Exemplo n.º 1
 public LoginData(string server, string login, string password, AuthMethod auth)
     Server = server;
     Login = login;
     Password = password;
     AuthMethod = auth;
        public async Task <IActionResult> PutAuthMethod(int id, AuthMethod authMethod)
            if (id != authMethod.AuthMethodId)

            _context.Entry(authMethod).State = EntityState.Modified;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
            catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                if (!AuthMethodExists(id))

Exemplo n.º 3
        public async Task IssuingTokenGeneratesTokenAndIdentityWithScopes(AuthMethod authMethod, params string[] scopes)
            CommunicationIdentityClient client = authMethod switch
                AuthMethod.ConnectionString => CreateClientWithConnectionString(),
                AuthMethod.KeyCredential => CreateClientWithAzureKeyCredential(),
                AuthMethod.TokenCredential => CreateClientWithTokenCredential(),
                _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(authMethod)),

            Response <CommunicationUserIdentifier> userResponse = await client.CreateUserAsync();

            Response <CommunicationUserToken> tokenResponse = await client.IssueTokenAsync(userResponse.Value, scopes : scopes.Select(x => new CommunicationTokenScope(x)));


            void ValidateScopesIfNotSanitized()
                if (Mode != RecordedTestMode.Playback)
                    JwtTokenParser.JwtPayload payload = JwtTokenParser.DecodeJwtPayload(tokenResponse.Value.Token);
                    CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(scopes, payload.Scopes);
Exemplo n.º 4
        protected override void CheckRequest(GStatsSession session, Dictionary <string, string> recv)
            base.CheckRequest(session, recv);

            if (recv.ContainsKey("pid") && recv.ContainsKey("resp"))
                //we parse profileid here
                if (!uint.TryParse(recv["pid"], out _profileid))
                    _errorCode = GstatsErrorCode.Parse;
                _authMethod = AuthMethod.ProfileIDAuth;
            else if (recv.ContainsKey("authtoken") && recv.ContainsKey("response"))
                _authMethod = AuthMethod.PartnerIDAuth;
            else if (recv.ContainsKey("keyhash") && recv.ContainsKey("nick"))
                _authMethod = AuthMethod.CDkeyAuth;
                _errorCode = GstatsErrorCode.Parse;
 public AKVConfigurationProvider(AuthMethod useLocalCert, string secret, string keyvaultbase, string appclientid)
     _useLocalCert = useLocalCert;
     _secret       = secret;
     _keyvaultbase = keyvaultbase;
     _appclientid  = appclientid;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public async Task MountDefaultAppRoleMount_Success()
            AppRoleAuthEngine defaultBE = (AppRoleAuthEngine)_vault.ConnectAuthenticationBackend(EnumBackendTypes.A_AppRole);
            AuthMethod        defaultAM = new AuthMethod(defaultBE.MountPoint, EnumAuthMethods.AppRole);

            try {
                Assert.True(await _vaultSystemBackend.AuthEnable(defaultAM));
            catch (VaultException e) {
                if (e.SpecificErrorCode == EnumVaultExceptionCodes.BackendMountAlreadyExists)
                    // Disable and re-enable to confirm we can do this.
                    Assert.True(await _vaultSystemBackend.AuthDisable(defaultAM));
                    Assert.True(await _vaultSystemBackend.AuthEnable(defaultAM));
                    Assert.Fail("Unexpected Vault Error - " + e.Message);
            catch (Exception e) {
                Assert.Fail("Unexpected error from Vault: " + e.Message);

            string  name = _uniqueKeys.GetKey("RoleDef");
            AppRole ar   = new AppRole(name);

            Assert.True(await _appRoleAuthEngine.SaveRole(ar));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public async Task AppRoleLoginConnector_Test()
            // PRE-Test

            VaultSystemBackend vaultSystemBackend = new VaultSystemBackend(_vault.TokenID, _vault);
            string             approleMountName   = _UK.GetKey("AppAuth");

            // Create an AppRole authentication connection.
            AppRoleAuthEngine appRoleAuthEngine = (AppRoleAuthEngine)_vault.ConnectAuthenticationBackend(EnumBackendTypes.A_AppRole, "AppRole", approleMountName);

            // Create an Authentication method of App Role.	- This only needs to be done when the Auth method is created.
            AuthMethod am = new AuthMethod(approleMountName, EnumAuthMethods.AppRole);
            bool       rc = await vaultSystemBackend.AuthEnable(am);

            string  rName = _UK.GetKey("Role");
            AppRole roleA = new AppRole(rName);

            Assert.True(await appRoleAuthEngine.SaveRole(roleA));

            string roleID = await appRoleAuthEngine.ReadRoleID(roleA.Name);

            // Now create the a secret
            AppRoleSecret secret_A = await appRoleAuthEngine.GenerateSecretID(roleA.Name);

            // ACTUAL TEST
            // Create Login Connector
            AppRoleLoginConnector loginConnector = new AppRoleLoginConnector(_vault, approleMountName, "Test AppRole", roleID, secret_A.ID);
            bool result = await loginConnector.Connect(true);

            Assert.IsTrue(result, "A10:  Login Failed");
        public async Task <ActionResult <AuthMethod> > PostAuthMethod(AuthMethod authMethod)
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(CreatedAtAction("GetAuthMethod", new { id = authMethod.AuthMethodId }, authMethod));
Exemplo n.º 9
        private UserInfo GetUser(out AuthMethod method)
            if (LoginWithThirdParty.TryGetUserByHash(HashId, out var userId))
                if (!(CoreContext.Configuration.Standalone ||
                    throw new Exception(Resource.ErrorNotAllowedOption);
                method = AuthMethod.ThirdParty;

            if (EnableLdap && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["ldapPassword"]))
                var localization    = new LdapLocalization(Resource.ResourceManager);
                var ldapUserManager = new LdapUserManager(localization);

