public AccountValut BaseValut() { if (db == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("DB connection is null!"); } AccountValut val = new AccountValut(); try { string sql = String.Format("SELECT * FROM valut WHERE deleted IS NULL AND isbase = 1"); AtLog.AddMessage(sql); DataRow row = db.GetDataRow(sql); if (row == null) { return(null); } val.idvalut = (int)row["idvalut"]; = (string)row["name"]; val.shortname = (string)row["shortname"]; val.ValutRate = 1d; } catch (Exception ex) { AtLog.AddMessage(ex.ToString()); } return(val); }
public int ExistPaymentGroup(string name) { if (db == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("DB connection is null!"); } int result = -1; try { string sql = String.Format("SELECT idpaymentdocgroup FROM paymentdocgroup WHERE name = '{0}' AND deleted IS NULL", name); AtLog.AddMessage(sql); db.ExecScalar(sql, -1, out result); } catch (Exception ex) { AtLog.AddMessage(ex.ToString()); } return(result); }
public AccountingDoc(dbconn db, AccountListView view, FilterParam filterParam) { this.db = db; this.view = view; this.AccountingView = new DataTable(); this.PeopleTable = new DataTable(); try { if (db != null) { this.FillAccountingTable(filterParam); this.view.DataSource = AccountingView; FillPeopleTable(); } else { AtLog.AddMessage("db is null"); } } catch (Exception e) { AtLog.AddMessage(e.ToString()); } }
public void SaveAccountingTable() { if (db == null || AccountingView.GetChanges() == null) { return; } try { string query = "UPDATE accounting SET comment = '{0}' " + "WHERE idaccounting = {1}"; string sql = ""; DataTable dt = AccountingView.GetChanges(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { sql = String.Format(query, dr["comment"], dr["idaccounting"]); AtLog.AddMessage(sql); db.Exec(sql, false); } dt.AcceptChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { AtLog.AddMessage(ex.ToString()); } }
public int AddPaymentGroup(string name) { if (db == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("DB connection is null!"); } int idPaymentGroup = -1; try { idPaymentGroup = GenPaymentGroupId(); string sql = String.Format("INSERT INTO paymentdocgroup " + "(idpaymentdocgroup, name, typ, isload, numpos) " + "VALUES({0},'{1}',{2},{3},{4});", new object[] { idPaymentGroup, name, 0, 1, 1 } ); AtLog.AddMessage(sql); db.Exec(sql, true); } catch (Exception ex) { AtLog.AddMessage(ex.ToString()); } return(idPaymentGroup); }
public static void Load(bool log) { AtUserControl form = null; AtLogWatcher logWatcher = new AtLogWatcher(); try { if (log) { MdiManager.Add(logWatcher); AtLog.LogWatcher = logWatcher; } try { form = new MainForm(); MdiManager.Add((AtUserControl)form); } catch (Exception e) { AtLog.AddMessage(e.ToString()); } } finally { MdiManager.tabs.Remove(form); } }
void SaveSettings() { XmlSerializer formatter = new XmlSerializer(typeof(AccountSettings)); string path = Settings.Base.LayoutAndSettingsPath + "\\accountSettings.xml"; using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create)) { AccountSettings settings = new AccountSettings(); foreach (ALVColumn c in mainListView.Columns) { settings.columnList.Add(c.Name, c.Width); } try { formatter.Serialize(fs, settings); } catch (Exception e) { AtLog.AddMessage(e.Message); } } }
public void UpdatePeople(DataRow dr, int idpeople) { db.command.CommandText = String.Format("update accounting set idpeople = {0} where idaccounting = {1}", idpeople, dr["idaccounting"]); AtLog.AddMessage(db.command.CommandText); db.OpenDB(); db.command.ExecuteNonQuery(); db.CloseDB(); }
public void FillAccountingTable(FilterParam filterParam) { try { AccountingView.Clear(); db.command.CommandText = String.Format("SELECT " + "idaccounting, idorder, idcustomer, " + "dtdoc, typedoc, typedocname, namedoc, " + "quconstr, idsign, smorder, smdoc, deleted, " + "comment, name, accountingsign, " + "customername, customercode, managername, " + "idpeople, idpaymentdoc, sale " + "FROM view_accounting " + "WHERE dtdoc BETWEEN '{0}' AND '{1}' ", filterParam.dateFrom, filterParam.dateTo); string debugSQL = db.command.CommandText; foreach (SqlParameter param in db.command.Parameters) { debugSQL = debugSQL.Replace(param.ParameterName, param.Value.ToString()); } AtLog.AddMessage(debugSQL); db.OpenDB(); db.adapter.Fill(AccountingView); db.CloseDB(); AccountingView.AcceptChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { if (AccountingView.HasErrors) { DataRow[] rowsInError = AccountingView.GetErrors(); for (int i = 0; i < rowsInError.Length; i++) { foreach (DataColumn column in AccountingView.Columns) { AtLog.AddMessage(column.ColumnName + " " + rowsInError[i].GetColumnError(column)); } rowsInError[i].ClearErrors(); } } else { AtLog.AddMessage(e.Message); } } }
