Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for enumeration of all terms from specified <c>reader</c> which share a prefix of
        /// length <paramref name="prefixLength"/> with <paramref name="term"/> and which have a fuzzy similarity &gt;
        /// <paramref name="minSimilarity"/>.
        /// <para/>
        /// After calling the constructor the enumeration is already pointing to the first
        /// valid term if such a term exists.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="terms"> Delivers terms. </param>
        /// <param name="atts"> <see cref="AttributeSource"/> created by the rewrite method of <see cref="MultiTermQuery"/>
        /// thats contains information about competitive boosts during rewrite. It is also used
        /// to cache DFAs between segment transitions. </param>
        /// <param name="term"> Pattern term. </param>
        /// <param name="minSimilarity"> Minimum required similarity for terms from the reader. Pass an integer value
        ///        representing edit distance. Passing a fraction is deprecated. </param>
        /// <param name="prefixLength"> Length of required common prefix. Default value is 0. </param>
        /// <param name="transpositions"> Transpositions </param>
        /// <exception cref="IOException"> if there is a low-level IO error </exception>
        public FuzzyTermsEnum(Terms terms, AttributeSource atts, Term term, float minSimilarity, int prefixLength, bool transpositions)
            if (minSimilarity >= 1.0f && minSimilarity != (int)minSimilarity)
                throw new ArgumentException("fractional edit distances are not allowed");
            if (minSimilarity < 0.0f)
                throw new ArgumentException("minimumSimilarity cannot be less than 0");
            if (prefixLength < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("prefixLength cannot be less than 0");
            this.m_terms = terms;
            this.term    = term;

            // convert the string into a utf32 int[] representation for fast comparisons
            string utf16 = term.Text();

            this.m_termText = new int[utf16.CodePointCount(0, utf16.Length)];
            for (int cp, i = 0, j = 0; i < utf16.Length; i += Character.CharCount(cp))
                m_termText[j++] = cp = utf16.CodePointAt(i);
            this.m_termLength = m_termText.Length;
            this.dfaAtt       = atts.AddAttribute <ILevenshteinAutomataAttribute>();

            //The prefix could be longer than the word.
            //It's kind of silly though.  It means we must match the entire word.
            this.m_realPrefixLength = prefixLength > m_termLength ? m_termLength : prefixLength;
            // if minSimilarity >= 1, we treat it as number of edits
            if (minSimilarity >= 1f)
                this.m_minSimilarity = 0; // just driven by number of edits
                m_maxEdits           = (int)minSimilarity;
                m_raw = true;
                this.m_minSimilarity = minSimilarity;
                // calculate the maximum k edits for this similarity
                m_maxEdits = InitialMaxDistance(this.m_minSimilarity, m_termLength);
                m_raw      = false;
            if (transpositions && m_maxEdits > LevenshteinAutomata.MAXIMUM_SUPPORTED_DISTANCE)
                throw new NotSupportedException("with transpositions enabled, distances > " + LevenshteinAutomata.MAXIMUM_SUPPORTED_DISTANCE + " are not supported ");
            this.transpositions = transpositions;
            this.m_scaleFactor  = 1.0f / (1.0f - this.m_minSimilarity);

            this.maxBoostAtt = atts.AddAttribute <IMaxNonCompetitiveBoostAttribute>();
            bottom           = maxBoostAtt.MaxNonCompetitiveBoost;
            bottomTerm       = maxBoostAtt.CompetitiveTerm;
            BottomChanged(null, true);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override bool Accept(AttributeSource source)
            if (typeAtt == null)
                typeAtt = source.AddAttribute <ITypeAttribute>();

Exemplo n.º 3
        public override bool Accept(AttributeSource source)
            if (typeAtt is null)
                typeAtt = source.AddAttribute <ITypeAttribute>();