                UserInfo userInfo;
                //todo: think about password
                if (!ldapUserManager.TryGetAndSyncLdapUserInfo(Login, PasswordHash, out userInfo))
                    userInfo = Constants.LostUser;

                method = AuthMethod.Ldap;

            method = AuthMethod.Login;
            return(CoreContext.UserManager.GetUsersByPasswordHash(TenantProvider.CurrentTenantID, Login, PasswordHash));
Exemplo n.º 10
        public override RestRequest CreateRestRequest(AuthMethod authMethod, string sessionId)
            var request = new RestRequest(BuildUri(), _method);

            request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json;
            SetAuthentication(request, authMethod, sessionId);
            if (Data != null)
                AddParameter("data", Data); // will be handled by upcoming loop
            foreach (var param in _parameters)
                if (param.Value is string)
                    request.AddParameter(param.Key, param.Value);
                else if (param.Value is int)
                    request.AddParameter(param.Key, param.Value.ToString());
                    var serialized = request.JsonSerializer.Serialize(param.Value);
                    request.AddParameter(param.Key, serialized);
            if (Body != null)
Exemplo n.º 11
        public bool UpdateAuth(string value)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                Auth = null;

            if (value.StartsWith("Bearer "))
                Auth = new AuthToken();
            if (value.StartsWith("Basic "))
                Auth = new AuthBasic();
                var lower = value.ToLowerInvariant();
                if (lower.StartsWith("api-key") || lower.StartsWith("apikey"))
                    Auth = new AuthApiKey();
                    Auth = new AuthCustom();

Exemplo n.º 12
        public async Task Auth_EnableDisableValidated()
            string     name = _uniqueKeys.GetKey("TST");
            AuthMethod am   = new AuthMethod(name, EnumAuthMethods.AppRole);
            string     path = am.Path;

            Debug.WriteLine("EnDisValid: Enabling first");
            Assert.True(await _vaultSystemBackend.AuthEnable(am));

            // Now get listing of methods and search for our test one.
            Debug.WriteLine("EnDisValid: Getting List.");
            Dictionary <string, AuthMethod> authMethods = await _vaultSystemBackend.AuthListAll();

            Assert.That(authMethods, Contains.Key(path));

            // Now disable and verify it is not in list.
            Debug.WriteLine("EnDisValid:  Disabling...");
            Assert.True(await _vaultSystemBackend.AuthDisable(am));
            Debug.WriteLine("EnDisValid:  Get new list LatestMethods...");
            Dictionary <string, AuthMethod> latestMethods = await _vaultSystemBackend.AuthListAll();

            Debug.WriteLine("EnDisValid:  Final Asserts");
            Assert.That(latestMethods, !Contains.Key(path));
Exemplo n.º 13
 public LoginData(string server, string login, string password, AuthMethod auth)
     Server     = server;
     Login      = login;
     Password   = password;
     AuthMethod = auth;
Exemplo n.º 14
        private async Task Validate(HttpContext httpContext, DataContext dataContext)
            httpContext.Response.StatusCode = 400;

            var accessToken = httpContext.Request.Headers["Authorization"].FirstOrDefault()?.Split(" ").Last();

            if (accessToken == null)
                await httpContext.Response.WriteAsync("Missing access token!");


            var validatedToken = AuthMethod.ValidateJSONWebToken(accessToken, _config["Jwt:AccessTokenSecret"], _config["Jwt:Issuer"], _config["Jwt:Audience"]);

            if (validatedToken == null)
                await httpContext.Response.WriteAsync("Incorrect access token!");


            httpContext.Items["user"] = await dataContext.Users.FindAsync(validatedToken);
Exemplo n.º 15
        void StartAuthentication()
            if ((AuthMethodsSupported & AuthMethod.MD5) == AuthMethod.MD5)
                AuthMethodUsed = AuthMethod.MD5;
            else if (((AuthMethodsSupported & AuthMethod.Plain) == AuthMethod.Plain) && (XMPPClient.UseTLS == true))
                AuthMethodUsed = AuthMethod.Plain;

                byte[] bUserName = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(XMPPClient.UserName);
                byte[] bPassword = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(XMPPClient.Password);
                byte[] bText     = new byte[2 + bUserName.Length + bPassword.Length];
                bText[0] = 0;
                Array.Copy(bUserName, 0, bText, 1, bUserName.Length);
                bText[bUserName.Length + 1] = 0;
                Array.Copy(bPassword, 0, bText, 1 + bUserName.Length + 1, bPassword.Length);

                string strBase64Text   = Convert.ToBase64String(bText);
                string ResponseMessage = PlainAuth.Replace("##RESPONSE##", strBase64Text);
            // Needs some type of google token retrieved from http or something
            //else if (((AuthMethodsSupported & AuthMethod.googletoken) == AuthMethod.googletoken) && (XMPPClient.UseTLS == true))
            //    AuthMethodUsed = AuthMethod.googletoken;

            //    string strText = string.Format("\0{0}@{1}\0{2}", XMPPClient.UserName, XMPPClient.Domain, XMPPClient.Password);
            //    byte[] bText = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strText);
            //    string strBase64Text = Convert.ToBase64String(bText);
            //    string ResponseMessage = PlainAuth.Replace("##RESPONSE##", strBase64Text);
            //    XMPPClient.SendRawXML(ResponseMessage);
Exemplo n.º 16
        private void Negotiate_ReadWhole_End(IAsyncResult ar)
            Negotiation_SO asyncState = (Negotiation_SO)ar.AsyncState;

                AuthMethod method = this.ExtractAuthMethod(asyncState.Reply);
                if (((AuthMethod.NoAcceptable == method) && !asyncState.UseCredentials) && (base._proxyUser != null))
                    asyncState.UseCredentials = true;
                    byte[] buffer = this.PrepareNegotiationCmd(asyncState.UseCredentials);
                    base.NStream.BeginWrite(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, new AsyncCallback(this.Negotiate_Write_End), asyncState);
                    this.BeginDoAuthentication(method, new AsyncCallback(this.Negotiate_DoAuth_End), asyncState);
            catch (Exception exception)
                asyncState.Exception = exception;
        public async Task GettingTurnCredentialsWithRequestedRouteType(AuthMethod authMethod, RouteType routeType)
            CommunicationRelayClient client = authMethod switch
                AuthMethod.ConnectionString => CreateClientWithConnectionString(),
                AuthMethod.KeyCredential => CreateClientWithAzureKeyCredential(),
                AuthMethod.TokenCredential => CreateClientWithTokenCredential(),
                _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(authMethod)),

