Exemplo n.º 1
    public int Play(AudioClip clip, AudioGroup audioGroup, float fadeInTime = 0, float volume = 1, float pitch = 1, bool loop = false, string tag = "")
        if (_isSFXMute)

        var sfxList = _sfxsDictionary[audioGroup];

        if (sfxList.Count < _sfxsLimit[audioGroup])
            AudioSFX sfx = Instantiate <AudioSFX>(_audioSFXPrefab, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, _sfxPoolTransform);
            sfx.Setup(clip.name, tag);
            sfxList.Insert(0, sfx);

            Play(sfx.AudioSource, clip, audioGroup, fadeInTime, volume, pitch, loop, tag);

            for (int i = (sfxList.Count - 1); i >= 0; --i)
                if (!sfxList[i].IsActiveAndPlaying)
                    sfxList[i].Setup(clip.name, tag);
                    Play(sfxList[i].AudioSource, clip, audioGroup, fadeInTime, volume, pitch, loop, tag);


Exemplo n.º 2
        private void LoadGroupVolume(AudioGroup audioGroup)
            string key = audioGroup + _volumeSuffix;

            _groupsVolume[audioGroup] = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(key);
            SetMixerVolume0To1(Mixer, key, _groupsVolume[audioGroup]);
Exemplo n.º 3
    public void SetValue(AudioGroup group, float value)
        var volume = group.GetMixerVolume(value);

        audioMixer.SetFloat(group.Name, volume);
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat(group.Name, value);
        protected override void Awake()
            this.m_zombies         = new Array32 <Zombie>(1048576u);
            this.m_instances       = new Array16 <ZombieInstance>(65536u);
            this.m_zombieGrid      = new ushort[4665600];
            this.m_renderBuffer    = new ulong[1024];
            this.m_materialBlock   = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
            this.ID_Color          = Shader.PropertyToID("_Color");
            this.ID_Speed          = Animator.StringToHash("Speed");
            this.ID_State          = Animator.StringToHash("State");
            this.ID_ZombieLocation = new int[16];
            this.ID_ZombieColor    = new int[16];
            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                this.ID_ZombieLocation[i] = Shader.PropertyToID("_CitizenLocation" + i);
                this.ID_ZombieColor[i]    = Shader.PropertyToID("_CitizenColor" + i);
            this.m_zombieLayer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Citizens");
            this.m_audioGroup  = new AudioGroup(5, new SavedFloat(Settings.effectAudioVolume, Settings.gameSettingsFile, DefaultSettings.effectAudioVolume, true));
            uint num;

            this.m_zombies.CreateItem(out num);
            ushort num2;

            this.m_instances.CreateItem(out num2);
Exemplo n.º 5
    private AudioGroup GetAudioGroup(GameObject forSource)
        AudioGroup audioGroup = null;

        _audioGroups.TryGetValue(forSource, out audioGroup);
Exemplo n.º 6
    protected override void Awake()
        this.m_audioLocation         = Path.Combine(DataLocation.gameContentPath, "Audio");
        this.m_currentMusicFile      = null;
        this.m_previousMusicFile     = null;
        this.m_streamCrossFade       = 0;
        this.m_listenerInfo          = new AudioManager.ListenerInfo();
        this.m_defaultGroup          = new AudioGroup(3, new SavedFloat(Settings.uiAudioVolume, Settings.gameSettingsFile, DefaultSettings.uiAudioVolume, true));
        this.m_ambientGroup          = new AudioGroup(3, new SavedFloat(Settings.ambientAudioVolume, Settings.gameSettingsFile, DefaultSettings.ambientAudioVolume, true));
        this.m_serviceProximity      = new float[21];
        this.m_subServiceProximity   = new float[15];
        this.m_eventBuffer           = new FastList <AudioManager.SimulationEvent>();
        this.m_mainAudioVolume       = new SavedFloat(Settings.mainAudioVolume, Settings.gameSettingsFile, DefaultSettings.mainAudioVolume, true);
        this.m_musicAudioVolume      = new SavedFloat(Settings.musicAudioVolume, Settings.gameSettingsFile, DefaultSettings.musicAudioVolume, true);
        this.m_tempBuffer1           = new byte[16384];
        this.m_tempBuffer2           = new byte[16384];
        this.m_streamBuffer          = new float[65536];
        this.m_streamLock            = new object();
        this.m_streamThread          = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.StreamThread));
        this.m_streamThread.Name     = "Music Stream";
        this.m_streamThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal;
        if (!this.m_streamThread.IsAlive)
            CODebugBase <LogChannel> .Error(LogChannel.Core, "Audio stream thread failed to start!");
        GameObject gameObject = new GameObject("Audio Listener");

