Exemplo n.º 1
        public void testColonyGasCost()
            Entity testPlanet;
            double expected;
            float  oRatio;

            Dictionary <AtmosphericGasSD, float> atmoGasses = new Dictionary <AtmosphericGasSD, float>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++)
                    if (i + j > 40) // pressure too high, would fail the pressure test

                    AtmosphereDB testAtmosphereDB;

                    atmoGasses.Add(_gasDictionary["N"], i * 0.1f);
                    atmoGasses.Add(_gasDictionary["O"], j * 0.1f);

                    testAtmosphereDB = new AtmosphereDB(1f, true, 71, 1f, 1f, 0.3f, 57.2f, atmoGasses); //TODO what's our greenhouse factor an pressure?
                    testPlanet       = setAtmosphere(testAtmosphereDB);

                    if (i + j == 0)
                        oRatio = 0.0f;
                        oRatio = j * 1.0f / (i + j);

                    if (j < 1 || j > 3)
                        expected = 2.0;
                    else if (oRatio <= 0.30f && j >= 1)
                        expected = 1.0;
                        expected = 2.0;

                    Assert.AreEqual(expected, SpeciesProcessor.ColonyCost(testPlanet, _humanSpecies.GetDataBlob <SpeciesDB>()));

            //throw (new NotImplementedException());
Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for PlanetInfoDB
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">Type of planet</param>
 /// <param name="tectonics">Plate techtonics. Ammount of activity depends on age vs mass.</param>
 /// <param name="surfaceGrav">Gravity of a planet at its surface. In Earth Gravities (Gs).</param>
 /// <param name="density">In g/cm^3</param>
 /// <param name="axialTilt">in degrees.</param>
 /// <param name="magField">In Microtesla (uT)</param>
 /// <param name="baseTemp">Degrees C.</param>
 /// <param name="radLevel">not yet used?</param>
 /// <param name="atmoDust">not yet used?</param>
 /// <param name="atmosphere">atmosphere</param>
 public PlanetInfoDB(PlanetType type, TectonicActivity tectonics, float surfaceGrav, double density, float axialTilt, 
     float magField, float baseTemp, float radLevel, float atmoDust, AtmosphereDB atmosphere)
     Type = type;
     Tectonics = tectonics;
     SurfaceGravity = surfaceGrav;
     Density = density;
     AxialTilt = axialTilt;
     MagneticFeild = magField;
     BaseTemperature = baseTemp;
     RadiationLevel = radLevel;
     AtmosphericDust = atmoDust;
     Atmosphere = atmosphere;
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Sets a planet entity to earth normal
        private Entity setEarthPlanet()
            Entity resultPlanet;
            Dictionary <AtmosphericGasSD, float> atmoGasses = new Dictionary <AtmosphericGasSD, float>();

            atmoGasses.Add(_gasDictionary["N"], 0.79f);
            atmoGasses.Add(_gasDictionary["O"], 0.20f);
            atmoGasses.Add(_gasDictionary["Ar"], 0.01f);
            AtmosphereDB atmosphereDB = new AtmosphereDB(1f, true, 71, 1f, 1f, 0.3f, 57.2f, atmoGasses);

            resultPlanet = setAtmosphere(atmosphereDB);

Exemplo n.º 4
        // Sets an entity to earth normal aside from the atmosphere
        private Entity setAtmosphere(AtmosphereDB atmosDB)
            SystemBodyInfoDB earthBodyDB = new SystemBodyInfoDB {
                BodyType = BodyType.Terrestrial, SupportsPopulations = true
            NameDB earthNameDB = new NameDB("Earth");

            earthBodyDB.Gravity         = 1.0;
            earthBodyDB.BaseTemperature = 20.0f;

            Entity resultPlanet = new Entity(_entityManager, new List <BaseDataBlob> {
                earthBodyDB, earthNameDB, atmosDB

