Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the SQL query from the "Query" tab and renders the results.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void btnQueryExecute_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region Validation

            // Try to parse the base URL:
            UriBuilder reqUrib = getBaseURL();
            if (reqUrib == null)

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtQuerySelect.Text))
                msgbox("SELECT is required.");


            // Settings are good to save now:

            // Construct the query string for the request:
            reqUrib.Query = UrlEncodeParameters(new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "output", "json3" },  // JSON where each row is an array of column values
                { "no_query", "1" },    // Don't report the composed query back to us
                { "rowlimit", ((int)numQueryRowCount.Value).ToString() },
                { "cs", txtConnectionString.Text.Trim() },
                { "wi", txtQueryWithIdentifier.Text.Trim() },
                { "we", txtQueryWithExpression.Text.Trim() },
                { "select", txtQuerySelect.Text.Trim() },
                { "from", txtQueryFrom.Text.Trim() },
                { "where", txtQueryWhere.Text.Trim() },
                { "groupBy", txtQueryGroupBy.Text.Trim() },
                { "having", txtQueryHaving.Text.Trim() },
                { "orderBy", txtQueryOrderBy.Text.Trim() }

            // Create the HTTP GET request to expect application/json:
            HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(reqUrib.Uri);
            req.Method = "GET";
            req.Accept = "application/json";

            // Disable reentrancy:
            pnlQuery.Enabled        = false;
            btnQueryExecute.Enabled = false;

            var asyncst = new AsyncUpdateViewState()
                req = req,
                enableQueryPanels = () =>
                    // On UI thread
                    pnlQuery.Enabled        = true;
                    btnQueryExecute.Enabled = true;
                dgResults       = dgQueryResults,
                reportQueryTime = (int msec) =>
                    // On UI thread
                    lblQueryTime.Text = String.Format("Execution time: {0,6} msec", msec);
                handleError = (dict) =>
                    // On UI thread
                    string message = dict.GetValueOrDefaultAs("message", o => (string)o);
                success = () =>
                    // On UI thread

            // Asynchronously fetch the response and display the results to the DataGridView when complete:
            req.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(responseCallbackUpdateGridResults), (object)asyncst);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void doMutate(bool commitMode)
            #region Validation

            // Try to parse the base URL:
            UriBuilder reqUrib = getBaseURL();
            if (reqUrib == null)

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtModifyPrivateKeyPath.Text))
                msgbox("An OpenSSL RSA private key file must be specified in order to use this feature.");

            string privateKeyPath = txtModifyPrivateKeyPath.Text.Trim();
            if (!File.Exists(privateKeyPath))
                msgbox("Could not find the OpenSSL RSA private key file specified.");

            // Load the lines from the private key file:
            string[] openSSLprivateKey = File.ReadAllLines(privateKeyPath);

            // Decrypt the private key file, prompting for a passphrase if encrypted:
            string        msgboxMessage = "Either failed to read private key or passphrase is incorrect!";
            RSAParameters key;
            if (!privkeyFromOpenSSL(
                    () =>
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtModifyPassphrase.Text))
                    msgboxMessage = "This private key requires a passphrase. Please provide one.";
                    out key)

            // Settings are good to save now:

            string cmd   = txtModifyCommand.Text.Trim();
            string query = txtModifyQuery.Text.Trim();
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(query))
                msgbox("Both a command and a verification query are required.");


            // Disable reentrancy:
            pnlModifyCommand.Enabled = false;
            pnlModifyQuery.Enabled   = false;
            if (commitMode)
                btnModifyCommit.Enabled = false;
            btnModifyTest.Enabled = false;

            byte[] data           = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(cmd + "\n" + query);
            long   timestampTicks = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;
            byte[] toSign         = BitConverter.GetBytes(timestampTicks).Concat(data).ToArray();
            byte[] signed         = signDataWithKey(toSign, key);

            // POST to server:
            string pubkey64 = pubkeyToBase64(key);
            string signed64 = Convert.ToBase64String(signed);

            Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("public-key:\n{0}\n", pubkey64));
            Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("signed-hash:\n{0}\n", signed64));

            var postData = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "p", pubkey64 },
                { "s", signed64 },
                { "ts", timestampTicks.ToString() },
                { "c", cmd },
                { "q", query },
                { "cs", txtConnectionString.Text.Trim() },
                { "rowlimit", ((int)numQueryRowCount.Value).ToString() },

            // Construct the query string for the request:
            reqUrib.Query = UrlEncodeParameters(new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "mu", commitMode ? "1" : "0" }

            var asyncst = new AsyncUpdateViewState()
                enableQueryPanels = () =>
                    // On UI thread
                    pnlModifyCommand.Enabled = true;
                    pnlModifyQuery.Enabled   = true;
                    if (commitMode)
                        btnModifyCommit.Enabled = true;
                    btnModifyTest.Enabled = true;
                dgResults       = dgModifyResults,
                reportQueryTime = (int msec) =>
                    // On UI thread
                    lblModifyTime.Text = String.Format("Execution time: {0,6} msec", msec);
                handleError = (dict) =>
                    // On UI thread
                    string message = dict.GetValueOrDefaultAs("message", o => (string)o);
                success = () =>
                    // On UI thread
                    // Set isCommitEnabled to true and enable the Commit button:

            createPOSTRequestFormEncoded(reqUrib.Uri.AbsoluteUri, "application/json", postData, responseCallbackUpdateGridResults, asyncst);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static void createPOSTRequestFormEncoded(string url, string accept, Dictionary <string, string> postData, AsyncCallback updateGrid, AsyncUpdateViewState asyncst)
            var req = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(url);

            req.Method      = "POST";
            req.Accept      = accept;
            req.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";

            asyncst.req        = req;
            asyncst.postData   = postData;
            asyncst.updateGrid = updateGrid;
            req.BeginGetRequestStream(new AsyncCallback(sendPOSTdata), asyncst);