        this.m_audioListener         = gameObject.AddComponent <AudioListener>();
        this.m_audioListener.enabled = false;
        gameObject.AddComponent <MusicFilter>();
Exemplo n.º 7
    private void UpdateUI(AudioGroup group, Slider slider, Text text)
        var value = AudioManager.instance.GetValue(group);

        slider.value = value;
        text.text    = Mathf.Round(value * 100).ToString();
Exemplo n.º 8
 public DestroyMonitor()
     buildingManager   = Singleton <BuildingManager> .instance;
     simulationManager = Singleton <SimulationManager> .instance;
     economyManager    = Singleton <EconomyManager> .instance;
     coverageManager   = Singleton <CoverageManager> .instance;
     nullAudioGroup    = new AudioGroup(0, new SavedFloat("NOTEXISTINGELEMENT", Settings.gameSettingsFile, 0, false));
Exemplo n.º 9
 private void Awake()
     for (int i = 0; i < this.m_AudioGroups.Count; i++)
         AudioGroup group = this.m_AudioGroups[i];
         group.audioSource = gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>();
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void SetGroupVolume(AudioGroup audioGroup, float value)
            _groupsVolume[audioGroup] = value;
            string key = audioGroup + _volumeSuffix;

            PlayerPrefs.SetFloat(key, value);
            SetMixerVolume0To1(Mixer, key, value);
Exemplo n.º 11
         * private int DeleteGroup(int groupId) {
         * return _groupsCollection.Delete(x => x.Id == groupId);
         * }
        private int AddGroup(string name)
            AudioGroup group = new AudioGroup();

            group.Name = name;
            int id = _groupsCollection.Insert(group);

    IEnumerator Fade(AudioSource toFade, AudioGroup group = null, int groupIndex = -1)
        if (!curFading.ContainsKey(toFade))
            yield break;

        if (!toFade.isPlaying && curFading[toFade] > 0)

        float startVolume = group != null ? group.curVolumes[groupIndex] : toFade.volume;
        float targVolume  = curFading[toFade];
        float fadeAmount  = 0f;

        while (fadeAmount < 1f)
            if (!curFading.ContainsKey(toFade))
                yield break;

            // if audio is refaded, restart the fade from current volume
            if (targVolume != curFading[toFade])
                yield break;

            float newVol = Mathf.Lerp(startVolume, targVolume, fadeAmount);
            if (group != null)
                group.curVolumes[groupIndex] = newVol;
                newVol *= masterVol;

            toFade.volume = newVol;
            fadeAmount   += Time.deltaTime / fadeTime;

            yield return(0);

        if (group != null)
            group.curVolumes[groupIndex] = curFading[toFade];

        toFade.volume = curFading[toFade] * (group != null ? masterVol : 1f);

        if (curFading[toFade] <= 0)