Exemplo n.º 5
 private void UpdateProperties([NotNull] AtmosphereDB atmosphereDB)
     if (atmosphereDB == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("atmosphereDB");
     AtmosphereInAtm     = atmosphereDB.AtomsphereDescriptionAtm;
     AtmosphereInPercent = atmosphereDB.AtomsphereDescriptionInPercent;
     Pressure            = atmosphereDB.Pressure;
     Albedo             = atmosphereDB.Albedo;
     SurfaceTemp        = atmosphereDB.SurfaceTemperature;
     GreenhouseFactor   = atmosphereDB.GreenhouseFactor;
     GreenhousePressure = atmosphereDB.GreenhousePressure;
     Hydrosphere        = atmosphereDB.Hydrosphere;
     HydrosphereExtent  = atmosphereDB.HydrosphereExtent;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void testColonyPressureCost()
            Entity testPlanet;
            double idealPressure;
            double maxPressure;
            double expected;
            float  totalPressure;

            idealPressure = _humanSpecies.GetDataBlob <SpeciesDB>().BasePressure;
            maxPressure   = _humanSpecies.GetDataBlob <SpeciesDB>().MaximumPressureConstraint;

            Dictionary <AtmosphericGasSD, float> atmoGasses = new Dictionary <AtmosphericGasSD, float>();

            for (float i = 0.3f; i < 10.0; i += 0.1f)
                AtmosphereDB testAtmosphereDB;

                // Keep atmosphere breathable
                atmoGasses.Add(_gasDictionary["N"], (float)(2.0f * i));
                totalPressure = 2.0f * i;
                atmoGasses.Add(_gasDictionary["O"], 0.1f);
                totalPressure += 0.1f;

                testAtmosphereDB = new AtmosphereDB(1f, true, 71, 1f, 1f, 0.3f, 57.2f, atmoGasses); //TODO what's our greenhouse factor an pressure?
                testPlanet       = setAtmosphere(testAtmosphereDB);

                if (totalPressure > 4.0)
                    expected = 2.0;
                    expected = 1.0;
                Assert.AreEqual(expected, SpeciesProcessor.ColonyCost(testPlanet, _humanSpecies.GetDataBlob <SpeciesDB>()));

            // Check with pressure from just one gas and multiple gases

            //throw (new NotImplementedException());
            Assert.AreEqual(1.0, SpeciesProcessor.ColonyCost(_earthPlanet, _humanSpecies.GetDataBlob <SpeciesDB>()));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void GetDataBlobByEntity()
            Entity testEntity = PopulateEntityManager();

            // Get the Population DB of a specific entity.
            ColonyInfoDB popDB = testEntity.GetDataBlob <ColonyInfoDB>();


            // get a DB we know the entity does not have:
            AtmosphereDB atmoDB = testEntity.GetDataBlob <AtmosphereDB>();


            // test with invalid data blob type
            Assert.Catch(typeof(KeyNotFoundException), () =>
                testEntity.GetDataBlob <BaseDataBlob>();

            // and again for the second lookup type:
            // Get the Population DB of a specific entity.
            int typeIndex = EntityManager.GetTypeIndex <ColonyInfoDB>();

            popDB = testEntity.GetDataBlob <ColonyInfoDB>(typeIndex);

            // get a DB we know the entity does not have:
            typeIndex = EntityManager.GetTypeIndex <AtmosphereDB>();
            atmoDB    = testEntity.GetDataBlob <AtmosphereDB>(typeIndex);

            // test with invalid type index:
            Assert.Catch(typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException), () =>
                testEntity.GetDataBlob <AtmosphereDB>(-42);

            // test with invalid T vs type at typeIndex
            typeIndex = EntityManager.GetTypeIndex <ColonyInfoDB>();
            Assert.Catch(typeof(InvalidCastException), () =>
                testEntity.GetDataBlob <SystemBodyInfoDB>(typeIndex);
Exemplo n.º 8
        // Sets a planet entity to earth normal
        private Entity setEarthPlanet()
            Entity resultPlanet;