            CommunicationIdentityClient communicationIdentityClient = CreateInstrumentedCommunicationIdentityClient();

            Response <CommunicationUserIdentifier> userResponse = await communicationIdentityClient.CreateUserAsync();

            Response <CommunicationRelayConfiguration> turnCredentialsResponse = await client.GetRelayConfigurationAsync(userResponse.Value, routeType);

            foreach (CommunicationIceServer serverCredential in turnCredentialsResponse.Value.IceServers)
                foreach (string url in serverCredential.Urls)
                Assert.AreEqual(routeType, serverCredential.RouteType);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public async Task Setup()
            // Build Connection to Vault.
            _vault = await VaultServerRef.ConnectVault("AppRoleVault");

            //_vault = new VaultAgentAPI ("AppRoleVault", VaultServerRef.ipAddress, VaultServerRef.ipPort, VaultServerRef.rootToken, true);
            _vaultSystemBackend = new VaultSystemBackend(_vault.TokenID, _vault);

            _ldapMountName = _uniqueKeys.GetKey("LDAP");

            // Define the engine.
            _ldapAuthEngine = (LdapAuthEngine)_vault.ConnectAuthenticationBackend(EnumBackendTypes.A_LDAP, "ldap_test", _ldapMountName);

            // Now create the Mount point.
            AuthMethod authMethod = new AuthMethod(_ldapMountName, EnumAuthMethods.LDAP);

            authMethod.Description = "Ldap Test";
            Assert.True(await _vaultSystemBackend.AuthEnable(authMethod), "A10:  Expected the LDAP Backend to have been enabled.");

            // Now build the LDAP Backend.
            _origConfig = _ldapAuthEngine.GetLDAPConfigFromFile(@"C:\a_Dev\Configs\LDAP_Test.json");
            SetLDAPConfig(_ldapMountName, _origConfig);

            // Save the Config.  We do this here so the SetLDAPConfig can be used for multiple engines.
            Assert.True(await _ldapAuthEngine.ConfigureLDAPBackend(_origConfig), "A100:  Expected the LDAP Configuration method to return True");

            // Initialize the LDAP Login Connector.
            _ldapLoginConnector = new LDAPLoginConnector(_vault, _ldapAuthEngine.MountPoint, "Test LDAP Backend");

            // Load the Test Data Object
Exemplo n.º 19
        private UserInfo GetUser(out AuthMethod method)
            if (EnableLdap)
                var localization    = new LdapLocalization(Resource.ResourceManager);
                var ldapUserManager = new LdapUserManager(localization);

                UserInfo userInfo;
                if (ldapUserManager.TryGetAndSyncLdapUserInfo(Login, Password, out userInfo))
                    method = AuthMethod.Ldap;

            Guid userId;

            if (LoginWithThirdParty.TryGetUserByHash(HashId, out userId))
                method = AuthMethod.ThirdParty;

            method = AuthMethod.Login;
            return(CoreContext.UserManager.GetUsers(TenantProvider.CurrentTenantID, Login, Hasher.Base64Hash(Password, HashAlg.SHA256)));
Exemplo n.º 20
        public void AuthMethod_ConstructViaEnum_Success(EnumAuthMethods i, string val)
            string     sPath = "GHI" + i.ToString();
            AuthMethod am    = new AuthMethod(sPath, i);

            Assert.AreEqual(am.TypeAsString, val);
Exemplo n.º 21
        public override RestRequest CreateRestRequest(AuthMethod authMethod, string sessionId)
            var request = new RestRequest(ResourceUris.Logout, Method.POST);

            SetAuthentication(request, authMethod, sessionId);
        /// <summary>
        /// 调用接口返回数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="accId"></param>
        /// <param name="start"></param>
        /// <param name="end"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetWeixinFeedBack(int pageIndex, string accId, string start, string end)
            ProxyRequestModel.ProxyRequest request = new ProxyRequestModel.ProxyRequest();
            ProxyRequestModel.UserMessage  usrMsg  = new ProxyRequestModel.UserMessage();

            Dictionary <string, string> dic = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "listData", "" },
                { "rowCount", "" },
                { "maxPage", "" }

            usrMsg.pageIndex = pageIndex;
            usrMsg.pageSize  = 15;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(start))
                usrMsg.startTime = Convert.ToDateTime(start);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(end))
                usrMsg.endTime = Convert.ToDateTime(end);
            if (int.Parse(accId) != 0)
                usrMsg.accId        = Convert.ToInt32(accId);
                request.RequestName = "getMessageByAccId";
                usrMsg.accId        = 0;
                request.RequestName = "getMessage";

            request.RequestJson = CommonLib.Helper.JsonSerializeObject(usrMsg);
            ProxyRequestModel.WeixinResponseModel response = new ProxyRequestModel.WeixinResponseModel();
            response = AuthMethod.SendRequest(request);

            if (response.Status)
                OpenResponseModel.ResponseMessage responseModel =
                    CommonLib.Helper.JsonDeserializeObject <OpenResponseModel.ResponseMessage>(response.ObjectStr);

                foreach (OpenResponseModel.T_UserMessageModel item in responseModel.userMessage)
                    item.CompanyName = T_AccountBLL.GetSingleCompanyName(item.accId);

                dic["listData"] = CommonLib.Helper.JsonSerializeObject(responseModel.userMessage, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                dic["rowCount"] = responseModel.pageInfo.totalCount.ToString();
                dic["maxPage"]  = responseModel.pageInfo.pageCount.ToString();

                return(CommonLib.Helper.JsonSerializeObject(dic, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
Exemplo n.º 23
        public async Task Auth_Disable_Works()
            string     key = _uniqueKeys.GetKey("TST");
            AuthMethod am  = new AuthMethod(key, EnumAuthMethods.AppRole);