Exemplo n.º 13
    public void StopAllByTag(AudioGroup audioGroup, string tag)
        List <AudioSFX> sfxs = _sfxsDictionary[audioGroup].FindAll(sfx => sfx.Tag.Equals(tag));

        foreach (AudioSFX sfx in sfxs)
            Stop(audioGroup, sfx.ID);
Exemplo n.º 14
    public void Stop(AudioGroup audioGroup, int sfxId, float fadeOutTime = 0)
        int index = _sfxsDictionary[audioGroup].FindIndex(sfx => sfx.ID.Equals(sfxId));

        if (index != -1)
            Stop(_sfxsDictionary[audioGroup][index].AudioSource, audioGroup, fadeOutTime);
Exemplo n.º 15
    public void Stop(AudioGroup audioGroup, string name, float fadeOutTime = 0)
        int index = _sfxsDictionary[audioGroup].FindIndex(s => s.name.Equals("SFX_" + name));

        if (index != -1)
            Stop(_sfxsDictionary[audioGroup][index].AudioSource, audioGroup, fadeOutTime);
Exemplo n.º 16
 public void Stop(AudioSource source, AudioGroup audioGroup, float fadeOutTime = 0)
     if (fadeOutTime > 0)
         Job.Create(FadeOut(source, fadeOutTime));
Exemplo n.º 17
 public float Get_Volume(AudioGroup group)
     if (group == AudioGroup.BGM)
         return(BGM_Volume + 80);
         return(SE_Volume + 80);
 public void StopSound(AudioGroup audioGroup)
     soundDictionary.TryGetValue(audioGroup, out SoundTrack soundTrack);
     if (soundTrack?.sounds.Length > 0)
         foreach (Sound sound in soundTrack.sounds)
Exemplo n.º 19
 public void AddAudioGroup(E_AUDIO_GROUP_TYPE eGroupType)
     if (!m_AudioGroupList.ContainsKey(eGroupType))
         AudioGroup NewGroup = Instantiate <AudioGroup>(AudioGroupTemplate);
         NewGroup.gameObject.name = string.Concat(eGroupType.ToString(), " Auidio Group");
         m_AudioGroupList.Add(eGroupType, NewGroup);
Exemplo n.º 20
 public void Play(AudioSource source, AudioGroup audioGroup, float fadeInTime = 0)
     if (fadeInTime > 0)
         Job.Create(FadeIn(source, fadeInTime));
 void FadeOutGroup(AudioGroup audioGroup)
     for (int i = 0; i < audioGroup.sources.Length; i++)
         AudioSource source = audioGroup.sources[i];
         if (source)
             FadeSource(source, 0, audioGroup, i);
Exemplo n.º 22
    private AudioGroup GetOrAddAudioGroup(GameObject forSource)
        AudioGroup audioGroup = GetAudioGroup(forSource);

        if (audioGroup == null)
            audioGroup = new AudioGroup();
            _audioGroups.Add(forSource, audioGroup);

 void FadeSource(AudioSource toFade, float toVolume, AudioGroup group = null, int groupIndex = -1)
     if (curFading.ContainsKey(toFade))
         curFading[toFade] = toVolume;
         curFading.Add(toFade, toVolume);
         StartCoroutine(Fade(toFade, group, groupIndex));
Exemplo n.º 24
        private AudioProgram UpdateProgram(Dictionary <string, object> programDict)
            string currentGroupName   = (string)programDict["currentGroupName"];
            string updateGroupName    = (string)programDict["updateGroupName"];
            string currentProgramName = (string)programDict["currentName"];
            string updateProgramName  = (string)programDict["updateName"];

            AudioProgram currentProgram = _programsCollection.FindOne(x => x.GroupName == currentGroupName && x.Name == currentProgramName);

            if (currentProgram != null)
                //are we changing the group name
                if (!updateGroupName.Equals(currentProgram.GroupName))
                    //we are changing the group name; so is the current program the last program in the current group?
                    //if so then delete the old group
                    IEnumerable <AudioProgram> programs = _programsCollection.Find(x => x.GroupName.Equals(currentProgram.GroupName));
                    if (programs.Count() == 1)
                        //this is  the last program with a GroupName that is changing, so delete the group
                        _groupsCollection.Delete(x => x.Name.Equals(currentProgram.GroupName));
                //does the new group exist in db?
                int        groupId;
                AudioGroup group = _groupsCollection.FindOne(x => x.Name.Equals(updateGroupName));
                if (group == null) //if not then create it
                    groupId = AddGroup(updateGroupName);
                    groupId = group.Id;