            Dictionary <AtmosphericGasSD, float> atmoGasses = new Dictionary <AtmosphericGasSD, float>();

            atmoGasses.Add(_gasDictionary["N"], 0.79f);
            atmoGasses.Add(_gasDictionary["O"], 0.20f);
            atmoGasses.Add(_gasDictionary["Ar"], 0.01f);
            AtmosphereDB atmosphereDB = new AtmosphereDB(1f, true, 71, 1f, 1f, 57.2f, atmoGasses);

            resultPlanet = setAtmosphere(atmosphereDB);

            resultPlanet.GetDataBlob <SystemBodyInfoDB>().BaseTemperature = 14.0f;
            resultPlanet.GetDataBlob <SystemBodyInfoDB>().Gravity         = 1.0;

Exemplo n.º 9
        public void testColonyToxicityCost()
            SystemBodyInfoDB earthBodyDB = new SystemBodyInfoDB {
                BodyType = BodyType.Terrestrial, SupportsPopulations = true
            NameDB earthNameDB = new NameDB("Earth");
            double expectedCost;
            string gasSym;

            Dictionary <string, AtmosphericGasSD> lowToxicGases, highToxicGases, benignGases;
            AtmosphericGasSD oxygenGas;

            lowToxicGases  = new Dictionary <string, AtmosphericGasSD>();
            highToxicGases = new Dictionary <string, AtmosphericGasSD>();
            benignGases    = new Dictionary <string, AtmosphericGasSD>();
            oxygenGas      = new AtmosphericGasSD();

            //Separate all the gases into the lists above
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, AtmosphericGasSD> kvp in _gasDictionary)
                gasSym = kvp.Key;
                if (gasSym == "H2" || gasSym == "CH4" || gasSym == "NH3" || gasSym == "CO" || gasSym == "NO" || gasSym == "H2S" || gasSym == "NO2" || gasSym == "SO2")
                    lowToxicGases.Add(gasSym, kvp.Value);
                else if (gasSym == "Cl2" || gasSym == "F2" || gasSym == "Br2" || gasSym == "I2")
                    highToxicGases.Add(gasSym, kvp.Value);
                else if (gasSym == "O")
                    oxygenGas = kvp.Value;
                    benignGases.Add(gasSym, kvp.Value);

            // @todo: set up two nested loops - one for list of species, one for list of gases
            // test a large number of different inputs
            AtmosphereDB weirdAtmosphereDB;
            Dictionary <AtmosphericGasSD, float> atmoGasses = new Dictionary <AtmosphericGasSD, float>();

            // Test the "low" toxic gases (colony cost 2.0 minimum
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, AtmosphericGasSD> kvp in lowToxicGases)
                expectedCost = 2.0;
                gasSym       = kvp.Key;
                atmoGasses.Add(_gasDictionary[gasSym], 0.1f);
                weirdAtmosphereDB = new AtmosphereDB(1f, true, 71, 1f, 1f, 0.3f, 57.2f, atmoGasses); //TODO what's our greenhouse factor an pressure?
                _weirdatmosPlanet = setAtmosphere(weirdAtmosphereDB);

                Assert.AreEqual(expectedCost, SpeciesProcessor.ColonyCost(_weirdatmosPlanet, _humanSpecies.GetDataBlob <SpeciesDB>()));

            // Test the "high" toxic gases (colony cost 3.0 minimum)
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, AtmosphericGasSD> kvp in highToxicGases)
                expectedCost = 3.0;
                gasSym       = kvp.Key;
                atmoGasses.Add(_gasDictionary[gasSym], 0.1f);
                weirdAtmosphereDB = new AtmosphereDB(1f, true, 71, 1f, 1f, 0.3f, 57.2f, atmoGasses); //TODO what's our greenhouse factor an pressure?
                _weirdatmosPlanet = setAtmosphere(weirdAtmosphereDB);

                Assert.AreEqual(expectedCost, SpeciesProcessor.ColonyCost(_weirdatmosPlanet, _humanSpecies.GetDataBlob <SpeciesDB>()));

            // Test the "benign" toxic gases (no affect on colony cost, but no oxygen means 2.0)
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, AtmosphericGasSD> kvp in lowToxicGases)
                expectedCost = 2.0;
                gasSym       = kvp.Key;
                atmoGasses.Add(_gasDictionary[gasSym], 0.1f);
                weirdAtmosphereDB = new AtmosphereDB(1f, true, 71, 1f, 1f, 0.3f, 57.2f, atmoGasses); //TODO what's our greenhouse factor an pressure?
                _weirdatmosPlanet = setAtmosphere(weirdAtmosphereDB);