            Assert.True(await _vaultSystemBackend.AuthEnable(am));
            Assert.True(await _vaultSystemBackend.AuthDisable(am));
Exemplo n.º 24
 public override RestRequest CreateRestRequest(AuthMethod authMethod, string sessionId)
     var request = new RestRequest(BuildUrl(), _method);
     SetAuthentication(request, authMethod, sessionId);
     request.AddParameter("ids", _userId);
     request.AddParameter("globalgroup", _globalGroup);
     return request;
Exemplo n.º 25
        // Make sure that specifying a name value will build the appropriate path value.
        public void AuthMethod_Constructor_SetsNameAndPathCorrectly_WhenProvidedName()
            string     name = "test2";
            string     path = name + "/";
            AuthMethod am   = new AuthMethod(name, EnumAuthMethods.Kubernetes);

            Assert.AreEqual(path, am.Path);
            Assert.AreEqual(name, am.Name);
Exemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Enables the provided Authentication backend.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="am">The AuthMethod object that represents the authentication engine to enable.</param>
        /// <returns>True if authentication engine was successfully enabled. False otherwise.
        /// Throws exception: VaultException with SpecificErrorCode set to BackendMountAlreadyExists if a mount already exists at that location.
        /// </returns>
        public async Task <bool> AuthEnable(AuthMethod am)
            string path = MountPointPath + "auth/" + am.Name;

            Dictionary <string, string> contentParams = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            contentParams.Add("path", am.Path);
            contentParams.Add("description", am.Description);
            contentParams.Add("type", am.TypeAsString);

            string contentJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(contentParams, Formatting.None);

            StringBuilder jsonConfig;
            string        json = "";

            if (am.Config != null)
                jsonConfig = new StringBuilder(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(am.Config));
                jsonConfig.Insert(0, "\"config\":");

                // Combine the 2 JSON's, by stripping trailing closing brace from the content param JSON string.
                StringBuilder jsonParams = new StringBuilder(contentJSON, (contentJSON.Length + jsonConfig.Length + 20));
                jsonParams.Remove(jsonParams.Length - 1, 1);

                // Remove the opening brace.

                json = jsonParams.ToString();
                json = contentJSON;

            try {
                VaultDataResponseObjectB vdro = await ParentVault._httpConnector.PostAsync_B(path, "VaultSystemBackend:AuthEnable", json, false);

            catch (VaultInvalidDataException e) {
                if (e.Message.Contains("path is already in use"))
                    VaultException ex =
                        new VaultException("The authentication backend mount point already exists.  Cannot enable another mount point at that location.");
                    ex.SpecificErrorCode = EnumVaultExceptionCodes.BackendMountAlreadyExists;
                    throw ex;
                    throw e;
Exemplo n.º 27
        public async Task Auth_Enable_ConfigOptions()
            string     key = _uniqueKeys.GetKey("TST");
            AuthMethod am  = new AuthMethod(key, EnumAuthMethods.AppRole);

            am.Config.DefaultLeaseTTL = "120";
            am.Config.MaxLeaseTTL     = "240";
            Assert.True(await _vaultSystemBackend.AuthEnable(am));
Exemplo n.º 28
        public override RestRequest CreateRestRequest(AuthMethod authMethod, string sessionId)
            var request = new RestRequest(BuildUrl(), _method);

            SetAuthentication(request, authMethod, sessionId);
            request.AddParameter("ids", _userId);
            request.AddParameter("globalgroup", _globalGroup);
        public async Task GetPurchasedPhoneNumbers(AuthMethod authMethod)
            var client = CreateClient(authMethod);

            var numbersPagable = client.GetPurchasedPhoneNumbersAsync();
            var numbers        = await numbersPagable.ToEnumerableAsync();

Exemplo n.º 30
        public async Task <ActionResult <Auth> > Login(User user)
            var authInfo = new Auth();

            var u = await _context.Users.SingleOrDefaultAsync(item => item.Username == user.Username);

            if (u == null)
                return(NotFound("Username is not existed!"));

            bool verified = BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.Verify(user.Password, u.Password);

            if (!verified)
                return(BadRequest("Incorrect Username or Password!"));

            authInfo.AccessToken = AuthMethod.GenenateJSONWebToken(u, _config["Jwt:AccessTokenSecret"], Convert.ToDouble(_config["Jwt:AccessTokenExpires"]), _config["Jwt:Issuer"], _config["Jwt:Audience"]);

            var createNewRefreshToken = false;

            if (u.RefreshToken == null)
                createNewRefreshToken = true;
                var validateRefreshToken = AuthMethod.ValidateJSONWebToken(u.RefreshToken, _config["Jwt:RefreshTokenSecret"], _config["Jwt:Issuer"], _config["Jwt:Audience"]);
                if (validateRefreshToken == null)
                    createNewRefreshToken = true;

            if (createNewRefreshToken == true)
                var refreshToken = AuthMethod.GenenateJSONWebToken(u, _config["Jwt:RefreshTokenSecret"], Convert.ToDouble(_config["Jwt:RefreshTokenExpires"]), _config["Jwt:Issuer"], _config["Jwt:Audience"]);
                u.RefreshToken = refreshToken;

                _context.Entry(u).State = EntityState.Modified;

                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)

            authInfo.RefreshToken = u.RefreshToken;
            authInfo.User         = u;

Exemplo n.º 31
        // Make sure that the non-JSON constructor will set the path and name value correctly.
        public void AuthMethod_Constructor_SetsNameAndPathCorrectly()
            string     path = "test2/";
            string     name = path.Substring(0, path.Length - 1);
            AuthMethod am   = new AuthMethod(path, EnumAuthMethods.Kubernetes);

