTIFACT + "_" + artifactId] = samlArtifactCacheEntry;

            // Get the relay state, which is the search URL to which the user
            //  is redirected following authentication and verification
            String relayState = Request.Params["RelayState"];

            // Look up the GSA host name (stored in Web.config)
            String gsa;

            // Encode the relay state for building the redirection URL (back to the GSA)
            relayState = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(relayState);
            gsa        = Common.GSAAssertionConsumer + "?SAMLart=" + artifactId + "&RelayState=" + relayState;
            if (!gsa.StartsWith("http"))
                gsa = "http://" + Request.Headers["Host"] + gsa;

            Common.debug("before Login::redirect");
            Common.debug(" to: " + gsa);
            // Redirect back to the GSA, which will theb contact the Artifact verifier service
            //  with the artifact, to ensure its validity and obtain the user's ID