            //check to see if this is a Category
            return(typeToMatch.Equals(typeAtt.Type, StringComparison.Ordinal));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public override bool Accept(AttributeSource source)
            if (typeAtt == null)
                typeAtt = source.AddAttribute <ITypeAttribute>();

            //check to see if this is a Category
Exemplo n.º 5
        public override bool Accept(AttributeSource source)
            if (m_termAtt is null)
                m_termAtt = source.AddAttribute <ICharTermAttribute>();

            //We don't care about the date, just that we can parse it as a date
            if (m_formats is null)
                return(DateTime.TryParse(m_termAtt.ToString(), m_culture, m_style, out _));
                return(DateTime.TryParseExact(m_termAtt.ToString(), m_formats, m_culture, m_style, out _));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public override bool Accept(AttributeSource source)
            if (termAtt == null)
                termAtt = source.AddAttribute <ICharTermAttribute>();

            DateTime date; //We don't care about the date, just that we can parse it as a date

            if (formats == null)
                return(DateTime.TryParse(termAtt.ToString(), culture, style, out date));
                return(DateTime.TryParseExact(termAtt.ToString(), formats, culture, style, out date));
        public override bool Accept(AttributeSource source)
            if (termAtt == null)
                termAtt = source.AddAttribute <ITermAttribute>();
                DateTime date = DateTime.Parse(termAtt.Term, dateFormat);//We don't care about the date, just that we can parse it as a date
                if (date != null)
            catch (FormatException)

Exemplo n.º 8
        private void AddTerms(IndexReader reader, FieldVals f)
            if (f.queryString is null)
            Terms terms = MultiFields.GetTerms(reader, f.fieldName);

            if (terms is null)
            TokenStream ts = analyzer.GetTokenStream(f.fieldName, f.queryString);

                ICharTermAttribute termAtt = ts.AddAttribute <ICharTermAttribute>();

                int           corpusNumDocs  = reader.NumDocs;
                ISet <string> processedTerms = new JCG.HashSet <string>();
                while (ts.IncrementToken())
                    string term = termAtt.ToString();
                    if (!processedTerms.Contains(term))
                        ScoreTermQueue  variantsQ = new ScoreTermQueue(MAX_VARIANTS_PER_TERM); //maxNum variants considered for any one term
                        float           minScore  = 0;
                        Term            startTerm = new Term(f.fieldName, term);
                        AttributeSource atts      = new AttributeSource();
                        IMaxNonCompetitiveBoostAttribute maxBoostAtt =
                            atts.AddAttribute <IMaxNonCompetitiveBoostAttribute>();
#pragma warning disable 612, 618
                        SlowFuzzyTermsEnum fe = new SlowFuzzyTermsEnum(terms, atts, startTerm, f.minSimilarity, f.prefixLength);
#pragma warning restore 612, 618
                        //store the df so all variants use same idf
                        int             df                   = reader.DocFreq(startTerm);
                        int             numVariants          = 0;
                        int             totalVariantDocFreqs = 0;
                        BytesRef        possibleMatch;
                        IBoostAttribute boostAtt =
                            fe.Attributes.AddAttribute <IBoostAttribute>();
                        while (fe.MoveNext())
                            possibleMatch = fe.Term;
                            totalVariantDocFreqs += fe.DocFreq;
                            float score = boostAtt.Boost;
                            if (variantsQ.Count < MAX_VARIANTS_PER_TERM || score > minScore)
                                ScoreTerm st = new ScoreTerm(new Term(startTerm.Field, BytesRef.DeepCopyOf(possibleMatch)), score, startTerm);
                                minScore = variantsQ.Top.Score; // maintain minScore
                            maxBoostAtt.MaxNonCompetitiveBoost = variantsQ.Count >= MAX_VARIANTS_PER_TERM ? minScore : float.NegativeInfinity;

                        if (numVariants > 0)
                            int avgDf = totalVariantDocFreqs / numVariants;
                            if (df == 0)    //no direct match we can use as df for all variants
                                df = avgDf; //use avg df of all variants