            Assert.AreEqual(path, am.Path);
            Assert.AreEqual(name, am.Name);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a <see cref="PhoneNumbersClient" /> based on provided authMethod
 /// and instruments it to make use of the Azure Core Test Framework functionalities.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>The instrumented <see cref="PhoneNumbersClient" />.</returns>
 protected PhoneNumbersClient CreateClient(AuthMethod authMethod = AuthMethod.ConnectionString, bool isInstrumented = true)
     return(authMethod switch
         AuthMethod.ConnectionString => CreateClientWithConnectionString(isInstrumented),
         AuthMethod.KeyCredential => CreateClientWithAzureKeyCredential(isInstrumented),
         AuthMethod.TokenCredential => CreateClientWithTokenCredential(isInstrumented),
         _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(authMethod))
Exemplo n.º 33
 public override RestRequest CreateRestRequest(AuthMethod authMethod, string sessionId)
     // authMethod and sessionId are useless, we're not logged in anyway!
     var request = new RestRequest(ResourceUris.Login, Method.POST);
     request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json;
     request.AddBody(new {
         username = _username,
         password = Utility.SecureStringToString(_password)
     return request;
Exemplo n.º 34
		/// <summary>
		/// Deserializes a new instance of the ClientGreeting class from the
		/// specified byte array.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="buffer">An array of bytes to deserialize a new instance
		/// of the ClientGreeting class from.</param>
		/// <returns>An initialized instance of the ClientGreeting class.</returns>
		/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The buffer parameter is
		/// null.</exception>
		/// <exception cref="SerializationException">The specified buffer does
		/// not contain a valid SOCKS5 client-greeting message.</exception>
		public static ClientGreeting Deserialize(byte[] buffer) {
			using (var ms = new MemoryStream(buffer)) {
				using (BinaryReader r = new BinaryReader(ms)) {
					if (r.ReadByte() != version)
						throw new SerializationException("Invalid SOCKS5 greeting.");
					byte count = r.ReadByte();
					AuthMethod[] methods = new AuthMethod[count];
					for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
						methods[i] = (AuthMethod) r.ReadByte();
					return new ClientGreeting(methods);
Exemplo n.º 35
 protected void SetAuthentication(RestRequest request, AuthMethod authMethod, string sessionId)
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sessionId)) // Check if we have a valid id
     if (authMethod == AuthMethod.SessionId)
         request.AddParameter(SessionIdParameterName, sessionId);
     else // Cookie
         request.AddCookie(SessionIdCookieName, sessionId);
Exemplo n.º 36
 public void Initialize(string accessToken,
                                 string accessTokenSecret,
                                 string username,
                                 long userId)
     //for OAuth
     HttpOAuthApiProxy con = new HttpOAuthApiProxy();
     if (tk != accessToken || tks != accessTokenSecret ||
             un != username || connectionType != AuthMethod.OAuth)
         // 以前の認証状態よりひとつでも変化があったらhttpヘッダより読み取ったカウントは初期化
         tk = accessToken;
         tks = accessTokenSecret;
         un = username;
     con.Initialize(ApplicationSettings.TwitterConsumerKey, ApplicationSettings.TwitterConsumerSecret, accessToken, accessTokenSecret, username, userId, "screen_name", "user_id");
     httpCon = con;
     connectionType = AuthMethod.OAuth;
     requestToken = "";
Exemplo n.º 37
 public void setProtocolParams(
     AuthMethod authMethod,
     string userName,
     string pass,
     string key,
     bool SSH1)
     // each following check can force to different authentication
     authMethod = this.CheckUserName(userName, authMethod);
     authMethod = this.CheckPublickKey(key, authMethod);
     authMethod = this.CheckPassword(pass, authMethod);
     this._params.EventTracer = new SShTraceLissener();
Exemplo n.º 38
		/// <summary>
		/// Attempts to establish an authenticated session with the server using the specified
		/// credentials.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="username">The username with which to login in to the IMAP server.</param>
		/// <param name="password">The password with which to log in to the IMAP server.</param>
		/// <param name="method">The requested method of authentication. Can be one of the values
		/// of the AuthMethod enumeration.</param>
		/// <exception cref="InvalidCredentialsException">Thrown if authentication using the
		/// supplied credentials failed.</exception>
		/// <exception cref="NotSupportedException">Thrown if the specified authentication
		/// method is not supported by the server.</exception>
		/// <include file='Examples.xml' path='S22/Imap/ImapClient[@name="Login"]/*'/>
		public void Login(string username, string password, AuthMethod method) {
			string tag = GetTag(), response;
			switch (method) {
				case AuthMethod.Login:
					response = Login(tag, username, password);
				case AuthMethod.Auto:
					response = AuthAuto(tag, username, password);
				case AuthMethod.NtlmOverSspi:
					response = SspiAuthenticate(tag, username, password, true);
				case AuthMethod.Gssapi:
					response = SspiAuthenticate(tag, username, password, false);
					response = Authenticate(tag, username, password, method.ToString());
			// The server may include an untagged CAPABILITY line in the response.
			if (response.StartsWith("* CAPABILITY")) {
				capabilities = response.Substring(13).Trim().Split(' ')
					.Select(s => s.ToUpperInvariant()).ToArray();
				response = GetResponse();
			if (!IsResponseOK(response, tag))
				throw new InvalidCredentialsException(response);
			Authed = true;
Exemplo n.º 39
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the ImapClient class and connects to the specified port on
		/// the specified host, optionally using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) security protocol and
		/// attempts to authenticate with the server using the specified authentication method and
		/// credentials.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="hostname">The DNS name of the server to which you intend to connect.</param>
		/// <param name="port">The port number of the server to which you intend to connect.</param>
		/// <param name="username">The username with which to login in to the IMAP server.</param>
		/// <param name="password">The password with which to log in to the IMAP server.</param>
		/// <param name="method">The requested method of authentication. Can be one of the values
		/// of the AuthMethod enumeration.</param>
		/// <param name="ssl">Set to true to use the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) security protocol.</param>
		/// <param name="validate">Delegate used for verifying the remote Secure Sockets Layer
		/// (SSL) certificate which is used for authentication. Set this to null if not needed</param>
		/// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The port parameter is not between MinPort
		/// and MaxPort.</exception>
		/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The hostname parameter is null.</exception>
		/// <exception cref="SocketException">An error occurred while accessing the socket used for
		/// establishing the connection to the IMAP server. Use the ErrorCode property to obtain the
		/// specific error code</exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException">An authentication
		/// error occured while trying to establish a secure connection.</exception>
		/// <exception cref="BadServerResponseException">Thrown if an unexpected response is received
		/// from the server upon connecting.</exception> 
		/// <exception cref="InvalidCredentialsException">Thrown if authentication using the
		/// supplied credentials failed.</exception>
		/// <include file='Examples.xml' path='S22/Imap/ImapClient[@name="ctor-2"]/*'/>
		public ImapClient(string hostname, int port, string username, string password, AuthMethod method =
			AuthMethod.Auto, bool ssl = false, RemoteCertificateValidationCallback validate = null) {
			Connect(hostname, port, ssl, validate);
			Login(username, password, method);
Exemplo n.º 40
        public override void Login(string userName, string password, AuthMethod method)
            string response = null;
            switch (method)
                case AuthMethod.Login:
                    lock (sequenceLock)
                        response = SendCommandGetResponse("USER " + userName);
                        if (!IsResponseOK(response))
                            throw new BadServerResponseException(response);

