Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void Draw(RenderWindow window)
            if (!isFirstFrame)
                isFirstFrame = false;

            double[] samples = new double[BufferSize];

            for (int i = 0; i < rendersTillStop; i++)
                if (offset + BufferSize < SampleCount)
                    for (int counter = 0; counter < BufferSize; counter++)                    //one line of spectogram
                        samples[counter] = Samples[offset + counter];                         //4k samples

                    offset += (int)BufferSize;
                    //filter out high frequencies and downsample audio data
                    var cutOffData = AudioProcessor.DownSample(samples, downSampleCoef, SampleRate);                     //1k samples
                    for (int index = 0; index < BufferSize / downSampleCoef; index++)
                        //data[index * 2] = cutOffData[index] * hammingWindow[index]; //apply hamming window
                        bins[index * 2]     = cutOffData[index] * this.window[index]; //apply hamming window
                        bins[index * 2 + 1] = 0d;                                     //set 0s for Img complex values

                    FastFourierTransformation.FFT(bins);                     //apply fft
                    //1024 = WIDTH			700=HEIGHT
                    Render(bins, new Vector2f(100 + i * (1024 / rendersTillStop), 700), (int)BufferSize / (2 * downSampleCoef));
                    //Draw last frame and then close window


Exemplo n.º 2
        public override void Update()
            int offset = (int)(Song.PlayingOffset.AsSeconds() * SampleRate);

            timeText.DisplayedString = Song.PlayingOffset.AsSeconds().ToString();
            double[] samples = new double[BufferSize];             //allocate array taht will be used at downsampling

            Task t1 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => SetImaginary());

            if (offset + BufferSize < SampleCount)
                if (ChannelCount == 2)
                    for (uint i = 0; i < BufferSize; i++)
                        samples[i] = Samples[(i + offset) * 2];
                    for (uint i = 0; i < BufferSize; i++)
                        samples[i] = Samples[(i + offset)];

            //Filter out frequencies and then downsamples
            var cutOffData = AudioProcessor.DownSample(samples, downSampleCoef, SampleRate);

            t1.Wait();             //t1 is working with bin array
            //enter complex values to the bin array
            for (int i = 0; i < BufferSize / downSampleCoef; i++)
                bin[i * 2] = cutOffData[i] * window[i];


            for (uint i = 0; i < BufferSize / (2 * downSampleCoef); i++)
                VA[i] = new Vertex(new Vector2f((float)(i * 0.5 * downSampleCoef + 100),
                                                (float)(200 - AudioRecognitionLibrary.Tools.Arithmetics.GetComplexAbs(bin[2 * i], bin[2 * i + 1]) / 100000))); //100000 is to scale visualisation so it fits the window
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates fingerprint of given audio and returns it together with number of valid notes. (needed to compute recognition accuracy). <br></br>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="audio">Audio whos fingerprint we want.</param>
        /// <returns>Tuple where Item1 is fingerprint, Item2 is total number of notes. <br></br>fingerprint: [hash; (absolute anchor times)]<br></br>Note: Address is the hash.</returns>
        public Tuple <Dictionary <uint, List <uint> >, int> GetAudioFingerprint(IAudioFormat audio)
            short[] monoData = AudioProcessor.ConvertToMono(audio);

            double[] data = Array.ConvertAll(monoData, item => (double)item);

            //compute downsample coeficient for resampling to Parameters.TargetSamplingRate
            int downsampleCoef = (int)audio.SampleRate / Parameters.TargetSamplingRate;

            double[] downsampledData = AudioProcessor.DownSample(data, downsampleCoef, audio.SampleRate);

            int bufferSize          = Parameters.WindowSize / downsampleCoef;    //default: 4096/4 = 1024
            var timeFrequencyPoints = CreateTimeFrequencyPoints(bufferSize, downsampledData);

            Dictionary <uint, List <uint> > fingerprint = CreateRecordAddresses(timeFrequencyPoints);

            return(new Tuple <Dictionary <uint, List <uint> >, int> (fingerprint, timeFrequencyPoints.Count));