Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void DoBulkInsert <T>(Table <T> table, List <T> rows, IDbConnection connection)
            int pageSize = UseBulkInsert[table];
            //ProjectionData projData = ProjectionData.FromReflectedType(typeof(T));
            ProjectionData projData    = AttribHelper.GetProjectionData(typeof(T));
            TableAttribute tableAttrib = typeof(T).GetCustomAttributes(false).OfType <TableAttribute>().Single();

            //build "INSERT INTO products (ProductName, SupplierID, CategoryID, QuantityPerUnit)"
            string header = "INSERT INTO " + tableAttrib.Name + " " + InsertClauseBuilder.InsertRowHeader(projData);

            foreach (List <T> page in Page.Paginate(rows, pageSize))
                int                     numFieldsAdded = 0;
                StringBuilder           sbValues       = new StringBuilder(" VALUES ");
                List <IDbDataParameter> paramList      = new List <IDbDataParameter>();

                IDbCommand cmd = connection.CreateCommand();

                //package up all fields in N rows:
                string separator = "";
                foreach (T row in page)
                    //prepare values = "(?P1, ?P2, ?P3, ?P4)"
                    string values =
                        InsertClauseBuilder.InsertRowFields(this, cmd, row, projData, paramList, ref numFieldsAdded);
                    separator = ", ";

                string sql = header + sbValues; //'INSET t1 (field1) VALUES (11),(12)'
                cmd.CommandText = sql;
                paramList.ForEach(param => cmd.Parameters.Add(param));

                int result = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
        /// <summary>
        /// Quote from MSDN:
        /// If the object requested by the query is easily identifiable as one
        /// already retrieved, no query is executed. The identity table acts as a cache
        /// of all previously retrieved objects

        /// From Matt Warren: http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=345635&SiteID=1
        /// The cache is checked when the query is a simple table.Where(pred) or table.First(pred) where the
        /// predicate refers only to the primary key.  Otherwise the query is always sent and the cache only checked
        /// after the results are retrieved.
        /// The DLINQ cache is not distributed or shared, it is local and contained within the context.  It is only a
        /// referential identity cache used to guarantee that two reads of the same entity return the same instance.
        /// You are not expected to hold the cache for an extended duration (except possibly for a client scenario),
        /// or share it across threads, processes, or machines in a cluster.
        /// </summary>
        public static bool TryRetrieveFromCache <S>(SessionVarsParsed vars, Expression scalarExpr, out S cachedRow)
            cachedRow = default(S);
            int count1 = vars.ExpressionChain.Count;
            MethodCallExpression scalarMethodCall = scalarExpr.XMethodCall();

            bool             isSingleWhere = false;
            LambdaExpression whereLambda   = null;

            if (count1 == 1 && scalarMethodCall.Arguments.Count == 1)
                MethodCallExpression call0 = vars.ExpressionChain[0];
                if (call0.Method.Name == "Where" && call0.Arguments.Count == 2)
                    isSingleWhere = true;
                    whereLambda   = call0.Arguments[1].XLambda();
            else if (count1 == 0 && scalarMethodCall.Arguments.Count == 2)
                isSingleWhere = true;
                whereLambda   = scalarMethodCall.Arguments[1].XLambda();

            if ((!isSingleWhere) || whereLambda == null)
            if (whereLambda.Parameters.Count != 1 || whereLambda.Parameters[0].NodeType != ExpressionType.Parameter)
            if (whereLambda.Body.NodeType != ExpressionType.Equal)
            BinaryExpression equals = (BinaryExpression)whereLambda.Body;
            Expression       left   = equals.Left;
            Expression       right  = equals.Right;

            MemberExpression   member;
            ConstantExpression consta;

            if (left.NodeType == ExpressionType.MemberAccess && right.NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant)
                member = left.XMember();
                consta = right.XConstant();
            else if (left.NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant && right.NodeType == ExpressionType.Parameter)
                member = right.XMember();
                consta = left.XConstant();

            if (member.Expression.NodeType != ExpressionType.Parameter)

            //check that it's a primary key field
            ColumnAttribute colAttrib = AttribHelper.GetColumnAttribute(member.Member);

            if (colAttrib == null)
            if (!colAttrib.IsPrimaryKey)

            IdentityKey key          = new IdentityKey(typeof(S), consta.Value);
            DataContext context      = vars.Context;
            object      cachedEntity = context.GetRegisteredEntityByKey(key);

            if (cachedEntity == null)
            cachedRow = (S)cachedEntity;