                        response = SendCommandGetResponse("PASS " + password);
                        if (!IsResponseOK(response))
                            throw new InvalidCredentialsException(response);

                case AuthMethod.CramMD5:
                    response = SendCommandGetResponse("AUTHENTICATE CRAM-MD5");
                case AuthMethod.OAuth:

            Authed = true;
Exemplo n.º 41
 public void Initialize(string accessToken, string accessTokenSecret, string username)
     //for OAuth
     HttpConnectionOAuth con = new HttpConnectionOAuth();
     con.Initialize(ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret, accessToken, accessTokenSecret, username, "screen_name");
     httpCon = con;
     connectionType = AuthMethod.OAuth;
Exemplo n.º 42
		public Task<bool> Authenticate(string Username, string PasswordOrApiKey, AuthMethod Method = AuthMethod.Password)
			throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemplo n.º 43
 public void Login(string username, string password, AuthMethod method)
     _internalClient.Login(username, password, method);
Exemplo n.º 44
        private AuthMethod CheckPublickKey(String key, AuthMethod authMethod)
            if (authMethod == AuthMethod.PublicKey)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
                    return AuthMethod.Password;

                this.Key = SSH2UserAuthKey.FromBase64String(key).toSECSHStyle("");

            return authMethod;
Exemplo n.º 45
		/// <summary>
		/// Attempts to establish an authenticated session with the server using the specified
		/// credentials.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="username">The username with which to login in to the IMAP server.</param>
		/// <param name="password">The password with which to log in to the IMAP server.</param>
		/// <param name="method">The requested method of authentication. Can be one of the values
		/// of the AuthMethod enumeration.</param>
		/// <exception cref="InvalidCredentialsException">Thrown if authentication using the
		/// supplied credentials failed.</exception>
		/// <include file='Examples.xml' path='S22/Imap/ImapClient[@name="Login"]/*'/>
		public void Login(string username, string password, AuthMethod method) {
			string tag = GetTag();
			string response = null;
			switch (method) {
				case AuthMethod.Login:
					response = SendCommandGetResponse(tag + "LOGIN " + username.QuoteString() + " " +
				case AuthMethod.CRAMMD5:
					response = SendCommandGetResponse(tag + "AUTHENTICATE CRAM-MD5");
					/* retrieve server key */
					string key = Encoding.Default.GetString(
						Convert.FromBase64String(response.Replace("+ ", "")));
					/* compute the hash */
					using (var kMd5 = new HMACMD5(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(password))) {
						byte[] hash1 = kMd5.ComputeHash(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(key));
						key = BitConverter.ToString(hash1).ToLower().Replace("-", "");
						string command = Convert.ToBase64String(
							Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(username + " " + key));
						response = SendCommandGetResponse(command);
				case AuthMethod.SaslOAuth:
					response = SendCommandGetResponse(tag + "AUTHENTICATE XOAUTH " + password);
			/* Server may include a CAPABILITY response */
			if (response.StartsWith("* CAPABILITY")) {
				capabilities = response.Substring(13).Trim().Split(' ')
					.Select(s => s.ToUpperInvariant()).ToArray();
				response = GetResponse();
			if (!IsResponseOK(response, tag))
				throw new InvalidCredentialsException(response);
			Authed = true;
Exemplo n.º 46
        /// <summary>
        /// Authenticates a user towards the POP server using some <see cref="AuthMethod"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="username">The username</param>
        /// <param name="password">The user password</param>
        /// <param name="authMethod">The way that the client should authenticate towards the server</param>
        /// <exception cref="NotSupportedException">If <see cref="AuthMethod.Apop"/> is used, but not supported by the server</exception>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidLoginException">If the user credentials was not accepted</exception>
        /// <exception cref="PopServerLockedException">If the server said the the mailbox was locked</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="username"/> or <paramref name="password"/> is <see langword="null"/></exception>
        /// <exception cref="LoginDelayException">If the server rejects the login because of too recent logins</exception>
        public void Authenticate(string username, string password, AuthMethod authMethod)

            if (username == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("username");

            if (password == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("password");

            if (State != ConnectionState.Authorization)
                throw new InvalidUseException("You have to be connected and not authorized when trying to authorize yourself");

            switch (authMethod)
                case AuthMethod.UsernameAndPassword:
                    AuthenticateUsingUserAndPassword(username, password);

                case AuthMethod.Apop:
                    AuthenticateUsingApop(username, password);

                case AuthMethod.Auto:
                    if (ApopSupported)
                        AuthenticateUsingApop(username, password);
                        AuthenticateUsingUserAndPassword(username, password);

                case AuthMethod.CramMd5:
                    AuthenticateUsingCramMd5(username, password);

            // We are now authenticated and therefore we enter the transaction state
            State = ConnectionState.Transaction;
Exemplo n.º 47
 public override RestRequest CreateRestRequest(AuthMethod authMethod, string sessionId)
     var request = new RestRequest(ResourceUris.Logout, Method.POST);
     SetAuthentication(request, authMethod, sessionId);
     return request;
Exemplo n.º 48
        private AuthMethod CheckPassword(String pass, AuthMethod authMethod)
            if (pass == null)
                pass = "";
            this.Password = pass; // password always has to be set: required by grandados

            if (authMethod == AuthMethod.Password && pass == "")
                return AuthMethod.KeyboardInteractive;

            return authMethod;
Exemplo n.º 49
        private void AssingAuthentization(AuthMethod authMethod)
            switch (authMethod)
                case AuthMethod.Password:
                    this.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.Password;
                case AuthMethod.PublicKey:
                    this.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.PublicKey;

                    this.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.KeyboardInteractive;
                    // granados doesnt support Host authentication
Exemplo n.º 50
        public bool Validate(string userName, string password)
            NetworkCredential networkCredential = new NetworkCredential(userName, password);

