Exemplo n.º 1
                public Key(EEType *pSourceType, EEType *pTargetType, AssignmentVariation variation)
                    Debug.Assert((((long)pSourceType) & 3) == 0, "misaligned EEType!");
                    Debug.Assert(((uint)variation) <= 3, "variation enum has an unexpectedly large value!");

                    _sourceTypeAndVariation = (IntPtr)(((byte *)pSourceType) + ((int)variation));
                    _targetType             = (IntPtr)pTargetType;
Exemplo n.º 2
                public Key(EEType* pSourceType, EEType* pTargetType, AssignmentVariation variation)
                    Debug.Assert((((long)pSourceType) & 3) == 0, "misaligned EEType!");
                    Debug.Assert(((uint)variation) <= 3, "variation enum has an unexpectedly large value!");

                    _sourceTypeAndVariation = (IntPtr)(((byte*)pSourceType) + ((int)variation));
                    _targetType = (IntPtr)pTargetType;
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Internally callable version of the export method above. Has two additional flags:
        //  fBoxedSource            : assume the source type is boxed so that value types and enums are
        //                            compatible with Object, ValueType and Enum (if applicable)
        //  fAllowSizeEquivalence   : allow identically sized integral types and enums to be considered
        //                            equivalent (currently used only for array element types)
        static internal unsafe bool AreTypesAssignableInternal(EEType* pSourceType, EEType* pTargetType, AssignmentVariation variation)
            bool fBoxedSource = ((variation & AssignmentVariation.BoxedSource) == AssignmentVariation.BoxedSource);
            bool fAllowSizeEquivalence = ((variation & AssignmentVariation.AllowSizeEquivalence ) == AssignmentVariation.AllowSizeEquivalence);

            // Are the types identical?
            if (AreTypesEquivalentInternal(pSourceType, pTargetType))
                return true;

            // Handle cast to interface cases.
            if (pTargetType->IsInterface)
                // Value types can only be cast to interfaces if they're boxed.
                if (!fBoxedSource && pSourceType->IsValueType)
                    return false;

                if (ImplementsInterface(pSourceType, pTargetType))
                    return true;

                // Are the types compatible due to generic variance?
                if (pTargetType->HasGenericVariance && pSourceType->HasGenericVariance)
                    return TypesAreCompatibleViaGenericVariance(pSourceType, pTargetType);

                return false;
            if (pSourceType->IsInterface)
                // The only non-interface type an interface can be cast to is Object.
                return WellKnownEETypes.IsSystemObject(pTargetType);

            // Handle cast to array or pointer cases.
            if (pTargetType->IsParameterizedType)
                if (pSourceType->IsParameterizedType 
                    && (pTargetType->ParameterizedTypeShape == pSourceType->ParameterizedTypeShape))
                    // Source type is also a parameterized type. Are the parameter types compatible? 
                    if (pSourceType->RelatedParameterType->IsPointerType)
                        // If the parameter types are pointers, then only exact matches are correct.
                        // As we've already called AreTypesEquivalent at the start of this function,
                        // return false as the exact match case has already been handled.
                        // int** is not compatible with uint**, nor is int*[] oompatible with uint*[].
                        return false;
                        // Note that using AreTypesAssignableInternal with AssignmentVariation.AllowSizeEquivalence 
                        // here handles array covariance as well as IFoo[] -> Foo[] etc.  We are not using 
                        // AssignmentVariation.BoxedSource because int[] is not assignable to object[].
                        return CastCache.AreTypesAssignableInternal(pSourceType->RelatedParameterType, 
                            pTargetType->RelatedParameterType, AssignmentVariation.AllowSizeEquivalence);

                // Can't cast a non-parameter type to a parameter type or a parameter type of different shape to a parameter type
                return false;
            if (pSourceType->IsArray)
                // Target type is not an array. But we can still cast arrays to Object or System.Array.
                return WellKnownEETypes.IsSystemObject(pTargetType) || WellKnownEETypes.IsSystemArray(pTargetType);
            else if (pSourceType->IsParameterizedType)
                return false;

            // Handle cast to other (non-interface, non-array) cases.

            if (pSourceType->IsValueType)
                // Certain value types of the same size are treated as equivalent when the comparison is
                // between array element types (indicated by fAllowSizeEquivalence). These are integer types
                // of the same size (e.g. int and uint) and the base type of enums vs all integer types of the
                // same size.
                if (fAllowSizeEquivalence && pTargetType->IsValueType)
                    if (ArePrimitveTypesEquivalentSize(pSourceType, pTargetType))
                        return true;

                    // Non-identical value types aren't equivalent in any other case (since value types are
                    // sealed).
                    return false;

                // If the source type is a value type but it's not boxed then we've run out of options: the types
                // are not identical, the target type isn't an interface and we're not allowed to check whether
                // the target type is a parent of this one since value types are sealed and thus the only matches
                // would be against Object, ValueType or Enum, all of which are reference types and not compatible
                // with non-boxed value types.
                if (!fBoxedSource)
                    return false;

            // Sub case of casting between two instantiations of the same delegate type where one or more of
            // the type parameters have variance. Only interfaces and delegate types can have variance over
            // their type parameters and we know that neither type is an interface due to checks above.
            if (pTargetType->HasGenericVariance && pSourceType->HasGenericVariance)
                // We've dealt with the identical case at the start of this method. And the regular path below
                // will handle casting to Object, Delegate and MulticastDelegate. Since we don't support
                // deriving from user delegate classes any further all we have to check here is that the
                // uninstantiated generic delegate definitions are the same and the type parameters are
                // compatible.
                return TypesAreCompatibleViaGenericVariance(pSourceType, pTargetType);

            // Is the source type derived from the target type?
            if (IsDerived(pSourceType, pTargetType))
                return true;

            return false;
Exemplo n.º 4
            public unsafe static bool AreTypesAssignableInternal(EEType* pSourceType, EEType* pTargetType, AssignmentVariation variation)
                // Important special case -- it breaks infinite recursion in CastCache itself!
                if (pSourceType == pTargetType)
                    return true;

                Key key = new Key(pSourceType, pTargetType, variation);
                Entry entry = LookupInCache(s_cache, ref key);
                if (entry == null)
                    return CacheMiss(ref key);

                return entry.Result;
Exemplo n.º 5
            public static unsafe bool AreTypesAssignableInternal(EEType *pSourceType, EEType *pTargetType, AssignmentVariation variation, EETypePairList *pVisited)
                // Important special case -- it breaks infinite recursion in CastCache itself!
                if (pSourceType == pTargetType)

                Key   key   = new Key(pSourceType, pTargetType, variation);
                Entry entry = LookupInCache(s_cache, ref key);

                if (entry == null)
                    return(CacheMiss(ref key, pVisited));