                            // take the top variants (scored by edit distance) and reset the score
                            // to include an IDF factor then add to the global queue for ranking
                            // overall top query terms
                            int size = variantsQ.Count;
                            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                                ScoreTerm st = variantsQ.Pop();
                                st.Score = (st.Score * st.Score) * sim.Idf(df, corpusNumDocs);
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Provide spelling corrections based on several parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="term"> The term to suggest spelling corrections for </param>
        /// <param name="numSug"> The maximum number of spelling corrections </param>
        /// <param name="ir"> The index reader to fetch the candidate spelling corrections from </param>
        /// <param name="docfreq"> The minimum document frequency a potential suggestion need to have in order to be included </param>
        /// <param name="editDistance"> The maximum edit distance candidates are allowed to have </param>
        /// <param name="accuracy"> The minimum accuracy a suggested spelling correction needs to have in order to be included </param>
        /// <param name="spare"> a chars scratch </param>
        /// <returns> a collection of spelling corrections sorted by <code>ScoreTerm</code>'s natural order. </returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"> If I/O related errors occur </exception>
        protected internal virtual IEnumerable <ScoreTerm> SuggestSimilar(Term term, int numSug, IndexReader ir,
                                                                          int docfreq, int editDistance, float accuracy, CharsRef spare)
            var atts = new AttributeSource();
            IMaxNonCompetitiveBoostAttribute maxBoostAtt = atts.AddAttribute <IMaxNonCompetitiveBoostAttribute>();
            Terms terms = MultiFields.GetTerms(ir, term.Field);

            if (terms == null)
                return(new List <ScoreTerm>());
            FuzzyTermsEnum e = new FuzzyTermsEnum(terms, atts, term, editDistance, Math.Max(minPrefix, editDistance - 1), true);

            var stQueue = new Support.PriorityQueue <ScoreTerm>();

            BytesRef        queryTerm = new BytesRef(term.Text());
            BytesRef        candidateTerm;
            ScoreTerm       st       = new ScoreTerm();
            IBoostAttribute boostAtt = e.Attributes.AddAttribute <IBoostAttribute>();

            while ((candidateTerm = e.Next()) != null)
                float boost = boostAtt.Boost;
                // ignore uncompetitive hits
                if (stQueue.Count >= numSug && boost <= stQueue.Peek().Boost)

                // ignore exact match of the same term
                if (queryTerm.BytesEquals(candidateTerm))

                int df = e.DocFreq;

                // check docFreq if required
                if (df <= docfreq)

                float  score;
                string termAsString;
                if (distance == INTERNAL_LEVENSHTEIN)
                    // delay creating strings until the end
                    termAsString = null;
                    // undo FuzzyTermsEnum's scale factor for a real scaled lev score
                    score = boost / e.ScaleFactor + e.MinSimilarity;
                    UnicodeUtil.UTF8toUTF16(candidateTerm, spare);
                    termAsString = spare.ToString();
                    score        = distance.GetDistance(term.Text(), termAsString);

                if (score < accuracy)

                // add new entry in PQ
                st.Term         = BytesRef.DeepCopyOf(candidateTerm);
                st.Boost        = boost;
                st.Docfreq      = df;
                st.TermAsString = termAsString;
                st.Score        = score;
                // possibly drop entries from queue
                st = (stQueue.Count > numSug) ? stQueue.Poll() : new ScoreTerm();
                maxBoostAtt.MaxNonCompetitiveBoost = (stQueue.Count >= numSug) ? stQueue.Peek().Boost : float.NegativeInfinity;

