// This is a method that returns a point on the terrain that has been selected with the mouse when pressing a certain key
    public Vector3 GetTerrainCollisionInEditor(Event currentEvent, KeyCode keysCode)
        Vector3 returnCollision = new Vector3();

        AttachedRiverScript riverScript = (AttachedRiverScript)target as AttachedRiverScript;

        Camera SceneCameraReceptor = new Camera();

        GameObject  terrain      = GameObject.Find(riverScript.parentTerrain);
        Terrain     terComponent = (Terrain)terrain.GetComponent(typeof(Terrain));
        TerrainData terData      = terComponent.terrainData;

        if (Camera.current != null)
            SceneCameraReceptor = Camera.current;

            RaycastHit raycastHit = new RaycastHit();

            Vector2 newMousePosition = new Vector2(currentEvent.mousePosition.x, Screen.height - (currentEvent.mousePosition.y + 25));

            Ray terrainRay = SceneCameraReceptor.ScreenPointToRay(newMousePosition);

            if (Physics.Raycast(terrainRay, out raycastHit, Mathf.Infinity))
                returnCollision   = raycastHit.point;
                returnCollision.x = Mathf.RoundToInt((returnCollision.x / terData.size.x) * terData.heightmapResolution);
                returnCollision.y = returnCollision.y / terData.size.y;
                returnCollision.z = Mathf.RoundToInt((returnCollision.z / terData.size.z) * terData.heightmapResolution);

//		Debug.Log(returnCollision);

Exemplo n.º 2
    // This is a method that returns a point on the terrain that has been selected with the mouse when pressing a certain key
    public Vector3 GetTerrainCollisionInEditor(Event currentEvent, bool bInSceneGUI)
        Vector3 returnCollision = new Vector3();

        AttachedRiverScript riverScript = (AttachedRiverScript)target as AttachedRiverScript;
        Ray terrainRay = new Ray();

        Camera SceneCameraReceptor = bInSceneGUI ? Camera.current : Camera.main;

        if (SceneCameraReceptor != null)
            RaycastHit raycastHit       = new RaycastHit();
            Vector2    newMousePosition = new Vector2(currentEvent.mousePosition.x, Screen.height - (currentEvent.mousePosition.y + 25));
            terrainRay = SceneCameraReceptor.ScreenPointToRay(newMousePosition);

            Debug.DrawRay(terrainRay.origin, terrainRay.direction, Color.green);
            if (Physics.Raycast(terrainRay, out raycastHit, Mathf.Infinity, riverScript.terrainLayer))
                returnCollision = raycastHit.point;
                //returnCollision.x = Mathf.RoundToInt((returnCollision.x/terData.size.x) * terData.heightmapResolution);
                //returnCollision.y = returnCollision.y/terData.size.y;
                //returnCollision.z = Mathf.RoundToInt((returnCollision.z/terData.size.z) * terData.heightmapResolution);
                Debug.LogError("Error: No collision with terrain to create node");

Exemplo n.º 3
    public void CreateRiver()
        GameObject riverObject = new GameObject();

        riverObject.name = "River";
        riverObject.AddComponent <AttachedRiverScript>();

        AttachedRiverScript ARS = (AttachedRiverScript)riverObject.GetComponent("AttachedRiverScript");

        ARS.riverObject   = riverObject;
        ARS.parentTerrain = gameObject.name;
Exemplo n.º 4
    public void CreateRiver()
        GameObject riverObject = new GameObject();

        riverObject.name = "River";
        riverObject.AddComponent <AttachedRiverScript>();
        if (transform.parent != null)
            riverObject.transform.parent = transform.parent;

        AttachedRiverScript ARS = (AttachedRiverScript)riverObject.GetComponent("AttachedRiverScript");

        ARS.riverObject   = riverObject;
        ARS.parentTerrain = gameObject;
 void Awake()
     riverScript = (AttachedRiverScript)target as AttachedRiverScript;
Exemplo n.º 6
    public void GenRiverVoxels(AttachedRiverScript riverScript)
        MeshCollider mc = riverScript.GetComponent <MeshCollider>();

        if (mc == null)
            mc = riverScript.GetComponent <MeshCollider>();
        if (mc == null || mc.sharedMesh == null)
            Debug.LogError("Can not find mesh collider");

        Bounds meshBound = mc.sharedMesh.bounds;

        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("RiverVoxels...", "Starting gen...", 0);
        Vector3    boundMin = meshBound.min;
        Vector3    boundMax = meshBound.max;
        IntVector4 cpos     = new IntVector4();

        if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(outputDir))
        curOutputDir = outputDir + "/" + riverScript.name;
        if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(curOutputDir))
        string filePrefix = curOutputDir + "/water";

#if false //test
        GenARiverChunk(ref boundMin, ref boundMax, mc, new IntVector4(310, 2, 221, 0), filePrefix);
        //float prev = VoxelTerrainConstants._numVoxelsPrefix /(float)VoxelTerrainConstants._numVoxelsPerAxis;
        //float post = VoxelTerrainConstants._numVoxelsPostfix/(float)VoxelTerrainConstants._numVoxelsPerAxis;
        for (cpos.w = 0; cpos.w <= LODOctreeMan.MaxLod; cpos.w++)
            int step       = 1 << cpos.w;
            int lodPrefix  = VoxelTerrainConstants._numVoxelsPrefix << cpos.w;
            int lodpostfix = VoxelTerrainConstants._numVoxelsPostfix << cpos.w;
            int sx         = (((int)(boundMin.x) - lodPrefix) >> (VoxelTerrainConstants._shift + cpos.w)) << cpos.w;
            int sy         = (((int)(boundMin.y) - lodPrefix) >> (VoxelTerrainConstants._shift + cpos.w)) << cpos.w;
            int sz         = (((int)(boundMin.z) - lodPrefix) >> (VoxelTerrainConstants._shift + cpos.w)) << cpos.w;
            int ex         = (((int)(boundMax.x) + lodpostfix) >> (VoxelTerrainConstants._shift + cpos.w)) << cpos.w;
            int ey         = (((int)(boundMax.y) + lodpostfix) >> (VoxelTerrainConstants._shift + cpos.w)) << cpos.w;
            int ez         = (((int)(boundMax.z) + lodpostfix) >> (VoxelTerrainConstants._shift + cpos.w)) << cpos.w;
            if (sy < 0)
                sy = 0;
            int   n            = (((ex - sx) >> cpos.w) + 1) * (((ey - sy) >> cpos.w) + 1) * (((ez - sz) >> cpos.w) + 1);
            float progressStep = 1.0f / n;
            float progress     = 0.0f;

            for (cpos.x = sx; cpos.x <= ex; cpos.x += step)
                for (cpos.z = sz; cpos.z <= ez; cpos.z += step)
                    for (cpos.y = sy; cpos.y <= ey; cpos.y += step)
                                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
                        EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("RiverVoxels..." + cpos.w, "Gen " + cpos + "...", progress);
                        progress += progressStep;
                        GenARiverChunk(ref boundMin, ref boundMax, mc, new IntVector4(cpos), filePrefix);
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
 void Awake()
     riverScript = (AttachedRiverScript) target as AttachedRiverScript;