                AudioProgram audioProgram = new AudioProgram();
                audioProgram.Id        = currentProgram.Id;
                audioProgram.Name      = updateProgramName;
                audioProgram.Start     = (int)programDict["Start"];
                audioProgram.Stop      = (int)programDict["Stop"];
                audioProgram.Dow       = (ArrayList)programDict["Dow"];
                audioProgram.Url       = (string)programDict["Url"];
                audioProgram.GroupName = updateGroupName;
                audioProgram.GroupId   = groupId;
                bool found = _programsCollection.Update(audioProgram); //debug 'found'
Exemplo n.º 25
    public void SetAudioGroup(E_AUDIO_GROUP_TYPE eAudioGroup)
        if (SoundManager.Instance == null)

        m_AudioGroup = SoundManager.Instance.GetAudioGroup(eAudioGroup);
        if (m_AudioGroup != null)
Exemplo n.º 26
    List <AudioObject> AudioObjectsInAudioGroup(AudioGroup _group, List <AudioObject> _list)
        List <AudioObject> _audioObjects = new List <AudioObject>();

        for (int i = 0; i < _list.Count; i++)
            if (_list[i].audioGroup.name == _group.name)
Exemplo n.º 27
    public void Play(AudioSource source, AudioClip clip, AudioGroup audioGroup, float fadeInTime = 0, float volume = 1, float pitch = 1, bool loop = false, string tag = "")
        if (_isSFXMute)

        source.clip   = clip;
        source.volume = volume;
        source.pitch  = pitch;
        source.loop   = loop;

        Play(source, audioGroup, fadeInTime);
Exemplo n.º 28
    private void CreateEffect()
        AudioGroup.Play(GetComponent <AudioGroup> ().hit, gameObject);

        if (BattleGame.instance.mapCamera.cameraControl.IsPointInsideCamera(gameObject.transform.position))

        GameObject effectObj = GameObject.Instantiate(explode) as GameObject;

        RenderHelper.ChangeWholeModelColor(effectObj, Color.red);
        effectObj.transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, 1, transform.position.z);
Exemplo n.º 29
        private bool UpdateSession(string groupName)
            AudioGroup group = _groupsCollection.FindOne(x => x.Name.Equals(groupName));

            if (group != null)
                AudioSession audioSession = new AudioSession();
                audioSession.Id        = 1;
                audioSession.GroupId   = group.Id;
                audioSession.GroupName = groupName;
 void FadeInGroup(AudioGroup audioGroup)
     for (int i = 0; i < audioGroup.sources.Length; i++)
         AudioSource source = audioGroup.sources[i];
         if (source && i < audioGroup.targVols.Length)
             FadeSource(source, audioGroup.targVols[i], audioGroup, i);
             Debug.LogWarning("Audiogroup " + audioGroup.groupName + " isn't set up properly");
 void FadeInGroup( AudioGroup audioGroup )
     for ( int i = 0; i < audioGroup.sources.Length; i++ )
         AudioSource source = audioGroup.sources[i];
         if ( source && i < audioGroup.targVols.Length )
             FadeSource ( source, audioGroup.targVols[i], audioGroup, i );
             Debug.LogWarning ( "Audiogroup " + audioGroup.groupName + " isn't set up properly" );
 void FadeOutGroup( AudioGroup audioGroup )
     for ( int i = 0; i < audioGroup.sources.Length; i++ )
         AudioSource source = audioGroup.sources[i];
         if ( source )
             FadeSource ( source, 0, audioGroup, i );
 void FadeSource( AudioSource toFade, float toVolume, AudioGroup group = null, int groupIndex = -1 )
     if ( curFading.ContainsKey ( toFade ) )
         curFading[toFade] = toVolume;
         curFading.Add ( toFade, toVolume );
         StartCoroutine ( Fade( toFade, group, groupIndex ) );
Exemplo n.º 34
    void ScheduleNextSong(AudioGroup group, int startSampleOffset, int sampleLength, uint busStartTime)
        lock (anchorLock)
            // Adjust the sampleLength.
            sampleLength = (sampleLength > 0) ? sampleLength : group.TotalSampleTime - startSampleOffset;