Exemplo n.º 10
         * Need to worry about multiple scenarios:
         *  - need to go for the longest match
         *    a b => foo      #shouldn't match if "a b" is followed by "c d"
         *    a b c d => bar
         *  - need to backtrack - retry matches for tokens already read
         *     a b c d => foo
         *       b c => bar
         *     If the input stream is "a b c x", one will consume "a b c d"
         *     trying to match the first rule... all but "a" should be
         *     pushed back so a match may be made on "b c".
         *  - don't try and match generated tokens (thus need separate queue)
         *    matching is not recursive.
         *  - handle optional generation of original tokens in all these cases,
         *    merging token streams to preserve token positions.
         *  - preserve original positionIncrement of first matched token
        public override bool IncrementToken()
            while (true)
                // if there are any generated tokens, return them... don't try any
                // matches against them, as we specifically don't want recursion.
                if (replacement != null && replacement.MoveNext())
                    Copy(this, replacement.Current);

                // common case fast-path of first token not matching anything
                AttributeSource firstTok = NextTok();
                if (firstTok == null)
                var            termAtt = firstTok.AddAttribute <ICharTermAttribute>();
                SlowSynonymMap result  = map.Submap != null?map.Submap.Get(termAtt.Buffer, 0, termAtt.Length) : null;

                if (result == null)
                    Copy(this, firstTok);

                // fast-path failed, clone ourselves if needed
                if (firstTok == this)
                    firstTok = CloneAttributes();
                // OK, we matched a token, so find the longest match.

                matched = new LinkedList <AttributeSource>();

                result = Match(result);

                if (result == null)
                    // no match, simply return the first token read.
                    Copy(this, firstTok);

                // reuse, or create new one each time?
                IList <AttributeSource> generated = new JCG.List <AttributeSource>(result.Synonyms.Length + matched.Count + 1);

                // there was a match... let's generate the new tokens, merging
                // in the matched tokens (position increments need adjusting)
                AttributeSource lastTok     = matched.Count == 0 ? firstTok : matched.Last.Value;
                bool            includeOrig = result.IncludeOrig;

                AttributeSource             origTok        = includeOrig ? firstTok : null;
                IPositionIncrementAttribute firstPosIncAtt = firstTok.AddAttribute <IPositionIncrementAttribute>();
                int origPos = firstPosIncAtt.PositionIncrement; // position of origTok in the original stream
                int repPos  = 0;                                // curr position in replacement token stream
                int pos     = 0;                                // current position in merged token stream

                for (int i = 0; i < result.Synonyms.Length; i++)
                    Token                       repTok       = result.Synonyms[i];
                    AttributeSource             newTok       = firstTok.CloneAttributes();
                    ICharTermAttribute          newTermAtt   = newTok.AddAttribute <ICharTermAttribute>();
                    IOffsetAttribute            newOffsetAtt = newTok.AddAttribute <IOffsetAttribute>();
                    IPositionIncrementAttribute newPosIncAtt = newTok.AddAttribute <IPositionIncrementAttribute>();

                    IOffsetAttribute lastOffsetAtt = lastTok.AddAttribute <IOffsetAttribute>();

                    newOffsetAtt.SetOffset(newOffsetAtt.StartOffset, lastOffsetAtt.EndOffset);
                    newTermAtt.CopyBuffer(repTok.Buffer, 0, repTok.Length);
                    repPos += repTok.PositionIncrement;
                    if (i == 0) // make position of first token equal to original
                        repPos = origPos;

                    // if necessary, insert original tokens and adjust position increment
                    while (origTok != null && origPos <= repPos)
                        IPositionIncrementAttribute origPosInc = origTok.AddAttribute <IPositionIncrementAttribute>();
                        origPosInc.PositionIncrement = origPos - pos;
                        pos += origPosInc.PositionIncrement;
                        //origTok = matched.Count == 0 ? null : matched.RemoveFirst();
                        if (matched.Count == 0)
                            origTok = null;
                            origTok = matched.First.Value;
                        if (origTok != null)
                            origPosInc = origTok.AddAttribute <IPositionIncrementAttribute>();
                            origPos   += origPosInc.PositionIncrement;

                    newPosIncAtt.PositionIncrement = repPos - pos;
                    pos += newPosIncAtt.PositionIncrement;