            // empty username and password on the local box
            // causes authentication to succeed.  If the username is empty we should just fail it
            // here.
            if (userName != null && userName.Length == 0)
                return false;

            if (_contextType == ContextType.Domain || _contextType == ContextType.ApplicationDirectory)
                    if (_lastBindMethod == AuthMethod.Simple && (_fastConcurrentSupported || _contextType == ContextType.ApplicationDirectory))
                            BindLdap(networkCredential, defaultContextOptionsSimple);
                            _lastBindMethod = AuthMethod.Simple;
                            return true;
                        catch (LdapException)
                            // we don't return false here even if we failed with ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE. We must check Negotiate
                            // because there might be cases in which SSL fails and Negotiate succeeds

                        BindLdap(networkCredential, defaultContextOptionsNegotiate);
                        _lastBindMethod = AuthMethod.Negotiate;
                        return true;
                            BindLdap(networkCredential, defaultContextOptionsNegotiate);
                            _lastBindMethod = AuthMethod.Negotiate;
                            return true;
                        catch (LdapException)
                            // we don't return false here even if we failed with ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE. We must check SSL
                            // because there might be cases in which Negotiate fails and SSL succeeds

                        BindLdap(networkCredential, defaultContextOptionsSimple);
                        _lastBindMethod = AuthMethod.Simple;
                        return true;
                catch (LdapException ldapex)
                    // If we got here it means that both SSL and Negotiate failed. Tough luck.
                    if (ldapex.ErrorCode == ExceptionHelper.ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE)
                        return false;

                Debug.Assert(_contextType == ContextType.Machine);
                return (BindSam(_serverName, userName, password));
Exemplo n.º 51
 public abstract void Login(string userName, string password, AuthMethod method);
Exemplo n.º 52
        void DoAuthentication(AuthMethod method)
            if(AuthMethod.None == method)

            if(AuthMethod.UsernamePassword == method)
            else if(AuthMethod.NoAcceptable == method)
                //throw new AuthFailedException("No acceptable methods.");
                throw new SocketException(SockErrors.WSAECONNREFUSED);
                //throw invalid operation because 
                //method is unknown and execution should be stoped proir
                //this point
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown authentication requested.");
Exemplo n.º 53
 public void Reset()
     m_nNonceCount = 1;
     AuthMethodsSupported = AuthMethod.Plain;
     FeatureTLS = false;
Exemplo n.º 54
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stanza"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool NewXMLFragment(XMPPStanza stanza)
            /// Looks like the crippled windows phone 7 libraries can't use output from xsd.exe, have to do this the hard way
            //XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(new StringReader(stanza.XML));
            //XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(stanza.XML));

            stanza.XML = stanza.XML.Replace("stream:", "");  // no support for namespaces in windows phone 7, remove them

            XElement xmlElem = XElement.Parse(stanza.XML);

            if (XMPPClient.XMPPState >= XMPPState.Authenticated)
                if (xmlElem.Name == "features")
                    return true;  /// If we hit this and parse the stream featurs a second time we re-authenticate.  Just return for now

                //if (xmlElem.Name == "stream")
                //     XMPPClient.XMPPState = XMPPState.CanBind;
                /// TODO.. see if this new stream supports bind

            if (xmlElem.Name== "features")
                //foreach (XElement node in xmlElem.Descendants())
                //    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(node.Name);
                var Mechanisms = from mech in xmlElem.Descendants("{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl}mechanism")
                                 select new Mechanism
                                     Name = mech.Value,
                foreach (Mechanism mech in Mechanisms)
                    if (mech.Name == "DIGEST-MD5")
                        AuthMethodsSupported |= AuthMethod.MD5;
                    else if (mech.Name == "PLAIN")
                        AuthMethodsSupported |= AuthMethod.Plain;
                  //  else if (mech.Name == "X-GOOGLE-TOKEN")
                    //    AuthMethodsSupported |= AuthMethod.googletoken;

                if (AuthMethodsSupported == AuthMethod.NotSpecified)
                    throw new Exception("No acceptable authentication method was supplied");

                var tls = xmlElem.Descendants("{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls}starttls");
                if (tls.Count() > 0)
                    FeatureTLS = true;

                if ((FeatureTLS == true) && (XMPPClient.UseTLS == true))
                    /// Tell the man we want to negotiate TLS

                return true;
            else if (xmlElem.Name == "{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls}proceed")

                /// After starting TLS, start our normal digest authentication (or plain)
            else if (xmlElem.Name == "{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl}challenge")
                /// Build and send response
                string strChallenge = xmlElem.Value;
                byte[] bData = Convert.FromBase64String(strChallenge);
                string strUnbasedChallenge = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bData, 0, bData.Length);