            nextSong = new AudioToBusAnchor(group, startSampleOffset, sampleLength);
            nextSong.busSampleStartTime = busStartTime;
 public override void PlayEffect(InstanceID id, EffectInfo.SpawnArea area, Vector3 velocity, float acceleration, float magnitude, AudioManager.ListenerInfo listenerInfo, AudioGroup audioGroup)
Exemplo n.º 36
 public bool IsAudioPlaying(AudioGroup group)
     bool bPlaying = false;
     lock (anchorLock)
         if (prevSong.IsValid() && prevSong.audioGroup == group)
             bPlaying = prevSong.IsPlayingAtBusTime(busPlaySampleTime);
         else if (curSong.IsValid() && curSong.audioGroup == group)
             bPlaying = curSong.IsPlayingAtBusTime(busPlaySampleTime);
     return bPlaying;
Exemplo n.º 37
    public void Restart()

          //if(curMusic != null)
          //   curMusic.ClearLayerData();
          AudioGroup groupToTrigger = (curMusic != null) ? curMusic : playbackMusic;
          curMusic = null; //hack to ensure it actually plays now!
Exemplo n.º 38
    /// <summary>
    /// Schedule's the provided Audio to be started at the sample location in the currently
    ///  playing track indicated in the curSongSampleTransLoc parameter.
    /// If no song is currently playing, the playback occurs immediately.
    /// If the currently playing song has already played (or been read) beyond the transition point, this returns <c>false</c>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns><c>true</c>, if audio was scheduled, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
    /// <param name="group">The audio group to schedule.</param>
    /// <param name="curSongSampleTransLoc">The sample location in the currently playing song to transition at.  A value of <c>0</c> means "when the current song ends".</param>
    /// <param name="startSampleOffset">The start sample offset for the scheduled audio group.</param>
    /// <param name="sampleLength">The sample length of the audio to playback.  A value of <c>0</c> means "until the end".</param>
    /// <param name="bReplaceIfExists">If set to <c>true</c> any previously queued song will be overwritten.</param>
    public bool PlayAudioScheduled(AudioGroup group, int curSongSampleTransLoc = 0, int startSampleOffset = 0, int sampleLength = 0, bool bReplaceIfExists = false)
        bool bQueued = false;
        lock (anchorLock)
            if (!nextSong.IsValid() ||
                if (!curSong.IsValid())
                    // Just play it.  Nothing already scheduled.
                    bQueued = PlayAudio(group, startSampleOffset, sampleLength, bReplaceIfExists);
                else if (curSongSampleTransLoc == 0)
                    // Play it after the current song completes.
                    if (!sourceCom.isPlaying)

                    // Schedule it!
                    ScheduleNextSong(group, startSampleOffset, sampleLength, 0);
                    bQueued = true;
                else if(curSongSampleTransLoc >= curSong.audioSampleStartTime + (int)(busReadSampleTime - curSong.busSampleStartTime))
                    // Play it at a specific location in the song.
                    if (!sourceCom.isPlaying)

                    // Schedule it!
                    uint busScheduledTime = curSong.busSampleStartTime + (uint)(curSongSampleTransLoc - curSong.audioSampleStartTime);
                    ScheduleNextSong(group, startSampleOffset, sampleLength, busScheduledTime);
                    bQueued = true;
        return bQueued;
Exemplo n.º 39
    public bool PlayAudio(AudioGroup group, int startSampleOffset = 0, int sampleLength = 0, bool bReplaceIfExists = false)
        bool bQueued = false;
        lock (anchorLock)
            // TODO: Validate Group!  Make sure that the length of the associated clip is greater than the buffer we have?  Also, that it's not null?
            //  If the length of the associated clip is LESS than the playback buffer, how do we handle the transition situation, etc.?  Right now it would
            //  simply go to silence.

