public static async Task RunAsync([ServiceBusTrigger("userregistration", Connection = "ServiceBusConnectionString")] string myQueueItem, string messageId, ILogger log)
            log.LogInformation($"C# ServiceBus queue trigger function processed message: {messageId}");

            //Load the encryption module
            var encryptionService = new EncryptionService();
            //Get the Object from the ServiceBus
            var registrationRequest = encryptionService.DecryptRegistrationRequest(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <UserRegistrationRequest>(myQueueItem));
            //Get attendee service for table storage communication
            var attendeeService = new AttendeeService();
            var emailService = new EmailService();
            var graphApiService = new GraphApiService();

            //Save Attendee information to the table storage --> may be crypted
            var attendee = encryptionService.DecryptÁttendeeRecord(attendeeService.CreateAttendeeRecord(registrationRequest));

            //Register Attendee in AzureAD

            //Build AdUser Object
            string tenantDomainName = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("tenantDomainName");
            var    AdUser           = new User
                AccountEnabled = true,
                //Generated user name with @<tenant> at the end
                UserPrincipalName = attendee.Username + tenantDomainName,
                DisplayName       = attendee.Name + "  " + attendee.Surname,
                Surname           = attendee.Surname,
                GivenName         = attendee.Name,
                UserType          = "Guest",
                UsageLocation     = "DE",
                CompanyName       = "JHV-Mitglieder",
                MailNickname      = attendee.Name + "" + attendee.Surname,
                PasswordProfile   = new PasswordProfile
                    ForceChangePasswordNextSignIn = false,
                    Password = attendee.Password

            //ToDo: Create error handling!
            var createdUser = await graphApiService.graphClient.Users

            //Inform Attendee via Mail
            await emailService.SendRegistrationSucceededMail(attendee.Email, attendee.Name + " " + attendee.Surname, attendee.Username, attendee.Password);