                Assert.AreEqual(expectedCost, SpeciesProcessor.ColonyCost(_weirdatmosPlanet, _humanSpecies.GetDataBlob <SpeciesDB>()));

            // test with atmposheres composed of two toxic gases that have the same colony cost
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, AtmosphericGasSD> kvp1 in lowToxicGases)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, AtmosphericGasSD> kvp2 in lowToxicGases)
                    expectedCost = 2.0;
                    string gasSym1 = kvp1.Key;
                    string gasSym2 = kvp2.Key;
                    if (gasSym1 == gasSym2)

                    atmoGasses.Add(lowToxicGases[gasSym1], 0.1f);
                    atmoGasses.Add(lowToxicGases[gasSym2], 0.1f);
                    weirdAtmosphereDB = new AtmosphereDB(1f, true, 71, 1f, 1f, 0.3f, 57.2f, atmoGasses); //TODO what's our greenhouse factor an pressure?
                    _weirdatmosPlanet = setAtmosphere(weirdAtmosphereDB);

                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedCost, SpeciesProcessor.ColonyCost(_weirdatmosPlanet, _humanSpecies.GetDataBlob <SpeciesDB>()));

            // test with atmposheres composed of two toxic gases that have the same colony cost
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, AtmosphericGasSD> kvp1 in highToxicGases)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, AtmosphericGasSD> kvp2 in highToxicGases)
                    expectedCost = 3.0;
                    string gasSym1 = kvp1.Key;
                    string gasSym2 = kvp2.Key;
                    if (gasSym1 == gasSym2)

                    atmoGasses.Add(highToxicGases[gasSym1], 0.1f);
                    atmoGasses.Add(highToxicGases[gasSym2], 0.1f);
                    weirdAtmosphereDB = new AtmosphereDB(1f, true, 71, 1f, 1f, 0.3f, 57.2f, atmoGasses); //TODO what's our greenhouse factor an pressure?
                    _weirdatmosPlanet = setAtmosphere(weirdAtmosphereDB);

                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedCost, SpeciesProcessor.ColonyCost(_weirdatmosPlanet, _humanSpecies.GetDataBlob <SpeciesDB>()));

            // test with atmospheres composed of two toxic gases that have different colony costs

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, AtmosphericGasSD> kvp1 in lowToxicGases)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, AtmosphericGasSD> kvp2 in highToxicGases)
                    expectedCost = 3.0;
                    string gasSym1 = kvp1.Key;
                    string gasSym2 = kvp2.Key;
                    if (gasSym1 == gasSym2)

                    atmoGasses.Add(lowToxicGases[gasSym1], 0.1f);
                    atmoGasses.Add(highToxicGases[gasSym2], 0.1f);
                    weirdAtmosphereDB = new AtmosphereDB(1f, true, 71, 1f, 1f, 0.3f, 57.2f, atmoGasses); //TODO what's our greenhouse factor an pressure?
                    _weirdatmosPlanet = setAtmosphere(weirdAtmosphereDB);

                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedCost, SpeciesProcessor.ColonyCost(_weirdatmosPlanet, _humanSpecies.GetDataBlob <SpeciesDB>()));

            //Toxic Gasses(CC = 2): Hydrogen(H2), Methane(CH4), Ammonia(NH3), Carbon Monoxide(CO), Nitrogen Monoxide(NO), Hydrogen Sulfide(H2S), Nitrogen Dioxide(NO2), Sulfur Dioxide(SO2)
            //Toxic Gasses(CC = 3): Chlorine(Cl2), Florine(F2), Bromine(Br2), and Iodine(I2)
            //Toxic Gasses at 30% or greater of atm: Oxygen(O2) *

            Assert.AreEqual(1.0, SpeciesProcessor.ColonyCost(_earthPlanet, _humanSpecies.GetDataBlob <SpeciesDB>()));
Exemplo n.º 10
 void SetIconFor(AtmosphereDB db)
     short hydro = db.HydrosphereExtent;
     //float albedo = db.Albedo;