            if (!nextSong.IsValid() ||
                if (!sourceCom.isPlaying)

                // Schedule the next song for "now".  Instead of busReadSampleTime, "0" should also work.
                ScheduleNextSong(group, startSampleOffset, sampleLength, busReadSampleTime);
                bQueued = true;
        return bQueued;
Exemplo n.º 40
 public void ClearAnchor()
     audioGroup = null;
Exemplo n.º 41
        public AudioToBusAnchor(AudioGroup _group, int _audioSampleStartTime, int _audioSampleLength)
            audioGroup = _group;
            audioSampleStartTime = _audioSampleStartTime;
            audioSampleLength = _audioSampleLength;

            busSampleStartTime = 0;
Exemplo n.º 42
        public AudioToBusAnchor()
            audioGroup = null;

            audioSampleLength = 0;

            audioSampleStartTime = 0;
            busSampleStartTime = 0;
    IEnumerator Fade( AudioSource toFade, AudioGroup group = null, int groupIndex = -1 )
        if ( !curFading.ContainsKey( toFade ) )
            yield break;

        if ( !toFade.isPlaying && curFading[toFade] > 0 )
            toFade.Play ();

        float startVolume = group != null ? group.curVolumes[groupIndex] : toFade.volume;
        float targVolume = curFading[toFade];
        float fadeAmount = 0f;

        while ( fadeAmount < 1f )
            if ( !curFading.ContainsKey( toFade ) )
                yield break;

            // if audio is refaded, restart the fade from current volume
            if ( targVolume != curFading[toFade] )
                StartCoroutine ( Fade ( toFade ) );
                yield break;

            float newVol = Mathf.Lerp ( startVolume, targVolume, fadeAmount );
            if ( group != null )
                group.curVolumes[groupIndex] = newVol;
                newVol *= masterVol;

            toFade.volume = newVol;
            fadeAmount += Time.deltaTime / fadeTime;

            yield return 0;

        if ( group != null )
            group.curVolumes[groupIndex] = curFading[toFade];

        toFade.volume = curFading[toFade] * ( group != null ? masterVol : 1f );

        if ( curFading[toFade] <= 0 )
            toFade.Pause ();

        curFading.Remove ( toFade );
Exemplo n.º 44
    void OnAudioEnded(AudioGroup group, int sampleTime)
        if (curMusic == group)
         Debug.Log("Audio ended!");
         if (AutoLoop)
            transMusic = curMusic;
            transMusicTime = 0;
            Debug.Log("Looping Music!");

         if (sampleTime != curMusicTime)
            PerformChoreographyForTimeSlice(curMusic, curMusicTime + 1, sampleTime);

         // Save some time if we're simply replaying the previous music.
         if (curMusic != transMusic)
            group.UnregisterKoreography();	// Clean out Koreography linkages.
            group.ClearLayerData();			// Free up some space.

         // Make sure we've loaded the new Koreography.
         if (transMusic != null && !transMusic.IsKoreographyRegistered())

         curMusic = transMusic;
         transMusic = null;

         curMusicTime = transMusicTime - 1;	// -1 to get the initial sample.
         transMusicTime = 0;

         // Trigger the callback!
         if (MusicEnded != null)

         if (AutoLoop)
            AudioGroup groupToTrigger = curMusic;
            curMusic = null; //hack to ensure it actually plays now!
         Debug.LogWarning("Unexpected music has completed playback.");
Exemplo n.º 45
    public void PlayMusic(AudioGroup group, int startSampleOffset = 0, int lengthInSamples = 0, bool bReplaceIfExists = false)
        // TODO: Warn if channels/frequency not matching!
          // TODO: Validate AudioGroup (!group.IsEmpty())!