public bool SavePayment(Payment payment) { if (db == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("DB connection is null!"); } try { int idpayment = GenPaymentId(); string sql = "INSERT INTO paymentdoc (" + "idpaymentdoc, name, idpeople, " + "idcustomer, dtcre, dtdoc, smdoc, logincre, " + "iddocoper, idvalut, valutrate, smbase, " + "idpaymentdocgroup, comment) VALUES (@idpaymentdoc, " + "@name, @idpeople, @idcustomer, @dtcre, @dtdoc, @smdoc, @logincre, @iddocoper, " + "@idvalut, @valutrate, @smbase, @idpaymentdocgroup, @comment)"; AtLog.AddMessage(sql); db.command.Parameters.Clear(); db.command.CommandText = sql; db.command.Parameters.AddWithValue("idpaymentdoc", idpayment); db.command.Parameters.AddWithValue("name", (String.IsNullOrEmpty(payment.Name)) ? "" : payment.Name); db.command.Parameters.AddWithValue("idpeople", payment.IdPeople); db.command.Parameters.AddWithValue("idcustomer", payment.IdCustomer); db.command.Parameters.AddWithValue("dtcre", payment.DtCre); db.command.Parameters.AddWithValue("dtdoc", payment.DtDoc); db.command.Parameters.AddWithValue("smdoc", payment.SmDoc); db.command.Parameters.AddWithValue("logincre", payment.loginCre); db.command.Parameters.AddWithValue("iddocoper", payment.IdDocOper); db.command.Parameters.AddWithValue("idvalut", payment.Valut.idvalut); db.command.Parameters.AddWithValue("valutrate", payment.Valut.ValutRate); db.command.Parameters.AddWithValue("smbase", payment.SmBase); db.command.Parameters.AddWithValue("idpaymentdocgroup", payment.IdPaymentDocGroup); db.command.Parameters.AddWithValue("comment", payment.AddStr); db.command.ExecuteNonQuery(); return(true); } catch (Exception exp) { dbconn.ShowErrors(exp.Message, "Ошибка выполнения"); } return(false); }
void AcceptBtnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (importStrategies == null) { return; } try { foreach (DataRow row in importStrategies.PaymentTable().Rows) { if (row[PaymentImport.IDCUSTOMER_COLUMN] == DBNull.Value) { AtMessageBox.Show("У одного или более платежей не указан контрагент!"); return; } } string paymentGroupName = DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); int paymentGroupId = accountingDoc.ExistPaymentGroup(paymentGroupName); if (paymentGroupId == -1) { paymentGroupId = accountingDoc.AddPaymentGroup(paymentGroupName); } DataTable pTable = importStrategies.PaymentTable(); AccountValut valut = accountingDoc.BaseValut(); for (int count = pTable.Rows.Count - 1; count >= 0; count--) { Payment payment = importStrategies.GetPayment(paymentGroupId, valut, pTable.Rows[count]); if (!accountingDoc.SavePayment(payment)) { return; } pTable.Rows.Remove(pTable.Rows[count]); } AtMessageBox.Show("Импортирование платежей закончено!"); } catch (Exception exp) { AtLog.AddMessage(exp.Message + " " + exp.StackTrace); } }
public DataTable GetCustomerTable(bool onlyMain) { if (db == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("DB connection is null!"); } DataTable result = new DataTable(); string sql = ""; if (onlyMain) { sql = "SELECT " + " c.idcustomer, " + " as customer_name, " + " c.name2 as code " + "FROM " + " customer c LEFT JOIN " + " customersign cs ON c.idcustomer = cs.idcustomer " + "WHERE " + " c.deleted IS NULL AND " + " c.name2 <> '' AND " + " cs.idsign = 102 AND " + " cs.deleted IS NULL"; } else { sql = "SELECT idcustomer, name as customer_name, inn " + "FROM customer WHERE deleted IS NULL AND inn IS NOT NULL"; } AtLog.AddMessage(sql); db.command.CommandText = sql; db.OpenDB(); db.adapter.Fill(result); db.CloseDB(); return(result); }
public DataRow GetSeller(int idseller) { if (db == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("DB connection is null!"); } DataTable result = new DataTable(); string sql = String.Format("SELECT idseller, name, inn " + "FROM seller WHERE idseller = {0}", idseller); AtLog.AddMessage(sql); db.command.CommandText = sql; db.OpenDB(); db.adapter.Fill(result); db.CloseDB(); return((result.Rows.Count > 0) ? result.Rows[0] : null); }