                // finish up any leftover original tokens
                while (origTok != null)
                    IPositionIncrementAttribute origPosInc = origTok.AddAttribute <IPositionIncrementAttribute>();
                    origPosInc.PositionIncrement = origPos - pos;
                    pos += origPosInc.PositionIncrement;
                    if (matched.Count == 0)
                        origTok = null;
                        origTok = matched.First.Value;
                    if (origTok != null)
                        origPosInc = origTok.AddAttribute <IPositionIncrementAttribute>();
                        origPos   += origPosInc.PositionIncrement;

                // what if we replaced a longer sequence with a shorter one?
                // a/0 b/5 =>  foo/0
                // should I re-create the gap on the next buffered token?

                replacement = generated.GetEnumerator();
                // Now return to the top of the loop to read and return the first
                // generated token.. The reason this is done is that we may have generated
                // nothing at all, and may need to continue with more matching logic.
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Get the next token from the input stream.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>If the next token has <c>positionIncrement > 1</c>,
        /// <c>positionIncrement - 1</c> <see cref="fillerToken"/>s are
        /// inserted first.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target"> Where to put the new token; if null, a new instance is created. </param>
        /// <returns> On success, the populated token; null otherwise </returns>
        /// <exception cref="IOException"> if the input stream has a problem </exception>
        private InputWindowToken GetNextToken(InputWindowToken target)
            InputWindowToken newTarget = target;

            if (numFillerTokensToInsert > 0)
                if (null == target)
                    newTarget = new InputWindowToken(this, nextInputStreamToken.CloneAttributes());
                // A filler token occupies no space
                newTarget.offsetAtt.SetOffset(newTarget.offsetAtt.StartOffset, newTarget.offsetAtt.StartOffset);
                newTarget.termAtt.CopyBuffer(fillerToken, 0, fillerToken.Length);
                newTarget.isFiller = true;
            else if (isNextInputStreamToken)
                if (null == target)
                    newTarget = new InputWindowToken(this, nextInputStreamToken.CloneAttributes());
                isNextInputStreamToken = false;
                newTarget.isFiller     = false;
            else if (!exhausted)
                if (m_input.IncrementToken())
                    if (null == target)
                        newTarget = new InputWindowToken(this, CloneAttributes());
                    if (posIncrAtt.PositionIncrement > 1)
                        // Each output shingle must contain at least one input token,
                        // so no more than (maxShingleSize - 1) filler tokens will be inserted.
                        numFillerTokensToInsert = Math.Min(posIncrAtt.PositionIncrement - 1, maxShingleSize - 1);
                        // Save the current token as the next input stream token
                        if (null == nextInputStreamToken)
                            nextInputStreamToken = CloneAttributes();
                        isNextInputStreamToken = true;
                        // A filler token occupies no space
                        newTarget.offsetAtt.SetOffset(offsetAtt.StartOffset, offsetAtt.StartOffset);
                        newTarget.termAtt.CopyBuffer(fillerToken, 0, fillerToken.Length);
                        newTarget.isFiller = true;
                        newTarget.isFiller = false;
                    exhausted = true;
                    endState = CaptureState();
                    numFillerTokensToInsert = Math.Min(posIncrAtt.PositionIncrement, maxShingleSize - 1);
                    if (numFillerTokensToInsert > 0)
                        nextInputStreamToken = new AttributeSource(this.GetAttributeFactory());
                        nextInputStreamToken.AddAttribute <ICharTermAttribute>();
                        IOffsetAttribute newOffsetAtt = nextInputStreamToken.AddAttribute <IOffsetAttribute>();
                        newOffsetAtt.SetOffset(offsetAtt.EndOffset, offsetAtt.EndOffset);
                        // Recurse/loop just once:
                        newTarget = null;
                newTarget = null;