          if (!group.IsReady())

          if (curMusic != null)
         transMusic = group;
         transMusicTime = startSampleOffset;
         curMusic = group;
         curMusicTime = startSampleOffset - 1;	// -1 to get the initial sample.


          if (!bus.PlayAudio(group, startSampleOffset, lengthInSamples, bReplaceIfExists))
         Debug.LogWarning("PlayMusic() failed with group: " + group + ", likely something already in the AudioBus?");
 private void Initialize()
     this._buildingManager = Singleton<BuildingManager>.instance;
     this._simulationManager = Singleton<SimulationManager>.instance;
     this._effectManager = Singleton<EffectManager>.instance;
     this._economyManager = Singleton<EconomyManager>.instance;
     this._coverageManager = Singleton<CoverageManager>.instance;
     this._nullAudioGroup = new AudioGroup(0, new SavedFloat("NOTEXISTINGELEMENT", Settings.gameSettingsFile, 0f, false));
Exemplo n.º 47
    public void ScheduleNextMusic(AudioGroup group, int curMusicTransLoc = 0, int startSampleOffset = 0, int lengthInSamples = 0, bool bReplaceIfExists = false)
        // TODO: Warn if channels/frequency not matching!
          // TODO: Validate AudioGroup (!group.IsEmpty())!

          if (!group.IsReady())
         group.InitLayerData();		// Delay this?

          if (curMusic == null)
         // Just play now.
         curMusic = group;
         curMusicTime = startSampleOffset - 1;	// -1 to get the initial sample.

         bus.PlayAudio(group, startSampleOffset, lengthInSamples, bReplaceIfExists);
          else if (transMusic == null || bReplaceIfExists)
         if (bus.IsNextSongScheduled())
            // Next song is already in, meaning we're likely waiting for curSong to transition in.  Save until buffers clear enough
            //  to allow scheduling.
            if (!transInfo.bValid || bReplaceIfExists)
               // Override or just make sure there's nothing there.
               transMusic = null;
               transMusicTime = 0;

               // Set up info for another try later!
               transInfo.bValid = true;
               transInfo.group = group;
               transInfo.curMusicTransLoc = curMusicTransLoc;
               transInfo.startSampleOffset = startSampleOffset;
               transInfo.lengthInSamples = lengthInSamples;
               transInfo.bReplaceIfExists = bReplaceIfExists;
               Debug.LogWarning("MusicPlayer::ScheduleNextMusic() - Transition music already scheduled!");
            // Set up the transition.
            transMusic = group;
            transMusicTime = startSampleOffset;

            // Koreography registration occurs later.  That way we don't double-up or trigger unwanted samples until later.
            bus.PlayAudioScheduled(group, curMusicTransLoc, startSampleOffset, lengthInSamples, bReplaceIfExists);
          // else - don't do anything - we already have music scheduled and we were told NOT to replace it.
Exemplo n.º 48
 void OnAudioEnded(AudioGroup songGroup, int sampleTime)
     if (AudioEnded != null)
         AudioEnded(songGroup, sampleTime);
Exemplo n.º 49
    void PerformChoreographyForTimeSlice(AudioGroup group, int startTime, int endTime)
        for (int i = 0; i < curMusic.NumLayers; ++i)
         AudioClip clip = curMusic.GetClipAtLayer(i);

         Koreographer.Instance.ProcessChoreography(clip, startTime, endTime);
Exemplo n.º 50
 public int GetSampleTimeOfAudio(AudioGroup group)
     int sampleTime = 0;
     lock (anchorLock)
         if (prevSong.IsValid() && prevSong.audioGroup == group)
             sampleTime = GetSampleTimeOfAnchor(prevSong);
         else if (curSong.IsValid() && curSong.audioGroup == group)
             sampleTime = GetSampleTimeOfAnchor(curSong);
     return sampleTime;