                //string strExampleResponse = "dXNlcm5hbWU9InRlc3QiLHJlYWxtPSJuaW5ldGh1bWJzLmNvbSIsbm9uY2U9InJaNjgreS9BeGp2SjJ6cjBCVUNxVUhQcG9ocFE4ZFkzR29JclpJcFkiLGNub25jZT0iVkdFRDNqNHUrUHE1M3IxYzNab2NhcGFzaWp1eTh2NjhoYXFzRC9IWjVKTT0iLG5jPTAwMDAwMDAxLGRpZ2VzdC11cmk9InhtcHAvbmluZXRodW1icy5jb20iLHFvcD1hdXRoLHJlc3BvbnNlPTdiM2MzOTVjZjU2MDA2Njg5MDg5MzdlYTk2YjEzZjI2LGNoYXJzZXQ9dXRmLTg=";
                //bData = Convert.FromBase64String(strExampleResponse);
                //string strUnbasedResponse = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bData, 0, bData.Length);

                if (AuthMethodUsed == AuthMethod.MD5)
                    string strRealm = XMPPClient.Domain;
                    Match matchrealm = Regex.Match(strUnbasedChallenge, @"realm=""([^""]+)""", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                    if (matchrealm.Success == true)
                        strRealm = matchrealm.Groups[1].Value;

                    string strNonce = "";
                    Match matchnonce = Regex.Match(strUnbasedChallenge, @"nonce=""([^""]+)""", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace | RegexOptions.Multiline);
                    if (matchnonce.Success == true)
                        strNonce = matchnonce.Groups[1].Value;

                    string strQop = "auth";
                    Match matchqop = Regex.Match(strUnbasedChallenge, @"qop=""([^""]+)""", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                    if (matchqop.Success == true)
                        strQop = matchqop.Groups[1].Value;

                    string strAlgo = "md5-sess";
                    Match matchalgo = Regex.Match(strUnbasedChallenge, @"algorithm=([^\s,]+)", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                    if (matchalgo.Success == true)
                        strAlgo = matchalgo.Groups[1].Value;

                    Random rand = new Random();
                    string strCnonce = rand.Next().ToString("X8").ToLower();
                    // Compute our MD5 response, then base64 it
                    string strResponse = GenerateMD5Response(strAlgo, XMPPClient.UserName, XMPPClient.Domain, XMPPClient.Password, strNonce, strCnonce);

                    string ResponseMessage = MD5Response.Replace("##RESPONSE##", strResponse);
                else if (AuthMethodUsed == AuthMethod.Plain)
                    /// Send plain text stuff


            else if (xmlElem.Name == "{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl}success") /// Success
                XMPPClient.XMPPState = XMPPState.Authenticated;

                if (XMPPClient.UseTLS == true)
                    /// Start a new stream for some strange reason, but don't close the old one.
                    OpenStreamStanza open = new OpenStreamStanza(this.XMPPClient);
                    XMPPClient.XMPPState = XMPPState.CanBind;
            else if (xmlElem.Name == "{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl}failure")  /// Failed to authorize
                XMPPClient.XMPPState = XMPPState.AuthenticationFailed;

            return false;
Exemplo n.º 55
        private void SetAuthInfo(string access_token, string access_token_secret, string user_name, long user_id)
            OAuthHttpConnection connection = null;

            //static string _cache_key = string.Empty;
            //static string _cache_key_secret = string.Empty;
            //static string _cache_user_name = string.Empty;

            //if ( _cache_key != access_token || _cache_key_secret != access_token_secret || _cache_user_name == user_name ) {
            //    _cache_key = access_token;
            //    _cache_key_secret = access_token_secret;
            //    _cache_user_name = user_name;
            connection = this.CreateHttpConnection( access_token, access_token_secret, user_name, user_id );

            this.http_connection_ = connection;
            this.connection_type_ = AuthMethod.OAuth;
            this.request_token_ = string.Empty;
Exemplo n.º 56
        void StartAuthentication()
            if ((AuthMethodsSupported & AuthMethod.MD5) == AuthMethod.MD5)
                AuthMethodUsed = AuthMethod.MD5;
            else if ( ((AuthMethodsSupported & AuthMethod.Plain) == AuthMethod.Plain) && (XMPPClient.UseTLS == true))
                AuthMethodUsed = AuthMethod.Plain;

                byte[] bUserName = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(XMPPClient.UserName);
                byte[] bPassword = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(XMPPClient.Password);
                byte[] bText = new byte[2 + bUserName.Length + bPassword.Length];
                bText[0] = 0;
                Array.Copy(bUserName, 0, bText, 1, bUserName.Length);
                bText[bUserName.Length + 1] = 0;
                Array.Copy(bPassword, 0, bText, 1+bUserName.Length+1, bPassword.Length);

                string strBase64Text = Convert.ToBase64String(bText);
                string ResponseMessage = PlainAuth.Replace("##RESPONSE##", strBase64Text);
            // Needs some type of google token retrieved from http or something
            //else if (((AuthMethodsSupported & AuthMethod.googletoken) == AuthMethod.googletoken) && (XMPPClient.UseTLS == true))
            //    AuthMethodUsed = AuthMethod.googletoken;

            //    string strText = string.Format("\0{0}@{1}\0{2}", XMPPClient.UserName, XMPPClient.Domain, XMPPClient.Password);
            //    byte[] bText = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strText);
            //    string strBase64Text = Convert.ToBase64String(bText);
            //    string ResponseMessage = PlainAuth.Replace("##RESPONSE##", strBase64Text);
            //    XMPPClient.SendRawXML(ResponseMessage);
Exemplo n.º 57
 IAsyncResult BeginDoAuthentication(AuthMethod method,
     AsyncCallback cb, 
     object state)
     DoAuthentication_SO stateObj = new DoAuthentication_SO(cb, state);
     if(AuthMethod.UsernamePassword == method)
             new AsyncCallback(SubNegotiation_UsernamePassword_End),
     else if(AuthMethod.NoAcceptable == method)
         //throw new AuthFailedException("No acceptable methods.");
         throw new SocketException(SockErrors.WSAECONNREFUSED);
     else if(AuthMethod.None != method)
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown authentication requested.");
     return stateObj;
Exemplo n.º 58
 public void Initialize(string username, string password)
     //for BASIC auth
     HttpConnectionBasic con = new HttpConnectionBasic();
     con.Initialize(username, password);
     httpCon = con;
     connectionType = AuthMethod.Basic;
Exemplo n.º 59
        private AuthMethod CheckUserName(String userName, AuthMethod authMethod)
            if (userName == null)
                userName = "";
            this.Username = userName;

            if (userName == "") // can't do auto login without username
                return AuthMethod.KeyboardInteractive;

            return authMethod;
Exemplo n.º 60
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the ServerGreeting class.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="method">The authentication method to include as part of
		/// the greeting message.</param>
		public ServerGreeting(AuthMethod method) {
			Method = method;